Gracie Griffiths

by Keely Griffiths

Gracie Griffiths

Gracie Griffiths

Hi. My name is Gracie. I am an eight month old Miniature Schnauzer, and I live in sunny Cyprus. I have grown fast since Mummy and Daddy picked me in Greece and brought me home. I enjoy playing with my brother the African Grey Parrot, but I am not allowed to chase him. That I save for the birds in the garden! I am still not sure about cats, I know they are similar to me but they don't smell the same.

I am a very good guard dog for Mummy when Daddy is away. I tell her when cars, cats, birds and leaves are going past our gate. Mummy says I am very clever! Everyone in the village loves me. I go to the pub and get lots of scratches and tickles, and even treats. Mummy and Daddy love me so much that they have ordered me a new baby sister which is an all-black miniature schnauzer (so they can tell the difference, I am sure).

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Feb 16, 2013
Thanks Danka II
by: Gracie Griffiths

Thank you for your kind words. I am glad I don't have a winter. Sunshine is my thing! And Mummy's!! I have promised that I will be a great big sister to Jazz when she arrives. Don't tell Mummy, but I may teach her all the naughty things too and try to get away with it. Isn't that what siblings do xxx

Feb 16, 2013
So far away but so close
by: Danka II, Gilmer, TX

Gracie, you could be my twin sister except one of my ears stand up. I live in Texas, USA and I'm 6 months old. We get a little winter here but not much. I concider it a privilage to know some one who lives in such an exotic place as Cyprus.
I hope your new Schnauzer sister is fun to play with, but you know it's up to you to teach her how to behave in her new home.
I can tell you have Great People parents as they let you use the computer like mine does. Hope to see more postings.....Danka II.

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