Cesar Chavez Day closure March 31: Santa Ana City Hall and non-essential services will be closed on Monday, March 31, 2025, in observance of Cesar Chavez Day.
There will be no street sweeping on March 31, but trash and recycling will be collected as usual.

Green vehicles

The City has established a Hybrid and Alternative Fuel Vehicle Acquisition Policy to be environmentally sensitive in the purchasing and leasing of vehicles for City use. The listing of vehicles to be replaced is included in the City’s annual budget. The priority is to replace vehicles with the cleanest and most fuel-efficient vehicles that also meet the needs of the various City agencies. The City Yard has installed two fueling station: one for hydrogen vehicles and one for compressed natural gas (CNG) vehicles.

Our Fleet Includes 27 Vehicles In Seven Agencies

Compressed Natural Gas

11 - Public Works

Hydrogen/Electric Hybrid

1 - Community Development
2 - Finance
1 - Planning and Building
1 - Risk Management

Gasoline/Electric Hybrid

3 - Police
1 - Community Development
3 - Public Works
2 - Parks and Recreation

Hybrid and Alternative Fuel Vehicle Acquisition Policy


To be environmentally sensitive in purchasing and leasing of vehicles for City use.


The Fleet Maintenance Division’s Equipment Replacement Program is included in the City’s annual budget and identifies vehicles scheduled for replacement, based on funding, condition, mileage and age. The Fleet Maintenance Division’s priority will be to replace vehicles with the cleanest and most fuel-efficient vehicles that meet the needs of the various City agencies.

Compliance Procedure

  1. The Purchasing and Fleet Maintenance Divisions will replace vehicles with hybrid or alternative fueled vehicles that meet the following criteria:
  2. The Purchasing and Fleet Divisions of the Finance and Management Services Agency will use the Environmental Protection Agency—EPA Green Vehicle Guide in determining the cleanest and most fuel-efficient replacement vehicles.
  3. The vehicle meets all local, state, and federal mandates.
  4. The availability of the EPA-suggested replacement vehicle meets the safety and performance needs of the user agency.
  5. The delivery time is reasonable—90 to 120 days.

Example of EPA suggested replacement vehicles

Honda Civic Hybrid
Chevy Cobalt
Ford Focus

Toyota Prius Hybrid
Accord Hybrid
Chevy Malibu

Crown Victoria
Chevy Impala
Ford 500

Escape Hybrid
Highlander Hybrid
Chevy Suburban

This policy, to seek hybrid and other alternative fuel vehicles meeting these established guidelines, is effective immediately.


  • Hybrid: Vehicles that combine an internal combustion engine (ICE) and a battery with an electric motor.
  • Alternative Fuel Vehicle: Vehicles that are factory equipped to run on CNG.
  • Green Vehicle Guide: Provided by the EPA, this government publication rates all vehicles for fuel economy, air pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions. More information on the Green Vehicle Guide can be found at www.epa.gov/greenvehicles.
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