An Application Developed To Reduce Communication Overhead Using Localized Sensor Coverage c7082926 Naveen Teja N
An Application Developed To Reduce Communication Overhead Using Localized Sensor Coverage c7082926 Naveen Teja N
An Application Developed To Reduce Communication Overhead Using Localized Sensor Coverage c7082926 Naveen Teja N
Abstract: The basic structure of WSN consists of nodes that concentrates on covering the particular geographic region. The sensor nodes that are connected in a network has the ability to sense, process and communicate with the neighboring environment. The sensors make the decisions be something like whether to completely turn off, or not to turn off the nodes, so that the whole region remains totally enclosed in the network. By making use of localized sensor techniques maximum utilization of the network resources is done, and hence the cost of communication is reduced. Small number of active sensors are connected in the network, which can totally cover the region as a fully employed set and they send a information to the monitoring centre by enabling active sensors to get the capability of finding the faults in the total enclosed area. These sensors are installed in the ad-hoc technique so these nodes organize themselves and interact wirelessly. Methodology : Localization: The sensor nodes are arranged in an ad hoc style. So that the nodes identify themselves in a same co ordinate system. Routing: The data should be transmitted from source sensor to destination. This protocol encapsulates data into messages in the network and moves from sensor to sensor since it reaches its target. In considering the localization in sensor networks we consider one of the technique from below 1 Range Based Technique: In this mechanism we can identify the distance and angle metrics. In this network there are different metrics like Time of Arrival, Angle of Arrival, Received Signal Strength. 2 Range Free Technique: By this technique the location of the sensor node is identified by the information of the nearby node. We use c# dot net language and Visual studio 2005 tool to develop this project.