
Library and Academic Services

Guest Posts

Goodbye Stress, Hello Success: 5 Ways to Overcome College Worries

August 22, 2022

Another school year is just around the corner and although it is always an exciting time, it can also be a little stressful! Check out these free resources and supports to help you feel successful and calm throughout your studies.

1. Take advantage of dog therapy

photo of a dog with a person

Studies have shown that spending time around furry friends can boost our mood, lower our stress, and give us a stronger sense of belonging.

Learn more in this online article (RRC Polytech login may be required) >> Putting Away Pre-Exam Stress: The Effect of Therapy Dog Sessions on Student Well-Being

Did you know that Red River Polytechnic has provided therapy dog visits in the past? Read more about it in Campus Well-Being’s newsletter.

2. Know you’re not alone

screenshot of video: Crisis on Campus

Being a student can stir up a lot of negative emotions and for those who already struggle with mental health, it can feel hopeless. High numbers of students seeking help has led academic institutions to provide easily accessible mental health supports to students.

Check out this online video by CBC to learn more (RRC Polytech login may be required) >> Crisis on Campus: Mental Health Demands Surge

3. Set aside time to be mindful

cover art of mindfulness for students

How can mindfulness activities help you be successful while keeping your stress levels at a minimum? Mindfulness for Students provides tips and tricks to better studying, active listening during lectures, and even how to properly prepare for exams. This book is a great tool for your life in and outside of the learning environment.

Learn more and borrow this print book (RRC Polytech ID card required to borrow) >> Mindfulness for Students

Learn about Campus Well-Being’s tips for promoting mindfulness through stretching >> 7 Stretches To Try at Your Desk

4. Spend time outside

cover art of nature rx book

Clinical studies have shown that spending time outside lowers stress and boosts mood. Many colleges are striving to implement programs in which students can spend more time in nature and gain an appreciation of the great outdoors while also lowering the anxiety that can come with the stresses of college.  A great guide for educators wanting to provide opportunities for fresh air in their programs and a great read for students to understand why getting outside is important for your mental well-being.

Read this ebook online (RRC Polytech login may be required) >> Nature Rx: Improving College-Student Mental Health

5. Learn tips for writing success

cover art of how to write better essays

A step-by-step guide which makes the writing process a breeze! Offering suggestions from how to avoid plagiarism, to how to effectively organize your idea, How to Write Better Essays is sure to help you hand papers in with confidence.

Learn more and borrow this print book (RRC Polytech ID card required to borrow) >> How to Write Better Essays

Did you know the Academic Success Centre offers writing support? Learn more by visiting ASC Supports for Students – Writing Centre

Additional free supports offered at RRC Polytech

If you would like to learn more about the mental health supports offered at the College, please explore the following links:

For the full list of student supports, visit

Guest post written by Hilary Ottenbreit, Library Information and Technology student     

Campus Renewal is exploring a new space!

May 11, 2022

Acoustic noise-reducing pod provides quiet haven in open offices and common spaces. Demo available for a limited time in the NDC Library!

An adaptable, modular pod

As we prepare to come back to campus and are looking to navigate blended learning and the continuation of connecting virtually, both instructors and support staff are looking to complement their spaces with areas for private meetings and concentrated, independent work.  

An adaptable modular “pod” provides a quiet, private, and comfortable meeting space in the office. Spaces like these can offer options for private meetings or video conferencing, webinars, heads down work, private phone calls or a place to meet with students. The “pods” can come in many sizes with different options to suit the function you are looking for. Campus Renewal is exploring the Hush Hybrid and the Hush Meet options. The demo we have on site is a smaller version of this the Hush Phone.  

We want your opinion!

For a limited time only, a demo pod will be available in the Notre Dame Campus Library. Campus Renewal is exploring this new Space Type and wants to hear from you! Come visit and tell us what you think.

If you have questions, or, you and your team would like to arrange a meeting to see and discuss the booth, feel free to reach out to Lisa Kirton. The demo can also be viewed at your own convenience during Library hours.

More News! Newly Sprung this Spring at the Notre Dame Campus: “In-Between Spaces”

Campus Renewal recently installed two “In-Between Spaces,” which provide a welcoming space for students to hang out, do some work, and charge their devices (power coming to the spaces soon!).

These modern spaces add aesthetic appeal yet is also functional in providing students with a comfortable space to relax and “recharge.” These new spaces are located in the Mall Level at the bottom of the bus loop and in the J Building at the Notre Dame Campus.

Written by Linda Fox (Library and Academic Services) and Lisa Kirton (Campus Renewal)

Students write haikus to connect a 1000-crane mobile with course content

February 9, 2022

The following poems were submitted by students in the Summer 2021 EA Program Intake following the completion of a group project — a mobile made of 1000 paper cranes.

When the 1000-crane mobile was completed, the class met Elder Una Swan for a second pipe ceremony to bring the project to a close. The first pipe ceremony occurred 14 weeks earlier with Miss Una blessing the project.

Each student wrote a haiku as part of the ELA Content & Practice course. Writing the poems helped them connect the project experience with a learning outcome from the course. As students gazed at their origami mobile of 1000 cranes, they were inspired to write the following words:

Origami fused with project-based learning

Paul Bourget, who designed this project, explains:

The goal of the origami project is to show the possibilities of actively involving students in an art form that links the principles of Reconciliation and understanding of the EA program course concepts such as math, ELA. 

–Paul Bourget, instructor

The 1000-crane mobile: significance of colours

The colours of the 1000-crane mobile (pictured below) are thoughtfully chosen, incorporating the 4 directions of Traditional Teachings (red, black, yellow, white in top layer) and “Every Child Matters” (orange in bottom layer), as well as diversity of peoples joined in harmony (multiple colours in middle layer).

Photo of the 1000-crane mobile
Photo of the 1000-crane mobile

An act to follow

Many thanks to Paul Bourget for sharing this project, and inspiring the RRC Polytech community to be innovative in incorporating Truth and Reconciliation and the Calls to Action into our work at the College. Learn more about Paul Bourget’s work here: Truth and Reconciliation Faculty Star: Paul Bourget.

Original written by Paul Bourget; edited version and video by Linda Fox; poems
by students in the Educational Assistant program (summer 2021 intake)

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.