Margo Price Covers Cardi B, Megan Thee Stallion’s ‘WAP’ on ‘Daily Show’
“When Trevor Noah and The Daily Show ask you to Cardi B, you do it,” Margo Price wrote on Twitter last night. That would explain her folksy cover of Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion’s highly explicit rap song “WAP,” which she performed Thursday night for the program. (“WAP” begins at the 6:07-mark in the video above.)
While the crossover premise might sound gimmicky, Price puts her genuine all into the song, and it comes out sounding like a legitimate country ode to “wet ass pussy.”
“Need a Henny drinker, need a weed smoker/Not a garter snake, I need a king cobra,” Price sings, without a trace of irony, while strumming her guitar, transforming the song into an outlaw anthem. It’s almost…moving??? Such is the power that “WAP” has.
Price released her latest album, That’s How Rumors Get Started, last month, after it was delayed from its initial May release date due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Price also surprise-released a live album, Perfectly Imperfect at the Ryman, recorded during her three-night run at Nashville’s famous auditorium. During a recent appearance at the Grand Ole Opry, Price caused a stir when she invited Anita “Lady A” White to perform onstage. The Seattle blues singer is currently embroiled in a legal battle with the country trio Lady A (formerly Lady Antebellum) over the name “Lady A.”