Physics Formulae For Matriculation

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Physics Matriculation Syllibus

1)Physical Quantities and Measurement - Physical Quantities and Units - Conversion of Unit - Scalar and Vectors - Resolving a Vector - Multiplication of Vectors

2)Kinematic of Linear Motion - Kinematics of Linear Motion - Uniformly accelerated Motion - Freely Falling Bodies - Projectile Motion - Projectile Motion Continue.... 3)Force, Momentum & Impulse - Force - Newton's Laws - Conservation of Linear Momentum and Impulse - Conservation of Linear Momentum and Impulse (continue) - Reaction & Frictional Forces
4)Work, Energy and Power - Work & Energy - Conservation of Energy - Power and Mechanical Efficiency 5)Static - Equilibrium of a Particle - Poligon of Forces - Equilibrium of a Rigid Body - Equilibrium of a Rigid Body (continue)

6)Circular Motion - Uniform Circular Motion - Centripetal Force - Centripetal Force (continue1) - Centripetal Force (continue2) 7)Rotation of a Rigid Body - Parameters in Rotational Motion - Rotational Motion with Uniform Angular Acceleration - Centre of Mass, Moment of Inertia and Torque - Torque - Rotational Kinetic Energy & Power - Work - Conservation of Angular Momentum 8)Gravitation - Newton's Law of Gravitation - Gravitational Force and Field Strength - Gravitational Potential and Gravitational Potential Eneergy - Escape Velocity Satellite motion in a circular Orbit
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- Escape Velocity Satellite motion in a circular Orbit 9)Simple Harmonic Motion - Simple Harmonic Motion - Kinematic of SHM - Kinematic of SHM (continue) - Graph of SHM - Graph of SHM (continue) - Damped and Forced Oscillations and resonance 10)Mechanical Waves - Waves and Energy - Properties of Waves - Properties of Waves (continue) - Interference of WAves - Stationary Waves 11)Sound Wave - The Propagation of Sound Wave - Superposition and Beats - Stationary Waves - Intensity - Doppler Effect 12)Mechanical Properties of Matter - Intermolecular Force and Potential Energy - Young Modulus - Young Modulus (continue) 13)Fluid Mechanics - Hydrostatic Pressure - Buoyancy - Fluid Dynamics - Viscosity 14)Temperature & Heat Transfer - Temperature & Heat - Heat Transfer - Thermal Expansion 15)Kinetic Theory of Gases - Ideal Gas Equation - Kinetic Theory of Gases - Kinetic Theory of Gases (continue) - Molecular Kinetic Energy - Internal Energy & Molar Specific Heat 16)Thermodynamics - First Law of Thermodynamics - Thermodinamics Processes - Thermodynamics Processes (continue) - Thermodynamics Work - Thermodynamics Work (continue)
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Physics Page 2

Principles Of Physics Sem 1

Tuesday, 21 September, 2010 2:30 AM

Principle of conservation of energy in an isolated (closed) system, the total energy of

that system is constant.

Principle of conservation of momentum In an isolated (closed) system, the total momentum

of that system is constant. OR When the net external force on a system is zero, the total momentum of that system is constant.

Principle of conservation of angular momentum the total angular momentum of a system about an
rotation axis is constant if no external torque acts on the system.

Principle of Superposition
Whenever two or more waves are travelling in the same the same region ,the resultant displacement at any point is the vector sum of their individual displacement at the point

Bernoulli's Principle
For an ideal fluid, the pressure of the fluid is low when the velocity is high and vice versa

Archimedes's Principle
When a body partially or fully emerged in a fluid,the fluid exerts an upward (bouyant ) force on the body equal to the weight of the water displaced by the body

Principle of Equipartition of Energy

the mean (average) kinetic energy of every degrees of freedom of a molecule is or

This notes were snipped from the downloaded notes from KMPh web based learning using snipping tool.


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Physics Page 3

Theories Of Physics Sem 1

Tuesday, 21 September, 2010 2:30 AM

Work-energy theorem
work done by the nett force on a body equals the change in the bodys total energy

Work-kinetic energy theorem

the work done by the nett force on a body equals the change in the bodys kinetic energy.

Work-gravitational potential energy theorem

the change in gravitational potential energy as the negative of the work done by the gravitational force.

Parallel-Axis Theorem (Steiners Theorem)

moment of inertia, I about any axis parallel to and a distance, d away from the axis through the centre of mass, ICM is given by

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Physics Page 4

Laws Of Physics Sem 1

Tuesday, 21 September, 2010 2:30 AM

Newtons first law of motion

an object will remain at rest or continues to move with uniform velocity in a straight line unless it is acted upon by a external forces

Newtons second law of motion the rate of change of linear momentum of a moving
body is proportional to the resultant force and is in the same direction as the force acting on it

Newtons 2nd law of motion restates

The acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the nett force acting on it and inversely proportional to its mass.

Newtons third law of motion

every action force has a reaction force that is equal in magnitude but opposite in direction.

Hookes Law
the restoring force, Fs of spring is directly proportional to the amount of stretch or compression (extension or elongation), x if the limit of proportionality is not exceeded

Newtons second law of motion in term of linear momentum

the vector sum of all the torques acting on a rigid body is proportional to the rate of change of angular momentum.

Newton's Law of Gravitation

a point mass will attract another point mass in any part of the universe with a force that is directly proportional to the product of the masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

Pascal's Law
Pressure transmitted in an enclosed liquid is transmitted undiminished to every portion of the fluid and the walls of container

Zeroth Law of thermodynamics

If two system A and b are separately in thermal equilibrium with third system C,then A and B are in thermal equilibrium with each other

Stefan's Boltzmann's Law

The rate of energy radiated per unit area of a body is proportional to the fourth power of the absolute (Kelvin )temperature

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Boyle's Law
The pressure of fixed mass of gas at constant temperature is inversely proportional to its volume

Charles Law
The volume of a fixed mass of gas at constant pressure is directly proportional to its absolute volume

Gay-Lussac's Pressure Law

The pressure of a fixed mass of gas at constant volume is directly proportional to its absolute volume

First Law of Thermodynamics

The heat (Q) supplied to a system is equal to the increase in the internal energy (DU) of the system plus the work done (W) by the system on its surroundings

This notes were snipped from the downloaded notes from KMPh web based learning using snipping tool.


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Physics Page 6

Definition of Physics's Term Sem 1

Monday, 26 July, 2010 1:27 PM

Gravitational Field the region of space surrounding a body that has the property of mass.

Gravitational field strength the gravitational force per unit mass of a body (test mass) placed at a point. Apparent weight weight felt by a mass due to the normal reaction force exerted by the floor or due to the tension in the string

Gravitational potential the work done by an external force in bringing the test mass from infinity to a point per unit test mass.

Weightlessness Weight felt by a mass due to the normal reaction force exerted By the floor or due to the tension in the string

Simple Harmonic Motion Periodic motion without loss of energy in which the acceleration of a body is directly propotional To its displacement from the equilibrium position and is directed towards the equilibrium position but in the opposite direction of displacement

Amplitude Maximum magnitude of displacement from the equilibrium position Damping Oscillation Oscillation in which its amplitude decrease slowly until the amplitude is zero (the system stops oscillating ) Forced Oscillation Oscillation produced by an external periodic force
Resonance Phenomenon of the occurrence of a maximum amplitude when the driving frequency equals the natural frequency of a system forced into oscillation

Waves The propagation of as disturbance that caries the energy and momentum away from the sources of disturbance Mechanical Waves A disturbance that travels through the particles of the medium to transfer the energy Electromagnetic Wave
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Electromagnetic Wave The transportation of energy because of the disturbance in electric and magnitude fields Progressive Wave The one in which the wave profile propagates Transverse Wave Wave that the direction of vibration of the particle is perpendicular to the direction of the wave propagation (wave speed)
Longitudinal Wave Wave that the direction of vibration of the particle is parallel to the direction of the wave propagation

Wavelength Distance between two consecutive particles (point )which in the same phase Frequency Number of cycles (wavelength) produced in 1 second Wave Speed Distance travelled by a wave profile per unit time Displacement Distance moved by a particle from its equilibrium position at every point along a wave
Interference Interaction (superposition )of two or more wave motion

Constructive Interference The resultant displacement is greater than the displacement of the individual wave Destructive Interference The resultant displacement is less than the displacement of the individual wave or equal to zero Stationary (standing wave) A form of wave in which the profile of the wave does not move through the medium Pitch Property of sound that characterizes highness or lowness of the tone to an observer Fundamental Frequency Lowest frequency emits by the musical instruments at a particular tone Overtones Other upper than the fundamental tone (mode) emits by the musical instruments Harmonics Frequencies ,which are multiples of fundamental frequency of a vibrating system Quality of Tone (timbre) Property of sound that enables a listener to distinguish a type of musical instrument from another although both instrument have the same pitch and loudness
Loudness A sensation of sound perceived by a listener

Beats Periodic variation in amplitude of sound at a given point due to superposition of two sound waves having slightly different frequencies Intensity
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Intensity Rate of sound energy flow across unit area perpendicular to the direction of the sound propagation. Doppler Effect Change in the apparent (observed) frequency of a wave as a result of relative motion between the source and the observer Wavefront A line or surface,in the path of a wave motion,on which the disturbances at every point have the same phase
Intermolecular Forces Forces exist between molecules can explain the properties of solids, liquids and gas

Elasticity Of Solids Property of solid that enable them to return to their original dimensions (shape and size) after an applied force has been removed Strength Ability of a material to withstand a force without breaking Stiffness Resistance of material to changes in shape and size Ductility Tendency of A material to change its size and shape considerably before breaking Brittleness Tendency of a material to break without deforming Young Modulus Ratio of the tensile stress to the tensile strain if the proportionality limit has not exceeded Hydrostatic Pressure Normal force per unit area Viscosity A measure of fluid resistance to flow
Terminal Velocity Constant velocity finally attained by a body moving through a fluid under gravity when there is zero nett force acting on it

Streamline Path taken by a fluid particle under a steady (laminar flow) Temperature A fundamental quantity that measures the degree of hotness of an object Heat Energy that is transferred from one body to another because difference in temperature Thermal Equilibrium The state when the temperature of two bodies are equal
Absolute Zero of Temperature The lowest temperature on the thermodynamics scale at which the kinetic energy of atoms and molecules is minimal

Ice point (Melting/Freezing point of water) temperature at which there is equilibrium between ice and water at standard atmospheric
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temperature at which there is equilibrium between ice and water at standard atmospheric pressure. Steam point (Boiling point of water) temperature of steam maintained at standard atmospheric pressure when it is in equilibrium with water. Freezing process in which a liquid changes into solid state without a change in temperature. Melting process in which a solid changes into liquid state without a change in temperature Boiling process in which a liquid changes into gas state without a change in temperature Triple point of water temperature at which ice, water and water vapour (steam) co-exist in equilibrium. Thermal Conduction A process when heat transferred through a solid from a region of high temperature to a region of lower temperature Convection a process whereby heat is transferred from one part of a fluid to another by movement of the fluid itself. Radiation a process whereby heat is transferred by electromagnetic waves (e.m.w.) Thermal expansion Change in dimensions of a body accompanying a change in temperature Coefficient of linear expansion Fractional increase in length of a solid per unit rise in temperature
Coefficient of Area Expansion Fractional increase in area of a solid surface per unit rise in temperature

Coefficient of Volume Expansion Fractional increase in volume of a solid per unit rise in temperature Ideal Gas A perfect gas that obeys the three gas laws (Boyle's,Charles's,and gay-lussac's) exactly Degree of Freedom Number of independent ways in which an atom or molecule can absorb or release or store the energy Internal energy Sum of total kinetic energy and total potential energy of the gas molecules Molar specific heat (molar heat capacity) amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 mole gas by 1 K or 1 C. Molar specific heat at constant pressure (CP) amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 mole gas by 1 K or 1 C at constant pressure.

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Molar specific heat at constant volume (CV) amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 mole gas by 1 K or 1 C at constant volume. Thermodynamic System Any collection of objects that is convenient to regard as a unit ,and that may have the potential energy to exchange with its surrounding Isothermal process process that occurs at constant temperature Adiabatic process process that occurs without heat transfer into or out of a system Isochoric (Isovolumetric) process that occurs at constant volume Isobaric process that occurs at constant pressure

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Equations In Physics
Tuesday, 21 September, 2010 2:00 AM

(c2) Kinematics of Linear Motion

Average Velocity


Instantaneous Velocity

Average Acceleration

Instantaneous Acceleration

Equation of Linear Motion

Equation of Linear Motion & Free Falling Bodies

Maximum Height Of Free Falling Bodies

Equation Of Vertical Motion

Equation of Horizontal Motion

(c3) Force Momentum Impulse

Newton's First Law of Motion

Newton's Second Law Of Motion

Newton's Third Law of Motion



Principle of Conservation of Momentum


Frictional Force

Coefficient of restitution (c4) Work, Energy, Power

Work Work Kinetic Energy

Gravitational Potential Energy

Elastic Potential Energy

Nett Work

Nett Work

Restoring Force of Spring

Elastic Potential Energy

Work Elastic Potential Energy Theorem

Work-energy theorem

Power Principle of Conservation of Energy Conservation of mechanical Energy

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Average Power

Instantaneous Power

Average Power

Mechanical Efficiency

Mechanical Efficiency (c5) Static



Equilibrium of A Rigid Body Equilibrium of Rigid Body

(c6) Circular motion

Equilibrium Of A Rigid Body

Length Of Arc Centripetal Acceleration


Tangential Velocity Tangential Velocity

Centripetal Acceleration

Centripetal Acceleration

Centripetal Force

Centripetal Force

(c7) Rotational of A Rigid Body

Angular Displacement Average Angular Velocity

Instantaneous Angular Velocity

Linear Velocity Average Angular Accelaration

Instantaneous Angular Acceleration

Resultant Acceleration Centripetal Acceleration Centre Of Mass

Moment Of Inertia

Parallel-Axis Theorem (Steiner's Theorem)

Total Torque In A Rigid Body

Rotational Kinetic Energy

Total Kinetic Energy For Rolling Body Without Slipping

Work-Rotational Kinetic Energy Theorem


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Angular Momentum

Angular Momentum

Angular Momentum

Principle Of Conservation Of Angular Momentum

Principle Of Conservation Of Linear Momentum

(c8) Gravitation

Gravitational Force Gravitational Field Strength Work Done By External Force To Bring Test Mass From r1 to r2

Gravitational potential

Gravitational potential

Gravitational potential difference between point A and B

Gravitational Field Strength (c8) Simple Harmonic Motion



Simple Harmonic Motion

Period of Simple Pendulum

Frequency Period of Spring Oscillation

Equation of SHM


Maximum Velocity Velocity


Maximum Acceleration




Potential Energy

Potential Energy

Kinetic Energy

Kinetic Energy

Total Energy Total Energy

(c10 &c11) Mechanical & Sound Wave

Velocity (wave speed)

Equation of Displacement (sin progressive wave) Wave Number,k

Wave Number,k
Phase Difference

Equation of Wave Propagation

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Equation o f Particle's Velocity Equation of Wave Propagation

Equation of a Particle's Acceleration In Wave

Equation of Particle's Acceleration in Wave

Equation of Stationary Wave

Equation of displacement (sound wave)

Fundamental Frequency Equation for Pressure

Wave speed on The Spring

Mass per Unit Length

Mass per Unit Length

Mass per Unit Length


Frequency Beat Frequency

Beat Frequency Frequency

Sound Intensity

Observer's and Source's Frequency Relationship Between Area and Distance from the Source

Wavelength in Front moving Source

Wavelength Behind Moving Source

Equation of Doppler Effect

(c12) Mechanical Properties of Matter

Repulsive Force

Attractive Force

Resultant Force Between Atoms

Young Modulus
Force Constant

Work Done

(c13) Fluid Machanics

Viscous Drag Force

Hydrostatic Pressure

Coefficient of Viscocsity

Volume Flow Rate

Pascal's Law

Terminal Velocity (valid for sphere without turbulent)

Bouyant Force
Torecelli's Law

Bernoulli's Equation

(c14) Temperature & Heat Transfer

Stefan's Boltzmann's Law Rate of Heat Transferred Thermal Conductivity

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Linear Expansion

Coefficient of Linear Expansion

Area Expansion

Coefficient of Area Expansion

Relationship Between Coefficient of Linear Expansion And Area Expansion

Volume Expansion

Coefficient of Volume Expansion

Relationship Between Coefficient of Volume Expansion and Area Expansion

Final Density

(c15) Kinetic Theory of Gases

Boyle's Law

Charles's law

Gay-lussac's (pressure) Law

Universal Gas Law

Ideal Gas Equation

Ideal Gas Equation (in term of Boltzmann constant)

Force Exerted on The Wall in All Direction

Pressure of An Ideal Gas

Pressure of Gas

Root Mean Square Velocity

Root Mean Square Velocity

Translational Kinetic Energy of A Molecule

Total Average Translational Kinetic Energy

Average Kinetic Energy per Molecules

Average Kinetic Energy per Mole

Equation of Specific Heat Capacity

Molar Specific Heat

Molar Specific Heat at Constant Volume


Internal Energy

Molar Specific Heat at Constant Pressure

Relationship Between CP and CV

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Ratio Between CP and CV


(c16) Thermodynamics

Work Done by Gas

Work Done at Constant Pressure

Quantity of Heat Supply (1st Law of Thermodynamics)

Change in Internal Energy

Isothermal Process

Equation of Isothermal Changes

Adiabatic Process

Isochoric (isovolumetric)

Adiabatic Changes

Equation of Adiabatic Changes in Pressure and Volume

All this equations were snipped from the downloaded notes from KMPh web based learning using snipping tool.
Isobaric Process

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