# What Is Industrial Engineering ?
# What Is Industrial Engineering ?
Industrial Engineering is the technique for developing productivity by proper using of manpower, machine, current infrastructures & facilities of the factory.
Another definition of Work Study could be: A generic term for those techniques, particularly method study and work measurement, which are used in the examination of human work in all its contexts, and which lead systematically to the investigation of all the factors which affect the efficiency and economy of the situation being reviewed, in order to effect improvement. This has to do with Productivity Improvement, but also improvement quality .
Method Study
Method study is the systemic recording and critical examination of existing and proposed ways of doing work as a means of developing and applying easier and more effective methods and reducing cost.
Motion Study
Motion Study is to standardize working motion of the manpower. PURPOSE: To determine optimum work To standardize work To train operator To manage operator Method of analysis Inspected by listening By direct observation By conducting VTD
Time Study
Time study is very important analysis for finding SMV. Condition of time study: Before making the time study, the work study officer ensure that conditions on the job are normal. The work flow into the operation is normal. Amount of work in the section is normal. The size of the work available are normal.
Rating is the speed assessment of doing work. Rating = Speed of doing work Example: Cap & pen adjust by hand. 1. Mr. John can adjust within 4 seconds. Mr. Johns observed Rating = 90 Mr. Johns Rating = obs. Rating / stnd. Rating =90/100 =0.90 2. Mr. Mill can adjust within 8 seconds. Mr. Mills observed Rating = 45 Mr. Mills Rating = obs. Rating / stnd. Rating =45/100 =0.45 So, Mr. Johns Rating higher than Mr. Mill.
Breakdown/Dividing/Operation Bulletin
Breakdown is a listing of the content of a job by elements. A garment consists of some parts & some group of operations. Breakdown means to writing down all parts & all process/operation after one another lying with the complete garment according to process sequence. It is a must to write down the estimated SMV & type of machine beside each & every process.
Breakdown procedure
APM, Technician Chief & Work-Study officer must sit together to make breakdown. Technician breaks the garments into parts and gathered the parts one after another by operation/Process. Then Work-Study officer & APM fix up the SMV of those operation. By proceeding this technique when all process completed need to summarize all process SMV and the total will be called as respective garments SMV .
Layout means to distribute/allocate elements to the individual operator in the line by considering total worker, worker experience, total machine, types of machine & mainly the estimated SMV of allocated/distributed elements in a broken down garments. A good layout is that physical arrangement, which permits the product to be produced with minimum unit cost in the shortest time.
Layout Procedure
1st Step: Responsible person for layout making APM Team Leader Technician Work-Study Member 2nd Step: To select line To select style To confirm total operator
Layout Procedure
3rd step
To put estimated SMV beside each elements/operation. To calculate total SMV. To select machine type & number. To calculate average estimated SMV/Operator.
Layout Procedure
Right operator for right operation/elements according to performance.
To distribute/allocate elements (sequence) to each operator by considering machine types, elements & estimated average (nearest) SMV. To set up machine as per requirements.
It is mentionable that workflow should be forward direction.
Benefit of Layout
The process distribution / work content will be quite equivalent. Usually an unexpected type of bottle neck will not be found in line. No operator will be idle. Can achieve the Buyers desire quality level easily. Can reach the optimum target with in a very short period.
Line Balancing
Line Balancing is to share work, to support in another operation, to shift manpower according to their capacity for equal production in every point.
Bottleneck in line
Worker selection wrong. Wrong works flow / sequence of works. Non balance allocation of elements. Works negligence by workers. Workers absenteeism. Machine disturbances / out of order. Lack of supply. Non serial supplies forward from workers. Color shading. Quality problem. If any body becomes sick.
Job Description of IE
Operation bulletin & garments layout. Attain P.P meeting with production staff. Daily production forecast meeting. Daily line balancing & layout balancing. Daily line target setup. Production monitoring. Bottleneck process monitoring & improvement. Motion study & method study. Non productive time (Lost Time) record. Machine Ratio (MRR) Report Man. Machine servicing report follow-up. Production plane monitoring co-ordinate. QC pass report monitoring. Daily target & monthly efficiency, intensive list. Ensure optimum use of machine.
Job Description of IE
QC pass report monitoring. Daily target & monthly efficiency, intensive list. Ensure optimum use of machine. Train up production staff on line balancing and efficiency. All style monitoring for maintaining shipment schedule. Make skill inventory. Special increment for special skill operator (monitoring). Monitoring and optimize rented machine. Daily production, efficiency and manpower report. Daily quality statistical report presentation. Monthly production and shipment closing report. Implement of 5s suggestion. Implement of kaizen suggestion Arrange and design guide feed and folder on time (pre-production attachments)