Hello, my name is Jennifer! Thank you for your interest in Savor the Thyme. I am a wife, and mom with two children, ages 13 and 15. I obtained a Master’s of Science in Immunology, and worked for a large pharmaceutical company prior to starting my family.
This blog focuses on family-friendly healthy food, lifestyle, travel, defeating Leukemia, being your own advocate. I believe in feeding your family in a healthy way and to me that means eating ‘real’ foods. These are foods that are free of artificial flavorings, preservatives and flavorings. This also means that yes, we use real butter and if we are going to have sugar, it is sugar (or maybe some agave nectar). We also believe it using with fresh, seasonal, and sustainably grown foods. I believe in preparing meals and snacks for my family in a quick and affordable way. We try to incorporate organic foods when and where we feel it is important and always do our best to avoid the ‘fake stuff’.
I believe in a healthy lifestyle and family: To us that includes being healthy physically, emotionally, and spiritually. It includes great times with friends, life experiences and lots of hugging and laughing.
How did I come to believe in living this way? From the time I was a young girl, I witnessed the deaths of family members due to cancer, heart attacks, strokes and obesity related illness and even so much sadness from depression. Although, I cannot prove or say that many of the diseases/deaths in my family were caused by what they ate, it made me determined to raise myself and our children to respect their bodies through exercise and food. It also reminded me to enjoy the simple things in life and my children remind me of that every day.
You can email me at [email protected]. You can also follow me on Twitter, Instagram, and join the Savor The Thyme community on Facebook.