Chapter 2

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Chapter Two: Project File

Anti Date Rape

Project File

Chapter Two: Project File

Chapter Two : Project File

2.1 Product Name
No means No Campaign

2.2 Product Classification

No means No is under Public Awareness Campaign.

2.3 Distribution
No means No campaign is distributed indirectly to the commercial area (eg. Shopping mall)

2.4 Campaign Life Cycle

The above is the life cycle of No means No Campaign. It is still on the climbing stage as there are not many campaigns raised specifically for date rape and night life in Malaysia. There are other social issues that are given more priority being warned to the public such as Violence against Women and Protect Single Mother Campaigns rather than

Chapter Two: Project File giving a chance to inform or educate the public to create awareness from becoming one of the rape victims.

2.5 The brand

The No means No Campaign aimed at helping students and working adults to create awareness about the rape issue. The campaign also aims to educate prospective victims and their friends about personal safety to raise awareness of services available for victims. Most of the women are frequently subject to rape on city streets, public transportation, and underground car park or in their own neighborhoods. Study also shows that there is a high percentage of rapists are acquaintances, friends or relatives. Such daily occurrences limit the rights and freedoms of women as equal citizens to enjoy their neighborhoods and cities. This campaign will be focusing more on how to create the awareness especially for the female adults in which date rape often happen due to the causes of going to night club. Advices such as say no to any sex that you do not want to, make yourself clearly understood, avoid from alcohol or drugs that will affect your judgment, avoid from being rape that will stay with you for life, and take care and reduce your risk of assault. Those are the strong messages that should be remembered by the females in order to keep themselves safe. Besides, Blu Inc will be the main sponsor of this campaign in which news about rape will be issued out through Female Magazine in order to build the awareness to the readers through media. Therefore, No means No Campaign is important to inform and alert the public about the issue of rape nowadays.

2.6 Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

This campaign is mainly focused on date rape issue and it enables to create the awareness among university students and working young adults.

Chapter Two: Project File

2.7 Promotional History and Advertising Schedule

There are many events, counseling centres and campaigns held in order to help the women, but there are not many specific campaigns that are focused on women against rape perhaps. These are the anti rape-related campaigns that were held in Malaysia previously:

2.7.1 [CARing Project] PM Najib says more has to be done for safety In 2011, VenusBuzz launched a CARing Project aimed at raising awareness and making public spaces safe for women again and judging from the recent news. CARing Project allows you to rate the safety of 20 shopping centre carparks around Klang Valley and at the end of the campaign, VenusBUzz will compile the results of the survey before submitting them to the respective management of the shopping centres. Maybe there are particular mall with a creepy and unsafe parking lot, nows the time to make a difference. Even if youre not a girl, do it for the sake of your mum, sister, wife, girlfriend; everybody have equal rights to go out. 2.7.2 Break your silence and join anti-rape march, men told
Citizen's coalition Man's Action Network against Violence - or Man V for short - calls upon all men to break their silence on violence against women, and commit towards creating safe spaces for women. The group urged them to demonstrate their support by joining Sunday's anti-rape event organised by the All Action Women's Society of Malaysia (Awam). "Man V submits that not all men are rapists, nor are they potential rapists," said group member Yunus Ali in a press statement today.

2.7.3 March to focus on mens role in anti-rape campaign

A group of Penang residents are to organise a march to increase men's involvement in the fight against rape, spurred on by a number of highly-publicised cases. Organised by Suara Rakyat Malaysia (Suaram), the rally will focus on urging men to join women in the campaign against rape.

Chapter Two: Project File

2.7.4 Awams anti-rape rally peacefully held, Shahrizat turns up

The anti-rape rally organised by All Women's Action Society (Awam) went without a hitch this afternoon at the KDU College in Petaling Jaya after two postponements last month. Addressing the crowd, Awam president Dr Mary Suma Cardosa said the event today was a "real achievement" after it was postponed twice as the police refused to issue a permit for the rally. Stressing that rape and violence against women are problems of huge proportions as rape has been occurring with a frightening frequency, Cardosa called for a concerted effort from all to stop the 'scourge.'

2.7.5 Probe permit refusal for anti-rape rally, Suhakam told

A women's organisation has asked the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (Suhakam) to probe the denial of a police permit to hold an anti-rape rally late July following the spate of violence against women in recent months. Yesterday, the All Women's Action Society (Awam) sent a three-page letter to Suhakam complaining about the police's curtailment of its freedom of expression and assembly in organising the 'Citizens against Rape: Make Public Spaces Safe - Towards a Violence-free Society' rally. The rally was finally held at a private college on Aug 3 after two postponements, and was attended by 500 people including Women and Family Development Minister Shahrizat Abdul Jalil and several ruling and opposition politicians.

2.7.6 Canny Ong lessons: Right to demand for safety and security
Malaysians have been urged to turn their anger over the Canny Ong tragedy into a united voice to demand their right to personal safety and community security from the law enforcers, in particular the police force. The All Women's Action Society Malaysia (Awam) and the DAP agreed that as Malaysians mourn for Canny Ong, her tragic death should make citizens redouble their efforts in creating awareness of the citizen's fundamental right to a safe and crime-free environment. "The onus is on the police to provide that environment devoid of violent crimes. It is their duty and responsibility and citizens have the right to demand that," Maria Chin Abdullah of Awam said on Saturday. She told the "Lessons from Canny Ong case: Reduce crime and fear of crime" forum in Petaling Jaya that the Ong case has thrown the issue of violent crime into a different dimension.

Chapter Two: Project File

2.8 What is date rape?

Date rape is a non-domestic rape committed by someone who knows the victim. This constitutes the vast majority of rapes reported. It can occur between two people who know one another usually in social situations, between people who are dating as a couple and have had consensual sex in the past, between two people who are starting to date, between people who are just friends, and between acquaintances. They include rapes of co-workers, schoolmates, friends, and other acquaintances, providing they are dating. Date rape is considered the most unreported crime on college campuses. The term date rape is often referred to as acquaintance rape or hidden rape and has been identified as a growing problem in western society. College and University campuses are prime locations for date rape to occur due to the high volume of students interested in sexual relationships. A college survey conducted by the United States' National Victim Center reported that one in four college women have been raped or experienced attempted rape. This report indicates that young women are at considerable risk of becoming a victim of date rape while in college.

2.9.1 Situational Context of Date Rape Behaviors like alcohol consumption and going back to the perpetrator's apartment during a date are under the category header "situational context" because if a woman is with a man prone to date rape, these situational factors may make his intent easier to achieve. Based on the data from perpetrators' interviews, these factors can influence outcomes, but they are not pivotal. The female victim is never to blame for her own rape, no matter what the circumstances. As was true throughout this study, the central focus is always the sexual perpetrator. It is he whom we want to understand so we can determine a strategy to stop future offenses.

Chapter Two: Project File

2.9.2 Psychological and Sociological Contexts of Date Rape

The model begins with the culture at large and then focuses on psychological and sociological contexts influencing the date rape perpetrator's personality, which is characterized by self-centeredness and an aversion to permanent relationships. His personality is also influenced by his particular socialization experience. Family members and peer groups greatly influence the date rapist during the developmental stage of his life with regard to perceptions of human relations and men's interactions with women. The man then forms a sexual intent based on his distorted understanding of interpersonal relationships, and then misperceives his victim's verbal and nonverbal communication about sexual desire. These misinterpretations increase his positive expectations and push him toward sexual initiatives that conclude in date rape.

2.9.3 Philosophical Infrastructure

Sexual intent, positive expectation, and the perpetrator's misperception are not developed in isolation from other factors. They are grounded in a lifetime where an egocentric man discusses with other men in groups (i.e., male friends, athletic teams, military units, and street gangs) that women are subordinate and should willingly, or even unwillingly, serve the sexual needs of men. All the foundational data sub-categories (i.e., self-centeredness, non-committal relationship perspective, and masculinity development, desire for control, social exchange mentality, and peer pressure) validate this philosophical infrastructure. The types of psychological, sociological, and situational contexts discussed in my doctoral dissertation study represent several overlapping influences that affect and may cause the event factors. This is typically how the date rape occurs: lead-up, perpetrator's verbal and nonverbal sexual initiatives, intimidation, miscommunication, misperception, forced consent or rejection, and assault.

Chapter Two: Project File

2.10 Causes
Date Rape happens. It is not so easy to set out definite causes. I have picked out the most likely and obvious causes to try and give an insight as to why it does, and hopefully make people aware of the dangers and prevent it happening to them. Sometimes it is a case of mixed signals that can play a major part in date rape. A female may be acting friendly towards a man. The man in return interprets this as the woman showing him openly that she wants sex. She says No to sex, but he hears it as Maybe. Women on the whole are afraid that they may appear too easy and don't want to be seen to have sex readily on the first couple of dates. So sometimes just for the sake of appearances they may say no and mean in fact yes. It's hardly suprising then that men become confused and will often try and persuade a woman that she does in fact mean yes. Some men still don't take no for an answer even when a woman struggles and it is obvious that is indeed what she does mean. The men may come even more aroused becuase she is putting up a fight. Sometimes a female isn't sure in her own mind whether or not she does in fact want sex at all. She may decide to make up her mind as the evening wears on. If at some stage she changes her mind and says no, which we are entitled to do, the man may well feel cheated or feel he has been teased, and he decides that she will get what she "deserves" regardless, and so rapes her. Some men feel that if they have spent money on a female, taken her out for a meal, or to the cinema for example that his way of being repayed by the female is to have sex with her, regardles of what she may feel. Some men think that just because they know a female has been sexually active with someone else that she will be willing to have sex with all men, including him. Another more sinister type of date rape is becoming very much more widely reported. It is the misuse of alcohol and drugs to make an unsuspecting female become sleepy and sedated thus making the female unable to consent to sex. This type of date rape is happening mostly to the younger age group especially at night club. Below is the date rape drug that may cause someone being raped: 2.10.1 Rohypnol Over recent years more information has been coming to the fore about The Date Rape Drugs One of these is Rohypnol which is a brand name for Flunitrazepam, which belongs to the family of medications called "Benzodiazepines". It is very potent, being 10 times more potent than Valium. It has many common street names like: Roofies, Roachies, La Roche, Rope, Rib, Roche, Rophies, Ruffies and Stupefi.

Chapter Two: Project File It is becoming well known as a club scene drug used mostly by young people. It is an illegal drug in America and sold or prescribed in Europe and South America. It comes in 1mg and 2mg strengths, manufactured by Hoffman-La Roche. Rohypnol taken on it's own produces sedative effects, including amnesia, muscle relaxation, and the slowing of psychomotor performance. Sedation occurs anything from 10 to 30 minutes after administration of a 2-mg tablet and lasts for approximately 8 hours. Mixed with alcohol in which it quickly dissolves a 2mg dose in one beer can put a girl flat on her back in a state of bliss, to weaken the next morning with no memories of the previous night, wondering what happened to her. Rohypnol can be slipped easily into the drink of an unsuspecting sexual assault victim by an assailant. The result is that the victim remembers nothing of the sexual assault or it maybe they knew something was happening but were incapable of stopping it. Mixing Rohypnol with alcohol intensifies its effects several fold. It is reportedly given to female party guests in hopes of lowering inhibitions and making them an easy potential sexual conquest. Rohypnol, particularly when it is mixed with alcohol or any other drugs, cannabis, cocaine and heroin in particular may lead to respiratory depression, aspiration and even death. When taken repeatedly, in can lead to physical and psychological dependence which is thought to increase with both the dose and duration of use. Rohypnol is usually sold in its original bubble packaging, conveying a sense of legality and security in its use. Reports of feeling hung over, feeling drowsy, confused and still drunk the next day have been noted. It is certainly a very dangerous drug, especially if it is used without your knowledge. 2.10.2 GHB (gamma hydroxybutyric acid) GHB also known as Bodily Harm (GBH), Liquid X, Easy Lay and other street names is a potent date rape drug, in some ways easier to use than rohypnol, but with the same effects. It is promoted as a growth hormone aid, a diet aid and a stimulant. GHB comes in liquid form, and is often home produced by people who know a little about drugs and their effects. Because it is in liquid form rather than tablet form it is much easier to slip into an unsuspecting females drink than some of the other date rape drugs. This is done with either an eye dropper or off a bottle cap, and only a few drops can render the victim confused, dazed, drowsy and unconscious within the space of 15 minutes. The effects can last from 2 to 8 hours. The drug is hard to detect as it is colourless and odourless, although some reports suggest it has a slightly salty taste.

Chapter Two: Project File 2.10.3 Ketamine Ketamine is also known as Special K, Vitamin K or Bump. It is in fact a drug that is used by vets as an animal anaesthesia. 2.10.4 Burundanga Burundanga or borrachio is not so widely used as the other known date rape drugs, but although it may be obscure people should still be aware that it is being used for date rape purposes. Reports have shown it to be highly soluble and tasteless like rohypnol. It causes victims become confused, disorientated and produces a trance like state. 2.10.5 Alcohol We are all concerned with the use of date rape drugs, but let us not forget that alcohol alone without added chemical substances can act like a drug. It can make people confused, disorientated, carefree, more confident and also unconscious if too much is drunk. Many rapists ply their victims with alcohol before assaulting them. Statistics show that 55% of all date rape victims had been drinking or were drunk when raped. A staggering 80% of rapists had been drinking before they raped.

Chapter Two: Project File

2.11 What is night life?

Trends are changing universally. In Malaysia, a lot of entertainments are chosen by people to spend their leisure time. Nowadays, the standard of living and the stress from work and school is way much higher than the olden days. So, the people now need time to relax just to release the stress. People now days know how to plan and enjoy their leisure time. There are a lot of ways one can spend their leisure time, they can go to the cinema, traveling or may be reading. At this generation, the top most preferred leisure activity by young adults is to go clubbing. In Malaysia, clubbing is one of the famous night entertainments for those who are between the ages of 18 to 26. This type of entertainment are mushrooming very fast especially in the capital city, Kuala Lumpur. People visit these places not only because they want to club, but also because they want to relax after a long day or week. According to Wikipedia (2007), nightlife is the collective term for any entertainment that is available and more popular from the late evening into the early hours of the morning. It includes the pubs, night clubs, bars, live music, cabaret, small theatres, small cinemas, shows, and sometimes restaurants a specific area may have (defined here as pubs, bars, cafes, and night clubs). Nightlife entertainment is essentially edgier than daytime amusements and usually more oriented to young adults. Studies have shown that the average person will spend three to four hours per weekend in an entertainment environment and will spend an average of 20 to 50 dollars in that timeframe. This trend also shows no signs of declining.

2.12 Night Clubs

A Nightclub is a drinking, dancing, and usually similar to bars, pubs or taverns, by the inclusion of a dance floor and a DJ booth, where a DJ plays recorded dance and pop music. The music in nightclubs is either live bands or, more commonly a mix of songs played by a DJ through a powerful PA system. Most clubs or club nights cater to certain music genres, such as house music, garage, Hip-Hop, or salsa.

Chapter Two: Project File Most of the clubs, bars, and lounges in Malaysia are categorized as night clubs. This is because the clubs have all the criteria that match a night club. Their main customers are young adults commonly known as youths.

2.13 How night club lead to date rape?

Many students attend college/university to further their education, to meet new people and experience valuable life lessons. There are also those who think that college and university is just one big party, a place to drink excessively and maybe attend some class on the side. More commonly, there are students who regularly attend class, but still choose to drink or even binge drink on the weekends. While the latter may seem more socially acceptable, excessive drinking can lead to dangerous and sometimes even deadly circumstances. According to study, more than 97,000 students between the ages of 18 and 24 are victims of alcohol-related sexual assault or date rape.

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