How Many Daughters Did The Prophet Have

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( )
How Many Daughters did the Messenger of
Allaah ) ( have?

Author: Nader Zaveri


Table of Contents
Hadeeth # 1 ....................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Hadeeth #2........................................................................................................................................................................ 7
Hadeeth #3........................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Hadeeth #4........................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Hadeeth #5 ........................................................................................................................................................................ 9
Hadeeth #6........................................................................................................................................................................ 9
Hadeeth #7 ...................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Hadeeth #8 ..................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Hadeeth #9...................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Hadeeth #10 .................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Hadeeth #11 .................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Hadeeth #12 .................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Hadeeth #13 .................................................................................................................................................................... 13
More Sources from Al-Majlisi Bihaar Al-Anwaar ................................................................................................... 14
Scholar # 1: Aboo Al-Qaasim Al-Hussayn bin RooH (d. 326 AH) .......................................................................... 16
Scholar #2: Al-Kulayni (d. 329 AH) ............................................................................................................................ 16
Scholar #3: Al-Mufeed (d. 413 AH) ............................................................................................................................. 17
Scholar #4: Shareef Al-MurtaDa (d. 436 AH) ............................................................................................................ 17
Scholar #5: Al-Toosee (d. 460 AH).............................................................................................................................. 17
Scholar #6: FaDl bin Al-Hassan al-Tabarasee (d. 548 AH) ..................................................................................... 18
Scholar #7: Ibn Shahr Ashoob Al-Mazandaraanee (d. 558 AH).............................................................................. 18
Scholar #8: Shaheed Al-Thaanee (d. 966 AH) ........................................................................................................... 19
Scholar #9: FayD Al-Kashaanee (d. 1091 AH) ........................................................................................................... 19
Scholar #10: `Allaamah Muhammad Baaqir Al-Majlisi (d. 1110 AH) .................................................................... 19
Scholar #11: Haairee Al-Mazandaraanee (d. 1216AH) ............................................................................................. 20
Scholar #12: Kashif Al-GhiTaa (d. 1228 AH) ............................................................................................................. 21
Scholar #13: Shaykh `Abbaas Al-Qummee (d. 1359 AH) ......................................................................................... 21
Scholar #14: Dr. Ali Shariati (d. 1977 AD) .................................................................................................................. 22
Scholar #15: Muhammad bin Mahdee Al-Sheeraazee (d. 2001 AD) ...................................................................... 23
Scholar #16: Muhammad Taqee Al-Modarresi .......................................................................................................... 23
Scholar #17: Ja`far SubHaanee.................................................................................................................................... 24
More Scholars ................................................................................................................................................................. 25
Only One Daughter?..26
Who came up with this Theory? ................................................................................................................................... 26
`Alee bin aHmad Aboo Al-Qaasim Al-Koofee ............................................................................................................ 26
When did he live? ........................................................................................................................................................... 27
Al-Najaashee (d. 450 AH): ........................................................................................................................................ 27
`Allaamah Al-Hillee (d. 726 AH): ............................................................................................................................ 27
Muqaddis Al-Ardabeelee (d. 993 AH): .................................................................................................................... 27
Al-Burujerdi (d. 1313 AH): ........................................................................................................................................ 28
Agha Buzoorg Tehraanee (d. 1389 AH): ................................................................................................................. 28
`Alee Namaazee Al-Shaaharoodee (d. 1405 AH):.................................................................................................. 28
Al-Khoei (d. 1411 AH): ............................................................................................................................................... 28
What is His Status Amongst Our Scholars? ............................................................................................................... 28
Ibn Al-GhaDaairee (d. 411 AH): .............................................................................................................................. 29
Al-Najaashee (d. 450 AH): ........................................................................................................................................ 29
Al-Toosee (d. 460 AH):.............................................................................................................................................. 29
Ibn Dawood Al-Hillee (d. 707 AH): ......................................................................................................................... 30
`Allaamah Al-Hillee (d. 726 AH): ............................................................................................................................ 30
Muqaddis Al-Ardabeelee (d. 993 AH): .................................................................................................................... 31
MuStafa bin Al-Hussayn Al-Tafrishee (d. 1044 AH):............................................................................................ 31
Al-Haairee Al-Mazandaraanee (d. 1216 AH): ........................................................................................................ 31
Al-Burujerdi (d. 1313 AH): ........................................................................................................................................ 32
Muhaddith al-Nooree (d. 1320 AH): ....................................................................................................................... 32
`Alee Namaazee Al-Shaaharoodee (d. 1405 AH):.................................................................................................. 32
Al-Khoei (d. 1411 AH): ............................................................................................................................................... 32
Al-Tustaree (d. 1416 AH):.......................................................................................................................................... 33
In Which Book Did He Write This Theory? ................................................................................................................ 33

How many daughters did the Prophet ) ( have? Unfortunately, this has become the question.
How can this be? The very reason why we are on this beautiful religion of Islaam, that being because of the
Prophet )( , and now we are having ikhtilaaf (differences) on how many daughters he had?
This is rather a new phenomenon, the ijmaa` (consensus) of all the classical scholars and later scholars is that
the Prophet ) ( had 4 daughters from Khadeejah )( . It is incorrect and a bid`ah
(innovation) to believe that the Prophet ) ( only had one daughter, FaaTimah )( .
The proponents of this theory say that they are not the REAL daughters of Khadeejah ) ( and the
Messenger of Allaah )( , instead the other daughters are the daughters of Haalah, sister of
Khadeejah )( .
In this article, I will prove through Shee`ah books, that the Prophet ) ( did indeed have 4
daughters from Khadeejah )( . The four daughters being Zaynab, Ruqayyah, Umm Kulthoom and
FaaTimah, may peace be upon them all, the best of them being FaaTimah )( .
I will prove from the Quraan, and I will provide SaHeeH aHaadeeth from our Imaams that prove the Prophet
) ( had more than one daughter. After providing SaHeeH hadeeth, I will show many more
aHaadeeth all going through different chains proving for more than one daughter; just to show how
mutawaatir (widely narrated) this belief was that it is impossible for this to be wrong. Denying these
aHaadeeth would essentially be denying the Imaams )( , since it has been so widely reported through so
many different people.
Then, I will provide scholarly viewpoints from the classical scholars all the way to the contemporary scholars
on the number of daughters from the Prophet )( . At the end, I will show the origin of this
belief of 1 daughter of the Prophet )( , who came up with it, and what is his position amongst
the scholars?



O Prophet, say to your wives and your daughters and the believing women, that they draw
their veils close to them; so it is likelier they will be known, and not hurt. God is All-forgiving,

As you can see, Allaah ) ( was very explicit in the Quraan when he specifically spoke to his Prophet
)( , telling him to tell your daughters. This banaat in Arabic is the plural form of the word
daughters, if the Prophet ) ( only had one daughter Allaah ) ( wouldve said
bintuka (your daughter).
Allaah cannot tell the Prophet ) ( your daughters because He ) ( himself has
went against calling another persons child your own in the Quraan.

Call them by (the names of) their fathers: that is (more) equitable in the sight of Allah. But if
you know not their father's (names, call them) your Brothers in faith, or your mawlas.2


Surah Al-aHzaab (33) : Verse 59

Surah Al-aHzaab (33) : Verse 5


All of the mufassireen (commentators of the Quraan) say that this verse was revealed specifically for Zayd bin
Haarithah, people used to call him, Zayd bin Muhammad, but Allaah ) ( put a stop to that, and told
everyone to call him Zayd son of Haarithah.3If indeed the other daughters were not the daughters of the Prophet
)( , but were daughters of Haalah, then the daughters after the revelation of this verse were not
suppose to referred to as the daughters of the Prophet or the daughters of the Messenger of Allaah.
There is also a SaHeeH hadeeth in Al-Qummees tafseer that says that Zayd was called . 4
Some people will claim that Allaah ) ( has said your daughters to ONLY mean FaaTimah (
) similar to how Allaah ) ( has addressed Sayyidah FaaTimah ) ( as women in Surah
Aali `Imraan (3) : Verse 61.
There are many things wrong with this assumption. (1) First and foremost, it is Qiyaas (analogical reasoning),
which is haraam in shee`ah Islaam. (2) Second, we have numerous of aHaadeeth both in Shee`ah and Sunnee
books that the ONLY woman he took to Mubaahilah was FaaTimah )( . (3) And finally, there are zero
aHaadeeth from the Shee`ah books in which the Prophet )( , The Imaams )( , or any
of the Sahabas (companions) called the other daughters of the Prophet ) ( by any other name,
other than daughter of Muhammad or daughter of the Messenger of Allaah.
Also, some might try to bring out Surah Al-Kawthar (108), when Allaah ) ( says abtar, they say
this refers to the lack of children that he had. This is wrong, since the word was used in connotation with the
Prophet ) ( having no male sons living, since all of them died at a very young age.
Those people who think the Prophet ) ( only had one daughter will have to admit the one of
the following things. (1) The Imaams ) ( went against explicit instructions of the Quraan by saying
daughters of the Prophet when they werent the daughters, thus nullifying their `iSma (infallibility). (2)
Admitting, that the Prophet ) ( indeed had more than one daughter.
In the aHaadeeth section, I will provide many aHaadeeth of Imaams ) ( as well as the companions of
the Imaams ) ( referring to the other daughters of the Prophet ) ( as daughter of the
Prophet or daughter of the Messenger of Allaah.
NOTE: Look at how many different chains, this belief of having more than one daughter goes through, and
there are zero aHaadeeth in the Shee`ah books that say there is only one daughter.

Al-Qummee, Tafseer Al-Qummee, vol. 2, pg. 175; Al-Toosee, Tibyaan Fee Tafseer Al-Quraan, vol. 8, pg. 315; Al-Tabarasee, Majma`
Al-Bayyaan, vol. 8, pg. 528; Group of Muslim Scholars, The Light of the Holy Quraan, vol. 14, pg. 402
Al-Qummee, Tafseer, vol. 2, pg. 172; The chain of narrators for this Hadeeth:


Hadeeth # 1
Here is a Hasan (Good) hadeeth that is taken as a SaHeeH hadeeth from Imaam Moosa Al-Kaadhim (
), also known as `Abd SaaliH. This is a du`aa (supplication):

O Allaah send blessing up Al-Qaasim, and Al-Taahir sons of your prophet. O Allaah send blessings upon Ruqayyah,
daughter of your Prophet, and curse whoever harmed your prophet through her, O Allaah send blessing upon Umm
Kulthoom, daughter of your prophet, and curse whoever harmed your prophet through her. O Allaah send blessing upon
the progeny of your prophet5

Hadeeth #2
Here is another SaHeeH hadeeth that Imaam Al-Saadiq ) ( specifically calls Zaynab, one of the
other daughters of the Prophet, daughter of the Messenger of Allaah.

Al-Toosi, Tahdheeb, vol. 3, pg. 120, hadeeth # 38;

Al-Majlisi said this hadeeth is Hasan (Good) in his Milaadh Al-Akhyaar, vol. 5, pg. 116.

From Al-Halabee from Abee `Abd Allaah ) ( that his father narrated to him that Umaamah, daughter of Abee
Al-`AaS bin Al-Rabee`, and her mother Zaynab, daughter of the Messenger of Allaah ) ( that she
married after `Alee )( .6

Hadeeth #3
Here is another Hadeeth that is Muwaththaq (Reliable) that Zaynab is specifically called daughter of the

Hadeeth #4
Here is a hadeeth about FaaTimah ) ( performing Salaah Al-Mayyit (Deceased Prayer) over her sister,
Zaynab. Also, the Imaam saying daughter of the Prophet.

And Zaynab, daughter of the Prophet ) ( passed away, and FaaTimah ) ( went out
amongst her women and prayed upon her sister8

Al-Toosi, Tahdheeb, vol. 8, pg. 258, hadeeth # 169

Al-Majlisi said this hadeeth is SaHeeH (Authentic) in his Milaadh Al-Akhyaar, vol. 13, pg. 513; Al-Hillee said this hadeeth is
SaHeeH (Authentic) in his Tadhkirah Al-Fuquhaa, vol. 2, pg. 452; Yoosuf BaHraanee said this hadeeth is SaHeeH (Authentic)
in his Hadaaiq Al-NaaDirah, vol. 22, pg. 634; Al-Khoei said this hadeeth has a SaHeeH (Authentic) Sanad in his Mu`jam
Rijaal Al-Hadeeth, vol. 19, pg. 305, person # 12592
Al-Toosi, Tahdheeb, vol. 9, pg. 241, hadeeth # 28; Al-Sadooq, Man Laa YaHDuruh Al-Faqeeh, vol. 4, pg. 198, hadeeth # 5455
Al-Majlisi said this hadeeth is Muwaththaq (Reliable) in his Milaadh Al-Akhyaar, vol. 15, pg. 180; Al-Majlisi I (Al-Majlisis
Father) said this hadeeth is Muwaththaq Kal-SaHeeH (Reliable like an Authentic (hadeeth)) in his RawDah Al-Muttaqqeen,
vol. 11, pg. 68
Al-Toosi, Tahdheeb, vol. 3, pg. 333, hadeeth # 69
Al-Majlisi said this hadeeth is Da`eef Kal-Muwaththaq (Weak like a Reliable (hadeeth)) in his Milaadh Al-Akhyaar, vol. 5,
pg. 643


Hadeeth #5
Here is another hadeeth from our Imaams that talk about the number of children the Prophet (
) had with Khadeejah )( . This hadeeth is Da`eef (weak), no need to worry about that though since
the other daughters have already been proven, and there are no hadeeth to contradict this.

Ja`far bin Muhammad from his Father who said: The children of the Messenger of Allaah ) ( from
Khadeejah were Al-Qaasim, Al-Taahir, Umm Kulthoom, Ruqayyah, FaaTimah, and Zaynab. And `Alee ) ( married
Faatimah )( . And Aboo `AaS bin Rabee` and he is from Banu Ummayyah married Zaynab. And `Uthmaan bin
`Affaan married Umm Kulthoom, and he did not enter in her (i.e. sexual intercourse) until she passed away, and the
Messenger of Allaah married him to Ruqayyah in her place, then the Messenger of Allaahs ) ( child from
Umm Ibraaheem is Ibraaheem, and she is Maariyah Al-QibTiyyah9

Hadeeth #6
Here is another aHaadeeth that explicitly states the names of the daughters of the Prophet )( .

Al-Himyaree, Qurb Al-Isnaad, pg. 6

This chain (Haroon bin Muslim from Mas`adah bin Sadaqah) is usually accepted and considered Muwaththaq (reliable) by
majority of scholars (See: Al-Majlisis Miraat Al-`Uqool, Al-Khoeis Mu`jam Rijaal Al-Hadeeth), but I reject this chain. So by
their grading, this will be Muwaththaq.

From Abee BaSeer from Abee `Abd Allaah ) ( who said: The Messenger of Allaahs )(
children from Khadeejah were Al-Qaasim, Al-Taahir, and he is `Abd Allaah, (daughters were) Umm Kulthoom, Ruqayyah,
Zaynab, and FaaTimah. `Alee bin Abee Taalib ) ( married FaaTimah )( . Aboo Al-`AaS bin AlRabee3 and he is a man from the Banu Umayyah married Zaynab. `Uthmaan bin `Affaan married Umm Kulthoom but she
died before he enter upon her (i.e. consummated the marriage). When (`Uthmaan) went to Badr, the Messenger of
Allaah ) ( married him to Ruqayyah. The Messenger of Allah had a son (named) Ibraaheem from
Maariyah Al-QibTiyyah and she is Umm Ibraaheem and Umm Walad 10

Hadeeth #7
Here is another aHaadeeth that explicitly states the names of the daughters of the Prophet )(
taken from the same book, this goes through a different chain.

From Abee `Abd Allaah )( : The Messenger of Allaah ) ( entered his house, and when
`Aaishah was yelling at Fatimah )( . She was saying, By Allaah, O daughter of Khadeejah, that you believe
that your mother was better than us. What was in her that made her nobler than us? Fatimah who was listening to her
cried when she saw the Prophet (MGB). So he (the Prophet) said to her, O daughter of Muhammad! Why are you crying?
She replied, `Aaishah mentioned my mothers name with disrespect and I cried. The Prophet of God (
) became angry, turned to Ayesha and said, Ya Humayra! The Blessed the Sublime God has honored kind women
who give birth to children. Khadeejah, may Allaah have mercy upon her, gave me Taahir, and he is `Abd Allaah and he is
MuTTahir, and she bore me Al-Qaasim, FaaTimah, Ruqayyah, Umm Kulthoom, Zaynab. However, you are one whom God


Al-Sadooq, Al-KhiSaal, vol. 2, pg. 404, hadeeth # 115

This chain is da`eef (weak) due to two reasons. Muhammad bin Khaalid Al-Barqee is said to be da`eef in Hadeeth per AlNajaashee (See: Rijaal Al-Najaashee), but other scholars disagreed with this weakening and said Muhammad bin Khaalid AlBarqee is thiqah (See: Al-Khoeis Mu`jam Rijaal Al-Hadeeth), so there is ikhtilaaf (differences) on him. Another weak point in
the chain of narrators is `Alee bin Abee Hamzah, he is considered to be mal`oon (accursed) (See: Al-Kashees Ikhtiyaar
Ma`arifah Al-RIjaal) and weak by all major rijaal scholars.

10 | P a g e
has made barren and have not given birth to any child for me.11

Hadeeth #8
Here is Haadeeth of the Prophet ) ( describing Al-Hussayn ) ( to the people, notice who
he talks about, when he describes his family members.

O People! This is Al-Hussayn, son of Ali, he has the best grandfather and grandmother, his grandfather,
the Messenger of Allah )( , is the master of all Prophets; his grandmother is
Khadeejah, daughter of Khuwaylid, the first of all women to believe in Allah and His Messenger. And this is
al-Hussayn son of Ali, has the best father in all people, the best mother in all people; his father is Ali son
of Aboo Taalib, the Messengers brother, vice and cousin, the first of all men to believe in Allah and His
Messenger; his mother is Fatima daughter of Muhammad, the Mistress of all women.
And this is Al-Hussain son of Ali has the best paternal uncle and the best paternal aunt; his uncle is Ja`far,
son of Aboo Taalib who is adorned with two wings with which he flies to wherever he wants in Paradise,
and his aunt is Umm Haanee, daughter of Aboo Taalib.
And this is Al-Hussayn son of Ali, he has the best maternal uncle maternal aunt; his maternal uncle is AlQaasim, son the Messenger of Allah )( , and his maternal aunt is Zaynab daughter of
Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah. He then put him on his shoulder, separated his arms then knelt and
said: O people, this is Al-Hussayn son of Ali; his grandfather and grandmother are in Paradise; his
paternal uncle and paternal aunt are in Paradise; his maternal uncle and maternal aunt are in Paradise; he

Al-Sadooq, Al-KhiSaal, vol. 2, pg. 404, hadeeth # 116

11 | P a g e
and his brother are in Paradise.12

Hadeeth #9
Here is another Haadeeth that Zaynab is said to be the daughter of the Messenger of Allaah (
). This one is da`eef (weak), but it is already back up by SaHeeH hadeeth confirming this. Note: Once
again, going through a different chain.


Hadeeth #10
Here is Haadeeth of the Prophet ) ( describing Al-Hussayn ) ( maternal aunt and
uncles, notice the names.

And Al-Hussayn, and his maternal uncles is Al-Qaasim, son of the Messenger of Allaah, and his maternal aunt is Zaynab,
daughter of the Messenger of Allaah )( .14

Hadeeth #11
Here is Haadeeth from Imaam `Alee ) ( in Nahj Al-Balaaghah, which he is talking to `Uthmaan, the
third caliph, and saying that he has the honor of being the son-in-law of the Prophet )( ,
something that the first two caliphs were not.


Ibn Tawoos, Al-Taraaif, vol. 1, pg. 118; Al-Majlisi, BiHaar Al-Anwaar, vol. 23, ch. 8, pg. 111, pg. 19
Al-Kulayni, Al-Kaafee, vol. 6, pg. 369, hadeeth # 1
Al-Sadooq, Al-Amaalee, pg. 437, hadeeth # 2

12 | P a g e

And Ibn Abee QuHaaafah (Aboo Bakr) and Ibn Al-KhaTTaab (`Umar) were no more responsible for acting righteously
than you, since and you are nearer to the Messenger of Allaah through kinship than both of them (Aboo Bakr & `Umar),
and you take from him being a son-in-law which they are not.15

Hadeeth #12
Here is Haadeeth from one of our Imaams ) ( and they specifically said Ruqayyah daughter of the
Messenger of Allaah

From One of them ) ( said: When Ruqayyah, daughter of the Messenger of Allaah )(
died. The Messenger of Allaah ) ( said you now join the people of good deeds, of our predecessors
`Uthmaan bin Madh`oon and his companions. FaaTimah ) ( stood at the edge of the grave with her tears
calling into the grave, and the Messenger of Allaah ) ( allows his tears to fall on his clothes while
standing he prayed saying I am aware of her weakness and pray to Allaah to grant her protection against the pressure of
the grave16

Hadeeth #13
Here is Haadeeth that talks about Imaam `Alee ) ( entering with FaaTimah ) ( entering after

( ) ( )


Nahj Al-Balaaghah, Sermon # 164 (Imaam `Alee ) ( talking to `Uthmaan)

Al-Kulayni, Al-Kaafi, vol. 3, pg. 241, hadeeth # 18

13 | P a g e
And it is narrated that Ameer Al-Mumineen ) ( entered with FaaTimah ) ( after the death of her sister
Ruqayyah, wife of `Uthmaan.17

More Sources from Al-Majlisi Bihaar Al-Anwaar

Here is a scanned image of the chapter title, where Al-Majlisi discusses the amount of kids the Prophet (
) had, he adds a lot more aHaadeeth concerning the 4 daughters of the Prophet )( .
(Scanned image of Al-Majlisis BiHaar Al-Anwaar, vol. 22, pg. 151)


Al-Toosi, Al-Amaali, Majlis #2, Hadeeth # 16 (in majlis) / Hadeeth # 47 (in book)

14 | P a g e

We have seen countless upon countless of aHaadeeth from the Imaams ) ( that show that there
were more than one daughter of the Prophet )( . This will easily be considered
mutawaatir (widely narrated), and be accepted automatically by any scholar.
Now we must see what the Scholars have said concerning the number of daughters the Prophet (
) had.

15 | P a g e

Scholar # 1: Aboo Al-Qaasim Al-Hussayn bin RooH (d. 326 AH)
He isnt really considered a scholar, but a naaib (representative) of our 12th Imaam )( . He was asked
a question concerning the daughters of the Prophet ) ( from some scholars.

So he said to him: How many daughters did the Messenger of Allaah ) ( have? So he (Hussayn bin
RooH) said: Four. He said: And who is the best? So he (Hussayn bin RooH) said: FaaTimah )( 18

Scholar #2: Al-Kulayni (d. 329 AH)

Compiler of the great work Al-Kaafi, very rarely does Al-Kulayni talk himself in Al-Kaafi, he usually just
narrates aHaadeeth from the Ahl Al-Bayt )( , but he has discussed the number of daughters. Here is
what he said:

(Al-Kulayni saying this) He ) ( married Khadeejah when he was twenty and some years old. His
children from her before his revelation (as a Prophet) were Al-Qaasim, Ruqayyah, Zaynab and Umm Kulthoom. His
children born after his revelation were Al-Tayyib, Al-Taahir and FaaTimah )( . It is also narrated that he had
no children after revelation besides FaaTimah ) ( were born and that al-Tayyib and al-Taahir were born
before he revelation.19


Al-Toosi, Kitaab Al-Ghaybah, pg. 387

Al-Kulayni, Al-Kaafi, vol. 1, pg. 439

16 | P a g e

Scholar #3: Al-Mufeed (d. 413 AH)

He was asked about whether Zaynab and Ruqayyah were the daughters of the Prophet or not. Here is what he

Answer: That Zaynab and Ruqayyah were two daughters of the Messenger of Allaah ) ( and the
opposition in that is shaadh (odd) in his opposition 20

Scholar #4: Shareef Al-MurtaDa (d. 436 AH)

He replies to people who were said that Ruqayyah and Zaynab were not the daughters of the Prophet (
) , but were the daughters of Haalah, sister of Khadeejah )( .

[ ]

"And amongst our companions who are careless is that Ruqayyah and Zaynab are not the daughters of the Prophet
) ( in reality and claim that they both are the daughters of Khadeejah, may Allaah be pleased
with her, from [Haalah] son of Abee Haalah, (and this) is not correct according to what should have been importantly
known, because the knowledge about that (they get this) is from which have been confused in what we know from
akhbaar/history-reports, like the knowledge of the obvious matters. Doubting in this matter, is like doubting in every
matter known through knowledge of akhbaar. And we don't have to be arrogant about is known and alhamdullilah".

Scholar #5: Al-Toosee (d. 460 AH)


Al-Mufeed, Al-Masaail Al-`Ukhbariyyah, pg. 120

Al-MurtaDa, InkaaH Ameer Al-Mumineen Ibnatihi `Umar

17 | P a g e

FaaTimah ) ( married `Alee )( , and he is Ameer Al-Mumineen () , and her

mother is Khadeejah, mother of the believers, and her (khadeejahs) daughters Ruqayyah and Umm Kulthoom married

Scholar #6: FaDl bin Al-Hassan al-Tabarasee (d. 548 AH)

He writes in his biography of the Prophet ) ( on the number of daughters the Prophet (
) had from Khadeejah )( .

"The first child born was 'Abd Allaah son of Muhammad )( , who was (known as) Al-Tayyib & AlTaahir. She also gave birth to (another) son Al-Qaasim, and people say Al-Qaasim was older and his firstborn, as his
kunya (title) was Aboo Al-Qaasim. Some people have mistakenly assumed that the Prophet had four sons from
Khadeejah: Al-Qaasim, 'Abd Allaah, Al-Tayyib, and Al-Taahir. (the truth is) That he bore from her two sons and four
daughters: Zaynab, Ruqayyah, Umm Kulthoom, and FaaTimah.23

Scholar #7: Ibn Shahr Ashoob Al-Mazandaraanee (d. 558 AH)

He has also stated in his esteemed work Al-Manaaqib, the number of daughters the Prophet (
) had from Khadeejah )( .


Al-Toosi, Al-MabsooT, vol. 4, pg. 159

Al-Tabarasee, `Ilaam Al-Waraa, pg. 139

18 | P a g e
His children born from Khadeejah ) ( are Al-Qaasim, `Abd Allaah, and they are Al-Taahir and Al-Tayyib, and
four daughters, Zaynab, Ruqayyah, Umm Kulthoom, she is Aminah, and FaaTimah, and she is Umm Abeehaa. And he
did not have any children except Ibraaheem from Maariyyah 24

Scholar #8: Shaheed Al-Thaanee (d. 966 AH)

And the Messenger of Allaah ) ( married FaaTimah ) ( with `Alee )( . And
her sisters Ruqayyah and Umm Kulthoom (married) with `Uthmaan25

Scholar #9: FayD Al-Kashaanee (d. 1091 AH)

And the children the he had from before his (first) revelation were Al-Qaasim, Ruqayyah, Zaynab, Umm Kulthoom, and
the children after (first) revelation were Al-Tayyib, Al-Taahir, and FaaTimah )( . And it is narrated also that he
did not have any children after (first) revelation except FaaTimah )( .26

Scholar #10: `Allaamah Muhammad Baaqir Al-Majlisi (d. 1110 AH)


Ibn Shahr Ashoob, Manaaqib, vol. 1, pg. 161

Shaheed Al-Thaanee, Masaalik Al-Afhaam, vol. 7, pg. 81
FayD Al-Kashaanee, Al-Waafee, vol. 3, pg. 722 (FayD Al-Kashaanee, himself, is saying this)

19 | P a g e

Chapter V: Account of Khadeejah: Muhammad is employed by her in a Mercantile Expedition to Syria: He marries her and
has by her Kasim, Abdullah, Rokeeah, Zaynab, Ummkulsoom and Fatimah.
On the authority of Imam jafer-e-saduk )( : God be gracious to Khadeejah, from whom by me pure and
sacred were born Abdullah, Kasim, Fatimah, Rokeeah, Zaynab, and Ummkulsoom27

Scholar #11: Haairee Al-Mazandaraanee (d. 1216AH)

And his children from her ) ( before his (first) revelation were Al-Qaasim, Ruqayyah, Zaynab, and Umm


Al-Majlisi, Hayaah Al-Quloob, vol. 2, Ch. 7, pg. 67

Haairee Al-Mazandaraanee, Muntaha Al-Maqaal, vol. 1, pg. 11

20 | P a g e

Scholar #12: Kashif Al-GhiTaa (d. 1228 AH)

And he had 8 children that was born from Khadeejah )( . (The Children) before revelation were Al-Qaasim,
Ruqayyah, Zaynab, and Umm Kulthoom.29

Scholar #13: Shaykh `Abbaas Al-Qummee (d. 1359 AH)

Here is what Shaykh `Abbaas Al-Qummee, compiler of MifaateeH Al-Jinaan, had to say in regards to the
number of daughters the Prophet ) ( had:

( ) ( )

And it has been mentioned in (Qurb Al-Isnaad) from Al-Imaam Al-Saadiq ) ( said: The children of the
Messenger of Allaah ) ( from Khadeejah were Al-Qaasim, Al-Taahir, Umm Kulthoom, Ruqayyah,

Kaashif Al-GhiTaa, Kashf Al-GhiTaa, vol. 1, pg. 5

21 | P a g e
FaaTimah, and Zaynab. And `Alee ) ( married Faatimah )( . And Aboo `AaS bin Rabee` and he is
from Banu Ummayyah married Zaynab. And `Uthmaan bin `Affaan married Umm Kulthoom, and he did not enter in her
(i.e. sexual intercourse) until she passed away, and the Messenger of Allaah married him to Ruqayyah in her place30

Scholar #14: Dr. Ali Shariati (d. 1977 AD)

The famous scholar Dr. Ali Shariati, he was one of the most influential people in order to bring about the
Iranian Revolution. He discusses the daughters of the Prophet ) ( in his esteemed book Fatima
is Fatima31


Shaykh `Abbaas Al-Qummee, Muntaha al-Amaal, vol. 1, pg. 151 (Quoting originally from Qurb Al-Isnaad, this narration as already
been mentioned and discussed in the Hadeeth section, under Hadeeth #5)
Ali Shariati, Fatima is Fatima, pg. 151 - 152

22 | P a g e

Scholar #15: Muhammad bin Mahdee Al-Sheeraazee (d. 2001 AD)

Taken from his book Ummaahaat Al-Ma`soomeen, the second chapter is dedicated to Khadeejah )( , and this is
what is said under the section of Children of Sayyidah Khadeejah )( .

) (
( ) ( )

. : ( )
. :
Children of Sayyidah Khadeejah:
That the children of the Messenger (SAWAS) all of them are from Sayyidah Khadeejah, except Ibraaheem.
And Sayyidah Khadeejah (AHS) bore from the boys: Al-Qaasim and Al-Tayyib, and they died in Mekkah very young.
And she bore from the girls: Zaynab, Umm Kulthoom, Ruqayyah, and FaaTimah.32

Scholar #16: Muhammad Taqee Al-Modarresi

) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (

And the sustenance of the Prophet from khadeejah is five children, they are: Zaynab, Umm Kulthoom, FaaTimah,
Ruqayyah, and Al-Qaasim or Al-Taahir )( 33


Muhammad Mahdi Al-Sheeraazee, Ummaahaat Al-Ma`soomeen, ch. 2 Sayyidah Khadeejah

Muhammad Taqee Al-Modarressi, Al-Nabee Muhammad )( , Introduction

23 | P a g e

Scholar #17: Ja`far SubHaanee

Here is what the esteemed scholar Ja`far SubHaanee has said concerning the amount of daughters of the Prophet (
) .

) (
( )
The children of The Messenger )( :
That the children Khadeejah bore with the Messenger of Allaah ) ( are six, from the children two
of them were male, the eldest was Al-Qaasim and `Abd Allaah. And four daughters. And Ibn hishaam has mentioned:
That the oldest of the daughters is Ruqayyah, then Zaynab, then Umm Kulthoom, then FaaTimah34


Ja`far SubHaanee, Seerah Al-Muhammadiyyah, ch. Children of the Prophet, pg. 46

24 | P a g e

More Scholars

25 | P a g e

Only One Daughter?

We have established that the Prophet ) ( had four daughters from Khadeejah ) ( from
the Quraan, aHaadeeth, and Scholarly Opinion (From Classical Scholars to Cotemporary). Now, we must look
through history and see when and where did this theory of there being only one daughter of the Prophet (
) first emerge. I say theory, because it is just that, it is not substantiated by any evidence from the
Ahl Al-Bayt ) ( instead the followers of this theory use shaadh (odd) historical sources to prove this.

Who came up with this Theory?

When you look through the books of seerah (biographies) there seemed to be an ijmaa` (consensus) amongst the
Shee`ah scholars that the Prophet ) ( did indeed have four daughters, as I have shown already.
If there was an ijmaa` (consensus) amongst the `ulemaa (scholars) of the Shee`ah, then who came up with this
theory of only having one daughter? When did he live? How is he viewed amongst the `ulemaa (scholars) of the
shee`ah, is he considered to be a good person even amongst our scholars? All of these questions and more
will answered in the upcoming sections, inshaaAllaah.

`Alee bin aHmad Aboo Al-Qaasim Al-Koofee

When you look through the books, the earliest traces of when this theory of there being only one daughter of the
Prophet ) ( first began comes from a guy name `Alee bin aHmad Aboo al-Qaasim Al-Koofee.
He, Aboo Al-Qaasim Al-Koofee, was the first one who proposed that Ruqayyah and Zaynab were not daughters
of Khadeejah; rather they were daughters of haalah, sister of Khadeejah. Our classical scholars have deemed
this to be a bid`ah (innovation).35 Even great contemporary scholars such as Al-Tustaree (d. 1415 AH) has said
that this bid`ah was started from the book of Aboo Al-Qaasim Al-Koofee:


Ibn Shahr Ashoob, Manaaqib, vol. 1, pg. 159; Al-Majlisi, BiHaar Al-Anwaar, vol. 22, ch. 2, pg. 191

And the bid`ah that Ruqayyah and Zaynab were two daughters of Haalah, sister of Khadeejah

26 | P a g e

. ) (
Then there is no doubt that Zaynab and Ruqayyah were daughters of the Prophet )( , and the
bid`ah which it has been mentioned in the book of Aboo Al-Qaasim (Al-Koofee).36

Now, that we have established that this theory of there being only one daughter of the Prophet (
) was started by this guy named Aboo Al-Qaasim Al-Koofee, we must then figure out when was he alive?

When did he live?

As per all the great Rijaal scholars, they have said that he died in the year 352 AH.
Al-Najaashee (d. 450 AH):

He died in Jamaadi Al-Awwal in the year 352 AH37

`Allaamah Al-Hillee (d. 726 AH):

Jamaadi Al-Aawwal, in the year 352 AH38

Muqaddis Al-Ardabeelee (d. 993 AH):

He died in Jamaadi Al-Awwal in the year 352 AH39


Al-Tustaree, Qaamoos Al-Rijaal, vol. 9, pg. 450

Al-Najaashee, Rijaal, pg. 266, person # 691
Al-Hillee, Rijaal (KhulaaSah Al-Aqwaal), Second Section, pg. 233, person # 10
Al-Ardabeelee, Jaami` Al-Rawaa, vol. 1, pg. 553

27 | P a g e

Al-Burujerdi (d. 1313 AH):

He died in Jamaadi Al-Awwal, in the year 352 AH40

Agha Buzoorg Tehraanee (d. 1389 AH):

In the month Jamaadi Al-Awwal, in the year 352 AH41

`Alee Namaazee Al-Shaaharoodee (d. 1405 AH):

And in it (the year) Aboo Al-Qaasim Al-Koofee `Alee bin aHmad bin Moosa Al-Mabraqa`, and he had books, from
it was Kitaab Al-Istighaathaa4243

Al-Khoei (d. 1411 AH):

He died in Jaami Al-Awwal, in the year 352 AH44

What is His Status amongst Our Scholars?

There is an ijmaa` (consensus) from our classical scholars to our contemporary scholar on the status of Aboo


Al-Burujerdi, Taraaif Al-Maqaal, vol. 1, pg. 175, person # 935

Agha Buzoorg Tehraanee, Al-Dharee`ah, vol. 1, pg. 12
I will discuss in more detail this book, Kitaab Al-Istighaathah, that was authored by Aboo Al-Qaasim Al-Koofee in the upcoming
`Alee Namaazee Al-Shaaharoodee, Mustadarak Safeenah Al-BiHaar, vol. 5, pg. 235 (This was under the section of the year 352 AH)
Al-Khoei, Mu`jam Rijaal Al-Hadeeth, vol. 12, pg. 270, person # 7890

28 | P a g e

Al-Qaasim Al-Koofee. They have all said that he was a ghulat45 (exaggerator), kadhaab (liar), and a person
who has a faasid madhhab (corrupt belief). I will attempt to show you the ijmaa` amongst our scholars on his
Ibn Al-GhaDaairee (d. 411 AH):

Liar, Ghaali (exaggerator), person of bid`ah and discourse. I saw that he has many books, and he is not turned

Al-Najaashee (d. 450 AH):


Ghulaa (exaggerator) at the end of his life, and he has a fasad (corrupt) belief, and he composed many books,
many (of those books while) on the fasaad (corrupt belief)
And this man is claimed to the ghullat a great position48

Al-Toosee (d. 460 AH):

He was an Imaamee (12er Shee`ah) of the straight path, and he composed many relevant books, from them
were: Kitaab Al-AwSiyaa, Kitaab fee Al-Fiqh `ala Tarteeb, and Kitaab Al-Muzinee. Then, was confused, and
showed the madhhab of al-mukhammasah49, and he composed books in the (states of) ghuluww and confusion50


Ghullat is a person who does ghuluww (exaggerates) about the ma`soomeen, a person who puts the ma`soomeen at a higher
status than what they deserve.
Ibn Al-GhaDaairee, Kitaab Al-Du`afaa, pg. 82, person # 104
There seems to be a mistake in the naskh of the digitalized version of Al-Najaashee, it isnt supposed to be instead it is
supposed to be meaning "lifetime / life. Muhaddith Al-Nooree has recorded the statement of Al-Najaashee with ( see:
Khaatamah Al-Mustadarak, vol. 1, pg. 165)
Al-Najaashee, Rijaal Al-Najaashee, pg. 265 266, person # 691
The Madhhab of Al-Mukhammasah was explained later by `Allaamah Al-Hillee in his RIjaal (KhulaaSah Al-Aqwaal):

29 | P a g e

Ibn Dawood Al-Hillee (d. 707 AH):

He was an Imaamee of the straight path, and composed many relevant books, then became confused, and took
the madhhab of al-mukhammasah.
And he composed books in the (state) of ghuluww and confusion.
He is a liar, ghaali, and a person of bid`ah. I have seen many of his wicked/evil (khabeethah) books51

`Allaamah Al-Hillee (d. 726 AH):

After mentioning what Al-Toosi, Ibn Al-GhaDaairee, and Al-Najaashee has said, Al-Hillee says:

He is from Imaamee of the straight path, and he composed many relevant books, and composed books while in
the (state) of ghuluww and confusion.
Ghulaa at the end of his life, his beliefs are corrupts, and composed many books, many of them while in the
(state) of corruption.

And the meaning of al-takhmees (al-mukhammasah) according to the ghulat, may Allaah curse them, that Salmaan al-Faarsee, Al-Miqdaad,
`Ammaar, Aboo Dharr, `Umar bin Unayyah Al-Damiree that they are responsible (authorities) of the world, Allaah is higher than that (false claim) a
great highness

Al-Toosi, Fihrist Al-Toosee, pg. 271, person # 390; Al-Toosi also states in his book Rijaal Al-Toosee, that Aboo Al-Qaasim Al-Koofee
was a mukhammas (See: Al-Toosi, Rijaal, pg. 434)
Ibn Dawood Al-Hillee, Rijaal, pg. 480, person # 318

30 | P a g e
Liar, ghaali (exaggerator), a person of bid`ah and discourse. I have seen many of his books, and he is not turned

Muqaddis Al-Ardabeelee (d. 993 AH):

`Alee bin aHmad Al-Qaasim Al-Kofee Al-Koofee was said that he was from the family of Abee Taalib, he was a
ghulaa in his last years, and his madhhab (beliefs) was corrupt, and he composed many books, and many of
them while on the corrupt (belief)53

MuStafa bin Al-Hussayn Al-Tafrishee (d. 1044 AH):


Aboo Al-Qaasim Al-Koofee, a man from the people of Al-Koofah, it is said he was from the family of Abee Taalib,
he was a ghulaa in his last years, and his madhhab was corrupt, and he composed many books, and many of
them while on the corrupt (belief). And this man claimed a great position in the ghulah 54

Al-Haairee Al-Mazandaraanee (d. 1216 AH):

I say: he is a al-mukhammas55


`Allaamah Al-Hillee, Rijaal (KhulaaSah Al-Aqwaal), Section 2, pg. 233, person # 10

Muqaddis Al-Ardabeelee, Jaami` Al-Rawaa, vol. 1, pg. 553
Al-Tafrishee, Naqd Al-RIjaal, vol. 3, pg. 226 227, person # 3496
Al-Haairee Al-Mazandaraanee, Muntaha Al-Maqaal, vol. 4, pg. 336 337, person # 1943 (Under `Alee bin aHmad Aboo Al-Qaasim

31 | P a g e
Al-Burujerdi (d. 1313 AH):

`Alee bin aHmad Aboo Al-Qaasim Al-Koofee, it is said that he was from the family of Abee Taalib, he turned
ghula in the end of his life, and his belief was corrupt, and he composed many books, and many of them while he
was corrupt56

Muhaddith al-Nooree (d. 1320 AH):

Abee Al-Qaasim `Alee bin aHmad Al-Koofee, was an Imaami on the straight path, then he became a ghula at
the end of his life57

`Alee Namaazee Al-Shaaharoodee (d. 1405 AH):

He was an straight imaamee, and composed many books, then got confused, and corrupt, and claimed false

Al-Khoei (d. 1411 AH):

Quotes Al-Najaashee:

Ghulaa (exaggerator) at the end of his life, and he has a fasad (corrupt) belief, and he composed many books,
many (of those books while) on the fasaad (corrupt belief)

Quotes Al-Toosi:


Al-Burujerdi, Taraaif Al-Maqaal, vol. 1, pg. 175, person # 935

Muhaddith Al-Nooree, Khaatamah Al-Mustadarak, vol. 1, pg. 163 (This is the same Muhaddith Nooree whom has compiled the
great hadeeth work that is titled Mustadarak Al-Wasaail, this is the ending of that book)
Al-Shaaharoodee, Mustadarak `ilm al-rijaal, vol. 5, pg. 288, hadeeth # 9606

32 | P a g e

He was an Imaamee (12er Shee`ah) of the straight path, and he composed many relevant books, from them
were: Kitaab Al-AwSiyaa, Kitaab fee Al-Fiqh `ala Tarteeb, and Kitaab Al-Muzinee. Then, was confused, and
showed the madhhab of al-mukhammasah59, and he composed books in the (states of) ghuluww and confusion

Quotes Al-GhaDaairee:

Liar, Ghaali (exaggerator), person of bid`ah and discourse. I saw that he has many books, and he is not turned

Al-Tustaree (d. 1416 AH):

Aboo Al-Qaasim Al-Koofee, who was a exaggerator (ghaaliyaa) from al-mukhammasah61

And Aboo Al-Qaasim (Al-Koofee) is extremely da`eef (weak), and we do not (take) his books as examples62

In Which Book Did He Write This Theory?

Aboo Al-Qaasim Al-Koofee has authored many books63, but the book that I want to discuss specifically is his
book called Kitaab Al-Istighaathah fee bid` Al-Thalaathah () . In todays time it is
popularly known as Kitaab Al-Istighaathah, the book was originally titled Kitaab Al-Bid` Al-MuHaddithah
() .
Here is what MuHaddith Al-Nooree (d. 1320 AH) has said:


The Madhhab of Al-Mukhammasah was explained later by `Allaamah Al-Hillee in his RIjaal (KhulaaSah Al-Aqwaal):

And the meaning of al-takhmees (al-mukhammasah) according to the ghulat, may Allaah curse them, that Salmaan al-Faarsee, Al-Miqdaad,
`Ammaar, Aboo Dharr, `Umar bin Unayyah Al-Damiree that they are responsible (authorities) of the world, Allaah is higher than that (false claim) a
great highness

Al-Khoei, Mu`jam Rijaal Al-Hadeeth, vol. 11, pg. 246, person # 7876
Al-Tustaree, Qaamoos Al-Rijaal, vol. 9, pg. 450
Al-Tustaree, Al-Najaah fee sharH Al-lum`ah, vol. 1, pg. 275
In Al-Najaashees Rijaal I have counted over 40 books authored by him.

33 | P a g e

Kitaab Al-Istighaathah fee bid` Al-Thalaathah
And it is known as Kitaab Al-Bid` also, and sometimes (called Kitaab) Al-Bid` Al-MuHaddithah64

This book (Al-Bid` Al-MuHaddithah) is mentioned as one of his books by all major Rijaal scholars. AlNajaashee (d. 450 AH) has mentioned this to be one of the books of Aboo Al-Qaasim Al-Koofee, as well as
many others.65
The book today is more known as al-Istighaathah, by Aboo Al-Qaasim Al-Koofee, this book is still extant. I
will quote where Aboo Al-Qaasim Al-Koofee has declared the daughters of the Prophet )(
were not actually his from Khadeejah )( .

And we state and it is clear, by Allaah, that Ruqayyah and Zaynab, wives of `Uthmaan, were not the daughters
of the Messenger of Allaah ) ( and not the children of Khadeejah, wife of the Messenger of
Allaah )( .66

Then, Aboo Al-Qaasim Al-Koofee attempts to prove that those daughters were not of Khadeejah )( ,
but of her sister Haalah.67 His attempt was a weak one at best, since he provided zero hadeeth from the Ahl AlBayt )( , instead this theory was based off of pure dhann (speculation).


Muhaddith Al-Nooree, Khaatamah Al-Mustadarak, vol. 1, book # 27, pg. 163

Al-Najaashee, Rijaal, pg. 265 266, person # 691; Al-Hille in his Al-KhulaaSah pg. 233 has said about him:

I say, he is al-mukhammas, author of (the book) Al-Bid` Al-MuHaddathah

Aboo Al-Qaasim Al-Koofee, Kitaab al-Istighaathah, pg. 64
Ibid, pg. 68 70

34 | P a g e

The Prophet ) ( had four daughters, all of them from his most beloved wife Khadeejah (
), the best of all the daughters is Faatimah )( . The names of the daughters were Ruqayyah,
Zaynab, Umm Kulthoom, and FaaTimah, may Allaah shower the best of blessings upon all of them.
Denying that the Prophet ) ( had four daughters is essentially denying the Imaams )( .
The amount of aHaadeeth that are there, as well as all of them going through different chain of narrators, thus
making it mutawaatir (widely narrated), meaning the chances of it being a fabrication is inconceivable and
impossible. Not only will you be denying the Imaams )( , but you will also essentially deny a
scholarship of 1400 years of Islaam. This shows that without a shadow of a doubt, the Prophet (
) had more than one daughter.
Anyone who claims that the Prophet ) ( had only one daughter is doing a bid`ah
(innovation), and they are hurting the Messenger of Allaah )( , since you are not
acknowledging his own flesh and blood.68 The originator of this theory, Aboo Al-Qaasim Al-Koofee, was a guy
heavily condemned as being a ghulat by scholars from the past to the present.
Since this theory has stemmed from a guy who is accused of being a ghulat (exaggerator) of the Ahl Al-Bayt
)( , it would make total sense for someone of that corrupt belief to make up a theory in order to put
FaaTimah ) ( in a higher status. The high status of being the only daughter of the Prophet (
) , the problem with this theory is that even if FaaTimah ) ( was not the only daughter of the
Prophet ) ( it does not in any way put her in a lower status.
The reason why I stated in the Introduction that this is a new phenomenon, even though the person who came
up with this theory did so 1000 years ago is because no one took heed to this theory. Rather, it was thrown out
as being a shaadh (odd) belief by our classical scholars. It is only until today that this theory has revived,
All Praise is to Allaah )( , and May Allaah shower the best of blessing upon the Prophet (
) , and his family )( . I would like to first thank Allaah ) ( for giving me the tawfeeq
for finishing this article. Also, I would like to give a special thanks to Brother Yahya Seymour; he has helped
me a great deal in gathering sources for me, without him this article would not be what it is.


According to the Quraan Allaah ) ( has cursed anyone who hurts/annoys the Messenger of Allaah )( :

[Surah Al-aHzaab (33) : Verse 57] Verily! Those who annoy/hurt Allaah and his Messenger, Allaah has cursed them in this world and
in the hereafter, and has prepared for them a humiliating chastisement"

35 | P a g e

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