LordoftheRings2 TTT

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The document provides an excerpt from the screenplay of The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. It describes Gandalf's battle with the Balrog in the mines of Moria and his subsequent fall into darkness.

The setting is primarily the Misty Mountains and the mines of Moria.

Gandalf battles and falls fighting a Balrog, a demon of fire, in the mines of Moria.


Screenplay by Fran Walsh & Philippa Boyens & Stephen Sinclair & Peter Jackson

Based on the novels by J.R.R Tolkien

2002 New Line Cinema

1. BLACK SCREEN. SUPER: New Line Cinema Presents SUPER: A Wingnut Films Production SUPER: THE LORD OF THE RINGS FADE IN ON: EXT. THE MISTY MOUNTAINS - DAY HIGH WIDE AERIAL ON: CAMERA flies over the snow-covered peaks of the Misty Mountains. As the tranquillity of the scene sinks in, voices disrupt the peacefulness. GANDALF (O.S.) You cannot pass! FRODO (O.S.) Gandalf! ON THE SOUNDTRACK: A faint crash sounds over the landscape. GANDALF (O.S.) I am the servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the Flame of Anor! PAN CLOSER TO THE SIDE OF THE MOUNTAINS. GANDALF (O.S.)(CONTD) Go back to the Shadow. The dark fire will not avail you, flame of Udn! TRACK THROUGH THE SIDE OF THE MOUNTAIN TO: INT. BRIDGE OF KHAZAD-DM, MORIA - DAY WIDE ON: The BALROG slashes at GANDALF with its SWORD OF FLAME ...GANDALF blocks with GLAMDRING ... a ringing clash and the BALROGS SWORD SHATTERS into MOLTEN FRAGMENTS! GANDALF (CONTD) (booming) You shall not pass!! The BALROG places one foot onto the bridge. (CONTINUED)

2. CONTINUED: GANDALF CRIES ALOUD as he summons his LAST RESERVES OF STRENGTH!! He thumps the bridge with his staff...a blinding sheet of white flame springs up...the staff shatters...the bridge breaks... right at the BALROGS feet. The stone bridge drops away into the GULF...from under the BALROG. For a moment, the great BEAST remains poised in the air ...then it plunges down: SLOW MOTION: RELIEF floods FRODOS face...GANDALF remains trembling on the lip of the broken bridge. SLOW MOTION: As the BALROG falls, he lashes out with his whip of fire... SLOW MOTION: The thongs of the whip lash and curl around GANDALFS knees, dragging him over the brink! GANDALF just manages to hang on by his fingertips. FRODO (screaming) Gandalf! GANDALF (fierce) Fly, you fools! FRODO No! CLOSE ON: GANDALF lets go his grip and falls away...following the BALROG into the BOTTOMLESS ABYSS! FRODO (O.S.) (CONTD) Gandalf! TRACK AT HIGH SPEED WITH GANDALF AS HE PLUMMETS...THE BALROG SMOKES FROM BELOW... ANGLE ON: GANDALF snatches GLAMDRING as he plummets head-first behind the BALROG. GANDALF alights on the BALROGS NECK and stabs GLAMDRING deep into it...the BALROG swipes at GANDALF loosening GANDALFS grip. (CONTINUED)

3. CONTINUED: (2) The BALROG swings at GANDALF several times before snatching GANDALF in his GRASP...another bounce off the close walls and GANDALF falls freely again.

GANDALF grabs ahold of the demons horn as they continue their never-ending plunge...The BALROG bounces off the walls as GANDALF prepares to drive GLAMDRING into its head. INT. UNDERGROUND CAVERN - DAY WIDE ON: AT THE UTTERMOST FOUNDATIONS BENEATH THE DEEPEST DELVINGS OF THE DWARVES, GANDALF and the BALROG emerge like a small ball of fire high above an enormous body of water in a cavern without measure. CLOSE ON: GANDALFS EYES WIDEN as they crash into the water below. CUT TO: EXT. EMYN MUIL - DAY CLOSE ON: FRODO awakens as if from a nightmare. FRODO (calling out) Gandalf! ANGLE ON: FRODO props himself up, hyperventilating. SAM sits up behind him. SAM What is it, Mr. Frodo? FRODO Nothing. FRODO lies back down. FRODO (CONTD) Just a dream.

4. EXT. EMYN MUIL - LATER WIDE ON: FOG lays heavy over the ROCKY LANDSCAPE of EMYN MUIL. SUPER: THE TWO TOWERS ANGLE ON: FRODO and SAM climb down a rock face toward the mistcovered ground. SAM Can you see the bottom? ANGLE ON: FRODO looks down into the mist. FRODO No! Dont look down, Sam! Just keep going! CLOSE ON: SAM clings to the ROPE and nods. He slowly continues. ANGLE ON: The ROPE is tied securely around a rock at the top of the face. ANGLE ON: SAM takes a step and loses his footing...A SMALL BOX tumbles out of his pocket! He desperately reaches for it. SAM Catch it! Grab it, Mr. Frodo! ANGLE ON: FRODO looks up...THE BOX bounces down the rock... FRODO deftly catches it. SUDDENLY, HE LOSES HIS FOOTING AND PLUNGES INTO THE MIST BELOW! SAM Mr. Frodo! After only a few feet, FRODO lands softly on the ground. Stunned, he looks about for a moment, and then up to SAM. FRODO I think Ive found the bottom. SAM quickly climbs downward and walks away from the rope. SAM Bogs and rope, and goodness knows what. It aint natural, none of it. (CONTINUED)

5. CONTINUED: FRODO studies the SMALL BOX. FRODO Whats in this? SAM Nothing. Just a bit of seasoning. I thought maybe if we was having a roast chicken one night or something. CLOSE ON: SAM looks at FRODO with the greatest of honesty... FRODO looks at SAM incredulously. FRODO Roast chicken?! SAM shrugs. SAM You never know. FRODO laughs and shakes his head. FRODO Sam. My dear Sam. CLOSE ON: Carefully, FRODO opens the lid to look inside. The BOX is filled to the brim with SEASONING. SAM Its very special, that. Its the best salt in all the Shire. FRODO It is special. ANGLE ON: FRODO looks at SAM nostalgically. FRODO (CONTD) Its a little bit of home. FRODO hands the box back to SAM and walks over to the rope still tied at the top of the cliff. He gazes upward. (CONTINUED)

6. CONTINUED: (2) FRODO (CONTD) We cant leave this here for someone to follow us down. SAM Whos gonna to follow us down here, Mr. Frodo? FRODO looks at the rope, worried...SAM looks at it longingly. SAM (CONTD) Its a shame, really. Lady Galadriel gave me that. Real Elvish rope. SAM puts the box of seasoning in his pocket and walks over to the rock face. SAM (CONTD) Well, theres nothing for it. Its one of my knots. Wont come free in a hurry. SAM tugs on the rope - hard. ANGLE ON: The ELVISH ROPE unties itself and plummets. ANGLE ON: The ROPE lands at SAMS FEET...SAM stands speechless for a moment, and then he looks at FRODO who shrugs. FRODO Real Elvish rope. SAM looks briefly at the bit he is still holding, and then at the summit far above. EXT. EMYN MUIL - DAY WIDE ON: FRODO and SAM climb over the rocky terrain to reach the summit of another part of EMYN MUIL. ANGLE ON: They look into the distance at the MORDOR. MOUNT DOOM belches fire and smoke.


7. CONTINUED: SAM Mordor. The one place in Middle-earth we dont want to see any closer. And the one place were trying to get to. Its just where we cant get. CLOSE ON: SAM turns to FRODO, worried. SAM (CONTD) Lets face it, Mr. Frodo, were lost. CLOSE ON: FRODO looks at SAM, scared. SAM (CONTD) I dont think Gandalf meant for us to come this way. FRODO He didnt mean for a lot of things to happen, Sam ... but they did. Suddenly, FRODO gasps. INSERT IMAGE: From deep within Mordor the BLAZING EYE OF SAURON looks directly upon him from high atop THE TOWER OF BARAD-DR. ANGLE ON: FRODO shudders and turns away from the sight. He sits, panting. ANGLE ON: SAM turns to him. SAM Mr. Frodo? FRODO continues panting, unable to respond. SAM (CONTD) Its the Ring, isnt it? FRODO Its getting heavier. CLOSE ON: FRODO clutches the RING on his chest.


8. CONTINUED: (2) ANGLE ON: SAM sits behind him and begins to go through his pack. FRODO fumbles for his water bottle and takes a deep gulp. FRODO (CONTD) What food have we got left? SAM Let me see. CLOSE ON: He takes a LEAF-WRAPPED BIT OF ELVEN BREAD from his pack. SAM (CONTD) Oh yes, lovely. Lembas bread. And look! He digs deeper into his pack and pulls out: SAM (CONTD) More Lembas bread. He breaks off a piece and tosses it to FRODO, and then eats a piece himself. SAM (CONTD) I don't usually hold with foreign food, but this Elvish stuff, its not bad. FRODO (smiling) Nothing ever dampens your spirits, does it, Sam? SAM smiles back, glances at his bread, as if considering another bite, and then looks ominously off into the distance. His expression drops. SAM Those rain clouds might. EXT. EMYN MUIL - NIGHT ANGLE ON: FRODO and SAM sit huddled together wrapped in their cloaks...RAIN beats mercilessly down upon them...neither one sleeps. (CONTINUED)

9. CONTINUED: HIGH WIDE ON: The HOBBITS shivering at the base of the rocks... HARSH BREATHING SOUNDS...A HAND rests on the edge of the cliff. ANGLE ON: FRODO suddenly looks up. LOW ANGLE ON: The side of the rock face...nothing is seen on its peak. ANGLE ON: FRODO shakes his head and huddles back down into his cloak. CUT TO: EXT. EMYN MUIL - DAY ANGLES ON: FRODO and SAM climb over the rocks...walk along a path...scale the side of a rock face...walk along a summit... SAM This looks strangely familiar. FRODO (exasperated) Its because weve been here before. Were going in circles. SAM walks to an overlook. SAM What's that horrid stink? I warrant there's a nasty bog nearby. Can you smell it? FRODO Yes. I can smell it. FRODO walks over to join SAM at the overlook. CLOSE ON: FRODO looks to SAM ominously. FRODO (CONTD) (whispers) Were not alone. CUT TO:

10. EXT. EMYN MUIL - NIGHT ANGLE ON: FRODO and SAM sleep. HIGH WIDE: A dark, spidery shape appears on top of the cliff and makes its way down to the slumbering HOBBITS. ANGLE ON: The emaciated creature is dressed only in a tattered loincloth, and appears mostly human in appearance. Its frame is quite thin, but its hands, feet, and eyes are oversized. What hair remains is thin and falls where it may about its shoulders. It descends the rock face upside down like an insect. This is GOLLUM. He speaks in an ancient, gravely voice. GOLLUM The thieves. The thieves. The filthy little thieves. Where is it? CRANE BEHIND GOLLUM as he climbs down. GOLLUM (CONTD) Where is it? They stole it from us. My precious. Curse them, we hates them! Its ours, it is, and we wants it! GOLLUM reaches his hand out to snatch his prize. SUDDENLY, the HOBBITS spring and snatch GOLLUM off the side of the rock. Amidst the struggle, GOLLUM wriggles loose and throws them both away from him. As FRODO falls back, the RING comes out of his shirt. GOLLUM recovers and sees the RING. He leaps straight for it. GOLLUM desperately tries to get his hands on his precious while FRODO struggles to prevent this. SAM recovers and grabs GOLLUM by the ankle, dragging him away from FRODO...GOLLUM reels back and hits SAM in the face, knocking him away. He pounces back on FRODO and reaches for the RING...FRODO grabs Gollums hand, and struggles against his considerable strength. CLOSE ON: GOLLUMS cheeks puff with exertion as he struggles with FRODO, his enormous eyes fixed on the RING. (CONTINUED)

11. CONTINUED: ANGLE ON: SAM comes up from behind GOLLUM again, and lifts him off of FRODO...GOLLUM grasps FRODO, throwing him off to one side as SAM swings GOLLUM around. GOLLUM leaps from Sams grasp onto the rock wall beside them, and then back on top of FRODO. SAM pulls GOLLUM off again, and GOLLUM turns on him...he fiercely bits SAM on the neck. SAM struggles against him, but GOLLUM reels around, wraps his legs around SAM and tries to choke him! SAM falls to the ground atop GOLLUM, but GOLLUM continues to have the upper hand. SUDDENLY, FRODO grabs GOLLUM by the hair, and holds STING to his neck. CLOSE ON: GOLLUMS eyes go wide, and he freezes. He maintains a hold on SAM. FRODO (menacingly) This is Sting. Youve seen it before, havent you ... Gollum? ANGLE ON: SAM tries to break GOLLUMS grip, unsuccessfully. FRODO (CONTD) Release him or Ill cut your throat! ANGLE ON: Slowly, GOLLUM loosens his grip on SAM...and then WAILS. CUT TO: EXT. EMYN MUIL - DAY WIDE ON: Gollums wail ECHOES across the vast, rocky landscape of EMYN MUIL. EXT. EMYN MUIL - DAY ANGLE ON: FRODO and SAM walks through EMYN MUIL...SAM tugs on the rope and GOLLUM stumbles behind them. GOLLUM continues to SCREAM and WAIL. (CONTINUED)

12. CONTINUED: GOLLUM It burns! It burns us! It freezes! Nasty Elves twisted it. Take it off us! SAM continues dragging GOLLUM, willing or not, across the rocks. SAM Quiet, you! GOLLUM stops again. SAM tugs fiercely at the rope to try and get him to come along, but GOLLUM wails again, unmoving. SAM turns to FRODO in dismay. SAM (CONTD) Its hopeless. Every Orc in Mordors going to hear this racket. Lets just tie him up and leave him. ANGLE ON: GOLLUM stops crying at once and turns to the HOBBITS wide-eyed and pleading. GOLLUM No! That would kill us! Kill us! SAM Its no more than you deserve! GOLLUM wails again and COLLAPSES onto the ground, writhing. ANGLE ON: FRODO looks down to GOLLUM. FRODO Maybe he does deserve to die. But now that I see him, I do pity him. ANGLE ON: GOLLUM suddenly stops and turns to FRODO, smiling. GOLLUM (begging) We be nice to them if they be nice to us. Take it off us. ANGLE ON: FRODO and SAM look at GOLLUM warily. (CONTINUED)

13. CONTINUED: GOLLUM (CONTD) We swears to do what you wants. We swears. FRODO Theres no promise you can make that I can trust. ANGLE ON: GOLLUM scrambles up and bows to FRODO desperately. GOLLUM (smiling) We swears to serve the master of the precious. We will swear on the...on the precious. (coughing) Gollum. Gollum. FRODO The Ring is treacherous. It will hold you to your word. ANGLE ON: GOLLUM crawls over to FRODO. GOLLUM Yes...on the precious. On the precious. SAM I dont believe you! ANGLE ON: SAM lunges at GOLLUM...GOLLUM jumps away, frightened, and climbs onto a boulder. SAM (CONTD) Get down! I said, down! SAM jerks strongly at the rope. GOLLUM crashes to the ground, choking. FRODO Sam! SAM Hes trying to trick us! If we let him go hell throttle us in our sleep. (CONTINUED)

14. CONTINUED: (2) ANGLE ON: GOLLUM lies panting and holding his throat. He backs away, frightened, as FRODO approaches him. FRODO You know the way to Mordor? GOLLUM (warily) Yes. FRODO Youve been there before? GOLLUM Yes.

ANGLE ON: FRODO reaches out and removes the rope from GOLLUMS neck. GOLLUM is surprised and relieved. CLOSE ON: SAM is displeased. FRODO You will lead us to the Black Gate. CUT TO: EXT. EMYN MUIL - DAY TRACK WITH: GOLLUM scrambles quickly through the rocky crags, looking back to make sure the HOBBITS are behind him. ANGLE ON: FRODO and SAM struggle to keep his pace. SMAGOL To the Gate, to the Gate! To the Gate, the master says. Yes! CLOSE ON: GOLLUM sports an EVIL FACE. GOLLUM No! We wont go back. Not there. Not to him. They cant make us. (coughing) Gollum! Gollum! (CONTINUED)

15. CONTINUED: He scrambles on further and stops atop a rock. His FACE turns suddenly SOFT. SMAGOL (pleading) But we swore to serve the master of the precious. GOLLUM No. Ashes and dust and thirst there is, and pits, pits, pits. ANGLE ON: SAM and FRODO run up behind him, listening. GOLLUM (CONTD) And Orcses, thousands of Orcses. And always the Great Eye watching, watching. He hides in face in his hands at the horror of the thought. Suddenly, he looks back to see SAM and FRODO. He lets out a frightening growl and runs off down the path. SAM starts forward. GOLLUM leaps down a rock wall and scurries away from the HOBBITS. SAM Hey! Come back now! Come back! SAM and FRODO try to follow, but he has escaped them. SAM (CONTD) There! What did I tell you? Hes run off, the old villain. So much for his promises. GOLLUM pops up behind a nearby rock. GOLLUM This way, Hobbits. Follow me! FRODO quickly runs after him. SAM, with a scowl, concedes to follow as well. CUT TO:

16. EXT. PLAINS OF ROHAN - DAY CRANE DOWN TO: A BAND OF URUK-HAI runs across ROHAN. MERRY and PIPPIN, ride on the backs of two URUK-HAI, their hands bound around the URUK-HAIS necks. ANGLE ON: PIPPIN tries to call to MERRY, who is unconscious with a gash on his brow. PIPPIN Merry! Merry! MERRY does not respond. ANGLE ON: SUDDENLY, the leading URUK-HAI, MAHUR, signals a stop. He sniffs the air. ANGLE ON: Several Orcs from the North emerge from behind some rocks. They are led by a short, crook-legged Orc, very broad with long arms that hang almost to the ground called GRISHNKH. GRISHNKH Youre late. Our master grows impatient. He wants the Shire-rats now. ANGLE ON: UGLK looks at MAHUR amused. UGLK I dont take orders from Orc-maggots. ANGLE ON: GRISHNKHS face falls. UGLK (CONTD) Saruman will have his prize. We will deliver them. UGLK turns away from the Northern Orcs. ANGLE ON: GRISHNKH mocks him as he walks away, but they make no move on the URUK-HAI. ANGLE ON: PIPPIN tries again to rouse MERRY. PIPPIN Merry! Merry? Wake up. ANGLE ON: MERRYS head lolls around, unresponsive. PIPPIN looks over to an Orc drinking his draught. (CONTINUED)

17. CONTINUED: PIPPIN (CONTD) My friend is sick. ANGLE ON: An URUK-HAI turns to PIPPIN and growls. PIPPIN (CONTD) He needs water. Please! ANGLE ON: UGLK makes his way through the ranks to the prisoners. UGLK Sick, is he? Give him some medicine, boys! The ORCS laugh and dump their ORC-DRAUGHT down MERRYS throat. MERRY chokes on the foul stuff. PIPPIN Stop it! UGLK Cant take his draught! The Orcs laugh again as MERRY chokes on the draught. PIPPIN Leave him alone! UGLK Why? ANGLE ON: PIPPIN looks at UGLK, afraid to respond. UGLK (CONTD) You want some? PIPPIN doesnt respond. UGLK (CONTD) Then keep your mouth shut. UGLK turns and walks away. ANGLE ON: PIPPIN turns to MERRY. (CONTINUED)

18. CONTINUED: (2) PIPPIN Merry. ANGLE ON: MERRY groggily lifts his head. MERRY Hello, Pip. PIPPIN Youre hurt. MERRY (smiling uneasily) Im fine. It was just an act. PIPPIN (disbelieving) An act? MERRY See? I fooled you too. ANGLE ON: PIPPIN smiles uneasily. MERRY (CONTD) Dont worry about me, Pippin. ANGLE ON: MAHUR sniffs the air again. UGLK appears behind him. UGLK What is it? What do you smell? MAHUR Man-flesh. UGLK They've picked up our trail. PIPPIN (quietly to himself) Aragorn! UGLK (loudly, to the company) Let's move! (CONTINUED)

19. CONTINUED: (3) The URUK-HAI break into a run. The NORTHERN ORCS follow. ANGLE ON: PIPPIN struggles to remove his ELVEN BROOCH from his LRIEN cloak with his teeth. Once he has it, he spits it onto the ground. CLOSE ON: The brooch lands in the grass. The URUK-HAI trample it, but it remains unbroken and visible. CUT TO: EXT. WESTERN EMYN MUIL - DAY ARAGORN lies on the ground with his eyes closed and ear pressed to the ground, listening. Suddenly, he opens his eyes. ARAGORN (softly) Their pace has quickened. He climbs to his feet. ARAGORN (CONTD) They must have caught our scent. (desperately) Hurry! He takes off Northward. ANGLE ON: LEGOLAS is running up the hill behind him. He stops and turns behind him. LEGOLAS Come on, Gimli! He runs onward. GIMLI struggles up the hill. ANGLE ON: GIMLI pauses in his steps and huffs. GIMLI Three days and nights pursuit. No food. No rest. And no sign of our quarry but what bare rock can tell. He runs after his companions beyond the boundaries of EMYN MUIL.

20. EXT. EAST WALL OF ROHAN - DAY HIGH AERIAL: The THREE HUNTERS run along the edge of the cliff over a trickling stream at least twenty leagues below. EXT. PLAINS OF ROHAN - DAY CLOSE ON: PIPPINS ELVEN BROOCH is still visible in the mud and grass in the open plains. A HAND suddenly reaches down to pick it up. ARAGORN draws it to his face, and then looks ahead. ARAGORN Not idly do the leaves of Lrien fall. ANGLE ON: LEGOLAS stops and turns to ARAGORN. LEGOLAS They may yet be alive. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN briefly studies the ground, and starts to run again. ARAGORN Less than a day ahead of us. Come. ARAGORN takes off. ANGLE ON: GIMLI stumbles from behind some rocks and rolls to the ground. LEGOLAS stops and turns to him. LEGOLAS Come, Gimli! We are gaining on them! GIMLI (panting) I am wasted on cross-country. We dwarves are natural sprinters. Very dangerous over short distances. ANGLE ON: The HUNTERS come over a hill and pause as they gaze across the open fields of ROHAN. ARAGORN Rohan. Home of the Horse-lords. Theres something strange at work here. Some evil gives speed to these creatures. Sets its will against us. (CONTINUED)

21. CONTINUED: ANGLE ON: LEGOLAS runs ahead and looks out to the horizon. ARAGORN (CONTD) Legolas! What do your Elf eyes see? WIDE ON: A distant cloud of dust stirs up the otherwise serene view of ROHAN. LEGOLAS The Uruks turn northeast. Theyre taking the Hobbits to Isengard! ARAGORN Saruman. CUT TO: EXT. ISENGARD - NIGHT WIDE ON: The TOWER OF ORTHANC stands amidst the smoking CAVERNS OF ISENGARD. Smoke issues forth from amidst the now ash-colored land within the RING OF ISENGARD. INT. ISENGARD, PALANTR CHAMBER - NIGHT ANGLE ON: SARUMAN stands in his chamber, his hand hovering over the PALANTR. Within the dark orb are swirls of fire. SARUMAN (V.O.) The world is changing. CLOSE ON: The view within the PALANTR changes to that of BARADDR. SARUMAN (V.O.) (CONTD) Who now has the strength to stand against the armies of Isengard and Mordor? INSERT IMAGE: ARMIES OF ORCS march out of BARAD-DR. SARUMAN (V.O.) (CONTD) To stand against the might of Sauron and Saruman and the union of the two towers? (CONTINUED)

22. CONTINUED: CRANE UP the height of the TOWER OF BARAD-DR, now completed dark and menacing. SARUMAN (V.O.) (CONTD) Together, my Lord Sauron, we shall rule this Middle-earth. ANGLE ON: The FLAMING EYE OF SAURON atop the tower, watching the world. EXT. ISENGARD - NIGHT ANGLES ON: The beautiful trees of ISENGARD hacked down by ORCS...AXES hack into the trucks...their carcasses thrown down into the PITS. INT. CAVERNS OF ISENGARD - NIGHT SERIES OF CUTS: SARUMAN walks through his domain...ORCS hack into the tree trunks...ORCS throws logs into furnaces... SARUMAN (V.O.) (CONTD) The Old World will burn in the fires of industry. The forests will fall. SERIES OF CUTS: MOLTEN METAL is poured into sword molds... finished swords are cooled...helmets are created...swords are pounded into shape...ORCS add the completed swords to a large pile...URUK-HAI are birthed into creation...an ORC inspects the finished URUK-HAI. SARUMAN (V.O.) (CONTD) A new order will rise. We will drive the machine of war with the sword and the spear and the iron fists of the Orc. EXT. ISENGARD - DAY WIDE ON: SARUMAN stands on a scaffold high above the CAVERNS. Far below, hundreds of ORCS go about their duties. SARUMAN turns to an ORC OVERSEER. SARUMAN (CONTD) I want them armed and ready to march within two weeks! (CONTINUED)

23. CONTINUED: ORC OVERSEER But, my lord, there are too many! They cannot all be armed in time, we dont have the means. SARUMAN Build a dam, block the stream, work the furnaces night and day. ORC OVERSEER We dont have enough fuel to feed the fires. CLOSE ON: SARUMAN looks up and smiles. WIDE ON: The beautiful and enormous FANGORN FOREST engulfs the nearby mountainside. SARUMAN The FOREST OF FANGORN lies on our doorstep. CLOSE ON: SARUMAN looks upon the view coldly. SARUMAN (CONTD) Burn it. ORC OVERSEER (happily) Yes. CUT TO: INT. ORTHANC, PALANTR CHAMBER - DAY ANGLE ON: SARUMAN sits upon his throne. A WILD MAN stands before him. WILD MAN We will fight for you. SARUMAN Swear it.


24. CONTINUED: CLOSE ON: The WILD MAN removes a knife from his belt, and holds it before him. He places the blade against his hand and cuts deeply. CLOSE ON: SARUMAN smiles. ANGLE ON: The WILD MAN clenches his fist. Blood seeps from between his fingers. WILD MAN We will die for Saruman. EXT. ISENGARD - DAY WIDE ON: SARUMAN stands in the midst of a large gathering of WILD MEN. SARUMAN The Horse-men took your land. ANGLE ON: SARUMAN stands within a tight circle of the scowling MEN. SARUMAN (CONTD) They drove your people into the hills to scratch a living off rocks. WILD MAN Murderers! The crowd descends quickly into a mob rule, quickly agreeing with the MAN. SARUMAN Take back the lands they stole from you. Burn every village! ANGLES ON: The WILD MEN roar with approval and charge off to destroy for SARUMAN. He walks calmly through the pandemonium. SARUMAN (V.O.) (CONTD) We have only to remove those who oppose us.

25. EXT. PLAINS OF ROHAN - DAY ANGLE ON: Several FORCES of MEN charge across ROHAN, heading toward a small village. SARUMAN (V.O.) (CONTD) It will begin in Rohan. INT. ROHAN VILLAGE - DAY The VILLAGERS quickly gather their things. SARUMAN (V.O.) (CONTD) Too long have these peasants stood against you. But no more. ANGLE ON: MORWEN packs necessities on her horse. She calls out to her CHILDREN. MORWEN othain! othain! ANGLE ON: A young boy and girl, OTHAIN and FREDA, run to their mother with their bags. MORWEN helps him on the horse. MORWEN (CONTD) Youll take your sister. Youll go faster with just two. FREDA Papa says othain must not ride Garulf. He is too big for him! MORWEN lifts FREDA onto the horse in front of her brother. MORWEN Listen to me. You must ride to Edoras and raise the alarm. Do you understand me? OTHAIN Yes, Mama! FREDA starts to cry, and reaches for her mother. FREDA I dont want to leave. I don't want to go, Mama. (CONTINUED)

26. CONTINUED: MORWEN Freda, I will find you there. A SCREAM BREAKS THE MOMENT. CLOSE ON: MORWEN runs to look. POV: The far side of the village is under siege. VILLAGERS are running towards MORWEN. MORWEN (CONTD) Quickly! ANGLE ON: MORWEN slaps the horse and it rides off with the children...FREDA continues crying and reaching for her mother...MORWEN looks after them, sorrowfully. MORWEN (CONTD) (quietly) Go, child. SERIES OF CUTS: WILD MEN and URUK-HAI overrun the village... the VILLAGERS try in vain to escape...they are cut down...the village burns in their wake... EXT. PLAINS OF ROHAN - DAY ANGLE ON: OTHAIN and FREDA weep as they look back. WIDE ON: The village burns. Smoke billows into the air. Reluctantly, they urge GARULF on to EDORAS. SARUMAN (V.O.) Rohan, my lord, is ready to fall. CUT TO: EXT. FORDS OF ISEN - NIGHT WIDE ON: The aftermath of a battle lies in and out of the water. A torrential downpour lends a grey air to the omnipresent death. ANGLE ON: OMER leads a group of ROHIRRIM HORSEMEN onto the scene and surveys the damage. (CONTINUED)

27. CONTINUED: OMER (quietly) Thodred. (to the ROHIRRIM) Find the kings son! ANGLES ON: The ROHIRRIM walk amongst the arrow-pierced dead, checking the face of each one. ROHAN SOLDIER 1 Mordor will pay for this. OMER These Orcs are not from Mordor. CLOSE ON: He kicks one of the dead Orcs to reveal the familiar WHITE HAND OF SARUMAN. ROHAN SOLDIER 2 My Lord omer, over here! ANGLE ON: OMER runs over to the riverbank where ROHAN SOLDIER 2 waits. CLOSE ON: They roll over THODRED. CLOSE ON: Hope flickers in OMERS eyes. OMER Hes alive. CUT TO: EXT. PLAINS OF ROHAN - DAY MONTAGE OF SHOTS: The ROHIRRIM ride to EDORAS...OMER leads, carrying a gravely wounded THODRED. EXT. EDORAS - DAY The HORSEMEN ride into the city. The people clear a path for the riders. EXT. MEDUSELD - DAY ANGLE ON: OWYN hastens up the stairs to the GOLDEN HALL.

28. INT. THODREDS BEDCHAMBER - DAY ANGLE ON: OWYN enters and runs over to THODREDS bed. OMER kneels beside it. She leans over THODRED. OWYN Thodred! ANGLE ON: THODRED head lolls, unresponsive. ANGLE ON: OMER nods to OWYN. OWYN draws back the covers and sees THODREDS fatal wound. She gasps, knowing the meaning. She looks to OMER, who nods. INT. MAIN HALL, MEDUSELD - DAY WIDE ON: OMER and OWYN stand before the king, THODEN, who sits motionless on his throne, wizened, and aged beyond his years. OWYN kisses his cheeks and kneels before him. OWYN (CONTD) Your son is badly wounded, my lord. OMER He was ambushed by Orcs. ANGLE ON: THODEN makes no response. He stares off into the distance. OMER (CONTD) If we dont defend our country, Saruman will take it by force. WORMTONGUE (O.S.) That is a lie. ANGLE ON: GRMA WORMTONGUE appears from the shadows. He walks over to stand beside the king. WORMTONGUE (CONTD) Saruman the White has ever been our friend and ally. ANGLE ON: OMER looks at WORMTONGUE with contempt. THODEN (mumbles feebly) Grma... Grma... (CONTINUED)

29. CONTINUED: ANGLE ON: WORMTONGUE leans down close to the King. THODEN (CONTD) My son... Grma... OMER Orcs are running freely across our lands. Unchecked. Unchallenged. Killing at will. Orcs bearing the White Hand of Saruman. ANGLE ON: OMER drops one of the ORC HELMETS onto the ground, which topples over to reveal the WHITE HAND OF SARUMAN. ANGLE ON: WORMTONGUE looks at it, as if considering his words. Finally, he speaks, but kneels down to THODRED, as if speaking to the king. WORMTONGUE Why do you lay these troubles on an already troubled mind? Can you not see? Your uncle is wearied by your malcontent, your warmongering. ANGLE ON: OMER looks over to WORMTONGUE, surprised. OMER Warmongering? OMER grabs WORMTONGUE and pins him against a pillar. OMER (CONTD) How long is it since Saruman bought you? What was the promised price, Grma? When all the Men are dead, you will take your share of the treasure? CLOSE ON: WORMTONGUES eyes flicks to right. OMER follows his glance. ANGLE ON: OWYN pauses to stare back for a moment before departing from the hall. ANGLE ON: OMER jerks WORMTONGUE again and clutches his hand around WORMTONGUES neck. (CONTINUED)

30. CONTINUED: (2) OMER (CONTD) Too long have you watched my sister. Too long have you haunted her steps. ANGLE ON: WORMTONGUES eyes flick to the left and right. He smiles as OMER is suddenly pulled off WORMTONGUE by his thugs. WORMTONGUE You see much, omer, Son of omund. Too much. The thugs punch OMER in the stomach. WORMTONGUE (CONTD) You are banished forthwith from the kingdom of Rohan and all its domains under pain of death. ANGLE ON: OMER struggles against the MEN. OMER You have no authority here. Your orders mean nothing. One of the MEN punches OMER in the stomach again. WORMTONGUE (shaking his head and smiling) This order does not come from me. It comes from the king. ANGLE ON: WORMTONGUE holds up a document with a sloppy scrawl of a signature at the bottom. WORMTONGUE (CONTD) He signed it this morning. ANGLE ON: The THUGS drag OMER away. CUT TO: EXT. PLAINS OF ROHAN - DAY The URUK-HAI and ORCS continue to run across the open plains with their HOBBIT captives. (CONTINUED)

31. CONTINUED: INTERCUT WITH: ARAGORN, LEGOLAS, and GIMLI continue to give pursuit. GIMLI Keep breathing. Thats the key. Breathe. LEGOLAS They run as if the very whips of their masters were behind them. The TWO PARTIES continue running over the vastness of ROHAN from day through to sunset. Neither the URUK-HAI nor the THREE HUNTERS willing to stop for rest or breath. EXT. BORDERS OF FANGORN - NIGHT MERRY and PIPPIN are suddenly thrown onto the ground. ANGLES ON: The ORCS collapse with exhaustion beneath the boughs of the trees on the very brink of the Fangorn Forest. ORC Were not going no further till weve had a breather. UGLK Get a fire going! WIDE ON: Several URUK-HAI break off and run into FANGORN FOREST. ANGLE ON: PIPPIN, hands still bound, crawls over to MERRY. PIPPIN Merry! Merry! MERRY opens his eyes. MERRY I think we might have made a mistake leaving the Shire, Pippin. PIPPIN laughs.

32. EXT. FANGORN FOREST - NIGHT ANGLES ON: A group of ORCS chops down the trees inside the Forest for firewood. ON THE SOUNDTRACK: Low groans and rumbles issue from the forest. EXT. BORDERS OF FANGORN - NIGHT ANGLE ON: PIPPIN turns to MERRY with fear. PIPPIN Whats making that noise? MERRY looks toward the forest. He smiles. MERRY Its the trees. PIPPIN What? MERRY Do you remember the Old Forest, on the borders of Buckland? Folk used to say there was something in the water that made the trees grow tall...and come alive. PIPPIN Alive? ON THE SOUNDTRACK: Another groan issues from the Forest. MERRY Trees that could whisper, talk to each other, even move. ANGLE ON: An URUK-HAI stares at a piece of bread, and then throws it to the ground. URUK-HAI I'm starving. We ain't had nothing but maggoty bread for three stinking days. ANGLE ON: AN ORC looks up in agreement. (CONTINUED)

33. CONTINUED: SNAGA Yeah! Why cant we have some meat?! CLOSE ON: The SNAGAS eyes grow wide and hungry. ANGLE ON: MERRY and PIPPIN look over to the ORC. They squirm uncomfortably. SNAGA What about them? Theyre fresh. UGLK They are not for eating. ANGLE ON: An URUK-HAI stands the HOBBITS up and moves them off to the side. ANGLE ON: GRISHNKH watches their movements hungrily. GRISHNKH What about their legs? They don't need those. They look tasty. GRISHNKH makes a move towards the HOBBITS. UGLK shoves him back into the ORCS. UGLK Get back, scum! The ORCS spring forward and scowl at UGLK. UGLK (CONTD) The prisoners go to Saruman. Alive and unspoiled. GRISHNKH Alive? ANGLE ON: GRISHNKH feints to one side of UGLK to have another good look at the HOBBITS. GRISHNKH (CONTD) Why alive? Do they give good sport? He looks to UGLK hungrily. UGLK is unmoved. (CONTINUED)

34. CONTINUED: (2) UGLK They have something. An Elvish weapon. The master wants it for the war. ANGLE ON: SNAGA stealthily approaches from behind MERRY and PIPPIN, licking his lips. ANGLE ON: PIPPIN leans over to MERRY. PIPPIN They think we have the Ring. MERRY quickly shushes PIPPIN. MERRY As soon as they find out we dont, were dead. ANGLE ON: SNAGA rises up from behind the HOBBITS and raises his blade. SNAGA Just a mouthful. A bit of the flank. MERRY and PIPPIN gasp. SUDDENLY, UGLK swings his weapon...MERRY and PIPPIN shudder as SNAGAS head tumbles to the ground between them...They turn around to see his body stand for a moment, and then topple over. UGLK Looks like meats back on the menu, boys. ANGLES ON: The ORCS and URUK-HAI cheer mightily. They shove MERRY and PIPPIN to the ground and tear at the carcass. MERRY Pippin. Lets go. Their hands still bound, the HOBBITS crawl away. (CONTINUED)

35. CONTINUED: (3) SUDDENLY, a foot comes down on MERRY. ANGLE ON: PIPPIN turns over and looks straight into the face of... CLOSE ON: ...GRISHNKH brandishing a blade in his face. GRISHNKH Go on. Call for help. GRISHNKH grabs PIPPIN by the face and pulls him closer. GRISHNKH (CONTD) Squeal. No ones gonna save you now. ANGLE ON: SUDDENLY, a SPEAR pierces GRISHNKHS back. He screams and rolls off of PIPPIN...PIPPIN and MERRY look up to see who threw the spear. ANGLES ON: The ORCS halt their feast and look into the darkness to find... ANGLES ON: ...Hundreds of HORSEMEN burst onto the camp. The ROHIRRIM throw spears and quickly begin to decimate the Orcs numbers. ANGLE ON: MERRY starts crawling again. MERRY Pippin! SERIES OF CUTS: The ORCS and URUKS make a feeble charge on the ROHIRRIM. The ROHIRRIM mercilessly slaughter them with swords, arrows, and spears, all from horseback! The ORCS and URUKS run for their lives! ANGLE ON: PIPPIN looks around quickly in the ensuing pandemonium...he rolls onto his back and looks up to find... POV: ...A HORSE REARING ABOVE HIM! THE HOOVES CRASH DOWN. CUT TO:

36. EXT. PLAINS OF ROHAN - DAY The dawning sun rises as the THREE HUNTERS continue their trek across the fields at high speed. ANGLE ON: LEGOLAS pauses and looks upon the sun with dread. LEGOLAS A red sun rises. Blood has been spilled this night. Without another word, he continues on the hunt. EXT. PLAINS OF ROHAN - DAY At the top of a rise, ARAGORN stops again to examine the ground. ON THE SOUNDTRACK: The SOUNDS OF HORSES NEIGHING BREAKS THE AIR! ANGLE ON: ARAGORN looks up warily. He gestures to LEGOLAS and GIMLI to hasten behind a nearby rock formation to hide. WIDE ON: The OMER AND HIS RIDERS OF ROHAN ride over the hill. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN looks up at them passing. He walks calmly out of hiding. ARAGORN (calling out) Riders of Rohan, what news from the Mark? WIDE ON: The HEAD HORSEMAN signals the pack with his spear. With astonishing speed and skill, the ROHIRRIM check their steeds, wheel around, and charge the THREE. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN is joined by LEGOLAS and GIMLI. Together, they watch the ROHIRRIM approach. WIDE ON: The RIDERS circle around the THREE HUNTERS tightly. They suddenly stop and point their spears at the THREE. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN holds up his hands in surrender...OMER rides forward and addresses them from his steed. (CONTINUED)

37. CONTINUED: OMER What business does an Elf, a Man and a Dwarf have in the Riddermark? Speak quickly! GIMLI (defiantly) Give me your name, horse-master, and I shall give you mine. ANGLE ON: OMER hands his staff to another RIDER, and gets off his horse. ANGLE ON: GIMLI gives an arrogant nod at OMERS approach. ARAGORN puts a hand on GIMLIS shoulder to stay him. OMER I would cut off your head, beard and all, Master Dwarf, if it stood but a little higher from the ground. ANGLE ON: In a lightning fast move, LEGOLAS nocks an arrow, and points it at OMER. LEGOLAS You would die before your stroke fell. IN A TENSE MOMENT, ALL SPEARS ARE TRAINED ON LEGOLAS. ARAGORN lowers LEGOLAS bow. ARAGORN I am Aragorn, son of Arathorn. This is Gimli, son of Glin and Legolas of the Woodland Realm. We are friends of Rohan and of Thoden, your king. OMER Thoden no longer recognizes friend from foe. ANGLE ON: OMER removes his helmet. OMER (CONTD) Not even his own kin. (CONTINUED)

38. CONTINUED: (2) The ROHIRRIM withdraw their spears. OMER (CONTD) Saruman has poisoned the mind of the king and claimed lordship over these lands. My company are those loyal to Rohan. And for that, we are banished. (quietly to the THREE; accusing) The White Wizard is cunning. He walks here and there, they say, as an old man hooded and cloaked. And everywhere, his spies slip past our nets. ARAGORN We are no spies. We track a party of Uruk-Hai westward across the plain. They have taken two of our friends captive. OMER The Uruks are destroyed. We slaughtered them during the night. ANGLE ON: GIMLI springs forward. GIMLI (desperately) But there were two Hobbits. Did you see two Hobbits with them? ARAGORN They would be small. Only children to your eyes. OMER (shaking his head) We left none alive. We piled the carcasses and burned them. ANGLE ON: Smoke rises from a pile in the distance. ANGLES ON: ARAGORN looks away, dumbfounded...GIMLI stands in shock. GIMLI Dead? (CONTINUED)

39. CONTINUED: (3) OMER (nodding) I am sorry. LEGOLAS puts a hand on Gimlis shoulder in grief. ANGLE ON: OMER turns and whistles. OMER Hasufel! Arod! Two steeds move to the forefront. OMER lovingly places his hand on them. OMER May these horses bear you to better fortune than their former masters. Farewell. OMER puts on his helmet and returns to his horse. OMER Look for your friends. But do not trust to hope. It has forsaken these lands. (To the RIDERS) We ride north! WIDE ON: The ROHIRRIM quickly ride off and disappear to the North. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN looks toward the smoldering pile. EXT. PLAINS OF ROHAN - DAY WIDE ON: ARAGORN on HASUFEL, and GIMLI riding behind LEGOLAS on AROD, they ride across the Plains toward the edge of the FANGORN FOREST, where the pile of dead Orcs smolders. EXT. BORDERS OF FANGORN - DAY ANGLE ON: THE THREE HUNTERS halt their steeds beside the pile and dismount. They look upon the pile with dismay. (CONTINUED)

40. CONTINUED: LATER... GIMLI half-heartedly shifts through the smoldering ORCS with his axe. He reaches down to retrieve one of the HOBBITS sheathes. He turns mournfully to ARAGORN and LEGOLAS. GIMLI Its one of their wee belts. ANGLE ON: LEGOLAS bows his head and closes his eyes. LEGOLAS (in ELVISH) Hiro hyn hdh ab 'wanath. May they find peace in death. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN kicks a helmet. He screams a cry of anguished defeat and falls to his knees, hanging his head low. He sits in despair. GIMLI We failed them. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN turns his head. Something on the ground suddenly catches his attention. A glimmer of hope flickers across his visage as he notes some marks on the ground. He moves towards them, and touches the spots with his hands. ARAGORN A Hobbit lay here. And the other. He sits back to ponder the meaning of these marks. INTERCUT WITH: PIPPIN screams as the HORSE rears over him. He rolls out of the way as it CRASHES DOWN. ANGLE ON: ARAGORNS eyes shift to a new set of markings off to one side. ARAGORN (CONTD) They crawled. INTERCUT WITH: PIPPIN crawls across the raging battlefield. (CONTINUED)

41. CONTINUED: (2) ANGLE ON: ARAGORN tracks the HOBBITS with LEGOLAS and GIMLI closely following his progress. He points out the marks. ARAGORN (CONTD) Their hands were bound. INTERCUT WITH: PIPPIN reaches a fallen blade. He rubs his bonds furiously against its sharp edge. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN comes upon a short length of rope buried in the trampled grass. ARAGORN (CONTD) Their bonds were cut. He continues tracking across the grass. INTERCUT WITH: PIPPIN frantically releases MERRY from his bonds, and pulls him to his feet. They begin to make their way to safety outside the ring of battle. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN continues to follow their progress from the history they left in the dirt and grass. INTERCUT WITH: MERRY and PIPPIN narrowly avoid horse, spear, and falling ORC to make their way to safety. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN points out their tracks in the ground. ARAGORN (CONTD) They ran over here. As he follows the prints, he notes another set along side them. ARAGORN (CONTD) They were followed. INTERCUT WITH: As they flee, GRISHNKH, wounded on the ground, grabs PIPPIN by his belt and clings on. MERRY The belt!


42. CONTINUED: (4) PIPPIN unbuckles his belt, leaving it with GRISHNKH. GRISHNKH throws it onto the ground and crawls after them. The HOBBITS continue running at their top speed away across the plain. MERRY (CONTD) Run! ANGLE ON: ARAGORN runs after their tracks, imagining them. ARAGORN The tracks lead away from the battle... INTERCUT WITH: MERRY and PIPPIN run right into FANGORN FOREST and disappear in the trees. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN, LEGOLAS, and GIMLI are running and stop short of entering FANGORN. ARAGORN (CONTD) ...into Fangorn Forest. WIDE ON: The THREE HUNTERS look into the dense and dark forest of gnarled trees so close together, its as if it is guarding against entry. GIMLI Fangorn? What madness drove them in there? ANGLE ON: The THREE HUNTERS continue to look into the forest, uncertain as to whether they should enter or not. PAN INTO THE FOREST AND CROSSFADE TO: EXT. FANGORN FOREST - NIGHT WIDE ON: PIPPIN and MERRY charge into the looming forest checking behind them as they go. ANGLE ON: They finally collapse on a bed of leaves and look about them. WIDE ON: MERRY and PIPPIN seem all of a sudden much smaller compared to the majesty of the ancient forest. (CONTINUED)

43. CONTINUED: PIPPIN Did we lose him? I think we lost him. ANGLE ON: PIPPIN and MERRY turns in the direction of an approaching sound. Their expressions drop. ANGLE ON: GRISHNKH stumbles his way through the underbrush, looking for them. He holds his blade before him, ready to strike. GRISHNKH (grumbling) Im going to rip out your filthy little innards! ANGLE ON: MERRY and PIPPIN hasten behind a tree. GRISHNKH (CONTD) Come here! ANGLE ON: MERRY and PIPPIN run across the forest, desperate for a hiding place. MERRY Trees. Climb a tree. ANGLES ON: MERRY and PIPPIN quickly climb the nearest tree. ANGLE ON: MERRY climbs to the lowermost branch and looks about the forest. POV: GRISHNKH is nowhere in sight. MERRY sighs with relief. MERRY (CONTD) He's gone. SUDDENLY, MERRY is jerked out of the tree. ANGLE ON: He falls to the ground in a heap, and GRISHNKH looms over him, hungrily. MERRY kicks him in the face, but he is undeterred. MERRY attempts to back away from his attacker, but GRISHNKH maintains his superior position. PIPPIN (from the tree) Merry! (CONTINUED)

44. CONTINUED: (2) ANGLE ON: PIPPIN looks down, helpless. Suddenly, as if reacting to Pippins yell, TWO YELLOW EYES flicker open on the tree. PIPPIN glances over to them, and then back to MERRY. Realization dawns on him, and he slowly looks back at the EYES. The TREE grimaces and then turns its head to looks directly at PIPPIN. Speechless, PIPPIN loses his grip and begins to fall. The TREE lifts one of its limbs and catches PIPPIN in its hand before he can get very far. ANGLE ON: GRISHNKH raises his blade to pierce MERRY. GRISHNKH Lets put a maggot hole in your belly! The TREE raises a leg high over GRISHNKH. ANGLE ON: MERRY takes his attention from GRISHNKH and focuses on the TREE. ANGLE ON: GRISHNKH notices MERRYS expression and looks behind him. HIGH ANGLE ON: The TREE brings its leg down and smashes GRISHNKH into the ground. PIPPIN Run, Merry! ANGLE ON: MERRY runs, but is quickly overtaken by the TREE who takes a mighty step and scoops MERRY up into his other hand. ANGLE ON: The TREE examines the struggling HOBBITS as he continues walking through the forest. THE TREE Little Orcs. Burrum... PIPPIN stops struggling and looks at MERRY, wide-eyed. PIPPIN Its talking, Merry. The tree is talking.


45. CONTINUED: (3) THE TREE (angrily) Tree? I am no tree! I am an Ent. ANGLE ON: Recognition dawns on MERRYS face, and he smiles in wonder and delight. MERRY A tree-herder. A shepherd of the forest. PIPPIN Dont talk to it, Merry. Dont encourage it! TREEBEARD TREEBEARD, some call me. PIPPIN And whose side are you on? TREEBEARD Side? I am on nobodys side because nobodys on my side, little Orc. Nobody cares for the woods anymore. MERRY Were not Orcs! Were Hobbits! TREEBEARD Hobbits? Never heard of a Hobbit before. Sounds like Orc mischief to me! He squeezes the HOBBITS in rage...MERRY and PIPPIN squirm in pain. TREEBEARD (CONTD) (angrily) They come with fire. They come with axes. Gnawing, biting, breaking, hacking, burning! Destroyers and usurpers! Curse them! MERRY No! You dont understand. Were Hobbits! Halflings! Shire-folk! (CONTINUED)

46. CONTINUED: (4) They continue struggling in TREEBEARDS firm grip. TREEBEARD Maybe you are and maybe you arent. The White Wizard will know. PIPPIN (worried) The White Wizard? MERRY (quietly) Saruman. TREEBEARD drops them at the feet of a WIZARD dressed in gleaming white with long, white hair. MERRY and PIPPIN slowly look up to the WIZARD. CUT TO: EXT. EMYN MUIL - DAY GOLLUM scrambles upward through a narrow pass, with FRODO and SAM following close behind. He leaps up to a higher point as the HOBBITS trail. GOLLUM See? See? We have led you out. Hurry, Hobbitses. Hurry! FRODO and SAM catch up to GOLLUM. He climbs atop a rock. GOLLUM (CONTD) Very lucky we find you. WIDE ON: They stand at the edge of EMYN MUIL overlooking the next part of their journey with MORDOR in the distance. FRODO walks past, but SAM pauses to give GOLLUM an evil look. GOLLUM cringes. GOLLUM (CONTD) Nice Hobbit. He leaps after FRODO, putting a wide berth between him and SAM. CUT TO:

47. EXT. THE DEAD MARSHES - TWILIGHT ANGLE ON: Sams foot slips in a puddle of muck...he starts backward to get a view of where theyre going. SAM Its a bog. Hes led us into a swamp. GOLLUM A swamp, yes, yes. Come, master. We will take you on safe paths through the mist. WIDE ON: GOLLUM starts making his way across an invisible path across the wetlands. He looks back to the HOBBITS. GOLLUM (gesturing) Come, Hobbits, come. We go quickly. FRODO and SAM follow him. EXT. AERIAL OF THE DEAD MARSHES - DAY AERIAL: The DEAD MARSHES stretch for miles and miles as far as the eye can see...FRODO, SAM, and GOLLUM appear AS TINY AS SPECKS slowly crossing it. GOLLUM (V.O.) (CONTD) I found it, I did. The way through the marshes. Orcs don't use it. Orcs don't know it. They go around for miles and miles. Come quickly. Soft and quick as shadows we must be. EXT. THE DEAD MARSHES - DAY ANGLE ON: FRODO, SAM and GOLLUM rest from the days journey. SAM I hate this place. Its too quiet. Theres been no sight or sound of a bird for two days. GOLLUM No, no birdses to eat. No crunchable birdses. (CONTINUED)

48. CONTINUED: SAM locates some LEMBAS BREAD in his pack and hands some to FRODO, before getting some for himself. GOLLUM pounds the ground in frustration. GOLLUM (CONTD) We are famished! Yes! Famished we are, precious! Suddenly, GOLLUM sees something on the ground. His eyes dart around following it, before his hands move like lightning to snatch up-a worm. He looks at it suspiciously, shakes it a little, and then slurps it down with a grimace. CLOSE ON: SAM grimaces as well and opts out of finishing his bit of LAMBAS BREAD. ANGLE ON: FRODO breaks a piece off of his bread and tosses it to GOLLUM. FRODO Here. ANGLE ON: GOLLUM snaps around to look at it. GOLLUM What does it eats? He runs over to the piece on the ground and circles it like a hungry animal. GOLLUM (CONTD) Is it tasty? He picks it up and tosses it into his mouth. Almost immediately, he dramatically chokes on it and spits it out. CLOSE ON: SAM rolls his eyes and sighs. ANGLE ON: GOLLUM hacks and coughs. GOLLUM (CONTD) It tries to chokes us! We cant eats Hobbit food! We must starve! (CONTINUED)

49. CONTINUED: (2) GOLLUM bawls and falls onto his back, whining. SAM Well, starve, then. And good riddance! GOLLUM crawls toward SAM. GOLLUM Oh, cruel Hobbit. It does not care if we be hungry. Does not care if we should die. ANGLE ON: GOLLUM turns to FRODO, his eyes growing wide and innocent. GOLLUM (CONTD) Not like master. ANGLE ON: FRODO ignores GOLLUMS words. GOLLUM (CONTD) Master cares. Master knows. FRODO looks to GOLLUM, beginning to understand. GOLLUM (CONTD) Yes. Precious. CLOSE ON: FRODO raises his hand to cover the RING hidden under his tunic. CLOSE ON: GOLLUM mimics his action, watching where FRODO holds. GOLLUM (CONTD) Once it takes hold of us, it never lets go. ANGLE ON: FRODO is tranced by the truth of Gollums words. ANGLE ON: GOLLUM reaches out to touch the RING...FRODO comes to, and slaps Gollums hand away. FRODO Dont touch me! GOLLUM shrinks away from FRODO. There is a tense moment before GOLLUM backs away from FRODO and lies down on the ground.

50. EXT. THE DEAD MARSHES - DAY GOLLUM leads SAM and FRODO into an area of the marshes where small flames burn on the surface of the mist-covered waters. ANGLE ON: SAM suddenly stops and glimpses beneath the waters surface. ANGLE ON: PALLID FACES of dead MEN and ELVES float in the water. SAM There are dead things! Dead faces in the water. ANGLE ON: FRODO looks to the disturbing sight. GOLLUM All dead. All rotten. Elves and Men and Orcses. A great battle long ago. ANGLE ON: GOLLUM stops and turns to the HOBBITS. GOLLUM (CONTD) Dead Marshes. Yes. Yes, that is their name. (gesturing and moving on) This way. Dont follow the lights. ANGLE ON: SAM slips into the water again...GOLLUM turns to them quickly. GOLLUM (CONTD) Careful now! CLOSE ON: The DEAD FACES IN THE WATER. GOLLUM (O.S.) (CONTD) Or Hobbits go down to join the dead ones and light little candles of their own. ANGLE ON: SAM warily follows GOLLUM, but FRODO is drawn toward the water. ANGLE ON: One of the DEAD dressed in ELVEN ARMOUR. It floats just beneath the surface with a disturbing peacefulness. ANGLE ON: FRODO draws himself closer and closer to the water. (CONTINUED)

51. CONTINUED: ANGLE ON: SAM looks around. His face drops when he sees where FRODO is. SAM Frodo! ANGLE ON: FRODO pays SAM no mind, but continues to stare at the DEAD ELF in the water. CLOSE ON: SUDDENLY, the Dead Elfs eyes snap open. Its blank, pallid stare looks straight at FRODO. ANGLE ON: FRODO registers surprise only for a moment before falling face-first into the marsh...SAM bolts toward him. INT. THE DEAD MARSHES - DAY ANGLE ON: FRODO floats beneath the surface. He looks about in fear...a decayed face silently screams and moves toward him, reaching out its rotten hand... Panicked, FRODO tries to escape. Two more DEAD grasp him from behind. The DEAD quickly surrounded him, grasping with decayed limbs. Another hand reaches around FRODO, and he collapses into the dead behind him. EXT. THE DEAD MARSHES - DAY GOLLUM pulls FRODO out of the BOG...FRODO gasps and sputters for air...GOLLUM drags the struggling FRODO completely out of the water, and lays him on the ground. ANGLE ON: FRODO finally comes to and looks over to his savior, in perplexed gratitude and disbelief. FRODO Gollum? GOLLUM (emphatically) Dont follow the lights. He crawls away. SAM runs to Frodos side. (CONTINUED)

52. CONTINUED: FRODO Gollum! SAM Mr. Frodo! Are you all right? SAM drags FRODO away from the swamp. FRODO stares after GOLLUM. CUT TO: EXT. THE DEAD MARSHES - NIGHT WIDE ON: MOUNT DOOM chokes ash and fire, giving light to the night. PAN OVER THE CAMP: The HOBBITS sleep...or so it appears. ANGLE ON: FRODO holds the RING in the palm of his hand, caressing it...gazing upon it. SUDDENLY, he hears GOLLUM. He grasps the RING, as if to hide it. GOLLUM (O.S.) So bright. So beautiful. FRODO quickly stuffs the RING inside his shirt. ANGLE ON: FRODO rolls over. GOLLUM crouches away from him, stroking the centre of his palm, just as FRODO was doing only a moment before. GOLLUM (CONTD) Our precious. FRODO What did you say? ANGLE ON: GOLLUM calmly turns to FRODO, still lost in his own reverie. GOLLUM Master should be resting. Master needs to keep up his strength. FRODO gets up and stands behind GOLLUM. (CONTINUED)

53. CONTINUED: FRODO Who are you? GOLLUM (quickly) Mustnt ask us. Not its business. (coughing) Gollum. Gollum. FRODO crouches behind him. FRODO Gandalf told me you were one of the river-folk. GOLLUM (absently; ignoring Frodo) Cold be heart and hand and bone Cold be travelers far from home FRODO He said your life was a sad story. GOLLUM They do not see what lies ahead, when sun has failed and moon is dead. FRODO You were not so very different from a Hobbit once. Were you? He looks closely at GOLLUM, who tries to ignore him. FRODO (CONTD) Smagol. CLOSE ON: GOLLUM reacts. He looks up slowly. His face changes to that of surprise and wonder. GOLLUM What did you call me? FRODO That was your name once, wasnt it? A long time ago. (CONTINUED)

54. CONTINUED: (2) GOLLUM (with difficulty) My name...my name... (smiling) Smagol. ON THE SOUNDTRACK: A piercing cry breaks the silence of the night. ANGLES ON: SAM snaps around, waking up instantly...FRODO looks around quickly...GOLLUM gasps and lays close to the ground, trying to hide. SAM Black Riders! GOLLUM Hide! Hide! ANGLE ON: GOLLUM runs off. FRODO grasps the RING and groans in agony. FLASH INSERT: The faces of the RINGWRAITHS bear down on FRODO. The WITCH KING reaches for the RING. ANGLE ON: FRODO collapses onto the ground, wincing. FLASH INSERT: Surrounded by the RINGWRAITHS, the WITCH KING reels back and stabs FRODO with his blade. ANGLE ON: FRODO lurches reliving the act, clutching his shoulder...SAM runs over to him...he passes GOLLUM, hiding under a small tree. SAM Come on, Frodo! Come on! SAM drags FRODO across the ground toward GOLLUM. GOLLUM Quick! They will see us! They will see us! SAM finally gets FRODO over with GOLLUM under the tree. (CONTINUED)

55. CONTINUED: (3) SAM I thought they were dead! GOLLUM (shaking his head) Dead? No, you cannot kill them. No. ANGLE ON: GOLLUM and SAM look out to see if they can spot the RINGWRAITH. EXT. SKIES ABOVE THE DEAD MARSHES - DAY CLOSE ON: ARMOURED HANDS grip the reins of a flying FELLBEAST. ANGLE ON: The RINGWRAITH looks out from behind the darkness of his hood. AERIAL ON: SCREAMS of the DARK RIDER fill the air as the winged beast flies over the Marshes. EXT. THE DEAD MARSHES - DAY GOLLUM whelps and cowers as the RINGWRAITH swoops over their hiding place. ANGLE ON: SAM ducks, covering FRODO. GOLLUM (CONTD) Wraiths! Wraiths on wings! CLOSE ON: FRODOS eyes roll back into his head as the shrieks of the NAZGL penetrate him. He clutches the RING at his chest. ANGLE ON: GOLLUM looks over to him, concerned. GOLLUM (CONTD) They are calling for it. They are calling for the precious. CLOSE ON: FRODO hyperventilates and continues clutching the RING as it tries to take him and respond to the calls of the WRAITHS. SAM grabs Frodos hand and shakes him. SAM Mr. Frodo! Its alright. Im here. (CONTINUED)

56. CONTINUED: AERIAL ON: The RINGWRAITH passes over them once more before turning towards MORDOR. ANGLE ON: GOLLUM watches it go, and then turns to the HOBBITS, as they sit up. GOLLUM Hurry, Hobbits. The Black Gate is very close. CUT TO: EXT. FANGORN FOREST - DAY CLOSE ON: A DARK STAIN dominates a leaf of one of the many plants on the floor of FANGORN FOREST...Someone approaches...A HAND touches the stain and brings it up to his mouth...It is GIMLI...He spits out the offending substance. GIMLI Orc blood. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN scours the forest floor, following the tracks of the HOBBITS. LEGOLAS follows closely, and GIMLI joins them. ARAGORN suddenly halts, regarding his latest findings. ARAGORN These are strange tracks. GIMLI (fearful) The air is so close in here. ANGLE ON: LEGOLAS looks about the forest, as if feeling it. LEGOLAS This forest is old. Very old. Full of memory...and anger. ON THE SOUNDTRACK: Low groans reverberate throughout the forest. ANGLE ON: GIMLI gasps and raises his axe. LEGOLAS (CONTD) The trees are speaking to each other. (CONTINUED)

57. CONTINUED: ANGLE ON: ARAGORN turns to GIMLI, who is fearfully waving his axe about, looking for foes. ARAGORN (whispering) Gimli! ANGLE ON: GIMLI starts at the sound of his name. ARAGORN (CONTD) (gesturing) Lower your axe. GIMLI recollects himself and lowers his axe, as if surrendering. LEGOLAS (reverently) They have feelings, my friend. The Elves began it. Waking up the trees, teaching them to speak. GIMLI (in disbelief) Talking trees. What do trees have to talk about? Except the consistency of squirrel droppings. They continue walking through the forest. ANGLE ON: SUDDENLY, LEGOLAS senses something and runs off for a better look. LEGOLAS (in ELVISH; subtitled) Aragorn, nad n ennas! Something is out there. CLOSE ON: LEGOLAS intently searches the FOREST. ARAGORN comes up behind him. (CONTINUED)

58. CONTINUED: (2) ARAGORN (in ELVISH; subtitled) Man cenich? What do you see? LEGOLAS (whispered) The White Wizard approaches. CLOSE ON: The THREE HUNTERS weigh the gravity of this pronouncement. ARAGORN (whispered) Do not let him speak. He will put a spell on us. CLOSE ON: ARAGORN readies his sword...GIMLI grips his axes... LEGOLAS nocks an arrow. ARAGORN (CONTD) (whispered) We must be quick. QUICK SERIES OF CUTS: WITH A YELL, the three swing round to attack...a bright light envelops them from the WIZARD...GIMLI throws his axe...it is shattered...LEGOLAS launches an arrow... it is deflected...ARAGORNS sword becomes red hot in his grasp ...it clatters to the forest floor. ANGLE ON: The THREE HUNTERS shield their eyes from the blinding light emanating from the WHITE WIZARD. WHITE WIZARD You are tracking the footsteps of two young Hobbits. ARAGORN Where are they? WHITE WIZARD They passed this way the day before yesterday. They met someone they did not expect. Does that comfort you? (CONTINUED)

59. CONTINUED: (3) ARAGORN Who are you? Show yourself! ANGLE ON: The WHITE WIZARD recalls his light...slowly, his face is revealed...standing before them, DRESSED ALL IN WHITE, is GANDALF! ANGLE ON: ARAGORN looks upon him, astounded. ARAGORN It cannot be. LEGOLAS (kneeling) Forgive me. I mistook you for Saruman. GIMLI joins LEGOLAS in bowing before the light of GANDALF. GANDALF I am Saruman. Or rather, Saruman as he should have been. ARAGORN You fell. GANDALF Through fire and water. EXT. DURINS TOWER, SILVERTINE - FLASHBACK WIDE ON: In a raging snowstorm, high atop SILVERTINE in the living rock of ZIRAKZIGIL, GANDALF faces off with the BALROG in DURINS TOWER. GANDALF (V.O.) (CONTD) From the lowest dungeon to the highest peak, I fought with the Balrog of Morgoth. ANGLE ON: GANDALF holds up GLAMDRING...lightning energizes it. THE BALROG charges GANDALF again...GANDALF plunges GLAMDRING into the BALROG. WIDE ON: With a final cry, the BALROG falls, smoking, from the peak and lands on the icy mountainside. (CONTINUED)

60. CONTINUED: GANDALF (V.O.) (CONTD) Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside. ANGLE ON: High above the BALROG, GANDALF lies upon the snowy peak, dying. GANDALF (V.O.) (CONTD) Darkness took me, and I strayed out of thought and time. TRACK IN TO GANDALFS EYE...A BRIGHT LIGHT erupts... INSERT IMAGE: DEATH...BIRTH...COSMIC WEIRDNESS... GANDALF (V.O.) (CONTD) Stars wheeled overhead and every day was as long as a life age of the Earth. WHITE LIGHT ENVELOPES THE IMAGE... TRACK OUT FROM GANDALFS EYE... GANDALF (V.O.) (CONTD) But it was not the end. I felt life in me again. ANGLE ON: GANDALF lies upon the ground - naked, calm, and still. His hair has turned white, and his wounds are healed. He suddenly utters with a deep gasp and pants as life returns to him. GANDALF (V.O.) (CONTD) I've been sent back... EXT. FANGORN FOREST - DAY GANDALF (CONTD) ...until my task is done. ARAGORN Gandalf. (CONTINUED)

61. CONTINUED: GANDALF (momentarily confused) Gandalf? Yes. (smiling) That's what they used to call me. ARAGORN nods...GANDALF looks at ARAGORN, smiling. GANDALF (CONTD) Gandalf the Grey. That was my name. GIMLI Gandalf. GANDALF (with a smile) I am Gandalf the White. LEGOLAS grins. GANDALF And I come back to you now at the turn of the tide. EXT. FANGORN FOREST - DAY WIDE ON: GANDALF leads ARAGORN, LEGOLAS, and GIMLI through the forest. He wears his ELVEN CLOAK over his white robes. GANDALF (CONTD) One stage of the journey is over, another begins. We must travel to Edoras with all speed. GIMLI Edoras? That is no short distance! ARAGORN We hear of trouble in Rohan. It goes ill with the king. GANDALF stops. GANDALF Yes, and it will not be easily cured. (CONTINUED)

62. CONTINUED: GIMLI Then we have run all this way for nothing? Are we to leave those poor Hobbits here in this horrid, dark, dank tree-infested--? WIDE ON: The FOREST responds to Gimlis complaints with a low rumble. ANGLE ON: GIMLI stops and looks around, fearfully. GIMLI (CONTD) I mean, charming...quite charming forest. He smiles. The rumbling ceases. ANGLE ON: GANDALF turns to GIMLI. GANDALF It was more than mere chance that brought Merry and Pippin to Fangorn. A great power has been sleeping here for many long years. The coming of Merry and Pippin will be like the falling of small stones that starts an avalanche in the mountains. ARAGORN In one thing you have not changed, dear friend. GANDALF leans close to ARAGORN. ARAGORN (CONTD) (low) You still speak in riddles. They laugh. GANDALF A thing is about to happen that has not happened since the Elder Days. The Ents are going to wake up and find that they are strong. (CONTINUED)

63. CONTINUED: (2) GIMLI Strong?! (smiling nervously) Oh, thats good. GANDALF (turning to leave) So stop your fretting, Master Dwarf. GANDALF starts walking out of the FOREST again. GANDALF (CONTD) Merry and Pippin are quite safe. In fact, they are far safer than you are about to be. GIMLI (to himself) This new Gandalfs more grumpy than the old one. GIMLI trudges after the rest of the party. EXT. BORDER OF FANGORN FOREST - DAY ANGLE ON: GANDALF whistles piercingly. It echoes off into the distance. He whistles again. As the echo dies out, a neigh answers him. ANGLE ON: A magnificent WHITE HORSE gallops towards GANDALF over a nearby hill...GANDALF smiles. ANGLE ON: LEGOLAS, standing with ARAGORN, GIMLI and their steeds, looks upon the approaching steed in awe. LEGOLAS That is one of the Mearas, unless my eyes are cheated by some spell. ANGLE ON: The horse gallops across the plain and comes to a stop in front of GANDALF. GANDALF Shadowfax. He is the lord of all horses ...and has been my friend through many dangers. (CONTINUED)

64. CONTINUED: GANDALF walks up to SHADOWFAX and strokes his neck. CUT TO: EXT. PLAINS OF ROHAN - DAY The THREE HUNTERS make haste in riding across the vast plains to their destination at EDORAS. EXT. FANGORN FOREST - DAY ANGLE ON: TREEBEARD continues his slow trek through the forest. MERRY and PIPPIN remain perched in his branches - helplessly lead along to whatever fate has in store for them. TREEBEARD (passionately) O Rowan mine I saw you shine Upon a summers day Upon your head How golden-red The crown you bore aloft MERRY yawns. TREEBEARD (CONTD) Such a beautiful verse. MERRY Is it much further? TREEBEARD Bru-ra-hroom. Dont be hasty. You might call it far, perhaps. My home lies deep in the forest near the roots of the mountain. I told Gandalf I would keep you safe. And safe is where Ill keep you. I believe you will enjoy this next one too. Its one of my own compositions. Right. TREEBEARD clears his throat. ANGLE ON: PIPPIN settles in to TREEBEARD and closes his eyes. (CONTINUED)

65. CONTINUED: AERIAL: Over the mist-covered trees as the sun sets, TREEBEARD plods along to his destination. TREEBEARD (V.O.) (CONTD) Beneath the roof of sleeping leaves And the dreams of trees unfold When woodland halls are green and cool And the wind is in the West Come back to me Come back to me And say my land is best ANGLE ON: TREEBEARD looks over to the HOBBITS to find them asleep. CUT TO: EXT. FANGORN FOREST - NIGHT ANGLE ON: TREEBEARD carefully lays the sleeping HOBBITS on the ground. TREEBEARD (CONTD) Sleep, little Shirelings. Heed no nightly noise. Sleep till morning light. ANGLE ON: TREEBEARD stands back up and walks away, through the forest. TREEBEARD (CONTD) I have business in the forest. There are many to call. Many that must come. The Shadow lies on Fangorn. The withering of all woods is drawing near. WIDE ON: TREEBEARD slowly walks away from the HOBBITS. EXT. PLAINS OF ROHAN - NIGHT GANDALF stands on the edge of a small hill overlooking the Plains. ARAGORN leaves the fire and joins him. (CONTINUED)

66. CONTINUED: GANDALF The veiling shadow that glowers in the east takes shape. Sauron will suffer no rival. From the summit of Barad-dr, his Eye watches ceaselessly. But he is not so mighty yet that he is above fear. Doubt ever gnaws at him. The rumor has reached him. The heir of Nmenor still lives. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN looks over to GANDALF to find him already looking into his eyes. GANDALF (CONTD) Sauron fears you, Aragorn. He fears what you may become. ARAGORN looks away, considering these words. GANDALF looks back to the east. GANDALF (CONTD) And so hell strike hard and fast at the world of Men. He will use his puppet Saruman to destroy Rohan. War is coming. Rohan must defend itself, and therein lies our first challenge for Rohan is weak and ready to fall. The kings mind is enslaved, its an old device of Sarumans. His hold over King Thoden is now very strong. Sauron and Saruman are tightening the noose. But for all their cunning, we have one advantage. ARAGORN and GANDALF lock eyes again. GANDALF (CONTD) The Ring remains hidden. ARAGORN nods. GANDALF (CONTD) And that we should seek to destroy it has not yet entered their darkest dreams. (MORE) (CONTINUED)

67. CONTINUED: (2) GANDALF (CONTD) And so the weapon of the enemy is moving towards Mordor in the hands of a Hobbit. Each day brings it closer to the fires of Mount Doom. We must trust now in Frodo. Everything depends upon speed and the secrecy of his quest. GANDALF looks over to ARAGORN and sees the worry upon his face. GANDALF (CONTD) Do not regret your decision to leave him. Frodo must finish this task alone. ARAGORN Hes not alone. Sam went with him. GANDALF looks over to ARAGORN, surprise alighting on his face. GANDALF (smiling) Did he? Did he, indeed? Good. He looks back to the landscape. GANDALF (CONTD) Yes, very good. CUT TO: EXT. EPHEL DATH - DAY ANGLE ON: SAM and FRODO climb a sheer rock face. They scramble to the top where GOLLUM awaits. GOLLUM The Black Gate of Mordor. WIDE ON: The enormous BLACK GATE OF MORDOR guards the way to MORDOR with Orcs patrolling and standing guard in the TEETH OF MORDOR and atop the walls. ANGLE ON: SAM almost religiously looks upon the BLACK GATE and its BATTLEMENTS. (CONTINUED)

68. CONTINUED: SAM Oh, save us. ANGLE ON: GOLLUM hides his face in his hands...SAM scrambles along EPHEL DATH and hides behind a rock...FRODO comes up quickly behind him. SAM (CONTD) My old Gaffer would have a thing or two to say if he could see us now. ANGLE ON: GOLLUM scramble up behind them. GOLLUM Master says to show him the way into Mordor. So good Smagol does, master says so. CLOSE ON: FRODO looks upon the GATE, wide-eyed, only now comprehending the gravity of the request. FRODO I did. INTERCUT WITH: ORCS stand guard and patrol atop the MASSIVE BLACK GATE BATTLEMENTS. ANGLE ON: The HOBBITS and GOLLUM looking in wonder at the Gate. SAMS expression drops as he turns to FRODO. SAM Thats it then. We cant get past that. HIGH ANGLE ON: An army of EASTERLING SOLDIERS marches to the Black Gate on a path far below EPHEL DATH. A COMMANDER screams orders to the TROOPS. ANGLE ON: The THREE shrink away from the edge of the overlook. ANGLE ON: The ARMY marches steadily towards the BLACK GATE. A HORN SOUNDS their arrival. ANGLE ON: GOLLUM whimpers and cringes from the sound. FRODO looks to him for a moment, and then returns his gaze to the ARMY.

69. EXT. BLACK GATE BATTLEMENTS - DAY ANGLES ON: An ORC SOUNDS the HORN again...two enormous CAVE TROLLS work the MECHANISM to open the mighty gate...the ORCS atop the BATTLEMENTS brace themselves as the GATE slowly opens...the MIGHTY CAVE TROLLS open the heavy gate, walking along a thin walkway patrolled by the smaller ORCS. EXT. EPHEL DATH - DAY ANGLE ON: SAM points to the BLACK GATE. SAM (CONTD) Look! The gate. It's opening! HIGH WIDE ON: The BLACK GATE slowly opens to receive the approaching ARMY. ANGLE ON: SAM crawls to a rock at the edge of the overlook. SAM (CONTD) I can see a way down. SUDDENLY, THE ROCK GIVES WAY UNDER SAM AND RACES DOWN THE SIDE OF EPHEL DATH WITH SAM RIDING ATOP IT! FRODO Sam, no! ANGLE ON: FRODO scrambles after SAM. GOLLUM breaks from his cowering to look up as FRODO runs off. GOLLUM Master! FRODO runs and slides down the side of EPHEL DATH. EXT. BASE OF EPHEL DATH - DAY FRODO slides to a stop behind a rock near the bottom. ANGLE ON: One of the EASTERLING SOLDIERS looks up at the mountainside. WIDE ON: A cloud of dust issues from the side of the mountain. ANGLE ON: FRODO darts form behind one rock, slides down EPHEL DATH some more and comes to rest behind another rock. (CONTINUED)

70. CONTINUED: ANGLE ON: TWO EASTERLING SOLDIERS approach the mountainside to investigate. ANGLE ON: FRODO darts from behind the rock and reaches SAM, who is buried to his waist in rocks. FRODO struggles to free SAM to no avail. POV: The EASTERLING SOLDIERS come ever closer... ANGLE ON: FRODO struggles desperately to get SAM loose. POV: The EASTERLING SOLDIERS are nearly upon them... ANGLE ON: FRODO quickly swings his ELVISH CLOAK over himself and SAM. LOW ANGLE ON: The EASTERLING SOLDIERS reach the base of EPHEL DATH. They survey the mountainside. ANGLE ON: FRODO and SAM huddle beneath FRODOS CLOAK, not daring to breathe. POV THROUGH CLOAK: One of the EASTERLINGS stands almost directly over FRODO and SAM They lie directly in the path of the SOLDIERS, holding their breath. The SOLDIERS stop in front of them and look at the mountainside. ANGLE ON: The EASTERLING SOLDIERS look at each other for a moment, shrug, and rejoin their party. CLOSE ON: A ROCK in the gravel directly in front of the EASTERLINGS position...the surface of the ROCK suddenly peels back to reveal FRODO and SAM beneath it. ANGLE ON: FRODO and SAM desperately dig SAM out. With SAM free, they scramble behind a nearby boulder. ANGLE ON: The ARMY marches through the BLACK GATE. ORDERS are shouted to the TROOPS and ORCS. ANGLE ON: FRODO readies himself to run for the GATE. FRODO I do not ask you to come with me, Sam. (CONTINUED)

71. CONTINUED: (2) SAM I know, Mr. Frodo. I doubt even these Elvish cloaks will hide us in there. ANGLE ON: They give each other a final glance and nod. FRODO Now! SUDDENLY, as they start to run, HANDS grab them from behind and drag them to the ground. GOLLUM No! No! No master! FRODO and SAM look angrily at GOLLUM. FRODO turns desperately to the GATE. GOLLUM (CONTD) They catch you! They catch you! FRODO tries to run for it again, but GOLLUM detains him. GOLLUM (CONTD) Dont take it to him. CLOSE ON: FRODO looks curiously at GOLLUM. CLOSE ON: GOLLUM looks desperately back to them. GOLLUM (CONTD) (ominously) He wants the precious. Always he is looking for it. And the precious is wanting to go back to him. (evilly) But we mustnt let him have it. ANGLE ON: The EASTERLING ARMY progresses through THE BLACK GATE. A HORN SOUNDS. The GATE begins to close behind them. ANGLE ON: FRODO tries to run for the GATE once more. GOLLUM holds him back.


72. CONTINUED: (3) GOLLUM (CONTD) No! Theres another way. Theres another way. More secret. A dark way. ANGLE ON: SAM grabs GOLLUM angrily, spinning him around. SAM Why havent you spoken of this before?! GOLLUM Because Master did not ask. ANGLE ON: FRODO turns to him quickly. SAM tosses GOLLUM aside. SAM Hes up to something. FRODO Are you saying theres another way into Mordor? GOLLUM (nodding) Yes. Theres a path...and some stairs... and then...a tunnel. ANGLE ON: FRODO and SAM watch the BLACK GATE close. GOLLUM buries his face in FRODOS CLOAK as FRODO turns away from his former goal. FRODO looks at GOLLUM. FRODO Hes led us this far, Sam. SAM (desperately) Mr. Frodo, no. FRODO Hes been true to his word. GOLLUM looks up at FRODO, hopeful...SAM shakes his head. SAM No. (CONTINUED)

73. CONTINUED: (4) FRODO Lead the way, Smagol. GOLLUM Good Smagol always helps. GOLLUM leaps away. SAM stares at FRODO in disbelief...FRODO tries not to meet Sams gaze. He looks back at the BLACK GATE. ANGLE ON: THE BLACK GATE CLOSES COMPLETELY. CUT TO: EXT. ENT DRAFT, FANGORN FOREST - DAY MERRY wakes up. He looks around. POV: Sunlight breaks through a few of the trees giving light. A small brook bubbles down the center of the draft. PIPPIN sits on a root, drinking the water. ANGLE ON: MERRY stands up and surveys his surroundings. He walks out in a daze. MERRY Hello? PIPPIN looks up, smiling. WIDE ON: MERRY looks out into the dark forest beyond the Draft. MERRY (CONTD) (calling out) Treebeard? (to himself) Wheres he gone? ANGLE ON: PIPPIN sits up, holding a bowl of the water. PIPPIN I had the loveliest dream last night. There was this large barrel, full of pipe-weed. And we smoked all of it. And then...you were sick. (CONTINUED)

74. CONTINUED: ANGLE ON: MERRY scowls quietly...PIPPIN lies back upon the root. PIPPIN Id give anything for a whiff of Old Toby. A LOW GROAN ISSUES across the forest. The HOBBITS turn in its direction. MERRY Did you hear that? ANGLE ON: PIPPIN gathers his water pitchers...MERRY walks in the direction of the issuing sound. Another GROAN breaks the silence of the forest. MERRY (CONTD) There it is again. Somethings not right here. Not right at all. ANGLE ON: PIPPIN climbs off of the root to the ground ... and issues his own sound: an LOW GRUNT. CLOSE ON: MERRY looks over to him, wide-eyed. MERRY (CONTD) You just said something ... Treeish. PIPPIN No, I didnt. I was just stretching. ANGLE ON: PIPPIN grunts again, stretching...MERRY walks around PIPPIN, running his eyes up and down PIPPIN. MERRY Youre taller. PIPPIN (turning to MERRY) Who? MERRY You! PIPPIN Than what? (CONTINUED)

75. CONTINUED: (2) MERRY Than me! PIPPIN scoffs. PIPPIN Ive always been taller than you. MERRY (indignant) Pippin, everyone knows Im the tall one. Youre the short one. PIPPIN Please, Merry. Youre what? Three-foot-six? At the most? MERRY shrugs as if to say, Yeah. PIPPIN (CONTD) Whereas me, Im pushing 37. Another groan issues from PIPPIN, and he grows again. CLOSE ON: MERRYS eyes grow wide. PIPPIN (CONTD) (smiling) 38! ANGLE ON: PIPPIN happily takes another huge gulp of the water. CLOSE ON: MERRY looks on in shock. MERRY Three-foot-eight. ANGLE ON: PIPPIN shrugs, as if to say, Yeah. MERRY (CONTD) You did something. PIPPIN shrugs again and smiles. ANGLE ON: He non-chalantly places the WATER BOWL next to the brook...MERRY looks at the water, and then snatches the water jug and takes a huge drink. (CONTINUED)

76. CONTINUED: (3) PIPPIN Merry dont! Dont drink it! MERRY takes off with the jug. PIPPIN chases him. He takes another drink, pushing PIPPIN away. PIPPIN (CONTD) Merry! No, Treebeard said that you shouldnt have any. PIPPIN tries to grab MERRY again, but MERRY pushes him away and runs off to take another drink. MERRY I want some! PIPPIN It could well be dangerous! ANGLE ON: MERRY leads PIPPIN across some large tree roots. PIPPIN (CONTD) Give me it back. Merry! SUDDENLY, MERRY slips between two of the roots, and the tree groans and moves. CLOSE ON: It closes its roots to traps the ankles of both HOBBITS. PIPPIN (CONTD) Whats happening! MERRY Its got my leg! SERIES OF CUTS: The TREE moves its roots to traps the HOBBITS limbs. PIPPIN Merry! ANGLE ON: The tree pulls them into its roots as others close in over them. (CONTINUED)

77. CONTINUED: (5) Disturbed leaves from above cover the HOBBITS, making them virtually invisible as they scream. The roots finish the job and completely bury the HOBBITS. PIPPIN (CONTD) (muffled) Help! WIDE ON: Silence fills the air as the scene looks serene - as if nothing sinister happened at all. ON THE SOUNDTRACK: Large footfalls ECHO. TREEBEARD quickly approaches the tree. TREEBEARD Away with you. You should not be waking. Eat earth. Dig deep. Drink water. ANGLES ON: The roots move again, releasing the HOBBITS. With desperate cries, they free themselves from the trees grasp. TREEBEARD (CONTD) Go to sleep. Away with you. The HOBBITS shake off the leaves and stand by TREEBEARD, looking back at the tree roots in horror. TREEBEARD (CONTD) Come, the forest is waking up. It isnt safe. ANGLE ON: TREEBEARD lifts the HOBBITS, one in each hand, and walks out of the grove. EXT. FANGORN FOREST - DAY ANGLE ON: TREEBEARD travels through the FOREST again, carrying the HOBBITS on his shoulders.


78. CONTINUED: TREEBEARD (CONTD) The trees have grown wild and dangerous. Anger festers in their hearts. Black are their thoughts. Strong is their hate. They will harm you if they can. There are too few of us now. Too few of us Ents left to manage them. PIPPIN Why are there so few of you when you have lived so long? Are there Ent children? TREEBEARD Bru-ra-hroom. There have been no Entings for a terrible long count of years. MERRY Why is that? TREEBEARD We lost the Entwives. PIPPIN Oh, Im sorry. How did they die? TREEBEARD Die? No. We lost them. And now we cannot find them. I dont suppose youve seen Entwives in the Shire? MERRY (hesitantly) Cant say that I have. You, Pip? ANGLE ON: PIPPIN stares off blankly, and then shakes his head. PIPPIN What do they look like? TREEBEARD (sighs deeply) I dont remember now. They continue their walk through the forest. CUT TO:

79. EXT. PLAINS OF ROHAN - DAY ANGLE ON: GANDALF, ARAGORN, LEGOLAS, and GIMLI ride across the Plains. They stop on a rise looking across to EDORAS WIDE ON: The FOUR FIGURES look upon a walled city covering a small mountain. Atop its summit is MEDUSELD. GANDALF Edoras and the Golden Hall of Meduseld. There dwells Thoden, King of Rohan... INT. MEDUSELD THRONE ROOM - DAY HIGH WIDE ON: THODEN, grayed and ancient, sits upon his throne, head bowed for he is hardly able to hold it up. OWYN kneels beside him, holding his hand comfortingly. GANDALF (V.O.) (CONTD) whose mind is overthrown. Sarumans hold over King Thoden is now very strong. CLOSE ON: OWYN gently strokes the KINGS HAND. OWYN My lord, your son...he is dead. ANGLE ON: OWYN looks at THODEN, tearfully, when he fails to respond. OWYN (CONTD) My lord? Uncle? ANGLE ON: THODEN stares forward a moment. His eyes are clouded, as if blind. Slowly he moves his eyes to look at her, but he remains expressionless. OWYN (CONTD) (pleading) Will you not go to him? Will you do nothing? THODEN continues to look at her, blankly.

80. EXT. PLAINS OF ROHAN - DAY ANGLE ON: The THREE HUNTERS sit atop their steeds, listening to GANDALF. GANDALF Be careful what you say. Do not look for welcome here. GANDALF starts off. The THREE HUNTERS follow him to EDORAS. INT. MEDUSELD, THODREDS ROOM - DAY ANGLE ON: THODRED lies dead upon his bed. ANGLE ON: OWYN kneels beside him, weeping. ANGLE ON: A shadow moves in the hall behind her. She pays it no mind. WORMTONGUE appears at the door. He looks upon her, concerned. WORMTONGUE Oh, he must have died sometime in the night. What a tragedy for the king to lose his only son and heir. He sits on the bed and puts a hand on OWYNS shoulder. WORMTONGUE (CONTD) I understand. His passing is hard to accept. Especially now that your brother has deserted you. OWYN jumps up and throws off his hand. EWYN Leave me alone, snake! She backs away from him. WORMTONGUE rises and moves over to her. WORMTONGUE (suddenly sinister) Oh, but you are alone. Who knows what youve spoken to the darkness in the bitter watches of the night when all your life seems to shrink. The walls of your bower closing in about you. A hutch to trammel some wild thing in. (CONTINUED)

81. CONTINUED: He stops in front of her and stares into her eyes. She seems transfixed by him. He puts a hand on the side of her face as he speaks. WORMTONGUE (CONTD) So fair, so cold. Like a morning pale spring still clinging to winter's chill. She closes her eyes as if affected by his words. He moves his hand to her throat. CLOSE ON: She suddenly opens her eyes and looks through him. ANGLE ON: WORMTONGUE starts back away. OWYN (angrily) Your words are poison. ANGLE ON: OWYN abruptly leaves the room. WORMTONGUE appears taken aback by the sudden change in her. EXT. MEDUSELD - DAY OWYN throws open the main doors and charges outside. She walks to the brink of the porch outside the hall and looks far-off into the distance, as if hoping to find someone there. She walks impatiently from one side of the platform to the other. Far below, something catches her eye. POV: Three horses approach EDORAS. ANGLE ON: The wind tears a flag off its mast and carries it across the city. EXT. GATES OF EDORAS - DAY ANGLE ON: GANDALF, LEGOLAS, and GIMLI ride through the gate. As ARAGORN approaches, the FLAG flutters to the ground. He looks to its source as if it were a bad omen. EXT. EDORAS - DAY As the Four Riders ride through EDORAS, the people eye them silently and warily, as if they come as harbingers of doom. (CONTINUED)

82. CONTINUED: ANGLE ON: ARAGORN looks forward to MEDUSELD. POV: A LADY IN WHITE stands upon its porch, watching them. GIMLI Youd find more cheer in a graveyard. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN looks back to the hall... POV: The LADY has disappeared. EXT. MEDUSELD - DAY ANGLE ON: The doors of the Golden Hall open and HMA exits, followed by a small detachment. ANGLE ON: The Four climb the steps, and HMA meets them at the top. GANDALF leans heavily on his staff, like an old man. He looks up to HMA and smiles. HMA I cannot allow you before Thoden King so armed, Gandalf Greyhame. By order of Grma Wormtongue. CLOSE ON: GANDALF nods to the others to surrender their weapons. ANGLES ON: Almost comically, they turn over every weapon they have: SWORDS...KNIVES...ARROWS...and AXES. CLOSE ON: HMA signals to GANDALF. HMA (CONTD) Your staff. ANGLE ON: GANDALF glances at his staff and scoffs innocently. GANDALF You would not part an old man from his walking stick. He continues to look at HMA innocently. ANGLE ON: HMA nods, rolls his eyes, and then gestures for them to follow him. (CONTINUED)

83. CONTINUED: ANGLE ON: GANDALF gives a wink to ARAGORN, who smiles in return. GANDALF follows HMA into the hall, leaning on Legolas arm as an old man might for support. INT. MEDUSELD THRONE ROOM - DAY HMA enters the hall and bows before the King. He steps aside to allow the Four to enter behind him. ANGLE ON: WORMTONGUE leans over and whispers to THODEN. WORMTONGUE My lord, Gandalf the Grey is coming. ANGLE ON: THE FOUR continue walking toward THODEN. GUARDS close the doors behind them. POV: They notice several Men behind the contingency of GUARDS following them as they walk towards the King. WORMTONGUE (CONTD) Hes a herald of woe. ANGLE ON: LEGOLAS releases GANDALFS ARM. GANDALF The courtesy of your hall is somewhat lessened of late, Thoden King. WORMTONGUE (whispered to THODEN) Hes not welcome. THODEN (labored) Why should I welcome you, Gandalf Stormcrow? He looks to WORMTONGUE for affirmation, who nods. WORMTONGUE A just question, my liege. WORMTONGUE stands before them. He walks to meet them well in front of THODEN. (CONTINUED)

84. CONTINUED: WORMTONGUE (CONTD) Late is the hour in which this conjurer chooses to appear. Lthspell spell I name him. Ill news is an ill guest. GANDALF Be silent. ANGLE ON: WORMTONGUE freezes in his tracks. GANDALF (CONTD) Keep your forked tongue behind your teeth. I have not passed through fire and death to bandy crooked words with a witless worm. He raises his staff to WORMTONGUE. WORMTONGUE back away from it. WORMTONGUE His staff. He backs well away from GANDALF while addressing the guards, arrogantly. WORMTONGUE (CONTD) I told you to take the wizards staff. ANGLES ON: The MEN behind the lines burst through to ATTACK... ARAGORN, LEGOLAS, and GIMLI engage them in a fist-fight to keep them from GANDALF as he approaches THODEN. ANGLE ON: GAMLING tries to go forward but HMA holds him back. ANGLE ON: GANDALF reaches out to THODEN. GANDALF Thoden, son of Thengel... ANGLE ON: THODEN reacts to GANDALF with a wicked stare. GANDALF ...too long have you sat in the shadows. (CONTINUED)

85. CONTINUED: (2) ANGLE ON: The THREE HUNTERS finish off the GUARDS...WORMTONGUE tries to crawl away unnoticed, but GIMLI catches him and pins him to the floor under his foot. GIMLI (growling) I would stay still if I were you. ANGLE ON: GANDALF continues approaching THODEN. GANDALF Hearken to me! WIDE ON: The PEOPLE of the HALL approach behind GANDALF. GANDALF (CONTD) I release you from the spell. ANGLE ON: GANDALF holds out his hand and concentrates... ANGLE ON: SUDDENLY, THODEN laughs, menacingly...GANDALF opens his eyes. THODEN (laughing) You have no power here, Gandalf the Grey. ANGLE ON: Angered, GANDALF throws back his grey cloak and spreads his hands. A blinding white light issues from him. ANGLE ON: THODEN is thrown back against his seat. GANDALF I will draw you, Saruman, as poison is drawn from a wound. He thrusts his staff towards THODEN. The force knocks THODEN back in his throne. GANDALF moves in closer. ANGLE ON: OWEN rushes in. Thinking THODEN is in trouble, she tries to run to him, but ARAGORN stops her. ARAGORN Wait. (CONTINUED)

86. CONTINUED: (3) ANGLE ON: A new aura comes over THODEN. He looks at GANDALF evilly and speaks in Sarumans voice. THODEN/SARUMAN If I go, Thoden dies. GANDALF thrusts his staff again and throwing THODEN/SARUMAN back again. GANDALF You did not kill me, you will not kill him. CLOSE ON: THODEN/SARUMAN leans forward with difficulty, hate welling in his eyes. THODEN/SARUMAN (with difficulty) Rohan is mine. THODEN/SARUMAN struggles against Gandalfs power. GANDALF Be gone. ANGLE ON: THODEN/SARUMAN lunges for GANDALF. GANDALF smites him, and he is thrown back into the chair. INSERT IMAGE: SARUMAN flies backwards across the floor away from the PALANTR in ORTHANC. He slowly rises, bleeding from the wound GANDALF left in his forehead. ANGLE ON: GANDALF lets out a sigh of relief. ANGLE ON: THODEN moans and falls from his throne. ARAGORN releases OWYN. She charges across the hall to catch him before he can hit the floor. ANGLE ON: GAMLING makes to charge GANDALF, but HMA holds him steady. CLOSE ON: OWYN holds THODEN up to look at him. His eyes clear ...his hair changes from white strands to brown splendor...his face de-ages to a more youthful King. (CONTINUED)

87. CONTINUED: (4) ANGLE ON: OWYN smiles, overjoyed. THODEN looks about, confused, and finds OWYN. THODEN I know your face. (smiling) owyn. owyn. OWYN weeps with joy. THODEN looks up and is surprised to see GANDALF standing over him. THODEN (CONTD) Gandalf? GANDALF Breathe the free air again, my friend. THODEN rises to his feet and looks over his Hall. THODEN Dark have been my dreams of late. He looks down at his trembling hands. GANDALF Your fingers would remember their old strength better if they grasped your sword. ANGLE ON: HMA runs to the King with his sword, HERUGRIM. THODEN slowly reaches for it. CLOSE ON: THODEN wraps his fingers around the hilt and then slowly draws HERUGRIM from its scabbard. ANGLE ON: WORMTONGUE trembles and tries to escape...GIMLI restrains him. ANGLE ON: THODEN gazes upon the steel, feeling his strength return. CLOSE ON: THODENS eyes DARKEN...he turns his gaze to WORMTONGUE...WORMTONGUE shudders.

88. EXT. MEDUSELD - DAY HMA and GAMLING throw WORMTONGUE down the stairs. He lands hard on the lower stoop and groans in pain. ANGLE ON: THODEN walks down the steps, holding HERUGRIM. ANGLE ON: WORMTONGUE crawls away as he speaks. WORMTONGUE (beseechingly) I've only ever served you, my lord. THODEN continues his advance toward WORMTONGUE. THODEN Your leechcraft would have had me crawling on all fours like a beast! WORMTONGUE Send me not from your sight. THODEN raises HERUGRIM to kill WORMTONGUE. ARAGORN stops him. ARAGORN No, my lord! No, my lord. Let him go. Enough blood has been spilt on his account. THODEN looks at ARAGORN and relents. ARAGORN offers his hand to WORMTONGUE, but WORMTONGUE spits in it and scrambles to his feet. ARAGORN shakes off the spittle ANGLE ON: WORMTONGUE violently pushes his way through the CROWD OF BYSTANDERS. WORMTONGUE Get out of my way! Those on the STEPS solemnly watch WORMTONGUE depart. HMA (calling out) Hail, Thoden king! WIDE ON: The crowd kneels before THODEN. (CONTINUED)

89. CONTINUED: INTERCUT WITH: WORMTONGUE charges out of the EDORAS GATE upon a horse. EXT. MEDUSELD - DAY ANGLE ON: THODEN observes the crowd on its knees. He looks at ARAGORN...ARAGORN kneels before THODEN...THODEN turns to go back into the hall. He stops and surveys those standing on the steps. THODEN Where is Thodred? Where is my son? EXT. EDORAS - DAY ANGLE ON: Two lines of SOLDIERS form a pathway within a throng of PEOPLE. Their heads are bowed low as PALL-BEARERS carry the body of THODRED between them. Upon THODREDS chest is a small bundle of white flowers. ANGLE ON: THODEN follows his son. ARAGORN, LEGOLAS, GIMLI, and GANDALF follow behind him. WIDE ON: The PEOPLE OF EDORAS stands closely leaving only a small pathway through the center of the city for the PALLBEARERS to carry THODRED. Cries and moans pierce the air. EXT. THODREDS TOMB - DAY ANGLE ON: OWYN stands near the tombs open door. ANGLE ON: The PALL-BEARERS lower THODRED and pass his wicket between a path of people to the women waiting within the tomb to receive him.


90. CONTINUED: OWYN (singing; in OLD ENGLISH) Bealocwealm hafa frone frecan forth onsended giedd sculon singan glomenn sorgiende on Meduselde t he ma no wre his dryhtne dyrest and mga deorost. Bealo... An evil death has set forth the noble warrior A song shall sing sorrowing minstrels in Meduseld that he is no more, to his lord dearest and kinsmen most beloved. An evil death... CUT TO: EXT. THODREDS TOMB - DAY CLOSE ON: The closed door of the TOMB. A SMALL WHITE FLOWER COMES INTO VIEW. THODEN Simbelmyn. ANGLE ON: THODEN looks upon the flower mournfully. He releases it, and it swirls down to rest with the flowers still within the earth. THODEN (CONTD) Ever has it grown on the tombs of my forebearers. He turns to GANDALF. THODEN (CONTD) Now it shall cover the grave of my son. Alas that these evil days should be mine. The young perish and the old linger. That I should live to see the last days of my house. (CONTINUED)

91. CONTINUED: GANDALF Thodreds death was not of your making. THODEN No parent should have to bury their child. ANGLE ON: THODEN breaks down, falls to his knees, and weeps. GANDALF His was strong in life. His spirit will find its way to the halls of your fathers. ANGLE ON: THODEN continues weeping, not listening to GANDALFS comfort. GANDALF (CONTD) (in OLD ENGLISH) Westu hl. Feru, Thodred, Feru. Be-thou well. Go-thou, Thodred, go-thou. WIDE ON: GANDALF turns to return to EDORAS, leaving THODEN to mourn privately. ANGLE ON: Something catches GANDALFS eyes. He stops. POV: A horse trots over the ridge, ridden by two children. It is OTHAIN and FREDA upon GARULF. OTHAIN falls to the ground. CUT TO: INT. MEDUSELD THRONE ROOM - DAY ANGLES ON: OTHAIN and FREDA sit at a table in the GREAT HALL ravenous eating. OWYN stands and looks to THODEN...THODEN sits on his throne with GANDALF at his side...his head buried in his hand in deep thought. OWYN The had no warning. They were unarmed. Now the Wild Men are moving through the Westfold, burning as they go. (CONTINUED)

92. CONTINUED: ANGLE ON: ARAGORN, LEGOLAS, and GIMLI look at each other, concerned. OWYN (CONTD) Rick, cot and tree. FREDA Wheres mama? ANGLES ON: OWYN turns to comfort FREDA...GANDALF turns to THODEN. GANDALF This is but a taste of the terror that Saruman will unleash. All the more potent for he is driven now by fear of Sauron. Ride out and meet him head on. ANGLE ON: GANDALF leans forward and puts a hand on THODENS chair...THODEN looks at him warily. GANDALF (CONTD) Draw him away from your women and children. You must fight. ARAGORN You have 2000 good men riding north as we speak. omer is loyal to you. His men will return and fight for their king. ANGLE ON: THODEN gets out of his chair walks to the center of his HALL. THODEN They will be 300 leagues from here by now. omer cannot help us. ANGLE ON: GANDALF moves forward to speak, but THODEN halts him. THODEN (CONTD) I know what it is that you want of me, but I will not bring further death to my people. I will not risk open war. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN removes his pipe and leans forward to speak. (CONTINUED)

93. CONTINUED: (2) ARAGORN Open war is upon you, whether you would risk it or not. ANGLES ON: OWYN spins to look at THODEN and ARAGORN...THODEN turns to ARAGORN. THODEN (indignant) When last I looked, Thoden, not Aragorn, was king of Rohan. GANDALF Then what is the kings decision? CLOSE ON: THODEN turns away from them, concern etched in his face. CUT TO: EXT. EDORAS - DAY ANGLE ON: HMA stands in the midst of the city delivering the KINGS decision. HMA By order of the king, the city must empty. We make for the refuge of Helms Deep. Do not burden yourself with treasures. Take only what provisions you need. ANGLES ON: The PEOPLE OF EDORAS gather their things together... ARAGORN, LEGOLAS, GIMLI, and GANDALF walk among them. GIMLI Helms Deep. They flee to the mountains when they should stand and fight. INT. ROHIRRIM STABLES - DAY The FOUR enter a ROHIRRIM STABLE and continue waking past the HORSES of ROHAN. (CONTINUED)

94. CONTINUED: GIMLI Who will defend them if not their king? ARAGORN Hes only doing what he thinks is best for his people. Helms Deep has saved them in the past. ARAGORN and GANDALF approach the stable of SHADOWFAX. GANDALF There is no way out of that ravine. Thoden is walking into a trap. He thinks hes leading them to safety. What they will get is a massacre. CLOSE ON: GANDALF turns to ARAGORN. GANDALF (CONTD) (grim) Thoden has a strong will, but I fear for him. I fear for the survival of Rohan. He will need you before the end, Aragorn. The people of Rohan will need you. The defenses have to hold. CLOSE ON: ARAGORN holds GANDALFS gaze resolutely. ARAGORN They will hold. ANGLE ON: GANDALF turns from ARAGORN to SHADOWFAX. Gently, he strokes the mighty horses coat. GANDALF (musing) The Grey Pilgrim. Thats what they used to call me. Three hundred lives of Men Ive walked this earth, and now I have no time. ANGLES ON: ARAGORN opens the stall door...GANDALF mounts SHADOWFAX.


95. CONTINUED: (2) GANDALF (CONTD) With luck, my search will not be in vain. Look to my coming at first light on the fifth day. At dawn, look to the east. ARAGORN (nodding) Go. ANGLE ON: LEGOLAS and GIMLI jump out of the way as GANDALF blasts out of the stable at top speed. EXT. PLAINS OF ROHAN - DAY WIDE ON: GANDALF rides across the open plains as fast as SHADOWFAX can carry him. CUT TO: INT. ROHIRRIM STABLES - DAY ANGLES ON: TWO SOLDIERS attempt to subdue a mighty brown stallion, BREGO, with little success...OWYN turns to them, watching. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN enters carrying his saddle...he turns to the struggle...he puts down his saddle and walks to them. SOLDIER That horse is half mad, my lord. Theres nothing you can do. Leave him. ANGLE ON: BREGO rears and whinnies as ARAGORN comes closer. ARAGORN (in OLD ENGLISH) Fste, stille n...fste... Fast, be quiet now...fast... ARAGORN signals one of the SOLDIERS to go... (CONTINUED)

96. CONTINUED: ARAGORN (CONTD) (in OLD ENGLISH) ...stille n. Lac is drefed, gefrgon. ...be quiet now. A battle is stirred up, they heard. ARAGORN slowly reaches BREGO...he caresses the beasts coat... carefully, he removes the ropes detaining BREGO...he hands them to the other SOLDIER...OWYN watches with wonder. ARAGORN (CONTD) (in OLD ENGLISH) Hwt nemna e? Hm? Hwt nemna e? What is your name? Hm? What is your name? OWYN His name is Brego. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN snaps around to look at OWYN. OWYN (CONTD) He was my cousins horse. ARAGORN Brego. (to BREGO; in OLD ENGLISH) in nama is cynglic. Your name is kingly. CLOSE ON: OWYN moves slowly to ARAGORN as he speaks, transfixed. ARAGORN (CONTD) (in ELVISH) Man le trasta, Brego? Man cenich? What troubles you, Brego? What did you see?


97. CONTINUED: (2) OWYN I have heard of the magic of Elves, but I did not look for it in a Ranger from the North. You speak as one of their own. ARAGORN I was raised in Rivendell ... for a time. Turn this fellow free. Hes seen enough of war. ARAGORN leaves BREGO with OWYN...he retrieves his saddle and leaves. CUT TO: EXT. CAVERNS OF ISENGARD - NIGHT WIDE PAN ON: The industrial mechanics of the ORCS have taken the place of the once beautiful trees marring the landscape around ORTHANC. The ORCS work non-stop to their ends on the black ground. INT. PALANTR CHAMBER, ORTHANC - NIGHT ANGLE ON: SARUMAN paces the chamber mulling over his loss to GANDALF. SARUMAN Gandalf the White. Gandalf the Fool! Does he seek to humble me with his newfound piety? ANGLE ON: WORMTONGUE enters slowly and moves to SARUMAN... SARUMAN stands suddenly still, a look of disgust crossing his face. WORMTONGUE There were three who followed the wizard. An Elf, a Dwarf, and a Man. SARUMAN sniffs. SARUMAN You stink of horse. WORMTONGUE shrinks back and walks away... (CONTINUED)

98. CONTINUED: SARUMAN (CONTD) The Man... (turns to Wormtongue) ...was he from Gondor? WORMTONGUE No, from the North. One of the Dnedain Rangers, I thought he was. CLOSE ON: SARUMAN suddenly shows much interest. WORMTONGUE (CONTD) His cloth was poor. And yet he bore a strange ring. Two serpents with emerald eyes. One devouring, the other crowned with golden flowers. CUT TO: INT. ANTE-CHAMBER, ORTHANC - NIGHT CLOSE ON: A BOOK opens to a page showing a picture of the very ring WORMTONGUE described. ANGLE ON: SARUMAN sits back in his chair...WORMTONGUE stands behind him at the door. SARUMAN The Ring of Barahir. So Gandalf Greyhame thinks he has found Isildurs heir. The lost king of Gondor. He is a fool. The line was broken years ago. CLOSE ON: SARUMAN closes his book and pushes it aside. SARUMAN (CONTD) It matters not. The world of Men shall fall. It will begin at Edoras. CUT TO: EXT. EDORAS MAIN GATE - DAY WIDE ON: The ROHIRRIM begin to pour out of their city by the hundreds, carrying what they can...A solid line of people stretches across the Plains of Rohan.

99. INT. THODENS ROOM, MEDUSELD - DAY ANGLE ON: THODEN prepares himself...GAMLING stands ready behind him. THODEN I am ready, Gamling. Bring my horse. GAMLING bows and walks to the door, silently, shoulders slumped... THODEN (CONTD) This is not a defeat. GAMLING turns to him... THODEN (CONTD) We will return. GAMLING bows to him and exits. THODEN (CONTD) (to himself) We will return. INT. MEDUSELD THRONE ROOM - DAY ROHIRRIM gather things from the Great Hall and carry it out. ANGLE ON: OWYN opens a chest and pulls out a sheathed sword... she unsheathes it and holds it before her, running her hand down the flat side of the blade, smiling...deliberately, she practices her swing. POV: Someone approaches from behind...she swings it behind her! ANGLE ON: ARAGORN meets her swing with his DAGGER. OWYNS face does not soften at his gaze. ARAGORN You have some skill with a blade. With a swift move, OWYN swings her sword, throwing ARAGORNS arm and knife to one side, rendering him vulnerable and gaining the upper hand... He lowers his weapon...she does likewise and steps away. (CONTINUED)

100. CONTINUED: OWYN Women of this country learned long ago: those without swords may still die upon them. I fear neither death nor pain. ANGLE ON: OWYN re-sheathes the sword...she replaces it in the chest. ARAGORN What do you fear, my lady? CLOSE ON: She freezes for a moment...she turns to him. OWYN (gravely) A cage. To stay behind bars until use and old age accept them. And all chance of valor has gone beyond recall or desire. CLOSE ON: ARAGORN shakes his head in wonder. ARAGORN Youre a daughter of kings, a shieldmaiden of Rohan. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN sheathes his knife...he continues to look at her. ARAGORN (CONTD) I do not think that will be your fate. CLOSE ON: OWYN gazes at him, unable to respond. ANGLE ON: He bows and exits. EXT. FIELDS OF ROHAN - DAY WIDE ON: THODEN, ARAGORN, LEGOLAS, and GIMLI ride at the forefront of the people leaving EDORAS. CLOSE ON: THODEN pauses atop the first rise to gaze back upon his city. ANGLE ON: The ROHIRRIM walk single file out of their city, following him, carrying only what they need. (CONTINUED)

101. CONTINUED: AERIAL ON: The ROHIRRIM speckle the landscape of ROHAN in a single line leading from EDORAS. WORMTONGUE (V.O.) Thoden will not stay at Edoras. INTERCUT WITH: SARUMAN patiently listens to WORMTONGUE in ORTHANC. WORMTONGUE (CONTD) Its vulnerable. He knows this. He will expect an attack on the city. They will flee to Helms Deep, the great fortress of Rohan. ANGLES ON: The ROHIRRIM make their way towards the mountains where HELMS DEEP lies...some falter...some ride in carts...ever so slowly, they draw closer to their destination. WORMTONGUE (V.O.) (CONTD) It is a dangerous road to take through the mountains. They will be slow. INSERT IMAGE: WORMTONGUE speaks to SARUMAN in ORTHANC. WORMTONGUE (CONTD) They will have women and children them.


CLOSE ON: SARUMANS eyebrows rise in response and a grin crosses his face. Opportunity! INT. CAVERNS OF ISENGARD - DAY ANGLE ON: SARUMAN makes haste to an ORC COMMANDER within the caverns. SARUMAN Send out your Warg-riders. ANGLE ON: The ORC COMMANDER sits above a pit...shadows of fierce creatures dance on the walls, alit by fire, growling impatiently. CLOSE ON: The ORC COMMANDER smiles and nods with pleasure. CUT TO:

102. EXT. ITHILIEN - DAY WIDE ON: GOLLUM watches the water silently... SUDDENLY, he thrusts in...loses his balance...and falls wholly into the stream...a fish, his prize, flies out of the water... GOLLUM grasps at it desperately causing him to slide downstream. ANGLE ON: FRODO and SAM come over the rise behind him. SAM Hey, stinker, dont go getting too far ahead! FRODO Why do you do that? SAM stops and turns to FRODO. SAM What? FRODO Call him names. Run him down all the time. SAM Because. Because that's what he is, Mr. Frodo. There's naught left in him but lies and deceit. It's the Ring he wants. It's all he cares about. FRODO (angrily) You have no idea what it did to him... what it's still doing to him. He pushes past SAM and stops. FRODO (CONTD) I want to help him, Sam. SAM Why? POV: GOLLUM looks about for the fish...slowly, he realises it is lost...he looks up at FRODO and smiles. (CONTINUED)

103. CONTINUED: ANGLE ON: FRODOS eyes dart to the side away from GOLLUM, worried. FRODO Because I have to believe he can come back. SAM You cant save him, Mr. Frodo. FRODO (spinning to SAM; angrily) What do you know about it? Nothing! SAM is taken aback. Slowly, he walks past FRODO. FRODO turns to him. FRODO (CONTD) I'm sorry, Sam. I don't know why I said that. SAM turns back to FRODO. SAM (gently) I do. It's the Ring. You can't take your eyes off it! I've seen you. You're not eating. You barely sleep. It's taken hold of you, Mr. Frodo. You have to fight it. CLOSE ON: FRODOS eyes flare again... FRODO (angrily) I know what I have to do Sam. The Ring was entrusted to me. It's my task. Mine! My own! FRODO storms away. SAM turns to him, shocked.

SAM Can't you hear yourself? Don't you know who you sound like? FRODO continues walking without turning back.

104. EXT. ITHILIEN - NIGHT SAM and FRODO sleep. CLOSE ON: FRODO clutches the RING in his hand. GOLLUM We wants it. We needs it. ANGLE ON: GOLLUM watches them from a distance...hatred is etched across his face. GOLLUM (CONTD) Must have the precious. They stole it from us. Sneaky little Hobbitses. Wicked. Tricksy. False. Suddenly, his expression softens, and he shakes his head. His eyes grow wide, as if looking at his GOLLUM half. SMAGOL No. Not Master. His expression turns to hate again. His head turns as if responding to the SMAGOL half. GOLLUM Yes, precious. False. They will cheat you, hurt you, lie! SMAGOL Masters my friend. GOLLUM (taunting) You dont have any friends. Nobody likes you. SMAGOL Not listening. Im not listening. GOLLUM Youre a liar and a thief. SMAGOL No. (CONTINUED)

105. CONTINUED: GOLLUM Murderer. SMAGOL sniffles. SMAGOL Go away. GOLLUM Go away? GOLLUM laughs at the very notion. SMAGOL acts as if the exchange stresses him. He holds his head and speaks in a small voice. SMAGOL I hate you. I hate you. GOLLUM (fiercely) Where would you be without me? (coughing) Gollum. Gollum. I saved us. It was me. We survived because of me. SMAGOL raises his head and looks at GOLLUM. SMAGOL Not anymore. GOLLUM (startled) What did you say? SMAGOL (with building confidence) Master looks after us now. We dont need you. GOLLUM What? SMAGOL Leave now and never come back.


106. CONTINUED: GOLLUM No. SMAGOL Leave now and never come back. GOLLUM growls and bares his teeth. SMAGOL (CONTD) (resolutely) Leave now and never come back! SMAGOL looks scared for a moment. GOLLUM does not respond. He looks around quickly, desperately. A smile breaks on his face. SMAGOL (CONTD) We told him to go away. And away he goes, precious. He leaps from where he was sitting and dances about. SMAGOL (CONTD) (singing) Gone! Gone! Gone! Smagol is free! CUT TO: EXT. ITHILIEN - DAY FRODO rests against a rock. SAM stands off, looking into the distance. GOLLUM suddenly runs up clutching TWO CONEYS in his mouth. He spits them onto FRODOS lap. CLOSE ON: FRODO jumps, startled. GOLLUM (CONTD) Look. Look. See what Smagol finds? ANGLES ON: GOLLUM smiles deliriously, and then jumps around laughing proudly...FRODO smiles at GOLLUM and looks over to SAM...SAM is not so amused...GOLLUM raises a triumphant fist to conclude his happy little dance. He picks up one of the CONEYS. GOLLUM (CONTD) They are young. (CONTINUED)

107. CONTINUED: He snaps the Coneys back. FRODO cringes, disgusted with this particular display. GOLLUM (CONTD) They are tender. They are nice. Yes, they are. Eat them. Eat them! ANGLES ON: Disgusted, SAM walks over to GOLLUM...GOLLUM digs his teeth into his CONEY ripping a large chunk of raw meat out of it. SAM Youll make him sick, you will... SAM snatches the CONEY from GOLLUMS hands, tossing him to one side. SAM (CONTD) ...behaving like that! SAM holds up the CONEYS. SAM (CONTD) Theres only one way to eat a brace of coneys. CUT TO: EXT. ITHILIEN CAMPSITE- DAY CLOSE ON: A pot of stew simmers over a fire...GOLLUM screams, horrified. ANGLES ON: SAM stirs it and adds herbs to the mix...GOLLUM looks into the pot. GOLLUM Whats he doing? Stupid, fat Hobbit. It ruins it. CLOSE ON: SAM looks at GOLLUM, offended. He returns to stirring. SAM Whats to ruin? Theres hardly any meat on them. (CONTINUED)

108. CONTINUED: ON THE SOUNDTRACK: A faint bird-call rings across the camp. CLOSE ON: FRODO turns to find its source. ANGLE ON: SAM continues stirring the stew, ignoring GOLLUM. SAM (CONTD) What we need is a few good taters. GOLLUM (spinning to SAM, worried) Whats taters, precious? Whats taters? Eh? ANGLE ON: The calling sound continues...FRODO starts walking, searching for its source. SAM (impatiently) Po-ta-toes. Boil them, mash them, stick them in a stew. Lovely big golden chips with a nice piece of fried fish. GOLLUM spits at the very thought. SAM looks to him, proud of his imagery. SAM (CONTD) Even you couldnt say no to that. GOLLUM (indignant) Oh, yes, we could. Spoil a nice fish. He scrambles up close to SAM. GOLLUM (CONTD) Give it to us raw and wriggling. You keep nasty chips. ANGLE ON: SAM brings up the ladle to have a taste of his stew...GOLLUM hops away. SAM shakes his head. SAM Youre hopeless. He sips the stew.

109. EXT. ITHILIEN FOREST - DAY ANGLE ON: FRODO walks through the woods, still searching. The sound ensues again. FRODO looks in that direction and continues towards it. EXT. ITHILIEN CAMPSITE - DAY SAM brings down his ladle and looks about. SAM (CONTD) Mr. Frodo? EXT. EDGE OF ITHILIEN - DAY FRODO crawls to the edge of an overlook. HIGH WIDE ON: A HARADRIM ARMY marches across the land below him. ANGLE ON: SAM and GOLLUM come up behind him. SAM (CONTD) Who are they? GOLLUM Wicked Men. Servants of Sauron. They are called to Mordor. The Dark One is gathering all armies to him. It wont be long now. He will soon be ready. SAM Ready to do what? GOLLUM To make his war. The last war that will cover all the world in Shadow. FRODO Weve got to get moving. Come on, Sam. FRODO starts to leave...SUDDENLY, SAM grabs Frodos arm, entranced with the sight. SAM Mr. Frodo. Look. Its an oliphaunt. (CONTINUED)

110. CONTINUED: WIDE ON: GIGANTIC MAMKIL CARRYING SOLDIERS AND SUPPLIES ON THEIR BACKS! These creatures look like elephants, but stand at least 7 men tall. They tower over the formations of soldiers below them. CLOSE ON: SAM looks upon them with rapture. SAM No one at home will believe this. CLOSE ON: FRODO looks at SAM and smiles. They both gaze in wonder at the enormous creatures. ON THE SOUNDTRACK: The call sounds again. ANGLE ON: All THREE of them look about, warily...GOLLUM slips off...FRODO looks after him. FRODO Smagol? WIDE ON: SUDDENLY, PANDEMONIUM ENSUES; THE ARMY IS BEING AMBUSHED! The MAMKIL react to the onslaught...they throw MEN from their backs, who fall to their deaths. ANGLES ON: Cloaked ARCHERS fire deadly arrows...the SOLDIERS fall one by one. CLOSE ON: One of the ARCHERS, FARAMIR, runs to the forefront to survey the battle. ANGLE ON: One of the MAMKIL starts trumpeting and stomping towards FRODO and SAM, swinging his huge trunk and tusks, throwing MEN from his back. ANGLE ON: FRODO and SAM back away from he overlook in fear. CLOSE ON: FARAMIR nocks an arrow and fires at the MAMKILS DRIVER. ANGLE ON: The SOLDIER falls from the MAMKIL and lands right behind FRODO and SAM, dead. The MAMKIL tromps off in another direction. ANGLE ON: FRODO and SAM backs away from the edge and look behind them. (CONTINUED)

111. CONTINUED: (2) FRODO (CONTD) Weve lingered here too long. ANGLE ON: FRODO begins to run off, when he notices SAM is still watching the battle. FRODO (CONTD) Come on, Sam. ANGLES ON: FRODO turns and runs right into a GONDORIAN RANGER, who grabs hold of him...SAM draws his weapon and charges the RANGER, but another comes out of the trees and knocks him onto his back...the RANGER with FRODO lifts him briefly and tosses him to the ground. CLOSE ON: A RANGER holds his sword to Sams neck, pinning him. ANGLE ON: FRODO desperately tries to escape, but the RANGERS detain him. SAM Wait! Were innocent travelers! FARAMIR appears to challenge SAM. FARAMIR There are no travelers in this land. Only servants of the Dark Tower. FARAMIR walks past them to lead on. FRODO We are bound to an errand of secrecy. FARAMIR stops and turns to him. FRODO (CONTD) Those that claim to oppose the enemy would do well not to hinder us. FARAMIR The enemy? FARAMIR turns to the fallen SOLDIER. (CONTINUED)

112. CONTINUED: (3) FARAMIR (CONTD) His sense of duty was no less than yours, I deem. CLOSE ON: FARAMIR rolls the SOLDIER over with his foot and looks upon his dead face. FARAMIR (CONTD) You wonder what his name is, where he came from. And if he was really evil at heart. What lies or threats led him on this long march from home. If he would not rather have stayed there...in peace. He breaks from his reflection and turns back to FRODO. FARAMIR (CONTD) War will make corpses of us all. Bind their hands. ANGLES ON: FRODO makes a final fruitless effort to escape, but to no avail...SAM is violently lifted from the ground. CUT TO: EXT. PLAINS OF ROHAN - DAY ANGLE ON: GIMLI rides atop a horse, led by OWYN, among the throng of traveling ROHIRRIM. GIMLI Its true you dont see many Dwarf women. And in fact, they are so alike in voice and appearance, that theyre often mistaken for Dwarf Men. ANGLE ON: OWYN smiles and looks back at ARAGORN. ARAGORN (gestures and whispers) Its the beards. OWYN smiles and shushes him. (CONTINUED)

113. CONTINUED: GIMLI And this, in turn, has given rise to the belief that there are no Dwarf women, and that Dwarves just spring out of holes in the ground... OWYN laughs. GIMLI joins her and continues. GIMLI (CONTD) ...which is of course ridiculous. The horse suddenly rears up. OWYN loses her hold on the reins. ANGLES ON: The horse gallops through the throng, throwing GIMLI to the dirt...OWYN rushes forward to GIMLI who struggles to get up like a turtle on its back. GIMLI (CONTD) Its all right. Nobody panic. That was deliberate. It was deliberate. OWYN helps GIMLI to his feet. ANGLE ON: THODEN and ARAGORN, riding side by side, laugh at the sight...THODEN glances at ARAGORN. THODEN I havent seen my niece smile for a long time. She was a girl when they brought her father back dead. Cut down by Orcs. She watched her mother succumb to grief. ANGLE ON: ARAGORNS expression turns dark and mournful...he looks to OWYN. POV: OWYN laughs and looks to him as she brushes GIMLI off. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN looks back to THODEN. THODEN (CONTD) Then she was left alone, to tend her king in growing fear. Doomed to wait upon an old man who should have loved her as a father. (CONTINUED)

114. CONTINUED: (2) CLOSE ON: OWYN looks back at ARAGORN with the sun behind her and the wind in her hair, smiling at him. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. PLAINS OF ROHAN - DAY ANGLE ON: OWYN walks through a makeshift ROHIRRIM camp, carrying a pot of stew...she sees GIMLI and offers him some. OWYN Gimli. GIMLI No, I couldnt. I really couldnt. GIMLI walks away. OWYN continues walking until she comes upon ARAGORN. He looks up at her approach. OWYN I made some stew. It isnt much, but its hot. She draws him a bowl, and he takes it. She hands him a spoon. ARAGORN Thank you. CLOSE ON: He dips the spoon in the bowl and fishes for a bite of meat. Immediately upon putting the morsel into his mouth, he freezes...his face registers the distaste of this morsel... meekly, he looks up to OWYN...he swallows hard, and nods with the word Yuck written all over his face. ARAGORN (CONTD) Its good. OWYN Really? She begins to walk away. (CONTINUED)

115. CONTINUED: ANGLE ON: SUBTLY, ARAGORN tips the bowl to pour out the distasteful mixture...OWYN turns suddenly...ARAGORN tries to catch himself, but ends up soaking his arms in the steaming brew. OWYN (CONTD) My uncle told me a strange thing. He said that you rode to war with Thengel, my grandfather. But he must be mistaken. ARAGORN King Thoden has a good memory. He was only a small child at the time. ANGLE ON: OWYN kneels down to him, shocked. OWYN Then you must be at least 60. CLOSE ON: He chuckles uncomfortably, and looks away. OWYN (CONTD) Seventy? ARAGORN looks down and still doesnt respond. OWYN (CONTD) But you cannot be 80! He looks at her calmly, and smiles. ARAGORN Eighty-seven. CLOSE ON: OWYNS jaw DROPS...she stands, momentarily speechless. OWYN You are one of the Dnedain. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN nods, humbly. OWYN (CONTD) A descendant of Nmenor, blessed with long life. It was said that your race had passed into legend. (CONTINUED)

116. CONTINUED: (2) ARAGORN There are few of us left. The Northern Kingdom was destroyed long ago. ARAGORN looks down, sadly. OWYN Im sorry. (smiling) Please, eat. She continues to stand by him, giving him little choice but to eat the distasteful mess he was given. CUT TO: EXT. CAMPSITE, PLAINS OF ROHAN - NIGHT ARAGORN sits silently, smoking a pipe. His eyes stare off into the distance ... his mind elsewhere. ARWEN (V.O.) The light of the Evenstar does not wax and wane. It is mine to give to whom I will. Like my heart. Slowly, ARAGORNS pipe lowers along with his head. ARWEN (V.O.) (CONTD) Go to sleep... CROSSFADE TO: INT. ARWENS ROOM, RIVENDELL - DAY - FLASHBACK ANGLE ON: ARAGORN lies on a chaise, eyes closed. ARAGORN I am asleep. Slowly, his eyes open. He glances upward and smiles. ANGLE ON: ARWEN stands above him, smiling back at him. ARAGORN (CONTD) This is a dream. (CONTINUED)

117. CONTINUED: ARWEN bends down to kiss him. ARWEN Then it is a good dream. They kiss lightly...ARAGORN relishes the touch of her skin again...ARWEN pulls back and strokes his cheek. ARWEN (CONTD) (whisper) Sleep. She runs her fingers over his eyes to close them, and kisses him...ARAGORN appears at peace...ARWEN stands, and then walks to a doorway that overlooks RIVENDELL...ARAGORN opens his eyes. He turns his head to look at her. ARAGORN (in ELVISH; subtitled) Min l pennich nin i aur hen telitha. You told me once that this day would come. ANGLE ON: ARWEN looks to him sadly. ARWEN (in ELVISH; subtitled) i vethed... n i onnad. Boe bedich go Frodo. Han bd ln. This is not the end... it is the beginning. You must go with Frodo. That is your path. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN stands and walks to ARWEN...he takes her in his arms, and stares off into the distance. ARAGORN (in ELVISH; subtitled) Dolen i vd o nin. My path is hidden from me.


118. CONTINUED: (2) ARWEN (reassuringly; in ELVISH; subtitled) Si peliannen i vd na dail ln. Si boe -dhannathach. It is already laid before your feet. You cannot falter now. ARAGORN Arwen... CLOSE ON: ARWEN places her fingers on his lips, silencing his fears and doubts...she runs her fingers down his chin... ARWEN (in ELVISH; subtitled) Ae -esteliach nad... If you trust nothing else... ...to rest on the EVENSTAR PENDANT around his neck. ARWEN (CONTD) (in ELVISH; subtitled) ...estelio han. Estelio ammen. ...trust this. Trust us. ARAGORN takes her hand in his... ANGLE ON: They kiss passionately in the gleaming sunlight of the RIVENDELL morning. CUT TO: EXT. PLAINS OF ROHAN - DAY CLOSE ON: THE EVENSTAR PENDANT around ARAGORNS neck. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN leads his horse to Helms Deep, distracted by the memory of ARWEN. OWYN Where is she? ARAGORN turns. (CONTINUED)

119. CONTINUED: CLOSE ON: OWYN looks at him nervously. OWYN (CONTD) The woman who gave you that jewel. CLOSE ON: ARAGORN says nothing and continues walking. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. RIVENDELL - DAY - FLASHBACK ELROND stands before ARAGORN. ELROND (beseeching) Our time here is ending. Arwens time is ending. Let her go. Let her take the ship into the west. Let her bear away her love for you to the Undying Lands. There it will be ever green. ARAGORN But never more than memory. ELROND I will not leave my daughter here to die. ARAGORN She stays because she still has hope. ELROND She stays for you. She belongs with her people. ARAGORN leaves ELROND without another word. CUT TO: EXT. RIVENDELL - DAY - FLASHBACK ANGLE ON: ARAGORN walks down the stairs to join the FELLOWSHIP at the RIVENDELL GATE. He checks his weapons and garments in preparation as he walks...ARWEN emerges from behind a pillar. (CONTINUED)

120. CONTINUED: ARWEN (in ELVISH; subtitled) Nach gwannatha sin? Is this how you would take your leave? ARAGORN pauses and turns to her...he continues walking...she follows. ARWEN (CONTD) (in ELVISH; subtitled) Ma nathach hi gwannathach or minuial archened? Did you think you could slip away at first light unnoticed? ARWEN finally stands in front of him, forcing him to stop. ARAGORN (in ELVISH; subtitled) -ethelithon. I will not be coming back. He tries to walk past her. ARWEN (in ELVISH; subtitled) Estelio guru ln ne dagor. Ethelithach. You underestimate your skill in battle. You will come back. ARAGORN (in ELVISH; subtitled) -bedin o gurth ne dagor. It is not of death in battle that I speak. ARWEN gently grabs his arm, and stands before him again...he stops, trying not to meet her gaze.


121. CONTINUED: (2) ARWEN (in ELVISH; subtitled) O man pedich? What do you speak of? ARAGORN looks at the ground momentarily, then into her eyes. ARAGORN (with difficulty; in ELVISH; subtitled) Idhren emmen menna gui ethwel. Hae o auth...a nr...a naeth. You have a chance for another life. Away from war...grief...despair. CLOSE ON: ARWEN is mortified. ARWEN Why are you saying this? ARAGORN (gently) I am mortal. You are Elf-kind. It was a dream, Arwen. Nothing more. ARWEN (shaking her head) I dont believe you. ANGLES ON: He takes ARWENS hand and turns it open...she looks down....he opens his hand to reveal the EVENSTAR PENDANT...he looks back to her. ARAGORN This belongs to you. CLOSE ON: ARWEN looks at ARAGORN with all the composure she can muster. ARWEN It was a gift. CLOSE ON: She closes his hand around the PENDANT. ARWEN (CONTD) Keep it. CUT TO:

122. EXT. PLAINS OF ROHAN - DAY CLOSE ON: ARAGORN continues to gaze off, flooded with the painful memory of his departure from ARWEN...OWYN endeavors to break his musing. OWYN My lord? ANGLE ON: ARAGORN looks at OWYN to give up his story. ARAGORN (pained) She is sailing to the Undying Lands with all that is left of her kin. ANGLE ON: OWYN turns quickly away from him, digesting this. ANGLE ON: GAMLING and HMA ride through the crowds to scout ahead. WIDE ON: They ride over the ridge, distracting LEGOLAS, who is watching the horizon as they pass. ANGLE ON: They reach a tall formation of rocks...their HORSES become uneasy. GAMLING What is it? Hma? HMA Im not sure. LOW ANGLE ON: High atop the rocks, a ORC WARG RIDER watches them...SUDDENLY, THE WARG RIDER CHARGES DOWN THE ROCK FACE AND ATTACKS HMA! HMA is knocked from his steed to the ground. He rolls over as the WARG bears down upon him. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN and OWYN look up to hear HMAS cries... GAMLING draws his sword. GAMLING (yelling) Wargs! ANGLE ON: The WARG throws HMA away, and turns to GAMLING. The two WARRIORS CLASH...LEGOLAS leaps from his lookout point and fires an arrow, felling the WARG, and throwing his RIDER to the ground. (CONTINUED)

123. CONTINUED: ANGLE ON: ARAGORN runs atop the ridge...LEGOLAS bears down on the ORC and slices his throat. LEGOLAS (yelling) A scout! ANGLE ON: ARAGORN runs back down the hill to THODEN, who rides toward him. THODEN What is it? What do you see? ARAGORN Warg! We are under attack! ANGLES ON: The crowd is instantly reduced to a blind panic... the people scream and turn back to EDORAS. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN makes his way through the crowd to OWYN and his HORSE...THODEN turns back to the troops. THODEN All riders to the head of the column! ANGLE ON: GIMLI ties to mount AROD. GIMLI Come on. Get me up here. Im a rider! With some help, GIMLI succeeds. GIMLI (CONTD) Come on! He spurs the HORSE onward, and almost falls off! WIDE ON: LEGOLAS runs across the plain to the top of another ridge, overlooking a vast plain...over the next hill come a large number of WARG RIDERS, barking and kicking up dust as they ride. ANGLE ON: THODEN rides to OWYN, mounting her HORSE. THODEN You must lead the people to Helms Deep, and make haste. (CONTINUED)

124. CONTINUED: (2) OWYN I can fight! THODEN No! OWYN holds THODENS gaze for a moment. THODEN (CONTD) You must do this...for me. Reluctantly, OWYN agrees...THODEN turns his HORSE to the BATTLE. THODEN (CONTD) Follow me! ANGLES ON: THODEN charges forward...the WARRIORS follow... ARAGORN spurs BREGO onward as he mounts...AROD, GIMLI on his back, walks backward. GIMLI Forward. I mean, charge forward. ANGLE ON: OWYN leads the people away from the battle. OWYN Make for the lower ground! ANGLE ON: GIMLI finally succeeds in moving AROD forward...he holds on unsteadily as the HORSE gallops. GIMLI Thats it! Go on! ANGLE ON: OWYN manages to get everyone moving in the same direction...she continues to rally them to her. OWYN Stay together! ANGLE ON: The ROHIRRIM HORSEMEN ride together under their standard up the hill to confront the WARG RIDERS. (CONTINUED)

125. CONTINUED: (3) ANGLE ON: ARAGORN turns for a final glance to OWYN and the VILLAGERS...OWYN turns for a final glance to ARAGORN and the HORSEMEN...their eyes lock for a moment before ARAGORN turns and heads for the battle. WIDE ON: The HORSEMEN ride up the hill into battle...Atop the ridge, LEGOLAS fires ARROWS into the ranks of the WARG RIDERS, hitting his mark each time...the ROHIRRIM ride over the hill...LEGOLAS turns and joins GIMLI on AROD. SERIES OF CUTS: The two armies ride towards each others...THODEN and the WARG COMMANDER give their armies the signal...the two ARMIES CLASH on the field of battle...riders are knocked from their mounts...spears, arrows, teeth, and swords make contact...the blood-thirsty WARGS maul fallen MEN and HORSES. ANGLE ON: GIMLI falls from AROD...he stands, facing off against a hungry WARG...GIMLI readies himself. GIMLI Bring your pretty face to my axe! The WARG charges...GIMLI prepares to make contact. SUDDENLY, LEGOLAS rides by and kills the WARG with a wellplaced ARROW! GIMLI (CONTD) (outraged) That one counts as mine! ANGLE ON: A WARG attacks GIMLI from behind...he kills the creature with his axe, but as it falls, GIMLI is pinned under it. SERIES OF CUTS: The battle rages on...ARAGORN and THODEN deftly dispatch ORCS with their swords...an ARCHER fires arrow after arrow at the attackers before a WARG mauls him...RIDERS are knocked from their mounts... ANGLE ON: GIMLI tries to lift the WARG off of him. GIMLI (CONTD) (strained) Stinking creature. (CONTINUED)

126. CONTINUED: (4) ANGLES ON: An ORC leans over the DEAD WARG...GIMLIS eyes widen...the ORC raises a short sword...GIMLI grabs the ORCS head and breaks his neck...the ORC collapses on the growing heap...GIMLI sniffs and grimaces with disgust... A WARG looks over his fallen brethren and finds GIMLI...GIMLIS eyes widen again as he realises he is at the creatures mercy. ARAGORN looks over and spots GIMLIS predicament. THE WARG closes in for the kill. ARAGORN rides towards GIMLI...He snatches a spear from the ground and skewers the WARG...it falls, adding to the weight GIMLI is currently carrying...GIMLI moans in pain. THE BATTLE RAGES ON... ANGLE ON: A WARG takes ARAGORN off guard and knocks him from HASUFEL. ANGLE ON: One of the RIDERS, SHARKU, charges ARAGORN and attempts to take him out...ARAGORN grabs the ORCS arm and pulls himself to the back of the WARG, behind SHARKU! They charge across the plains...SHARKU butts ARAGORN off the WARG, but ARAGORN holds on to the WARGS course hair...dragged across the field, ARAGORN draws his dagger and swings at SHARKU...SHARKU kicks him back down! FINALLY, ARAGORN stabs SHARKU...The two grasp at each other... ARAGORN throws SHARKU from the WARG, but ARAGORN is unable to let go... CLOSE ON: HIS HAND IS WRAPPED IN THE CREATURES SADDLE! WIDE ON: The WARG charges across the field of battle. POV: A DROP-OFF APPROACHES QUICKLY! CLOSE ON: ARAGORN desperately tries to disentangle himself. WIDE ON: The WARG charges over the edge...ARAGORN FALLS WITH HIM! ANGLE ON: GIMLI axes a fallen WARG. He looks about. (CONTINUED)

127. CONTINUED: (5) WIDE ON: All over the plains the WARG RIDERS are retreating, still being removed from this life by ROHIRRIM HORSEMEN. ANGLE ON: LEGOLAS walks across the field, looking about suddenly! LEGOLAS (calling out) Aragorn! CLOSE ON: GIMLI seems to notice ARAGORN missing as well...he looks about, worried. GIMLI (calling out) Aragorn? ANGLE ON: THODEN also looks around amongst the MEN near him...LEGOLAS and GIMLI approach the drop-off. They look over the ground...LEGOLAS looks up to an ORC, who is laughing rasply...it is SHARKU...LEGOLAS and GIMLI approach him...GIMLI holds his axe threateningly over SHARKUS head. GIMLI (CONTD) Tell me what happened and I will ease your passing. SHARKU (with difficulty) Hes ... dead. SHARKU laughs. SHARKU (CONTD) Took a little tumble off the cliff. THODEN turns to the cliff...LEGOLAS bends down and grabs SHARKU by the shirt. LEGOLAS You lie. SHARKU chortles and dies with a smile...LEGOLAS roughly releases him...Something in the ORCS hand catches his eye...he takes the item. (CONTINUED)

128. CONTINUED: (6) CLOSE ON: LEGOLAS holds the EVANSTAR PENDANT...his expression changes to worry. ANGLE ON: He quickly joins THODEN at the drop-off with GIMLI close behind. POV: Down the sheer cliff to the rushing water below, there is no sign of either the WARG or ARAGORN. ANGLE ON: LEGOLAS and GIMLI desperately scan the ravine for ARAGORN. ANGLE ON: GAMLING runs up behind THODEN. THODEN turns to him. THODEN Get the wounded on horses. The wolves of Isengard will return. Leave the dead. GAMLING acknowledges and runs back to the ranks. ANGLE ON: LEGOLAS looks at THODEN with an expression of perplexed anger...THODEN puts a comforting hand on LEGOLAS' shoulder. THODEN (CONTD) Come. LOW ANGLE ON: THODEN leaves LEGOLAS and GIMLI staring at the river...LEGOLAS looks at the EVANSTAR, not wanting to believe the truth. CUT TO: EXT. PLAINS OF ROHAN - DAY WIDE ON: The line of ROHIRRIM stretch far behind them. They look up and cry with delight. VILLAGER Helms Deep! They begin running for their refuge. ANGLE ON: OWYN walks to the forefront. (CONTINUED)

129. CONTINUED: WIDE ON: In the distance, nestled in the shadow of Thrihyrne, lay HELMS DEEP. OWYN stands upon the rise, looking into the Westfold Vale to the gorge where HELMS DEEP lies. CLOSE ON: OWYN looks upon the sight, mixed with relief and dread. She follows the ROHIRRIM down. CUT TO: EXT. HELMS DEEP - DAY ANGLE ON: SOLDIERS OPEN THE MIGHTY DOORS...OWYN enters, followed by the throng from EDORAS. WIDE ON: The roads are lined with the soldiers and people of ROHAN - all those of the land of ROHAN who were driven from their homes have taken refuge there. AERIAL ON: SOLDIERS man the BATTLEMENTS around the HELMS DEEP WALL...PEOPLE continue to flow in...inside the walls is a FLURRY OF ACTIVITY. ANGLE ON: OTHAIN and FREDA run through the masses. FREDA Mama! MORWEN othain! Freda! ANGLE ON: The CHILDREN embrace their MOTHER again. ANGLE ON: OWYN assesses supplies. OWYN Where is the rest? ALDOR This is all we could save, my lady. ANGLE ON: The FOOD SUPPLY consists of perhaps a dozen bags and about the same number of baskets of food. OWYN Take it to the caves. (CONTINUED)

130. CONTINUED: GAMLING (O.S.) Make way for the king! OWYN breaks into a run to meet the returning soldiers. HIGH ANGLE ON: The HORSEMEN ride into HELMS DEEP and up the roads. GAMLING (O.S.) (CONTD) Make way for Thoden! Make way for the king! ANGLE ON: OWYN runs through the city to meet them. She surveys their numbers quickly. OWYN So few. So few of you have returned. ANGLE ON: THODEN turns to her, finding his words. He averts his gaze as much as possible. THODEN Our people are safe. He turns to assist a wounded soldier who was riding with him. THODEN (CONTD) We have paid for it with many lives. ANGLE ON: GIMLI solemnly approaches OWYN. GIMLI My lady. She turns to him, worried. OWYN Lord Aragorn ... where is he? GIMLI (with difficulty) He fell. SLOW MOTION: OWYNS eyes grow wide...her mouth drops open, speechless...she turns to looks at THODEN...THODEN catches her glance, and turns away, confirming GIMLIS statement...visibly shaken, OWYN sits to recover herself.

131. EXT. HELMS DEEP BATTLEMENTS - DAY WIDE ON: THODEN stands, overlooking the land outside of HELMS DEEP. He addresses the SOLDIERS and MEN accompanying him. THODEN Draw all our forces behind the wall. Bar the gate. And set a watch on the surround. THODEN turns to leave the BATTLEMENTS. The MEN follow. GAMLING What of those who cannot fight, my lord? The women and children? THODEN Get them into the caves. EXT. HELMS DEEP - DAY ANGLE ON: THODEN leads his MEN down from the BATTLEMENTS and past the DEEPING STREAM, which flows through it via a grate in the wall. THODEN (CONTD) Saruman's arm will have grown long indeed if he thinks he can reach us here. TRACK IN ON THE GRATE IN THE WALL. WORMTONGUE (V.O.) Helms Deep has one weakness. Its outer wall is solid rock but for a small culvert at its base which is little more than a drain. CUT TO: INT. ORTHANC ANTE-CHAMBER - DAY CLOSE ON: SARUMAN pours gunpowder into a LARGE STONE POT. WORMTONGUE (CONTD) How? How can fire undo stone? What kind of device could bring down the wall? (CONTINUED)

132. CONTINUED: ANGLE ON: WORMTONGUE leans over the pot, holding a candle...SARUMAN reaches out his hand to stay the candles approach...SARUMAN pushes WORMTONGUE away from the pot. SARUMAN If the wall is breached, Helm's Deep will fall. SARUMAN walks through ORTHANC...WORMTONGUE follows closely. WORMTONGUE Even if it is breached, it would take a number beyond reckoning, thousands, to storm the keep. SARUMAN approaches his balcony, which overlooks ISENGARD. SARUMAN Tens of thousands. WORMTONGUE But, my lord, there is no such force. TRACK WITH: SARUMAN and WORMTONGUE walk onto the balcony as a HORN sounds. HIGH WIDE ON: SARUMANS TENS OF THOUSANDS of URUK-HAI stand ready upon the wrecked field of ISENGARD...the ground simply appears covered in a black seething mass of neat rows and columns. CLOSE ON: WORMTONGUES jaw drops in awe. ANGLE ON: SARUMAN holds up his hand to calm his army. SARUMAN A new power is rising. Its victory is at hand. HIGH WIDE ON: The URUK-HAI cheer and roar. ANGLE ON: SARUMAN holds out his hand to calm them. SARUMAN (CONTD) This night, the land would be stained with the blood of Rohan! (CONTINUED)

133. CONTINUED: (2) TRACK AWAY FORM ORTHANC DOWN THROUGH THE MASS OF SPEARS WHICH TRAVELS SO FAR, SARUMAN APPEARS AS ONLY A SPECK ON THE OBSIDIAN TOWER OF ORTHANC...EVEN AT SUCH A DISTANCE, SARUMAN IS CLEARLY HEARD. SARUMAN (CONTD) March to Helms Deep! Leave none alive! CLOSE ON: SARUMAN raises his hands in anticipated triumph. SARUMAN (CONTD) To war! HIGH WIDE ON: The army cheers and roars even louder. CLOSE ON: WORMTONGUE stands awed and frightened...SARUMAN looks over the ARMY grimly. SARUMAN (CONTD) (quietly) There will be no dawn for Men. CUT TO: EXT. ISENGARD - DAY The MASSIVE URUK-HAI ARMY marches to war at HELMS DEEP. CUT TO: EXT. FANGORN FOREST - DAY AERIAL ON: Amidst the lush foliage of FANGORN, TREEBEARD continues his own arch with MERRY and PIPPIN in tow. In the distance, ORTHANC is clearly visible in the RING OF ISENGARD...a dark shape moves across the land towards ROHAN. ANGLE ON: PIPPIN spots ISENGARD in the distance. PIPPIN Look! Theres smoke to the south. TREEBEARD There is always smoke rising from Isengard these days. (CONTINUED)

134. CONTINUED: MERRY reacts to the mention of the name. MERRY Isengard? MERRY climbs up TREEBEARD for a better view. TREEBEARD There was a time when Saruman would walk in my woods. PIPPIN sees MERRY climbing, so he climbs too. TREEBEARD pays them little mind. TREEBEARD (CONTD) But now he has a mind of metal and wheels. He no longer cares for growing things. ANGLE ON: MERRY and PIPPIN reach the upper branches of TREEBEARD, just above the tops of the trees. PIPPIN What is it? HIGH WIDE ON: On the FIELDS of ISENGARD, the FLOOD of the URUKHAI army marches. ANGLE ON: MERRY and PIPPIN ride atop TREEBEARD, worried. MERRY Its Sarumans army. The war has started. CUT TO: EXT. RIVER - DAY WIDE ON: ARAGORN floats atop the water, unconscious...his body comes to rest on a bank of rocks. INTERCUT WITH ARWEN lying in RIVENDELL. ARAGORN remains unconscious at the river.


135. CONTINUED: ANGLE ON: SUDDENLY, ARWEN leans in above ARAGORN and kisses him gently...ARAGORN opens his eyes. ARWEN May the grace of the Valar protect you. ARWEN FADES OUT...ARAGORN takes a deep breath. EXT. RIVERBANK - DAY ANGLE ON: ARAGORN lies unconscious on the RIVERBANK. CLOSE ON: SUDDENLY, a HORSE HOOF steps next to his head. ANGLE ON: It grunts and nudges ARAGORN over and over until he stirs. ARAGORN (mumbling) Brego. ANGLE ON: BREGO drops to his knees...ARAGORN takes hold of BREGOS MANE and PULLS HIMSELF onto BREGOS back...Once ARAGORN is safely aboard, BREGO stands and carries him away. EXT. PLAINS OF ROHAN - DAY BREGO carries a weary and beaten ARAGORN across the distance towards HELMS DEEP. DISSOLVE TO: INT. ARWENS ROOM, RIVENDELL - DAY ARWEN lies on her bed, deep in thought. A VOICE startles her. ELROND Arwen. ARWEN turns to ELROND at her door, and sits up.


136. CONTINUED: ELROND (CONTD) (in ELVISH; subtitled) Tollen i l. I chair gwannar na Valannor. Si bado...no crar. It is time. The ships are leaving for Valinor. Go now...before it is too late. ARWEN looks at him impassively. ARWEN I have made my choice. ELROND approaches her. ELROND He is not coming back. Why do you linger here when there is no hope? ARWEN There is still hope. ELROND walks toward the window and looks away from her. ELROND If Aragorn survives this war, you will still be parted. If Sauron is defeated and Aragorn made king and all that you hope for comes true, you will still have to taste the bitterness of mortality. Whether by the sword or the slow decay of time, Aragorn will die. INSERT IMAGE: ARAGORN lies in state holding ANDRIL in the COURTYARD OF THE KINGS at MINAS TIRITH. His hair is greyed many years. ARWEN stands over him mourning his passing. A line of MOURNERS pass behind them. ELROND (V.O.) (CONTD) And there will be no comfort for you, no comfort to ease the pain of his passing. CROSS-FADE TO: A STONE MONUMENT of ARAGORN lying on the TABLE. All around, MINAS TIRITH has fallen into grave disrepair. To one side on his TOMB, ARWEN stands, still dressed in black as an eternal widow. (CONTINUED)

137. CONTINUED: (2) ELROND (V.O.) (CONTD) He will come to death, an image of the splendor of the kings of Men in glory undimmed before the breaking of the world. But you, my daughter, you will linger on in darkness and in doubt as nightfall in winter that comes without a star. CLOSE ON: ARWEN, veiled in her grief, young and beautiful. ELROND (V.O.) (CONTD) Here you will dwell, bound to your grief... INSERT IMAGE: ARWEN walks through the dead FOREST of LOTHLRIEN. Sunlight splays through long standing carcasses of the trees. ELROND (V.O.) (CONTD) ...under the fading trees, until all the world has changed and the long years of your life are utterly spent. CLOSE ON: ELROND, once again standing at the window in ARWENS ROOM. CLOSE ON: ARWEN, a tear streams down her face. ELROND turns from the window to face her. ELROND (CONTD) Arwen... ARWEN breathes deeply, torn by her love for ARAGORN and her love for her father. ELROND (CONTD) There is nothing for you here, only death. ARWEN raises her tear-worn eyes to him. ELROND walks over to her a sits beside her. He brushes his hand gently across her face. (CONTINUED)

138. CONTINUED: (3) ELROND (CONTD) (in ELVISH; subtitled) A im, -'erin veleth ln? Do I not also have your love? ARWEN gives in to his embrace and holds him. ARWEN (choked; in ELVISH; subtitled) Gerich meleth nn, ada. You have my love, father CUT TO: EXT. RIVENDELL - NIGHT A group of ELVES move out of RIVENDELL, each carrying a lantern. ANGLES ON: ARWEN walks among them, silent and stoic...ELROND stands on a balcony, watching them go....ARWEN turns a final sad glance to him. CLOSE ON: ELROND remains impassive and resigned. EXT. MIDDLE EARTH - NIGHT WIDE ON: The line of ELVES with their lanterns stretches across the bridge before RIVENDELL, standing gravely empty behind them. EXT. RIVENDELL - NIGHT CLOSE ON: ELROND remains on his balcony, watching the entourage leave. The VOICE of GALADRIEL is heard... INTERCUT: GALADRIEL speaking across the distance.


139. CONTINUED: GALADRIEL (in ELVISH) I amar prestar aen... han mathon ne nen, han mathon ne chae, a han nostan ned gwilith. The world has changed... I feel it in the water, I feel it in the earth, I smell it in the air. INTERCUT: ELROND standing at his window. He continues watching the entourage leave. GALADRIEL (V.O.) (CONTD) (in English) The power of the enemy is growing. Sauron will use his puppet Saruman... INTERCUT: SARUMAN in the PALANTR CHAMBER at ORTHANC, his hand held over the PALANTR. Within the ball swirls the FIERY EYE OF SAURON. GALADRIEL (V.O.) (CONTD) ...to destroy the people of Rohan. INTERCUT WITH: SARUMANS URUK-HAI ARMY marches across ISENGARD towards ROHAN...The ARMY forms a black line that stretches back for miles. THOUSANDS OF SPEARS rise high over the heads of the ARMY. GALADRIEL (V.O.) (CONTD) Isengard has been unleashed. INTERCUT: THE EYE OF SAURON high atop the TOWER OF BARAD-DR. GALADRIEL (V.O.) (CONTD) The Eye of Sauron now turns to Gondor... INTERCUT: HIGH OVERHEAD AERIAL of OSGILIATH, it east and west portions of the city split by the RIVER ANDUIN. GALADRIEL (V.O.) (CONTD) ...the last free kingdom of Men. A SHADOW spreads over OSGILIATH. (CONTINUED)

140. CONTINUED: (2) GALADRIEL (V.O.) (CONTD) His war on this country will come swiftly. INTERCUT: THE EYE OF SAURON high atop the TOWER OF BARAD-DR, looking in the direction of OSGILIATH and GONDOR. GALADRIEL (V.O.) (CONTD) He senses the Ring is close. INTERCUT: FRODO and SAM, blindfolded, are being pushed along by the GONDORIAN RANGERS, led by FARAMIR. GALADRIEL (V.O.) (CONTD) The strength of the Ring-bearer is failing. INTERCUT: ELROND at his window, anger and frustration welling up within him, as he listens to GALADRIEL. GALADRIEL (V.O.) In his heart, Frodo begins to understand... INTERCUT: CLOSE ON: GALADRIEL GALADRIEL (CONTD) ...the quest will claim his life. You know this. INTERCUT: ELROND stands at his window. GALADRIEL (V.O.) (CONTD) You have foreseen it. It is the risk we all took. FADE TO BLACK. CLOSE ON: The RING spins through the darkness. GALADRIEL (V.O.) (CONTD) In the gathering dark, the will of the Ring grows strong.

141. EXT. FOREST OF ITHILIEN - DAY ANGLE ON: The GONDORIAN RANGERS continue prodding FRODO and SAM along. GALADRIEL (V.O.) (CONTD) It works hard now to find its way back into the hands of Men. Men, who are so easily seduced by its power. ANGLE ON: FARAMIR, leading the band of RANGERS. GALADRIEL (V.O.) (CONTD) The young captain of Gondor has but to extend his hands, take the Ring for his own and the world will fall. WIDE ANGLE ON: The WATERFALL in ITHILIEN, which conceals the hideout of the RANGERS, HENNETH ANNN. INT. HENNETH ANNN - DAY ANGLE ON: The MEN pass FRODO and SAM to one another within the hideout to imprison them. GALADRIEL (V.O.) (CONTD) It is close now... INTERCUT: GALADRIELS EYES, watching across the distance. GALADRIEL (V.O.) (CONTD) ...so close to achieving its goal. INTERCUT: THE EYE OF SAURON on BARAD-DR. GALADRIEL (V.O.) (CONTD) For Sauron will have dominion of all life on this Earth... PULL BACK TO REVEAL: The TOWER deep within MORDOR. NAZGL fly around the TOWER on FELL-BEASTS, guarding it from invaders. INTERCUT: CLOSE ON: GALADRIELS EYES, with their deep pools of wisdom. GALADRIEL (CONTD) ...even unto the ending of the world. The time of the Elves...is over. (CONTINUED)

142. CONTINUED: INTERCUT: ELROND walks up to the painting of ISILDUR defeating SAURON with the BROKEN BLADE of NARSIL. CLOSE ON: The PAINTING, panning from the image of SAURON to that of ISILDUR. GALADRIEL (V.O.) (CONTD) Do we leave Middle-earth to its fate? Do we let them stand alone? CLOSE ON: ELROND, his face etched with frustration and indecision. INT. HENNETH ANNN - DAY CLOSE ON: A MAP of MIDDLE-EARTH is unrolled onto a table. ANGLE ON: FARAMIR and MADRIL, poring over the MAP. FARAMIR What news? MADRIL Our scouts report Saruman has attacked Rohan. CLOSE ON: The MAP as MADRIL indicates ROHAN and HELMS DEEP. MADRIL (CONTD) Thodens people have fled to Helms Deep. But we must look to our own borders. PAN ON: MADRIL moves his FINGER from HELMS DEEP to the borders of MORDOR, where he traces from the BLACK GATE to OSGILIATH. MADRIL (CONTD) Faramir, Orcs are on the move. Sauron is marshaling an army. Easterlings and Southrons are passing through the Black Gate. FARAMIR How many? (CONTINUED)

143. CONTINUED: MADRIL Some thousands. More come every day. FARAMIR Whos covering the river to the north? CLOSE ON: The MAP is centered on GONDOR. MADRIL points out OSGILIATH. MADRIL We pulled 500 Men at Osgiliath, but if the city is attacked, we wont hold it. ANGLE ON: FARAMIR considers MADRILS words carefully. CLOSE ON: The MAP shows ISENGARD. FARAMIR Saruman attacks from Isengard. PAN ON: FARAMIR moves his FINGER from ISENGARD to MORDOR. FARAMIR (CONTD) Sauron from Mordor. PULL BACK TO REVEAL the ISENGARD, GONDOR, and MORDOR on the MAP. FARAMIR (CONTD) The fight will come to Men on both fronts. Gondor is weak. ANGLE ON: FARAMIR. FARAMIR (CONTD) Sauron will strike us soon. And he will strike hard. CLOSE ON: The MAP closes in on OSGILIATH. FARAMIR (CONTD) He knows now we do not have the strength to repel him.

144. INT. HENNETH ANNN - LATER CLOSE ON: FRODOS BLINDFOLD is ripped of him. ANGLE ON: FRODO and SAM stand in the midst of the GONDORIAN RANGERS, all walking to and fro in their duties. ANGLE ON: FARAMIR enters and address FRODO and SAM. FARAMIR My Men tell me that you are Orc spies. SAM Spies?! Now wait just a minute! FARAMIR Well if youre not spies, then who are you? SAM looks over to FRODO, who remains silent and unmoving... FARAMIR sits to address them. FARAMIR (CONTD) Speak. FRODO and SAM stay silent for a moment...finally, FRODO speaks. FRODO We are Hobbits of the Shire. Frodo Baggins is my name, and this is Samwise Gamgee. FARAMIR Your bodyguard? SAM (insulted) His gardener. FARAMIR And where is your skulking friend? ANGLE ON: FRODO looks suddenly nervous, his eyes widening. FARAMIR (CONTD) That gangrel creature. He had an illfavored look. (CONTINUED)

145. CONTINUED: FRODO shakes his head. FRODO There was no other. ANGLE ON: SAM looks uncomfortable, as if caught in a lie... FARAMIR eyes them suspiciously. FRODO (CONTD) We set out from Rivendell with seven companions. FARAMIR is suddenly very interested. FRODO (CONTD) One we lost in Moria, two were my kin, a Dwarf there was also, and an Elf. And two Men, Aragorn, son of Arathorn, and Boromir of Gondor. FARAMIRS expression changes to that of reserved surprise. FARAMIR (intently) Youre a friend of Boromir? FRODO Yes... for my part. ANGLE ON: FARAMIR turns away from the HOBBITS for a moment, and then back to address them. FARAMIR It would grieve you then to learn that he was dead. CLOSE ON: FRODOS mouth drops, shocked. FRODO Dead? How? When? FARAMIR As one of his companions, I hoped you would tell me. (CONTINUED)

146. CONTINUED: (2) FRODO If something has happened to Boromir, we would have you tell us. FARAMIR (with great difficulty) His horn washed up on the riverbank, about six days past. It was cloven in two. But more than this, I know it in my heart. He was my brother. CLOSE ON: FRODO stands speechless at the revelation. IMAGES: FARAMIR stands alone on a riverbank...FARAMIR walks through the water to an ELVEN BOAT, floating down the river. IMAGE: CLOSE ON the ELVEN BOAT: BOROMIR lies in state. IMAGE: FARAMIR stands in shock at the image as the boat passes him by. INT. HENNETH ANNN - DAY FARAMIR sits alone, deep in thought. CLOSE ON: In his hands, he holds the BOROMIRS HORN, cloven in two. ON THE SOUNDTRACK: Voices cry out, Boromir! Boromir! CUT TO: EXT. OSGILIATH - DAY Hundreds of GONDORIANS crowd the streets of the city, crying BOROMIRS name. ANGLE ON: BOROMIR plants a flag in one of the turrets and draws his sword in salute. BOROMIR This city was once the jewel of our kingdom...a place of light and beauty and music...and so it shall be once more! (CONTINUED)

147. CONTINUED: The people cheer in response. BOROMIR (CONTD) Let the armies of Mordor know this: never again will the land of my people fall into enemy hands. The people cheer again. BOROMIR (CONTD) This city of Osgiliath has been reclaimed for Gondor! WIDE ON: BOROMIR raises his sword in triumph over the city. The people respond to him with cheers and jubilation. ANGLE ON: FARAMIR makes his way through the crowds to BOROMIR. They embrace. FARAMIR Good speech. Nice and short. BOROMIR Leaves more time for drinking! The brothers laughs. BOROMIR addresses the people around him. BOROMIR (CONTD) Break out the ale! These men are thirsty! The men cheer in agreement. ANGLE ON: BOROMIR fills two tankards of ale. He hands one to FARAMIR and they toast. BOROMIR (CONTD) Remember today, little brother. Today, life is good. They drink...FARAMIRS gaze drifts beyond BOROMIR. His expression drops. BOROMIR (CONTD) What? (CONTINUED)

148. CONTINUED: (2) FARAMIR Hes here. BOROMIR turns. ANGLE ON: LORD DENETHOR, their father and the STEWARD OF GONDOR, makes his way through the crowd, happily greeting the people. ANGLE ON: BOROMIR, turns away in frustration. BOROMIR (CONTD) One moment of peace, can he not give us that? DENETHOR (smiling broadly) Where is he? Where is Gondors finest? Wheres my first-born? BOROMIR musters a smile, and then turns to greet DENETHOR. BOROMIR Father! ANGLE ON: FARAMIR drops back, as if staying out of the way... BOROMIR embraces DENETHOR. DENETHOR They say you vanquished the enemy almost single-handedly. BOROMIR They exaggerate. The victory belongs to Faramir also. FARAMIR smiles and steps forward...DENETHOR scowls. DENETHOR (condescending) But for Faramir, this city would still be standing. Were you not entrusted to protect it? FARAMIR I would have done, but our numbers were too few. (CONTINUED)

149. CONTINUED: (3) DENETHOR Oh, too few. You let the enemy walk in and take it on a whim. ANGLE ON: FARAMIR is shattered, hurt by his fathers condescension. DENETHOR steps toward him for the kill. DENETHOR (CONTD) Always you cast a poor reflection on me. FARAMIR That is not my intent. BOROMIR (impatient) You give him no credit, and yet he tries do to your will. ANGLE ON: BOROMIR storms away. DENETHOR leaves FARAMIR and follows him. BOROMIR (CONTD) He loves you, Father. DENETHOR Do not trouble me with Faramir ... I know his uses, and they are few. ANGLE ON: BOROMIR turns away, unbelieving a father would say such things of a son. DENETHOR (CONTD) We have more urgent things to speak of. Elrond of Rivendell has called a meeting. He will not say why, but I have guessed its purpose. It is rumored that the weapon of the enemy has been found. CLOSE ON: BOROMIRS mouth DROPS in SURPRISE and DISBELIEF. BOROMIR (delicately) The One Ring ... Isildurs Bane. (CONTINUED)

150. CONTINUED: (4) DENETHOR It has fallen into the hands of the Elves. Everyone will try to claim it: Men, Dwarves, wizards. We cannot let that happen. This thing must come to Gondor. BOROMIR Gondor. DENETHOR Its dangerous, I know. Ever the Ring will seek to corrupt the hearts of lesser Men. But you, you are strong... and our need is great. It is our blood which is being spilled, our people who are dying. Sauron is biding his time. Hes massing fresh armies. He will return. And when he does, we will be powerless to stop him. You must go. Bring me back this mighty gift. ANGLE ON: BOROMIR pulls away from DENETHOR and proceeds back out into OSGILIATH. BOROMIR No. My place is here with my people. Not in Rivendell ANGLE ON: DENETHOR chases BOROMIR out. DENETHOR Would you deny your own father? ANGLE ON: FARAMIR steps forward. FARAMIR If there is a need to go to Rivendell, send me in his stead. ANGLE ON: DENETHOR looks at FARAMIR with a cruel sneer. DENETHOR You? Oh, I see. A chance for Faramir, captain of Gondor, to show his quality. I think not. (CONTINUED)

151. CONTINUED: (5) ANGLE ON: FARAMIRS confident expression drops. DENETHOR (CONTD) I trust this mission only to your brother. The one who will not fail me. ANGLE ON: DENETHOR turns to BOROMIR, who stands against the wall looking strangely angered and defeated. CUT TO: EXT. OSGILIATH - DAY ANGLE ON: BOROMIR sits ready atop his steed, looking as he did when we first saw him ride into RIVENDELL. He glances upward. ANGLE ON: A WHITE FLAG, EMBLAZONED with the IMAGE OF A TREE ... the STANDARD OF THE STEWARD OF GONDOR flies high over OSGILIATH. ANGLE ON: BOROMIR turns his gaze to FARAMIR, who looks up at his brother. BOROMIR Remember today, little brother. ANGLE ON: FARAMIR smiles and nods...BOROMIR smiles in return and trots his horse out of OSGILIATH. CUT TO: INT. HENNETH ANNN - NIGHT FARAMIR sits alone...staring into nothing...lost in his memories. MADRIL approaches behind him. MADRIL Captain Faramir! MADRIL leans to FARAMIRS ear. MADRIL (CONTD) (whispers) We found the third one. CUT TO:

152. INT. HENNETH ANNN - NIGHT ANGLE ON: FRODO and SAM sleep. FRODOS eyes slowly open as footsteps approach. He looks up at figures before him. ANGLE ON: FARAMIR stands before him with 2 other GONDORIAN RANGERS. FARAMIR You must come with me. Now. FRODO silently rises and follows them. EXT. HENNETH ANNN - NIGHT WIDE ON: The Waterfall concealing their location flows over the cliff leaving space on the sides. FARAMIR inches toward the edge. ANGLE ON: FARAMIR gestures to FRODO. FARAMIR (CONTD) Down there. ANGLE ON: FRODO carefully walks to the edge and looks down. FARAMIR eyes him watchfully. ANGLE ON: Far below, GOLLUM jumps into the pool at the base of the waterfall. ANGLE ON: FRODOS eyes open wide, as if caught in his lie. FARAMIR (CONTD) (calmly) To enter the Forbidden Pool bears the penalty of death. FRODO looks at FARAMIR with fear. FARAMIR gestures to the sides of the waterfall...ARCHERS stationed on both sides of the pool lean in and draw their bows...FRODO looks back to GOLLUM. FARAMIR (CONTD) They wait for my command. ANGLE ON: Far below, GOLLUM emerges from the pool with a fish in his teeth and sits on a rock. ANGLE ON: FARAMIR still calmly watches FRODOS reactions. (CONTINUED)

153. CONTINUED: FARAMIR (CONTD) Shall I shoot? ANGLE ON: FRODO is rapt with indecision. ANGLE ON: GOLLUM sits on the rock with his fish...completely oblivious that his life may be in mortal danger. ANGLE ON: FARAMIR gives a signal to the ARCHERS. They raise their bows. ANGLE ON: FRODO continues watching GOLLUM, indecision etched across his face. ANGLE ON: GOLLUM attempts to eat the fish, but it wriggles about in his grasp. He regains control of the fish and whacks it repeatedly on the rock. ANGLE ON: FARAMIR raises his hand to give the signal to fire. FRODO Wait! FARAMIR stops. He continues looking at FRODO expectantly. FRODO (CONTD) (with difficulty) This creature is bound to me. And I to him. FARAMIR lowers his hand and responds, knowing GOLLUM is connected to FRODO. FRODO (CONTD) He is our guide. (desperately) Please ... let me go down to him. FARAMIR nods. FRODO runs off. EXT. THE FORBIDDEN POOL - NIGHT GOLLUM tears at the fish. FRODO appears from behind him. FRODO (CONTD) Smagol! (CONTINUED)

154. CONTINUED: GOLLUM continues eating, not responding to FRODOS call. FRODO (CONTD) Master is here. ANGLE ON: GOLLUM turns to FRODO, hesitantly. FRODO (CONTD) Come, Smagol. Trust master. Come! GOLLUM doesnt move. He looks at FRODO distrustfully. GOLLUM We must go now? FRODO Smagol, you must trust master. Follow me, come on. Come. GOLLUM finally responds to FRODO. He puts the fish between his teeth and follows warily after FRODO. FRODO (CONTD) Come Smagol. Nice Smagol. Thats it. Come on. ANGLE ON: FRODO stops. GOLLUMS eyes dart around, fearfully. SUDDENLY! A GONDORIAN RANGER grabs GOLLUM by the neck, lifting him off the ground. Instantly, several others descend on him, quickly overpowering him. GOLLUM wails in anguish. FRODO (CONTD) Dont hurt him! Smagol dont struggle! Smagol listen to me! GOLLUM Master! A BLACK CLOTH is draped over GOLLUMS head. The RANGERS pack him back into HENNETH ANNN...FRODO looks up to FARAMIR, speechless.

155. INT. HENNETH ANNN - NIGHT CLOSE ON: GOLLUM is slung against a wall of the cave. He wails in agony. ANGLES ON: FARAMIRS MEN throw GOLLUM to the ground, beating and kicking him. GOLLUM is helpless against their strength. ANGLE ON: FARAMIR watches out into the night. Finally, he turns to them. FARAMIR Thats enough. ANGLE ON: The MEN throw GOLLUM to the ground. He scrambles into a corner. FARAMIR approaches him. FARAMIR (CONTD) Where are you leading them? ANGLE ON: GOLLUM cowers away from him, whimpering. FARAMIR (CONTD) Answer me! GOLLUM continues sobbing. Suddenly, his hand starts stroking his shoulder, comfortingly. GOLLUM Smagol. Why does it cry, Smagol? ANGLE ON: FARAMIR looks upon GOLLUM, confused. SMAGOL (sobbing) Cruel Men hurts us. Master tricksed us. GOLLUM Of course he did. SMAGOL sobs again. GOLLUM I told you he was tricksy. I told you he was false. (CONTINUED)

156. CONTINUED: SMAGOL (sobbing) Master is our friend ... our friend. GOLLUM Master betrayed us. SMAGOL No. Not its business. Leave us alone! GOLLUM hits his fist against the wall. GOLLUM Filthy little Hobbitses. They stole it from us! SMAGOL (whimpers) No ... No. ANGLE ON: FARAMIR, suddenly interested. FARAMIR What did they steal? ANGLE ON: GOLLUM turns to FARAMIR with a fearsome expression. GOLLUM My Precious! He bares his teeth and growls. CUT TO: INT. HENNETH ANNN - NIGHT ANGLE ON: SAM and FRODO sit alone in a storage area. SAM (whispers) We have to get out of here. You go. Go, now. ANGLE ON: FRODO looks to SAM, warily. SAM crawls over to him. (CONTINUED)

157. CONTINUED: SAM (CONTD) (whispers) You can do it. Use the Ring, Mr. Frodo. Just this once. Put it on. Disappear. FRODO shakes his head. FRODO (with difficulty) I cant. You were right, Sam. You tried to tell me but ... Im sorry. The Rings taking me, Sam. (fearfully) If I put it on, hell find me. Hell see. SAM Mr. Frodo... SAM suddenly looks up. ANGLE ON: FARAMIR enters and draws his sword. The HOBBITS jump up and stand before him. FARAMIR So this is the answer to all the riddles ... here in the Wild I have you. Two halflings ... and a host of Men at my call. FARAMIR backs FRODO up against a wall, his sword at FRODOS neck. FARAMIR (CONTD) The Ring of Power within my grasp. CLOSE ON: FARAMIR lifts the RING from FRODO'S tunic with the tip of his sword. ANGLE ON: FRODO looks at FARAMIR with fear. FARAMIR (CONTD) A chance for Faramir, captain of Gondor, to show his quality. CLOSE ON: The RING remains on FRODOS chest at the tip of FARAMIRS sword. (CONTINUED)

158. CONTINUED: (2) ON THE SOUNDTRACK: The HUM of the RING grows louder. ANGLE ON: FRODO reacts to the RINGS call to FARAMIR. SUDDENLY! FRODO breaks from his trance and throws FARAMIRS sword from him. FRODO No!! FRODO runs into a corner and cowers there with the RING. ANGLE ON: FARAMIR watches FRODOS reaction with surprise...SAM reels on FARAMIR. SAM (angrily) Stop it! Leave him alone! Dont you understand? Hes got to destroy it! Thats where were going ... into Mordor ... to the mountain of fire. ANGLE ON: FARAMIR, unmoving, continues to stare at FRODO. MADRIL enters behind him, snapping him out of his trance. MADRIL Osgiliath is under attack. They call for reinforcements. SAM Please. Its such a burden. Will you not help him? MADRIL Captain? FARAMIR (to Madril) Prepare to leave. FARAMIR turns back to SAM and FRODO, expressionless. FARAMIR (CONTD) The Ring will go to Gondor. SAMS face turns to fear and hopelessness. CUT TO:

159. EXT. PLAINS OF ROHAN - DAY ARAGORN rides atop BREGO. He stops on a ridge overlooking the PLAINS. CLOSE ON: ARAGORN looks across the PLAINS, worried. ANGLE ON: Still far off in the distance, the massive URUK-HAI ARMY marches in files towards HELMS DEEP. The black lines of troops stretches beyond eyesight. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN, speechless and scared, pulls BREGO back and gallops as fast as he can handle to HELMS DEEP. EXT. HELMS DEEP OVERLOOK - DAY WIDE ON: ARAGORN and BREGO reach the hillock overlooking the wide plains before HELMS DEEP, nestled in the mountain. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN smiles and pats BREGO. ARAGORN (in ELVISH) Mae carnen, Brego, mellon nn. Well done, Brego, my friend. EXT. HELMS DEEP - DAY ANGLE ON: ARAGORN gallops up the walk into HELMS DEEP. EXT. HELMS DEEP COURTYARD - DAY ANGLES ON: ARAGORN rides past the people...They are amazed to see him alive...a soldier takes charge of BREGO...ARAGORN dismounts...GIMLI fights his way through the crowd. GIMLI Where is he? Where is he? Get out of the way! Im gonna kill him! CLOSE ON: GIMLI looks upon ARAGORN in amazement. He smiles broadly. GIMLI (CONTD) You are the luckiest, the canniest and the most reckless man I ever knew! (CONTINUED)

160. CONTINUED: ANGLE ON: GIMLI embraces ARAGORN. ARAGORN accepts his friends affection. ARAGORN Gimli, where is the king? GIMLI nods to the HALL. INT. HELMS DEEP HALL - DAY As ARAGORN walks through the people, he meets LEGOLAS, who blocks his path. LEGOLAS looks at him, amused. LEGOLAS (in ELVISH; subtitled) Le ab-dollen. Youre late. They smiles. LEGOLAS gives ARAGORN a once-over and frowns. LEGOLAS (CONTD) You look terrible. ARAGORN laughs. ANGLE ON: OWYN tends to one of the people. She turns and is overjoyed to see ARAGORN returned. She moves to him, but pauses. CLOSE ON: LEGOLAS hands ARAGORN a necklace...ARAGORN hands up his hand to reveal the EVENSTAR has been returned to him. ANGLE ON: OWYNS smile fades. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN looks at LEGOLAS in reverent happiness. He nods with appreciation. ARAGORN (in ELVISH) Hannon le. Thank you. ANGLE ON: OWYN continues watching, now torn within. She fights back tears.

161. INT. HELMS DEEP HALL - DAY ANGLE ON: THODEN sits on his throne with GAMLING at his side. The door sounds and they turn to it. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN throws open the doors an stands before them. LATER... ANGLE ON: THODEN, taking in ARAGORNS story. THODEN A great host, you say? ARAGORN All Isengard is emptied THODEN How many? ARAGORN Ten thousand strong at least. THODEN turns to ARAGORN, incredulous. THODEN (in disbelief) Ten thousand? ARAGORN (grim) It is an army bred for a single purpose ... to destroy the world of Men. CLOSE ON: THODEN attempts to fathom ARAGORNS bombshell. He shows real fear. CLOSE ON: ARAGORN grimly completes the bad news. ARAGORN (CONTD) They will be here by nightfall. ANGLE ON: THODEN turns away slowly, considering. Finally, he walks resolutely from the hall. THODEN Let them come!

162. EXT. HELMS DEEP BATTLEMENTS - DAY ANGLE ON: THODEN and GAMLING walk down the stairs followed by ARAGORN, LEGOLAS, and GIMLI. THODEN (CONTD) (to Gamling) I want every man and strong lad able to bear arms to be ready for battle by nightfall. He dismisses GAMLING. He, ARAGORN, LEGOLAS, and GIMLI continue on to stand just outside the main gate. WIDE ON: THODEN stands outside the gate on the stone pathway leading into HELMS DEEP. He addresses his plan. THODEN (CONTD) We will cover the causeway and the gate from above. No army has ever breached the Deeping Wall or set foot inside the Hornburg! GIMLI stands bored against the gate. GIMLI This is no rabble of mindless Orcs. THODEN turns to GIMLI, almost surprised to hear from him. GIMLI (CONTD) These are Uruk-Hai. Their armor is thick and their shields broad. THODEN stands tall before GIMLI. THODEN I have fought many wars, Master Dwarf. I know how to defend my own Keep. THODEN walks back into the KEEP. CLOSE ON: ARAGORN and LEGOLAS walk past GIMLI, who appears to have been put off.

163. EXT. HELMS DEEP BATTLEMENTS - DAY WIDE ON: THODEN leads ARAGORN, LEGOLAS, and GIMLI across the battlements of HELMS DEEP, overlooking the expansive plains. THODEN (CONTD) They will break upon this fortress like water on rock. Sarumans hordes will pillage and burn. Weve seen it before. Crops can be resown; homes rebuilt. Within these walls, we will outlast them. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN follows THODEN closely. ARAGORN They do not come to destroy Rohans crops or villages. They come to destroy its people ... down to the last child. ANGLE ON: THODEN turns quickly to ARAGORN and draws him close. THODEN (quietly; angrily) What would you have me do? Look at my Men. Their courage hangs by a thread. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN looks away ashamed. THODEN (CONTD) If this is to be our end, then I would have them make such an end as to be worthy of remembrance. THODEN walks away. ARAGORN pleads with THODEN. ARAGORN Send out riders, my lord. You must call for aid. THODEN turns back ARAGORN, drawing close again. THODEN (doubtfully) And who will come? Elves? Dwarves? We are not so lucky in our friends as you. The old alliances are dead. (CONTINUED)

164. CONTINUED: ARAGORN Gondor will answer. THODEN (angrily) Gondor?! Where was Gondor when the Westfold fell? Where was Gondor when our enemies closed in around us?! Where was Gon--? THODEN recollects himself. He looks into ARAGORNS eyes. THODEN (CONTD) (quietly) No, my Lord Aragorn...we are alone. ANGLE ON: THODEN turns away again...ARAGORN looks after him, nodding...THODEN walks up the steps to the HALL, followed closely by GAMLING. THODEN (CONTD) Get the women and children into the caves. GAMLING We need more time to lay provisions-THODEN (curt) There is no time. War is upon us. THODEN and STAFF enter into the HALL...HIGH OVERHEAD, a flock of crows gathers. EXT. FANGORN FOREST - DAY TREEBEARD continues his walk through FANGORN. MERRY and PIPPIN rest in his branches, carried along by their fates. TREEBEARD The Ents have not troubled about the wars of Men and wizards for a very long time. ANGLE ON: TREEBEARD enters an expansive clearing and stops. (CONTINUED)

165. CONTINUED: TREEBEARD (CONTD) But now, something is about to happen that has not happened for an age ... Entmoot. MERRY Whats that? TREEBEARD 'Tis a gathering. MERRY A gathering of what? A noise sounds from behind them. ANGLE ON: MERRY turns to look behind TREEBEARD. ANGLES ON: ENTS begin emerging from the forest and walking towards TREEBEARD. OVERHEAD ANGLE ON: Many ENTS walk to the middle of the gathering where TREEBEARD awaits. TREEBEARD Beech. Oak. Chestnut. Ash. Good. Good. Good. Many have come. ANGLES ON: The ENTS all stop near TREEBEARD...MERRY and PIPPIN look about in awe. TREEBEARD (CONTD) Now we must decide if the Ents will go to war. ANGLE ON: MERRY and PIPPIN look to TREEBEARD in fear and anticipation. EXT. HELMS DEEP COURTYARD - DAY ANGLES ON: In a mass organized movement, the people gather their belongings and trudge together into hiding. SOLDIERS assist the elderly and infirm in getting themselves into the caves. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN works his way through the throng and explains the plan to LEGOLAS. (CONTINUED)

166. CONTINUED: ARAGORN Well place the reserves along the wall. They can support the archers from above the gate. LEGOLAS Aragorn, you must rest. Youre no use to us half alive. ARAGORN pays LEGOLAS no mind. A VOICE breaks across the throngs. ARAGORN looks in its direction. OWYN (O.S.) Aragorn! Aragorn! ANGLE ON: OWYN runs through the crowds towards him. She looks at him angrily. OWYN (CONTD) Im to be sent with the women into the caves. ARAGORN (nodding) That is an honorable charge. OWYN To mind the children, to find food and bedding with the men return. What renown is there in that? ARAGORN grasps her hands. ARAGORN (reassuring) My lady, a time may come for valor without renown. Who then will your people look to in the last defense? OWYN (pleading) Let me stand at your side. ARAGORN It is not in my power to command it. (CONTINUED)

167. CONTINUED: (2) ARAGORN turns away from her. She looks after him unmoved. He turns. OWYN You do not command the others to stay! They fight beside you because they would not be parted from you. (desperately) Because they love you! ARAGORN stands before her, looking at her silently. She averts her gaze. OWYN (CONTD) Im sorry. She pushes past him and follows the people into the caves. INT. HELMS DEEP CAVES - NIGHT ANGLE ON: WOMEN and CHILDREN comfort each other as they trudge their way into the caves...They regard their new home with fear and doubt...OWYN studies her task grimly. WIDE ON: The expansiveness of the caves holds thousands of ROHIRRIM. The caves seem to go on forever. ANGLES ON: Tearful good-byes from wives, mothers, young siblings and children as even old men and boys are drafted into service and taken away from their families to fight. ANGLES ON: Swords are passed out to the miserable army. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN examines one of the swords. He tosses it away, discouraged. ARAGORN Farmer, farriers, stable boys. These are no soldiers. GIMLI Most have seen too many winters. LEGOLAS Or too few. (CONTINUED)

168. CONTINUED: ARAGORN nods, miserably. ANGLES ON: The new soldiers continue to prepare. LEGOLAS (CONTD) Look at them. Theyre frightened. I can see it in their eyes. ANGLE ON: Everyone around them turns to look at LEGOLAS. He turns away, angrily. LEGOLAS (CONTD) (in ELVISH; subtitled) Boe a hn...neled herain...dan caer menig! And they should be...Three hundred ...against ten thousand! ANGLE ON: ARAGORN looks at LEGOLAS with as much confidence as he can muster. ARAGORN (in ELVISH; subtitled) Si beriathar hn. Amar n ned Edoras. (subtitled) They have more hope of defending themselves here than at Edoras. LEGOLAS Aragorn, Men i ndagor. Hn -... ortheri. Natha daged aen! Aragorn, we are warriors. They cannot win this fight. They are all going to die! ARAGORN explodes at LEGOLAS. ARAGORN (resolute) Then I shall die as one them! Their gaze locks for a moment...ARAGORN breaks and walks away. LEGOLAS makes to follow him...GIMLI puts a hand on his arm. GIMLI Let him go, lad. Let him be.

169. EXT. HELMS DEEP - NIGHT WIDE ON: SOLDIERS stand at the BATTLEMENTS. The PLAINS before the DEEP are quiet ... like the calm before a storm. INT. KINGS CHAMBER, HELMS DEEP - NIGHT GAMLING approaches KING THODEN. GAMLING Every villager able to wield a sword has been sent to the armory. THODEN stands silently - unarmed and armourless. GAMLING (CONTD) My lord? THODEN (quietly) Who am I, Gamling? GAMLING (matter-of-fact) You are our king, sire. THODEN (quietly) And do you trust your king? GAMLING stands at THODENS side with his armour, unmoving. GAMLING Your men, my lord, will follow you to whatever end. Slowly, GAMLING wraps the armour around THODEN. THODEN (quietly, to himself) To whatever end... ANGLES ON: GAMLING attaches THODENS ARMOUR, piece by piece. INTERCUT: Lances held high like an enormous porcupine, the URUKHAI ARMY continues its steady march across the PLAINS OF ROHAN to HELMS DEEP. (CONTINUED)

170. CONTINUED: THODEN (CONTD) Where is the horse and the rider? Where is the horn that was blowing? IMAGE: A SOLDIER sharpens a sword on a whetstone ... Old men collect spears on their way to fight. THODEN (V.O.) (CONTD) They have passed like rain on the mountains. IMAGE: A oversized helmet is placed on the head of a boy. THODEN (V.O.) (CONTD) Like wind in the meadow. IMAGE: An axe is handed to a frightened boy, who takes it with trepidation. THODEN (V.O.) (CONTD) The days have gone down in the west... INTERCUT: The URUK-HAI ARMY marches ever closer. THODEN (V.O.) (CONTD) ...behind the hills... IMAGE: A boy dressed in full chain mail too large for him, takes a shield and moves to fight. THODEN (V.O.) (CONTD) ...into Shadow. INTERCUT: The URUK-HAI ARMY closes in on HELMS DEEP and begins to take their positions. ANGLE ON: THODEN in his hall, still standing still as GAMLING adjusts his armour. THODEN (CONTD) How did it come to this? WIDE ON: GAMLING stands to the side of THODEN in the empty room. They are ready.

171. EXT. FANGORN FOREST, ENTMOOT - NIGHT HIGH WIDE AERIAL OVER the treetops to the location of the ENTMOOT. The ENTS move and groan. ANGLE ON: PIPPIN rests against a root...MERRY paces impatiently. MERRY Its been going for hours. PIPPIN stands and walks over to him. PIPPIN They must have decided something by now. TREEBEARD turns to them and shakes his head. TREEBEARD Decided? No. Slowly, TREEBEARD turns to the HOBBITS. TREEBEARD (CONTD) We only just finished saying...good morning. TREEBEARD turns back to the ENTMOOT. ANGLE ON: MERRY looks on in frustration. MERRY But its nighttime already. You cant take forever. ANGLE ON: TREEBEARD slowly turns to MERRY again. TREEBEARD Dont be hasty. MERRY Were running out of time! TREEBEARD seems to ignore him and turns back to the ENTMOOT.

172. EXT. HELMS DEEP BATTLEMENTS - NIGHT SOLDIERS move to and fro preparing HELMS DEEP for the imminent attack. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN sits on the steps on the HALL, pondering the inevitable. He glances across the steps. ANGLE ON: A boy stands at the edge of the steps, nervously holding a sword. He looks at ARAGORN briefly and averts his gaze. ARAGORN Give me your sword. ANGLE ON: The boy whips around, looking at ARAGORN. Slowly, he walks over to ARAGORN and hands over his sword. ARAGORN takes it. ARAGORN (CONTD) What is your name? HALETH Haleth, son of Hma, my lord. ARAGORN reacts to the name. HALETH (CONTD) The Men are saying that we will not live out the night. They say that it is hopeless... Wordlessly, ARAGORN stands and eyeballs the sword. He gives it a few swings and holds it before him. He looks at HALETH. ARAGORN This is a good sword. ARAGORN hands the sword back to HALETH, who takes it gingerly. ARAGORN (CONTD) Haleth, son of Hma... ARAGORN leans down to him. ARAGORN (CONTD) ...there is always hope. CUT TO:

173. INT. ARMORY, HELMS DEEP - NIGHT SERIES OF IMAGES: ARAGORN quickly dons his CHAIN MAIL, LEATHER VEST, and ELVEN DAGGER. ANGLE ON: SOMEONE hands ARAGORN his SWORD...ARAGORN looks up... LEGOLAS stands before ARAGORN, ARAGORNS sword in hand. ARAGORN takes it and nods in thanks. LEGOLAS We have trusted you this far. You have not led us astray. Forgive me. I was wrong to despair. ARAGORN shakes his head. ARAGORN (in ELVISH; subtitled) -moe edhored, Legolas. There is nothing to forgive, Legolas. They smile at each other, their friendship renewed. ANGLE ON: GIMLI wrestles with a shirt of CHAIN MAIL. GIMLI We had time, Id get this adjusted. He gets the shirt on, and drops the bundle to the floor. It lands in a heap. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN and LEGOLAS smile...GIMLI is unphased. GIMLI (CONTD) Its a little tight across the chest. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN and LEGOLAS nod in feigned agreement. ON THE SOUNDTRACK: A HORN sounds from outside. ANGLE ON: LEGOLAS turns in curiosity. LEGOLAS That is no Orc horn. ANGLE ON: LEGOLAS and ARAGORN run out of the ARMORY.

174. EXT. HELMS DEEP BATTLEMENTS - NIGHT The GUARDS look over the edge of the Battlements. GUARD 1 (to GUARD 2) Send for the king. GUARD 2 nods and runs off. GUARD 1 (CONTD) Open the gate! The order passes down the WALL. ANGLE ON: An army of LOTHLRIEN ELVEN ARCHERS march up the Causeway into the HORNBURG...the SOLDIERS look upon them in wonder and excitement...THODEN walks down the steps of the HALL. His mouth drops open in surprise. ANGLE ON: HALDIR leads the ELVES to THODEN. He bows with respect. THODEN How is this possible? HALDIR I bring word from Elrond of Rivendell. An alliance once existed between Elves and Men. Long ago we fought and died together. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN, LEGOLAS, and GIMLI appear at the head of the stairs. HALDIR looks up to them and smiles. HALDIR (CONTD) We come to honor that allegiance. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN, LEGOLAS, and GIMLI descend the steps to greet HALDIR. ARAGORN (in ELVISH) Mae govannen, Haldir. Welcome, Haldir (CONTINUED)

175. CONTINUED: HALDIR extends in hand in the traditional ELVISH welcome. ARAGORN begins to, but then grabs HALDIR in a huge embrace. HALDIR is momentarily stunned, but hugs back lightly. ARAGORN (CONTD) You are most welcome. LEGOLAS and HALDIR clasp each other on the shoulder in greeting. ANGLE ON: The ARMY OF ELVES performs a LEFT FACE and stands before THODEN for his review. HALDIR bows before him. HALDIR We are proud to fight alongside Men once more. EXT. HELMS DEEP BATTLEMENTS - NIGHT WIDE ON: The MEN and ELVES stand ready and watchful on the BATTLEMENTS of HELMS DEEP. Every inch of space overlooking the sides of the wall is covered. WIDE ON: ACROSS THE PLAINS BEFORE HELMS DEEP, AN ENORMOUS ARMY, LIT BY TORCHES, APPROACHES THE HEAVILY MANNED BATTLEMENTS. ANGLE ON: LEGOLAS watches before a COMPLEMENT of ARCHERS. The top of a HELMET is just visible over the edge of the wall. GIMLI You could have picked a better spot. LEGOLAS smirks. ARAGORN approaches and stands beside them. GIMLI (CONTD) Well lad, whatever luck you live by, lets hope it lasts the night. LIGHTNING FLASHES...THUNDER ROLLS... WIDE ON: As the LIGHTNING illuminates the night, it reveal the sheer size of the sea of approaching URUK-HAI. ANGLE ON: LEGOLAS eyes grow wide at the very sight. (CONTINUED)

176. CONTINUED: LEGOLAS Your friends are with you, Aragorn. GIMLI Lets hope they last the night. ON THE SOUNDTRACK: The steady approach of the URUK-HAI grows louder. ANGLE ON: THODEN stands ready with his men. LIGHTNING peels across the sky accompanied by more THUNDER. THODEN looks up as it begins to rain. WIDE ON: THE MEN ON THE BATTLEMENTS ARE UNMOVED BY THE SUDDEN DOWNPOUR. ANGLES ON: THE SEA OF SPEAR GROWS EVER CLOSER...AN ORC COMMANDER stands atop a rock, urging the sea of URUK-HAI onward. WIDE ON: The URUK-HAI move ever closer to the WALL of HELMS DEEP. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN moves through the ranks of the ELVEN ARCHERS. ARAGORN (in ELVISH; subtitled) A Eruchn, -dano i faelas a hyn ... an uben tanatha le faelas! Show them no mercy ... for you shall receive none! ANGLE ON: The URUK-HAI COMMANDER roars at his troops. They stop their march. WIDE ON: The two armies stand still opposite each other...each waiting for the other. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN moves to the edge of the BATTLEMENT. ANGLE ON: The URUK-HAI stand impatiently, waiting for their orders. ANGLE ON: GIMLI jumps and strains to see. (CONTINUED)

177. CONTINUED: (2) GIMLI Whats happening out there? LEGOLAS Shall I describe it to you? He looks at GIMLI with a grin. LEGOLAS (CONTD) Or would you like me to find you a box? GIMLI laughs. WIDE ON: THE URUK-HAI COMMANDER roars. The ENTIRE URUK-HAI ARMY begins POUNDS their spears on the ground. ANGLES ON: The MEN and ELVES draw their swords and ready their arrows. ANGLE ON: ALDOR, an old man standing ready with his bow, loses his grip...the arrows sails to the front line of URUK-HAI and hits its mark. ARAGORN (in ELVISH) Dartho! Hold! ANGLE ON: The URUK-HAI groans and collapses to the ground, dead...the COMMANDER roars and thrusts his sword forward...the URUK-HAI roar in response and running towards the BATTLEMENTS. ANGLE ON: THODEN regards the scene grimly. THODEN So it begins. WIDE ON: The front line of URUK-HAI rush toward the WALL. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN shouts orders to the ARCHERS.


178. CONTINUED: (3) ARAGORN (in ELVISH; subtitled) Tangado halad! Prepare to fire! ANGLES ON: As one, the ARCHERS nock their arrows. And stand ready to fire. ANGLE ON: LEGOLAS speaks to HALDIR. LEGOLAS (in ELVISH; subtitled) Faeg i-varv dn na lanc...a nu ranc. Their armor is weak at the neck...and underneath the arms. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN brings his arm down. ARAGORN (in ELVISH; subtitled) Leithio i philinn! Release Arrows! ANGLES ON: The ARCHERS release their arrows and they find their marks. With every URUK-HAI that falls others replace him. ANGLE ON: GIMLI yells to LEGOLAS. GIMLI Did they hit anything? ANGLE ON: THODEN calmly speak to GAMLING. THODEN Give them a volley. GAMLING Fire! ANGLES ON: The order is passed to the Men, and the arrows fly. Many more URUK-HAI are felled but the advance continues. (CONTINUED)

179. CONTINUED: (4) ANGLE ON: GIMLI impatiently awaits his own opportunity to participate, jumping at the battlements, wishing he could see. GIMLI Send them to me! Come on! WIDE ON: THE URUK-HAI continue advancing on HELMS DEEP. VOLLEY after VOLLEY of arrows are launched into the fray felling the front line over and over, but the advance cannot be halted... ANGLE ON: URUK-HAI launch arrows from crossbows into the ALLIANCE...ELVES and MEN fall to their doom among the approaching throng...the URUK-HAI produce ladders and mount them against the WALL. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN looks down to this new peril. ARAGORN (in ELVISH; subtitled) Pendraid! Ladders! ANGLE ON: GIMLI jumps with glee. GIMLI Good! ANGLE ON: Ladders with URUK-HAI riders are raised against the WALL. ARAGORN Swords! Swords! ANGLE ON: The ELVES draw their swords and prepare for close combat. ANGLE ON: The first URUK-HAI comes over the wall and GIMLI is the first to make contact. QUICK SERIES OF CUTS: The URUK-HAI begin pouring over the wall...the MEN and ELVES battle against them. ANGLE ON: GIMLI and LEGOLAS take stock of each other.


180. CONTINUED: (5) GIMLI (holding up 2 fingers) Legolas! Two already! LEGOLAS Im on seventeen! GIMLI (outraged) Ill have no pointy-ear outscoring me! GIMLI quickly turns and fells another URUK-HAI climbing over the wall. LEGOLAS fires more arrows at the invaders. LEGOLAS (to GIMLI) Nineteen! QUICK SERIES OF CUTS: The battle rages on...more and more siege ladders are raised against HELMS DEEP...more and more URUK-HAI flood in. EXT. ENT MOOT - NIGHT ANGLES ON: TREEBEARD turns from the ENTS...PIPPIN paces...he looks up and gestures to MERRY. PIPPIN Merry! MERRY responds and they meet up with TREEBEARD. TREEBEARD We have just agreed. ANGLES ON: MERRY and PIPPIN wait with rapt anticipation... TREEBEARD bows his head and closes his eyes...MERRY tilts his head in query. MERRY Yes? TREEBEARD shakes himself and looks at the HOBBITS. (CONTINUED)

181. CONTINUED: TREEBEARD I have told your names to the Entmoot and we have agreed ... you are not Orcs. TREEBEARD gives them a smile...PIPPIN and MERRY stand profoundly still...MERRY appears confused...PIPPIN nods. PIPPIN Well, thats good news. MERRY (impatiently) And what about Saruman? Have you come to a decision about him? ANGLE ON: TREEBEARD comes back up to his full height and waves his hand. TREEBEARD Now dont be hasty, Master Meriadoc. MERRY (angrily) Hasty? Our friends are out there. They need our help. They cannot fight this war on their own. TREEBEARD (slowly) War? Yes. It affects us all. Tree, root and twig. But you must understand, young Hobbit...it takes a long time to say anything in Old Entish...and we never say anything unless it is worth taking...a long time to say. ANGLE ON: MERRY and PIPPIN look at each other with frustrated impatience. CUT TO: EXT. HELMS DEEP BATTLEMENTS - NIGHT WIDE ON: The MASSIVE URUK-HAI ARMY continues advancing toward the HELMS DEEP BATTLEMENTS. (CONTINUED)

182. CONTINUED: PAN ACROSS THE FIELD OF BATTLE TO: A large team of URUK-HAI shield themselves like a turtle and make their way up the CAUSEWAY to the MAIN GATE. ARROWS bounce off the shields. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN notices the peril on the CAUSEWAY. He runs through the ARCHERS shouting orders. ARAGORN (in ELVISH) Na fennas! Causeway! THE ELVISH ARCHERS turn and fire at the URUK-HAI on the CAUSEWAY. ANGLE ON: The URUK-HAI on the sides of the turtle formation fall but the TURTLE keeps advancing. ANGLE ON: THODEN observes the BATTLE. THODEN Is this it? Is this all you can conjure, Saruman? ANGLE ON: Two URUK-HAI carry a SPIKED BALL towards the SLUICE GATE of HELMS DEEP...they place it within...two more follow and place a second SPIKED BALL within...the URUK-HAI make a clear path for another URUK-HAI, armed with a sparkling torch, to make a clear run for the SLUICE GATE. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN sees the approaching URUK-HAI. He yells to LEGOLAS. ARAGORN (in ELVISH; subtitled) Togo hon dad, Legolas! Bring him down, Legolas! ANGLE ON: LEGOLAS fires several arrows at the URUK-HAI, but he continues to run. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN desperately points to the BERSERKER. (CONTINUED)

183. CONTINUED: (2) ARAGORN (in ELVISH; subtitled) Dago hon! Dago hon! Kill him! Kill him! The URUK reaches the SPIKED BALLS. A MASSIVE EXPLOSION DESTROYS AN ENTIRE SECTION OF THE WALL THROWING MEN AND URUKS IN ITS WAKE! ANGLE ON: THODEN turns to the explosion, for the first time feeling the fear of the battle. ARAGORN, LEGOLAS, and GIMLI are all thrown to the ground from the explosion. Massive chunks of the wall come down and flatten portions of the URUK-HAI ARMY. ANGLE ON: Water flows out of the breach. URUK-HAI flow in. ANGLE ON: THODEN turns from the explosion to the TURTLE on the CAUSEWAY. HIGH ANGLE ON: The TURTLE, URUKS still falling from the sides, has slowly made its way to the gate. ANGLE ON: The front shields of the TURTLE peel back to reveal a battering ram buried within. THODEN (calling out) Brace the Gate! INT. HELMS DEEP MAIN GATE - NIGHT MEN force themselves against the GATE, trying to hold it. INTERCUT WITH: The URUK-HAI pound the RAM into the GATE. The force of the hit throws the MEN back away from the gate. They quickly recover. EXT. HELMS DEEP GATE - NIGHT ANGLE ON: ABOVE THE GATE, SOLDIERS throw down stones and spears in an attempt to disrupt the RAM.

184. EXT. HELMS DEEP BATTLEMENTS - NIGHT HIGH OVERHEAD ANGLE ON: The URUK-HAI rush throw the destroyed section of the DEEPING WALL. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN slowly comes to his feet...GIMLI, still atop the wall, sees ARAGORNS peril. GIMLI Aragorn! GIMLI jumps off the wall and lands in the sea of URUK-HAI. He fights them off, but is soon overpowered. ARAGORN Gimli! ARAGORN commands the ELVES behind him. ARAGORN (CONTD) (in ELVISH) Hado i philinn! Hurl the arrows! ANGLES ON: The VOLLEY OF ARROWS fells many URUK-HAI, but many more follow in their wake. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN holds his sword at the ready. ARAGORN (CONTD) (in ELVISH; subtitled) Herio! Charge! The ELVES charge the approaching URUK-HAI. When contact is made, ground is neither lost nor gained. ARAGORN and the ELVES valiantly battle the URUK-HAI with much success. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN reaches below the surface of the water and pulls GIMLI to the surface. He coughs and sputters. ARAGORN drags him to temporary safety. WIDE ON: The ELVES and URUK-HAI continue their battle at the gap in the DEEPING WALL. CUT TO:

185. EXT. ENT MOOT - NIGHT TREEBEARD stands over the HOBBITS, the other ENTS behind him. TREEBEARD The Ents cannot hold back this storm. We must weather such things as we have always done. MERRY (angrily) How can that be your decision?! TREEBEARD This is not our war. MERRY But you're part of this world! ANGLE ON: TREEBEARD stands up uncomfortably. MERRY looks to the other ENTS. MERRY (CONTD) Arent you?! ANGLE ON: The ENTS looks at each other, surprised at this outburst. MERRY (CONTD) (desperately) You must help. Please. You must do something. TREEBEARD (simply) You are young and brave, Master Merry. But your part in this tale is over. Go back to your home. CLOSE ON: MERRY stands speechless ... angry ... frustrated. LATER... MERRY is putting on his jacket. PIPPIN approaches him slowly.


186. CONTINUED: PIPPIN Maybe Treebeards right. We dont belong here, Merry. It's too big for us. What can we do in the end? We've got the Shire. Maybe we should go home. MERRY (distantly) The fires of Isengard will spread And the woods of Tuckborough and Buckland will burn. And... MERRY turns to PIPPIN. MERRY (CONTD) (angrily) ...and all that was once green and good in this world will be gone. MERRY looks into PIPPINS eyes intently. MERRY (CONTD) There won't be a Shire, Pippin. CLOSE ON: PIPPIN stands silently, taking this in. EXT. HELMS DEEP BATTLEMENTS - NIGHT HIGH WIDE AERIAL: The endless sea of URUK-HAI swarm into HELMS DEEP. The DEFENDERS of the KEEP work fiercely to hold them back. ANGLE ON: THODEN stands at his tower, intensely observing every facet of the battle. SERIES OF CUTS: ARAGORN, LEGOLAS, and GIMLI fight tirelessly against the onslaught. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN looks up as a VOICE cuts across the battle. THODEN (O.S.) Aragorn! Fall back to the Keep! Get your Men out of there! WIDE PAN FROM THE UPPER BATTLEMENTS TO THE FIELD OF BATTLE. (CONTINUED)

187. CONTINUED: ANGLE ON: ARAGORN signals the fighters. ARAGORN (in ELVISH; subtitled) Na Barad! Na Barad! To the Keep! Pull back to the Keep! ARAGORN looks around for anyone who may not have heard. He glances up to the WALL. ARAGORN (CONTD) Haldir! ANGLE ON: HALDIR turns to him. ARAGORN (CONTD) (in ELVISH; subtitled) Na barad! To the Keep! HALDIR nods and starts fighting his way down. ANGLE ON: LEGOLAS and another ELF carry GIMLI off the FIELD, kicking and struggling. GIMLI (protesting) What are you doing? What are you stopping for? ANGLE ON: HALDIR gives orders to his retreating detachment. HALDIR (in ELVISH) Na barad! He turns and starts to retreat, but he is stopped by an URUK-HAI who leaps in front of him. He makes short work of this one, but another comes from behind him and stabs him in the arm. SLOW MOTION: HALDIR staggers...he kills the offending URUK...he looks down to his arm in total disbelief...he whirls around, lost to his purpose... (CONTINUED)

188. BEHIND HIM, AN URUK EMERGES AND BRINGS HIS SWORD DOWN ON HALDIRS HEAD...HALDIR freezes with a shocked look on his face... SLOW MOTION ANGLE ON: ARAGORN, on the ground, sees HALDIR FALLING...HALDIR falls to his knees, his world spinning around him...ARAGORN fights his way up the steps...HALDIR looks about him...the dead bodies of his kinsmen lie all around him...he falls to the ground just as ARAGORN catches him...his head falls into ARAGORNS arm...eyes lifeless and unseeing... ANGLE ON: ARAGORN gives HALDIR a silent farewell...seeing a group of approaching URUK-HAI, like a madman, ARAGORN leaps aboard the nearest ladder and rides it into the sea of URUK-HAI below. EXT. HELMS DEEP GATE - NIGHT The GATE smashes under the onslaught of the BATTERING RAM. A SOLDIER is impaled on the RAMS JAGGED END. ANGLES ON: The SOLDIERS and URUKS exchange arrow fire. ANGLE ON: THODEN draws his sword. THODEN (to his COMMANDERS) To the gate. Draw your swords! They depart for battle. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN fights against the URUK-HAI on the ground and makes his way up a steep outside stairway into the KEEP. INT. HELMS DEEP GATE - NIGHT THODEN and his SOLDIERS work desperately to hold the gate against impossible odds. An URUK starts to get the better of GAMLING, but THODEN rescues him. Seizing this advantage, another URUK stabs THODEN in the shoulder with his lance. Wounded but undeterred, THODEN returns the blow, but more lethally. He falls into GAMLINGS arms. GAMLING quickly pulls him out of the area. GAMLING Make way for the king! (CONTINUED)

189. CONTINUED: The fighting continues at the GATE. ANGLE ON: GAMLING carries THODEN away from the battle and rest him against the wall. GAMLING (CONTD) We cannot hold much longer. ANGLE ON: The GATE begins to give way under the strength of the URUK-HAI. The MEN work fiercely to hold it. ANGLE ON: THODEN looks momentarily discouraged until ARAGORN runs through and begins hacking at the URUK-HAI. THODEN (yelling) Hold them! ARAGORN How long do you need? THODEN takes his sword in hand. THODEN As long as you can give me. ARAGORN nods and looks around. ARAGORN Gimli! ARAGORN slips out a side exit as the MEN rush the GATE to hold it. EXT. HELMS DEEP GATE - NIGHT More URUKS run at the GATE PAN OVER TO: A DOOR OPENS on the side of a tower near the gate. ARAGORN peeps out. Seeing no immediate danger, he and GIMLI creep out and sidle along the outside of the wall. CLOSE ON: ARAGORN carefully peeps around the side of the tower. POV: A hoard of URUK-HAI crowd the GATE, trying to force their way in. (CONTINUED)

190. CONTINUED: ANGLE ON: ARAGORN sidles back up against the wall. GIMLI looks up at him. GIMLI (desperately) Come on. We can take them. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN looks at GIMLI sidelong with a smirk. ARAGORN Its a long way. ANGLE ON: GIMLI takes a peek...he steps back and looks into the distance...embarrassed. GIMLI (mumbles) Toss me. ARAGORN What? GIMLI (quickly) I cannot jump the distance. Youll have to toss me! ARAGORN nods slowly...he turns to lift GIMLI. GIMLI (CONTD) Oh...dont tell the Elf. ARAGORN Not a word. ANGLE ON: with one swift move, ARAGORN tosses GIMLI across the span and into the throng of URUK-HAI, taking them by complete surprise. ARAGORN jumps the distance himself and fight alongside GIMLI. HIGH WIDE: ARAGORN and GIMLI successfully delay the advance of the never-ending supply of URUK-HAI, hacking them off the edges of the narrow causeway as quick as they can advance.

191. INT. HELMS DEEP GATE - NIGHT ANGLE ON: THODEN observes ARAGORN and GIMLI. He turns back to his MEN. THODEN Shore up the door! ANGLE ON: A group of SOLDIERS carry beams to dam up the door to the ocean outside. EXT. HELMS DEEP BATTLEMENTS - NIGHT The URUK-HAI load a grappling hook onto an enormous crossbow. INTERCUT WITH: The MEN feverishly work to shore up the HELMS DEEP GATE. INTERCUT WITH: ARAGORN and GIMLI continue their efforts on the CAUSEWAY outside the GATE. The URUK-HAI ready the crossbow, and fire it up to the UPPER BATTLEMENTS. ANGLE ON: The SOLDIERS fall back from its landing. It grips onto the inside of the WALL. ANGLE ON: The URUKS fire another. ANGLE ON: The HOOK grapples to the inside of the WALL. The SOLDIERS try in vain to dislodge it. ANGLE ON: The URUK-HAI use the hooks as pulleys to pull great SIEGE LADDERS laden with URUK-HAI to the UPPER BATTLEMENTS. The LADDERS hook themselves on contact, and the URUK-HAI make to continue the fight. INT. HELMS DEEP GATE - NIGHT The SOLDIERS successfully reinforce the GATE. EXT. HELMS DEEP GATE - NIGHT ARAGORN and GIMLI continue holding off the onslaught on the CAUSEWAY. ANGLE ON: THODENS face appears in the crack in the gate. (CONTINUED)

192. CONTINUED: THODEN Gimli! Aragorn! Get out of there! A final board is put in place to seal off the crack. ANGLE ON: LEGOLAS calls to them from the top of the battlements. LEGOLAS ARAGORN! LEGOLAS drops a rope over the edge. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN grabs the rope in one hand and GIMLI in the other...LEGOLAS pulls them to safety...the URUK-HAI rush past them and attack the GATE once more. SERIES OF QUICK CUTS: LEGOLAS pulls ARAGORN and GIMLI up the wall...more GRAPPLING HOOKS are fired...more LADEN LADDERS are raised...the URUKS storm over the WALL...the SOLDIERS fiercely battle against them. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN and GIMLI reach the top of the WALL...LEGOLAS and some SOLDIERS pull them to safety. INT. HELMS DEEP GATE - NIGHT THODEN moves away from the GATE with GAMLING. THODEN Pull everybody back! Pull them back! GAMLING Pull back! Pull back! EXT. HELMS DEEP BATTLEMENTS - NIGHT HIGH WIDE ON: A hopeless stream of URUK-HAI stream up the LADDERS...press against the outer wall...charge the main gate...the scant supply of SOLDIERS fire arrows fruitlessly against them. THE URUK-HAI BREAK THROUGH THE GATE AND POUR IN. (CONTINUED)

193. CONTINUED: ARAGORN They have broken through! The castle is breached! Retreat! PAN UP TO: As one, the SOLDIERS on the BATTLEMENTS break and run into the KEEP...The URUK-HAI stream up the steps to prevent the retreat... CUT TO: EXT. FANGORN FOREST - NIGHT TREEBEARD walks lazily through the forest, carrying MERRY and PIPPIN in his branches. TREEBEARD I will leave you at the western borders of the forest. You can make your way north to your homeland from there. MERRY and PIPPIN do not respond. They look dejected. SUDDENLY, PIPPIN looks up with a gleam in his eye. PIPPIN Wait! Stop! Stop! ANGLE ON: MERRY looks over to PIPPIN, curious. TREEBEARD stops. PIPPIN (CONTD) Turn around. Turn around. Take us south! TREEBEARD looks to him, perturbed. TREEBEARD South? But that will lead you past Isengard. PIPPIN smiles. PIPPIN Yes. Exactly. If we go south slip past Saruman unnoticed. closer we are to danger, the are from harm. Its the last expect.

we can The farther we thing hell (CONTINUED)

194. CONTINUED: MERRY looks away, confused. TREEBEARD ponders this for a moment. TREEBEARD That doesnt make sense to me. But then, you are very small. Perhaps youre right. ANGLE ON: PIPPIN breathes a sigh of relief and smiles. TREEBEARD (CONTD) South it is then. Hold on, little Shirelings. ANGLE ON: TREEBEARD begins his slow plod through the forest again...MERRY looks over the PIPPIN, incredulous. MERRY Are you mad? Well be caught. PIPPIN No we wont. Not this time. EXT. ITHILIEN - DAY FARAMIR and COMPANY, with FRODO and SAM in tow, come to the top of a ridge and stop. WIDE ON: OSGILIATH, positioned astride the ANDUIN RIVER, stands before them...smoke plumes from its buildings. And in the far distance-nestled in the mountains-is MINAS TIRITH. MADRIL Osgiliath burns! RANGER Mordor has come. The RANGERS walk down to OSGILIATH. ANGLE ON: FRODO stands before FARAMIR, observing. FRODO (grimly) The Ring will not save Gondor. It has only the power to destroy. Please... let me go. (CONTINUED)

195. CONTINUED: ANGLE ON: FARAMIR hesitates, lost in indecision...then he gestures to his men. FARAMIR Hurry. FRODO and SAM are pushed forward. FRODO (desperately) Faramir! You must let me go! CUT TO: EXT. FANGORN FOREST - DAY TREEBEARD plods along with MERRY and PIPPIN riding in his branches. TREEBEARD And a little family of field mice that climb up sometimes, and they tickle me awfully. Theyre always trying to get somewhere where they... ANGLE ON: TREEBEARDS expression drops...his eyes grow wide... he stops in speechless horror. WIDE ON: The edge of the FOREST is utterly destroyed...burnt stumps and mangled bits of trees are all that remains... TREEBEARD (CONTD) (choked) Many of these trees were my friends. Creatures I had known from nut and acorn. ANGLE ON: PIPPIN looks down at TREEBEARD with pity. PIPPIN Im sorry, Treebeard. TREEBEARD They had voices of their own. (CONTINUED)

196. CONTINUED: WIDE ON: TREEBEARD looks to the distant ISENGARD...now treeless as well with smoking caverns. TREEBEARD (CONTD) Saruman. ANGLE ON: TREEBEARD shakes in fury. TREEBEARD (CONTD) (angrily) A wizard should know better! WIDE ON: TREEBEARD stands amidst the desolation and emits a furious roar. TREEBEARD (CONTD) There is no curse in Elvish, Entish or the tongues of Men for this treachery. A SOUND emits from the FOREST behind them. ANGLE ON: PIPPIN whips around...his eyes grow wide. PIPPIN Look! The trees! Theyre moving! WIDE ON: The borders of FANGORN stir...howls fall across the landscape. ANGLE ON: MERRY looks to TREEBEARD. MERRY Where are they going? TREEBEARD They have business with the Orcs. ANGLE ON: TREEBEARDS EYE NARROW IN FURY. TREEBEARD (CONTD) My business is with Isengard tonight... with rock and stone. MORE HOWLS SOUND... (CONTINUED)

197. CONTINUED: (2) WIDE ON: ENTS...DOZENS OF THEM...pour out of FANGORN and stand behind TREEBEARD. MERRY Yes! ANGLE ON: TREEBEARD begins plodding down the slope. TREEBEARD Come my friends. The Ents are going to war. It is likely that we go to our doom. Last march of the Ents! WIDE ON: The ENTS march behind TREEBEARD through the ruined portion of FANGORN down the long slope to ISENGARD. EXT. OSGILIATH - DAY FARAMIR and his RANGERS lead FRODO, SAM, and GOLLUM into OSGILIATH. HIGH WIDE ON: OSGILIATH is under siege. SOLDIERS run everywhere in its defense as the RANGERS pass in. ANGLE ON: FARAMIR and his RANGERS cut through a battle zone, ducking friendly arrows as the city is being defended...FARAMIR approaches one of his OFFICERS. MADRIL Faramir, Orcs have taken the eastern shore. Their numbers are too great. By nightfall we will be overrun. ANGLE ON: FRODO seems suddenly stricken. SAM looks to him. SAM Frodo! FRODO Its calling to him, Sam. His Eye is almost on me. ON THE SOUNDTRACK: A SHRILL CRY drowns out SAMS words. SAM Hold on, Mr. Frodo. You'll be all right. (CONTINUED)

198. CONTINUED: CLOSE ON: FRODO is horrified...SAM speaks to him, but FRODO does not hear him. FARAMIR Take them to my father. SAM and FRODO are hustled through the RANGERS. FARAMIR (CONTD) (proudly) Tell him Faramir sends a mighty gift. A weapon that will change our fortunes in this war. ANGLE ON: SAM breaks their grip a moment. SAM (desperately) You want to know what happened to Boromir? ANGLE ON: FARAMIR turns to SAM. He looks upon the little HOBBIT with intense curiosity. SAM (CONTD) You want to know why your He tried to take the Ring After swearing an oath to he tried to kill him! The your brother mad!

brother died? from Frodo! protect him, Ring drove

Before FARAMIR can respond, a cry screams across the silence. RANGER Watch out! LOW ANGLE ON: A large boulder smashes into a tower, crumbling it. ANGLE ON: FRODOS head lolls around...his eyes roll into the back of his head...he looks at the skies... SAM Mr. Frodo? FRODO Theyre here. (CONTINUED)

199. CONTINUED: (2) ANGLE ON: FARAMIR looks down at FRODO in fear...FRODO foams at the mouth... FRODO (CONTD) Theyve come. A SHRILL CRY PENETRATES THE AIR. FARAMIR and his MEN look to the sky. FARAMIR Nazgl! Everyone looks up and cringes. HIGH WIDE AERIAL ON: A NAZGL, riding atop his FELLBEAST, surveys the ruined OSGILIATH. ANGLE ON: FRODO stares at the NAZGL, transfixed ... FARAMIR grabs him and drags him off ... SAM takes off after them ANGLES ON: The RANGERS and SOLDIERS take cover in OSGILIATH, endeavoring to stay out of sight...GOLLUM cowers at the end of his rope. ANGLE ON: FARAMIR deposits him within a ruined tower.

FARAMIR (CONTD) Stay here. Keep out of sight. He exits as SAM enters to accompany FRODO. ANGLE ON: FARAMIR shouts to those on the BATTLEMENTS. FARAMIR (CONTD) (yelling) Take cover! ANGLE ON: FARAMIR ducks as A FELLBEAST soars fiendishly close to the rooftops of OSGILIATH. EXT. HELMS DEEP HALL - DAY WIDE ON: BANNERS OF THE WHITE HAND fly atop the Battlements of HELMS DEEP. The URUK-HAI are everywhere...it is completely overrun. (CONTINUED)

200. CONTINUED: ANGLE ON: A band of URUK-HAI run a BATTERING RAM into the DOOR OF THE HALL. INT. HELMS DEEP HALL - DAY A group of SOLDIERS work to barricade the door. ANGLE ON: THODEN watches them with despair. THODEN The fortress is taken. It is over. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN runs to THODEN. LEGOLAS carries more furniture to the door. ARAGORN You said this fortress would never fall while your Men defend it. They still defend it. They have died defending it. ANOTHER DEAFENING CRUNCH! INTERCUT WITH: The women and children in the GLITTERING CAVES panic....they cling to each other...OWYN gives comfort where she can. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN looks around the HALL. ARAGORN (CONTD) Is there no other way for the women and children to get out of the caves? ANGLE ON: THODEN stands silently, staring at the floor. ARAGORN (CONTD) Is there no other way? GAMLING There is one passage. It leads into the mountains. But they will not get far. The Uruk-Hai are too many. INTERCUT WITH: The URUK-HAI batter the door once more. (CONTINUED)

201. CONTINUED: ANGLE ON: ARAGORN pleads with GAMLING. ARAGORN Tell the women and children to make for the mountain pass. And barricade the entrance. ANGLE ON: THODEN looks over to ARAGORN and GAMLING. THODEN So much death. What can Men do against such reckless hate? ANOTHER SICKENING CRACK AT THE DOOR. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN thinks a moment. He looks to THODEN. ARAGORN (quietly) Ride out with me. ANGLE ON: THODEN turns to him, confused. ARAGORN (CONTD) Ride out and meet them. ANGLE ON: THODEN walks to ARAGORN, a light glimmering in his eyes. THODEN For death and glory. ARAGORN For Rohan. For your people. ANGLE ON: GIMLI looks up at the window to the HALL. GIMLI The sun is rising. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN turns to the window...the first light of the sun streams through it. GANDALF (V.O.) Look to my coming at first light on the fifth day. At dawn ... look to the east. (CONTINUED)

202. CONTINUED: (2) ANGLE ON: ARAGORN looks back to THODEN with grim determination. THODEN Yes. Yes. The horn of Helm Hammerhand shall sound in the deep one last time! ANGLE ON: GIMLI looks over to them with excitement. GIMLI Yes! CRUNCH! The force of the BATTERING RAM throws MEN to the ground. They scramble back up to hold it. ANGLE ON: THODEN places his hand on ARAGORNS shoulder. THODEN Let this be the hour when we draw swords together. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN nods, understanding fully. INTERCUT WITH: GIMLI climbs a stairway to the HORN OF HELM HAMMERHAND at its summit. ANGLE ON: The RAM crunches against the door again. THODEN (CONTD) Fell deeds awake...now for wrath...now for ruin and a red dawn! THODEN places his helmet on his head. INTERCUT WITH: GIMLI blows on the HORN ... it sounds a deep blast across the depths of HELMS DEEP. ANGLE ON: The URUK-HAI crack through the door and pour into the HALL. CLOSE ON: THODEN RAISES HIS SWORD! THODEN (CONTD) Forth Eorlingas! ANGLE ON: The DECIMATED ARMY on HORSEBACK charges out of the HALL.

203. EXT. HELMS DEEP - DAY The HORSES blast out of the HALL under the standard of ROHAN. They charge down the roads of the KEEP slicing through stunned URUK-HAI as they ride. INTERCUT WITH: GIMLI continues blowing on the HORN, sounding its low blast through the KEEP. HIGH OVERHEAD ON: They charge out the MAIN GATE and down the CAUSEWAY, knocking URUK-HAI off the narrow walkway as they go. They fight bravely, as if it were their last stand. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN SUDDENLY LOOKS UP. WIDE ON: Between two massive boulders in the light of the dawning sun, a WHITE HORSE rears on the horizon. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN sighs with relief. ARAGORN Gandalf. ANGLE ON: GANDALF looks down at the scene below him. ANGLES ON: THODEN looks up and cheers...the URUK-HAI turn to face the new enemy. WIDE ON: The URUK-HAI outside of HELMS DEEP is still quite massive, taking up the entire volume of the plain. ANGLE ON: GANDALF sits atop SHADOWFAX, ready. GANDALF Thoden king stands alone. OMER rides up behind him. OMER Not alone. He draws his sword. OMER (CONTD) Rohirrim! A large group of riders emerge from behind the rise. (CONTINUED)

204. CONTINUED: ANGLE ON: THODEN smiles. THODEN omer. ANGLE ON: OMER raises his sword and orders the ROHIRRIM forward. OMER To the king! WIDE ON: The ROHIRRIM and GANDALF charge down the ridge toward the waiting throng of URUK-HAI. ANGLES ON: The URUK-HAI move into the position to receive this new threat. They ready their lances before them. WIDE ON: As the ROHIRRIM and GANDALF near the URUK-HAI front line, the sun emerges from behind the ridge and momentarily blinds the URUK-HAI, giving the ROHIRRIM first strike to overrun them. SERIES OF QUICK CUTS: The ROHIRRIM and GANDALF fight against the URUK-HAI, quickly decimating their numbers. CUT TO: EXT. ISENGARD - DAY SERIES OF CUTS: The ENTS storm into ISENGARD, throwing stones and ORCS...crushing them under foot...tearing down their towers... the ORCS are losing. ANGLE ON: SARUMAN rushes to his balcony and looks out. WIDE ON: ISENGARD is overrun by hundreds of ENTS, destroying everything that SARUMAN has worked to build up. ANGLE ON: SARUMAN rushes from one side of the balcony to the other, helpless to stop them. ANGLE ON: AN ENT works on the supports to the DAM. TREEBEARD (O.S.) Break the dam! Release the river! (CONTINUED)

205. CONTINUED: The ENT succeeds in breaking the supports...water breaks through the cracks until...THE DAM SHATTERS...ORCS fall to their deaths in the rushing torrents... CLOSE ON: SARUMAN looks on in horror as the freed RIVER ISEN flows down the mountain and into ISENGARD. ANGLE ON: MERRY and PIPPIN grasp TREEBEARD tightly...TREEBEARD stands proud of his destruction. MERRY Pippin! Hold on! WIDE ON: The ORCS run for their lives before the flood...the ENTS brace themselves. ANGLE ON: TREEBEARD braces himself. TREEBEARD Hold on little Hobbits! WIDE ON: The water hits the ENTS full force, but they are unmoved...the water flushes the running ORCS and their constructs over the edge of the ISENGARD caverns... ANGLE ON: ORCS working in the depths of the caverns. PAN UP TO: Water floods in on top of them... ANGLES ON: The ORCS in the CAVERNS run hopelessly from the flood...the water destroys their bridges...forges... everything... WIDE ON: The RIVER floods all of ISENGARD destroying everything and washing it into the caverns...only the ENTS escape untouched. EXT. OSGILIATH - DAY ANGLE ON: FRODO, in some kind of trance, walks slowly away from the safe corner. SAM tries to speak to him as he passes. SAM What are you doing? FRODO pays him no attention. (CONTINUED)

206. CONTINUED: ANGLE ON: THE NAZGL on his FELLBEAST flies over the city, looking for his prey...FRODO walks out of the tower of safety and through the rushing throngs of SOLDIERS...SAM rushes to the door of the tower, panicked. SAM (CONTD) Where are you going?! SLOW MOTION: FRODO stands atop a high wall...before him, the FELLBEAST flies into view...FRODO raises the RING. CLOSE ON: The RING in FRODOS fingers. ANGLE ON: FARAMIR spots FRODO across OSGILIATH. WIDE ON: FRODO stands atop the wall...the NAZGL flies over him...ready to strike. ANGLE ON: SAM runs up the stairs, screaming silently. CLOSE ON: FRODO closes the RING in on his finger. ANGLE ON: SAM tackles FRODO and wrestles the RING away from his finger...They fall to the ground just as the FELLBEAST closes its massive claws around the spot where FRODO was standing only moments before. ANGLE ON: FARAMIR fires an arrows into the side of the FELLBEAST...the FELLBEAST screams and flies away. ANGLE ON: SAM and FRODO roll down the stairs and off the edge...coming to a dead stop on the ground below. FRODO rolls on top of SAM, pinning him to the ground. CLOSE ON: FRODO draws STING and holds it at SAMS neck...anger and distrust etched on his face. ANGLE ON: SAM looks at the blade with fear...tears runs down his face. SAM (CONTD) Its me. Its your Sam. Dont you know your Sam? (CONTINUED)

207. CONTINUED: (2) CLOSE ON: FRODOS MADNESS fades into shock and confusion. FRODO backs away from SAM and slumps against a wall...STING CLATTERS to the ground. ANGLE ON: SAM touches his neck lightly and pulls himself up. He looks at FRODO...FRODO stares at the ground and shakes his head in shock. FRODO (slowly) I cant do this, Sam. SAM (sadly) I know. Its all wrong. By rights we shouldnt even be here. SAM stumbles to his feet and leans against a wall. SAM (CONTD) But we are. WIDE ON: Over the ruined OSGILIATH, the FELLBEAST continues to circle. ANGLE ON: SAM keeps watching the terrible scene, and speaks absently. SAM (CONTD) Its like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were. And sometimes you didnt want to know the end. Because how could the end be happy? ANGLE ON: FRODO panting against the wall. EXT. HELMS DEEP - DAY The ROHIRRIM decimate the retreating URUK-HAI. SAM (V.O.) (CONTD) How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? (CONTINUED)

208. CONTINUED: ANGLE ON: THODEN shouts proudly atop his horse. THODEN Victory! We have victory! ANGLE ON: GANDALF watches the URUK-HAI run, smiling. SAM (V.O.) But in the end, its only a passing thing, this shadow. ANGLE ON: ARAGORN looks up with relief...the battle is over. EXT. ISENGARD - DAY WIDE ON: The waters continue flowing over ISENGARD destroying all the evil that grew there...the ENTS chase the ORCS into the pits... SAM (V.O.) (CONTD) Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. ANGLE ON: MERRY and PIPPIN watch the goings-on with wonder riding atop TREEBEARD. SAM (V.O.) (CONTD) And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. ANGLE ON: The ENTS stands tall in the flowing water. SAM (V.O.) (CONTD) Those were the stories that stayed with you... ANGLE ON: SARUMAN, trapped in ORTHANC...slowly, he backs away from the edge of his balcony, and closes the doors to ORTHANC. SAM (V.O.) (CONTD) ...that meant something. Even if you were too small to understand why. HIGH WIDE ON: The waters completely flood the RING OF ISENGARD...to the very edges...wiping out everything SARUMAN had done...preparing the land for a renewal. (CONTINUED)

209. CONTINUED: SAM (V.O.) (CONTD) But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. EXT. OSGILIATH - DAY ANGLE ON: SAM stands overlooking OSGILIATH. SAM (CONTD) Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back only they didnt. They kept going because they were holding on to something. FRODO (skeptically) What are we holding on to, Sam? SAM looks at FRODO...SAM walks over and lifts FRODO to his feet. SAM (resolute) Theres some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And its worth fighting for. CLOSE ON: FRODO is moved by SAMS determination. He smiles grimly. ANGLE ON: FARAMIR approaches them. SAM stiffens at his approach. He kneels to their level. FARAMIR I think at last we understand one another, Frodo Baggins. MADRIL APPROACHES FROM BEHIND FARAMIR. FARAMIR stands to face him. MADRIL You know the laws of our country, the laws of your father. If you let them go, your life will be forfeit. CLOSE ON: FARAMIR looks at MADRIL, unwavering. (CONTINUED)

210. CONTINUED: FARAMIR Then it is forfeit. Release them. ANGLE ON: FRODO looks at FARAMIR with gratitude...SAM shakes a RANGERS hand from his shoulder. EXT. PLAINS OF ROHAN - DAY WIDE ON: The fleeing URUK-HAI run from HELMS DEEP over a ridge into the PLAINS...standing on the other side of the ridge is a large forest. The URUK-HAI run directly for it. ANGLE ON: THODEN, ARAGORN, OMER, and the rest of the ROHIRRIM ride to the top of the ridge and stop. OMER Stay out of the forest! Keep away from the trees! ANGLE ON: OMER looks with fear at the forest that has sprung up. ANGLE ON: Inside the forest, the URUK-HAI charge between the trunks mindlessly. WIDE ON: The DEFENDERS OF ROHAN watch silently from atop the ridge as the last of the URUK-HAI runs in. Suddenly, the trees move. Scream emit from with the forest... ANGLES ON: the DEFENDERS look on in fear and surprise as the forest eliminates the last of their enemies. EXT. HELMS DEEP HALL - DAY OWYN and the other WOMEN and CHILDREN emerge. ARAGORN climbs the steps to meet OWYN at their summit. She looks upon him with delight and holds him. EXT. HELMS DEEP BATTLEMENTS - DAY SOLDIERS pile the bodies of the dead URUK-HAI. ANGLE ON: LEGOLAS walks through the carnage and spots GIMLI, smoking his pipe. He stops, stroking his bow.


211. CONTINUED: LEGOLAS Final count...42. GIMLI (mock admiration) Forty-two? Thats not bad for a pointy-eared Elvish princeling. I myself am sitting pretty on 43. ANGLE ON: LEGOLAS face drops...suddenly, he fires an arrow at the URUK that GIMLI sits upon. LEGOLAS Forty-three. GIMLI He was already dead. LEGOLAS He was twitching. GIMLI He was twitching because hes got my axe buried in his nervous system. GIMLI demonstrates by working the axe in the URUKS head. The hands and feet twitch as he does. EXT. ISENGARD - DAY MERRY and PIPPIN stand waist-deep in the water. MERRY He doesnt look too happy, does he? PIPPIN Not too happy at all, Merry. ANGLE ON: SARUMAN and WORMTONGUE look hopelessly down from their prison. ANGLE ON: MERRY and PIPPIN watching them near the outer wall. MERRY Still, I suppose the view would be quite nice from up there. (CONTINUED)

212. CONTINUED: PIPPIN Oh, yes, its a quality establishment. I hear the staff are very good. MERRY holds his hand out from his head, measuring his height against PIPPINS. PIPPIN catches this out of the corner of his eye. MERRY pretends to be playing with his hair. PIPPIN What are you doing? MERRY Nothing. The worlds back to normal, thats all. PIPPIN No, it isnt. Im starving. MERRY picks up a floating basket and tosses out its contents. MERRY Good luck trying to find something decent to eat around here. Probably dead rats and moldy bread. PIPPIN picks up a floating apple. He looks to the sky for a moment trying to figure out where it came from. Suddenly, he sees another....and another... MERRY sees what is happening. They follow the trail of apples until they find a turkey...and then a basket of apples...and then... JACKPOT! The HOBBITS look with rapt anticipation at the food storehouse in the WALL OF ISENGARD. MERRY (CONTD) Sarumans storeroom! CLOSE ON: TWO BARRELS LABELED FROM THE SOUTHFARTHING OF THE SHIRE! ANGLE ON: MERRY and PIPPIN look with reverent awe on the barrels. PIPPIN I dont believe it. (CONTINUED)

213. CONTINUED: (2) MERRY It cant be. ANGLE ON: They crack open the top of one of the barrels. MERRY (CONTD) It is! PIPPIN Longbottom Leaf. MERRY takes a huge sniff of it. MERRY (with pleasure) The finest pipe-weed in South Farthing. PIPPIN Its perfect. One barrel each. PIPPIN suddenly stops. PIPPIN (CONTD) Wait. Do you think we should share it with Treebeard? MERRY Share it? (shaking his head) No. No. Dead plant and all that. Dont think hed understand. He leans into PIPPIN. MERRY (CONTD) (quietly) Could be a distant relative. PIPPIN smiles. PIPPIN I get it. Dont be hasty. MERRY whips out his pipe.


214. CONTINUED: (3) MERRY Exactly. (deeply) Bah-hrum. MERRY and PIPPIN laugh. ANGLE ON: TREEBEARD passes close to the storeroom. He hears the laughing and looks in on them. CUT TO: EXT. OSGILIATH - DAY FARAMIR leads FRODO, SAM, and GOLLUM through the turmoil to a water logged tunnel. FARAMIR This is the old sewer. Runs right under the river through to the edge of the city. Youll find cover in the woods there. ANGLE ON: FRODO and SAM look at him gratefully. SAM Captain Faramir...you have shown your quality, sir. ANGLE ON: FARAMIR stands back, surprised at SAMS words. SAM (CONTD) The very highest. FARAMIR The Shire must really be a great realm, Master Gamgee, where gardeners are held in high honor. ANGLE ON: SAM looks away, embarrassed. FARAMIR smiles. FARAMIR (CONTD) What road will you take once you reach the woods?


215. CONTINUED: FRODO Gollum says theres a path near Minas Morgul that climbs up into the mountains. FARAMIR looks surprised. GOLLUM tries to slink away. FARAMIR Cirith Ungol? FARAMIR snatches GOLLUM up by the neck and holds him against the wall. FARAMIR (CONTD) Is that its name? GOLLUM No. No! FARAMIR tightens his grip. GOLLUM (CONTD) Yes. FARAMIR turns to FRODO desperately. FARAMIR Frodo, they say a dark terror dwells in the passes above Minas Morgul. You cannot go that way. ANGLE ON: FRODO, rapt with indecision. GOLLUM It is the only way. Master says we must go to Mordor, so we must try. FARAMIR looks to FRODO, seemingly desperate to talk him out of it. FRODO looks resolute again. FRODO I must. FARAMIR throws GOLLUM down. He stands before FRODO and SAM.


216. CONTINUED: (2) FARAMIR Go, Frodo. Go with the goodwill of all Men. ANGLE ON: FRODO looks at FARAMIR, touched by his sincerity. FRODO Thank you. FRODO starts off into the sewer...SAM follows. ANGLE ON: GOLLUM starts to slink to the sewer...FARAMIR grabs him up by the neck again, pinning him against the wall. CLOSE ON: FARAMIR looks at GOLLUM intently. FARAMIR May death find you quickly if you bring them to harm. GOLLUM doesnt respond. FARAMIR throws him into the tunnel. GOLLUM slinks away, with a final, scathing glance to FARAMIR. INT. OSGILIATH SEWER TUNNEL - DAY FRODO and SAM walk easily through the tunnel. GOLLUM limps behind them. FRODO Come on, keep up. ANGLE ON: GOLLUM slumps to the ground, in pain. SAM stops. SAM Mr. Frodo didnt mean for them Rangers to hurt you. You know that, dont you? He was trying to save you, see? ANGLE ON: GOLLUM looks up to SAM in wonder. GOLLUM Save me? SAM So theres no hard feelings. Forgive and forget. (CONTINUED)

217. CONTINUED: GOLLUM (shaking his head) No, no, no hard feelings. (coughing) Gollum, Gollum. Yes, master. SAM steps back for GOLLUM to pass. WIDE ON: GOLLUM crawls into the culvert, following FRODO. SAM stands back and waits for him to wriggle his way in. GOLLUM (CONTD) Nice Hobbits. SAM Very decent of you. Very decent, indeed, Gollum. CUT TO: EXT. PLAINS OF ROHAN - DAY GANDALF, ARAGORN, LEGOLAS, GIMLI, THODEN, and OMER ride to the top of the rise in front of HELMS DEEP, looking off into the distance. GANDALF Saurons wrath will be terrible, his retribution swift. WIDE ON: In the far distance, the skies over MORDOR crackle and the darkness spreads. ANGLES ON: The others look to GANDALF as he speaks. GANDALF (CONTD) The battle for Helms Deep is over. The battle for Middle-earth is about to begin. All our hopes now lie with two little Hobbits... EXT. ITHILIEN - DAY GOLLUM leads FRODO and SAM through the woods. (CONTINUED)

218. CONTINUED: GANDALF (V.O.) (CONTD) ...somewhere in the wilderness. SAM I wonder if well ever be put into songs or tales. FRODO What? SAM I wonder if people will ever say, Lets hear about Frodo and the Ring. And theyll say Yes, thats one of my favorite stories. Frodo was really courageous, wasnt he, dad. Yes, my boy, the most famousest of Hobbits. And thats saying a lot. FRODO laughs and turns to SAM. FRODO Well, youve left out one of the chief characters: Samwise the Brave. I want to hear more about Sam. FRODO turns to SAM. SAM smiles sheepishly. FRODOS smile fades. He stops and turns to SAM, seriously. FRODO Frodo wouldnt have got far without Sam. SAM Now Mr. Frodo, you shouldnt make fun. I was being serious. FRODO (smiling) So was I. FRODO walks onward. CLOSE ON: SAM, dreaming of being a great storybook hero. (CONTINUED)

219. CONTINUED: (2) SAM (dreamily) Samwise the Brave. He gives his backpack a heave and follows FRODO. ANGLE ON: FRODO smiles...The HOBBITS walk through the forest in the distance. FRODO Smagol! SAM Were not gonna wait for you. Come on! PAN TO: GOLLUM crawls over a short hill, struggling. SMAGOL Master. Master looks after us. Master wouldnt hurt us. GOLLUM Master broke his promise. SMAGOL Dont ask Smagol. Poor, poor Smagol. GOLLUM Master betrayed us. Wicked. Tricksy. False. We ought to wring his filthy little neck. Kill him! Kill him! Kill them both. And then we take the precious and we be the master! SMAGOL runs and hides behind a tree. SMAGOL But the fat Hobbit, he knows. Eyes always watching. GOLLUM peeks out from behind the other side of the tree. GOLLUM Then we stabs them out. Put out his eyeses and make him crawl. (CONTINUED)

220. CONTINUED: (3) SMAGOL nods eagerly. SMAGOL Yes! Yes! Yes! GOLLUM Kill them both. SMAGOL Yes! No! No! He backs away from the tree. SMAGOL Its too risky. Its too risky. ANGLE ON: The HOBBITS come over the rise behind GOLLUM. SAM Where is he? Wheres he gone? Hey, Gollum! Where are you? FRODO Smagol? GOLLUM (thoughtfully) We could let her do it. SMAGOL Yes. She could do it. GOLLUM Yes, precious, she could. And then we takes it once theyre dead. SMAGOL Once theyre dead. GOLLUM Shh. With a smile, GOLLUM leaps out of hiding.


221. CONTINUED: (4) SMAGOL Come on, Hobbits. Long ways to go yet. Smagol will show you the way. ANGLE ON: GOLLUM walks through the forest, FRODO and SAM close behind. GOLLUM (sinister) Follow me. WIDE ON: GOLLUM continues leading the HOBBITS through the forest to their eventual destination. PAN UP OVER THE FOREST...OVER EPHEL DATH...TO REVEAL... MORDOR...THE TOWER OF BARAD-DR WITH THE EYE OF SAURON BURNING ON ITS SUMMIT...MOUNT DOOM BELCHES FIRE AND ASH INTO THE SKY...NAZGL ON FELLBEASTS CIRCLE THE SKIES... FADE TO BLACK. THE END

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