Starcraft 2 Hotkeys

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Terran Buildings Hotkeys C = Command Center B = Orbital Command S = Supply Depot R = Refinery B = Barrack = B -> X = Tech lab and

C = Reactor E = Engineering Bay U = Bunker T = Turret W = Sensory Tower G = Ghost Academy F = Factory -> X = Tech Lab and C = Reactor A = Armory S = Starport C = Fusion Core Terran Units Hotkeys A = Marine D = Maurder R = Reaper G= Ghost E = Hellion S = Siege Tank T = Thor V = Viking D = Medivac R = Raven E = Banshee B = Battle Cruiser Terran Technology (Upgrade) Hotkeys W = Weapons Upgrade A = Armor Upgrade H = Auto Tracking N = Neosteel Frame W = Yomato Canon B = BC Energy E = Mule

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