01 Effects of Very Fast Transient Overvoltages

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Effects of very fast transient overvoltages on transformer

Y.Shibuya, S.Fujita and T.Shimomura

Abstract: An analytical solution is found using the Laplace transform to describe the very fast transient overvoltage (VFTO) in the gas insulated switchgear (GIs) connected directly to a transformer. The oscillation frequencies, and other properties, are explicitly given in terms of system parameters. The magnitude of VFTO at the transformer is suppressed due to the transformer capacitance. Magnitudes of the initial abrupt voltage change and oscillatory voltage are assessed. The abrupt voltage is larger, but not enough to induce a harmful voltage in the transformer. The oscillatory components may damage the winding insulation at the occurrence of resonance.


Analysis of VFTO

The very fast transient overvoltage (VFTO) generated by restrikes of a disconnector in the gas insulated switchgear (GIs) has a very short rise time of less than 0 . 1 and an ~ oscillatory component of several megahertz [l-51. In the system the main transformer is directly connected to GIs, and there have been concerns that the VFTO may set off a high frequency oscillation in the transformer winding and overstress the winding insulation [5-141. Many have considered the initial abrupt voltage change in VFTO as the source of excitation [5-101, but some have argued that the oscillatory components can increase the internal oscillation [ll-131. In this paper, an analytical solution describing the VFTO waveform is obtained using the Laplace transform. The formulas are used in clarifying general aspects of VFTO. The validity of analysis is c o d i e d by a field test. Possible effects of VFTO on the transformer are discussed in conjunction with the abrupt voltage and oscillatory components.
GIS ++transformer

Waveshapes of VFTO have so far been calculated numerically with simulating tools such as the electromagnetic transient program (EMTP) [l, 3-51. Their characteristics wdl be better understood if a general mathematical expression is derived to describe the waveforms.

2, I

GIs-transformersystem model

The model shown in Fig. 1 is the system where an openended GIS bus (lines 1) is switched to another bus (lines 2) connected directly to a transformer. The components are modelled as: (i) GIs buses (lines 1 and 2), represented by transmission lines of surge velocity v, and surge impedance z, the lengths being 4, and t2whose initial voltages are E (of trapped 1 charge) and E2 (transformer voltage at t = 0), respectively; (ii) Disconnector, represented by arc resistance r; (iii) Transformer, represented by series of capacitance C, and resistance rt. The following related parameters are introduced:

l = l, +e,,
Tt = zCt,

T = [ / u s , TI = [ , / u s , bT = rCt, bTt = rtCt


= l2/v,

(1) The two systems in Table 1 are analysed in this paper. System 1 is the case where a long GIS is connected with a medium-sized transformer considered just for calculation purposes. System 2 is designed from the practical GIStransformer system used in the field test of Section 4.

I *

Fig. 1 GIs-trmfomr system used h analysis

Table 1: Parameters of GIS systems analysed

Parameters System 1 System 2

GIS bus

surge velocity: v, (m/ps) surge impedance: z ( Q ) line lengths: e,

300 60
75,75 2.0 2000 5.0


OIEE, 1999 IEE Proceedmgs onhe no. 19990425 DO1 lO.l049/ipgtd:I999C425 Paper first received 27th July 1998 and i E n & form 18th February 1999 The authors are with the Mihubishi Electric Corp., 1-1Tsukaguchi-Honmachi, 8-Chome, Ama& 661-8661, Japan
IEE Proc.-Gener. Transm. Distrib., Vol. 146, No. 4, July 1999


e2 (rn)

Disconnector arc resistance: r (8) Transformer capacitance:

C (pF) ,

4420 0.7 459

resistance: r, (Q)

2.2 Solution obtained using Laplace transform

The circuit equation for Fig. 1 can be solved using the Laplace transform giving the voltage of line k ( = 1 or 2) in the form (Appendix 9):

In the case of the nondissipative system, eqn. 2 is reduced to:



F ( s ) = sinh sT

+ 6T/Tt(1 + sSTt){coshsT - coshs(T1 - T2))


+ sTt cosh sT + s6Tt sinh sT + (1/2)sST{sinhsT + sinh s(T1 - T2))


The transformer-input waveform is evaluated:

eo(t) = ea(e2,t ) = E()

x {coshs (T2 x



E cos (wht) ~)






( l- E2) E

3 1

and, &I (i = I, 2, 3, ...) are the roots of the characteristic equation F(s) = 0 written by:


Here, E$] is the amplitude of ith harmonic of VFTO at the transformer input. In the case of a dissipative system, the complex root &I can be numerically obtained seeking a root of F(s) = 0 in the vicinity of j*@ using the Newton-Raphson method. Some of the calculated values for the two systems are listed in Table 2. Using these, the voltage at any point can be calculated by eqn. 2.
Table 2: Harmonic constants calculated in two systems
System Frequency (MHz) wo(I2n 0.822921 1.70934 2.64672 3.61046 1.41491 3.64151 5.97148 8.32144

In the nondissipative case of 6T = 6T, = 0 (i.e. Y = rf = 0), the roots become pure imaginary: &I =jq(n. From fiq(II) = 0, should satisfy: (7) This means that are defined by the interceptions of the two graphs: oT, and -tan wT as shown in Fig. 2. The ith root is in the range: (2

2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Dissipation factor

w t ) ~ ,- t a n ( w t ) T ) =

0.822948 1.71001 2.64702 3.61 138 1.41490 3.64152 5.97151 8.32143


0.0178 0.0100 0.0104 0.0072 0.0057 0.0042 0.0014 0.0006

;) 6 < u p 5 ir



The lower and upper boundaries represent the harmonic oscillations of free-futed and free-free conditions, respectively. The state signified by is called ith harmonic in this paper.


Waveforms of VFTO

Fig.2 Determinuiwn o q,(I) f


The waveforms in Fig. 3 are calculated at the both ends of GIS line of system 1 for the initial condition: El = 0.5, E2 = -1 (i.e. the trapped charge voltage level of 0.5 per unit (pu) and the maximum system voltage at the opposite polarity). The maximum harmonic order of 30 (harmonic frequency: 30MHz) is used. The EMTP calculation gives the same results as indicated by dotted lines. It is noted that the magnitude of VFTO entering transformer is substantially lower than that of the open end. Since the reduction of VFTO at transformer is due to its capacitance, the level is lowered in the system with a largescale transformer.
IEE Proc.-Gener. Transm. Distrib., Vol. 146, No. 4, July 1999


(6T/T)sin2wt)T1 + (6Tt/T) wt)T sin2

Tt ( w f ) T ) 1

{ + ( T t / T )cos2w f ) T }

-1 O


I 3

(W~IT)1+ (Tt/T) cos2w f ) T }


time, ps


a Transformer end b GIS open-end

calculated VETO waveformrfor System 1 (E, = 0.5, E, = -1.0)

Property of harmonics in VFTO

Using the analytical solution, general properties of the harmonics included in VFTO are investigated. The influences of system parameters on the frequency, dissipation and amplitude of harmonics are derived without resorting to fast Fourier transform (FFT).

Remembering that is a unique function of TAT, the upper limit of dissipation factor can be given in a function of TJT.The curves in Fig. 5 show the relations for the harmonics i = 1-3. According to Fig. 5, the dissipation factor of fundamental (i = 1) is larger than those of higher harmonics (i 2 2). This suggests that the fundamental oscillation subsides in a smaller number of cycles.

3. I Frequency
The harmonic frequency d is well approximated by q ( z l l as seen in Table 2. Dividing eqn. 7 by (%(IT) gives: tan ( w t ) T )

/ (wS)T)

= -Tt/T

This shows that (q(llg a unique function of TJT. The is relation is given in Fig. 4 for i = 1-3.



Dissipationfactor d)/d)s h t i o n of system parameters a

0.5I ,





H m n i c j k q u m c y q ( 0 asfunction of system parametus

Since Fig. 4 is scaled in a normalised base, it can be used as a hands-on universal diagram, with which the harmonic frequency can be read from system parameters T and T1.

3.2 Dissipation factor The characteristic root = - l j & tends toj%(zlwhen d+ 6T and 6T, diminish. Therefore, d and d can be approxl l imated by a linear equation of 6T and 6T, neglecting higher powers. From F(SI1) = 0, the following expression is obtained.
IEE Proc-Gener. Transm. Distrib., Vol. 146, No. 4, July 1999

3.3 Amplitude The amplitude of the ith harmonic can be approximated by E&l of eqn. 10. Then,


Since the right-hand side is a function of TtIT only, the diagram of Fig. 6 is obtained. It is seen that E#) decreases not only with TjT or the transformer capacitance, but also drastically with the harmonics order i.


VFTOs in a practical system

2 -2 a - o B

A field test is conducted on a practical GIS system or System 2. The experimental arrangement is shown in Fig. 7, in which a prototype ultra-high-voltageclass GIS is connected with a large-scale transformer. The GIS is composed of the gas insulated bus line, disconnector, current transformer (CT), circuit breaker, lightning arrester, and bushing. Beyond the bushmg, there is an oil/paper-insulatedlead to the transformer. Generated VFTOs are monitored by the electrostatic sensors a d .

-2 0

0 1


time, ps Wuvefonns of VFTO cdculutedfor System 2 (E, = 0.5, E, = -1.0)

a 4 Calculation positions



Fig. 7

bushing transformer Pructicul GIs system with lurge-scule trmfoimer System 2



0 -500

a 4 Voltage sensors


Numerical calculation is done using the parameters shown in Table 1, which are determined considering: (i) the surge velocity vs is set 3 0 0 d p [15-171. The length t2 is counted by doubling the length of oil section since the velocity is estimated to be about 1 5 O d p s ; (ii) the surge impedance z is set 80Q, neglecting the variations in various parts of GIs; (iii) the disconnector arc resistance Y = 1Q is estimated from the oscdlation decay in the restrikes between two floating bus lines. Similar values have been reported [l, 15, 171; (iv) the transformer constants Ct = 4420pF, yI = 0.7Q are from a simulation by the multiconductor transmission-line (MTL) model [14]. The bushing and arrester capacitances are added in Ct. The waveforms in Fig. 8 are calculated at the sensor positions for the initial condition: El = 0.5, E2 = -1. It is noticed that the amplitude decreases from a to d (i.e. with the distance from the GIS open-end). The experimental results are shown in Fig. 9, which is from a restrike which occurred at El -250kV, E2 -500kV. n Regarding 500kV i Fig. 8 as lpu in Fig. 9, they correspond fairly well, despite the simplification in modelling. However, the damping of oscillation in the calculated is considerably smaller, suggesting that the loss is not sufficiently represented by rt = 0.74.





0 -500 -1000

Fi 2.9

Sensor positions

time, ps Wavefom of VFTO expwirnentally obtained in System 2

tem 2

Two factors should be taken into account in considering the effects of VFTO on the transformer. One is the initial abrupt voltage change [5-lo], and another is the oscillatory components [ll-131.

Fig. 10 Effects of VFTO on transfomr mtertum voltage calculatedfor SysCalculated transformer input voltage eo(t)

a: First harmonic included in eo(t) b: Calculated first interturn voltage Sv(t)

c: Imaginary Sv(t) in case of resonance

IEE Proc.-Gener. Transm. Distrib., Vol. 146, No. 4, July 1999

5. I Effects of VFTO on transformer The curves in a and b in Fig. IO are the transformer input voltage eO(t) calculated for System 2, and the voltage induced at the first interturn 6v(t) obtained simulating the transformer using the MTL model, respectively [141. Although resonance is not observed in thls case, there may arise a resonance as shown by curve U in a special case. It will be convenient to define the coefficients k,,, and kres concerning the voltage peaks transferred to the interturn of transformer winding in those two cases. In the case of the initial abrupt voltage, the differential voltage AeO,defined as shown in Fig. 10 in curve c is taken as the exciting.force. In the case of resonance, the amplitude of a harmonic E$), as shown in curve a' (the fundamental EO(') this case), is regarded as the exciting source. in HOW those components are influenced by the system parameters is discussed in below.

The harmonic amplitude E$) is given by eqn. 10. Therefore, both AeOand E$) are to be determined if the values of T,lT and T,IT are given provided IEl - E21 is known. Their relationships are shown in Fig. 12 for TIIT = 0.2 and 0.5, assuming IE, - E21 = 1.5 @U). As seen in Fig. 12, E$) are always smaller than heo. The amplitude of the fundamental Eo(1) largest among harthe monics, is about half of Aeo. The influences of higher-order harmonics E,(" (i 2 2) will be limited, because they are much smaller than EO(').

5.3 Reliability of transformer against VFTO

In a typical 500kV transformer, the breakdown voltage of interturn insulation is reported to be about IOOkV for the lightning impulse, and the value increases by 400/0 for unipolar single pulse and 25% for oscillating voltage in case of very fast pulses [18]. Assuming the safety factor of two, 62kV ( 0 . 1 3 8 ~ and 70kV ( 0 . 1 5 6 ~ are thought to be the ~) ~) interturn withstand voltages for the unipolar pulse and oscillating voltage, respectively. According to Fig. 12, the initial abrupt change AeO,varies in the range 0.2-1 Spu, depending on the system condition. The induced interturn voltage level ki,,AeO is less than 0 . 1 4 if the condition kin,,< 0.092 is satisfied. The ampli~~ in Fig. 12. tudes of harmonics E#) do not exceed 0 . 8 6 ~ ~ The interturn induced oscillating voltage amplitude level kreJZ$) is kept within 0.16pu, ifthe condition k,, < 0.181 is satisfied. The first condition concerning kim,is easily fulfilled, since the value of about 0.04 is suggested [19]. However, a value as high as 0.27 has been measured for kre, [19]. It may be said that the oscillatory component is potentially more hazardous, although this chance will be rare because the oscillation frequency of GIS system should coincide with the transformer's resonance frequency. The reliability of transformer should be assured by a detailed overvoltage assessment and by a proper design of GIS and transformer system if necessary.
6 Conclusions

Fig. 11

Initial part o VFTO waveform at t r m f o m r f

1'6 1.2

1 2

l 1.2






---_----_ _ -. _ .
. .

The analytical solution obtained for the GIs system connected directly with transformer is found to be useful in assessing the VFTO waveforms. The harmonic frequency, damping factor, and amplitude are shown as a function of system parameters. In the waveform of VFTO at the transformer, the initial abrupt voltage change is larger than the amplitudes of harmonics or the oscillatory voltage. However, the latter can induce potentially higher interturn voltages inside the transformer.
7 Acknowledgment



Fig. 12 T w o voltage components fwction o Tfland T,m (lE, - E21 f

Initial abrupt change he T / T = 0.2 b,, b2, 6,: Harmonics EocL).oEoh),T,IT = 0.5 Ed3)


The authors are indebted to Messrs. Y. Miura, E. Tamaki, A. Kishi, M. Takechi, K. Sokai, N. Hosokawa, T. Yamauch, Drs K. Ibuki, K. Nakanishi, T. Kikunaga, and others in Mitsubishi Electric Corp., for their useful discussions.
8 References

5.2 Magnitudes of two components The initial part of VFTO waveform at transformer is shown in Fig. 11. The first period T2 is required for the surge to reach the transformer. The next 2T1 is the period of a transient that the transformer is charged by the surge from Line 1 toward E, with the time constant Tt.Then, the abrupt change AeOcan be evaluated by:
Aeo = I&
- E21{1 - e x p ( - 2 T l / T t ) }


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IEE Proc.-Gener. Trunsni. Distrib., Vol. 146, No. 4, July 1999

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where the following initial condition is used:

=E k Zk(Zh,o) = 0 (18) The general solution of eqn. 17 is derived putting z = d(L/ c) (surge impedance):

and B&) are arbitrary function of s. where The connecting condition of Fig. 1 is:

11(0,s)= 0

El ( e l , s ) = EZ(0, s ) + 7-12 (0, s ) I1 (4,= 12 (0, s ) s)

Using eqn. 19 in eqn. 20, A&) and &s () follows: are determined as

A&) = Bl(S) - E1 - Ez -

+ + sbTt) sinhFSTZ+ sTt cosh sT2 (s)

E1 - Ez A ~ ( s )=z

2s (1


The circuit equations of Fig. 1 are described as:

Bz(s) =

+ + + s6Tt)(sinh STIexp(sT2) F s)
- Ez

2s (1 sTt

) ) Here, &(xk, s and Zk(xk,s are the Laplace transforms of ek(xk, t) and ik(xk, t), the voltage and current of line k (= 1 or 2):
~ k ( x hs ,)

2s (1- sTt

+ s6Tt)sinh STIexp(-sT2)


e l c ( X k , t )exp(-st)dt

where F(s) is given in eqn. 4, and the constants of eqn. 1 are used. When eqn. 21 is brought to eqn. 19, the following s-omain solution is obtained using Gk(xk,s) given in eqn. 5:



Applying the Heavisides theorem to eqn. 22 leads to the tdomain solution of eqn. 2. Attention should be paid that ) the terms F(s)/s and sinh sT,h included in Gk(xk,s are not singular at s = 0.

eqn. 16 can be written denoting v, = l/d(Lc) (surge velocity):


IEE ProcGener. Trunsm. Distrib., Vol. 146, No. 4,July I999

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