This document provides a writing calendar for an English class. It schedules assignments and tests for each week in January and February. Students will complete DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) pieces, a reflective piece, vocabulary tests, and turn in a final portfolio. A research paper is also due in February. All assignments are marked on the day they are due, not when they are assigned. The calendar is subject to change with notice given to students.
This document provides a writing calendar for an English class. It schedules assignments and tests for each week in January and February. Students will complete DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) pieces, a reflective piece, vocabulary tests, and turn in a final portfolio. A research paper is also due in February. All assignments are marked on the day they are due, not when they are assigned. The calendar is subject to change with notice given to students.
This document provides a writing calendar for an English class. It schedules assignments and tests for each week in January and February. Students will complete DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) pieces, a reflective piece, vocabulary tests, and turn in a final portfolio. A research paper is also due in February. All assignments are marked on the day they are due, not when they are assigned. The calendar is subject to change with notice given to students.
This document provides a writing calendar for an English class. It schedules assignments and tests for each week in January and February. Students will complete DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) pieces, a reflective piece, vocabulary tests, and turn in a final portfolio. A research paper is also due in February. All assignments are marked on the day they are due, not when they are assigned. The calendar is subject to change with notice given to students.
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English IVB
Mrs. Henson 2009 Writing Calendar for English IVB Assignment schedule1
AY THURSDAY January 26 January 27 January 28 January 29 January 30 DEaR Macbeth Tr ansa ctiv e Pi ec e February 2 February 3 February 4 February 5 February 6 DEaR (extra credit Vocabulary 11 Reflectiv e index cards due) Test Piece
February 9 February 10 February 11 February 12 February 13
DEaR Final Portfolio NO SCHOOL
February 16 February 17 February 18 February 19 February 20
NO SCHOOL DEaR (extra credit Vocabulary 12 index cards due) Test Research Paper
**Note: Due dates are subject to change. However, be prepared
the day they are DUE, regardless of what we are doing in class that day.
1 IMPORTANT: All assignments are marked on THE DAY THEY ARE DUE, not when they are assigned.