Cesar Chavez Day closure March 31
Santa Ana City Hall and non-essential services will be closed on Monday, March 31, 2025, in observance of Cesar Chavez Day.
There will be no street sweeping on March 31, but trash and recycling will be collected.

Water resources

Water conservation for residents

Be Water Wise - Metropolitan Water District's Water Conservation Page.
Water Saver Home Tour - California Urban Water Conservation Council Water Saver Home. Take a tour of water saving opportunities in your home.
WaterWiser Drip Calculator - Measure and estimate water wasted due to leaks.
*Water Conservation Tips - See our water-saving tips during this unprecedented drought.
Save Our Water - Learn how to live a conservation lifestyle.
Water Use it Wisely - 100+ ways to conserve water.

Home and garden

50 Favorites for California Friendly® Landscapes - View a list of the tried and true Favorite 50.
Beginning Tips - Begin your California Friendly® garden makeover.
California Friendly® Gardens - Visit gardens near you.
California Friendly® Gardening Guide - Choose from 1,500 plants in our plant selection database.
California Friendly® Landscape and Gardening Classes - Take classes online or in your community.
California Garden Web - Everything from gardening basics and classes to a comprehensive glossary and articles, brought to you by University of California.
California Native Plant Society - Resources and education about California's native plant heritage and preservation
Convert Sprinklers to Drip - Drip conversion saves up to 50-80 percent of water while giving your plants the water they need.
Eliminate Water Runoff - View videos on irrigation troubleshooting and how to adjust your home sprinklers.
EPA Water Efficiency Measures for Landscaping - Landscaping tips during non-drought conditions.
Garden Wise Website - Water wise landscaping tips.
Gardening in a Drought - Learn how to help your landscape survive the drought.
Landscape Irrigation Survey - No-cost survey to help improve irrigation efficiency.
Local Plant Nurseries - Purchase native and California Friendly® plants.
Quick Tips for a California Friendly® Garden - Make smart choices about sprinklers, plants and maintenance.
Santa Ana's Lawn-to-Garden Program - Visit Santa Ana’s guidelines, ideas and resources for water smart landscapes.
Sustainable Landscapes - Check out the California Urban Water Conservation Council’s tips for landscaping ideas.
Top 10 California Friendly® Plants - View the latest brochure about California native plants.
Tree Foundation - Drought care for trees.
Water Right - Irrigation information from the Center for Irrigation Technology.


Calculate Water Savings - Use this simple calculator to estimate how much water, energy, and money you can save by installing WaterSense labeled products in your home or apartment building.
How Much Water Do I Use? - The water calculator compares your water use to a similar average and efficient houses in your region. It identifies specific areas for improving overall household water efficiency and then estimates the energy savings and carbon footprint of your hot water usage.
Watering Calculator - The calculator tool estimates the correct amount of water to give your landscape or garden weekly during normal supply conditions.

Water conservation for kids

The Water Page - Water conservation projects, tips, quizzes and challenges for kids.
WaterSense Kids - Fun site for kids and teachers from the U.S. Envrionmental Protection Agency.
Water Use It Wisely - Water games, adventures, tips, and challenges for kids, and educational resources for teachers.
Water - Who Needs It? - This colorful video helps children understand the importance of water in their lives.

Water conservation for businesses

Accelerated Recycled Water Retrofit Program - This program provides financial incentives directly to public or private property owners to convert potable water irrigation or industrial water systems to recycled water service.
Commercial Rebate Program - Commercial, industrial and institutional customers within Metropolitan’s 5,200-square-mile, six-county service area are eligible for rebates on indoor and outdoor water-saving devices.
Innovative Conservation Program - Research-focused program of new devices, technologies and water-saving strategies.
Water Savings Calculator - For common area laundry rooms (source: Multi-housing Laundry Association)
Water Sustainability Tool - For businesses interested in saving water (source:  Global Environmental Management Initiative)


SoCal Water$mart - Rebates on high-efficiency appliances and devices offered through Santa Ana’s partnership with the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California.
OC WaterSmart - Other rebates offered through Santa Ana’s partnership with the Municipal Water District of Orange County.

Water quality

City of Santa Ana Water Quality Report

Other water links

Association of California Water Agencies
Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies
American Water Works Association
California Department of Water Resources
California State Resources Control Board
California State Water Project
California Urban Forests Council
California Urban Water Conservation Council
California Water Science Center
California Water Service
Department of Water Resources
Metropolitan Water District of Southern California
National Drought Mitigation Center
National Geographic Environment
Orange County Water District
The Water Page
United States Environmental Protection Agency
Water Education Foundation

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