Dissipation of Electric Energy

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Electrical Engineer.
VOL.XIV. DECEMBER 21, 1892. nations, and increases very rapidly when the diameter of the wire is made exceedingly small. On the latter point the recent1 published results of Prof. Ayrton and E KilL gour on "'{he Thermal Emissivity of Thin Wires in Air" throw a curious light. Exceedingly thin wires are capable of di~sipating comparatively very great amount of energy by a the agitation of the surroundlog air, when they are connected to a source of rapidly alternating potential. So in the experiment cited, a thin hot wire is found to be capable of emitting an extraordinarily great amount of heat, especially a t elevated temperatures. I n the case of a hot wire it must of course be assumed that the increased emissivity is due to the more rapid convection and not, t o any appreciable degree, to an increased radiation. Were the latter demonstrated, it would show that.a wire, made hst by the application of heat in ordinary.ways, behaves In some respects like one, the charge of iwhich is rapidly. alternated, the dissipation of energy per unit of surface kept at a certain temperature depending on the ourvature of the surface. I do not recall any record of experiments intended to demonstrate this, yet this effect, though probably very small, ehould certainly be looked for. A nqrnber' of observations showing the peculiarity. of very thin wires were made in the course of my 'experiments. I noted, for instance, that in the well-known Crookes instrument the mica vanes are repelled with comparatively greater force when the incandescent platinum wire is exceedingly thin. This observation enabled me to produce the spin of such vanes mounted in a vacuum tube s when the latter w ~ placed in an alternating electrostatic field. This however does not prove anything in regard to radiation, as in a highly exhausted vessel the phenomena are principally due to molecular bombardment o r convection. When I first undertook to produce the incandescence of a wire enolosed in a bulb, by connecting it to only one of the ter~&als of a high tension transformer, 1 could not s~iccee$for a long time. On one occasion I had mounted in a'bulb a thin platinum wire, but my apparatus was not adequate to produce the incandescence. I made other bulbs, reducing the length of tbe wire to a small' fraction; still I did not succeed. I t then occurred to me that i t would be desirable to have the surface af the wire as large as possible, yet the bulk small, and I provided a bulb with an exceedingly thin wire of a bulk about equal to that of the short but much thicker wire. On turning the current on the bulb the wire was instantly fused. A series of subseauent ex~eriments showed. that when the diameter of the &ire wai exceedingly small; considerably more enorgy would be dissipated per unit surface a t all degrees of exhaustion than-was t d b e expected, even on the-assumption that the energy given off was in proportion to the square of the electr~o density. There i~ likewiee'evidence wbich, though not possessing the 6el;tainty of an accurate quantitative determinatwn, 1s nevertheless reliable beoaase it is the result of &,greatmany observatims, namely, that with the increase of the density the dissipation is more rapid for thin than for thick wires. The effects noted in exhausted vessels with high-frequency ourrents are merely diminished in degree when the air is a t ordinary pressure, but heating and dissipation .occurs, as I have demonstrated, under the ordina atmospherio oonditions. Two very thin wires attaohea to the


NYONE who, like myself, has had the pleasure of witneseing the beautiful demonstrations with vibrating diaphragms which Prof. Blerknes, exhibited in person a t the Paris Ex os~tionin 1889, must have sdmircd his agility and lainstaking care to such a degree, as to have an almost implicit f a ~ t h the correctness of observati~nsmade by in him. Ilia experiments "On the Dissipatiop of the Electrical Energy of the Hertz Resonator," which are described in the issue of Dec. 14, of THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEICE, are prepared in the same fngenious and skillful manner, and the concliisions drawn from them are all the more interesting as they agree with the tbeories put forth b p the most advanced thinkers. Tbere can not be the sl~ghelst doubt as to the truth of these conclusions, yet the statements which follow may serve to explain in part the results arrived a t in a different manner; and with this object in view I venture to call attention to a condition with which, in iuveetigations such a8 those af Prof. Bjerknee, the experimenter is confrontcd. The spparatss, oscillator and resonator, being immersed in air, or other discontinuous medium, there occurs-ae I 113vepointed out in the delscription of my recent elrperimcnts before the Englieh and French scientific societiesdis~ipationof energy by what I think might be appropriately called electl-ic sound.waves or sound-waves of electrifled air. In Prof. Bjerkuee's experime~its principally this diesipation in tho resonator need he oousidered, though the sound-waves-if tbis terrp be permitted-which emanate from the surfaces a t the oscillator may considerably affect the observations made a t some distance from the latter. Owing to this dissipation the period of vibration of an air-condenser can not be accurately determined, and I have already drawn attention to this important fact. Theae waves are propagated at right angles from the charge'd surfaces when their chargee are alternated,. and diesipation occura, even if the surfaoee are covered with thick and excellent insulation. Assuming that the "charge" imparted to a molecule or at0m either b direct contact or inductively is proportionate to the e ectric density of the surfaoe, the dissipation should be proportionate to the s~luareofthe density and to the number of waves er second. The above assumption, it should be'stated, cf oes not agree with some observations from which it appeare that an atom can not take but a certain maximum charge; henoe, the charge imparted may be practically independent of the denaity of the surface, but this is immaterial for the pres. er~t consideration. T h ~ aand other points will be decided wllen accurate quantitative determinations, which are as yet wanting, shall be made. A t present it appears certain fronl experiments with high-frequenoy currerite, that this dissipation of energy from a wire, for instance, is not very far from being proportionate t o the frequenoy of the alter-

T H E E L E C T R I C: A t E N G I N E E R .
terminals of a high-frequency coil are capable of giving off an appreciable amount of energy. When the density is very great, the temperature of the wires may be perceptibly raised, and in snch Case probably the greater portion of the energy which i s dissipated otoing to the qresence o a discont$nuous medium is transformed into f heat a t the surface ;or in close proximity , to the wires. Such heating could not occur in a medium possessing either of t h e two qualities, namely, perfect incompressibility or perfect elasticity. I n fluid insulators, snch as oils, though they are far from being perfectly incompressible or elastic to electric displacement, the heatin is much smaller because of the continuity of the fluid. %hen the electric deqsity of the wire surfaces i s small, there is no appreciable : local heating, nevertheless energy is dissipated in air b y waves, which differ from ordinary sound-waves only because the air is electrified. These waves are especially conspicuous when the discharges of a powerful battery are directed through a short and thick metal bar, the number of discharges per second being very small. T h e experimenter may feel the impact of the air a t distances of six feet or more from the bar, especial1 if he takes the precaution to sprinkle the face or han s with ether. These waves cannot be entirely stopped by the interposition of an insulated metal plate. Most of the striking phenomena of mechanical displacement. sound, heat and lipht which have been observed. imply the presence of a meaium of a gaseous structure, t h i t is, one consisting of independent carriers capable of free motion. When a glass plate is placed near a condenser the charge of which is alternated, the plate emits a sound. This sound is due t o the rythmical impact of the air against the plate. I have also found that the ringing of a condenser, first noted by Sir William Thornson, is due to thc'presence of the air between or near the charged surfaces. When a disruptive disclai-ge coil is immersed in oil contained in a tank, i t is observed that the surface of tho oil isagitated. This may be thought to be due to the displacements produced in the oil hy the changing stresses, but snch is not the case. It is the air above the oil which is agitated and causes the motion of the latter; the oil itself wonld remain a t reet. The displacements produced in i t by changing electrostatic stressell are insignificant; to such stresses i t may be said to be compressible to but a 'very small degree. T h e action of the air is shown in a curious manner for. if a pointed metal bar is taken in the hand and held with the point close to the oil, a hole two inches deep is formed in the oil by the molecule^ of the air, which are violently projected from the point. The preceding statements may have a general bearing upon investigations in which currents of high frequency and potential are made use of, but they also have a more direct bearing upon the experiments of Prof. Bjerknes which arc here considered, namely, the "skin effect," is increased by the action 'of the air. Imagine a wiro immersed in a medium, t h e conductivity of which would be some function of the frequency and potential difference hut such, that the conductivity increases when either or both of thene elements are increased, In such a medium, the higher the frequency and potential difference,'tho greater will be tho current which will find its way through thc surrounding medium, and the smaller the part which will pass through the central portion of the wire. In the case of a wire immersed in air and traversed by a high-frequency current, the facility with which the energy is dissipated may be considered as the equivalent of the conduct~vity;and the analogy would be quite complete, were it not that besides he air another medium is present, the total dissipation being merely modified b y the presence of the air to an extent as yet not ascertained. Nevertheless, I have sufficient evidence t o draw the conclusion, that the result8 obtained b y Prof. Bjerknes are affected by the presence of air in the following manner : 1. The dissipation of energy

[Deo. 91, 1899.

i s more rapid when the resonator is immersed in air than it would be in a practically continuous medium, for instanw, oil. 2. The dissipation owing t o the presence of air renders the difference between magnetic and non-magnetic metals more striking. The first conclueion follows directly from.the preceding remarks; t h e second follows from thl* .two facts that the resonator receives always the esmo amount of energy, independent of the nature of the metal, and that the magnetism of the metal increases tho impedance of the circuit. A resonator of magnetic rnctrl behaves virtually as though its circuit were longer. 'hero is a greater potential difference set up per unit of length, although this-may not show itself in the deflection of thc electrometer owing to the lateral dissipation. The effect of the increased impedance is strikingly illustrated in the two experiments of Prof. Bjerknes when copper is deposited upon an iron wire,'and next iron upon a copper wire. Considerable thickness of copper deposit was reqnir~tlill the former experiment, but very little thickness of iron in the latter, as should be expected. Taking the above views, I believe, that in the expcriments of Prof. Bjerknes which lead him to undoubtedlp correct conclusions, the air is a factor fully as importent, if not more so, than the resistance of the metals.

TIIE following statistics with regard t o the value of electrical goods manufactured in Germany, and relating to the years 1890 and 1891, were recently given by the Eleklrotechnisci~eZeitschrift on the authority of Herr Fr. Vogel. Telegraphic apparatus to the value of $2P0,000 war made; telephones, over $400,000; railway signalling apparatus, nearly $400,000; total, with electric bellg etc., J ~ O P ~ $2,000,000. During 1690-1891: 3,500 continuour c~~rrcnt dynamos, alternators and transformers were built each year to the value of $1,600,000. I n 1880 a large Gcrmrn firm built 350 machines, having a total output of .3,501),000 watts. Last year the same firm turned out 760 n~achin~s the total output of which was 10,000,000 watts, tllc aver. age size of machine being, therefore, about 9% h. p. and 17% h. p. respectively. Accum~llatorsare being nianofrc. tnred and sold in Germany to t h e amount of $1,120,000 per annum. About 17,000 arc lamps are made every year, their value being about $500,000. T h e arc-light carbon pro do^^ amounts to nearly $400,000 per annnm, and the itlcandcs cent lamp product to $640,000. The value of tho tots1 annual electrical ontput of all sorts is placed a t $6,600,000 or $6,700,000. The nnmber of persons employed i n elw trical factories is about 15,000.

INa contribution to the Elektrotechnische ZeitachriJI, Mr. J. Kraemer comments on the current statements garding high speed 011 electric railways, and presentd ra array of formulas for calculating the effect of air prcnoum, dead weight and other factors on the maximnrn po~iibls speed. IIe thinks that 600 kilometres per hour i n rbe h ~ g h e s tspeed yet attained by experiments madc on r laboratory scale; the dead weight of the care, eoginh trucks and the fuel used reduces this to aboat It0 bile ometres. The limited rate of reciprocation of the steam engine part of the locomotive suggeste larger drir. ing wheels, b u t the size of these is limited by tho radi~s of the curves. These factors, together with the allowmecY for air resistance, slipping on the rails and the rverrp grades still further reduce this speed, so that electric! rrll. ways mast be able to alter the conditions materislly in order to attain a speed of even 200 kilometres per hpr, corresponding t o about 125 miles per hour--quite aprornm ing figure..


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