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Saint Aquilinus of Milan

Saint Aquilinus of Milan



Feast Day: January 29

Death: January 1, 650


Saint Aquilinus of Milan, also known as Aquilino, was a Priest who played a significant role in combating the heresy of Arianism during the 7th century. Born in Bavaria, Germany, little is known about his early life, but his fervent devotion to the Catholic faith became evident in his later years. Aquilinus caught the attention of many due to his exceptional piety and dedication to preaching the Gospel. His reputation as a faithful preacher grew, leading to an offer of the diocese in Cologne, Germany. However, driven by an intense desire to combat the heresy of Arianism, he declined the position and chose instead to become a wandering preacher, traveling extensively to spread the true teachings of Catholicism. His first destination was Paris, France, where he tirelessly preached against the Arian heresy. Recognizing his profound knowledge and eloquence, Aquilinus soon caught the attention of the Catholic community, becoming a prominent figure in their fight against the Arians. His time in Paris was marked by the conversion of many individuals who had been deceived by the Arian teachings. Yet, Aquilinus's mission did not end there. Hearing of the rising influence of Arianism in Milan, Italy, Aquilinus felt compelled to turn his attention to this city. He saw the need to confront the heretics directly and defend the orthodox faith. Arriving in Milan, he fearlessly preached the true teachings of Christ, unmasking the false doctrines of the Arians. His battle was not only against their beliefs but also against the power and influence they maintained in the region. Recognizing his commitment and dedication to the faith, Aquilinus was ordained as a missionary bishop by the Catholic Church in Milan. This new role allowed him to serve more effectively, shepherding the faithful and fighting against the Arian heresy on a larger scale. However, his passionate opposition to Arianism eventually led to his tragic and untimely demise. In the year 650, Saint Aquilinus was cruelly murdered by the Arians. He was stabbed to death, and his body was callously thrown into the sewers of Milan. Yet, divine providence brought about a miraculous turn of events. A group of porters discovered his body, rescuing it from the dark depths of the sewers. They carried him to the nearby oratory of the basilica of San Lorenzo, where Aquilinus was given a proper burial. Over time, Aquilinus's tomb became a site of veneration and devotion. The chapel in which he was laid to rest was renamed in his honor, as many witnessed the powerful intercessions and miracles attributed to him. His relics were enshrined in an urn, becoming a focal point for pilgrims seeking his guidance and protection. Saint Aquilinus of Milan, though considered to be a martyr, was canonized before the formal process of canonization began in the Catholic Church. The title of martyr is fitting, as he sacrificed his life in defense of the true faith. He is revered as a patron saint of porters, symbolizing their integral role in uncovering his holy remains and contributing to the preservation of his memory. Today, Saint Aquilinus's feast day is celebrated on January 29th, commemorating his life, martyrdom, and steadfast commitment to Catholic orthodoxy. He stands as a shining example of courage, dedication, and unwavering faith, inspiring believers to stand firm in their own battles against heresies and falsehoods.