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Seed Retail Health Check

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What is Your Game Plan?

Health Check

A Self Help Audit

Specifically designed for assisting retailers

Health Check

1. Introduction
Retailer Services How to use the Seed Health Check?

2. What Is Your Game Plan?

2.1 Who is your customer? 2.2 What is your product offer? 2.3 Understanding your competition 2.4 Managing your people 2.5 Marketing & Promotions 2.5 Store Layout & Visual Merchandising 2.5 Business Financial Health 2.6 What are your Retail Key Performance Indicators? 2.7 Business Strategy & Growth

3. Key Strategic Objectives 4. Where are Your Next Steps?

Health Check

1. Introduction

What is the Seed Health Check?

The following interactive tool will ask you a series of questions relating to your retail business. The aim of the questionnaire is to determine where your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats lie and what action plans you have in place to continually succeed and improve in your business.

How to use the Health Check tool?

This Retail business Audit has been developed from the experience and knowledge of Retail Consultants. The style of this health check is to: 1. Assist in planning your discussion about your business 2. Identify the key issues of your business 3. Determine specific objectives and measures to combat the specific identified issues 4. Create a set of action plans for the store to implement

Understand your next steps in allocating resources to achieve your objectives?

2. What Is Your Game Plan?

The Issues to Discuss:

Health Check

Retailing in a shopping centre environment is always going to be very competitive! Many new retailers try to compete head on with the major retailers and quickly find that this is not a sensible or practical strategy. This self help manual will attempt to assist you in better understanding the strengths, weaknesses and opportunities that exist within your store and utilise a methodical approach to prepare you for business improvement. Initially you need to confirm the direction your business is heading in.

Tick the most relevant stage that your business currently focused on:

Business Stage
Growth Stabilising and Sustainability Selling Closing or Exiting the Business


Timeframe for action

How long have you had the business

Retailer Response & Actions to be Taken

Why did you buy or establish it

What do you see as the opportunities for your business Where do you see your business in 3 years

Is your current performance in line with your plan Is your plan still relevant

Do you need to update or develop a new plan for your business What is it that you need to do now to achieve your plan

2.1 Who is your customer?

The Issues to Discuss:

Health Check

A common pitfall found from individual store research was too much stock that too few people in their local market will ever want to buy. Often this is because they don't know their customers.

Questionnaire: Topic
Describe your customer: Types Age groups e.g. 15-25 Gender Family status What are their needs and wants How frequently do they shop Which ones should you target

Retailer Response & Actions to be Taken

What do they really think of your store

What do they buy from you frequently

What do they spend the most money on

Why dont they buy more from you

Do you attract the aspirational or budget conscious customer

2.2 What is your product offer?

The Issues to Discuss:

Health Check

Understanding what your product offer should be to best meet your customers needs is an ongoing process of reviewing what your customers are buying from you and what they are likely to want in the future.

Questionnaire: Topic
Does your business have a winning product offer Is your offer a generalist or a specialist offer What do you offer that is unique What sells in high volume and what is low in sales Product Sourcing: Do you buy individually or part of a group? What makes your business different? How much of your product can be bought elsewhere in the centre? Do you have an open-to-buy plan What are the areas that you are most competitive Do you have the right levels of stock in these areas Do you have the correct balance of stock in all categories of your business What are the areas that you are most competitive What determines the stock you buy? Category based merchandise plan Past Sales ( historical/category) Suppliers Buying / Franchise Group Personal Choice and Taste Insert your estimated category break up:

Retailer Response & Actions to be Taken

Category Break Up
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Margin %

Sales $

Space %

Stock $

2.3 Understanding your Competition

The Issues to Discuss:

Health Check

Every retail business will generally have a high level of competition from other retailers selling similar products. It is imperative to constantly consider how you win against your competitors and grow opportunities to differentiate against them. Although you may have similar products there are many ways of creating a point of difference with service and in store experience.

Questionnaire: Topic
With whom do you compete

Retailer Response & Actions to be Taken

What do you win on what are the opportunities

In what areas are you the same

What do you lose on what are the threats to your business Are you gaining or losing in the market

Does your core customer care about the areas that you are good at (does it make profit)

2.4 Managing your People

The Issues to Discuss:

Health Check

Managing the performance of our human resources in a retail organisation is the backbone for driving an efficient and sustainable business. Our human resources are often one of the greatest investments that we have in business it is imperative that they are managed effectively to maximise the return we receive for our investment.

Questionnaire: Topic
What role do you play in the business

Retailer Response & Actions to be Taken

How many hours a week are you currently working

Do you have structured roles for the members of your team How would you rate the performance of your team How are your team developed and lead

Do you use a performance appraisal system if so how frequently How do you recruit new team members to your business How do you induct new team members

What support or management tools do you have to manage poor performance Where do you see the areas of improvement for your team

2.5 Marketing & Promotions

The Issues to Discuss:

Health Check

For many smaller retailers the question is always going to be how can I best get my sales message to the right customers who will respond and buy my products? There are many examples of smaller retailers competing very effectively against the major retailers with very clever and successful methods of promoting their businesses.

Questionnaire: Topic
How do you market and promote your business How do you plan promotions for hot spots and windows Do you have a database or loyalty program, if so how do you use it How do you promote outside the centre and is this paid marketing How do you participate in centre marketing campaigns What support do you get from your suppliers / franchise What have been the most effective promotions that you have utilised in the past (prioritise in order) Where do you get advice and assistance

Retailer Response & Actions to be Taken

2.6 Store Layout & Visual Merchandising

The Issues to Discuss:

Health Check

Being able to professionally layout the store and visually merchandise the product offer is a major challenge for independent retailers. Unfortunately, many retailers underestimate the importance of merchandising and the potential impact on sales of the store. Professional merchandising is much more than making a store look attractive to the customer, it is about communicating the product offer to the customer in a way that will maximise sales. The understanding of the physical and visual dynamics of the stores selling space is a combination of technical knowledge and a feel for what will attract the customer into the store, move through the store and be enticed to make a buying decision.

Questionnaire: Topic
Is your store laid out in product categories How do you determine where to best merchandise each of your product categories Category/department Theme Item Supplier Who has the responsibility and skills to merchandise your store What are the best performing areas in your store and how do you decide on what to merchandise in this area What areas of your store do not generate significant sales turnover How frequently do you update the front of your store How do you manage your problem or clearance stock Do you have enough room to merchandise all of the products adequately If you had more space what would you display more of What was the most effective window promotion that you have installed and why Do you have a plan for what you will display in your windows and hot spots 3 months in advance (is this linked to the new products that you are ranging)

Retailer Response & Actions to be Taken


2.7 Business Financial Health

The Issues to Discuss:

Health Check

The great challenge for smaller retailers is trying to manage all aspects of the business operations while ensuring the financial health of the organisation is optimised. Some retailers will manage this balance with ease as they have measures to control their financial performance daily. This means that smaller retailers can run more efficient businesses by allowing more time working on the business rather than in the business and keeping close controls of the financial health of the business.

Questionnaire: Topic
What do you see as the issues for business financial stability What is your financial position How much has been borrowed to finance the business Are there additional overdrafts or credit cards what amount is this What are your cash reserves What are your monthly interest costs How much is outstanding to suppliers Do you have any payment plans in place with any debtors Are there any non core costs associated with the business Are you taking drawings from the business Do you know your breakeven and how often do you make it Do you know month to month if you are making a profit Do you have an Open to Buy (OTB) plan Do you have a cash flow management plan

Retailer Response & Actions to be Taken


2.8 What are your Retail Key Performance Indicators? (KPIs)

The Issues to Discuss:

Health Check

If you cant measure the store performance, then you cant monitor its performance. Reviewing and evaluating the performance of the store requires the owner to identify and measure Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that include all major components of the business.

Questionnaire: Topic
How do I compare my performance with like businesses Do you capture? 1. Total Sales/including category split $& % 2. Sales m$2 3. Break even 4. Initial GP/GM 5. Final GP/GM 6. Markdowns 7. Shrinkage 8. Occupancy cost $ & % 9. Wages including on costs & owners drawings $&% 10. Store contribution $& % 11. Stock levels/ Stock turns 12. Customer counts & spends How did you collect this data? POS system Cash register Other

Retailer Response & Actions to be Taken

YES/NO weekly/monthly/annually


2.9 What planning & management reporting tools do you use?

The Issues to Discuss:

Health Check

For many smaller retailers being able to access timely information in their business that assists with sales, product and financial knowledge is an ongoing challenge. Without this timely information retailers will always be flying blind. Experience tells us that those retailers with their fingers on the pulse are able to make quick and effective decisions that impact positively on the sales and profit performance of their store.

Questionnaire: Topic
What information can I access to monitor the health of my business Where is my business going and how can I influence the change in its performance What do I currently plan & monitor? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Forward sales & expenses budgets Forward stock flow & levels budget OTB for purchases Merchandise assortment plan GP $ & % Goal (required to pay the bills)

Retailer Response & Actions to be Taken




2.10 Business Strategy & Growth

The Issues to Discuss:

Health Check

Developing a business strategy and planning for growth starts with a desired vision of the future then works out the steps needed for the business to achieve that vision effectively. Analysing information about current operations and identifying business opportunities from your Self Help Audit is the basis for developing a vision of the future. These strategies will act as a road map for getting to the goals envisioned for the future of the business. Naturally the strategies you use to get you to the future must take into account current aspects of your business environment, both internal and external. They are your foundations. Given the areas covered and issues identified, you now need to consider your key strategic objectives for the next 12 moths? In this section you will detail all of the following: Objectives Action Plans Measures Timeframes Resources Responsibilities Recorded outcomes

Questionnaire: Topic
What do you see as the strategic opportunities for business growth and development What further information or assistance is required to be able to establish your objectives & action plan How will you celebrate or reward for success when achieving your objectives What will be your contingency plan if your objectives are not able to be met

Retailer Response & Actions to be Taken

Now it is time to list all of these objectives to develop your action plan.

Return to the start of the Self Help Audit and highlight in each questionnaire the Topics that required actions to be taken. Transfer these points onto the Key Strategic Objectives planner in the next section. You will then need to detail the Measures/Aims, Timeframes and Resources required for making these changes.


3. Key Strategic Objectives

Identified issues to take action Identify Issue & Set Objective 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Action to be Taken Measure / Aim Timeframe Resources

Health Check


Health Check

4. What are your next steps?

By now, you have identified areas of your business that require improvement and noted down your action plans. From here, you can seek support from your Centre Management office, or look into some training courses that are designed specifically for Retailers. Take extra advantage of your Action Plan by building your business skills knowledge. After completing this health check, you should have a good idea of areas you would like to know more about. If you have found your way to this handy tool, you would have seen the training options available to you.

Training Options: 1. Seed Online Short Courses

The Seed online learning program allows you to purchase and access short interactive courses in times most convenient to you. These cost effective courses allow you to select training topics that suit your immediate needs.


Seed Retail Excellence Workshops

The Seed Retail Excellence Workshops are designed to provide you with practical materials that aim to build business improvement strategies. You can choose to attend the particular workshop that matches your training needs, or progressively expand your retail knowledge as you attend each of the four workshops: 1. Visual Merchandising 2. Retail Marketing 3. Customer Service 4. Profitable Retailing


Seed Diploma of Retail Management

Set to launch in early 2008, this diploma caters for individuals who wish to take a higher level of study in retail management. Delivered over a 12 month period with 8 one day interactive workshops, participants will be guided by an experienced ARA facilitator using practical exercises and case studies that align to the day to day challenges of a retailer.


External Support Resources

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Finance Arrangements including merchant fees Shopfitting supplies Telecommunications Marketing Consumables Employment Relations Services Tenancy Support Services (Leases & Legal)


Health Check
The Seed Training Services are provided for general information purposes only. Westfield makes no representations about the accuracy or suitability of the information provided and takes no responsibility for any error, omission or defect in that information. In relation to all decisions regarding your business, you should seek professional advice having regard to your particular needs and objectives.


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