Sample Moral Theories Quiz Questions-1
Sample Moral Theories Quiz Questions-1
Sample Moral Theories Quiz Questions-1
Moral Theories Quiz #1 SAMPLE QUESTION SHEET (KEY to correct answers is on page 2)
1. Cultural Relativism challenges our belief: A. In God. B. In the objectivity and universality of moral truth C. That cultures differ in their moral codes
2. Rachels argues that there is an independent moral standard that allows moral judgments between cultures. Such a standard must take into account: A. B. C. D. The welfare of the people whose lives are affected. The religious traditions of a culture The Constitution of the United States None of the above.
3. Ethical Subjectivism: A. B. C. D. Places the self-interest of the individual above all other moral values. Denies that the individual is relevant to moral evaluations. Affirms the objectivity of moral truths. Claims that moral opinions are merely sentiments or feelings.
4. Central to the Theory of Natural Law is the idea that: A. B. C. D. Gods law is beyond human knowledge. Everything in nature is rationally ordered and has a purpose. Only scientists can prove which laws are true. None of the above.
5. According to Rachels, when it is claimed that right conduct is right because God
A. This makes the conception of morality mysterious. B. This makes the commands of God to seem arbitrary. C. This conception of morality provides the wrong reasons for moral principles. D. All of the above.
KEY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B A D B D