Content: Chapter 1: First Steps

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Chapter 1: First steps 1.1 Installation 1.1.1 Required & recommended hardware 1.1.2 Required software 1.2 Settings * 1.2.1 Video menu 1.2.2 Audio menu 1.2.3 Controls menu (Keyboard, Wheels, Joysticks, Gamepads) 1.3 Controlling the game Chapter 2: Off we go The game 2.1 The game 2.1.1 Singleplayer mode 2.1.2 Multiplayer mode Chapter 3: Troubleshooting 3.1 Important information 3.2 General problems 3.3 Useful things regarding your video card
* If you are suffering bad performance, we advice you to have a look at this section. You can skip this chapter if you have good performance on your system.

1.1 Installation Please keep the game-CD in the CD-rom while playing. Please put the CD in your CD-drive. The installation program will start automatically. If the AutostartFunction of your CD-drive is disabled, please execute the installation manually. Please run the "setup.exe" on the CD. Now the installation will start. Please follow the guidelines of this program very carefully. 1.1.1 Required & Recommended hardware Required hardware: 700 MHz processor 128 MB RAM Hardware TnL video card (such as Geforce or Radeon) 300 mb free space on your hard disk Recommended hardware: 1GHz processor 256 MB RAM Hardware TnL video card with 64MB memory 300 mb free space on your hard disk Steering wheel 3Dsoundcard and big speakers Network card 1.1.2 Required software - Windows95, 98, ME or XP - You need to have the latest version of DirectX, or at least version 8.1 - You need to have the latest drivers of your videocard. Always use the latest OFFICIAL drivers from the manufacturer of the video cards chip (e.g. nVidia, ATI), drivers from third parties can cause malfunctions regarding DirectX. If you do not have these latest drivers, the performance of this game will be worse: and possibly not playable. Contact your local hardware dealer if you have any questions about your hardware, (brand, type, etc) as we can NOT give you this information. We are NOT responsible for any failure because of invalid video drivers from video card manufacturers. 1.2 Settings When starting CITY RACER EXTREME (CRE) for the first time, the game will have default factory settings. In some cases it might be necessary to change these settings, for example when suffering bad performance. If you have a slow machine, you might want to turn off some of the cool features offered by CITY RACER EXTREME to increase performance. If that's the case, we recommend you tweak and try some of the below listed options yourself. Important note; Some options might have more influence than others on your performance. This depends on your system. More hints about optimizing your video card can be found in the chapter Troubleshooting. 1.2.1 Videomen 1.2.1 Video menu Device (not-selectable option) Displays the name of your video card. If you have multiple video cards in your computer, the best video card will be selected. Resolution You can change the resolution of CRE here. A higher resolution results in sharper graphics but slower framerate. A lower resulotion results in worse quality graphics but higher framerate. Default setting is 800x600.

Texture quality The graphical quality of textures. Lower detail will make the game faster on video cards with few video RAM but will result in blurry graphics. If you have really bad performance and don't what kind of video card is in your system, try to lower this option. Shadows: When enabled, your car will have a real-time calculated, sun dependant shadow. Visibility range: Sliding this slider to the right will improve the visible range. Sky Disabling this feature will increase the frame rate quite a lot, but will result in lower graphical quality. (as there is no sky visible anymore... ) SpecialEffects slider Sliding this slider to the right will give the best visible results when talking about smoke, particles, streetlights, etc. Texture compression Deactivate this on slower machines. Full mipmaps: When disabled, all far-away graphics will look a lot sharper. 1.2.2 Audio menu You can tweak the volume of various different items if desired in this menu. Note that the first four sliders will not affect the performance at all. FX This slider controls the volume of the car-engine. HUD This slider controls the volume of hitting objects, ambient sounds etc. Announcer This slider controls the volume of the announcer and the menu sounds. Music This slider controls the volume of the music. Sound quality This slider controls the balance between performance and quality of all audio. 1.2.3 Controls menu (Keyboard, Wheels, Joysticks, Gamepads) If you want to play the game with keyboard, joystick, gamepad or wheel, you have to adjust the settings to the controlling device. Browse through the list of commands and press ENTER, if you want to change an item. The next event (pushing a button or a key) will set the command to the pushed key or button. If you want to change this item later, just highlight it and push ENTER again. Please note, that each command can be set to TWO keys or buttons. You shouldnt put two different commands on ONE key or button though. If you want to know more about how to control the game, please read on.

1.3 Controlling the game Important: Driving backward and forward To drive backwards, just use the Slow down/brake key. After braking to a stop, the reverse gear lights will be lit and you are able to drive backward. Below youll find the default settings for the games controls: Arrow up: Speed up/drive forward Arrow down: Slow down/brake/drive backward Arrow left: Steer left Arrow right: Steer right SPACE/CTRL: ;Handbrake (for braking and sliding) SHIFT: Horn/Activate bonus L: Toggle headlights B: Look back ESC: leave the game and get back to the main menu F1-F10: You can switch camera modes with the so-called function keys (F1, F2, F3, etc)

Chapter 2: Off we go the game

2.1 The game When the cops are not around, the illegal street races begin. The goal is to reach the finish line as soon as possible, if possible before any other arrives. 2.1.1 Singleplayer mode

There are 3 modes for single players: Time Trial: Race against the clock. The faster the better. Single Race: Race against the clock and make it to the finish line. The clock counts down, each checkpoint you pass will add some valuable time (extended time). Championship: All 10 tracks have to be mastered to be crowned as King of the Streets. Each track will be unlocked if the previous track has been mastered as 1st or 2nd. Cars will be unlocked during the championship. Choose the car that suits you most. 2.1.2 Multiplayer mode If you have the pleasure of a LAN-based network, you can challenge other drivers in multiplayer modes. The list of all running games:

Here youll find all CRE multiplayer games listed that are currently running in your LAN network. Enter the multiplayer waiting room by double-clicking on a game. You can also start a new game here

The Multiplayer Waiting room

Window Cars Choose the car youd like to cruise with and look out which vehicles your friends and enemies took. Window Player info All usual suspects are listed here with their alias. Window Chat Enter messages, find allies, insult others and read their answers. Window Game info If you joined a game you cannot change any settings. When starting a new game you can change every detail of a match. Details to be changed are: - Name of the match - Track counts - Lap counts - Amount of traffic - Number of opponents Traffic light Click on the traffic light when ready and it will change from red to green. If all contestants are ready the game will begin.

Chapter 3: Troubleshooting
3.1 Important information Most manufacturers of 3D video cars offer drivers on their websites to solve known problems. Always use the latest OFFICIAL drivers from the manufacturer of the video cards chip (e.g. nVidia, ATI), drivers from third parties can cause malfunctions regarding DirectX. If you do not have these latest drivers, the performance of this game will be worse: and possibly not playable. Contact your local hardware dealer if you have any questions about your hardware, (brand, type, etc) as we can NOT give you this information. We are NOT responsible for any failure because of invalid video drivers from video card manufacturers. 3.2 General problems (P=Problem, S=Solution) P: The car is shaking forward and backward! S: Make sure you have the latest videodrivers, turn off shadows in the graphics-menu and possibly turn off music (or slide back audio quality.) Setting the visibility lower and disabling the sky and special effects are also considerable options. Also make sure you installed the latest OFFICIAL driver of the video cards chip manufacturer. What you do not need: You don't need any other programs running when you are driving in New York. Other programs might even slow down your car and make youre the game instable. Immediately shut down all programs like messengers, memory-managers, virus scanners, scandisks and other programs. Often these programs have icons in the lower-right corner of your screen where you can easily shut them down with a right click of your mouse P: The gameplay is incredibly slow! S: Make sure you have the latest videodrivers and did close all other programs not needed. If this does not help, we refer to the section "Video menu " to boost up the gameplay-speed. (also, see the answer above). P: A part of the sky is missing! S: This might happen on certain videocards, such on Savage4 and Radeon7500. It seems this is a driver bug, so keep an eye on new driver releases. P: I see strange, flashing transparant triangles on my screen! S: This might happen on certain videocards, especially Radeon8500. It seems this is a driver bug, so keep an eye on new driver releases. The latest drivers should fix that. P: Game does not run at all (but has run before)! S: Delete the /misc/default.txs file, run scandisk on all hard drives and restart your computer. P: Game does not run at all (after first installation)! S: Compare your system to the system mentioned in the section "system requirements". If your system is equal or better then the system mentioned, please download the latest drivers of all hardware (especially your video card!), run scandisk and restart your computer. Try other games using DirectX 8.1 and first make sure they work after retrying this game. P: Game crashes very often! L: Run scandisk once in a while to reduce the chances of crashing. 3.3 Useful things regarding your video card All games have problems with some video cards and our game may not be an exception. Often the developers of games cannot solve these problems because these problems are due to the drivers from the video-hardware manufacturer. We tested as many video cards as possible, contacted video cards manufacturers and tried to make CRE as compatible as possible with all existing and future hardware.

Special thanks go to Jeff from ATI support: Thanks for the hardware and your (very friendly) support!

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