Explore our frequently asked questions, for answers to our some of our most common enquiries.
If you're unable to find an answer to your question, please contact us.
How do I send you a comment, give feedback or make a suggestion?
We are always happy to receive comments, feedback and suggestions. Please visit our comments and complaints page and use the details there to get in touch. We shall forward your email to the relevant department.
I would like to make a complaint
- treat complaints seriously and deal with them properly
- resolve complaints promptly and informally whenever possible
- learn from complaints and take action to improve our service
- ensure that complaints are treated in confidence
Please contact us.
I would like to make a complaint about an RSC member
Please refer to the Code of Conduct.
I would like to do some research/qualification, can you sponsor me?
The Royal Society of Chemistry is not a funding body and we do not offer this type of support. We do offer some grants, bursaries and fellowships, for further information please visit
How do I obtain chartered status (CChem, CSci, CSciTeach)?
Please visit our continuing professional development page which contains details on professional recognition.
I work in media and I would like to speak to an expert in a particular field of research.
Please contact a member of our press team and they will be happy to assist you.
I have had a blood sample taken by the police. Can I send it to the Royal Society of Chemistry to be independently analysed?
We hold a list of our members who can offer you this service. Please download the Road Traffic Analysts booklet to find an analyst in your area. Each analyst offers a different range of services and prices.The Royal Society of Chemistry does not directly undertake any analyses on blood samples.
How do we get our university course or company training accredited?
Please go to our supporting organisations page, which provides details on course accreditation.
How do I check if my university course is accredited?
Please view our accredited courses database for a list of all available university courses.