Walk in hours:
For powers of attorney and notary services, please visit our office on the top floor of Building P-3. Our walk-in hours are Monday – Wednesday 0900-1200 and Friday 1200-1500. We are closed Thursdays for training.
Legal Assistance Appointments with an Attorney:
For Legal Assistance, an appointment is preferred. Please schedule an appointment at
https://webmail.apps.mil/book/[email protected]/ or call 618-256-5017 for more information. Do not use the online service to book an appointment for a will or estate planning. Please follow the below process for scheduling a will appointment.
Wills and Estate Planning:
Wills and Estate Planning Appointments are available on Wednesday mornings and as needed for deployers. An appointment is required for these appointments. These appointments are required for Wills, Healthcare Directives, Healthcare Powers of Attorney, and Living Wills. Deployers receive priority for will drafting.
Wills are only scheduled for the current month and by phone call starting on the first of each month during business hours. After we reach capacity of will planning appointments we will stop taking appointments for that month.
To schedule an appointment:
First. Call the legal office (618-256-5017) during the month you would like a will appointment. If we are full for that month, you will have to call again the next month.
Second. After you are confirmed for an appointment. You will be directed to fill out a will worksheet. Please fill out this worksheet
COMPLETELY and ensure proper time is spend on the spellings of names and all information provided is final and accurate. The worksheet is available here:
Third. Send the code the will worksheet provides you to our email:
[email protected] This information will be used by our attorneys to draft your documents and advise you about your will during your appointment.