CSF Rhinorrhoea

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P 51st BATCH

Presents as flow of clear fluid from nose

1)Traumatic: Head injuries Surgery of frontal, ethmoidal or sphenoidal sinus Hypophysectomy As a complication of endoscopic sinus surgery

2) Tumours Large osteomas of frontoethmoidal region Tumours of pituitary or olfactory bulb 3)Congenital defects in skull Associated with encephalocele 4)Spontaneous type


cranial fossa
cribriform plate ethmoid air cells frontal sinus



cranial fossa
sphenoid sinus

nose Injuries to temporal bone

eustachian tube

middle ear


From history: dribbling of clear watery fluid from nose on bending or straining;uncontrollable and cant be sniffed back. No associated sneezing.

Lab investigations:
It will remain clear in a test tube if allowed to stand. Glucose in CSF can be demonstrated by oxidase-peroxidase paper strip or biochemical test.

Beta 2 transferrin is specific for CSF confirms CSF leak.

By intrathecal injection of a dye(fluorescein 5%)or a radioisotope And placing pledgets of cotton in theolfactory slit,middle meatus,sphenoethmoidal recess and near eustachian tube

Then examine the pledgets for dye or radio activity

Site of leak can be determined by high resolution,thin section coronal cuts with bone window-it can show the area of bony defect

If this fails tolocalise the defect,a CT cisternogram advised CT scan is combined with injection of a contrast material into intra thecal space via cisterna magna

A non invasive non ionising technique of MRI with T2 weighted images or MRI cisternography is more useful. In otorhinorrhoea,always examine ear for the presence of fluid and conductive hearing loss. In traumatic CSF leak double ring sign(target sign) will be +ve. ie ,discharge collected on a piece of filter paper shows a central spot of blood while CSF spreads out like a halo around that

In early cases:conservative management by placing the patient in the semi sitting position,avoiding blowing of nose,sneezing and straining. Prophylactic antibiotics are administered to prevent meningitis. In persistent cases:surgical treatment with nasal endoscopic or intra cranial approach.

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