BSC Maths Subjects

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The document outlines the syllabus for various semesters of a BSc Mathematics program, covering topics in algebra, calculus, differential equations, and more.

The syllabus covers topics in algebra, trigonometry, calculus, differential equations, vector calculus, real analysis, complex analysis, discrete mathematics, graph theory, number theory, and more across 6 semesters.

Methods discussed for solving simultaneous linear equations include Gauss elimination method, Gauss-Jordan method, Gauss-Seidel method, and Crout's method.

Please click on a link below to access the Syllabus of the course.

BSc Mathematics - Semester I Paper I - Algebra and Trigonometry I Allied I - For B.Sc. Mathematics BSc Mathematics - Semester II Paper II - Calculus and Coordinate Geometry of 2 Dimensions Allied I - For B.Sc. Mathematics BSc Mathematics - Semester III Paper III - Algebra and Trigonometry II Paper IV - Calculus and Differential Geometry Paper V - Differential Equations and Laplace Transforms Paper VI - Coordinate Geometry of 3 Dimensions and Probability Allied - Mathematics for Statistics I BSc Mathematics - Semester IV Paper VII - Vector Calculus Fourier Series and Fourier Transforms Paper VIII - Statics Allied - Mathematics for Statistics II BSc Mathematics - Semester V Paper IX - Algebraic Structures I Paper X - Real Analysis I Paper XI - Dynamics Semester VI - Paper XIII - Algebraic Structures Semester VI - Paper XIV - Real Analysis II Semester VI - Paper XV - Complex Analysis Application Oriented Subject I - Graph Theory I

Application Oriented Subject I - Discrete Mathematics Application Oriented Subject I - Special Functions I BSc Mathematics - Semester VI Application Oriented Subject II - Elementary Number Theory Application Oriented Subject II - Special Functions II

UNIVERSITY OF MADRAS B.Sc. DEGREE COURSE IN MATHEMATICS SEMESTER SYSTEM WITH CREDITS (Effective from the Academic Year 2003-2004) SYLLABUS Semester I - Paper I - Algebra and Trigonometry I Duration of Examination: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100 Credits: 4 Algebra :Theory of Equations: Polynomial equations; Imaginary and irrational roots; Symmetric functions of roots in terms of coefficients; Sum of rth powers of roots; Reciprocal equations; Transformations of equations. Descartes' rule of signs: Approximate solutions of roots of polynomials by Newton-Raphson method - Homer's method; Cardan's method of solution of a cubic polynomial. Summation of Series: Binomial, Exponential and Logarithmic series (theorems without proof); summation of finite series using method of differences - simple problems. Trigonometry :Expansions of sin x, cos x, tan x in terms of x; sin nx, cos nx, tannx, sinnx , cosnx, tannx, hyperbolic and inverse hyperbolic functions - simple problems. Reference Books :1. Algebra : T. K. Manickavachagam Pillal and others (S. Viswanathan publications) 2. Higher Algebra: H. S. Hall and S. R. Knight (HM publications - 1994) 3. Pure Mathematics : Hardy 4. Trigonometry : P. Duraipandian 5. Plane Trigonometry part 2 : S. L. Loney, (Macmillan and Co. London) 6. Algebra, Analytical Geometry (2D) and Trigonometry: Dr. S. Sudha (Emerald Publishers).

Semester I - Allied I - For B.Sc. Mathematics Duration of Examination: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100 Credits: 4 Calculus of finite differences and Numerical Analysis - Paper I (135 hrs) Solutions of algebraic and Transcendental equations, Bisection method, Iteration method, Regula falsi method, Newton-Raphson method. Solution of simultaneous linear equations: Guass - elimination method, Guass - Jordan method, Gauss - Siedel method, Crout's method. Finite differences: E operators and relation between them, Differences of a polynomial, Factorial polynomials, differences of zero, summation series. Interpolation with equal intervals: Newton's forward and backward interpolation formulae. Central differences formulae- Gauss forward and backward formulae, Sterling's formula and Bessel's formula. Interpolation with unequal intervals: Divided differences and Newton's divided differences formula for interpolation and Lagrange's formula for interpolation. Inverse Interpolation - Lagrange's method, Reversion of series method. Reference Books: 1. Calculus of finite differences and Numerical analysis by Gupta-Malik, Krishna Prakastan Mandir, Meerut. 2. Numerical methods in Science and Engineering by M.K.Venkataraman, National publishing house, Chennai. 3. Numerical Analysis by B.D. Gupta, Konark publishing. 4. Calculus of finite differences and Numerical Analysis by Saxena, S.Chand & Co.

Semester II - Paper II - Calculus and Coordinate Geometry of 2 Dimensions Duration of Examination: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100 Credits: 4 Differential Calculus :nth derivative; Leibnitz's theorem (without proof) and its applications; Partial differentiations. Total differentials; Jacobians; Maxima and Minima of functions of 2 and 3 independent variables - necessary and sufficient conditions (without proof); Lagrange's method (without proof) - simple problems on these concepts. Integral Calculus :Methods of integration; Properties of definite integrals; Reduction formulae - Simple problems. Coordinate Geometry :Conics - Parabola, ellipse, hyperbola and rectangular hyperbola - pole, polar, co-normal points, con-cyclic points, conjugate diameters, asymptotes and conjugate hyperbola. Reference Books :1. Analytical Geometry: T. K. Manickavachagam Pillai and others (S. Viswanathan Publications) 2. Analytical Geometry of 2 dimensions: P. Duraipandian 3. Coordinate Geometry: Dr. P. Balasubramanian and others (McGraw Hill publishers) 4. Calculus: S. Narayanan and others (S. Viswanathan Publications) 5. Integral Calculus: Shanti Narayanan (S. Chand and Co.) 6. Integral Calculus and Differential Equations: Dipak Chatterji (TATA McGraw Hill publishing company) 7. Calculus: Dr. S. Sudha (Emerald Publishers).

Semester II - Allied I - For B.Sc. Mathematics

Duration of Examination: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100 Credits: 4 Calculus of finite differences and Numerical Analysis - Paper II (135 hrs.) Numerical differentiation: Derivatives using Newton's forward and backward difference formulae, Derivatives using Sterling's formula, Derivative using divided difference formula, Maxima and Minima using the above formulae. Numerical integration: General quadrature formula, Trapezoidal rule, Simpson's one-third rule, Simpson's three-eigth rule, Weddle's rule, Euler-Maclaurin Summation formula, Sterling's formula for n!. Difference equations: Linear homogenous and nonhomogenous difference equation with constant coefficients, particular integrals for auxm, x^m, sinkx, coskx. Numerical solution of oridinary difference equations (I order only) Taylor's series method, Picard's method, Euler's method, modified Euler's method, Rungekutta method fourth order only, Predictor-corrector method- Milne's method and AdamsBashforth method. Reference Books: 1. Calculus of finite differences and Numerical Analysis by Gupta-Malik, Krishna prakastan Mandir, Meerut. 2. Numerical methods in Science and Engineering by M.K.venkataraman, National publishing house, Chennai. 3. Numerical Analysis by B.D. Gupta, Konark publishing. 4. Calculus of finite differences and Numerical Analysis by Saxena, Chand & Co.

Semester III - Paper III - Algebra and Trigonometry II

Duration of Examination: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100 Credits: 4 Matrices :Symmetric; Skew Symmetric; Hermitian; Skew Hermitian; Orthogonal and Unitary Matrices; Rank of a matrix; Consistency and solutions of Linear Equations; Cayley Hamilton Theorem; Eigen values; Eigen Vectors; Similar matrices; Diagonalization of a matrix. Group Theory and number theory :Equivalence relations; Groups; subgroups - cyclic groups and properties of cyclic groups simple problems; Lagrange's theorem; Prime number; Composite number; decomposition of a composite number as a product of primes uniquely (without proof); divisors of a positive integer n; congruence modulo n; Euler function (without proof); highest power of a prime number p contained in nl; Fermat's and Wilson's theorems - simple problems. Logarithms of Complex numbers. Summation of series :Sums of sines and cosines of n angles which are in AR; Summation of trigonometric series using telescopic method, C + i S method. Reference Books :1. Topics in Algebra: I. N. Herstein (Vikas Publishing Co.) 2. Algebra: S. Arumugam (New Gama publishing house, Palayamkottai) 3. Algebra : T. K. Manickavachagom Pillai and others (S. Viswanathan publishers) 4. Trigonometry: P. Duraipandian (Emerald Publishers) 5. Plane Trigonometry Part 2: S. L. Loney.

Semester III - Paper IV - Calculus and Differential Geometry Duration of Examination: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100 Credits: 4 Curvature :-

Curvature; radius of curvature in Cartesian coordinates; polar coordinates; equation of a straight line, circle and conic; radius of curvature in polar coordinates; p-r equations; evolutes; envelopes; Asymptotes : Methods (without proof) of finding asymptotes of rational algebraic curves with special cases. Beta and Gamma functions, properties and simple problems. Double Integrals; change of order of integration; triple integrals; applications to area, surface area and volume. Reference books :1. Calculus : S. Narayanan and others (S. Viswanathan publishers) 2. Integral Calculus and differential equations : Dipak Chatterjee (TATA McGraw Hill Publishing company ltd.)

Semester III - Paper V - Differential Equations and Laplace Transforms Duration of Examination: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100 Credits: 4 First order but of higher degree equations - solvable for p, solvable for x, solvable for y, Clairaut's form - simple problems. Second order equations with constant coefficients with particular integrals for eax-xm, eaxsinmx, eaxcosmx. Second order differential equations with variable coefficients ax2 d2y/dx2 + bx dy/dx + cy = q (x); method of variation of parameters; Total differential equations, simple problems. Partial Differential Equations :Formation of P.D.E by eliminating arbitrary constants and arbitrary functions; Complete Integral; Singular Integral; General Integral; Charpit's method and the standard types f(p,q) = 0, f(x,p,q) = 0, f(y,p,q) = 0, f(z,p,q) = 0, f(x,p) = f(y,q); Clairaut's form and Lagrange's Equation Pp + Qq = R - simple problems. Laplace Transform; Inverse Laplace Transform (usual types); Applications of Laplace Transform to solution of first and second order linear differential equations (constant coefficients) and simultaneous linear differential equations - simple problems.

Reference Books :1. Engineering Mathematics Volume 3: M. K. Venkataraman (National Publishing Co.) 2. Engineering Mathematics Volume 3: P. Kandasamy and others (S. Chand and Co.) 3. Integral Calculus and differential equations : Dipak Chatterjee (TATA McGraw Hill Publishing company ltd.) 4. Advanced Engineering mathematics: Erwin Kreyszig (John Wiley and sons New York 1999) 5. Calculus: Narayanan and others (S. Viswanathan publishers) 6. Differential Equations & Integral Transforms: Dr. S. Sudha (Emerald Publishers).

Semester III - Paper VI - Coordinate Geometry of 3 Dimensions and Probability Duration of Examination: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100 Credits: 4 Planes and lines; reduction to symmetric form of a line given by a pair of planes; conditions for 2 lines to be coplanar and the equation of the plane containing the lines; length and equation of the shortest distance between 2 skew lines; image of a point and a line w. r. t. a plane, bisector planes. Sphere :Equations of a sphere; general equation; section of a sphere by a plane; tangent plane; radical plane; coaxial system of spheres; orthogonal spheres. Probability :Probability space; total probability; multiplication law on probability; conditional probability; independent events; Baye's theorem. Random variables; discrete and continuous; distribution functions; expected value; moments; moment generating function; probability generating function. Reference Books :1. Differential Equations, Fourier Series and Analytical Solid Geometry : P.R. Vittal (Margham Publishers) 2. Engineering Mathematics Volume 3: M. K. Venkataraman (National Publishing Co.) 3. Engineering Mathematics Volume 3: R Kandasamy and others (S. Chand and Co.)

4. Advanced Engineering Mathematics : Stanley Grossman and William R. Devit (Harper and Row publisher) 5. Fundamentals of mathematical statistics: S. C. Gupta and V. K. Kapoor (Sultan Chand and sons) 6. Mathematical Statistics and Probability by Dr. P. R. Vittal (Margham Publishers)

Semester III - Allied - Mathematics for Statistics I Duration of Examination: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100 Credits: 4 Sets, Operations on sets - real valued functions - countability - real numbers bounds, supremum and infimum - sequence of real numbers - limit inferior and limit superior and limits of real sequences - limit theorems - summability of convergence and divergence of series with nonnegative terms - alternating series - conditional and absolute convergence - rearrangement of series - test for absolute convergence - summation by parts. Continuity and derivative - the derivative of a real function - mean value theorems Taylor's theorem - concept of uniform continuity - Riemann integrals, sufficient condition for Reimann integrability, Darboux theorem, fundamental theorem of integral calculus - first mean value theorem - concept of Riemann Stieltijes integral its existence and properties. Improper and infinite Riemann integrals - Gamma beta integrals - multiple integrals - their evaluations using transformations of variables - simple example of multiple integrals relevant to statistical methods. Laplace Transformation (LT) - definitions, LT of the function t, eat, cos at, sin at eat cos bt. eat sin bt, Transform f' (t), f" (t) - inverse LT relating to the above standard functions. Books for Study & Reference: Gold berg, R.R. (1970) Methods of Real Analysis, Oxford and IBH. Apostol, T.M (1985): Mathematical Analysis, Narosa publications. Narayanan and Manickavasakam pillai - Ancillary Mathematics Book II. Bartle, R.G. & Shebert, DR. (1982): Introduction to Real Analysis, Wiley Eastern & Sons.

Semester IV - Paper VII - Vector Calculus Fourier Series and Fourier Transforms Duration of Examination: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100 Credits: 4 Vector Differentiation:

gradient, divergence, curl, directional derivative, unit normal to a surface. Vector integration: line surface and volume integrals; theorems of Gauss, Stokes and Green (without proof) simple problems. Fourier Series: Expansions of periodic function of period 2 expansion of even and odd functions: half range series. Fourier transforms: Infinite Fourier transform (Complex form, no derivation); sine and cosine transforms; simple properties of Fourier Transforms; Convolution theorem; Parseval's Identity. Reference Books :1. Engineering Mathematics Volume 3: M. K. Venkataraman (National Publishing Co.) 2. Engineering Mathematics Volume 3: P. Kandasamy and others (S. Chand and Co.) 3. Vector Analysis: Murray Spiegel (Schaum Publishing company, New York) 4. Vector Analysis: P. Duraipandian and Laxmi Duraipanciian (Emerald Publishers)

Semester IV - Paper VIII - Statics Duration of Examination: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100 Credits: 4 Forces: Types of forces, Magnitude and direction of the resultant of the forces acting on a particle, Lami's theorem, equilibrium of a particle under several coplanar forces, parallel forces, moments, couples-simple problems. Friction: Laws of friction, angle of friction, equilibrium of a body on a rough inclined plane acted on by several forces, centre of gravity of simple uniform bodies, triangular lamina, rods forming a triangle, trapezium, centre of gravity of a circular arc, elliptic quadrant, solid, and hollow hemisphere, solid and hollow cone, catenary-simple problems.

Reference Books: 1. Mechanics-P.duraipandian and others, S.chand & Co. 2. Statics-K.viswanatha naik and M.S.Kasi, Emerald publishers. 3. Statics-S.Narayanan and others, S.chand and co. 4. Statics-A.V.Dharmapadam, S.Viswanathan and co.

emester IV - Allied - Mathematics for Statistics II Duration of Examination: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100 Credits: 4 Matrix theory - definition and types of matrices, Scalar, Elementary, Symmetric, Skew symmetric, Hermitian, Skew - Hermitian, independent and unitary matrices - algebraic operations on matrices and their properties - elementary transformations of matrices determinant of matrix - definition of a row rank - column rank and rank of a matrix determination of a rank of a matrix. Inverse of a square matrix - computation of the inverse of the square matrix - solution of linear equations - Homogenous and non-homogeneous systems of equations - solutions space consistency and general solutions Cramer's Rule and matrix methods of solving system equations - numerical examples, characteristic equations - root and vectors of a square matrix left and right eigen vectors - Cayley - Hamilton theorem - Quadratic forms, definite, semi definite and indefinite quadraticforms, Sylvester's law of inertia. Vector spaces - definition of a vector space with real scalars - linear combination of vectors linear dependence and independence - definition of a subspace and its characterizations orthogonal basis and Gram - schmidt orthogonalizations process - examples in Rn. Books for Study & Reference: Searle, S.R. (1982) : Matrix algebra useful for Statistics, John Wiley and Sons. Vasistha, A.R. : Matrices, Krishna Prakasam Mandir. Shanthinarayanan (1959) : A text book of Matrices, S. Chand & Co. Graybill, F.A. (1983) : Matrices with applications in Statistics, 2nd ed. Wadsworth. Bellman, R. (1970) : Introduction to Matrix analysis. Hobn, F.E. (1971) : Elementary Matrix Algebra. Amerind Pub. Coy. Pvt. Ltd.

Semester V - Paper IX - Algebraic Structures I Duration of Examination: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100 Credits: 4 Groups :Normal subgroups; Homomorphisms; Automorphisms; Cayley's theorem; Permutation groups; Conjugacy and Class equation. Rings :Definition and examples; Integral domain; homomorphism of rings; ideals and quotient rings; prime ideal and maximum ideal; the field of quotients of an integral domain; Euclidean rings; contents and treatment as in "Topics in Algebra" (I. N. Herstein , Wiley Eastern ltd.) Chapter 2, Sections 2.6,2.7 (Omit Applications 1 and 2), 2.8, 2.9, 2.10, 2.11. Chapter 3, Sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7. Reference Books :1. University Algebra: N. S. Gopalakrishnan (Wiley Eastern ltd.) 2. A first course in Algebra: John. B. Fraleigh (2nd Edition Addison Wesley) 3. Textbook of Algebra: R. Balakrishnan and N. Ramabadran (Vikas Publishing Co.) 4. Algebra : S. Arumugam (New Gama Publishing house, Palayankottai)

Semester V - Paper X - Real Analysis I Duration of Examination: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100 Credits: 4 Sets and functions :Sets and elements; operations on sets; functions; real valued functions; equivalence; countability; real numbers; least upper bounds. Sequences of Real Numbers :Definition of a sequence and subsequence; limit of a sequence; convergent sequences; divergent sequences; bounded sequences; monotone sequences; operations on convergent sequences; operations on divergent sequences; limit superior and limit inferior; Cauchy sequences.

Series of Real Numbers :Convergence and divergence; series with non-negative numbers; alternating series; conditional convergence and absolute convergence; tests for absolute convergence; series whose terms form a non-increasing sequence; the class 12. Limits and metric spaces :Limit of a function on a real line; metric spaces; limits in metric spaces. Reference Book :1. Treatment as in "Methods of Real Analysis" : Richard. R. Goldberg (Oxford and IBH Pubhshing Co.) Ch 1 - full. Ch 2 - Sections 2.1 - 2.10. Ch 3 - Section 3.1 - 3.4, 3.6, 3.7, 3.10. Ch 4 - full

Semester V - Paper XI - Dynamics Duration of Examination: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100 Credits: 4 Kinematics: kinematics of a particle, velocity, acceleration, relative velocity, angular velocity, Newton's laws of motion, equation of motion, rectilinear motion under constant acceleration, simple harmonic motion. Projectiles: Time of flight, horizontal range, range in an inclined plane. Impulse and impulsive motion, collision of two smooth spheres direct and oblique impact-simple problems. central forces: central orbit as plane curve, p-r equation of a central orbit,finding law of force and speed for a given central orbit, finding the central orbit for a given law of force. Moment of inertia:

Moment of inertia of simple bodies, theorems of parallel and perpendicular axes, moment of inertia of triangular lamina, circular lamina, circular ring, right circular cone, sphere (hollow and solid) Reference Books: 1. Mechanics-P.Duraipandian and others, S.chand and co. 2. Dynamics-K.Viswanatha naik and M.S.Kasi, Emerald publishers. 3. Dynamics-A.V. Dharmapadam, S.Viswanathan publishers. Semester VI - Paper XIII - Algebraic Structures Duration of Examination: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100 Credits: 4 Vector Spaces: Definition and examples, linear dependence and independence,dual spaces,inner product spaces Linear Transformations: Algebra of linear transformations, characteristic roots, matrices, canonical forms, triangular forms. Treatment and content as in "Topics In Algebra"-l.N.Herstein-Wiley Eastern ltd. chapter 4-sections 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4. chapter 6-sections 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4. Reference Books: 1. University Algebra-N.S.Gopalakrishnan-New age international publications,Wiley Eastern ltd. 2. First course in Algebra-John B. Fraleigh,Addison Weslej. 3. Text Book of Algebra-R.Balakrishnan and N.Ramabadran,Vikas publishing Co. 4. Algebra-S.Arumugam New gamma publishing house,PalayarnkottaL

Semester VI - Paper XIV - Real Analysis II Duration of Examination: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100 Credits: 4

Continuous functions on Metric Spaces Functions continuous at a point on the real line,reformulation,functions continuous on a metric space, open sets, closed sets, discontinuous functions on the real line. Connectedness completeness and compactness More about open sets, connected sets,bounded sets and totally bounded sets, complete metric spaces, compact metric spaces, continuous functions on a compact metric space, continuity of inverse functions, uniform continuity. Calculus sets of measure zero, definition of the Riemann integral, existence of the Riemann Integral(statement only) properties of Riemann integral, derivatives, Rolle's theorem,. Law of mean, Fundamental theorems of calculus, Taylor's theorem. . Sequences and Series of Functions. Pointwise convergence of sequences of functions, uniform convergence of sequences of functions. Treatment as in "Methods of Real Analysis"-Richard R.Goldberg.Oxford and IBH publishing Co. chapter 5 and chapter 6 full, chapter 7 (section 7.1-7. 8), chapter 8 (section 8.5 only), chapter 9(sections 9.1 and 9.2 only). R. Bartle and Sherbert. Real Analysis fifth edition, Wiley and sons, New York.

Semester VI - Paper XV - Complex Analysis Duration of Examination: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100 Credits: 4 Content and treatment as in "Complex Variables and Applications"-Ruel V.Churchill, James W.Brown and Roger F.Verhey-McGrawhill International student edition. Complex Numbers: Point at infinity,Stereographic projection. Analytic Functions:

Functions of a complex variable, mappings, limits,theorems of limits without proof, continuity, derivatives, differentiation formula,Cauchy-Riemann equations, sufficient conditions, CauchyRiemann equations in Polar form, analytic functions, harmonic functions. Mappings by elementary functions: linear functions,the function 1/Z, linear fractional transformations, the functions w = zn,w =exp(Z), special linear fractional transformations. Integrals: definite integrals, contours, line integrals, Cauchy-Goursat theorem(without proof), Cauchy integral formula, derivatives of analytic functions, maximum moduli of functions. Series: convergence of sequences and series (theorems without proofs), Taylor's series, Laurent's series, zero's of analytic functions. Residues and Poles: residues,the residue theorem, the principle part of a function, poles, evaluation of improper real integrals, improper integrals. integrals involving trigonometric functionc, definite integrals of trigonometric functions. Reference Books:1. Theory and Problems of Complex Variables-Murray.R.Spiegel,Schaum outline series. 2. Complex Analysis-P. Duraipandian. 3. Introduction To Complex Analysis.S. Ponnuswamy, Narosa publishers 1993.

Semester V - Application Oriented Subject I - Special Functions I Simultaneous linear differential equation - Particular solution of variation of parameter Numerical methods for solving ordinary differential equations-Use of Taylor series- Adams method - Runge-Kutta method-Picards method- Extrapolation with differences. Series solution of differential equations- Properties of power series-Singular points of linear second order differential equation- The method of Frobenius -Bessel Functions-Properties of Bessel Functions-Differential Equation satisfied by Bessel Functions-Legender Functions. Book for Study: Advanced Calculus of Application F.B. Hilder brandt (Section: 1.8, to to 4.8 to 4.10, 4.12)

Book for REFERENCE: 1. Differential Equations and Calculus of Variations - L.Els golts 2. Differential Equations - Diwan and Agashe 3. Numerical Analysis - Sear borough

Semester V - Application Oriented Subject I - Astronomy I Spherical trignometry - celestial sphere and Diurnal motion-The Earth. Zones of earth, variations of Day and night, Dip and Tuei light-Astronomical Refraction - Geocentric ParallaxKepler's laws, Newtion's deductions and Anomalies- The solar system. Treatment and Content: "Astronomy" by S.Kumara vlu & Susheela Kumaravelu.

Semester V - Application Oriented Subject I - Discrete Mathematics Integers, Sets, Integers divisibility of Integers, Mathematical induction, Representation of Positive integers Boolean algebra and it's applications Recurrence relation and generating functions Introduction to graph theory. Contents and treatment as in introduction to discrete mathematics, 2nd edition, 2002 by M.K.Sen and B.C.Chakraborthy boks and allied private Ltd., Kolkata Chapter 1 Chapter 6 (omit 6.4 and 6.6) Chapter 7 and 8 Reference Books: 1. Discrete mathematics for computer scientists and mathematicians by J.L. Mertt, Abraham Kendel and T.P.Baker prentice-hall, India. 2. Discrete mathematics for computer scientists by John Truss-Addison wesley. 3. Elements of discrete mathematics, C.L.Liu, New York Mcgraw-Hill, 1977. 4. Discrete mathematical structures with applications to computer science, J.T.Tremblay and R.P. Manohar, New York, Mcgraw-Hill, 1975. 5. Discrete mathematical structures, Bernard Kolman, Robert C.Busby, Shron Ross, 3rd edition, 1998, Prentice hall of India, New Delhi.

Semester VI - Application Oriented Subject II - Elementary Number Theory An Introduction top the Theory of Nmbers(Vth Edition) by Ivan Niven,Herbert S.Zuckarman and Hugh L.Montgometry John Wiley & Sons, lnc.2001 Price $ 6.95 Chapter (1) Divisibility Chapter (2) 2.1 Congruences 2.2 Solution of Congruences 2.3 Chinese Remaining Theorem 2.8 From page 97 to page 104 (cor 2.42, Th 2.43 and cor 2.44 are omitted) 2.10 Number Theory from an Algebric view point 2.11 Groups rings and fields Chapter (3) 3.1 Quadratic Residues 3.2 Quadratic reciprocity 3.3 The Jacobi Symbol Chapter (4) 4.1 Greatest Integer Function 4.2 Arithmetic Function 4.3 The Mobius Inversion formule 4.5 Combinational Number Theory (4.4 is omitted) Chapter (5) 5.1 The equation ax+by=c 5.2 Simulataneous Linear Equations 5.3 Pythagorean Triplesv 5.4 Assorted Examples (only simple problem should be asked) Books for Reference: 1. Elementary Theory of Numbers, cy. Hsiung, Allied Publishers, 1995. 2. Elmentary Number Theory, Allyn and Bacon lnc.,Boston, 1980. 3. Introduction to Analytic Number Theory, Tom. M.Apostal, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 1989.

Semester VI - Application Oriented Subject II - Special Functions II Partial Differential equations-Definition and example. Transverse vibration of a string- Solution of wave equations by separation of variablesDisplacement expressed in Fourier series. One dimensional heat flow - Heat Equation and it's solution. Two dimensional heat flow (steady state only) Laplace equation in two dimensions and its solutions.

Temperature, distribution in rectangular plates. Laplace's equation in polar coordinates and it's solution, Temperature distribution in circular annulus. Laplace transform method of solving partial differential equation. Book for Reference: 1. Advanced Calculus for application - F.B.hlder Brandt 2. Differential Equations - Diwan and Agashe 3. Mathematics for Engineers and Physicists-louis Rpes 4. Mathematics for Engineers-Sckolnikoff 5. Alaigal-T.R.Balalkrishnan, Tamil Nadu Test Book Society

Semester VI - Application Oriented Subject II - Astronomy II Equation of time, seasons, calender and conversion of time- Heliocentric parallax, Annual parallax and Aberration- Procession and Nutation- The moon-Eclipses-Planetary motion. Treatment and Content "Astronomy" by S.Kumara velu & Susheela Kumaravelu.

Semester V - Application Oriented Subject I - Graph Theory I Graphs, subgraphs, degree of a vertex, isomorphism of graphs,independent sets and coverings, intersection graphs and line graphs, adjacency and incidence matrices, operation on graphs, degree sequence and graphic sequences - simple problems. Connectedness, walks, trails, paths, components, bridge, block, connectivity - simple problems. Eulerian and hamiltonian graphs, trees - simple problems. Content and treatment as in INVITATION TO GRAPH THEORY by S. Arumugam and S. Ramachandran, New Gamma Publishing House, Palayam Kottai. Chapters: 1,2 (omit 2.5), 3,4, 5,6. Reference Books: 1. A first book at graph theory by John clark and Derek Allan Holton,Allied publishes. 2. Graph theory by S.Kumaravelu and Susheela Kumaravelu, publishers authors C/o.182, Chidambara Nagar, Nagarkoil - 629 002.

Semester VI - Application Oriented Subject II - Graph Theory II Planarity; definition and properties, charaterisation of planar graphs, colourability, chromatic number and index, the five colour theorem, four colour problem, chromatic polynomials directed graphs; definition and basic properties, paths and connectedness, digraphs and matrices, tournaments, some application connector problem, shortest path problem, one way traffic system; travelling sales man problem. [Treatment as in invitation to graph theory by S.Arumugam and S. Ramachandran, chapters 7 (omit 7.3) 8, 9, 10.1 to 10.5] Matching; Maximal matching, augmenting path, Bergi's theorem, Hall's theorem, Mamage problem, matching and covering; Kongi's minimax theorem, odd and even components, Tuttes theorem. [chapter 14 in graph theory by S. Kumaravelu and Susheela Kumaravelu]

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