Lone Wolf-Book One of The Acolytes series
by Dreki
My story begins with a man named Trevor making a living fighting in places his boss calls the Pit. TREVOR is a good fighter, almost too good, but his memories aren’t aiding him in understanding why that is. He can feel in his bones that something isn’t right. He meets a girl after discovering her lost necklace. While his time with her is brief, it is also quite eye opening. There’s something about the stone in the necklace, called a Key, that mesmerizes their owner. These stones are like high quality diamonds, with unmatched color and beauty, at a fraction of the price. The obsession with them is quickly spreading!
Before long Trevor finds himself in a precarious position at his work, and who comes to save him but his two best friends he had somehow completely forgotten about. When they show up to his aid, they pop in the fighting arena from out of nowhere. Literally. After that situation is resolved, his friends CASSARA and BENNY tell him what they think happened. A link between them was created when their mentor, father figure and Sorcerer called POPY, gave them all a wonderful gift. Trevor, Cassara and Benny were all orphaned as children, and Popy raised them all together on a piece of land called Page Island, training them in the ways of life and martial arts. When they were disciplined enough, he granted them with some incredible knowledge and ability. One bit of knowledge he shared with them was about Page Island not being located on Earth, and Popy then subsequently taught them how to use what he called the Void so they could travel between Earth and Page Island at will. The grandest gift from Popy, however, was the transfer of the Essence of willing animal spirits with their own. Trevor received the essence of an alpha wolf, Benny a polar bear, and Cassara a mongoose. These essences gave them all unique abilities that they are still trying to discover, since they had received them a relatively short time before their amnesia.
It turns out Popy’s transfer of those essences was an amazing feat. And it drew the attention of beings known as Shadow Priests. Shadow Priests are an old and very advanced species, so technologically advanced in fact that their DNA is breaking down, and they are becoming more and more like cyborgs. Such a thing would completely disconnect them with the highest of Source energy, the Creator of all, and they fear that. Popy’s essence transfer actually changed the DNA make up of his ‘Acolytes’, giving them a third strand up from the normal two, and the Shadow Priests thought this ability would be a key to save their species.
Popy strikes a deal with the Shadow Priests. Popy knows this may very well hurt his relationship with his Acolytes, even though he has plans to work with them going forward. But his goal, and that of his colleagues, is far bigger than all of them. He long ago discovered that Earth is a trap, and a prison. The rulers of Earth have created the perfect place for themselves, where they feed off the mental anguish of the population. They literally feed off negative emotions (much like the Shadow Priests), and thus they create a delicate balance of keeping their prisoners feeling like they’re free, but causing as much fear, anger, hate, anxiety, and depression as they can for themselves. Popy intends to free the population of Earth, at any cost.
The struggle will be great. The Acolytes have to deal with their inner struggles of Popy, who they looked up to and saw as invincible, using them the way he does and also seeing forces out there stronger than him. Popy must convince them of his needs, all the while keeping them safe from the increasingly dangerous attention he’ll be receiving from those that rule over Earth.
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- Total Views :
- 549
- Average Views :
- 92
- Followers :
- 0
- Favorites :
- 0
- Ratings :
- 0
- Pages :
- 79
Chapter Name | Release Date |
Dream Within A Dream | ago |
Fate Weaves Its Web | ago |
Was It Worth It? | ago |
Fifty | ago |
Home | ago |
Metallah: Head of the triangle | ago |