Internship Report at MoWT

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Field Attachment Period: June - August 2012 BY JJINGO ISAAC 10/U/12703/EVE

Field Attachment Report submitted to the College Of Business and Management Science in Partial Fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree Of Bachelors of Science in Business Statistics JJINGO ISAAC

University Supervisor Name:.. Signature Date: .././.

Field Supervisor Name: ................................... Signature: Date: ../../.

JJINGO ISAAC/School of Statistics and App_Econ/Internship Report at MoWT


I JJINGO ISAAC, solemnly declare that this report has been entirely organized and written by me, it shows whatever I learnt, faced and experienced during my field attachment at the Ministry of Works and Transport, Policy and Planning Department from 2th June 2012 to 17th Aug 2012 This report has got information from Ministry of Works and Transport 5 year Strategic Plan, Works and Transport Sector Performance Report, National Library of Guidelines and the findings from the field events I was involved in. I hope that all the information (findings and recommendations) with in this report shall be of use to all people who read this. Jjingo Isaac BBS III

JJINGO ISAAC/School of Statistics and App_Econ/Internship Report at MoWT



I am greatly indebted to all persons who helped me in the execution of this field work (internship). These notably include my Field Supervisor Mr. Myers Murumu Tumukunde (Monitoring and Evaluation Officer, MoWT), Mr. Kim Kamulegeya (Data base Administration, Policy and Planning MoWT), Mr. Basala Martin (Monitoring and Evaluation Officer MoWT) for their assistance. I am also grateful to Mr. Benon M. Kajuna the Commissioner policy and planning and Mr. Vincent Ssozi, the Principal Statistician MoWT for accepting me to work within the department. Also my acknowledgement is extended to other staff members of the Policy and Planning Department of Ministry of Works and Transport who helped me in various ways, supervision, data collection, data processing and report writing and not forgetting my mother for the support and care she has given me.

My gratitude is also extended to my University Supervisor Mr. Muganga Cris and the University for having introduced the internship programs which has enabled us to get some experience in the field.

JJINGO ISAAC/School of Statistics and App_Econ/Internship Report at MoWT


Table of Contents

Figures ............................................................................................................................................. 1 Tables .............................................................................................................................................. 2 Acronyms and Abbreviations .......................................................................................................... 3 CHAPTER 1 ...4 1.1introduction ................................................................................................................................ 4 1.2 Background of the field attachment .................................................................. 4 1.3 Objectives of the field Attachment ............................................................................................ 4 1.4Back ground of the Ministry ...................................................................................................... 5 1.5Goal, Vision, Mission and objectives of the ministry ................................................................ 7 1.6Values and Principles ................................................................................................................. 7 1.7Structure of the Ministry of works and transport ....................................................................... 9 1.8Gender ...................................................................................................................................... 11 CHAPTER 2 STUDENTS EXPERIENCE.12 2.1 Title or position occupied in Department ........................................................................... 12 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.2.5 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Duties and Responsibilities ................................................................................................ 12 Writing the URA report on Vehicle census ...................................................................... 12 Design questionnaires for the customer satisfaction survey ............................................ 13 Representative from DBS in the new inland port project meeting................................... 13 Writing and preparing the CSSR ....................................................................................... 15 Attending a workshop for training of staff ....................................................................... 15 Supervision levels and Relationship with supervisor ........................................................ 18 Work Team and its composition ........................................................................................ 18 Working Relationship among team members ................................................................... 19 Authority levels to the student........................................................................................... 19

CHAPTER 3 EVALUATION ON FIELD ATTACHMENT20 3.1 Level of Accomplishment of Duties and Responsibilities Assigned ................................ 20 3.2 New Knowledge and skills gained in each of the duties and responsibilities..20 3.3 Most Interesting experiences ................................................................................................... 21 3.4 Relatedness of Universitys taught programmes to the field of work.22 3.5 Challenges faced and how managed ......23 3.6 Benefits derived from the Field attachment ............................................................................ 23
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3.7 Adequacy in University preparing the students for field Attachment.....24 CHAPTER 4, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS.......................26 4.1 CONCLUSION ....................................................................................................................... 26 4.2 RECOMMENDATION........................................................................................................... 26 REFERENCE.....27 ANNEX 1 .28 ANNEX 2 .......................................................................................................... . 33

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Figure 1.7:1 .................................................................................................................................... 6 Figure 2.2.3:2 ............................................................................................................................... 10 Figure 2.2.3:3 ............................................................................................................................... 11 figure 2.2.5:4 ................................................................................................................................ 14

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Table 1.7:1 ...................................................................................................................................... 5 Table 1.8:2 ....................................................................................................................................... 7

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Acronyms and Abbreviations MoWT TSDMS UBOS DBA/S IOM UNRA M&E TLB URF NDP Ministry of Works and Transport Transport Sector Data Management System Uganda Bureau of Statistics Database Administrator/Section International Organization for Migration Uganda National Roads Authority Monitoring and Evaluation Transport Licensing Board Uganda Road Fund National Development Plan.

JJINGO ISAAC/School of Statistics and App_Econ/Internship Report at MoWT


1.1 Preface
The purpose of this report is to explain what I did and learnt during my internship period of two and half months with the Ministry of Works and Transport (MoWT) in the Policy and Planning department, Data Base Section. The report focuses primarily on the Background of the Ministry, assignments performed, the working environment, successes and shortcomings that I did encounter when handling various tasks assigned to me by my supervisor. It is hoped that this report would serve as a cardinal vehicle to the improvement of the internship program.

1.2 Background of the Field Attachment

Field attachment may be defined as a field based practical work carried out by students with the help of their supervisors for the purpose of acquiring the necessary skills within their fields of attachment. Or, it`s the field based practical work carried out by staff and students for the purpose of teaching and /or research in places outside the university control but where the University is responsible for the necessary safety of its staff, students and others exposed to their activities. The intention of the field attachment is to enable me as a student to get a chance to apply the knowledge and information I acquire as a student to the real-life of work which will enable me acquire some skills and experience from the field of work.

1.3 Objectives of the Attachment

Some of the major objectives of the attachment include; To enable me get a first-hand experience, skills and work-life in the field which may be of use after my graduation. To develop more understanding about workplace behaviors(ethics), work responsibilities and there challenges To provide an opportunity to me as a student to apply the techniques I have theoretically and practically learnt while at the university to solve problems that I tend face. Specific Objectives; To enhance & strengthen linkages between Makerere University & various stakeholders.

JJINGO ISAAC/School of Statistics and App_Econ/Internship Report at MoWT

To provide an opportunity for students and academic staff to interact with the stake holders and potential employers to appreciate field situations that will also generate information for curricula review and improvement


Background of the Ministry

The Ministry of Works and Transport (MoWT) is charged with the responsibility of providing safe, efficient and reliable transport services in Uganda. It sets standards policies and regulations to govern the transport industry as well as strategic planning and establishing and maintaining the necessary infrastructure. To perform these functions effectively, MoWT requires an operational and effective Transport Sector Data Management System (TSDMS). The Ministry of Works and Transport has the overall mandate for planning and managing the transport sector (roads, air, rail, inland water and pipeline) in line with social, economic and political goals. There is a set of mechanisms to deal with management of the transport sector including a National Transport Strategy, a National Transport Master Plan, and a set of other programs. Of the main players in future TSDMS, Uganda Bureau Of Statistics (UBOS) has had little, if any, previous involvement in transport statistics, while MoWT has severe capacity constraints. Establishment of TSDMS in the MoWT will take place as part of a wider institutional strengthening exercise in the Ministry. There will therefore be wider focus on policy, regulatory and monitoring functions of MoWT especially given the establishment of Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA) in 2008 which is responsible for national roads maintenance and development.

1.4.1Works and Transport Sector Agencies

The National Development Plan (NDP), a new development framework for the Government of Uganda for the period 2009/10-2013/14 acknowledges the development of the Works and Transport Sector as a critical component of economic development. The sector is composed of five transport modes: Road, Railway, Inland water transport, Air and Pipeline transport. The MoWT involves a number of agencies that operate independently, and these include:

1.4.2 Uganda National Roads Authority

UNRA was established by the Uganda National Roads Act, 2006, to manage, maintain and develop the national road network. The Authority became operational in July 2008. The Authority is gradually building its capacity to deliver its mandate to construct and maintain national roads.
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1.4.3 Civil Aviation Authority

CAA exercises both regulatory and operational authority over Entebbe international airport and the other airfields/aerodromes located around the country. it also designates domestic and international air carriers.

1.4.4 Uganda Road Fund

URF was established in 2008 by an Act of Parliament to carry out the following functions: To finance the routine and periodic maintenance of public roads in Uganda To ensure that public roads are maintained at all times To advise the minister on:i. ii. Preparation and effective implementation of the Annual Road Maintenance program Control of overloading of vehicles on public roads.

The Ministry is also in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economics.

1.4.5 Transport Licensing Board (TLB)

TLB is a statutory body established by an Act of Parliament, under the traffic and road safety Act, 1998. The main functions of the Board are to regulate the use of public transport vehicles; private, goods transport vehicles throughout Uganda in accordance with the provisions of the traffic and road safety Act 1998, through granting routes for bus operations inspect and licensing inland water transport vessels.

1.4.6 National Road Safety Council (NRSC)

The National Roads Safety Council promotes road safety education and conducts public awareness campaigns to ensure safety on the roads.

1.4.7 Engineers Registration Board (ERB)

ERB was established by an Act of Parliament, under the Engineers` registration Act 1969 (chapter 271). The board regulates and controls Engineers and their activities within Uganda and to advise the government in relation to those functions.

1.4.8 Uganda Railway Cooperation

The government strategy for the rail sub-sector is through long-term concessioning of infrastructure maintenance and rail services to the private sector while retaining responsibility for regulation. URC, however, remains responsible for regulation and oversight of the rail sub-sector as well as management of railway stock and assets that are excluded from the concession.

JJINGO ISAAC/School of Statistics and App_Econ/Internship Report at MoWT

1.5 Goal, Vision, Mission and Objectives of the Ministry

1.5.1 Goal
The Ministry`s goal is to: Plan, develop and maintain an economic, efficient and effective transport infrastructure. Plan, develop and maintain an economic, efficient and effective transport service by road, rail, water, air and pipeline. Manage public works including government structures Promote good standards in the construction industry.

1.5.2 Vision
To provide reliable and safe works, transport infrastructure and services

1.5.3 Mission
To promote adequate, safe and well maintained works and transport infrastructure and services for social economic development of Uganda.

1.5.4 Objectives
Improve the stock and quality of road infrastructure improve traffic flow within greater Kampala metropolitan area increase volume of passenger and cargo traffic buy air transport Strengthen the National construction industry.

1.6 Values and Principles

The values and principles that guide and consign the staff and political leadership of the Ministry of works and transport to the above mandate, vision, mission in providing services are enlisted below: a) Professionalism: adherence to the defined rules, standards and guidelines of the respective disciplines, exhibiting professionalism, competence and honesty. b) Integrity: highest standards of integrity, MoWT shall not place its self under any financial or other obligations to individuals or organizations that might seek to compromise our professional behavior in performance of our duties.

c) Quality Assurance: They shall put in place measures and mechanisms that will ensure our clients deliver/receive quality services and works within budget and time.
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d) Selflessness: They shall put public interest above personal interest without consideration of any financial or material benefit and gain.

e) Objectivity: They shall make decisions based on merit, researched information, professional codes and other codes of good practice.

f) Transparency and Accountability: They shall be transparent and accountable for our decision, actions and inactions.

g) Responsiveness: They shall respond to their clients effectively and efficiently when called upon.

h) Optimal use of Resources: They shall optimally use resources in the attainment of the Ministry objectives and targets.

JJINGO ISAAC/School of Statistics and App_Econ/Internship Report at MoWT

1.7 Structure of the Ministry of Works and Transport

The Ministry is headed by the Minister and deputized by two (2) Ministers; The Minister of State for Works and the Minister of State for Transport. The Permanent Secretary/Accounting Officer is responsible for the overall administration of the Ministry. The Ministry has two Directorates (transport and engineering works) with eight (8) departments as shown below: Table: 1 showing the total number of members in each department

No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Department Transport Regulation Transport Services and Infrastructure Construction Standards and Quality Roads and Bridges Public Structures Mechanical Services Policy and Planning Finance and Administration

Approved staffing level 46 25 103 71 37 167 28 96

JJINGO ISAAC/School of Statistics and App_Econ/Internship Report at MoWT

Transport services and infrastructure Directorate of Transport

Transport Regulation

Construction standards & quality

Roads and Bridges Directorate of Engineering and works

PERM ANEN T SECR ETAR Y .. Internal Audit Unit .. Procurement


Public Structures

Mechanical Services

Ug Na an tio da na Na l tio Ro Finance and na ad Administratio l s n Ro Sa Figure:1 ad fet s y Au Co th un JJINGO ISAAC/School of Statistics and App_Econ/Internship Report at MoWT ori cil

Policy and planning

Tr an sp ort Lic en sin g Bo ar d

Ug an da Ra ilw ay s Co rp or ati on

Ci vil Av iat io n Au th ori ty

Ea st Af ric an Ci vil Av iat io n


1.8 Gender
The overall goal of the national gender policy is to mainstream gender into the national development process and reduce inequality in decision making and economic activities. In the road sub-sector the potential direct effect of road works on gender is greatest in construction and maintenance works, where there is an opportunity to increase the number of women employed. This is particularly important in the rural road sub-sector, where labor based work methods are an effective driver for local employment, especially for women. The Ministry has developed policy statements and guidelines for mainstreaming of gender issues in the road-sub sector. Copies have been disseminated to districts (80), contractors, consultants and other stakeholders. UNRA is in the process of developing a framework for monitoring and evaluating its implementations.

The current split of employees within the Ministry of works and transport is as shown in the table below

Table: 2 showing the gender Composition within the Ministry Item Number Male 384 Female 125 Total 509





JJINGO ISAAC/School of Statistics and App_Econ/Internship Report at MoWT



2.1Title or Position occupied in Department

As an intern with Ministry of Works and Transport (MoWT), I was working in the Policy and Planning Department, Database section as an intern. This section is under the supervision of the Principal Statistician Mr. Ssozi Vincent. The Data Base section is responsible for monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the Ministry's policies, plans, programs and projects; and providing technical support to various Departments during planning, projects and policy formulation process.

2.2 Duties and Responsibilities

My internship program began on 2thJune, 2012 with the MoWT. The internship was to last for two (2) months however there were some pending tasks, so it lasted for another two (2) weeks before an end on 17th August 2012 It is while I was with the department that I was involved in a range of different tasks and activities that were clearly in my reach. I was able to attend a number of departmental meetings that were being held every Monday of the week but due to some factors like being in the field for some weeks, we were not able to attend some of the meetings but we always got the internal Memo and Minutes that always came out of these meetings. I have presented five major areas which I identify as sticking out areas to the responsibilities around which most of my work during that period was based;

2.2.1 Writing the URA report on imported vehicles

For this report to be written, it required us (Data Base Section) to analyze the data that URA had provided us which was made up of vehicle counts for the years 2002-2012. The Vehicles were of different types i.e., car, mini bus, pick up, van, bus, lorry, tractor, trailer, tanker, station wagon, semitrailer, forklift, earth equipment, ambulance, omnibus, tipper, light trucks to motorcycles. In this assignment, our task was to; The rate at which the numbers of these Vehicles is changing Which of the Vehicles has the highest increase rate and at what rate Which is the least bought in the country?

JJINGO ISAAC/School of Statistics and App_Econ/Internship Report at MoWT


And other analysis that could be got out of the data that could be used in the final report. Due to the confidentiality of the report, it can`t be attached to my report for proof since its still under review.

2.2.2 Design Questionnaires for the Customer Satisfaction survey

I assisted in designing various questionnaires that were to be used in carrying out this survey (Customer satisfaction survey). The survey was carried out in the Kampala and Entebbe regions with the aim of determining what the people think of the services that the Ministry is offer to the country. It also involved capturing the solutions to the various problems that they may provide. In this questionnaire, I had to include questions that would; Enable the Ministry determine which parts of the roads needs more improvement Which services need to be introduced or improved

A copy of these questionnaires has been attached at the end of this report.

Appendix 1; Internal staff questionnaire Appendix 2; Road safety questionnaire

2.2.3Representative from the data base section in the proposed TangaArusha

Musomanew Kampala ports and the railway project Meeting at Bukasa and Kiira Town Council
The Tanga-Musoma inland Port project is a project that was signed by two countries, Uganda and Tanzania. This will involve the construction of a new Inland port at Bukasa. This is a town in Wakiso district, Kiira town council. It will also involve construction of a new railway line from Tanga to Musoma and also new roads to connect the port to the city. In all the Meeting we had; a second one in a series of meeting was about informing the local leaders and the Mayor of Kiira town about the project and also getting them on board. This involved informing/telling the leaders to inform their people and also get back on/record the reactions from the people. I and my co-member were sent as representatives from the Data Base section to the meeting and we had to report back with what came out of the meetings

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Figure 2 :Meeting at Bukasa; meeting the LC leaders

Figure 3: Meeting at Kiira Town council; meeting the Town Mayor

JJINGO ISAAC/School of Statistics and App_Econ/Internship Report at MoWT


2.2.4 Writing and preparing the customer satisfaction survey Report.

The customer satisfaction survey report is a report outlining the recommendations, views, reactions of the people towards the services being offered by the Ministry and other Departments related to the Ministry. The aim of this survey was to find out what Clients of the Ministry think of the services offered. This was done using different means like; we used the questionnaires that were designed by us (see 2.2.2) and Focus Group discussions. These services vary according to the types, who are using them and where they are used, like, The Ministry offers services like; MV Kalangala ship on lake Victoria. Maintaining the state of the roads with the help of URF and a number of other services.

Therefore, the survey was carried out to find out what the views of the people where, it was also carried out to see if the Ministry has met its Goal; Manage public works including government structures Promote good standards in the construction industry. it was also carried out to see if the Ministry has met its Goal;

But I have to say, the final copy of this this was not written by me. It was subjected to a number of changes which were done by the department before it was forwarded to the board for review. But I would like to say that I contributed to the general outline of the report and what is actually in it.

2.2.5 Attending a workshop for Training of Staff in HIV/AIDS workplace Programming

The workshop was organized by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in collaboration with the Ministry in implementing programs aimed at preventing HIV/AIDS at work places; it was a five day training at Brisk Hotel, Jinja, from 23-27 July 2012. The aim of this workshop was to train the staff members of the Ministry in implementing HIV/AIDS programs at the work place in order to prevent HIV/AIDS and also assist those with the Virus. I was delegated by Mr. Bazimbye Evans to attend this training. During these four days, different aspects of the program were covered; 1st day (23 July 2012) Introduction to the Training
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Goal of the training

This training provides practical steps for developing and implementing workplace prevention and care programs that will serve both employees and the managers. The training is designed for all companies

Specific objectives of the training

Provide information on the impact of HIV/AIDS on companies and their employees, so as to be able to assess the risk faced by individual companies and to sensitize others about the need for a workplace HIV/AIDS prevention and care program and policy. Provide background information on HIV/AIDS as a disease. Prepare company managers in planning and implementing HIV/AIDS prevention and care programs. Equip participants with methods to gain the support of senior management and employee for adopting and implementing HIV/AIDS prevention and are programs and policies in the workplace. Training methods Various methods to impact skills and knowledge to the participants were used. These included; Lectures (power point presentations) Brainstorming Discussions Individual and group reading Written exercises with feed back Role plays Drills

Modes of transmission of HIV/AIDS Preventing HIV/AIDS transmission The direct economic impact of HIV/AIDS on a business The direct economic impact of HIV/AIDS on an individual and households Risks of testing employees for HIV/AIDS Key indicators for monitoring the impact of HIV/AIDS on a business.

2nd day (24 July 2012)

Workplace HIV/AIDS policies


JJINGO ISAAC/School of Statistics and App_Econ/Internship Report at MoWT

Definition of HIV/AIDS policy Basic principles Recognition of HIV/AIDS as a workplace issue Non discrimination Gender equality Healthy work environment Social dialogue Screening for purposes of exclusion from employment or work processes Confidentiality Prevention Care and support Communication and leadership

Checklist for drafting an HIV/AIDS policy Dissemination and implementation of the policy

Figure 4; Attending a workshop for training of staff in HIV/AIDS workplace programming

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3rd day (25th July 2012)

Workplace HIV/AIDS prevention and Care program Condom Distribution Monitoring Implementation and Effectiveness. Soliciting employee feedback Tracking changes in key indicators Program evaluation

4th day (26th July 2012) Managing the impact of HIV/AIDS on a company Objectives Minimizing the impact on benefits Company Leadership in prevention and care Company to company education and advocacy

2.3 Supervision Levels and Relationship with Supervisor

Since we all occupied the same room, the level of supervision was on a daily basis and at a close range. Every task that I was handling/had to be seen by my supervisor. The supervision was not only done by the supervisor but also by other staff members that we worked with in the same department The relationship between me and the supervisor, was on a Friendship level. This is because we always used to share jokes with him and also as a staff, go for Lunch every day and at times paid for it and other activities that were helpful to us in various ways. All of this was done keeping in mind that he was my Supervisor and that we had to perform our tasks.

2.4 Work Team and its composition

Ministry of Works and Transport Policy and Planning Department is composed of the Policy and the Planning Division, and the Data Base section which is overall headed by the Commissioner. The Data Base section is made up Monitoring and Evaluation units headed by the Principal Statistician. The teams work hand in hand to handle the different tasks since most of them relate to each other. The data base section to which I was assigned is responsible for collecting data and analyzing it so that it can be used by senior managers in the decision making and future planning, its also responsible for the Evaluation of different reports, plans, and Programs within the Sector. The Data base section its self is also staffed with Monitoring and Evaluation Officers (M&E) and the Data Base Administrator (DBA) in addition to the Principal and Senior Statistician.
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2.5 Working Relationship among Team Members/other staff

The Ministry has got a very good working relationship among all its` staff, the policy and Planning department family is so welcoming with people who are so concerned about each other and also treasure each in all the ways they can. At times, some of us were faced with interpersonal issues that needed to be fixed and unfortunately the members simply didn`t have the skills to be able to successfully navigate these issues. Through effective communication, we were able to the build strong relationships.

2.6 Authority levels to the student

Being an intern, I was restricted to specific tasks of which they were at times of high confidentiality and needed all the highest reasonability and care one can provide for example; Designing some questionnaires Leading a team of Enumerators during some survey But all in all, I was to report back to my supervisor who was the spear head of these tasks.

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3.1 Level of Accomplishment of Duties and Responsibilities Assigned

Most of the assignments that I did handle at the Ministry were long-term tasks and others were started and they were at the most advanced stages of their completion. By the time I joined the Department, there had been previous work that had been done;

3.1.2 Analyzing URA data on Vehicle census.

This was a new project to be carried out in the country. It therefore made sense to me to start from where they were to do what the rest of the team was doing (using some software like, SPSS, STATA to carry out the necessary analysis). I did finish my assignments concerning the data which was followed by the writing of the report.

3.1.3 Coming/ setting up a HIV/AIDS workplace programming

For the Programs to be set up, this meant that a group of staff members were to attend a weeks training to gain the knowledge and to be able to implement these programs at the work place. I was from the central group of which we were to come up with the ways of implementation of the policy. All of this had to be done in a week`s time.

3.1.4 Acquire land for the new inland port

On this task, I handled minor assignments like writing the minutes from the various meetings. It was done for only three meetings with the three weeks that followed each other.

3.2 Knowledge and skills gained in each of the duties and responsibilities
Most of the knowledge and skills that I gained in the field from the different duties and responsibilities I held, can best be explained using the following aspects;

1. Understanding of principles and concepts to be used while in the office.

All the tasks that were carried out during that period involved the following of protocol, this meant that any findings were to be reported back to the person who is head of the tasks and who is to report back to the head of the department. This showed respect of the heads.

JJINGO ISAAC/School of Statistics and App_Econ/Internship Report at MoWT


I was able to know why Confidentiality was a main issue while carrying out any task. Most of the reports that were written had to be reviewed by different boards before they could be made public. This met confidentiality of the highest order.

2. Work place behaviors

The workshop that I attended taught a lot in terms of the behaviors that have to exhibited by one while at any work place. In this workshop, a lot was taught to us while we setting up a HIV/AIDS at workplace programs. The appropriate behaviors to be shown by any one while at work were covered which enabled me also to learn the right workplace behaviors.

3. Writing reports in their right formats.

All the analysis of data that was done by me or that was done by someone in our department at that time involved the writing of the report for that particular analyzed data. In this, I was able to acquire the knowledge of writing a report at a national standard and right format. All these reports where to be produced at various meetings by different board members and this met them being on the right standards. While also doing this, I learnt how to practically summarize significant analyzed data to a format which can be understood by anyone who may be reading that report. 4. Writing of Minutes. In this case of the minutes, I wouldn`t say I totally learnt the concept of writing the minutes, I wouldn`t also say that I didn`t understand anything. Most of the meetings we were in, I didn`t write them but I also got a chance to write these minutes at one point. This was at the meeting at Bukasa during the acquisition of the land for the new inland port. I wrote them because all members from the Ministry were not in position to write them due to the language that the people of Bukasa were speaking, so this met I had to write them. All in all I got an idea of minute writing.

In summary, the greatest lesson and skills that I personally picked while executing all the assignment was the ability to deal with all the pressure and also live up to the expectations.

3.3 Most Interesting experiences.

While at Ministry of Works and Transport, Policy and Planning department, I happened to have enjoyed a number of things that ranged from the comfortable working atmosphere to nice food. Some of the moments and experiences that made my stay at the Ministry enjoyable include,

Accompanying the minister for works and transport to Bukasa to address the people
In my own words I could say that this was the most interesting experience that I had while at the Ministry. I was given a chance to move with the minister to Bukasa in which he had to address
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people about the project that was to be set up there. I went as a representative from the DBS, this didnt mean that I was to record any data from there but the team that went to Bukasa had to have a member DBS and it happened to have been me. While the minister was addressing the people, I was able to learn ways in which different questions have to answered or handled and ways in which to overcome pressure. I leant this by seeing how the minister was answering and reacting to the peoples questions

Attending a workshop
Attending this workshop in Jinja was also one of my most interesting experiences while at the Ministry. I had a week in Jinja from which I was to socialize with other members from different departments but all from the Ministry of works and transport, we were to discuss and agree on different issues that all lead to the same outcome of setting up HIV/AIDs at Work place program. Form this workshop I was able to gain: Confidentiality, from address the members through the discussion groups that were formed, I was able to improve on my personal confidence. Learn more about the Ministry and its standing order.

Leading a team of Enumerators

The team that I lead was involved in a number of surveys that were carried out during that period while I was at the Ministry. This was a good experience in a way that I was able to see if I was in position to lead any one in performing a task that was at hand. We moved to different place around the country and carried out different surveys that ranged from road safety to travel time.

Handling data
I dont know if this was among my most interesting experiences but I would say it was an interesting experience and chance that I had. I got a chance to handle different data from different departments from the Ministry and also produce reports for the outcomes of the analysis that was done. It was an interesting experience because I know that I was able to contribute to production of different reports that were to be used by all people in the country and also be used by the World Bank.

3.4 Relatedness of Universitys taught programmes to the field of work

While one is in class and he or she is studying, one of the major questions that they ask each other or themselves is Are these things that we are studding relevant and applicable to the jobs out there in the field? to me, I think this question was clearly answered from what I saw during my internship period at the Ministry.

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Almost all the courses that we study at the School were relevant and applicable to the work that was to be done in the field. We used the data capturing softwares like Epidata of which are being taught at the school, analyzing softwares like SPSS to STATA Other courses like human resource where also relevant in the field in the way we had to outsource and manage the sources to come up with the best decisions in the Ministry.

3.5 Challenges faced and how managed

I would say that there werent many challenges I faced as an intern but also I wouldnt say that the integration of me into the system of the Ministry was that easy. I was faced with some challenges which I was able to handle and manage;

Cultural differences;
I must say that this was one of the most challenging issues that I faced as an intern at the Ministry. I didnt expect it to be that hard to integrate into the Ministrys culture, joining new people of different ages of which they were of older than me and had different educational levels in the field of study. But all of this was managed by me by being open and confident to what I do or say and also giving the necessary respect to different people

Limited Time;
Time was limited and this met hat I had to complete all the tasks at hand and at times this met doing work not at its best. The time fact was an issue even in other cases

Lack of enough money for meals This was one of the major challenges faced while at the Ministry. The internship fee that was given to me was not enough to cover all the needs that I needed to be covered, like transport and meals. But this was overcome by getting meals I could afford and at times met foregoing them.

3.6 Benefits derived from the Field attachment

In short words, I would say that I benefited from the internship program more than I thought I would. Having a rare opportunity to use the knowledge and skills that I had acquired back at the school enabled me get some money which kept me going. Career wise, I would say that the internship program has enriched my curriculum ideas. Also, having gotten a chance to interact with most staff, I have had an insight on how to shape my career towards a better and successful future. The internship program gave me a chance not only to work in the Ministry but also a chance to learn from the best environmental experts the country could probably provide to me at that time. This would reflect much onto my experience.
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Working with people from different departments was a rare chance that you cant easily get (as a student) from any other organization in the country. Therefore to me this was another opportunity to make friends and share ideas.

3.7 Adequacy in University preparing the students for field Attachment

From my own point of view, I do think that the University has adequately prepared students for the necessary skills that they require while in the field (area of attachment) by introducing us to various courses that are at times applied or related to what is done in the real world. The aspect of letting the students choose their own areas of allocation in terms of the field attachment has helped to improve our confidence in searching for job opportunities in the real world.

JJINGO ISAAC/School of Statistics and App_Econ/Internship Report at MoWT



4.1 Conclusion.
In conclusion, I have to thank both of my supervisors. I really appreciate the way I have been guided through this internship program. Beginning from the opportunity I got at the Ministry, I got time I needed to refresh and expand my knowledge in several issues concerning Roads, Procurements, discover and learnt to value my new working environment, and finally earned the confidence to deal with assignments myself. It is through them that I can`t wait to start a life of work in any place at my own, in short I now appreciate more what the different people in Ministry are doing to improve the road network system in the country. I have acquired knowledge and additional practical experiences,

4.2 Recommendations;
I recommend that the internship program should also be considered to start in the first academic year like other universities are doing. In so doing, the university supervisors have time to attend to all the students in the field. By doing so, the program takes two phases of attendance where a given group of students attend in first year while the rest attend in the second. I will also like to urge all the students who attend this training to always put in more effort.

JJINGO ISAAC/School of Statistics and App_Econ/Internship Report at MoWT


Ministry of Works and Transport. 5 year Strategic Plan 2011/12 - 2015/16

Scribd. National Library of Guidelines. [Online] Available at: <> [Accessed 10 July 2012].

Victor Kamugisha BCOM 111 .Scribd. National Library of Guidelines. [Online] Available at:

Ministry of Works and Transport. Works and Transport Sector Performance Report FY 2010/2011 [2012]

JJINGO ISAAC/School of Statistics and App_Econ/Internship Report at MoWT


Appendix 1 STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL Batch Sequence No

Republic of Uganda



Ministry of Works and Transport P.O. Box 10, Entebbe, UGANDA Plot 4/6 Airport Road Entebbe Tel: 256 414 320101, Fax: 256 414 320135/ 321364 Email: [email protected] Website:

JJINGO ISAAC/School of Statistics and App_Econ/Internship Report at MoWT


2. Partially done 3. Not done








JJINGO ISAAC/School of Statistics and App_Econ/Internship Report at MoWT


SECTION A: COMMUNICATION IN THE MINISTRY The aim of this section is to access the communication status among the employees in the Ministry. Under this section, circle the appropriate rate you think is right to the communication status provided; KEY to the ratings: 1= Very satisfied/strongly agree 2= Satisfied/Agree 3= Dissatisfied/Disagree 4= Very dissatisfied/Strongly disagree 5= Not applicable or do not wish to answer


You are satisfied with communications in the 1 Ministry You know what is expected of you to do a good 1 job You can ask for advice and support from my 1 manager Your views are asked for Your views are listened to
1 1







A04 A05


You am kept informed of department results 1 against target You know about the organization and what it is 1 trying to achieve You under how You contribute to the success of 1 the organization You have the information I need to do a good job





How do you the communication among the employees in the in Ministry/department can be improved upon?
. 29

JJINGO ISAAC/School of Statistics and App_Econ/Internship Report at MoWT

SECTION B: EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION AND REWARD The aim of this section to acquire knowledge of employee motivation and recognition with the Ministry

KEY to the ratings: 1= Very satisfied/strongly agree 2= Satisfied/Agree 3= Dissatisfied/Disagree 4= Very dissatisfied/Strongly disagree 5= Not applicable or do not wish to answer
1 2 3 4 5


You are fairly rewarded for the job I do


Your knowledge and skills are fully utilized


Showing imitative is encouraged in the Ministry

B04 B05

You receive recognition for work well done

How can the employee recognition, reward and motivation be improve

SECTION C: EMPLOYEE TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT The aim is to access the extent at which employees are trained in order to develop their skills and knowledge with the Ministry. KEY to the ratings: 1= Very satisfied/strongly agree 2= Satisfied/Agree 3= Dissatisfied/Disagree 4= Very dissatisfied/Strongly disagree 5= Not applicable or do not wish to answer


You have received all the training you need to 1 effectively carry out your job. You get constructive performance feedback on your 1


JJINGO ISAAC/School of Statistics and App_Econ/Internship Report at MoWT



Your appraisal helps you in planning for the future


You have the tools and equipment to do a great job 1


What training facilities do you want to be introduced or used?


SECTION D: JOB SATISFACTION The aim is to determine if you as employees are satisfied by the service the Ministry has to offer.

KEY to the ratings: 1= Very satisfied/strongly agree 2= Satisfied/Agree 3= Dissatisfied/Disagree 4= Very dissatisfied/Strongly disagree 5= Not applicable or do not wish to answer Your job is fulfilling
1 2 3 4 5



This is a good organization to work for

D03 D04

The organization meets your needs

2 2

3 3

4 4

5 5

There is good co-operation between the member 1 my you term Your working environment is satisfactory to you



Concern is shown to my health and safety at work


You are trusted with your job.


Your manager always treats you with respect


I would recommend this organization as a great 1 place of work

JJINGO ISAAC/School of Statistics and App_Econ/Internship Report at MoWT


Appendix 2

Republic of Uganda



Ministry of Works and Transport P.O. Box 10, Entebbe, UGANDA Plot 4/6 Airport Road Entebbe Tel: 256 414 320101, Fax: 256 414 320135/ 321364 Email: [email protected] Website:

JJINGO ISAAC/School of Statistics and App_Econ/Internship Report at MoWT


2. Partially done 3. Not done








JJINGO ISAAC/School of Statistics and App_Econ/Internship Report at MoWT


SECTION A: THE REPOSENT`S BIO DATA Under this section, just tick or provide the necessary information required. .


What is your Name?



Male Female


How old are you


Do you live with both your Yes parents at home? No ..


What is the name of your School school/College? College


What is the type of your Government school school? Private school


What is the type of your Government school school? Private school

SECTION B: ROAD SERVICES AND TRANSPORT USED Under this section, just tick or provide the necessary information required. How far is your School from home?



What mode of transport do Walking you use to go to and from Boda Boda

JJINGO ISAAC/School of Statistics and App_Econ/Internship Report at MoWT


Taxi Bus Bicycle Private Car


Do the Roads you use have Yes Road Signs on them No


Do you use them?

Yes No


How do you cross the Subway roads while you are going Zebra crossing point to and from school? Presence of Traffic Police At any point on the road


Do you feel safe while Yes crossing the road? No

If Yes, skip to B07 and if No, skip to B08


If Yes why?


If No, why do you think so? ..


Are you aware of the Yes different types of road No signs and how to use them? What do you think the Ministry should do or improve on the road networks to improve? .


JJINGO ISAAC/School of Statistics and App_Econ/Internship Report at MoWT


JJINGO ISAAC/School of Statistics and App_Econ/Internship Report at MoWT


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