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Educational Psychology News

October 4, 2024

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Despite growing evidence of the importance of student well-being and an abundance of best practices, most institutions have yet to prioritize it as much as they do enrollment, graduation and grades. A new study provides guidance on how institutions ...
Researchers explored how infants act purposefully by attaching a colorful mobile to their foot and tracking movements with a Vicon 3D motion capture system. The study tested AI's ability to detect changes in infant movement patterns. Findings showed ...
A new review shows that this process of thinking is not exclusive to humans. Artificial intelligence, too, is capable of self-correction and arriving at new conclusions through 'learning by ...
Dyspraxia, also known as Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD), can have a bigger impact on adult mathematical performance than previously thought, according to new ...

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updated 5:00pm EDT

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As the school year revs up, a renowned child developmental psychologist highlights the robust benefits of pretend play on cognitive, social, and emotional development in children and cautions how ...

A strong belief in their own academic ability can help children from low-income families defy the odds and achieve academic success, according to new ...

Researchers published a study detailing their work implementing the Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction in 15 schools. They found the schools that received training and coaching for ...

A new machine learning model can predict autism in young children from relatively limited information. The model can facilitate early detection of autism, which is important to provide the right ...

Using machine learning to analyze video recordings of individuals performing simple movements, researchers developed a method to automaticaly quanitfy motor systems in early-stage Parkinson's ...

While everyone knows that a good night's sleep restores energy, a new study finds it resets another vital function: ...

Babies recognize pretense and around half of children can pretend themselves by 12 months, new research has ...

The coordinated activity of brain cells, like birds flying in formation, helps us behave intelligently in new situations, according to a new study. The work is the first to illuminate the ...

New research shows the timing of others' reactions to their babbling is key to how babies begin learning language and social norms -- a process evident in infants' interactions with a ...

If somebody complains that it hurts to think, they may be onto something, as mental exertion appears to be associated with unpleasant feelings in many situations, according to new ...

Eye-tracking allows studying aspects that cannot be seen, for example, the thinking processes of a student solving a mathematical problem. Researchers have integrated eye-tracking into education and ...

We all know what it's like when the penny suddenly drops. Animals too experience such moments of insight. They could prove useful for research of ...

In an important study for understanding how memories are made, cientists show that the flexibility of chromatin -- packaged DNA inside the cell -- plays a crucial role in 'deciding' which ...

Machine learning models can reliably inform clinicians about the disability progression of multiple sclerosis, according to a new study published this week in the open-access journal PLOS Digital ...

Dogs experience emotional contagion from the smell of human stress, leading them to make more 'pessimistic' choices, new research finds. Researchers tested how human stress odors affect ...

Researchers have developed the chatbot Iris, which offers informatics students personalized assistance with programming assignments. A study has now confirmed the chatbot's success: Iris ...

New findings challenge the idea that academically selective schools are necessary for clever pupils to achieve good ...

Researchers find that growing up in neighborhoods with more educational and socioeconomic opportunities has a positive impact on infants' brain ...

Children who are not considered 'school ready' by their teachers are more than twice as likely to become persistently absent at some point in their education, according to a new ...

Experienced exam markers may struggle to spot answers generated by Artificial Intelligence (AI), researchers have ...

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