Group A, Poster #195, SCEC Community Models (CXM)
The SCEC Earthquake Geology Database (EGD)
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Poster Presentation
2023 SCEC Annual Meeting, Poster #195, SCEC Contribution #13125 VIEW PDF
o compile published slip rate data along active faults in the western U.S. (Hatem et al., 2022) as part of the 2023 update to the U.S. National Seismic Hazard Model; this database also contains the slip rates compiled for the 3rd Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast (Dawson and Weldon, 2013). The EGD is built from these slip rate compilations and enhances the source database by providing web-based tools for users to quickly query, download, and visualize the existing slip rate data. The web tools also allow users direct web links to the EGD references and the ability to upload their own spatial data (in .kml/.kmz format) to compare directly in the viewer with the EGD. To keep the EGD up to date when new data are published, the EGD homepage provides a user-submission tool for users to notify the EGD maintainers of new/missing slip rate data. To help tie the EGD to SCEC community models, we wrote an algorithm that cross-references EGD slip rate sites to the appropriate SCEC Community Fault Model object. Thus, while the EGD will begin with a subset of the Hatem et al. (2022) database, our goal is that the EGD will grow with time into a continually updated community database.