Instrument Landing System (ILS) assists a pilot to fly along a precise path, defined in three dimensions, during approach to land on a speccific runway using radio guidance signals transmitted by ground equipment.
BASIC PRINCIPLE. ILS works on basic principle of bearing by lobe
comparison. A typical ILS has following components: LOCALIZER. It provides Azimuthal guidance along extended centre line of runway. A vertical equi-signal reference plane produced by two lobes (directional beams) transmitting on either side of the runway centerline with an overlap.
GLIDESLOPE: Guidance to touch down zone in elevation is provided by two overlapping lobes producing on inclined plane of equi-signal. MARKER BEACONS. Accurate distance along the approach path from the runway over two points - outer and middle markers generally - is provided by respective beacons during an approach to land. Low powered NDB compass locator may be co-located for tacking in/ out of marker. A DME transmitter may be associated with localizer to render the marker redundant. LIGHTING SYSTEM. Runway approach lights, touch downzone, and other lights providing visual reference for landing may also be associated with ILS functioning. GROUND EQUIPMENT
LOCALIZER. A VHF transmitter emitting highly directional lobes is located typically 1,000ft (300 mtrs) beyond the stopping end of the runway. The two lobes are amplitude modulated; the one to the right at 150 Hz and the other to the left at 90Hz on one of the carrier frequency between 108.10 MHz and 111.95 MHz. As even
decimal frequencies in this range are used for the VOR, only odd frequencies are for the localizer. Thus there are 40 channels available for ILS localizer. The transmission is so arranged that along the extended centre line and in the vertical plane, the depth of signal from both lobes is equal. The CDI deflection of the airborne indicator is controlled by the difference in depth of modulation between two lobes at the position of receiver. Therefore, along the centerline, CDI remains central. When helicopter is off the centre line the CDI deflects to show the sector (but not the direction) pilot should turn to be on centerline. The carrier wave also carries amplitude modulated (A2A) ILS identification as three or four letters in Morse code and voice transmission of airfield information. In event of an emergency ATC may also pass instructions. Some localizers may transmit an identical signal in the take off direction also, which is known as back beam and may be used for limited guidance. GLIDE PATH. The transmission of the lobes for vertical guidance is in UHF band between frequencies 329.30 and 335.0 MHz with 150 KHz spacing, providing 40 channels. With standard pairing of glideslope and localizer frequencies, pilots need to select only the VHF localizer frequency. Paired glideslope UHF frequency is automatically tuned at the receiver. The radiation is arranged such that 150 Hz modulated signal lobe is below the 90 Hz modulated lobe and the plane of equi-signal thus formed, normally defines a GLIDESLOPE RADIATION - ELEVATION slope of 3 to the horizontal. Local conditions govern this angle which may differ in some cases for reasons of safety. A slope of approximately 3 intersects the runway at approximately 300 mtrs (1,000 ft) from its beginning and provides a descent of 300 feet for every one nm of forward travel. This translates to a gradient of 5.2 % or 1 in 20. A thumb rule for rate of descent required to maintain 3 glideslope is;
RoD= 5 x Ground Speed
[As example: 600 feet/ min is RoD for ground speed of 120 kts.] .
The Rotary Wing Society of India
Notes by: Gp Capt SK Manocha (Retd)
MARKER BEACONS. Directional transmissions in form of inverted cone at 75 MHz are provided at markers locations to confirm exact range from the runway when helicopter is crossing over them. Visual and audio indications in the cockpit are there to confirm this. Compass locator (low powered NDB) may be co-located with a marker if required for initial tracking in to the particular marker beacon. Outer Marker is placed at a range between 3.5 to 6 nm from the touch- down to provide adequate time for functional check of equipment and to commence final descent on the approach. Middle Marker, located at about 1 km, is the point where visual reference should be available (that is, at about DH - decision height of Cat I equipment) to runway to continue with instrument approach. Third optional Inner Marker, if provided is just short of the runway threshold, also the position for a Cat II DH. An illustration here indicates horizontal polar diagram (cross section) of the three markers, designed to provide signal for sufficient duration for identification when passing over them. As glideslope transmitter is placed along the runway to one side, the glideslope passes over the threshold at about 50 feet. This point over the threshold is called ILS Reference Point the height as TCH (threshold crossing height). If a precision DME forms part of the installation, it is co-located with glideslope transmitter. Such a DME provides accurate ground ranges from touch-down point and in localizer approach area. Elsewhere the DME readings may be in error. Each component of the ground equipment has its monitoring system, which may switch off either its related transmitter or identification code during any malfunction. AIRBORNE EQUIPMENT A common antenna with VOR is used for localizer reception. Another UHF antenna for glideslope and a combined receiver for all the three components, namely localizer, glideslope and markers is used. Panel mounted Control Unit is generally integrated with VHF communication set. Navigational information derived from ILS signals may be displayed on different instruments. OBS DISPLAY. On an OBI with an extra horizontal bar and vertical dots, the glideslope indications are also made available on the same display for VOR and ILS. In case of glideslope the maximum deflection either way for five dots shows 0.7 of deviation. That is, each dot corresponding to 0.14. Half a scale deflection of fly up indication of glideslope bar is considered significant deviation. As a thumb rule vertical scale deflection from the glideslope equals 24 feet/ dot/ nm of deviation. Therefore, maximum deflection of horizontal bar at 10 nm would be 700 feet (24 x 5 x 10) or at 3 nm 210 feet. CDI scale gets four times more sensitive than VOR indications when used with a localizer. Each dot shows 0.5 deviation from the centre line and full scale deflection corresponds to 2.5 or more. Roughly, one dot deviation is equivalent to 50 feet/ nm of off distance from the centre line. As an example, at 7 nm to touchdown, indication of 2 dots fly right would mean 100 feet off the centerline. In ILS mode, OBS selection has no effect on CDI indications. But selection of inbound track is a good reminder and useful practice if sometimes one is required to use HSI.
The Rotary Wing Society of India
Notes by: Gp Capt SK Manocha (Retd)
The CDI gives only positional information independent of helicopters heading. Therefore, any indications of azimuth and elevation displacement do not depend on heading. Failure of localizer signal renders the complete installation unusable, but with failure of only the glideslope, a non precision approach may be carried out. HSI (Horizontal situation indicator). A rotating compass card indicating heading and CDI are combined in HSI. Selecting the inbound localizer track makes the presentation meaningful. Track arrow and CDI are carried around with moving compass card as the helicopters heading changes. With OBS setting the dots too move and remain perpendicular to broken arrow showing OBS. As the CDI moves parallel to the broken arrow of OBS setting and TO/FROM indication is available, the HSI remains as the command (what to do) instrument throughout. With helicopters symbol in the centre, unambiguous picture in the plan view by HSI greatly simplifies interpretation and interception of the localizer and any required radials. The glideslope indication is given by a wide pointer moving over vertical scale and may be either on one side or both sides of the indicator. A knob to set the heading bug on the compass card as reminder is also there. The width of the bug assists in making small corrections to heading close to the runway on approach. MARKER BEACON INDICATOR. A set of colored lights which flash to indicate helicopters passage over the markers is installed on the instrument panel. Simultaneous Morse code identification in the headsets (and speaker) is also available. Salient details of all markers are depicted and tabulated below.
Marker OM MM IM
USE OF DME. In case of a co-located DME with ILS, airborne DME equipment automatically gets switched on when VHF frequency selection for the localizer is made on the control unit. In absence of marker beacon or as an additional and regular check of the distance to runway, DME readings can be used for the range. This can confirm position in relation to the glideslope by comparison of height (or altitude) with distance to touchdown.
SYSTEM COVERAGE and LIMITATIONS The volume of airspace within which accurate indications must be available are defined by ICAO for different components of ILS. LOCALIZER. The indications for the localizer signals received should be accurate up to 7 in elevation above the aerodrome level. The horizontal coverage of this airspace should extend to 35 of approach centerline and up to a distance of 18 nm. Beyond this; up to range of 25 nm the coverage should be within 10 of the extended centerline of the runway, as is shown in the figure here. GLIDE PATH. The volume of airspace where accurate indication of glide path is available extends up to 10 nm range. Its coverage in elevation is based on the glideslope angle and extends above runway from 0.45 to 1.75 , where represents the descent angle for approach. Therefore, for a 3 nominal angle of approach the coverage in elevation extends from 1.35 above aerodrome to 5.25. The coverage in the horizontal plane extends to 8 either side extended centerline of the runway. BACK BEAM APPROACHES. Localizer radiation pattern is replicated in take-off direction as well and can be used for tracking out in take-off direction or carrying out a non-precision approach on the opposite runway. On simple indicators, it must be noted that indications are opposite in sense. The approach may be carried out only if such a procedure is published and authorized. FALSE GLIDESLOPE. The emission of lobes at glideslope transmitter gets repeated due to antenna design. A steep and false glideslope above the actual one, would occur at twice the normal angle. The indications with false glideslope will be in reverse. The procedures are designed to intercept the glideslope from below to avoid a possibility of following the false glideslope which also demands a high rate of descent. BEAM BENDING. An apparent bending of the localizer beam may be caused by presence of aircraft, vehicles or other obstructions near the transmitter. Although the signal due to diffraction may go around obstructions, its modulation is affected, causing the apparent kinks. Separate holding points are designated for aircraft holding while precision approaches are taking place.
ILS APPROACH CATEGORIES The performance category of the complete ILS installation and the operating criteria together decide the minima decision height and the visibility to which a pilot may operate carrying out an ILS instrument approach to land. The performance includes the reliability, technology and accuracy of all the components of system including special equipment and traffic control procedures. Operating criteria includes factor like; accuracy and reliability of the airborne equipment, runway category, pilots special training and recency, with wind component and runway surface condition at time of approach. ICAO has stipulated ILS categories based on operational objectives in terms to allow aircraft to approach a runway and be in a position to land are tabulated below:
Category I II III A III B III C Decision Height 60 m (200 ft) 60 to 30 m (100 ft) 30 m or less 15 m (30 ft) or less Visibility not < 800 m RVR not < 550 m not < 350 m not < 200 m between 200 and 50 m
TYPICAL ILS APPROACH Instrument approach charts for ILS Rwy 09 by Jeppesen, with annotations are available on the next two pages. General format of Approach Procedure Chart has four sections; Heading, Approach Plan View, Profile View and Landing Minimums. On major airports - like the one shown here, the procedures may be covered in two pages.
Intermediate Fix
Missed App
2. A false glideslope on an ILS approach is likely to be encountered on the; (a) (b) (c) (d) back beam and below the correct glide slope. localizer and above the correct glideslope. localizer and below the correct glideslope. back beam and at twice the angle of correct glideslope.
3. Position over the outer marker is confirmed by; (a) (b) (c) (d) blue flashing light and audio signal of dashes. yellow flashing light and audio signal of dots and dashes. blue flashing light and audio signal of dots and dashes. yellow flashing light and audio signal of dots.
4. Criteria for Cat II ILS approach is decision height; (a) (b) (c) (d) not below 100 feet and RVR not less than 350 metres. not below 200 feet and RVR not less than 350 metres. not below 100 feet and RVR not less than 550 metres. not below 200 feet and RVR not less than 550 metres.
5. Frequency band between 108.1 MHz 111.95 MHz contains radio transmission signals for; (a) (b) (c) (d) ILS only. VOR only. ILS, VOR and VHF communication. VOR and ILS both.
6. The required rate of decent to keep on standard 3 glideslope at ground speed of 80 kts is; (a) 600 feet per minute (b) 500 feet per minute (c ) 450 feet per minute (d) 400 feet per minute 7. Reliable guidance from ILS glideslope may be received on either side of runway centre line up to; (a) (b) (c) (d) 10 and extend to range of 25 nm. 10 and extend to range of 10 nm. 8 and extend to range of 10 nm. 8 and extend to range of 25 nm.
8. Reliable azimuth guidance of localizer of ILS may extend on either side of the runway centre line to; (a) (b) (c) (d) 35 and range of 25 nm 10 and range of 25 nm 25 and range of 18 nm 10 and range of 18 nm
9. Glideslope deflection is indicated by difference in two signals of their; (a) (b) (c) (d) phases in VHF band. modulation depth. strength or amplitude. lobes in 90 and 150 MHz.
10. ILS reference point relates to; (a) (b) (c) (d) threshold crossing height. threshold to glideslope distance along runway. threshold to glideslope across distance from runway centre line. threshold to glideslope localizer distance.
11. Glideslope needle deflection of two dots above the centre indicates the helicopter position with respect to correct descent path is; (a) (b) (c) (d) 2 higher. 2 lower. 0.28 lower. 1.4 lower.
12. Glideslope needle deflection of one dot below the centre and at 6 nm from touchdown means the helicopter is positioned approximately; (a) (b) (c) (d) 85 feet above the glideslope 30 feet above the glideslope 85 feet below the glideslope 30 feet below the glideslope
13. Significant deviation to ensure adequate obstacle clearance relates to; (a) (b) (c) (d) full scale fly up indication. half scale fly up indication. within three dots fly up or down indication. just short of full scale fly up indication.
14. Identification code of a precision DME co located with ILS generally consists of; (a) (b) (c) (d) 4 letters, preceded by letter D. 4 letters, preceded by letter P. 4 letters, preceded by letter I. 3 letters, preceded by letter D.
15. OBS on VOR/ ILS indicator selection should be on outbound course when flying out on the out bound for an ILS approach; (a) (b) (c) (d) to obtain corrections in the right sense. to keep correction within five degrees of the track. to obtain correct indications for a missed approach procedure. is not correct.
16. ILS ground transmitters are generally laid out as; (a) glideslope 1000 feet down the runway and localizer 1000 feet in line from the stop end of the runway. (b) localizer 1000 feet down the runway and glideslope 1000 feet in line from the stop end of the runway. (c) localizer 300 feet down the runway and glideslope 300 feet in line from the stop end of the runway. (d) glideslope 300 feet down the runway and localizer 300 feet in line from the stop end of the runway. 17. A non-precision approach may be carried out in absence of signals from the; (a) (b) (c) (d) marker beacons only. localizer only. glideslope and outer marker. glideslope only.
18. Outer marker from the runway threshold is usually positioned between; (a) (b) (c) (d) 5 nm and 10 nm. 3 nm and 6 nm 7 nm and 10 nm. 6 nm and 8 nm.
19. A standard indicator scale for localizer deviation of each dot represents an error of; (a) (b) (c) (d) 1. 2. 0.5. 0.7.
20. The glideslope deviation of each dot on a standard indicator shows a displacement of; (a) (b) (c) (d) 0.7 1.0 0.5 0.14
21. The rate of descent required to maintain on the glideslope depends on; (a) (b) (c) (d) true air speed. indicated air speed. ground speed. calibrated air speed.
Notes by: Gp Capt SK Manocha (Retd)
22. An increase in head wind component on ILS approach would; (a) (b) (c) (d) not affect the rate of descent. require decrease in the rate of descent. require increase in the rate of descent. required decrease in the indicated air speed.
23. Inbound on the ILS, pilot should select the inbound direction by course setting knob on the HSI; (a) (b) (c) (d) otherwise localizer deviation will be incorrect. to have the picture presented to be meaningful. only during the inbound leg for the indications to be what to do. otherwise localizer indications for the CDI will be for the
24. Using an HSI for an ILS instrument approach, the glideslope indications are; (a) (b) (c) (d) not available as HSI shows only the horizontal situation. available on vertical scales, both sides of the instrument. available on a vertical scale, any one side of the instrument. available as in (b) or (c) above.
25. An ILS instrument procedure starts with position over outer marker. The pilot may use for initial tracking in: (a) (b) (c) (d) the localizer beam for guidance. the compass locator beacon and ADF. the radar vectoring. an approximate heading from the present position.
26. On an instrument approach chart, abbreviation IAF stands for; (a) (b) (c) (d) Instrument Approach Fix. Instrument Assisted Fix. Intermediate Approach Fix. Initial Approach Fix.
27. An ILS instrument approach procedure to execute inbound turn may use; (a) (b) (c) (d) any track reversal procedure including race-course pattern. 80/ 260 procedure turn only. base (or tear drop) turn only. 45/ 180 procedure turn only.
28. Pilot carrying out an ILS approach transition via a DME arc, once sure of the glideslope indication may; (a) follow the glideslope and continue to maintain DME arc. (b) continue to maintain DME arc altitude until established on approach course. (c) fly a steady heading to intercept the approach course. (d) fly direct to the intermediate fix.
29. Holding patterns not part of the approach procedure when depicted on an instrument approach chart are to be carried out; (a) (b) (c) (d) with all turns to the right. with all turns to the left. only at the MHA specified. not below the specified MHA.
30. On ILS approach chart in the Landing Minimums section the first column has A to D rows, referring to aircraft category that is decided by the speed; (a) (b) (c) (d) at threshold. range for the final approach. maximum speed for the missed approach. all the above.