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Friendship Star Quilt Pattern

Stitch this easy friendship star quilt pattern using 12 inch star quilt blocks in different 3 layouts. So simple for beginners!

Friendship Star quilt patternFriendship Star Quilt Pattern

The friendship star quilt block is a very old, traditional star block from waaay back in the day. :-)

But I think it's also a very retro looking star block. It reminds me of the shapes we saw in the 1960s, very geometric, outer space looking. Think the TV show The Jetsons.

In this pattern the friendship star block alternates with plain square blocks to avoid matching seams.

Block Name: Friendship Star Quilt Block

Finished Block Size: 12 inch (12  1/2 unfinished)

Setting: Straight-Set, 5 x 7 blocks

Quilt Size: 72 x 96 inches (approximate)

Fabrics for Quilt Top

In addition to your usual quilting supplies here are your fabric requirements, based on 42 inches usable fabric and rounded to the nearest 1/4 yard. 

Use the color I chose - blue - or a fabric in your favorite color fabric and a neutral background color. Make the blocks scrappy by using multiple shades and/or low volume prints of both colors.

Fabric A - 3/4 yards (blue)
Fabric B - 5 1/2 yards* (white)

*Assumes that you will piece border strips.


Friendship Star Quilt Pattern

  • All seams are 1/4 inch unless otherwise noted.
  • WOF = width of fabric
  • We will cut fabric as we go.

Step 1 Cut Fabric for HSTs From Fabric A cut 5 (5 1/4 inch x WOF) strips; subcut 36 (5 1/4 inch) small squares.

Fabric B cut 5 (5 1/4 inch x WOF) strips; subcut 36 (5 1/4 inch) small squares

Step 2 Make HSTs Using the 5 1/4 inch small squares make 72 half square triangles (HSTs).

Step 2 Friendship Star quilt pattern: Make half square triangles. (picture of a half square triangle)

(2a) Use a pencil to draw a diagonal line from corner to corner on the wrong side of the 36 (5 1/4 inch) Fabric B squares.

(2b) Place one Fabric A 5 1/4 square right side up and place one Fabric B 5 1/4 square right side down on top of it.

(2c) Stitch a 1/4 inch seam away from both sides of the marked line.

(2d) Use a rotary cutter to cut the squares apart on the marked diagonal line.

(2e) Press seam toward Fabric A.

(2f) Trim HSTs to 4 1/2 inches.

(2g) Repeat Steps 2a to 2f to make a total of 72 half square triangles (HSTs).

Make the Friendship Star Quilt Blocks

Step 3 Cut Small Squares From Fabric B (white background) cut 11 (4 1/2 inch x WOF) strips; subcut 85 (4 1/2 inch) small squares.

From Fabric A (blue print) cut 1 (4 1/2 inch x WOF) strip; subcut 5 (4 1/2 inch) small squares.

Step 3 Friendship Star Quilt Pattern: Cut Small Squares. Picture of a small square in background Fabric B.Fabric B - Background
Step 3 Friendship Star Quilt Pattern: Cut Small Squares. Picture of a small square in primary print Fabric A.Fabric A - Blue Print

Step 4 Make 18 (12 inch finished) blocks for this friendship star quilt pattern.

Step 4 Friendship Star quilt pattern blocks: Make 18 (12 inch finished) blocks. Picture of 3 different friendship star quilt blocks to make.

Step 4a Make Block A Make 7 of Block A, laying out the patches as noted in the photo above.

Each block uses 5 small squares and 4 half square triangles.

To make the friendship star quilt blocks, stitch the units of each row together. Then, stitch the rows together.

Step 4b Make Block B Make 6 of Block B, laying out the patches as noted in the photo above.

Note the direction in which the half square triangles point. They point in the same direction as Block A.

Each block uses 5 small squares and 4 half square triangles.

Stitch the units of each row together. Then, stitch the rows together.

Step 4c Make Block C Make 5 of Block C, laying out the patches as noted in the photo above.

Note the direction in which the half square triangles point. They point in a different direction from Block A.

Each block uses 5 small squares and 4 half square triangles.

Stitch the units of each row together. Then, stitch the rows together.

Step 5 Trim Blocks

Trim the blocks to size. For this friendship star quilt pattern,  trim blocks to 12 1/2 inches square.

If your blocks are short of being 12 1/2 inches square, simply trim them all a little smaller but to the same size.

Step 6 Make Block D From Fabric B (white background) cut 6 (12 1/2 inch x WOF) strips; subcut 17 (12 1/2 inch) large squares (or subcut them to the trimmed size of your friendship star quilt blocks from Step 5).

Friendship Star Quilt Pattern
Quilt Assembly Diagram

Friendship Star Quilt Pattern Quilt Assembly Diagramquilt assembly diagram

Refer to the friendship star quilt pattern quilt assembly diagram for the steps below.

Step 7 Arrange Blocks Layout the 12 1/2 inch friendship star blocks and large 12 1/2 inch plain squares as shown in quilt assembly diagram, or as you desire.

Step 8 Sew Blocks Together Stitch the blocks of each row together. Press seams of Row 1 to the right and press the seams of each successive row in the opposite direction of the previous row.

Step 9 Stitch Rows Together

Step 10 Press the seam between rows upward toward Row 1.

Cut Fabric for Borders

Note: When Cutting/Piecing Long Strips

For the border strips, the exact measurements for the pattern are given. But to account for variations that can occur in cutting and stitching you may want to piece each strip about 2 inches longer than specified and trim to size after attaching it to the main quilt body.

Step 11 Cut Fabric for Borders From Fabric B (background) cut 8 (6 1/2 inch x WOF) strips.

Remove the selveges from the ends, leaving as much usable fabric (at least 42 inches) as possible.

11a Border 1: Stitch 2 of the strips together along their short ends. Sew it to the main quilt body as shown in the Quilt Assembly Diagram above. Trim ends equal with main quilt body (approximately 6 1/2 x 60 1/12 inches). You should have about a 23 inch piece leftover. 

11b Border 2:  Stitch together the leftover piece from Step 11a and 1 (6 1/2 x WOF) strip along their short ends. Sew it to the main quilt body as shown in the Quilt Assembly Diagram above. Trim ends equal with main quilt body.

11c Border 3:  Five (6 1/2 inch x WOF) Fabric B (background) strips remain. Stitch 3 of the strips together along their short ends. Sew it to the main quilt body as shown in the Quilt Assembly Diagram above. Trim ends equal with main quilt body (approximately 6 1/2 x 96 1/12 inches). You should have about a 29 inch piece leftover.

11d Border 4:  Stitch together the leftover piece from Step 11c and the remaining 2 (6 1/2 x WOF) strips along their short ends. Sew it to the main quilt body as shown in the Quilt Assembly Diagram above. Trim ends equal with main quilt body.

11e Press seams toward border strips.

Your beautiful quilt top is finished! Yay!!!

Finishing the Friendship Star Quilt

Yardage for Backing, Binding, Batting

Backing: 6 yards

Binding: 3/4 yards

Batting: queen size (or 76 inches X 100 inches)

Make the Quilt Sandwich

Step 12 Layer the friendship star quilt pattern quilt sandwich in this order: backing, batting and quilt top.

Pin baste the three layers together.

Quilt the Quilt

Step 13 Now quilt the three layers using the quilting design of your choice.

Bind the Quilt

Step 14 From the 3/4 yard of fabric cut 10 (2 1/2 x WOF) strips, remove selvages and join along their short ends to make a single long binding strip.

Bind the quilt.

Friendship Star Quilt Pattern Complete

To which friend will you gift the quilt you make from this easy friendship star quilt pattern?! Whoever they are they will love it!!!

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