Types of Car Accidents in Chicago and Illinois
The types of car accidents that we most commonly encounter when working with injured victims and their families in Chicago and elsewhere in Illinois include:

All of these services involve drivers who use their own cars to transport passengers. In this sense, the drivers with these ride-hailing companies are just like any other drivers you may encounter. Ridersharing drivers can engage in the types of careless and reckless conduct that causes accidents.

Speeding factors into roughly one-third of Illinois auto accidents, IDOT reports. A driver can cause a crash when he or she drives above the posted speed limit or goes too fast for weather and road conditions.

Truck drivers often cause crashes due to speeding, fatigue, distraction or impairment. Many crashes involving large tractor-trailers (or semis) can be traced to mechanical defects. These crashes can result in severe and often fatal injuries due to the size and weight difference between trucks and passenger cars.

A driver failing to keep a proper lookout, rushing to beat a red light or turning with an obstructed view are common causes of crashes that occur at intersections in Chicago and other areas of Illinois.

Distracted driving is a particular concern when it comes to young, inexperienced drivers. A recently published AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety study found that distraction played a role in 58 percent of teen crashes, including 76 percent of rear-end accidents.
IDOT statistics show that these are the most common type of car accident in our state. In a recent year, there were 84,000 rear-end collisions in Illinois. They often are caused by a driver “tailgating” a car in front or failing to pay attention as he or she approaches a red light or stop sign at an intersection.

Throughout the country, a number of collisions have occurred that involved self-driving vehicles. A Chicago car accident lawyer from Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard P.C., will know how to aggressively protect your rights.

Illinois has banned future use of the ET-Plus, a guardrail system manufactured by Trinity Industries, Inc. To discuss your case immediately, please contact Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard P.C.

When a person tries to multi-task behind the wheel, it can lead to a crash. Talking on a phone and texting while driving are common examples. Distracted driving also includes interacting with other passengers, eating and drinking, putting on makeup or any other activity that takes one’s attention away from driving.

A driver can cause devastating harm by using poor judgment and attempting to pass a vehicle on a two-lane road or by drifting across the center line due to impairment caused by distraction, alcohol or fatigue.

Careless mistakes by car drivers and motorcycle riders alike can lead to deadly accidents, including following too closely or trying to share the same lane. IDOT reports that motorcycle crashes accounted for 16 percent of the state’s traffic fatalities during a recent year.

A driver can cause devastating harm by using poor judgment and attempting to pass a vehicle on a two-lane road or by drifting across the center line due to impairment caused by distraction, alcohol or fatigue.

These are also known as angle crashes or T-bone collisions. They commonly occur at intersections. They can produce severe injuries due to the lack of protection most cars provide on the sides.

Speeding, running a red light, tailgating, weaving in-and-out of traffic, refusing to yield the right of way – these are all forms of reckless driving (also called “aggressive driving”) that puts others in danger.

Chicago has seven major interstates and numerous smaller interstates and roads. We are passionate about helping victims and their families recover compensation.

When someone’s negligence or recklessness causes another person to be harmed, the person who was at fault can be held liable for the injured person’s losses, pain and suffering. Contact us immediately for help with your case.