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Richard Corrigan's Ajo Blanco: Chilled Almond Soup

Richard Corrigan's Ajo Blanco: Chilled Almond Soup
Richard Corrigan's Ajo Blanco: Chilled Almond Soup

A real taste of Spain.


  • 125 ml milk
  • 100 g crusty bread (2 days old)
  • 350 g green seedless grapes (peeled)
  • 200 g blanched almonds (lightly toasted)
  • 2 cloves garlic (peeled)
  • 100 ml olive oil
  • 1 tblsp sherry vinegar
  • 500 ml cold water
  • salt to taste

To Garnish:

  • finely sliced blanched almonds
  • 1 prawn
  • finely sliced green seedless grapes (peeled)
  • sprig of dill
  • croûtons
  • handful of crushed ice


  1. Place the bread in a dish which will hold it in a single layer, and pour the milk over. Leave until the milk has been absorbed.
  2. Transfer the soaked bread to a blender and add the toasted almonds, peeled grapes, garlic, sherry vinegar, oil, half the water and a little salt. Process until smooth.
  3. Check the consistency and add more water until you get a soup-like consistency. Adjust the seasoning.
  4. Adjust the seasoning. Chill the soup until very cold, leave overnight.

To Serve:

  1. Mix through some crushed ice.
  2. Serve the soup in individually chilled bowls, garnished with some finely sliced and peeled grapes, a sprinkle of shaved almonds topped with a Dublin Bay prawn, a sprig of dill and two croûtons on the side.