Number Your Days Retreat Form
Number Your Days Retreat Form
Number Your Days Retreat Form
Participation Form
March 3, 2013, Camp Fraser
101 Springvale Rd. Great Falls, VA 22066
Phone: ______________________________________________________________________
Email: _______________________________________________________________________
Please list any other needs:
I, the undersigned, hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless Calvary Baptist Church, its
Board of Trustees, its officers, employees and staff, from any liability as a result of either
intentional acts or negligence, or failure to act on the part of any of the above named entities or
persons as a result of the use of the premises while I am participating in any activities while at
the Number Your Days Retreat at Camp Fraser, March 3, 2013.
Signature: _________________________________________ Date: _____________________
Emergency Contact: ___________________________________________________________
Phone Number for Emergency Contact: ____________________________________________
Items to Bring
1. Closed-toed shoes
2. Bible, notebook (if desired)
3. Participant form
4. $15 fee (Scholarships available; please contact Rachel Johnson,[email protected])