The northern snakehead (scientific name: Channa argus) is a voracious predatory fish native to eastern Asia that was first discovered in Maryland in 2002, having been released from fish markets or the aquarium trade. It has thoroughly infested the Potomac River Basin, and isolated populations have also been found in lakes and rivers in southern California, Arkansas, Illinois, and North Carolina. It competes with and preys upon many native fish.
Northern Snakehead Fish
Asian Carp
rriscmockup, , Fish, Fish, 0
Asian carp were introduced into the United States by fish farmers who wanted to control aquatic vegetation in their...
Eurasian milfoil
rriscmockup, , Lakes, Plants, Plants, 0
Eurasian watermilfoil (scientific name: Myriophyllum spicatum) is an invasive aquatic weed widely distributed in the eastern hemisphere that entered...
Scientists discover Asian carp eggs farther north in Mississippi River than ever before
rriscmockup, , Fish, Fish, 0
Scientists have discovered Asian carp eggs farther north in the Mississippi River than ever before, the U.S. Geological Survey...
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