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Strength Training Secrets: The Best Tips and Strategies to Getting Stronger
Strength Training Secrets: The Best Tips and Strategies to Getting Stronger
Strength Training Secrets: The Best Tips and Strategies to Getting Stronger
Ebook129 pages1 hour

Strength Training Secrets: The Best Tips and Strategies to Getting Stronger

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About this ebook

Do You Want to Learn the Best Tips, Strategies and Secrets for Getting Stronger? 

Then this Powerful Strength Training book will teach you amazing tips and strategies for achieving your strength training goals.

This amazing Strength Training book will teach you:

(A) How to go from a Beginner to an Advanced strength training athlete.

(B) The incredible 5X5 Strength Training Workout Routine and variations of it.

(C) The three important muscle groups to always exericse: Legs, Back and Chest Muscles.

(D) Important Compound Exercises with pictures and explanations.


With this Strength Training book you will also get an amazing Health and Fitness Guide for achieving your strength and fitness goals.  

In addition, you will also receive a bonus Chapter on 9 Ways to Boost Your Energy Levels.

So, do you want to learn the Best tips, strategies and secrets for getting stronger? 

Then BUY this must-read Strength Training book NOW!!!

PublisherEpic Rios
Release dateDec 17, 2018
Strength Training Secrets: The Best Tips and Strategies to Getting Stronger

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    Book preview

    Strength Training Secrets - Epic Rios


    Congratulations on downloading Strength Training Secrets: The Best Tips and Strategies to Getting Stronger.

    The following chapters will discuss how eating healthy and ensuring you receive plenty of rest is not only beneficial to your body, but also how it affects your strength training regimen.

    We will go over the basics of strength training and how to get started if you have never done anything like it before.

    This will then lead us into the 5x5 workout and some of the best workouts for your legs, chest, and back.

    We will also discuss the king of strength training exercises: The Squats.

    After that you will learn about some healthy recipes that are ideal for all your nutritional needs so that you can come up with some meal plans for your exercise program.

    There will also be a glossary for some of the terms you may not know so that you are able to easily refer to those words as you work your way through this book.


    This book will provide you with detailed instructions for how to do a certain exercise.  You will also be provided with pictures of exercises for each workout so that you are able to visually see how each workout should be properly done.

    Thanks again for choosing Strength Training Secrets: The Best Tips and Strategies to Getting Stronger!

    Every effort was made to ensure it is full of as much useful information as possible. Please enjoy!

    Health and Fitness

    Chief Aim


    *Use the following guide for achieving your health and fitness goals.

    Step #1

    Write down your health and fitness goal(s) and be specific. For example, if you want to lose 10 pounds then write down, I want to lose 10 pounds.

    At the same time, if you want to build muscle, be specific and write down the amount of muscle you want to have. For example, if you want to have 10 pounds of muscle then write down, I want to have 10 pounds of muscle.


    Step #2

    Write down the date by which you want to achieve your health and fitness goal(s).

    For example, I will lose 10 pounds by February 2019.

    Example two, I will be able to run 15 miles nonstop by May 2019.


    Step 3

    Write down what you are willing to sacrifice in order to achieve your health and fitness goals. In addition, write down what are you willing to give back (to the world) in return for achieving your health and fitness goal(s).

    For example, I am willing to give up drinking alcohol, specifically beer for the next 3 months in order to lose 20 pounds of fat.  In addition, I am going to stop watching television after 10:00 PM and I will instead go to sleep early so that I can wake up early and exercise.

    In return for achieving my health and fitness goals, I will serve as a role model inspiring and helping others to also achieve their health and fitness goals by sharing my knowledge, experience and wisdom.


    Step 4

    Repeat looking and reading over your Health and Fitness Chief Aim every day until you achieve your health and fitness goals.  In addition, look over and read multiple times a day your Health and Fitness Chief Aim.  Daily repetition is important for achieving any goal.

    Chapter 1: Healthy Eating & Rest

    Healthy Eating

    10 Foods for Building Muscle Mass

    When it comes to getting lean and strong, diet is very important.  Actually, losing weight is all about having a good strict diet.  As you can see diet is very important whether you want to get strong or lose weight or both.

    There is a very simple rule that you can follow when it comes to your diet and it is the 80/20 Rule. Simply, 80% of the time eat healthy and 20% of the time eat unhealthily. 

    But if you are talking about sport, athleticism or simply getting lean and strong than diet is very important and the 80/20 Rule could be changed to the 90/10 Rule where 90% of the time you eat healthy and 10% of the time you eat unhealthily.

    As you go through your strength training journey you have to always make every effort to eat as healthy as possible.

    Eating healthy is not only good for our health but eating healthy will provide the body with the proper nutrients it needs for it to get strong. 

    Eating good quality healthy food affects your daily life. Eating good quality food provides you with a better quality of life as well as more energy for your workouts. 

    In addition, eating good quality food provides the body with healthy skin as well as with a properly working digestive system.

    It is recommended to eat every 3 hours to keep your metabolism up and to also ensure you are having an adequate intake of calories. 

    However, new research has shown that intermittent fasting and the ketogenic diet can help you better organize your eating schedule while you still achieve your strength training goals.

    When it comes to strength training, the goal is to gain muscle, burn fat and get lean.  As you progress with your strength training workouts, you will get stronger and develop more muscle that will replace unwanted fat. 


    In addition, if you practice a combination of intermittent fasting and the ketogenic diet, you will also feel less hungry throughout the day as you will have a set eating schedule that will be suitable to your strength training schedule.

    By combining both intermittent fasting and the ketogenic diet with strength training, you will replace smaller meals with larger meals which will eventually shrink your stomach and get you lean.

    If you combine both intermittent fasting and the ketogenic diet with strength training, you will also have fewer cravings because your body will become conditioned to a set eating schedule which will prevent you from snacking throughout the day. 

    In addition, your body will become conditioned to only eating certain

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