Lightweight Ipv6 Stacks For Smart Objects: The Experience of Three Independent and Interoperable Implementations

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Lightweight IPv6 Stacks for Smart Objects: the Experience of

Three Independent and Interoperable Implementations

Internet Protocol for Smart Objects (IPSO) Alliance
White paper # 2

Julien Abeillé, Software Engineer, Cisco Systems

Mathilde Durvy, PhD, Software Engineer, Cisco Systems
Jonathan Hui, PhD, Arch Rock Corporation
Stephen Dawson-Haggerty, University of California, Berkeley

November 2008
Historically, smart objects have used a plethora of communication technologies, both at
the physical and medium access control layers, and at upper layers. The upper layers of
the communication stack remain either proprietary or specified by exclusive alliances.
This plethora of solutions renders interoperability between different sensor networks
difficult. It also makes the seamless integration of sensor networks with existing IP
networks impossible.

IP is an ideal solution to this end-to-end interoperability issue1. However, the adoption of

IP as the Layer-3 protocol to connect wireless or wired smart objects has been impaired
by the common belief that IP is not well-suited for the memory and energy constraints of
such devices. In this white paper we give insights on key implementation aspects, based
on the experience of three interoperable IPv6 stacks.

Interoperability is Essential
Interoperability is essential and the Internet Protocol (IP) is by far the most common
language of computer networks today. IP allows smart objects to communicate end-to-
end with other smart objects as well as existing IP-based devices. But IP devices must
adhere to a number of specifications that define the Internet architecture in order for them
to successfully join and participate in an IP network. IP protocols are defined by the
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)2 in the form of open standard protocols called

RFC4294 summarizes requirements for IPv6 hosts and routers. In particular, it states that
an IPv6 node MUST comply with the following standards: IPv6 Specification (RFC2460),
IPv6 Addressing Architecture (RFC4291), IPv6 Neighbor Discovery (RFC4861), Internet
Control Message Protocol for IPv6 (RFC4443), Stateless Address Autoconfiguration
(RFC4862), Default Address Selection (RFC3484), and Multicast Listener Discovery
(RFC2710, RFC3810).

The IPv6 Ready Logo program3 was developed to ensure compliance with the standards
required by RFC4294. IPv6 Ready delivers Phase-1, Phase-2 and Phase-3 logos that
correspond to three levels of certification. Phase-1 requirements include most of the
major building blocks of RFC4294. Phase-2 add support for ICMPv6 redirect messages
and Path MTU discovery (RFC1981), the latter of which is not required by RFC4294.
Phase-3 adds support for Internet Protocol Security (IPsec).

Leveraging Decades of Experience

Efforts in developing effective and scalable IP-based networks began 30 years ago. Since
then, the Internet community has developed a number of protocols and gained a
See the first white paper of the IPSO Alliance “IP for Smart Objects”
significant amount of deployment experience. Open-source projects starting from the
Berkeley Standard Distribution (BSD) helped to accelerate those efforts and drive
implementations that are both scalable and efficient. BSD is responsible for providing the
initial deployment efforts and served as the basis for improving TCP/IP over time.

The KAME4 project is to IPv6 what the original BSD was to IPv4. The result of KAME
is a high-quality open-source implementation that is used today in all BSD distributions
(e.g. FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, as well as Mac OS X). By leveraging the efforts
from KAME we now have a much better understanding of how to develop fully-
compliant IPv6 stacks that are efficient while providing high performance.

Today, there are a number of similar efforts that will help to drive the Internet and IP-
based protocols forward. Examples include IPSec (KAME, USAGI), SNMP
(openSNMP), Mobile IP (Helsinki University of Technology). In addition, the WIDE5
project offers implementations of tens of IPv6 related protocols in many areas such as
routing, management, real time applications, security, transport, etc.

Implementing Efficient IPv6 Stacks

Three independent implementations of a lightweight IPv6 stack for smart objects have
already been developed. This section provides important design considerations in
implementing an IPv6 network stack designed for the strict resource constraints typical to
smart objects.

Required Data Structures

The data structures necessary to implement a minimal IPv6 stack are an interface address
list, a neighbor cache, a prefix list, a routing table, and a default router list as defined in
RFC4861. These structures are updated whenever packets are sent or received. Moreover,
timers are used to manage entries that have a lifetime associated with them. Note that we
assume here that the platform has a single interface even though we can expect to see
constrained nodes with multiple interfaces in a near future (multiple RF, RF+PLC).

The IPv6 specification requires the link to support a 1280-byte MTU, imposing
significant challenges in supporting IPv6 on memory-constrained devices. A minimal
implementation can utilize a single 1280-byte buffer for the basic data plane. However,
the current Neighbor Discovery (ND) specification (RFC4861) requires a packet buffer
for each neighbor on the link and is prohibitively expensive for smart objects. The IETF
is currently discussing the relaxation of this buffering requirement as it is also viewed as
a security issue (i.e. DoS attacks).

The single packet buffer works well for host devices that do not forward datagrams.
Wireless mesh networks (e.g. IEEE 802.15.4) often span multiple hops and require some

or all devices to forward datagrams (and thus act as routers) to provide reachability
throughout the network. As a result, the store-and-forward technique requires nodes to
buffer additional packets that are being forwarded. One way to implement the forwarding
queue is to allocate full packet buffers for each entry in the queue. More sophisticated
approaches support variable-sized buffers that allow more effective use of the memory
especially when datagrams do not consume the full 1280-byte MTU.

Layer 2 Dependencies
The layered IP protocol architecture allows the network layer to remain agnostic to the
specifics of the link-layer below. IPv6 stacks implemented for smart objects do not have
to give up the layered protocol architecture in order to fit within the severe resource
constraints typical to smart objects.

In wired networks, the network layer only expects the link layer to provide services
necessary for delivering packets. Networks operating on constrained (e.g. low
throughput) links, however, can benefit from visibility between layers. On wireless links,
for example, knowledge of when packets are acknowledged and some indication of signal
strength can provide invaluable information to link estimators that are used by IP-based
routing protocols. Similarly, routing protocols could indicate which neighbors are most
important to optimize link-layer transmissions by providing visibility into the routing
table. Furthermore, the link-layer could deliver packets more efficiently if it had visibility
into the forwarding queue. For example, the link could optimize transmission of multiple
frames to the same destination and the link could appropriately schedule transmissions to
minimize average queuing delay. By providing this extra visibility in a link-independent
manner, we can significantly enhance the performance of an IP-based communication
architecture for smart objects while maintaining the layering.

Optimizations for Constrained Links

Link technologies used in Smart Objects are often highly constrained in terms of
throughput, channel capacity, and MTU. Energy constraints can also limit how much
information can be communicated. We describe a number of optimizations to enable
more efficient operation over constrained links. While the optimizations described below
were originally designed for low-power wireless networks, they equally apply to low-
speed wired links as well.

Compressing IPv6 Headers

IPv6 has a base header of 40 bytes, which is fairly large especially when compared to the
small link-layer MTUs and application payloads typical to smart objects. As a result,
compressing IPv6 headers can help save memory in buffering those datagrams as well as
reduce energy costs for delivering datagrams. With RFC 4944, the IETF has defined the
6LoWPAN adaptation layer that includes a compression mechanism. This mechanism is
stateless which means that it creates no binding state between the compressor-
decompressor pair. Stateless compression gives nodes the necessary flexibility to
communicate with any neighbor in compact form at all times. While the current
specification only supports link-local communication, the IETF is currently working on
mechanisms to support stateful compression for global communication. The stateful
compression mechanisms rely on shared context throughout the entire network, allowing
state synchronization to remain simple and nodes to communicate with any of their
neighbors in compressed form.6

Fragmenting Packets on Link Technologies with Small MTUs

Many link technologies designed for smart objects do not support the full 1280-byte
MTU. For several reasons, including cost reduction, guaranteeing an acceptable Packet
Error Rates (PER), and microcontroller buffering constraints, IEEE 802.15.4 only
supports a 127-byte MTU. To support the IPv6 1280-byte MTU, datagrams must thus be
fragmented before they can be delivered to the link layer. With RFC4944, the IETF has
defined the 6LoWPAN adaptation layer to support fragmentation. Fragmented datagrams
also provide additional opportunity for more effective buffering techniques when
forwarding datagrams. For example, fragments can be delivered before a node
reassembles the entire datagram, allowing nodes with severe memory constraints to
forward complete datagrams.

Extending Neighbor Discovery

IPv6 ND is currently defined for operation only on links that support a single broadcast
domain. As such, many of the ND primitives rely on multicast to discover and
communicate with neighboring nodes on the same link. For this reason, IPv6 ND does
not map well to smart objects connected by a wireless network that spans multiple hops.
One option involves emulating a single broadcast domain over the entire wireless
network, allowing support for IPv6 ND as specified today. However, for networks that
reach any reasonable scale, a simple multicast is prohibitively expensive as the message
must be delivered to all nodes within the network. An alternative solution is to
concentrate ND operations at routers that serve as egress points for the network. By
relying on egress routers, ND can now utilize unicast communication which is much
more efficient that multicast in wireless networks. The use of edge routers to support ND
is currently being specified within the IETF.

Extremely small code size and low RAM usage

All three implementations target platforms that typically have less than 100 kilobytes of
ROM and 10 kilobytes of RAM. Typical microcontrollers targeted by these stacks are
displayed in Table 1.

Manufacturer Device ROM (kilobytes) RAM (kilobytes)

Atmel Atmega1281 128 8
Atmel Atemga128P 128 16
6LoWPAN: Incorporating 802.15.4 into the IP architecture. IPSO White Paper #3.
Texas Instruments MSP430F1611 48 10
Texas Instruments MSP430F2618 116 8
Table 1. Typical MCUs targeted by IPv6 implementations for smart objects

Memory Requirements
An IPv6 Ready protocol stack can be implemented in approximately 11.5 kilobytes of
ROM and 1.8 kilobytes of RAM. To support the 1280-byte minimum MTU, a single
packet buffer requires 1280 bytes of RAM. Of the remaining data structures, the neighbor
cache requires 35 bytes per neighbor, the prefix list requires 23 bytes per prefix, the
router list requires 7 bytes per router, and the interface address list requires approximately
100 bytes. Table 2 provides a breakdown of the typical memory requirements for
individual components. (Fragmentation and per-neighbor buffering are not included).
Neighbor Discovery consumes the largest portion of the complexity.

Function ROM RAM

ND Input/Output 4800 20
ND structures 2128 238
Network interface management 1348 118
Stateless address autoconfiguration 372 16
IPv6 (headers processing, etc) 1434 44
Packet buffer (Ethernet case) 0 1296
ICMPv6 1406 16
Total 11488 1748
Table 2: Typical code and memory requirements for a complete IPv6 protocol stack.

Together with a complete run-time (timers, scheduler, etc.) as well as RFC-compliant

UDP and TCP protocols above, an OS that provides a complete IPv6 network stack can
be implemented within 35 kilobytes of ROM and 3 kilobytes of RAM. Complete IPv6-
based applications fit comfortably within a microcontroller providing only 64 kilobytes
of ROM and 4 to 8 kilobytes of RAM.

Energy Requirements
Battery-powered smart objects are constrained not only in memory, but in energy as well.
With appropriate link-layer mechanisms and experimental modifications to IPv6 (e.g.
compression and ND optimizations), it is possible to implement an IPv6 network stack
that consumes very little energy. In production deployments, an IPv6/802.15.4 network
can operate at sub-1% duty-cycles (including forwarding nodes), with very low per-hop
latency and high reliability under realistic work-loads.

Table 3 presents network statistics from an IPv6-based home-monitoring application. The

application consists of 15 nodes deployed in refrigerators, solar power inverters, outdoors,
and indoors in or near the intended sense point. Nodes periodically report environmental
data (e.g., temperature and humidity) as well as a variety of sensors attached to each node.
Application traffic was about one datagram per minute per node, each datagram nearly
filling a full 802.15.4 frame. The routing topology consisted of 7 nodes within 1-hop of
the egress router, the remaining half being 2 to 3 hops away.

Application Data Rate 1 UDP datagram/minute

Average Radio Duty Cycle 0.65%
Expected Per-Hop Latency 0.125 seconds
Datagram Delivery Rates 99.98%
Table 3: Network statistics for a production home-monitoring application.

This work demonstrates that even the most memory constrained devices can be IPv6
Ready. We have shown that it is also possible to implement an IPv6-based network on
energy constrained devices and are currently specifying optimizations (e.g. IPv6 header
compression and IPv6 ND modifications) to reduce the energy requirements of
supporting a complete IPv6 network stack. These efforts provide a framework that will
enable further advancement of IPv6 support for smart objects. For example, the IETF is
currently working on routing algorithms for low-power wireless devices (ROLL Working
Group). In addition to routing, support for end-to-end IPv6-based security mechanisms
(e.g. IPsec, SSL, or TLS) still require some evaluation.

RFC References
[1] Conta, S. Deering, and M. Gupta. Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMPv6) for
the Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) Specification. RFC 4443, IETF, Mar. 2006.
[2] S. Deering, W. Fenner, and B. Haberman. Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) for
IPv6. RFC 2710, IETF, Oct. 1999.
[3] S. Deering and R. Hinden. Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6) Specification. RFC
2460, IETF, Dec. 1998.
[4] R. Draves. Default Address Selection for Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6). RFC
3484, IETF, Feb. 2003.
[5] R. Hinden and S. Deering. IP Version 6 Addressing Architecture. RFC 4291, IETF,
Feb. 2006.
[6] J. Loughney. IPv6 Node Requirements. RFC 4294, IETF, Apr. 2006.
[7] G. Montenegro, N. Kushalnagar, J. Hui, and D. Culler. Transmission of IPv6 Packets
over IEEE 802.15.4 Networks. RFC 4944, IETF, Sept. 2007.
[8] T. Narten, E. Nordmark, W. Simpson, and H. Soliman. Neighbor Discovery for IP
version 6 (IPv6). RFC 4861, IETF, Sept. 2007
[9] S. Thomson, T. Narten, and T. Jinmei. IPv6 Stateless Address Autoconfiguration.
RFC 4862, IETF, Sept. 2007.
[10] R. Vida and L. Costa. Multicast Listener Discovery Version 2 (MLDv2) for IPv6.
RFC 3810, IETF, June 2004.

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