SNUG Multiple Clock Paper

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(Problems & Remedies in Designs involving Multiple Clocks)

Handling Multiple Clocks

Mohit Arora, Prashant Bhargava Shivraj Gupta

125, Udyog Vihar, Phase I, Gurgaon, India (

ABSTRACT The scope of this paper deals with issues regarding multiple clock designs and provides short but comprehensive information on the same. Designs involving single clock are like a walk in the park but the real challenge comes when one has to face more than one clock. Designers are faced with problems of metastability, phase or frequency difference among the clocks involved, performing asynchronous data transfer, etc. This paper covers the issue of multiple clock domains & its problems, by starting with a simple design of a single clock FIFO and later expanding it to dual clock domain and separately detailing on the problems involving more than single clock domains. In short, this paper covers what all a designer needs to make a robust and efficient design involving multiple clock domains.

Handling Multiple Clocks

Navigation Aids Contents

1. Introduction .................................................................................. 1 2. Multiple Clock Domains ..................................................................... 1 3. Problems in design with multiple clock domains ....................................... 2 Setup Time & Hold Time Violation: ...................................................... 3 Metastability: ................................................................................ 4 4. We shall Overcome........................................................................ 7 Design Tips: ................................................................................. 7 Transferring signals between clock domains:.......................................... 8 (a) Transfer of Control Signals (Synchronization) ............................... 9 (b) Transfer of Data Signals ....................................................... 11 5. Handshake Signaling Method............................................................ 12 6. Data transfer through Synchronous FIFO ............................................. 14 Synchronous FIFO Architecture ........................................................... 15 Working of Synchronous FIFO ............................................................ 16 FIFO full and FIFO empty generation .................................................... 16 7. Asynchronous FIFO (Dual Clock FIFO)................................................. 18 Gray Code Fundamentals .................................................................. 20 Effect of synchronization on pointers .................................................... 21 Gray code implementation of FIFO pointers ............................................ 24 FIFO Full and FIFO Empty generation ................................................... 28 An Alternative approach for FIFO full and FIFO empty generation ................. 31 FIFO Design .................................................................................. 33 FIFO empty condition generation ...................................................... 33 FIFO full condition generation .......................................................... 34 8. Conclusions ................................................................................. 36 9. Acknowledgements........................................................................ 37 10.References.................................................................................. 37 11.Author & Contact information ........................................................... 37

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List of Figures
Figure 1: Single clock Domain................................................................. 1 Figure 2: Multiple clock domain system ..................................................... 1 Figure 3: Relationship between clocks ....................................................... 2 Figure 4: Setup Time & Hold Time............................................................ 3 Figure 5: Violation of Setup & Hold Times................................................... 4 Figure 6: Metastability Timing Parameters .................................................. 5 Figure 7: Behavior of a FF...................................................................... 5 Figure 8: Metastability in Flip Flops........................................................... 6 Figure 9: Design Partitioning .................................................................. 8 Figure 10: Two-stage synchronizer circuit .................................................. 9 Figure 11: Timings for the two-stage synchronizer circuit ............................. 10 Figure 12: Three-stage synchronizer circuit .............................................. 10 Figure 13: Timings for the three-stage synchronizer circuit ........................... 11 Figure 14: Two-clock system divided into two separate systems ..................... 12 Figure 15: Timings for Handshaking Method of Data Transfer......................... 13 Figure 16: Constraint on xreq signal ....................................................... 14 Figure 17: Synchronous FIFO Architecture ................................................ 15 Figure 18: FIFO Full Condition............................................................... 16 Figure 19: Asynchronous FIFO (Dual Clock FIFO)........................................ 18 Figure 20: Effect of synchronization on FIFO full logic.................................. 21 Figure 21: FIFO Full Illusion ................................................................. 22 Figure 22: Effect of synchronization on FIFO empty logic.............................. 23 Figure 23: FIFO Empty Illusion.............................................................. 23 Figure 24: Gray counter using binary adder.............................................. 24 Figure 25: Gray Counter Hardware ......................................................... 28 Figure 26: FIFO full condition................................................................ 29 Figure 27: FIFO empty condition............................................................ 29 Figure 28: FIFO full & empty signals generation hardware............................. 30 Figure 29: 4-bit Gray Counter............................................................... 31 Figure 30: Conversion of 4-bit Gray code to 3-bit Gray code.......................... 32 Figure 31: Dual Clock FIFO Design ......................................................... 33 Figure 32: FIFO full & FIFO empty conditions ............................................ 34 Figure 33: FIFO full condition................................................................ 35

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Handling Multiple Clocks


Designs involving single clocks are very easy, simple and implemented without much effort. But in actual practice, there are few designs that function on just one clock. This paper deals with multiple clock designs, problems faced therein and how should an individual progress in order to get a robust design that works on multiple clock. A single clock design is shown in Figure 1. In a single clock domain, there is a single clock that goes through the entire design. Such designs are easy to implement and as compared to multiple clock designs, pose less problems of Metastability, Setup & Hold time violations.

System X

System Y

System Clock

Figure 1: Single clock Domain


Multiple Clock Domains

System X

System Y

X Clock

Y Clock

Figure 2: Multiple clock domain system

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One of the challenges faced by an engineer is developing a design having multiple clocks. Designs with multiple clocks (Figure 2) have the following type of clock relationships: o o Clocks with different frequencies Clocks with same frequency but different phases between them

The two relationships between clocks are shown below in Figure 3.



Clocks with different frequencies



Clocks having same frequency but different phase Figure 3: Relationship between clocks


Problems in design with multiple clock domains

It is well known that There is no gain without pain. So in order to make a robust design working with multiple clocks, one should know the problems that are faced in such a design. The problems generally faced in such designs are: o o Setup Time & Hold Time Violation Metastability

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Setup Time & Hold Time Violation: Setup Time: The time required for data input to remain stable prior to arrival of clock pulse Hold Time: The time required for data input to remain stable after the arrival of clock pulse Figure 4 shows these times with respect to the rising edge of clock.
Setup Time: D must not change here Hold Time: D must not change here


Figure 4: Setup Time & Hold Time Setup Time requires that input should become stable before the rising edge of the clock while, Hold Time requires that input remains stable after the arrival of clock pulse. This can be easily achieved in single clock domains. However, in multiple clock domains, it may happen that the output from one clock domain may be changing when the rising edge of the second clock domain comes. This will cause the output of the second clock domain to become metastable, thereby leading to wrong results.

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Violation No Violation


Figure 5: Violation of Setup & Hold Times Consider a dual clock system shown in Figure 2. Its timing for transfer of signals between domains is shown in Figure 5. By looking at Figure 5, we see that xclk_output1 (belonging to the xclk domain) changes near the rising edge of yclk. When this signal is sampled by yclk, the xclk_output1 signal is in transition stage called Metastable state. This causes violation of setup & hold times w.r.t. to yclk. Thus the signals in yclk domain that depend on xclk_output1 will go into metastable state and give wrong results. However, xclk_output2 (belonging to the xclk domain) is stable at the rising edge of yclk. There are no violation of setup & hold times. Thus the signals in yclk domain that depend on the xclk_output2 signal will give correct output. Metastability: This problem arises as a result of violation of setup and hold times. Every flipflop that is used i n any design has a specified setup and hold time, or the time in which the data input is not legally permitted to change before and after a rising clock edge. If the signal does change during this time window, the output will be unknown or metastable. This propagation of unwanted information is called Metastability. As a result the output of a flip-flop can produce a glitch or remain temporarily in metastable state, thus taking longer to return to stable state. When a flip-flop is in a metastable (in between) state, the output hovers at a voltage level between high and low, causing the output transition to be delayed beyond the specified clock-to-output delay (t co). The additional time

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beyond t c o that a metastable output takes to resolve to a stable state is called the settling time (t M E T ). This has been shown in Figure 6. Not every transition that violates the setup or hold times results in a metastable output. The likelihood that a flip-flop enters a metastable state and the time required to return to stable state depends on the process technology used to manufacture the device and on the ambient conditions. Generally, flip-flops will quickly return to a stable state.



Q th ts u
Legend: Rising Edge of Clock Metastability Region Stable Region

tc o

tM E T

Figure 6: Metastability Timing Parameters The operation of a flip-flop is analogous to a ball rolling over a frictionless hill, as shown in Figure 7.

Stable 0 Figure 7: Behavior of a FF

Stable 1

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Each side of the hill represents a stable state (i.e. high or low) and the top represents a metastable state. Suppose the ball is in a stable state (i.e. either 1 or 0) and a push (state transition) is given to the ball that is sufficient (no setup or hold time violations) enough to make the ball cross over to the other stable state. The ball crosses to the other stable state within the specified time. However, if the push is less (i.e. violation of setup & hold time), the ball shall travel to the top of the hill (i.e. o utput metastable), stay there for sometime and return to either stable state (i.e. output becomes stable eventually). It may also happen that the ball may rise partially and come back (i.e. output may produce some glitches). Either condition increases the delay from clock transition to a stable output. Thus, in simple words, when a signal is changing in one clock domain (src_data_out) and is sampled in another clock domain (dest_data_in), then this causes the output to become metastable. This is known as Synchronization Failure.


Data Changing



Output Metastable

Figure 8: Metastability in Flip Flops Again, if we look at Figure 5, we see that signal xclk_output1 is violating the setup and hold times, i.e. it is changing at the time the yclk samples it. This will cause the signals (that depend on xclk_output1, say yclk_input) in yclk clock domain to become metastable for sometime. However, the duration of this metastability condition may persist over more than one clock, thereby making internal signals (those signals that depend on yclk_input) of yclk domain to become metastable.

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We shall Overcome
Every cloud has a silver lining. And so do these dark clouds discussed in Section (3) have a silver lining. In this section solutions and tips have been provided that will help a designer make a robust multiple clock design. Overcoming the problems in multiple clock designs can be done in the following ways: o Design Tips for efficient handling of a design with multiple clocks o Clock Nomenclature o Design Partitioning Avoiding metastability & violations of setup & hold times while transferring control & data signals

o Design Tips:

When working on a design with multiple clocks, it is beneficial that one follows certain guidelines to help during simulation & synthesis. Some common guidelines are: o o Clock Nomenclature Design Partitioning

Clock Nomenclature For easy handling of clock signals by synthesis scripts, it is necessary that there should a certain clock naming procedure that is used all over the design. For example, system clock be named as sys_clk, transmitter clock be named as tx_clk and receiver clock as rx_clk, etc. This would help during scripting to refer to all clock s ignals using wildcards. Similarly, signals belonging to a particular clock domain can be prefixed by its clock name. For example, signals clocked by system clock can start as sys_rom_addr, sys_rom_data. Using this nomenclature any engineer on the team can identify to which domain a particular signal belongs. Thus the engineer can easily decide whether to use the signal directly or through a synchronizer. This naming procedure can significantly reduce confusion and provide easy interfacing among modules thereby increasing the efficiency of the team. Design Partitioning This is another technique for efficient designing of modules having multiple clocks. According to this guideline, (1) a module should work on one clock only, (2) a synchronizer module (module that performs the function of transferring signals from one domain to another) be made for all signals that

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cross from one clock domain to another, so that all inputs are synchronized to the same clock before entering the module and (3) the synchronizer module should be as small as possible. The advantage of partitioning a design is that static timing analysis becomes easy if all signals entering or leaving a clock domain are made synchronous to the clock used in that module. The design becomes completely synchronous. Also no timing analysis is required on the synchronization modules. However, it should be ensured that hold time requirements are met.


Sync 2 to 1


Sync 1 to 2


Clock 1 Logic


Clock 2 Logic

Sync 3 to 2

Clock 1 Domain Figure 9: Design Partitioning Clock 2 Domain

As shown in Figure 9, we have separated the entire logic into three clock domains viz Clock1, Clock2 and Clock3 domains. The names to the signal have been given as per the nomenclature explained in Section Clock Nomenclature. Now any signal going from one clock domain to another passes through an external synchronization module. This synchronization module converts the clock domain of the signal to the clock domain used by the module. Thus, in the above figure, Sync 1 to 2 module coverts the signals coming from clock1 domain to clock2 domain. The process of synchronization is explained later in this document. Transferring signals between clock domains: Setup or Hold time violation and metastability are major problems in multiple clock designs that are faced during transferring signals between different clock domains. The transfer of signals can be categorized into two groups, namely:

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o o

Transfer of Control Signals Transfer of Data Signals

(a) Transfer of Control Signals (Synchronization) If an asynchronous signal is directly fed to several flip-flops, the probability that a metastable event will occur greatly increases because there are more flip-flops that could become metastable. To avoid such a condition of metastability, the output of the synchronizing flip-flop is used rather than the asynchronous signal. To reduce the effects of metastability, designers most commonly use a multiple stage synchronizer in which two or more flip-flops are cascaded to form a synchronizing circuit shown in Figure 10. dest_data1_in src_data_out (src_clk domain) D Q dest_data2_in


dest_ clk

Figure 10: Two-stage synchronizer circuit If the synchronizing flip-flop produces a metastable output, the metastability may get resolved before it is sampled by the second flip flop. This method does not guarantee that the output of the second flip-flop will go metastable but it surely decreases the probability of metastability. One d rawback or more aptly called necessary evil of the synchronizer circuit is that it adds up clocks to the total latency of the circuit. The timings of the synchronizer circuit have been shown in Figure 11. The asynchronous output (src_data_out) from the source module working on src_clk is fed to the first synchronizer flip-flop. The signal dest_data1_in (output of first synchronizing flip-flop) goes metastable but resolves to a stable state before it is sampled by the second f lip-flop in the synchronizer circuit. Thus the signal dest_data2_in (output of the second synchronizer flipflop) is synchronized to the dest_clk used by the destination module.

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Data Changing



Output Metastable

Figure 11: Timings for the two-stage synchronizer circuit In some cases, it may happen that the output of the first synchronizer flip-flop takes longer than one clock to resolve from a metastable state to a stable state. If a two-stage synchronizer circuit is used here, the output of the second synchronizer flip-flop will also go metastable. Thus, we are back to where we started. The sole purpose of the synchronizer goes in vain. In such cases, it is safe to use a three-stage synchronizer circuit. A three-stage synchronizer circuit is shown in Figure 12. dest_data1_in dest_data2_in dest_data3_in src_data_out (src_clk domain) D Q D Q D QSYSTEM


Figure 12: Three-stage synchronizer circuit A three-stage synchronizer comprises of three cascaded flip-flops. As the second flip-flop output goes metastable, it resolves to a stable state before it is sampled by the third flip-flop.

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Timings of the three-stage synchronizer circuit have been shown in Figure 13. The asynchronous output (src_data_out) from the source module working on src_clk is fed to the first synchronizer flip-flop. The signal dest_data1_in (output of first synchronizing flip-flop) goes metastable but resolves to a stable state after more than one clock duration. When the second flip-flop samples the output of the first flip-flop, the signal dest_data2_in (output of the second synchronizer flip-flop) also becomes metastable. But this signal resolves to a stable state before it is sampled by the third flip-flop. Thus the asynchronous output of the src_clk domain is now synchronized to the dest_clk domain.


Data Changing



Output Metastable

Output Metastable

Figure 13: Timings for the three-stage synchronizer circuit However, a two-stage synchronizer circuit is sufficient to avoid metastability in multiple clock designs. A three-stage synchronizer is required in designs where the clock frequencies are very high. (b) Transfer of Data Signals Multiple clock design often requires data transfer from one clock domain to other clock domain. Below are the two commonly used methods for Data Synchronization between two clock domains. Handshake signaling method. Asynchronous FIFO

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Handshake Signaling Method

This is one of the oldest methods used to pass on the data from one domain to other. Treating two-clock domain as two different systems as shown below: xreq

System X


System Y




Figure 14: Two-clock system divided into two separate systems System X sends data t o system Y based on the handshake signals xack and yreq signals. Below is the sequence of transfer of data for handshake signaling: Transmitter (System X above) places the data on the data bus and asserts a xreq (request) signal indicating valid data on the data bus of the receiver (System Y above). xreq signal is synchronized with the receiver clock domain (system Y clock above yclk) Receiver (System Y above) latches the data on the data bus on recognition of synchronized xreq signal: yreq2. Receiver (system Y above) asserts the yack (acknowledge) signal, asserting that it has accepted the data. yack is synchronized to the transmitter clock (System X clock above xclk). When the transmitter (system X above) recognizes the synchronized acknowledge signal (xack2), the transmitter can change the value driven on the data bus.

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Following is the timing waveform for the above sequence of operation:-







xa c k 2







5 clock latency

Figure 15: Timings for Handshaking Method of Data Transfer As shown above it takes 5 clocks to transfer single data from transmitter to receiver safely. Requirements for the above operation 1. Data should be stable for atleast two rising clock edges in the sending clock domain. 2. Request signal (xreq above) should be of more than 2 rising edge clock else this signal wont get captured if passed from faster clock domain to slower clock domain as shown in Figure 16.

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2 clock synchronizer


Y clock domain X clock domain xreq D Q yreq1 D Q yreq2




"xreq" not captured by slower clock

Figure 16: Constraint on xreq signal Disadvantages of data transfer through handshaking signaling Latency for a single data transfer from one clock domain to other is much more than that of a FIFO used for the same data transfer.


Data transfer through Synchronous FIFO

During a system design, there are many components that work on different frequencies like processor, memory etc. and they might have their own clock crystal. First-In-First-Out queues play an important role in the exchange of data between such devices. FIFOs are simple memories that are used to queue up data transmitted over communication buses. Thus FIFOs are usually used for domain crossing, and therefore dual clock design. Lets start up with a simple synchronous FIFO with reading and writing done on the same clock and later on we will move to asynchronous FIFO with reading and writing done on different clock frequencies.

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Synchronous FIFO Architecture

Memory for Data storage in FIFO

wr_data FIFO write pointer FIFO Memory clk (DPRAM) wr_addr wr ptr rd_addr

rd_data FIFO read pointer clk

rd ptr wr_fifo rd_fifo

wr_ptr valid_wr wr_en fifo_full fifo_count

Status Block

rd_ptr valid_rd rd_en fifo_empty


Figure 17: Synchronous FIFO Architecture Figure above shows a general architecture of a Synchronized FIFO. DPRAM (Dual port RAM) is used as a FIFO memory since we require reading and writing to be independent. The read and write ports have separate read and write addresses generated by two read and write pointers. The write pointer points to the location that will be written next and the read pointer to the location that will be read next. A valid write enable increments the write pointer and a valid read enable increments the read pointer. Shown above in the figure, is a status block that generates the fifo_empty and fifo_full signal. If fifo_full is asserted it means that there is no room for more data to be written into the FIFO. Similarly fifo_empty indicates that there is no data available in the FIFO to be read by the external world. This block also indicates the number of empty or full locations in the FIFO at any point of time by performing some logic on the two pointers.

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The DPRAM above can have either synchronous reads or asynchronous reads. For synchronous read, an explicit read signal is supposed to be provided before the data at the output of the FIFO is valid. For asynchronous reads, DPRAM does not have registered outputs; valid data is available as soon as it is written (data is read first and then the pointer is incremented). Working of Synchronous FIFO On reset, both the read and write pointer are 0. fifo_empty signal is asserted and fifo_full remains low during this time. Further reads from FIFO are blocked when FIFO is empty so only write operation is possible. Now subsequent writes on the FIFO increments the write pointer and deasserts the FIFO empty signal. A point is reached where there is no room for more data when the write pointer equal to RAM_SIZE 1 .At this time a write causes the write pointer to again roll back to 0 and fifo_full signal is asserted. Looking above we have the same condition when the FIFO is empty or full that is when read pointer equals to the write pointer. It is necessary to distinguish between these two conditions. FIFO full and FIFO empty generation Lets first look at the FIFO full generation by taking an example.
3 2 1 wr_ptr 0 rd_ptr wr_ptr 3 2 1 0 rd_ptr wr_ptr 3 2 1 0 rd_ptr wr_ptr 3 2 1 0 rd_ptr

3 2 1 wr_ptr 0 rd_ptr

Figure 18: FIFO Full Condition All the transitions shown in above figure are in subsequent clocks. As shown above in the figure if a write causes both the pointers to become equal in the next clock, then FIFO becomes full. So we have the following condition for assertion of fifo_full signal. When (read_pointer = write_pointer + 1) and write asserts the fifo_full signal

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Below is the verilog code for the above logic: always @ (posedge clk or negedge reset_n) begin: fifo_full_gen if (~reset_n) fifo_full <= 1b0; else if (wr_fifo && rd_fifo) ; //do nothing else if (rd_fifo) fifo_full <= 1b0; else if (wr_fifo && (rd_ptr = wr_ptr + 1b1 )) fifo_full <= 1b1; end Similarly if a read causes both the pointers to become equal in the next clock, then FIFO becomes empty. So we have the following condition for assertion of fifo_empty signal. When (write_pointer = read_pointer + 1) and fifo_empty signal Below is the verilog code for the above logic: always @ (posedge clk or negedge reset_n) begin: full_gen if (~reset_n) fifo_empty <= 1b1; else if ( wr_fifo && rd_fifo) ; //do nothing else if (wr_fifo) fifo_empty <= 1b0; else if (rd_fifo && (wr_ptr = rd_ptr + 1b1 )) fifo_empty <= 1b1; end An alternative approach An alternative way of generation the full and empty conditions are by maintaining a counter that constantly indicates the number of full/empty locations left on the FIFO. Width of the counter is equal to the depth of the FIFO so that it can store the maximum count value. Now initially on reset the counter value is zero. On subsequent writes the counter is incremented by one and on subsequent reads the counter is decremented by one. read asserts the

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Now FIFO empty condition can easily be generated when the counter values reaches ZERO and FIFO full condition when counters values equals the size of the FIFO. But this implementation is not efficient as compared to our previous implementation since it requires additional hardware (comparators) for the generation of FIFO empty and FIFO full conditions. As the depth of the FIFO increases so is the width of the counter, thus requiring higher order comparators for FIFO e mpty and FIFO full condition generation that finally lowers the maximum frequency of operation of the FIFO.


Asynchronous FIFO (Dual Clock FIFO)

Unlike handshake signaling, Asynchronous FIFO is used in case of performance critical designs where clock latency is a factor rather than system resources (Area, no of LCs). Figure below shows a case of two systems X and Y respectively where data from system X is supposed to be transferred to system B both systems working at different clocks. System X writes the data on xclk clock into FIFO and is read out by System B on yclk clock. To take care of the underflow and overflow conditions, we have FIFO full and FIFO empty signals. Overflow condition is taken care by FIFO full signal: Data is not written into the FIFO if FIFO Full signal is asserted else Data will be overwritten. Underflow condition is taken care by FIFO empty signal: Data is not read from the FIFO if FIFO empty signal is asserted else junk data would be read.

fifo_full System X write FIFO

fifo_empty System Y read



Figure 19: Asynchronous FIFO (Dual Clock FIFO)

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A simple Synchronous FIFO can be implemented using Dual Port RAM with separate ports for read and write operations where reading and writing done on the same clock. The same concept can be extended for designing Asynchronous FIFO with special care taken for FIFO empty and FIFO Full signal generation to avoid metastability conditions. Avoid using Binary Asynchronous FIFO counters for Pointer implementation of

Take the case of write pointer. Write pointer is always incremented on write clock whenever there is a valid write request to a FIFO. Read pointer is incremented on read clock whenever there is a valid read request. Now for FIFO Full signal generation, write pointer needs to be compared with read pointer and since both the pointers are synchronous to there respective clock but asynchronous to each other will result in wrong sampling of the pointer values for comparison if binary counters are used for the pointer implementation. This is illustrated as shown below. Say, the binary counter is changing from FFF to 000.In this case all the bits will change at the same time. Metastability can be avoided by synchronizing the counter, but you may still get sampled values that are widely off the mark, so synchronizing the counters in not the final solution. Possible transitions from FFF to 000 FFF FFF FFF FFF FFF FFF FFF FFF 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111

If the synchronizing clock edge comes in the middle of the transition from FFF to 000, it is possible that any of the 3 bit binary value be sampled and synchronized in new clock domain. Since the generation of FIFO full and FIFO empty flags depends on these pointer value, incorrect value of these pointers will result in wrong triggering of the flags. There might be a case where FIFO full flag not getting triggered

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even when actually FIFO is full resulting in data getting lost or FIFO empty flag not getting triggered resulting in junk data being read. NOTE: Looking at the above case, its highly unrecommended to use binary counter for read and write pointers implementation. Gray Code Fundamentals One way of implementing FIFO pointers is to make them count in Gray-code. The advantage of the Gray code over pure binary numbers is that a number in Gray code changes by one bit as it proceeds from one number to the next. Gray/Reflected Code 0000 0001 0011 0010 0110 0111 0101 0100 1100 1101 1111 1110 1010 1011 1001 1000 Decimal Equivalent 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

The Gray code is shown in the table above. To obtain a different Gray code, one can start with any bit combination and proceed to obtain the next bit combination by changing only one bit from 0 to 1 or 1 to 0 in any desired random fashion, as long as two numbers do not have identical code assignments. The Gray code is also known as reflected code. [4] Since gray code is a unit distance code, every next value differs from previous in one bit position, will re sult in a maximum of a single bit error/transition. Now for example if the counters actual value is 1010 and the counter changes to 1011, then you will read either 1010(old value) or 1011(new incremented value) but no other value.

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Note: Synchronizing gray counter will rarely result in sampled counter value getting metastable and secondly the value sampled will have at most one bit error. Effect of synchronization on pointers Now suppose we wish to know whether or not the FIFO is full. If FIFO is full, we should block further accesses. For the FIFO full condition we compare the read and write pointer that are incremented on their respective clocks. We synchronize the read pointer (Gray coded) to the write clock. Let us see how this works by taki ng an example. As shown in Figure 20, initially read and write pointers are zero at t 0 and FIFO is empty. As subsequent write takes place on FIFO, write pointer is incremented. A stage is reached when write pointer equals to read pointer and FIFO becomes FULL. This happens at t 5 as shown in Figure 20. Suppose a read takes place at t 6 , now since a typical synchronizer circuit consists of atleast 2 flip flops, synchronizing read pointer on write clock will result in changed read pointer reflected after 2 write clocks. This results in blocking additional writes on the FIFO and is harmless. It would have been a problem if we did not block writes when the FIFO was actually full.
4 3 2 1 wtr_ptr 0 t0 rd_ptr wtr_ptr 4 3 2 1 0 t1 rd_ptr wtr_ptr 4 3 2 1 0 t2 rd_ptr wtr_ptr 4 3 2 1 0 t3 wtr_ptr 4 3 2 1 rd_ptr 0 rd_ptr rd_ptr

4 3 2 1 wtr_ptr 0 wtr_ptr rd_ptr

4 3 2 1 0 rd_ptr wtr_ptr

4 3 2 1 0





Figure 20: Effect of synchronization on FIFO full logic

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Actual fifo_full

Further writes blocked (during t 6 + t7) even though fifo is not actually full

Figure 21: FIFO Full Illusion Now suppose take the case when one wants to know whether or not FIFO is empty. In that case, further read access to FIFO should be blocked. Now Read and Write pointers are supposed to be compared for FIFO empty calculation. We synchronize the write pointer to the read clock. So read side sees delayed writes (2 clock delayed signal), and may decide that the FIFO is empty when it actually has some data. This will result in reading getting blocked till the writes becomes visible to the read side. As shown in Figure 21, initially read and write pointers are zero at t0 and FIFO is empty, as subsequent write takes place on FIFO, write pointer is incremented. A stage is reached when write pointer equals to read pointer and FIFO becomes FULL. This happens at t 3 as shown in Figure 21. Suppose subsequent reading starts at t 4 and again FIFO becomes empty at t 6. Assume that the FIFO is again written at t 7 and t 8 . Now since a typical synchronizer circuit consists of at least 2 flip flops, synchronizing write pointer on read clock will result in changed write pointer reflected after 2 read clocks. This results in blocking additional reads on FIFO and is harmless. It would have been a problem if we did not block reads when the FIFO was actually empty.

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2 1 wtr_ptr 0 t0 2 wtr_ptr 1 0 t7 rd_ptr wtr_ptr rd_ptr wtr_ptr

2 1 0 t1 2 1 0 t6 rd_ptr rd_ptr


2 1 0 t2 2 1 rd_ptr rd_ptr wtr_ptr

2 1 0 t3 2 1 wtr_ptr 0 t4 rd_ptr rd_ptr


0 t5


2 1 0 t8 rd_ptr

Figure 22: Effect of synchronization on FIFO empty logic

t0 rd_clk t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9





fifo empty

actual fifo empty

Further reads blocked (during t 7 +t 8) even though fifo is not actually empty

Figure 23: FIFO Empty Illusion Note: Reporting to the write side that FIFO is full when it is not is OK, and so is reporting to the read side that the FIFO is empty when it is not. Even if the

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synchronized values of the pointer (synchronized read pointer during write and synchronized write pointer during read) remains metastable for a small period of time, the effect would be to block writes/reads causing the FIFO to hand for a while, but not causing any errors. Gray code implementation of FIFO pointers We need to correctly sample Read and Write pointer values for perfect generation of FIFO empty and FIFO full conditions. So the best way for passing pointers between clock domains is to use a gray code counter for pointers implementation, since they would eliminate most of the errors if the synchronized clock signal comes in the middle of the counter transition. Designing a gray code count er seems quite complex but is indeed simple. All that is supposed to be done is the following: STEP STEP STEP STEP I II III IV : : : : Convert the Gray value to Binary value. Increment the Binary value depending on some condition. Convert the Binary va lue back to Gray. Store the final Gray value of the counter in a registers.

Figure 24 shows the generalized Gray counter.


Gray to Binary converter

Binary to


Gray converter

Register Elements

Stored Gray value

Figure 24: Gray counter using binary adder Gray to binary converter Table below shows the 4 bit counter values when counted in Gray and binary. Subsequent rows in a particular column show the transition values of the counter when incremented on clock.

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Gray value 0000 0001 0011 0010 0110 0111 0101 0100 1100 1101 1111 1110 1010 1011 1001 1000

Binary value 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111

Equivalent decimal value 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

The equation for the Gray to Binary conversion is bin n- 1 = grayn- 1 bin i = grayi bin i+1 where i < n 1 in an n bit counter value. eq.(1) eq.(2)

Figure below shows the bit numbering of the counter.

n-1 MSB n-2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 4 3 2 1 0 LSB

Let us take a simple example of converting gray value 1010 into its binary equivalent. Here above n-1 = 3 Substituting the value of i = 3 in the eq.(1) above we have bin 3 = gray3 = gray[3] = 1 Substituting the value of i =2 in the eq.(2) above we have bin 2 = gray2 bin 3 = gray2 gray3 = gray[2] gray[3] = 1 Substituting the value of i =1 in the eq.(2) above we have bin 1 = gray1 bin 2 = gray1 gray2 gray3 = gray[1] gray[2] gray[3] = 0 Substituting the value of i =0 in the eq.(2) above we have bin 0 = gray0 bin 1 = gray0 gray1 gray2 gray3 = gray[0] gray[1] gray[2] gray[3] = 0

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so we bin[0] bin[1] bin[2] bin[3]

have the following four equations: = gray[0] gray[1] gray[2] gray[3] = gray[1] gray[2] gray[3] = gray[2] gray[3] = gray[3]

eq.(3) eq.(4) eq.(5) eq.(6)

Finally we have 1100 as the binary value of the given gray value1010. So from above equations its clear that bin[3] can be generated by right shifting gray value by 3,bin[2] by right shifting gray value by 2, bin[1] by right shifting gray value by 1 and bin[0] by right shifting gray value by 0. Below is the verilog code of the above gray to binary converter module gray_to_bin (bin , gray); parameter SIZE = 4; input [SIZE 1:0] bin; output [SIZE 1:0] gray; reg [SIZE 1:0] bin; integer i; always @ (gray) for ( i = 0; i <= SIZE; i = i +1) bin[i] = ^(gray >> i); endmodule Binary to Gray converter Following are the equations for Binary to Gray conversion:grayn- 1 = bin n- 1 grayi = bin i bin i+1 where i < n 1 eq.(1) eq.(2)

Let us take a simple example of converting binary value 1100 back into its gray equivalent. Here above n-1 = 3 Substituting the value of i = 3 in the eq.(1) above we have gray3 = bin 3 = bin[3] = 1 Substituting the value of i =2 in the eq.(2) above we have gray2 = bin 2 bin 3 = bin[2] bin[3] = 0 Substituting the value of i =1 in the eq.(2) above we have gray1 = bin 1 bin 2 = bin[1] bin[2] = 1 Substituting the value of i =0 in the eq.(2) above we have gray0 = bin 0 bin 1 = bin[0] bin[1] = 0

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Finally we got back the same gray value 1010 of the given binary value1100. From the above, we have the following four equations: gray[0] = bin[0] bin[1] eq.(3) gray[1] = bin[1] bin[2] eq.(4) gray[2] = bin[2] bin[3] eq.(5) gray[3] = bin[3] eq.(6) As inferred from eq.(3), eq.(4), eq.(5) and eq.(6),we can obtain the equivalent gray value by performing bit wise exclusive or operation between the binary value and its right shift version as shown below:bin[3] bin[2] bin[1] bin[0] 0 bin[3] bin[2] bin[1] ---------------------------------------------gray[3] gray[2] gray[1] gray[0] ---------------------------------------------binary value: bin right shift (bin) equivalent gray value

Below is the Verilog code of the above binary to gray converter module bin_to_gray (bin, gray); parameter SIZE = 4; input [SIZE-1:0] bin; output [SIZE-1:0] gray; assign gray = (bin >> 1) ^ bin; endmodule Gray code counter implementation It is a combination of all the four steps shown in the Figure 25 (gray to binary converter, adder, binary to gray converter and finally sets of register elements to store the gray value. Below is the Verilog code of the Gray code counter: module gray_counter (clk, gray, inr, reset_n) parameter SIZE = 4; input clk, inr, reset_n; output [SIZE 1 ] gray; reg [SIZE - 1] gray_temp, gray, bin_temp,bin; integer i;

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always @(gray or inr) begin:gray_bin_gray for (i = 0; i<SIZE ; i = i +1) bin[i] = ^(gray >> i); bin_temp = bin + inr; gray_temp = (bin_temp >> 1) ^ bin_temp; end

// gray to binary conversion // addition in binary // binary to gray conversion

The always block below registers the converted gray value. always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n) begin:gray_registered if (~reset_n) gray <= {SIZE{1b0}}; else gray <= gray_temp; end Shown below is the logical diagram for the above gray counter code:-

gray_registered gray_bin_gray always block always block


Gray to binary converter

Binary to



Gray converter


Register elements

inr clk

Figure 25: Gray Counter Hardware FIFO Full and FIFO Empty generation We need an N bit pointer to address 2 N locations in a FIFO. Now the FIFO is empty when both pointers are equal and FIFO is full also when both the pointers are equal, so we need an extra bit to keep track whether the FIFO is full or empty when both the pointers are equal. The FIFO is full when the most significant bits of the binary versions of the pointers differ and the remaining N bits are equal. The FIFO is empty when the binary versions of the pointers are exactly equal in all bit positions. Let us see how it works with an example: -

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Consider an 8 deep FIFO. Since we need just 3 bits pointer to address all its 8 locations but we take an extra bit to distinguish between FIFO full and FIFO empty condition. Initially both rd_ptr_bin and wr_ptr_bin are 0000 and the FIFO is empty. Now after 8 subsequent writes to FIFO we have the following values of read and write pointer: rd_ptr_bin = 0000 wr_ptr_bin = 1000 Which is the FIFO full condition as shown in the Figure 26.



Figure 26: FIFO full condition Now suppose the user performs subsequent eight reads, we have the following values of the read and write pointer: rd_ptr_bin = 1000 wr_ptr_bin = 1000 Which is the FIFO empty condition as shown in the Figure 27.


Figure 27: FIFO empty condition

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Below shows the block diagram showing FIFO empty and FIFO full generation:FIFO FULL GENERATION MSB Comparator wr_ptr [N-1:0] (Gray) Gray to binary converter
wr_ptr_b[N-1] wr_ptr_b rd_ptr_sync_b[N-1]

(rd_ptr_sync_b[N-1] == wr_ptr_b [N-1]) AND N-1 bit comparator FIFO FULL


2 stage Synch

Gray to binary converter

wr_ptr_b[N-2:0] rd_ptr_sync_b

(rd_ptr_sync_b[N-2:0] == wr_ptr_b [N-2:0])

2 stage Sync

Gray to binary converter

N bit comparator

(wr_ptr_sync_b == rd_ptr_b)



rd_ptr [N-1:0] (Gray)

Gray to binary converter


Figure 28: FIFO full & empty signals generation hardware In this case, your maximum frequency of operation will depend on how fast your gray code counters works since it requires chain of XOR gates. Here in above pointers value is stored in gray and all the comparisons, incrementing of pointers etc. is done in binary that makes the implementation and debugging quite simpler. As shown in the figure above, it requires four gray to binary converters, which can be avoided if the comparison etc for calculation of FIFO empty and FIFO full generation are done directly in gray. This is somewhat complicated and it re quires some additional logic. Lets see how this alternative approach works in our next section.

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An Alternative approach for FIFO full and FIFO empty generation This approach requires creating two gray code counters, one of n bit and the other of n -1 bit. The two counters can be created by a single n bit counter and then modifying its 2 nd MSB to generate (n-1) bit gray code counter with the same LSBs as of the n bit counter. Before we start up with the main logic lets look up some more about Gray code counters. Lets look below at the following 4-bit Gray code counter
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 Bits in any position except the MSB are symmetrical about the center dotted line 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0

Figure 29: 4-bit Gray Counter As shown above in the figure, bits in any column except the MSB are symmetrical about the sequence mid-point. Thus the second half of the 4-bit Gray code is a mirror image of the first half with the MSB inverted. Now (n-1) bit Gray code can easily be generated by XORing the two MSBs of the n -bit Gray code to generate the MSB for the (n-1) bit gray code. Rest of the (n-2) bits can be simply using the (n-2) bits of the n-bit counter. Figure 30 below shows the conversion of 4-bit to 3-bit Gray code.

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n bit gray code

(n-1) bit gray code

Figure 30: Conversion of 4-bit Gray code to 3-bit Gray code 4 bit Gray Code 0000 0001 0011 0010 0110 0111 0101 0100 1100 1101 1111 1110 1010 1011 1001 1000 3 bit Converted Gray Code 000 001 011 010 110 111 101 100 000 001 011 010 110 111 101 100

Now lets come b ack to the FIFO design. We will use this dual n-bit Gray code counter later when we will come to FIFO empty and FIFO full generation logic.

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FIFO Design Figure 31 below shows the block diagram for the FIFO. Dual port Memory is used as storage elements inside a FIFO.
Memory for Data storage in FIFO wclk block rclk block






FIFO Memory (Dual Port RAM)

FIFO write ptr
wclk wr_ptr wr_inr inr

FIFO read ptr




rd_ptr inr rd_inr



FIFO fifo full full logic


FIFO wclk synchronizer rclk synchronizer


empty logic

fifo empty


2 stage synchronizer


Figure 31: Dual Clock FIFO Design FIFO empty condition generation FIFO empty flag would be generated in the read clock immediately when the FIFO beco mes empty that is when the read pointer matches up with the synchronized write pointer. Here both the read pointer and the synchronized write pointer are directly compared in gray and are not converted to their binary equivalent before the comparison unlike what we had in our previous implementation. This saves our four gray to binary converters as previously shown in Figure 28. Here again the pointers are one bit larger than needed to address the FIFO memory. The synchronized write pointer (wr_ptr_sync) is compared against the rd_gtemp (the next gray code that will be registered in the rd_ptr).

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Note: FIFO empty output generated is registered. Below is the Verilog code for the above logic. always @ (posedge rclk or negedge re set_n) begin: fifo_empty_gen if (~reset_n) fifo_empty <= 1b1; else fifo_empty <= (rd_gtemp = = wr_ptr_sync); end FIFO full condition generation FIFO full flag would be generated in the write clock immediately when the FIFO becomes full. Again both the write and synchronized read pointers are compared but this comparison is not that simple as for FIFO empty flag generation. Here again we have to take pointer with one extra bit than required to address the FIFO memory. We cannot use the same logic that we used in our previous implementation since here we have our comparisons done in gray instead of binary. Lets see by taking an example.
1 rd_ptr = 0 wr_ptr = 0 FIFO empty

2 FIFO empty rd_ptr = 7 wr_ptr = 7

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

000 001 011 010 110 111 101 100 100 101 111 110 010 011 001 000

3 rd_ptr = 7 wr_ptr = 8 FIFO full

Wrongly asserted

Figure 32: FIFO full & FIFO empty conditions Figure above shows the following steps performed on a 8 depth FIFO.

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STEP 1: Initially FIFO is empty with rd ptr = wr ptr = 0 shown as 1. in the figure above. STEP 2: Subsequent writes takes places on FIFO till the FIFO becomes full with rd ptr = 0 and wr ptr = 7.Now subsequent 8 reads takes place with finally rd ptr = wr ptr = 7 and FIFO becomes empty (since all the bits of read and write pointer are equal) as shown in figure above. STEP 3: Now with a single write rd ptr = 7 and write ptr = 8 and using the same logic as we used for our previous binary implementation, FIFO again becomes full which is not true.

rd ptr

wr ptr



Figure 33: FIFO full condition This condition can be easily take care by using dual n-bit gray code counter. The correct method to perform the full comparison is accomplished by synchronizing the rd ptr into the write clock domain. The MSBs are compared and should differ in case the write pointer has wrapped one more time than the synchronized read pointer. Then if the synchronized read pointers MSB is high, the 2 nd MSB of the synchronized read pointer (rd_ptr_sync) is inverted before doing a comparison against a (n-1) bit write pointer. So the FIFO full flag is asserted when all the 3 condition below are true: (1) MSB of the synchronized read pointer (rd_ptr_sync) should differ from the MSB of the next gray code value of the write pointer (wr_gtemp) that will be registered in the wr_ptr. (2) 2 nd MSB of the next gray code count in the write clock domain (wr_gtemp) should be equal to 2 nd MSB of the read pointer that has been synchronized into the write clock domain (rd_ptr_sync).

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(3) All the left out LSBs of the two pointers should match. Note: The 2nd MSB in (2) above is calculated by XORing the first two MSBs of the pointer. (Doing an exclusive-or operation of the two MSBs causes the 2nd MSB to be inverted if the MSB is high) Below is the Verilog code for the above logic. wire rd_2nd_msb = rd_ptr_sync[SIZE] ^ rd_ptr_sync[SIZE - 1]; wire wr_2nd_msb = wr_gtemp[SIZE] ^ wr_gtemp[SIZE - 1]; always @ (posedge wclk or negedge reset_n) begin: fifo_full_gen if (~reset_n) fifo_full <= 1b0; else fifo_full <= ((wr_gtemp[SIZE] != rd_ptr_sync[SIZE]) && (rd_2nd_msb = = wr_2nd_msb) && (wr_gtemp[SIZE 2:0] = = rd_ptr_sync[SIZE 2:0])); end


Summarizing the contents, it is seen that multiple clock designs always pose problems of metastablity, setup & hold time violation. Using proper design guidelines and partitioning designs is the first step towards handling multiple clock designs effectively. T ransfer of control signals requires synchronization of the signal coming from different clock domain. Data transfer can be done via handshaking signal or through use of FIFOs. Using FIFOs is preferred as it reduces the latency of data transfer. Using an async FIFO with gray code read & write pointers is the safe and efficient way of data transfer. Multi-clock designs have always been a major hurdle to cross by designers. Using the techniques presented in this paper, a designer will be able to handle such designs with ease.

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We would like to thank one and all who helped in the successful writing of this paper. We are indeed grateful to Mr. Amit Srivastava for helping us in reviewing the document and providing valuable feedback in a short time.

10. References
[1]. Clifford E. Cummings, Synthesis and Scripting Techniques for Designing Multi-Asynchronous Clock Designs, SNUG 2001(Synopsys Users Group Conference, San Jose, CA, 2001) User Papers, March 2001. [2]. Vijay A. Nebhrajani, Asynchronous FIFO Architectures [3]. Samir Palnitkar, Verilog HDL, A Guide to Digital Design and Synthesis, Sunsoft Press A Prentice Hall. [4]. Digital Design by Morris M. Mano [5]. Metastability in Altera Devices by Altera Corp., USA

11. Author & Contact information For any further information please contact:
Mohit Arora ([email protected]) Design Engineer Prashant Bhargava ([email protected]) Design Engineer Shivraj Gupta ([email protected]) Project Manager

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