This page contains links to articles on other sites and to academic and scientific papers.
The Google Document
Links to articles on History of transgender
Endres, Nikolai. Galli: Ancient Roman Priests. 2005.
Links to articles on Islam
Article on the difficulty of reforming Islam.
Why the Islamic World Turned Away from Science, by Hillel Ofek. Pub. The New Atlantis.
Sex, Gender and Sexuality
The American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (Fifth Edition) chapter on Gender Dysphoria (PDF download)
Links to Full Books, download for free
Bailey, Dr J M. The Man Who Would Be Queen.
Excellent primer explaining Blanchard's Typology of Transsexualism. Review HERE.
Ellis, H. Havelock. Studies in the Psychology of Sex. Volumes 1-6 (Project Gutenberg, multiple file formats.)
Stryker, S., Whittle, S., (Eds) The Transgender Studies Reader
Collected essays. While biased towards a Humanities-based approach and lacking sufficient scientific input, still a useful read.
Raymond, J. The Transsexual Empire.
Raymond's provocative critique of transsexualism. This has been the foundation of much feminist criticism of transsexuals. Review to follow.
Links to Non Peer-reviewed articles by reliable authors
Costello, CG. On Trans Gender Identity and the "Intersex Brain"
A man of intersex history takes a look at some of the more controversial strategies of trans activists.
Links at Rod Fleming's World to Theses and Dissertations.
Akhter, S. Visual Attention to Erotic Stimuli in Androphilic Male-to-Female Transsexuals. (PhD Thesis, approved.)
Interesting to note the similarities here in responses, between 'androphilic' (homosexual or HSTS) transsexuals and heterosexual men, albeit to the opposite sex. Probably because MtF transsexuals are not women; they are men, inverted.
Links at Rod Fleming's World to Non-linked references (buy the book!)
Hirschfeld M. Die Transvestiten. Berlin, Germany: Alfred Pulver Macher; 1910
I have not been able to find a downloadable translation of the above but readers might appreciate the following appraisal:
Hill Darryl B. Sexuality and Gender in Hirschfeld's Die Transvestiten: A Case of the "Elusive Evidence of the Ordinary" (date unknown)
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