ST Sleepy Hollow Lesson Thursday

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Lesson Plan for Thursday, February 14: English 301, 2nd hour and 6th hour

Lesson Objective/s: Students will learn the context of Sleepy Hollow and discuss American traditions and legends. Our discussion will focus on culture and how it comes about, especially the values, images, stories, and characteristics that are associated with America. They will then be asked to find connections to these larger themes of American cultural development as we read Sleepy Hollow. Students will also learn tools to overcome difficult reading passages, such as learning to look up vocabulary when they need to, and trying to deduce the meaning by looking at the paragraph or larger passage. State Standard/s: CC.11-12.R.I.3 Key Ideas and Details: Analyze a complex set of ideas or sequence of events and explain how specific individuals, ideas, or events interact and develop over the course of the text. CC.11-12.R.L.3 Key Ideas and Details: Analyze the impact of the authors choices regarding how to develop and relate elements of a story or drama (e.g., where a story is set, how the action is ordered, how the characters are introduced and developed). CC.11-12.SL.1 Comprehension and Collaboration: Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grades 1112 topics, texts, and issues, building on others ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively. ELD Standard/s: Reading comprehension, vocabulary development. Formative Assessment/s: Students will be observed as they work in groups. They will also have a short compare/contrast assignment on Sleepy Hollow next week and a short assignment that asks them to tie in connections/analysis to the larger literary movement and historical context. Summative Assessment/s: Students will be crafting an essay on romanticism and Gothic literature at the end of the unit. They will have multiple prompts to choose from. Instructor: __________Alexandra Bell__________________ Topic: ________Sleepy Hollow_____________ Subject: ____English_______ Check box if part of a larger unit: _X_ Where does the lesson fit in: Begin __ Middle _X_ End __ Duration of Lesson: ________50 minutes___________ Grade__11___ Other adult involved in instruction: (Check appropriate) Paraeducator ____ co-teacher_______ volunteer _____

Understanding Your Learners through contextual details (ELLs & ELD levels, IEP/IDP, 504, GATE, Gender, Ethnicity)
In a snapshot narrative paragraph, describe the context of the instructional group. Describe major areas such as cultural, family structures, ELL levels. SES, etc.? What are the most important details that may inform your instruction and support your learners?

2nd hour has 19 students (8 girls and 11 boys) and 6th hour has 20 students (10 girls and 10 boys). Most students have grown up in Paxton or a surrounding town. All of the students in 2nd hour are White. In 6th hour, however, there is one German exchange student and one LatinoAmerican student. The socioeconomic statuses of the students are mixed, along with their family structures. The school-wide low income level is 26%. As a school in 2012, 53% of students met or exceeded the subjects on the PSAE. The school has not made Adequate Yearly Progress.

IEP Goals Directions: List students goals as they apply to this lesson. Large Group/Whole Class Instruction Select 2-4 students for instructional focus. Small Group / Individualized Instruction (< 5 students) Student(s) IEP Goal/Objective (standards based)


For test-taking, he may choose to work outside the classroom in another room.

LESSON PLAN & PROCEDURES Lesson Elements Identify Formative Assessment as it occurs in the lesson Time What are the students doing? What is other adult doing? Observing Check Materials for Understand -ing

Lesson Introduction (connect & build background knowledge)

1. Prepare to play one of the songs from the students annotation assignment. 2. Put up the Vitamin on the projector. 3. Take attendance. 4. Give students the trivia question. 5. Go over the Vitamin. 6. Let them know that their vitamin quizzes and vocabulary sentences are in the out box.

5 mins

Coming into class and beginning to write down the Vitamin and answer the trivia question.

Music Vitamin Trivia Question

Lesson Body Direct Instruction

1. Go over Irving/Sleepy Hollow Background PPT and have a short discussion. Tell students to take notes throughout. 2. Pass out the story to students.

20 mins

Guided Practice

Independent Practice

Extended Practice Lesson Closing

1. Split the class into five groups of four. Each group will be assigned half a page of the first 3 pages. They should skim their paragraphs as a group, looking only for words they do not understand. They should look these up in a dictionary or deduce the meaning by talking together. 2. Now, come back together as a class. Have students read aloud by group, pausing at the words they looked up so they can define it for the rest of the class. Alternatively, read out loud to the students and have them raise their hand when you read a word theyve looked up. 1. With any time left in class, students should continue reading the story silently, annotating it and looking up words as necessary. 2. Meet with students to talk about late work/missing assignments. 1. Students should get through page 10 by Monday. 1. Collect students compare/contrast response to Soft Rains and Usher, if they have not already turned it in.

15-20 mins

5 mins

Taking notes Observing and participating in a dialogue about the presentation. Looking up Observing vocabulary words in groups. Reading along or aloud with the class and contributing to vocabulary help. Reading, Observing looking up words, and annotating. Reading and annotating Turning in assignments Observing Observing

PPT Copies of Sleepy Hollow

Dictionaries Copies of Sleepy Hollow


HW written in board None

LEVELS OF STUDENT OUTCOMES Remember the model of instruction, the instructional setting and the students needs, goals and objectives. All students will listen to, take notes on, and participate All in the presentation and dialogue contextualizing Sleepy Hollow. All students will work in groups to find vocabulary words, and share with the class when we read.

Some Few

Students will be looking up different words some will have the first page, some the second, some the third, etc. A few students will participate more than others in the dialogue during the background presentation. A few will also need more help with vocab so I will give them a sheet to write them down on, and a sheet to turn it to me with questions when we get to difficult words.

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