Demographic Survey

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DEMOGRAPHIC SURVEY Conducted via Email September 2007


Special Thanks to our Survey Sponsor: Ardist Allen Allen Roofing Company

How long you have been in the roofing business or a business that supports the roofing industry?
Over 20 years. Fif teen to 20 years. Ten to Fif teen years E ight to Ten years. Five to E ight years. Three to Five years. Less than 3 years. 0 5 10 15 Number of Y ears in Roof ing

Num be r of NM RCA M e m be r s

How many workers do you employ in each of the following categories:

Estimator Project Manager Foreman Roof Mechanic Safety Director Sales Rep Customer Service Rep

1-4 16 1 25 03 02 0 12 02

Total number of employees in your company?

Responses from 8 to 10,000

4 Companies with 100 or more 2 Companies with 50 99 12 Companies with 20 49 5 Companies with under 20

Which best describes your business?

Open Shop Union Shop

90% 10%

Percentage of business related to residential or commercial roofing?

16 Responded 90% or More Commercial. 5 Responded 90% or More Residential. 2 Responded 50% or More Residential.

What is the annual gross revenue of your company? $1.4 Million to $6 Billion

Does your company offer health insurance to any of the following?

Office Employees Superintendents Labor/Field Technicians Employee Family Members Other, please specify 18 13 9 10 6 82% 59% 41% 45% 27%

If your company does provide health insurance, what percentage of the premiums are paid for by the company? Responses : 50% - 80% - 100%

Counting all employees and their family members, estimate how many eligible voters there are (18 years old or older) associated with your company.


Changes you feel are likely to occur in the roofing industry during the next 3 -5 years.
The industry will face a serious shortage of workers Green and cool roofs will continue to gain in popularity. The housing market will continue to soften. Health and environmental concerns will force the industry away from using asphalt-based products. The economy, overall, will experience a slowdown. 32% 76% 72% 48% 32%

Changes you feel are most likely to occur in the roofing industry during the next 3 -5 years.
Government regulation of our industry will intensify. Insurance will be more difficult to secure and/or costs

60% 64% 40%

will be higher.
Material and labor costs will rise more rapidly than the

rate of inflation.

How critical do you believe each of the following roofing industry issues will be during the next three to five years?

Not Critical

Very Critical

Cost of doing business

4% 16% 36% 24% 20%

Pricing pressures from unprofessional competitors






Availability of qualified workers

0% 0% 16% 44% 40%

Government regulation
4% 12% 20% 44% 20%

Natural disasters
35% 30% 22% 13% 0%

Image of the industry as a potential employer

Not Critical

Very Critical




Image of the industry for prospective customers






Emerging new technologies

4% 16% 36% 28% 16%

Consolidation among suppliers

20% 28% 48% 4% 0%

Consolidation among roofing contractors






Not Critical

Very Critical 29%

Availability of affordable insurance





Emergence of green and cool roofs






Training and developing employees






Health and safety issues

0% 4% 28% 52% 16%

How critical do you believe each of the following business issues will be during the next three to five years?

Not Critical

Very Critical

Interest rates 4% 28% 28% 20% 20%

Availability of affordable oil 4% Availability of capital - for your business and for your customers 16% 28% 32% 20%






Transportation problems 4% 20% 36% 36% 4%

Developing international economies 16% 24% 48% 12% 0%

Economic conditions generally 0% 12% 40% 32% 16%

Given the issues identified above, what resources or support do you think you will need in order to be successful?

Assistance with:
* Complying with immigration laws Attracting new workers Understanding codes/stds Improving Roofing Image Complying with govt regulations. Advocacy Workforce Training 64% 64% 60% 60% 56% 52% 48%

Considering the education and training needs for your company during the next three to five years, how critical are each of the following?

Not Critical

Very Critical

OSHA 10-hour safety training for field workers.





Management/leadership training for foremen/superintendents.





Management/leadership for senior management/principles.





Availability of safety training. 0% 26% 48% 13%

Availability of management/planning education.





Availability of technical issues education. 4% 39% 39% 13%

How important do you believe education and training are to the success of your company?

Very Important

56% 32% 4% 8%

Not Important


Regarding changes to the Workers' Compensation Law, what do you consider to be the most important issues that the Business and Labor Coalition should address legislatively.

Stop or control Lump Sum payments for worker's personal debt or purchases. More vigorous "back to work" program. Lifetime Medical Required post accident drug screens. No WC benefits during incarceration.

62% 67% 52% 76% 81%

What do you consider to be the most critical service NMRCA provides for you at this time?

Providing contact with other roofing

contractors. The work done with the state government. Education concerning technical and code issues. Raising the professional level of member contractors. Education, having a united voice against procurement abuses by public entities. Continued education from large entities such as NRCA. No more of the "old buddy system.

What is the number one service you would like to see NMRCA provide for you and your company?

Builders and architects as members of NMRCA. Legal representation for its members. Insurance or health care programs. Screening prospective employees for I-9

compliance. Push for strict, knowledgeable enforcement of existing licensing and building codes at the city, county and state levels. Educating consumers. Education...coming trends, insurance issues, safety issues etc.

What meeting frequency would you like to see in the future?

Bi-monthly Quarterly

62% 33%

What type of social event designed for all company personnel and their families would you support and attend? Picnic Fishing Bowling Would not participate 59% 18% 18% 29%

If NMRCA were able to hold a social event to benefit your company and employees, what would you be willing to pay per adult (children would have a reduced rate) to cover NMRCA's costs?

$15 $20 $25 Other

16% 42% 32% 11%

How many people from your organization would attend this type of social event?

Responses ranged from One or Two to Forty

Overall, how satisfied are you with your membership in the NMRCA? Very Satisfied 29% 33% 4% 25% Not Satisfied 8%

Do you have any advice, comments or questions for NMRCA?

Provide upcoming events calendar looking

ahead for the year. Over the recent years there has been several changes in the executive director position Rid the organization of the "dead wood" members and provide more activity to the residential roofer. Get the members to understand that they must learn to work together if they expect to make any real progress in improving the industry. Get more inquisitive with the contractors and find out who is on board and who is wearing the masks.

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