Antigravity Propulsion

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The document discusses research into electrogravitics and antigravity propulsion, including experiments by T.T. Brown and the Podkletnov gravity impulse generator.

Experiments discussed include T.T. Brown's experiments generating thrust from high voltage discs, the Podkletnov gravity impulse generator, and the Philadelphia Experiment.

Planetary protection from killer near-earth-orbit objects.

Antigravity Evolves from Electrogravitics and Subquantum Kinetics Book Review by Thomas Valone, PhD, PE - Integrity Research Institute

12/21/08 Starting with a detailed review of electrogravitics and the life of T. Townsend Brown, Dr. Paul LaViolettes book, Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion (Bear & Company, 2008) offers a wonderfully informative description of the science of propulsion generators. Paul tends to use the terms antigravity and electrogravitics quite liberally, even when other terms might be more precise. However, the phenomena that is reviewed in his book, such as the 2200 newton per kilowatt thrust generated by T.T. Browns best high voltage discs in his report, Electrohydrodynamics are quite impressive. Also interesting are the details about Browns later life research into petrovoltaics that include graphs of the spontaneous voltage (about 300 mV) developed continuously over a nine-day period. Paul is careful to include corroboration when available, such as the Physical Review paper by Dr. Elmer Harrington from the National Bureau of Standards that confirms Browns effects on gravitational acceleration and heat generation in rocks. Paul also includes probably the most scientific review of the Philadelphia Experiment in print today along with the possibility that T.T. Brown participated in the event and how it might have been orchestrated. He includes, for example, a summary of Jim and Ken Corums experiments with high-amperage coils around a steel torus that produced a fivefold reduction in radar reflection and a review of the Hutchison Effect. The evolution of antigravity research into the black world is given plausible reality with the evidence provided by several black ops interviews also in the book, as well as quotes from engineering articles. While the book returns periodically to T.T. Brown and the asymmetric capacitors that gave the term electrogravitics its birth, the description of the Lafforgue patent developing longitudinal thrust is an added intrigue. Many readers may be familiar with Pauls article on the electrogravitics properties of the B-2 bomber that used to be in my book, Electrogravitics Systems, Reports on a New Propulsion Methodology, until it was recalled for its inclusion in his new book. However, in Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion a lot more detail is revealed making the B-2 electrification even more convincing. A French astrophysicist proposes the visible luminosity of the craft as proof that it was being excited by a high-voltage field. Even an online movie and color stills in possession of Northrop Grumman are documented that provide evidence of the high voltage glow. With information about an AC microwave excitation mode, LaViolette makes the case for a 40,000 newton per kilowatt thrust with a million volt potential for the B-2 thrusters, enough to explain the rumored no-fuel flight around the world. Probably the most exciting chapter for me was the Chapter 6 description of the Podkletnov-Modanese electrogravitics impulse generator. It was reported in the Janes Defense Weekly to knock over a set of books at one kilometer distance with a negligible power loss even hundreds of kilometers away. Paul predicted from his subquantum kinetic theory that the gravity impulse generator should have no recoil, which was then

confirmed by Professor Podkletnov. His description of the increased punch from a faster rise time Marx generator seems quite credible from my research into the electrokinetic equation developed by Jefimenko, which has the same feature and the same polarity toward the positive pole. However, Paul forgot to mention the most compelling civilian application for the Podkletnov gravity impulse generator, which is for planetary protection from killer near-earth-orbit (NEO) objects. Enough evidence is presented in the book to show that such a generator can maintain a collimated and coherent force beam for miles with enough pressure to perhaps nudge a large object away from a collision course. The book also includes a review of the historic Project Skyvault which is introduced by a black ops informant, as the first source of information that Paul received about it. It makes the case for an electrogravitics force developed from nonlinear materials exposed to microwaves, as well as an interesting description of phase conjugated mirror effects. One example given is the FASER research performed by Obolensky in the authors presence over a period of two years which also included a runaway experiment that exploded under resonant conditions. Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion includes a brief review of the John Searl research as well as the recent Russian experiments attempting to reproduce his work. Paul also includes the gravity theories of Bob Lazar who reportedly worked at Area 51 S-4 for a few months and several UFO stories that help identify the expected effects from a downward-directed force beam. With a large Appendix full of resource material, Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion is a compelling book that opens the world of scientific electrogravity research to the average reader. My hope is that the AIAA will offer a correction errata sheet in its new book, Frontiers of Propulsion Science by Eric Davis and Marc Millis which presently dismisses the years of electrogravitics covered in Pauls book with its own terse chapter containing a single, paultry negative experimental report of a null effect. Inertial propulsion is also given similar treatment in the Davis-Millis book but omitted entirely from Pauls book, even though my non-profit institute publishes an Inertial Propulsion Patent Collection report with over 100 patents that the PTO says develop a force from a mechanical device. Sooner or later the truth will emerge, as much of it has in the latest masterful work on antigravity propulsion by Dr. Paul LaViolette.

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