Cassava Production

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Submitted to: Janice S. Cataag

Submitted by: Melanie L. Quirol Jayson N. Jaron March 14, 2012

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The success of this Feasibility Study cannot be truly defined without the presence and willingness of several people who lent their hand to help the authors. The authors are very grateful and therefore they wanted to extent their heartfelt thanks and appreciations to the following: To our subject instructor, Mrs. Janice S. Cataag, for teaching us on how to make a Feasibility study. To Mr. John Paul Sindangan, for giving us some information on how to make a balance sheet. To the authors beloved parents for their everlasting moral, financial and spiritual support the authors journey in making this study. To The authors classmates and fellow mates for their exchanging of ideas, encouragement and good companionship during the frustration moments. And to those who were not mentioned, a heartfelt thanks. Everything would not be realized without the presence of the almighty Father for His unending love, support, blessings and guidance to the authors quest of life.

CHAPTER 1 PROJECT SUMMARY A. Name of the enterprise JM CASSAVA PRODUCTION will be the enterprise name. JM comes from the first letter of the proponents name which is Jayson and Melanie. The proponents intended to choose this name which symbolizes fairness in the business. B. Location The proposed site will be established at Purok Gemelina, Homelot, Pangasinan, Pantukan, Compostela Valley Province. The area is accessible to transportation facilities that are essential for the easy flow of all the transactions of the business. Electrical power and water supply exists in the project site. C. Project long Range Objectives The proponents expected that after five or more years, the business will become more productive, could generate more income and pursue more flour processors in the entire Philippines upon making them one of the biggest producers of good quality of cassava.

D. Highlights of the Project 1. History This project was built-up due to its existing demand in the market as a substitute food in times of rice shortage. 2. Nature of the Industry Cassava is one of the most in demand product in the local market. Aside from being a promising substitute as staple food, it can also divert into new products like flour and kakanins. There will be more demand for this product because it is not only for food consumption but it also used to cure some diseases. It can also provide employment to individual who certainly need job. 3. Project Potential The project has a great potential because of its many uses. It serves as human food, as starch, and an animal ingredient in making feeds. 4. Investment cost The proposed project will need the total amount of 980,285.814. This amount will be used in purchasing raw materials, tools, equipments and office supplies. It also includes Land rental, transportation cost, labor and other expenses.

5. Mode of Financing The proponent will acquire loan from the Rural Bank of Montevista (RBM), Pantukan Branch since it facilitates credit with an interest of 5%. E. Major Assumption and Summary of Finding and Conclusion 1. Market Feasibility Cassava production has an edge in terms of market to the high demand of flour processor and other uses of this product. This product is a promising substitute as a staple food in times of rice shortage. Aside from the fact that there were only producer of the product since the flour processing industry are far from the area of production. 2. Technical Feasibility This project will follow the recommended agronomic management practices in growing cassava. In this regard, all the necessary procedures and management should be followed and applied. The production process involve land preparation, preparation of planting materials, planting, crop protection, weeding, application of fertilizer, harvesting and distribution. In addition, proper care and maintenance of the farm area are needed in order to attain higher yield. Proper amount of fertilizer and pesticides will be given attention in order to prevent pest and diseases infestation.

3. Financial Feasibility The total investment of the project will be 980,285.814 of which Php 600,000.00 will be loaned from the Rural Bank of Montevista (RBM), Pantukan Branch with an interest of 5%. The remaining 380,285.814 will be the proponents investment. The collateral of this loan will be the land title of one of the proponent. 4. Socio-Economic Feasibility The project has a positive effect to the society as well as in the economy as whole. It can provide financial opportunities to the neighbouring households. 5. Management Feasibility Supervision and leadership are necessary to make the venture viable. One of the proponents will assumed as the manager of the project. He will conduct regular monitoring of activities in the farm and will keep tracking behaviour of the project in its entire operation. He will receive an amount of 15,000.00 every month. The labourer does the activities in the production process. The contractual worker will only be hired during the preparation of the site and during harvesting period. On the otherhand, the caretaker will serve as the regular worker in the project.

CHAPTER II MARKET STUDY A. Product Description Cassava (Manihot utilissima) is locally known as Balinghoy or Kamotengkahoy. It is a woody shrub, the root of cassava is long and tapered with a firm homogeneous flesh encased in detachable rind about 1mm thick, rough and brown on the outside. The flesh can be chalked-white or yellowish. Cassava root are very rich in starch and contain significant amount of calcium (50mg/100g) , phosphorus (40mg/100g) and vitamin C (25mg/100g). It is cultivated as annual crop in tropical region for its edible starchy tuberous roots as a major source of carbohydrates. The bitter variety of Manihot is used to treat diarrhea, headache and pain and also cooked and eaten. It is also use to treat irritable bowel syndrome. Indeed, cassava is the third largest source of carbohydrates for human food consumption in the world.

B. Demand Analysis Historical Values of the Demand of Cassava for the Past Ten Years Year 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Demand 1,852,371.51 1,815,917.88 1,784,489.5 1,876,015.44 1,890,347.76 2,004,668.88 2,027,685.84 2,047,035.36 1,911,535.44 1,967,967.84 %increase/decrease N/A -1.97 -1.73 5.13 0.76 6.05 1.15 0.95 -6.62 2.95

C .Supply Analysis Historical Values of the Supply of Cassava for the Past Ten Years Year 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Supply 1,652,035.88 mt 1,625,738.73 mt 1,622,241.72 mt 1,640,519.58 mt 1,677,563.82 mt 1,756,856.13 mt 1,871,137.81 mt 1,941,574.59 mt 2,043,719.41 mt 2,101,454.16 mt %increase/decrease N/A -1.59 -0.22 1.13 2.26 4.73 6.50 3.76 5.26 2.82

D. Demand-Supply Analysis Year 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Demand 1,852,371.51 1,815,917.88 1,784,489.5 1,876,015.44 1,890,347.76 2,004,668.88 2,027,685.84 2,047,035.36 1,911,535.44 1,967,967.84 Supply 1,652,035.88 1,625,738.73 1,622,241.72 1,640,519.58 1,677,563.82 1,756,856.13 1,871,137.81 1,941,574.59 2,043,719.41 2,101,454.16 Gap 200,335.63 190,179.15 162,247.78 235,495.86 212,783.94 247,812.75 156,548.03 105,460.77 -132,183.97 -133,486.32

E. Price Analysis The price will depend on the supply and demand of cassava. The higher the demand, the lower the supply therefore the price is higher. The lower the demand, the higher the supply therefore the price is lower. F. Factors affecting the Market 1. Competition Competition is one of the factors that will affect the market. If there will be more competitors, the production will be affected. 2. Season Season depends upon the supply and demand of cassava. The lower the supply of cassava, the price will increase. G. Marketing Programs 1. The Market The product which is cassava will be sold directly to the local market and to the ultimate consumer. 2. Proposed Price The proposed price of cassava will be Php 7.00 per kilo. It is assumed to be fixed from the first year until its fifth year of operation.

3. Product Management Harvested cassava crop will be brought to the storage house for cleaning. It will be placed in sacks and will be transported to the designated market outlets. 4. Distribution System The products are handled down directly to the buyer. No middleman involve during the marketing process. The producer will be the one to deliver the products. Payment will be done by cash or delivery basis.




Fig.1. Distribution Channel of Cassava Production


CHAPTER III TECHNICAL FEASIBILITY A. The Product The product is cassava or locally known as kamoteng-kahoy or balanghoy. It is a perennial shrub which sometimes reaches the size of all small trees. Its stems vary in color from pale to dirty white or brown marked by numerous node formed by scar left by fallen leaves. Pale to dark green leaves are fan-shaped with5 to 9 lobes. Roots of cassava plant are few and swallow and some become storage roots, these are clustered around the base of the plant and extent about 60 cm all sides. It is for this root which contain from 15% sparely. This is cultivated under favourable condition. A single root may weigh as 4 kilos. The number of root per plant at harvest varies from 2 to 7 each averaging 27 cm long from 4.5 to 7.4 cm in diameter. Cassava is essential part of diet more than a half billion people. Cassava roots are high in calories and leaves are good source of protein and vitamins A and B subsistence farmer have long appreciated benefit of cultivating cassava. The plant can grow in poor soil on marginal lands with minimal amount of fertilizer, pesticides and water because the root can be harvested any time from 8 to 24 months after planting. They are important safeguard against unexpected food shortage.

B .Product Process 1. Site selection Cassava is a tropical and sub-tropical plant. It grows with more or less evenly distributed rainfall through the year. This study will select an open field area with clay loam soil. The selected area will not prone to water logging. This cassava crops will be planted at rainy season. 2. Land Preparation A total of herbicide round up will be applied at the rate of 4 to 5 hectare, ten days before land preparation. There is no clear rule as to how many plowing or harrowing, but it depends on the kind of soil and the intensity of weed population. In any case, plow the soil to a depth at least 16 cm to provide good soil conditions of the root development and better water retention in the soil. 3. Preparation of planting Materials In preparation of planting materials, this production will select only fresh, mature and healthy stems. It is fresh when latex comes out within six seconds after cutting. It is healthy when it is pest free and diameter of stem is not less than 1.5 cm and at least 8 months old.

4. Planting The planting distance of cassava is 50 cm between hill and 75 cm between rows with two seeds pieces/ hill and at a depth of 25 cm. Seed pieces are laid out flat during the dry season, slanting during the rainy season. Replanting maybe done 6-10 days after planting. 5. Crop Protection The cassava is infested with fish scale. The population of the pest will increase rapidly causing yield losses reaching as high as 20%. The most immediate form of control will be the use of chemical pesticides. However in this production, the treat of chemical pesticides to planting materials will be at minimal amount because this may result to a dangerous side effect to a node. The cutting stored for more than 5 days will not be used anymore because it is already infested with pest. 6. Controlling of rodents Clean the surrounding thoroughly and continue baiting with chronic rodenticides to prevent the build up and increase of the population up to 7 days before harvest.

7. Keeping weeds under control Shallow cultivation should be done as soon as the weeds have germinated, pass between the furrow a 60 cm wide wood or soike-tooth harrow to control weeds. This cultivation may do two times during the first 30 days after planting. Selective hand weeding in the furrows should also be done in the same period to control further growth of the weeds. 8. Fertilizer Application Apply fertilizer based on the soil analysis. First application will be at planting and the second application will be 2 months after planting. 9. Harvesting Cassava is highly perishable crops. It started to deteriorate as early as 1 to 3 days after harvest. This crop will be harvested at full maturity which will be 7 to 8 months after planting. It will not be harvested during heavy rain or when soil is too wet. This is because roots will have high water content which will be difficult to store. This may also result to low yield and poor eating quality. On the other hand, leaving the roots long in the soil exposed them to pest.











Fig.2. Production Process

C. Project Area The proposed area will be located at Purok Gemelina, Homelot, Pangasinan, Pantukan, Compostela Valley Province. It is near along the highway. The area is 1 hectare (10, 000) and it will be rented 18,000.00 per year. D. Project Location








F. Raw Materials and Supplies Table 1. Schedule of Purchased Of Tools and Equipment Description Shovel Knapsack sprayer Slashing bolo Tumbling bolo Unit Pcs Pcs Pcs pcs Quantity 3 4 3 4 Cost/Unit 400.00 1,800.00 2,500.00 500.00 Total Total cost 1,200.00 7,200.00 750.00 2,000.00 11,150.00

Table 2. Schedule of Purchased of Office Supplies Items Ledger Journal Record Book Yellow pad Pilot pen White ink Pencil Ruler Paper clips Stapler Calculator Folders Envelope Unit Pcs. Pcs. Pcs. Pcs. Pcs. Bottle Pcs. Pcs. box Pcs. Pcs. Pcs. Pcs. Quantity 1 1 3 5 10 1 10 2 1 2 2 5 5 Cost/Unit 25.00 25.00 50.00 18.00 21.00 19.00 7.00 10.00 13.00 20.00 150.00 5.00 4.00 Total Total cost 25.00 25.00 150.00 90.00 210.00 19.00 70.00 20.00 13.00 40.00 300.00 25.00 20.00 1,007.00

Table 3. Bill of Materials on Farm Shed Description Material Requirement Post (coco lumber) 4x4x6 Girt 4x4x8 4x4x12 Top cord 2x3x8 Bottom cord 2x3x12 Braces 2x3x12 Purlins 2x3x12 Lumber sticks 1x2x8 Horizontal studding 2x2x8 Vertical studding G.I sheet gauge 31 (8ft) G.I nails Plain G.I sheet 3x8 Common nails #4 #3 #2 Amakan 4x8 Hollow Blocks Cements Corrugated bars 8mm Mixed sand Labor cost Unit Quantity Price/Unit Total Cost

bdft Bdft Bdft bdft bdft bdft bdft bdft bdft bdft Pcs. Kilo Kilo Kilo kilo kilo Pcs. Pcs. Bags Pcs. Load

48 10.66 16 12 16 4 46 45.38 48.01 42.67 12 1 2 3 3 3 10 175 10 22 1

12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 260 80 280 60 60 60 120 7 205 135 700 Total Cost

576 127.92 192 144 192 48 1,152 544.56 576.12 512.04 3,120 80 560 180 180 180 1,200 1,225 2,050 2,970 700 5,711.174 22,228.814

Table 4. Schedule of Purchase of materials and supplies for year 1

Description 1. Planting materials Cassava cuttings 2. Herbicides Round-up 3. Pesticides Bavistin 50 DF 4. Fertilizer Complete(1414-14) Organic




No. Of Application 1 2 1

Total cost 267,000 4,000 1,200

890 2 5

bundle galloon Pack

300/bundle 1,000/gal 240/pack

4 20

Bags Bags

1,300/bag 300/bag

1 1

5,200 6,000

5. Other materials Big Basket 30 Weighing 1 scale Total Cost

Pcs. Pc.

50/pc 12,500/pc

1,500 12,500 297, 400

Table 5. Schedule of Purchase of materials and supplies for year 2

Description 1. Pesticides Bavistin 50 DF 2. Fertilizer Complete (1414-14) Organic Total Cost

Quantity 5 4 4

Unit pack Bags bags

Cost 240/pack 1,300/bag 300/bag

No. Of Application 1 1 1

Total Cost 1,200 5,200 6,000 12,400

G. Waste Management Disposal A propose project will provide a 6x6 m compost pit. Segregation of garbage should be recommended. Only the biodegradable will put on compost pit while the non biodegradable will put in sacks.

H. Labor Requirements Table 6 Direct Labor 1. Land Preparation Plowing Harrowing Furrowing Off-Barring Hilling-up 2. Planting 3. Harvesting 4. Hauling 5. Caretaker 6. Office supplies 7. Furnitures 8. Transportation cost 9. Management fee Labor Required Contractual Contractual Contractual 3MD w/ carabao 3MD w/ carabao 6 MD 6 MD 6 MD 4MD Cycle Labor Cost Total cost

1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1

3,500/ha 2,500/ha 1,500/ha 300/day 300/day 150/day 150/day 150/day 150/day

3,500 5,000 1,500 1,800 900 900 900 900 216,000 500 2,300 12,000

1 person (manager) Total Cost

180,000 426,000

Table 7. Schedule of Labor Requirement (Year 2-5)

Direct Labor 1. Land preparation Plowing Harrowing Furrowing Off-baring Hilling-up 2. Planting 3. Harvesting 4. Hauling 5. Caretaker 6. Office Supplies 7. Transportation 8. Management fee

Required contractual contractual contractual 3 MDs w/ carabao 3 MDs w/ carabao 6 MDs 6 MDs 6 MDs 4 MDs

Cycle 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1

Labor Cost 3,500/ha 2,500/ha 1,500/ha 300/day 300/day 150/day 150/day 150/day 150/day

Total Cost 3,500 5,000 1,500 1,800 900

900 900 900 216,000 500 12,000 15,000/month 180,000 Total Labor Cost 423,900

I. Estimated Cost of Production on Its First Year in Operation Particular Fixed cost Farm building Furnitures Direct labor Administrative Salary Land Rental Tools and equipment Total Fixed cost Variable cost Office Supplies Materials and supplies Electricity Repair and maintenance Water supply 1,007 297,400 10,000 10,000 10,000 22,228.814 2,300 246,000 180,000 18,000 11,150 479,678.814

CHAPTER IV FINANCIAL FEASIBILITY A. Major Assumptions 1. Land rental will be fixed for five years at 18,000.00 2. Management fee will be fixed for five years at 180,000.00 3. Office supplies will be fixed for five years at 1,007.00 4. The area has a capacity of 26,666 hills in one hectare with spacing of 75cmx50cm. 5. Selling price of cassava root crop is 7.00 per kilo and it will be fixed for five years of the operation. 6. Price of input requirement such as labor, supplies and materials will be fixed for five years of operation. 7. There will be 159,996 kilos expected yield of cassava on the first year of operation. 8. Tax is 10 percent of the net income. 9. The maturity of cassava will star on its 8th month during the first year of operation.

JM CASSAVA PRODUCTION Projected Cash Flow (Year1 to Year5) Cash flow from operating activity Net Income Depreciation Net cash provided by operating activities Cash flow from investing activity -Farm building Net cash provided by investing activities Cash from financing activities -investment 380,285.814 22,228.914 22,228.814 181,723.5 181,723.5 455,728.5 445.76 456,174.26 461,128.5 445.76 461,574.26 461,938.5 445.76 462,384.26 462,708 445.76 463,153.76 Year1 Year2 Year3 Year4 Year5

Loan Loan repayment Net cash provided by financing activity Net income cash Cash balance beginning Cash balance end

600,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000


1,019,780.5 0

367,174.26 1,019,780.5




1,335,954.76 1,697,529.02 2,039,913.28


1,355,954.76 1,697,529.02 2,039,913.28 2,383,067.04

JM CASSAVA PRODUCTION Projected Income Statement (Year1 to Year5) Year1 Sales Less: Operating Expenses Tools and Equipment Materials and supplies Direct labor Land rental Administrative salary Expenses Interest Expense 150,000 144,000 138,000 137,000 136,000 246,200 18,000 180,000 246,200 18,000 180,000 246,200 18,000 180,000 246,200 18,000 180,000 246,200 18,000 180,000 297,400 12,400 12,400 12,400 12,400 11,150 1,119,972 Year2 1,119,972 Year3 1,119,972 Year4 1,119,972 Year5 1,119,972

Furnitures Office supplies Transportation Total operating cost Net income before tax Less:10% income tax Net income/loss

2,300 1,007 12,000 918,057

1,007 12,000 613,607

1,007 12,000 607,607

1,007 12,000 606,707

1,007 12,000 605,852
















JM CASSAVA PRODUCTION Projected Balance Sheet (Year1 to Year5) Year1 Current asset Fixed asset Farm building Depreciation Total Fixed Asset Total asset Liability and owners equity Liabilities -Loan Loan Repayment Total liability Owners equity 480,000 360,000 240,000 120,000 0 600,000 120,000 480,000 120,000 360,000 120,000 240,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 1,042,009.314 1,377,737.814 1,718,866.314 2,060,876.814 2,403,584.814 22,228.814 22,228.814 22,228.814 445.76 21,783.054 22,228.814 891.52 21,337.294 22,228.814 1,265.28 20,963.534 22,228.814 1,711.04 20,517.774 1,019,780.5 Year2 1,355,954.76 Year3 1,697,529.02 Year4 2,039,913.28 Year5 2,383,067.04

JMs capital Add: Net income Total owners equity Total owners equity and liabilities

380,285.814 181,723.5

562,009.314 455,728.5

1,017,737.814 461,128.5

1,478,866.314 461,938.5

1,940,804.814 462,708











Financial Analysis A. Average Rate of Return = Average net income Average net investment

404,645.4 1,075,940.814

= B. Payback Period in Year


= Future value (1+r) n

Year 1

1,019,780.5 = (1.14)1


Year 2

1,355,945.76 = (1.14)2


Year 3

1,697,529.02 = (1.14)3


Year 4

2,039,913.28 = (1.14)4


Year 5

2,383,067.04 = (1.14)5


C. Break-even Volume Analysis

Total Cost Selling price

Year 1

918,057 = 7


Year 2

613,607 = 7


Year 3

607,607 = 7


Year 4

606,707 = 7


Year 5

605,852 = 7


The above shows the break even volume analysis, which depicts the volume to be produced that can cover all cost but without gain and loss. The result shows the output is greater than the break even volume through the year which indicates that the business can already earn a profit.

Break-even Selling Price

Total Cost x Selling price Sales

Year 1

918,057 x 7 = 1,119,932


Year 2

613,607 x 7 = 1,119,972


Year 3

613,607 x 7 = 1,119,972


Year 4

607,607 x 7 = 1,119,972


Year 5

605,852 x 7= 1,119,972


D. Return on Owners Investment


Net Income Total Capital Investment

Year 1

181,723.5 = 0.19 980,285.814

Year 2

455,728.5 = 0.46 980,285.814

Year 3

461,128.5 = 0.47 980,285.814

Year 4

461,938.5 = 0.47 980,285.814

Year 5

462,708 = 980,285.814


CHAPTER V SOCIO-ECONOMIC STUDY A. Contribution to the Government In the operation of the business, the government is expected to access the business and compute the taxes. For this, 10% of the total net income will be paid annually, environmental clearance from the DENR and DTI permit are secured. B. Contribution to the Household The Cassava production can generate income not only on the part of the business but also to those unemployed individual who certainly need job. They can be hired as laborer in this project. The supplies of raw materials will also be benefit since the demand for their good will increase. C. Contribution to the Environment Cassava production has a positive effect to the society because it is a beneficial firm.

CHAPTER VI ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT STUDY A. Form or Ownership The project consists of two owners. Since there are two owners then the business will be operated as partnership. B. Organizational Chart



9 The manager will carefully manage all the activities in the project. He will serve as the initiator responsible for the improvement of the project. He will be in-charge in the production and in the marketing aspect.

The laborers do the activities in the production process. The contractual worker will only be hired during the preparation of the site in planting and during harvesting period. The caretaker, on the other hand, will serve as the regular worker in the project. They will be the one who will take care of the products and in charge for the production so that the buyer will be satisfied of the product.


CURRICULUM VITAE Name: Birthdate: Age: Address: MELANIE L. QUIROL November 28, 1992 19 years old Homelot, Pangasinan, Pantukan, ComVal Province

Educational Background Elementary: Pantukan Elementary School Secondary: College: Pantukan National High School University of Southeastern Philippines (DJAS Campus)

Name: Age: Address:

JAYSON N. JARON 23 years old Homelot, Kingking, Pantukan, ConVal Province

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Elementary: Lapu-lapu, San Isidro, Davao Oriental Secondary: College: San Isidro National High School University of Southeastern Philippines (DJAS Campus)

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