College of Engineering & Management, Punnapra: 5 Semester B.Tech Series Examination, September 2012

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5th Semester B.Tech Series Examination, September 2012
08-506 - Two and Three Wheeled Vehicles (S5 ME Elective Paper)
Time: 2 hours Part A (Answer All Questions) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Explain the different 2 wheeler classifications. What is scavenging and what is its importance in 2 stroke engines? Draw the neat labeled diagram of a carburetor. Explain its working. Draw the neat labeled diagram of a piston .Explain the different parts. Draw the neat labeled diagram of a poppet valve .Explain the different parts. (4x 5 = 20 Marks) Part B (Answer Any 2 Questions) 1. Draw a neat diagram of an IC engine and explain the various components in detail. 2. Explain in detail the operation of carburetor during the during cold start, idling /slow speed, mid range and full load/throttle operating conditions. 3. With neat diagrams explain the working of a 2 stroke single cylinder petrol engine. Maximum Marks: 50

(2x15 = 30 Marks) Note: Draw all diagrams with pencil

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