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Child Development 1 Inequality in early childhood: risk and protective factors for early child development
Susan P Walker, Theodore D Wachs, Sally Grantham-McGregor, Maureen M Black, Charles A Nelson, Sandra L Huffman, Helen Baker-Henningham, Susan M Chang, Jena D Hamadani, Betsy Lozoff, Julie M Meeks Gardner, Christine A Powell, Atif Rahman, Linda Richter

Inequality between and within populations has origins in adverse early experiences. Developmental neuroscience shows how early biological and psychosocial experiences affect brain development. We previously identified inadequate cognitive stimulation, stunting, iodine deficiency, and iron-deficiency anaemia as key risks that prevent millions of young children from attaining their developmental potential. Recent research emphasises the importance of these risks, strengthens the evidence for other risk factors including intrauterine growth restriction, malaria, lead exposure, HIV infection, maternal depression, institutionalisation, and exposure to societal violence, and identifies protective factors such as breastfeeding and maternal education. Evidence on risks resulting from prenatal maternal nutrition, maternal stress, and families affected with HIV is emerging. Interventions are urgently needed to reduce childrens risk exposure and to promote development in affected children. Our goal is to provide information to help the setting of priorities for early child development programmes and policies to benefit the worlds poorest children and reduce persistent inequalities.

Published Online September 23, 2011 DOI:10.1016/S01406736(11)60555-2 See Online/Comment DOI:10.1016/S01406736(11)61450-5 This is the first in a Series of two reports about child development Tropical Medicine Research Institute, The University of the West Indies, Kingston, Jamaica (Prof S P Walker PhD, H Baker-Henningham PhD, S M Chang PhD, C A Powell PhD); Department of Psychological Sciences, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA (Prof T D Wachs PhD); Institute of Child Health, London, UK (Prof S Grantham-McGregor MD); Department of Pediatrics, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA (Prof M M Black PhD); Childrens Hospital Boston/Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA (Prof C A Nelson PhD); Department of Nutrition, University of California, Davis, CA, USA (S L Huffman ScD); Child Development Unit, ICDDR,B, Dhaka, Bangladesh (J D Hamadani PhD); Center for Human Growth and Development, Department of Pediatrics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA (Prof B Lozoff MD); Caribbean Child Development Centre, The University of the West Indies, Open Campus, Jamaica (Prof J M Meeks Gardner PhD); Institute of Psychology, Health, and Society, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK (Prof A Rahman PhD); and Human Sciences Research Council & University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa (Prof L Richter PhD)

In a 2007 Series in The Lancet we estimated that more than 200 million children younger than 5 years from low-income and middle-income countries were not attaining their developmental potential, primarily because of poverty, nutritional deficiencies, and inadequate learning opportunities.1,2 Economic recession and climate change will probably increase the number of children affected.3,4 Biological and psychosocial risk factors associated with poverty lead to inequalities in early child development, which undermine educational attainment and adult productivity, thereby perpetuating the poverty cycle.5 In this Series, we review new evidence on the mechanisms and
Key messages Exposure to biological and psychosocial risks affects the developing brain and compromises the development of children Inequalities in child development begin prenatally and in the first years of life With cumulative exposure to developmental risks, disparities widen and trajectories become more firmly established Reducing inequalities requires early integrated interventions that target the many risks to which children in a particular setting are exposed The most effective and cost-efficient time to prevent inequalities is early in life before trajectories have been firmly established Action or lack of action will have lifetime consequences for adult functioning, for the care of the next generation, and for the wellbeing of societies

causes of developmental inequality and economic implications and strategies to promote early child development. In this report we summarise evidence from developmental neuroscience on how experiences in early life affect the structure and functioning of the brain, and subsequent child development. We review evidence on risks and protective factors for development, updating evidence on previously identified risks (panel 1),1 and highlight risks not previously identified. Our focus is on modifiable risks that affect large numbers of children younger than 5 years in lowincome and middle-income countries.
Search strategy and selection criteria We searched relevant databases (eg, PubMed, PsychInfo, Cochrane Review) with multiple search terms for articles published since 2005. The search terms we used were linked to each of the risk or protective factors: child development, child behaviour, infant behaviour, cognition, social, emotional, intelligence, language, and motor development. We searched citation lists of articles retrieved and review articles published since the last Series for further references. We included earlier key publications in which the risk or protective factor was not reviewed in the previous Series. We include only risk and protective factors that can be modified by interventions or public policy and which affect large numbers of children younger than 5 years in low-income and middle-income countries. We consider exposures in utero to age 5 years and focus on research done in low-income and middle-income countries. Although many of the risk and protective factors we considered are also relevant to childrens health outcomes, we focus on childrens cognitive, motor, and socialemotional development. Published online September 23, 2011 DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(11)60555-2


Corresponence to: Prof Susan P Walker, Tropical Medicine Research Institute, Epidemiology Research Unit, The University of the West Indies, Mona, Kingston, 7, Jamaica susan.walker@uwimona.

Panel 1: Previously identified priority risk factors Key risks: inadequate cognitive stimulation, linear growth retardation (stunting), iodine deficiency, and iron-deficiency anaemia Other priority risks: intrauterine growth restriction, malaria, lead exposure, maternal depressive symptoms, and exposure to violence

Risk, stress, and brain development

The foundations of brain architecture are laid down early in life through dynamic interactions of genetic, biological, and psychosocial influences, and child behaviour. Biological and psychosocial influences affect the timing and pattern of genetic expression, which can alter brain structure and function,6 and behaviour.7 Through bidirectional effects, childrens behaviour affects brain development directly and by modifying the effects of biological and psychosocial influences.8 Childhood risks associated with poverty, such as lack of stimulation or excessive stress, affect brain development, result in dysregulation of the hypothalamicpituitary adrenocortical system,9 and change electrical activity of the brain related to efficiency of cognitive processing.10 The influence of risks can begin prenatally because the fetal brain can be influenced by exogenous factors that produce maternal stress.11 At present there is insufficient evidence from research in human beings to establish if the effects on hypothalamicpituitaryadrenocortical regulation are reversible.12 Three translational processes influence how risk factors and stress affect brain and behavioural development: the extent and nature of deficits depend on timing, co-occurring and cumulative influences, and differential reactivity (figure 1 and table 1). Risks often co-occur and persist, leading to exposure to multiple and cumulative risks. For example, maternal depression increases risk of low birthweight (LBW; additional references in webappendix pp 15), stunting,13 and insecure attachment.14 Because of differential reactivity, the effect of risks on behaviour might vary by individual or environmental characteristics.

See Online for webappendix

Maternal nutrition
There is maternal undernutrition (body-mass index <185 kg/m) in 1019% of women in most low-income and middle-income countries, with higher prevalence in sub-Saharan Africa and south Asia. Maternal prepregnancy body-mass index and weight gain during pregnancy predict birthweight, and balanced energy protein supplementation benefits birthweight and reduces births that are small for their gestational age. However, there is little information on associations between maternal nutritional status and child development. Pre-pregnancy weight and weight gain in Jamaican women that were mostly adequately nourished were not

associated with child cognition at age 7 years.15 In Bangladesh, infants of undernourished mothers had poorer problem-solving ability at 7 months,16 and ability was better in infants of mothers given food supplements early rather than later in pregnancy. By age 18 months, no effects of maternal undernutrition or supplementation were identified.17 Analyses of the Dutch (194445) and Chinese (195961) famines suggest that prenatal nutritional deficits might have long-term effects on adult mental health. There is a need for research on the effect of food supplementation before and during pregnancy on child development. About 42% of pregnant women in low-income and middle-income countries are anaemic, and, of these, 60% are iron deficient; however, there is little information on perinatal iron deficiency and child development. Lower maternal haemoglobin and neonatal ferritin predicted lower intra-individual variability in temperament-like behaviours in Peruvian infants that suggested diminished responsiveness.18 In South Africa, maternal irondeficiency anaemia at 610 weeks post partum was associated with lower maternal sensitivity and child responsiveness.19 Although both disorders improved after treatment with iron, infant development was delayed at age 9 months.20 Meta-analyses of 12 randomised controlled trials from low-income and middle-income countries show that supplementation with multiple micronutrients in pregnancy leads to increased birthweight. Trials of supplementation with multiple micronutrients during pregnancy in Bangladesh and in pregnant women in Tanzania infected with HIV suggest small benefits to infants motor development,16,21 and to mental development in China,22 compared with iron and folic acid alone. In Peru, zinc supplementation during pregnancy had no effect on childrens cognitive, social, or behavioural development at ages 45 years.23 In Nepal, children whose mothers received iron and folate during pregnancy had better intelligence quotient (IQ), executive, and motor functioning than the placebo group at ages 79 years;24 provision of multiple micronutrients or iron plus folate plus zinc had no benefits, possibly because of zinc inhibition of iron absorption. Inadequate intakes of 3 fatty acids (including -linoleic acid, docosahexaenoic acid [DHA], eicosapentaenoic acid) have been reported in pregnant women in some low-income and middle-income countries. In highincome countries, trials of fish oil, DHA, or DHA and eicosapentaenoic acid showed that infants born to supplemented mothers had improvements in visual acuity,25 attention,26 and aspects of cognitive performance.27 Supplementation with 3 fatty acids and micronutrients benefited birthweight and length and reduced very early preterm births in Chile. In Mexico, supplementation with 3 fatty acids benefited birthweight and head size in primigravid women only. Information is needed on possible benefits to infant development. Published online September 23, 2011 DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(11)60555-2


Infant and child nutrition

In low-income and middle-income countries, 16% of births are LBW with rates as great as 27% in south Asia, most of these births being intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR)-LBW. A Guatemalan study28 showed associations between birth size adjusted for gestational age and development at 6 and 24 months, supporting earlier conclusions that IUGR is associated with early developmental risk.1 Evidence for longer-term effects of IUGR is less consistent. Significant effects of birthweight unadjusted for gestational age were identified on IQ at age 5 years29 and on highest school grade achieved.30 However, contributions of prematurity cannot be estimated. No significant differences were identified between term LBW and normal birthweight children in IQ or parentreported behaviour at 6 years in Jamaica,31 or at 8 years in Brazil,32 and no difference in self-reported behaviour at 12 years in South Africa.33 By contrast, a large study in Taiwan34 reported significant small deficits in academic achievement of term LBW at 15 years. More evidence is needed on long-term effects of IUGR in low-income and middle-income countries on IQ, and specific cognitive and social skills. About 39% of infants aged 06 months in low-income and middle-income countries are exclusively breastfed, with wide variations in duration of exclusive breastfeeding between countries. In a large cluster-randomised trial in Belarus,35 clinics were assigned to breastfeeding promotion or usual care. Intervention increased exclusive breastfeeding at 3 months and any breastfeeding up to 12 months. At age 65 years, intervention children had significantly higher scores on verbal and full-scale IQ and teacher ratings for reading and writing. No benefits were identified for child behaviour.36 In Brazil, boys breastfed for at least 9 months attained 0508 school grades more by 18 years than boys breastfed for less than 1 month. Regression of grade level attained on adult income in this population suggests this difference corresponds to a 1015% difference in income.37 These findings strengthen the evidence for benefits of breastfeeding to development and educational attainment. In high-income countries, formula-fed infants given DHA supplemented formula had better visual acuity, with greater benefits for preterm infants. There is little information on essential fatty-acid intake or the developmental effect in infants and children from low-income and middle-income countries. In Turkey, improvements in brainstem auditory evoked potentials were noted in infants randomly assigned to receive DHA-supplemented formula compared with infants receiving non-supplemented formula.38 Consumption of complementary foods fortified with micronutrients and essential fatty acids was associated with improved motor development in Ghana and China.39,40 Although it is unclear which nutrients were responsible for the benefits, supplementation with essential fatty acids and micronutrients resulted in earlier

Risks (C) Translational processes: timing, dose, dierential reactivity (A) (B) (C)

Family poverty

CNS, neurotransmitters, stress-linked autonomic and hormonal endocrine systems

Child developmental inequalities

Protective factors

Figure 1: Pathways linking poverty to developmental inequities (A) Timing, dose, and differential reactivity influence how individual exposure to risk and protective factors translate into individual differences in brain function and structure. (B) Brain structure and function influence the degree of differential reactivity shown. (C) Timing and dose of exposure, and differential reactivity moderate the effect of risk and protective factors upon child development. Examples* The infantcaregiver relationship depends on the Timing: extrinsic and environmental influences quality and availability of caregiving early in life, have maximum effect on brain and behavioural development during specific ages (sensitive periods) the same period that is sensitive to the effect of iron deficiency on myelination and density of dopamine receptors Co-occurring or cumulative influences (dose): risk and protective factors that cumulate during a sensitive period or over time are potent adverse (risk) or facilitative (protective) influences on biological and behavioural development When stress is cumulative or severe, the risk of adverse long-term physiological and behavioural consequences is substantially increased; early cumulative exposure to stress might compromise childrens ability to benefit from supportive environments, or increase their susceptibility to later stressors Reactivity to risks varies depending on the presence or absence of specific alleles, child characteristics such as temperament, and contextual characteristics such as social support

Differential reactivity: the effect of risk and protective factors on brain and behavioural development can be moderated by child and contextual characteristics
*References in the webappendix p 1.

Table 1: Translational processes underlying the effect of risk exposure on brain and behavioural development

walking compared with micronutrients alone;39 however, the groups also differed in energy intake. Linear growth retardation or stunting is estimated to affect 34% of children younger than 5 years in low-income and middle-income countries. Consistent with previous evidence, new longitudinal studies from Brazil, India, Peru, and Vietnam show associations between early height-for-age and cognitive or language ability at 5 years. Height before 6 years was related to age at school enrolment and grades attained by late adolescence in Zimbabwe.41 New information also extends the long-term outcomes associated with stunting, including reduced likelihood of formal employment at age 2022 years in the Philippines42 and poorer psychological functioning in Jamaican adolescents.43 Timing of growth faltering seems important. In Guatemala, growth and development were related up to age 24 months but not from 24 to 36 months.28 Pooled analyses of five longitudinal studies identified that a 1 SD increase in weight gain from birth to 24 months was associated with increased schooling (043 years) and inversely related to grade failures, whereas growth from
3 Published online September 23, 2011 DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(11)60555-2


2 to 4 years had little affect.30 Duration might also change the effect because Peruvian children stunted at age 618 months, but not at 456 years, did not differ from children who were not stunted at either age in vocabulary and quantitative test scores at 456 years. Children stunted at both ages had significantly lower scores. The timing of catch-up growth is unknown and might have happened within the first 2 years of life.44 Previous randomised controlled trials of macronutrient supplementation to promote better growth consistently showed concurrent developmental benefits.1 Follow-up of a cluster-randomised trial in Guatemala showed benefits to reading comprehension and reasoning at 2542 years in participants supplemented from birth to 24 months, but not those supplemented later.45 Men supplemented throughout the first 3 years earned higher hourly wages.46 These findings highlight the importance of adequate nutrition early in life. Several studies reported previously unrecognised behavioural or neurophysiological alterations with irondeficiency anaemia in infancy (webappendix pp 928). Studies in Chile, India, and Mexico identified electrophysiological evidence of delayed brain maturation in infants with iron-deficiency anaemia. Sleep duration improved with iron plus folic acid or zinc supplementation, but not both, in trials in Zanzibar and Nepal.47 However, sleep-state organisation was altered in Chilean children aged 4 years despite treatment for iron-deficiency anaemia in infancy.48 Additional evidence from studies in Chile, India, Mexico, and Zanzibar showed poorer cognitive, motor, and socialemotional development associated with iron-deficiency anaemia in infancy, or the preschool period. Socialemotional development improved in Chilean infants with iron-deficiency anaemia who received home visitation to promote development, but remained lower than that of non-anaemic infants. Without home visitation socialemotional development declined in infants with iron-deficiency anaemia.49 Costa Rican adolescents who had chronic, severe iron deficiency with or without anaemia in infancy showed no catch-up in motor development despite iron therapy in infancy,50 poorer executive functioning and recognition memory at age 19 years,51 and more internalising and externalising behaviour problems in childhood and adolescence.52 A study of fortification of complementary feeding in China noted infants whose anaemia did not correct within 6 months had lower IQ at age 6 years than those whose anaemia resolved.40 In addition to iron, many other micronutrients are deficient in children in low-income and middle-income countries including zinc, vitamins A, B12, D, E, riboflavin, and iodine in some regions. Six randomised and one non-randomised trial of supplementation with multiple micronutrients or fortification included three or more micronutrients and assessed development in children younger than 5 years (webappendix pp 2937). Five of seven studies showed benefits to motor development.

Studies from Bangladesh and India assessing mental development did not identify any benefits,53,54 and one from China identified small benefits for mental development at 24 months and for IQ at 6 years.40 There are insufficient data to establish whether supplementation with multiple micronutrients is more effective than iron alone in improving development.

Infectious diseases
Previous evidence of the effect of diarrhoea on child development was inconclusive. Additional studies in Brazil noted associations between the number of diarrhoea episodes before age 2 years, late school entry,55 deficits in semantic fluency, and verbal learning,56 adjusting for socioeconomic status and present nutritional status. Adjustment for stunting before age 2 attenuates the association between diarrhoea and intellectual performance.29 A multicountry study showed that each episode of diarrhoea in the first 2 years of life contributes to stunting,57 suggesting that associations between diarrhoea early in life and school-age performance might be through the same processes that cause stunting. 12 billion people are at risk of malaria, with children younger than 5 years at greatest risk. Cerebral or severe malaria can have serious neurological sequelae including seizures, and language and cognitive deficits.1,58 In Uganda, cognitive training interventions improved the function of affected children.59 New evidence suggests that repeated uncomplicated attacks and asymptomatic parasitaemia (experienced by millions of children annually) also affect childrens development. In a cross-country analysis controlling for education quality and other confounders, grade repetition and primary school completion rates were related to malaria exposure.60 Longitudinal studies with schoolaged children from Brazil and Mali have shown associations between attacks of clinical malaria or asymptomatic parasitaemia and poorer cognitive scores and academic performance. Randomised clinical trials of chemoprophylaxis in schoolchildren showed significant benefits to language, mathematics, and attendance in Sri Lanka,61 and to attention in Kenya.62 There are fewer studies with children younger than 5 years. A history of malaria attacks was associated with poorer cognitive function at school entry in Sri Lanka,63 and there were inconsistent associations between parasitaemia and activity and exploration in toddlers in Zanzibar.64 Chemoprophylaxis in young children in The Gambia had later benefits for grades attained65 but not cognitive function, although duration of intervention was related to cognitive function. Although most data come from studies of school-aged children, malaria attacks are more common and severe in younger children, and cognitive effects might be worse. Despite progress in control programmes, in 18 African countries surveyed only 23% of children younger than 5 years and Published online September 23, 2011 DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(11)60555-2


27% of pregnant women were sleeping under insecticidetreated nets. Most studies investigating other parasitic infections and child cognitive or socialemotional performance involve school-age children. The few studies with young children are inconclusive.1 Although one additional study from Brazil29 showed an association between the number of parasitic infections at 13 years and lower IQ at 5 years, findings were not significant after covariate control. Evidence is insufficient to establish if early parasitic infections affect child development. An estimated 21 million children younger than 15 years are living with HIV; however, only 28% of children in low-income and middle-income countries who need antiretroviral drugs receive them. HIV infection affects brain development, leading to cognitive impairments.66 Detrimental effects of HIV infection on neurocognitive development were identified in 36 of 43 studies from low-income, middle-income, and highincome countries.67 We summarise in the webappendix (pp 3337) studies of the development of children younger than 5 years infected with HIV from low-income and middle-income countries. Compared with uninfected children, children infected with HIV had significantly lower motor and mental development scores in most studies. Effects are accentuated by associated illnesses, poor nutritional status, and adverse living conditions, including caregiver stress, illness, and death (cooccurrence or cumulative influences). In US studies, highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has led to reduced rates of progressive HIV encephalopathy68 and some benefits to development.69 Cognitive function did not change after short-term treatment (6 months) in South African children;70 however, benefits to motor and cognitive development were noted after 1 year in the Democratic Republic of the Congo with greater benefits in younger children.71 There is an urgent need for increased access to treatment for infected children in low-income and middle-income countries and further assessment of the effect of early treatment on development. Cognitive and motor deficits have been reported in HIV-exposed uninfected children in low-income and middle-income countries including the Democratic Republic of the Congo72 and Thailand.73 However, covarying risks such as family poverty and non-parental caregivers were also increased and other studies have not identified deficits (webappendix pp 3337). Many uninfected children are affected by parental HIV, which can increase exposure to developmental risks such as poverty,74 disrupted caregiving,75 and abandonment.76 In South Africa, young children in affected households with caregiver illness or death were at risk for bullying, mental health problems,77 and abuse,74 and in Rwanda for emotional and behavioural problems.78 The restricted financial and social support available to non-parental caregivers further challenges the wellbeing of orphans.79

Environmental toxins
Children might be exposed to environmental toxins prenatallythrough maternal exposureand postnatallythrough breastmilk, food, water, house dust, or soil. We previously identified lead as a risk factor for young children from low-income and middle-income countries.1 Recent evidence from Poland has shown that prenatal exposure to very low concentrations of lead (<5 g/dL) can result in poor mental development in young children.80 Evidence from low-income and middle-income countries on the effect of other toxins on early child development is inconsistent or sparse (webappendix pp 3839). Evidence from China shows that arsenic exposure can compromise cognition in older children;81 however, studies from Bangladesh have not identified significant associations between arsenic exposure and mental development up to age 2 years.17 Prenatal exposure to mercury has been linked to low cognitive performance in infancy and early childhood in Brazil,82 but studies from the Seychelles report weak or inconsistent effects,83 or no effects.84 In Ecuador, prenatal exposure to pesticides was significantly associated with poor communication and motor skills;85 however, associations with later development were weaker,85 or non-significant in Mexico.86 Prenatal exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons was associated with slower language and cognitive development up to age 2 years in China87 and intelligence at age 5 years in Poland.88 Comparison of findings is difficult because of variability in exposure duration, timing, and outcome measures.83 Inconsistent findings might also relate to differential reactivity, in which effects are modified by risk factors, such as low birthweight or malnutrition.85 Alternatively, the effect of toxins might be reduced when exposure is associated with protective influences, such as polyunsaturated fatty acids in mercury contaminated fish, or better health care for children of mothers employed on farms. Further evidence is needed of the effects of toxins on early child development as well as further assessment of interactions with other exposures.

In a survey of disability in 18 low-income and middleincome countries, 23% of children aged 29 years had, or were at risk for, disabilities. Besides being a marker for compromised development, childhood disabilities can reduce access to school or health services, and increase risk of caregiver stress and depression89,90 (webappendix p 40). Studies from south Asia suggest that learning and social integration is also limited by social stigma89 and overprotection by parents.90 Although interventions can promote better function in children with disabilities, few have been assessed in lowincome and middle-income countries. Randomised trials suggest more positive attitudes after interactive group therapy in parents of children with intellectual disabilities
5 Published online September 23, 2011 DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(11)60555-2


in India,91 and benefits from motherchild group intervention or parent training to child development and maternal adaptation for children with cerebral palsy in Bangladesh.92 Quasiexperimental studies of parent-training programmes have shown some benefits to child development and maternal behaviour (webappendix p 40). Evidence on availability of services is scarce but studies from Pakistan and South Africa report that few children receive adequate services.89,93 Identifying barriers to accessing services is an important priority for children with disabilities. Community-based approaches to provision of services are discussed in the second paper in this Series.

Psychosocial factors

Early learning and caregiverchild interaction

Learning opportunities that facilitate early cognitive development include caregiver activities and materials
Sample and intervention Chile49 Children aged 6 and 12 months with iron-deficiency anaemia or who were non-anaemic were randomly assigned to intervention or surveillance groups for 1 year (n=277); infants were given oral iron for 1 year (6-month group) or 6 months (12-month group); surveillance groups received weekly visits to monitor feeding and health, intervention groups received weekly home visits by professional educators to promote development through improving the motherchild relationship Women recruited in late pregnancy from two periurban settlements; randomly assigned to intervention (n=220) or control group (n=229); caregivers were taught in a home stimulation programme to encourage sensitive, responsive interactions with infant, sensitise mother to her infants abilities; 16 visits antenatal to 5 months 100 families with a child younger than 2 years from seven randomly selected villages; families randomly allocated to intervention (n=50) or control (n=50) groups; intervention was two 3060 min counselling sessions with the WHO Care for Development guidelines, one on enrolment and one within 6 months; mothers were given a card with age-specific messages; counselling sessions included demonstration of play activities and practice, discussion of obstacles to implementation and problem solving 800 infants admitted to special-care nursery randomly assigned to intervention or control groups; 27% preterm, 50% LBW; 665 infants tested at 1 year, 735 at 2 years; mothers trained individually and in groups to give stimulation and to continue at home; compliance assessed at monthly home visits; intervention given for 1 year 122 HIV-positive children aged <30 months randomly assigned to intervention or control groups (institutionalised children excluded); caregivers taught through home stimulation programmes individualised for their child at usual clinic visit every 3 months; structured around daily activities and developmentally appropriate play; caregivers given a picture book and asked to spend time with child looking at and talking about pictures daily Five inner-city preschools randomly assigned to intervention or control; children aged 35 years nominated by their teacher as having a behaviour difficulty were assessed (intervention n=69, control=66); intervention based on Incredible Years teacher training programme (seven full-day teacher workshops and monthly classroom consultations) and 14 child lessons on social and emotional skills in each class; control schools received educational materials only Findings

that promote age-appropriate language and problemsolving skills. Caregiverchild interactions that facilitate early socialemotional development include caregiver positive emotionality, sensitivity, and responsiveness toward the child, and avoidance of harsh physical punishment. Lack of early learning opportunities and appropriate caregiverchild interactions contribute to loss of developmental potential.1 We review new studies that assess the effect of interventions to increase learning opportunities and improve caregiverchild interaction (table 2 and webappendix pp 4145). The second paper in the Series discusses the effectiveness of interventions that are, or could be, implemented at scale. Studies from Bangladesh, China, India, and South Africa have shown that interventions to enhance motherchild interactions and increase developmentally facilitative activities benefit cognitive development when delivered through home visits,98 individual parent
Comments No difference in cognitive and motor scores between infants with iron-deficiency anaemia and non-anaemic infants at baseline; infants with iron-deficiency anaemia had lower scores than non-anaemic infants on socioemotional development; no intervention benefits to non-anaemic infants

Significant benefit of intervention to cognitive and socialemotional scores of infants with iron-deficiency anaemia; intervention group of infants with irondeficiency anaemia did not differ from non-anaemic infants in cognitive and motor trajectories, but their socialemotional development was delayed; in surveillance group infants with iron-deficiency anaemia socialemotional behaviour declined

South Africa14

Intervention mothers more sensitive and less intrusive Maternal sensitivity not significantly associated with infant attachment at 6 and 12 months (d=024026); infants more securely attached at 18 months


Significant benefits after 6 months to Gesell quotients in adaptive (d=049), language (d=052), and social (d=017) development; no benefits to motor development

Childrens group not masked from tester; not clear where sessions were done but seems first was at health centre and second at home


Benefits to Bayley mental developmental index and psychomotor developmental index scores at 1 year (effect size mental developmental index 038, psychomotor developmental index 040); effect size at 2 about half that at 1 year; benefits for VLBW, LBW, and NBW infants Significant improvement after 12 months in intervention group compared with control in Bayley mental developmental index (d=027) and psychomotor developmental index (d=019)

Number of training sessions for mothers not given; not clear if intervention was reinforced at home visits or only monitored compliance

South Africa96

Severe developmental delay in both groups; despite improvement, intervention group remained severely delayed


Intervention children had reduced conduct problems (d=026), hyperactivity (d=036), and peer problems (d=071) by teacher report; no significant benefits to prosocial behaviour or emotional problems

Small sample size and small number of schools

d=effect size, Cohens d. LBW=low birthweight. VLBW=very low birthweight. NBW=normal birthweight.

Table 2: Effects of early interventions on cognitive and socialemotional development Published online September 23, 2011 DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(11)60555-2


counselling delivered at health centres,94,96 or combined approaches.95 Benefits have been shown in children with risk conditions such as severe malnutrition,98 LBW,95 iron-deficiency anaemia,49 or HIV infection.96 Group parenting education benefited mental development in one of three studies (webappendix p 4145). In Chile and South Africa, early interventions to improve motherchild interaction promoted attachment14 and socialemotional development,49 although gains were not identified in Bangladesh.98 A preschool intervention in Jamaica to promote socialemotional development reduced child-behaviour problems.97 Sustained intervention benefits to cognitive function at age 18 years have previously been reported.1 Studies from Jamaica and Turkey show benefits to college attendance,99 psychological functioning,100 and cognition and behaviour at age 6 years.31

and South Africa, interventions delivered by community health workers have reduced maternal depressive symptoms,12,102 and improved maternal sensitivity and infant attachment,14 infant health, and time spent playing with infants.102 Evidence that symptoms of maternal depression can be effectively treated in lowincome and middle-income countries, often with restricted resources and community health workers, emphasises the need for early identification and community programmes to reduce the risk of adverse consequences for mothers and children.

Exposure to violence
Estimates suggest that 300 million children younger than 5 years have been exposed to societal violence. New studies further show the adverse consequences of exposure to violence in young children (webappendix p 47). Although domestic violence and child abuse happen in countries of all incomes, we focus here on societal or community violence that might be particularly common in low-income and middle-income countries. Young children exposed to societal violence show insecure attachments,103 increased risk of behaviour problems,104 reduced levels of prosocial behaviour, and increased aggressive behaviour.105 The adverse consequences might result from disruptions to family structure and function106 that compromise the adequacy of maternal childrearing skills,103 and reduce childrens ability to regulate their own emotions.105 Studies from Israel and Palestine identified intervention strategies that can reduce stress reactions for young children.107,108 The effect of exposure to violence can be reduced by supportive parental reactions and positive family routines; however, violence can disrupt the quality of parenting, thereby reducing families ability to protect young children exposed to violence.107
Clinical implications Reduced brain metabolism has several underlying causes; might be important to assess head growth after adoption Although individuals vary, structural findings such as enlarged amygdala tend to correlate with reduced eye contact and perhaps emotional difficulties; screening for quasi-autism or anxiety symptoms might be indicated Dysregulation of the hypothalamicpituitary adrenocortical axis might affect stress response and emotional regulation; it might be advisable to encourage or help parents, care providers, and teachers to teach skills in regulating emotions and strategies to manage stress

Maternal depression
A recent study from Bangladesh provides further evidence of the high incidence of maternal depressive symptoms in many low-income and middle-income countries. Maternal depressive symptoms are negatively associated with early child development and quality of parenting across different cultures and socioeconomic groups.101 In Bangladesh, maternal depressive symptoms were associated with infant stunting, perhaps related to unresponsive caregiving13 (webappendix p 46). Risk factors for maternal depression, such as poverty, low education, high stress, lack of empowerment, and poor social support101 are also risk factors for poor child development, suggesting that the relation between maternal depression and compromised early child development is multilevel and cumulative. Availability of mental health care is restricted in many low-income and middle-income countries. In Pakistan
Sample and method Metabolic function Romanian children institutionalised early in life, adopted, and followed up at mean age of 88 years Romanian children institutionalised early in life, adopted, and followed up at adolescence Cohort of internationally adopted children Findings

PET scan revealed significantly reduced brain metabolism in the prefrontal cortex and temporal lobe, compared with non-institutionalised children MRI scans showed significantly reduced grey-matter and white-matter volume and an enlarged amygdala, compared with non-institutionalised children Children adopted from poor institutional care might exhibit raised cortisol concentrations years after adoption

Brain structure

Brain neurochemistry

Brain electrophysiology Bucharest Early Intervention Project, a randomised controlled trial of foster care as an intervention for early institutionalisation
References in the webappendix p 4.

Institutionalised children showed reduced See metabolic function amplitude in event related potential components, compared with non-institutionalised children

Table 3: Neural consequences of institutionalisation Published online September 23, 2011 DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(11)60555-2


Panel 2: Protective mechanisms associated with more maternal education* Less maternal depression Lower risk of maternal depression and non-depressed mothers provide a more optimum rearing environment for their children Child nutritional status Infants and young children with better nutritional status Quality of child-rearing environment Greater knowledge about child development More likely to use developmentally appropriate child-rearing strategies and provide more stimulating home environments Possess a wider variety of child-rearing strategies More sensitive to individual differences in childrens developmental trajectories Have higher educational aspirations for their children Ability to access and benefit from interventions More likely to make use of available intervention services; are more likely to be involved in and comply with intervention programmes Better able to comprehend intervention material (eg, growth charts) Have greater recall of intervention material
References in the webappendix pp 45. *Maternal education is a unique protective factor, even after adjusting for family economics.123

At least 2 million children are institutionalised in nonparental-group residential care. This is probably an underestimate because of under-reporting and lack of information for some regions. Use of orphanages and other institutional care seems to be increasing. Although childrens response to institutionalisation varies, many show long-term developmental deficits.109 Institutional rearing starting early in life increases childrens risk for adverse outcomes including poor growth, ill-health, attachment disorders, attention disorders, poor cognitive function, anxiety, and autistic-like behaviour109,110 (webappendix p 48). Recent studies of institutionalised children show the effect of early experiences on brain development. Institutional rearing has been associated with reduced metabolism in the temporal and frontal cortices, reductions in white-matter connectivity, reductions in brain electrical activity, dysregulation of the hypothalamicpituitaryadrenocortical system, and changes in brain volume (particularly the amygdala; table 3 and webappendix p 48). Illustrating the translational processes of timing and cumulative exposure (table 1), children experiencing longer institutional placement show larger reductions in left amygdala volume111 and greater dysregulation of the hypothalamicpituitaryadrenocortical axis,112 whereas children adopted from institutions before the second year of life have more normalised amygdala volume113 and brain electrical activity.114 Adverse neural consequences underlie the behavioural sequelae of early institutionalisation.115 Improving the institutional environment (eg, training staff in sensitive responsive caregiving; increasing caregiver stability and the caregiver-to-child ratio) results in significant benefits to child cognitive and social emotional competence.116 Foster placement and adoption are preferable alternatives to institutionalisation,109,117 particularly if foster and adoptive families receive adequate support.

Optimum Behavioural competence trajectories

Optimum Recovery Below potential

Protective > risk factors

Reduction in risk factors, increase in protective factors, or intervention during a sensitive period

Protective influences
Protective factors attenuate adverse consequences of risk factors. Although risk and protective factors are conceptually distinct, many protective factors are the inverse of risk factors (eg, insecure attachment vs secure attachment). Studies in high-income countries have identified biological, psychosocial, and behavioural protective factors for young children, but there are few studies from low-income and middle-income countries. The protective effects of breastfeeding and early cognitive and socialemotional stimulation were reviewed in previous sections. Maternal education also can act as a protective factor, reducing child mortality and promoting early child development (webappendix pp 4950). Young children of educated mothers have higher levels of cognitive development than children of less educated mothers.118120 Similarly, high-risk infants121 and young

Brain function

Below potential

Risk factors > protective factors Prenatal Birth Early childhood Age Adolescence Adulthood

Figure 2: Differing trajectories of brain and behavioural development as a function of exposure to risk and protective factors The cumulative effect is illustrated by the progressive strengthening (darker lines) of the trajectories over time. Published online September 23, 2011 DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(11)60555-2


children122 show better developmental trajectories when their mothers have higher levels of education. In panel 2 we show the protective mechanisms linking maternal education and early child development. Children of less-educated mothers are likely to have greater exposure to developmental risks and less access to interventions than children of more-educated mothers, suggesting that low maternal education identifies families in need of intervention.118 However, poorly educated women might benefit less from participation in parent-focused programmes than better-educated women124 (differential reactivity), emphasising the need
Recent evidence Risk factors Inadequate stimulation and opportunities for learning Stunting (linear growth retardation) Iodine deficiency Iron-deficiency anaemia

for strategies to increase their participation and learning in early child-development interventions.

Major advances in neuroscience show how exposure to biological and psychosocial risk factors, prenatally and during early childhood, affects brain structure and function and compromises childrens development and subsequent developmental trajectory. We summarise in figure 2 how risk and protective factors encountered before age 5 years compromise childrens development. The greater the exposure to cumulative risks the greater
Implications Need for effective strategies for scaling up of programmes that promote early stimulation and learning opportunities and integration with health and nutrition services for young children Results further emphasise the importance of adequate nutrition in the first 2 years; stimulation should be an integral part of intervention for stunted children Need for continued attention to expanding and ensuring quality control of fortification programmes Results emphasise the importance of prevention of iron deficiency early in life IUGR infants likely to benefit from early interventions to promote development; need for increased strategies to reduce IUGR including better maternal nutrition Need for expansion of prevention programmes (eg, insecticide-treated bednets)

Increased evidence of intervention benefits for socialemotional outcomes (ES* 024071) and further evidence of benefits to cognitive outcomes (ES 027085; table 2 and webappendix pp 4145)

Evidence of effect on ability at age 5 years (ES 02 for stunting at age 1 year) and long-term outcomes such as educational attainment, increased formal employment (ES 02 for 1 SD change in height for age at age 2) and psychological functioning (ES 0405 comparing stunted and non-stunted) We did not discuss this in view of previous conclusive findings;1 for recent supporting studies see webappendix p 51 Evidence for neurophysiological changes and neural mechanisms leading to developmental deficits; ES medium to large; increased evidence of long-term cognitive and behavioural effects of early iron-deficiency anaemia; ES small to large (webappendix pp 928) Consistent evidence for lower developmental levels in early childhood; evidence for long-term effects mixed (ES 019031) Increased evidence for long-term deficits due to cerebral and severe malaria; less information for children younger than 5 years but longitudinal studies suggest uncomplicated attacks are associated with reduced ability at school entry (reading and language one to four attacks ES037047; greater than four attacks 057092) and fewer attacks with better subsequent educational achievement (ES 022062) Evidence for adverse effects of low concentrations of prenatal exposure for child development (ES 019027) Further evidence for adverse effects of maternal depressive symptoms on early child development and quality of parenting; community-based interventions with para-professionals effective in reducing depressive symptoms (ES 021062)



Lead exposure Maternal depression

Continued attention to prevention of exposure to lead (eg, through removal of lead in paint, gasoline) Increased emphasis on early identification of women who are depressed; programmes to reduce maternal depressive symptoms and reduce risks for depression will probably benefit early child development

Exposure to violence

Exposure to violence detrimentally affects socialemotional development of young children (ES medium Need for interventions that can strengthen families to large) and compromises primary caregiver child-rearing capabilities; some evidence that interventions exposed to societal violence and help caregivers reduce effect of exposure on young children can reduce stress reactions in young children (ES 056091) Substantial evidence that development of infected children is delayed (ES usually medium to large; webappendix pp 3337); US studies show developmental benefits from HAART, less evidence from low-income and middle-income countries; affected children might also have cognitive deficits and mental health problems Recent evidence has documented adverse neural, cognitive, and behavioural effects for institutionalised children (ES for IQ 110, compared with family reared); improving quality of caregiving in institutions benefits cognitive and socialemotional competence (ES 043084) Need for increased coverage with HAART starting children on treatment in the first year of life, and for assessment of effect of treatment on developmental outcomes Strategies are needed to support foster and adoptive families to prevent children being placed in institutions; where children are institutionalised, strategies shown to improve early child development should be implemented Benefits to development add to existing reasons for promotion of breastfeeding Increased emphasis on educating women as part of an overall intervention package; ensure interventions are appropriate for women with little education

HIV infection


Protective factors Breastfeeding Maternal education Stronger evidence for beneficial effects of exclusively breastfed and longer duration of breastfeeding (ES for IQ 038; grades attained 022035) Growing evidence on mechanisms linking maternal education to childrens development (ES medium Cohens h=073 to large Cohens h=082, d=159)

IUGR=intrauterine growth restriction. ES=effect sizes. HAART=highly active antiretroviral therapy. IQ=intelligence quotient. *ES are for studies reviewed in this paper that reported them or with sufficient information to compute; where specific ES are given, these are Cohens d unless otherwise specified (previously reported effect sizes from earlier studies are reported in Walker and colleagues1).Not reported as a high priority risk or protective factor in the previous Series in The Lancet.

Table 4: High priority developmental risk and protective factors Published online September 23, 2011 DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(11)60555-2


Panel 3: Priorities for future research to reduce developmental inequalities in infants and young children from low-income and middle-income countries Maternal nutrition Effect of food supplementation before and during pregnancy on development of infants and young children. Effect of prenatal iron deficiency on postnatal cognitive and socialemotional development. Effect of supplementation with multiple micronutrients in pregnancy on child development by comparison with iron and folic acid alone. Effect of maternal supplementation with 3 fatty acids on infant development. Long-term effects of IUGR on cognitive and socialemotional outcomes. Child nutrition Effect of improving infant intake of essential fatty acids on development. Effect of supplementation with multiple micronutrients on development and comparison with effects of iron only. How to integrate nutrition and psychosocial stimulation programmes at scale. Infections Effect of malaria prevention strategies on early child development. Effect of antiretroviral treatment on cognitive and behavioural outcomes and effect of non-medical interventions to promote development in children infected with HIV. Extent of mental health problems for infants and young children orphaned because of AIDS. Assessment of interventions to support caregivers and promote development of children affected by HIV. Toxins Evidence on effect of toxins is inconsistent possibly because of interactions with other exposures. Longitudinal studies are needed to assess potential moderating variables (eg, nutrition). Disabilities Assessment of the effect of interventions for children with disability and their families. Identification of barriers to accessing general services (eg, primary health care) as well as specialist services. Learning opportunities and stimulation Modification of interventions to facilitate expansion, and assessment of effectiveness of programmes at scale. More evidence on the effect of early interventions on social and emotional development. Maternal depression Assessment of effect of interventions to reduce depressive symptoms on child development and identification of strategies to expand access. Violence Evidence needed on the neural and developmental effect of violence exposure on children younger than 5 years and on effective treatment strategies for young children exposed to violence. Protective factors Need to identify additional protective factors for outcomes related to early child development in low-income and middle-income countries.

the inequality, suggesting that early interventions that prevent inequality are more effective than later interventions, which attempt to remedy cumulative deficits. Risk factors are likely to co-occur, emphasising

the importance of integrated interventions involving the simultaneous reduction of multiple risks. The second paper in the Series discusses integrated interventions. Inequalities in low-income and middle-income countries are established in early childhood and contribute to lifetime differences. Accumulated developmental deficits in early childhood place children on a lower lifetime trajectory with negative implications for adult cognitive and psychological functioning, educational attainment, and subsequent income, thus contributing to continued inequalities in the next generation. In table 4, we list the risk and protective factors with sufficient evidence to be priorities for intervention and summarise the evidence reviewed. Previously identified key risks (inadequate stimulation, stunting, iodine deficiency, iron-deficiency anaemia) remain in need of urgent intervention to prevent the loss of developmental potential in millions of young children. Although there has been recent attention to the effect of early nutrition on development and health,125 substantial progress in improving development is unlikely to be made without also increasing early learning opportunities.126 A metaanalysis of non-US intervention studies127 showed that cognitive benefits were greater when interventions included stimulation or education components compared with those comprising nutrition or economic assistance only. This strengthens the case for integration of stimulation with economic, nutrition, and health interventions. New research strengthens the evidence for prioritisation of interventions to reduce the levels of IUGR, malaria, maternal depression, institutionalisation, and exposure to societal violence and to promote development in affected children. New research also suggests the adverse consequences for children infected with HIV or whose parents are infected. We highlight the importance of protective factors such as breastfeeding and higher maternal education, which can reduce the effect of risks. Knowledge of risk and protective factors can inform priorities for programmes and funding to promote early child development. This knowledge, plus increased understanding of the neural consequences of risks, provides persuasive data for advocacy and the design of early intervention programmes to reduce developmental inequalities. Although effective interventions exist for some identified risks, further research is needed to increase our ability to promote early child development in lowincome and middle-income countries. We list research priorities in panel 3. There has been little progress in some previously identified research priorities (eg, supplementation with multiple micronutrients, prenatal iron deficiency, and exposure to toxins). Additional research questions include the effect of prenatal maternal nutrition and stress on development, assessment of the effect of interventions to reduce maternal depression on child development, and assessment of strategies to reduce the Published online September 23, 2011 DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(11)60555-2


developmental consequences for children affected by violence and for children in families affected by HIV. Research is also needed to develop strategies to include children with disabilities in early child development programmes and provide them with specialist services, and to identify additional protective factors in low-income and middle-income countries. Without the threats of biological and psychosocial risks, and with a caregiving environment that supports cognitive and socialemotional development, children experience healthy brain development that enables them to reach toward their developmental potential. With this strong foundation, they build lifespan developmental trajectories that enable them to benefit from family, community, and educational opportunities (figure 2). Effective interventions to promote early child development in low-income and middle-income countries exist either at scale or are potentially scalable. Interventions to reduce risks and support early child development will yield lifetime gains that contribute to the achievement and sustainability of improved development in the next generation. By investing in early child development programmes, we have an opportunity to break the cycle of inequities that has dominated the lives of millions of children and families in low-income and middle-income countries.
Contributors All authors participated in the review of published work, and drafting and review of the report. SPW and TDW are the lead authors of this report and were responsible for the final draft and the decision to submit for publication. SG-M and MMB provided critical revision of the text. Reviews and drafting of individual topics were as follows: Brain development CAN and TDW; maternal undernutrition SG-M; micronutrients SG-M and MMB; essential fatty acids SLH; IUGR SPW; breastfeeding CAP; stunting SG-M; iron deficiency BL; diarrhoea MMB; malaria SG-M; other parasitic infections TDW; HIV JMM and LR; toxins JDH; disabilities HB-H; early learning opportunities SPW, SMC, and HBH; maternal depression AR; violence JMM and TDW; institutionalisation CAN, SG-M, and LR; and protective factors TDW. The steering committee of the Global Child Development Group coordinated the writing of the report in this Series. Conflicts of interest We declare that we have no conflicts of interest. Acknowledgments We thank Amika Wright for assistance with referencing and Anna Quigg for assistance with figure 2. A meeting of all authors to discuss review findings and coordinate the report was held in Jamaica in December, 2009, with the support of the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), UNICEF, the Bernard van Leer Foundation, and the University of the West Indies. A follow-up steering committee meeting was held in May, 2010, with the support of UNICEF, the Bernard van Leer Foundation, and the Child Health and Nutrition Research Initiative. The sponsors had no role in the design and conduct of the review, interpretation and writing or the decision to submit for publication. HBH was supported by a Wellcome Trust Fellowship (# 080534/Z/06/Z). We thank the Global Child Development Group Secretariat for coordinating the meetings. References 1 Walker SP, Wachs TD, Gardner JM, et al. Child development: risk factors for adverse outcomes in developing countries. Lancet 2007; 369: 14557. 2 Grantham-McGregor S, Cheung YB, Cueto S, Glewwe P, Richter L, Strupp B. Developmental potential in the first 5 years for children in developing countries. Lancet 2007; 369: 6070.

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107 Qouta S, Punamaki RL, El Sarraj E. Child development and family mental health in war and military violence: the Palestinian experience. Int J Behav Dev 2008; 32: 31021. 108 Sadeh A, Hen-Gal S, Tikotzky L. Young childrens reactions to war-related stress: a survey and assessment of an innovative intervention. Pediatrics 2008; 121: 4653. 109 Rutter M, Sonuga-Barke EJ, Beckett C, et al. Deprivation-specific psychological patterns: effects of institutional deprivation. Monogr Soc Res Child Dev 2010; 75: 1252. 110 van IJzendoorn MH, Lujik M, Juffer F. IQ of children growing up in childrens homes a meta-analysis on IQ delays in orphanages. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly 2008; 54: 34166. 111 Mehta MA, Golembo NI, Nosarti C, et al. Amygdala, hippocampal and corpus callosum size following severe early institutional deprivation: the English and Romanian Adoptees study pilot. J Child Psychol Psychiatry 2009; 50: 94351. 112 Fries AB, Shirtcliff EA, Pollak SD. Neuroendocrine dysregulation following early social deprivation in children. Dev Psychobiol 2008; 50: 58899. 113 Tottenham N, Hare TA, Quinn BT, et al. Prolonged institutional rearing is associated with atypically large amygdala volume and difficulties in emotion regulation. Dev Sci 2010; 13: 4661. 114 Marshall PJ, Reeb BC, Fox NA, Nelson CA III, Zeanah CH. Effects of early intervention on EEG power and coherence in previously institutionalized children in Romania. Dev Psychopathol 2008; 20: 86180. 115 Nelson CA, Furtado EA, Fox NA, Zeanah CH. The deprived human brain. Am Sci 2009; 97: 22229. 116 The St PetersburgUSA Orphanage Research Team. The effects of early social-emotional and relationship experience on the development of young orphanage children. Monogr Soc Res Child Dev 2008; 73: 1297. 117 van IJzendoorn MH, Juffer F. The Emanuel Miller Memorial Lecture 2006adoption as intervention: meta-analytic evidence for massive catch-up and plasticity in physical, socio-emotional, and cognitive development. J Child Psychol Psychiatry 2006; 47: 122845.

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14 Published online September 23, 2011 DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(11)60555-2


Child Development 2 Strategies for reducing inequalities and improving developmental outcomes for young children in low-income and middle-income countries
Patrice L Engle, Lia C H Fernald, Harold Alderman, Jere Behrman, Chloe OGara, Aisha Yousafzai, Meena Cabral de Mello, Melissa Hidrobo, Nurper Ulkuer, Ilgi Ertem, Selim Iltus, and the Global Child Development Steering Group

This report is the second in a Series on early child development in low-income and middle-income countries and assesses the effectiveness of early child development interventions, such as parenting support and preschool enrolment. The evidence reviewed suggests that early child development can be improved through these interventions, with effects greater for programmes of higher quality and for the most vulnerable children. Other promising interventions for the promotion of early child development include childrens educational media, interventions with children at high risk, and combining the promotion of early child development with conditional cash transfer programmes. Effective investments in early child development have the potential to reduce inequalities perpetuated by poverty, poor nutrition, and restricted learning opportunities. A simulation model of the potential long-term economic effects of increasing preschool enrolment to 25% or 50% in every low-income and middle-income country showed a benefit-to-cost ratio ranging from 64 to 176, depending on preschool enrolment rate and discount rate.

Published Online September 23, 2011 DOI:10.1016/S01406736(11)60889-1 See Online/Comment DOI:10.1016/S01406736(11)61450-5 This is the second in a Series of two reports about child development Psychology, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA, USA (Prof P L Engle PhD); School of Public Health, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA (L C H Fernald PhD); Development Research Group, The World Bank, Washington, DC, USA (H Alderman PhD); Department of Economics and Department of Sociology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA (Prof J Behrman PhD); The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, Menlo Park, CA, USA (C OGara PhD); Department of Paediatrics and Health, Division of Women and Child Health, Aga Khan University, Karachi, Pakistan (A Yousafzai PhD); World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland (M Cabral de Mello PsyD); International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, USA (M Hidrobo PhD); United Nations Childrens Fund, New York, NY, USA (N Ulkuer PhD); Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ankara, Ankara, Turkey (Prof I Ertem PhD); and Bernard van Leer Foundation, The Hague, Netherlands (S Iltus PhD) Correspondence to: Prof Patrice L Engle, California Polytechnic State University, Psychology, 1 Grand Avenue, San Luis Obispo, CA 93407, USA [email protected]

This report, the second in a Series, assesses the effectiveness of early child development intervention programmes in low-income and middle-income countries, calculates the cost of not investing in early child development, and builds on the 2007 Series in The Lancet on child development.13 The first report4 of the present Series identified social cultural, psychosocial, and biological risk and protective factors that affect child development. The theoretical framework used in both reports, presented in the first figure of the first report, illustrates how childrens developmental trajectories are affected by biological systems and by positive and negative risk and protective factors. The intensity of these effects relates to the developmental periods in which the risk factors happen (timing), the dose or extent of the risks (exposure), and the childs individual reactivity (temperament) to the risk and protective factors. Effective programmes, policies, and other interventions can protect children from the negative consequences of living in poverty.

Children in the highest income quintile in a particular country are more than twice as likely to attend preschool (figure 1) as those in the lowest quintile in the same country, and are also more likely to have higher quality stimulation in the home (figure 2), as measured by Family Care Indicators (methods for both figures described in panel 1). Similarly, children aged 5 years in the highest-income
Key messages Early childhood is the most effective and cost-efficient time to ensure that all children develop their full potential. The returns on investment in early child development are substantial. Reducing inequalities requires integrated interventions early in life that target the many risks to which vulnerable children are exposed. Parenting interventions and centre-based programmes can improve childrens cognitive and socialemotional development and school readiness. Quality in early child development programmes can be maximised through design, curriculum, practise for parents, training for childcare workers, monitoring and assessment, governance, and supervision. Increasing preschool enrolment to 25% or 50% in each low-income and middle-income country would result in a benefit-to-cost ratio ranging from 64 to 176 depending on preschool enrolment rate and discount rate. Unless governments allocate more resources to quality early child development programmes for the poorest people in the population, economic disparities will continue and widen.

Inequalities between and within countries

Social and economic differences, both between and within countries, contribute to inequalities in childrens development. The WHO Commission on the Social Determinants of Health, in a World Health Assembly report,5 highlighted the social injustice of avoidable health inequalities and concluded that social and economic policies addressing early child development can affect whether children develop to their potential or experience a constrained life-course trajectory. Not only are there major differences between countries in preschool attendance by gross national income (GNI), but also within countries. Published online September 23, 2011 DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(11)60889-1


Search strategy and selection criteria In our systematic review, we searched databases including Psychinfo, PubMed, Google Scholar, Global Health, Econ Lit, ISI Web of Science, Academic Search Elite, the World Bank website, the UNICEF Evaluation Database, and the Brookings Institution website, and we used personal contacts to identify unpublished work in both English and Spanish. Our primary search was done between September, 2009, and December, 2010, and we limited our search to papers that had been published since July, 2006, when the previous review was completed. We also included earlier papers that had not been included in the 2007 review. Our goal was to identify assessments of effectiveness interventions and programmes that included psychosocial components such as child stimulation, responsive interaction, early education, or other social investments, usually in combination with health, nutritional, social safety net, or parent educational interventions. Except for the informal searches, the search for published work was done in English, and the terms used in the review for intervention type were parenting, preschool, pre-primary, early learning, stimulation, conditional cash transfer, media, television, Sesame Street, social investment, and educational intervention, and the terms for outcome measures were early child development, cognition, language, behaviour, or socio-emotional development. We only included studies that focused on children aged 05 years that were undertaken in low-income or middle-income countries. We defined selection criteria separately for effectiveness studies and for programme assessments. For effectiveness studies, we included only those with a comparison group that met the criteria for moderate or strong quality of design according to the McMaster University Effective Public Health Practice Project Quality Assessment Tool For Quantitative Studies. These quality ratings were made by at least two of the authors. All studies included in the review had to have either a randomised controlled design at the individual or cluster level, or a cohort analytic design, defined as an observational study design where groups are assembled according to whether or not exposure to the intervention has happened and study groups might be non-equivalent or not comparable on some feature that affects outcome. For a moderate rating, there should have been either initial equivalence of the two groups or statistical controls for at least 80% of potential confounders. Econometric methods acceptable for assessing causality were accepted here also. For programme assessments, the assessments of quality related primarily to meeting accuracy standards, and included reporting valid and reliable data, sound analytic designs and analyses, and explicit and justifiable interpretations and conclusions. 42 efficacy or effectiveness studies and programme assessments met these criteria for all interventions. Studies that were eliminated had small sample sizes (defined as n<50), did not include a psychosocial intervention, focused on children outside of the 05 year age group, had been reviewed in the previous analysis, did not meet the moderate or accurate quality standard for research design, or used outcome measures that were not valid. To be included in our review, studies were required to have been published in a peer-reviewed journal, or be available online as a working paperstudent theses were not included. Although the period of early child development is often defined as lasting until the transition to school (age 8 years) we focus on children aged 05 years, which includes most children in learning programmes before school attendance.

planners are challenged by designing interventions that sustainably improve early child development at scale.9 In our previous review3 we reported that 18 of 20 early child development programmes in low-income and middleincome countries substantially affected early child development, with the largest effects in comprehensive programmes. Other recent reviews,10,11 which included high-income countries, identified benefits from early child development interventions, particularly those incorporating educational or stimulation components. Our present systematic review (see search strategy) included 42 effectiveness trials and programme assessments of parenting support and education, preprimary or preschool centres, conditional cash transfer programmes, educational media for children, and interventions for children at high risk (panel 2 provides a summary of the main findings). The effectiveness trials met the public health standards of experimental design12 and content criteria. Programme assessments were measured with reference to programme evaluation standards.13 These assessments often used quasiexperimental or matched designs, post-test only designs, or controlled for confounding factors with statistical and econometric methods. The programme assessments are included because they provide unique information about programmes at scale when the standards of a high quality effectiveness trial might not be possible.

Parenting and education support

Parenting interventions promote parentchild interactions to improve responsiveness in feeding infants and young children;14,15 increase attachment;16,17 and encourage learning, book reading, play activities,15,18 positive discipline,19 and problem-solving related to childrens development, care, and feeding.20 Parenting education and support are often delivered through home visits, community groups, regular clinic visits, media or in combination with other components. 15 assessments (11 effectiveness trials and four scaledup programmes) of parenting interventions met our criteria (table 1 and webappendix pp 16). Parenting interventions used home visits, primary health care visits,18,20,25,26 group sessions with caregivers, and a combination of group sessions, home visits, community activities, and primary health care and nutritional services. Seven interventions worked primarily with parents or caregivers15,20,2428 and eight worked with parents or caregivers and children together.14,1619,2123 All 15 interventions had defined curricula or key messages. Substantial positive effects on child development were identified in all 11 effectiveness studies; nine on cognitive or socialemotional development, and two on parent knowledge, home stimulation, and learning activities with children,20,24 which are associated with child development.29 Effect sizes were larger for interventions that included both parent and child programmes (median 046, range 004097) than for parent-only

See Online for webappendix

quintile had language performance between 05 and 15 SDs higher than those in the lowest-income quintile (figure 3) in Ethiopia, India, Peru, and Vietnam (Young Lives Longitudinal Study; panel 1).8

Early child development programmes

The challenge of sustainable improvement
Despite evidence of the potential effectiveness of interventions in early childhood, policy makers and
2 Published online September 23, 2011 DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(11)60889-1


programmes (012, 003034). In some cases, effects were greater for younger children compared with older children,22 and for poorer children compared with richer children.25 Effects for some information-based, parentonly interventions were small.24 The most effective programmes were those with systematic training methods for the workers, a structured and evidence-based curriculum, and opportunities for parental practice with children with feedback. The total number of contacts with parents in these studies varied from two to more than 100, but number of contacts was not clearly related to the size of the effect. However, a recent review of home visiting programmes reported that higher frequency of contact (at least fortnightly) was related to effectiveness.30 Of the four assessments of scaled-up programmes, in Uzbekistan small effects on parent activities but not child milestones were identified,27 and in The Gambia no effects were identified.27,28 Both assessments used community volunteers and incorporated early child development messages into pre-existing health and nutrition programmes. In Ecuador and central Asia moderate but consistent effects on child development were identified.23,26 In Ecuador, the programme Educa tu Hijo (Educate your Child) was adapted from Cubas model, which combines health care with a carefully structured parenting programme coordinated by the health sector and community committees. Children in the programme had higher cognitive scores than those not in the programme.23 In central Asia, the assessment of the implementation of the Care for Development module of Integrated Management of Childhood Illness noted that childrens developmental scores were substantially higher in intervention districts than in similar control districts. There were also improvements in parents activities with children and in health-worker recommendations.26 The Care for Development module, developed by WHO and UNICEF, trains health workers to provide specific behavioural recommendations to caregivers about play, communication, and responsive feeding.31 Two effectiveness studies (reported above) also assessed the Care for Development module and identified substantial effects on home stimulation20 and child development.18 In general, parenting programmes that were more effective had a well developed parenting curriculum, adequate training of workers, a balance of health, nutrition, and early child development components, and both community and governmental (local or national) support.23 In high-income countries,32 three meta-analyses of parenting and home visiting programmes3234 identified similar factors contributing to programme effectiveness: systematic curricula, training for workers and parent educators, and active strategies to promote caregiver behaviour change, such as feedback, coaching, roleplay, and videotaped interactions. They also noted that the quality of the relationship between parent and worker was positively correlated with effectiveness.32,33,34 Long

100 Preschool attendance (%) 80 60 40 20 0 Central and eastern Europe and CIS First quintile South Asia East Asia and Pacic Caribbean Sub-Saharan Africa Middle East Poorest Second Middle Fourth Richest

100 Preschool attendance (%) 80 60 40 20 0 Fifth quintile



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Figure 1: Proportion of young children attending preschool in 58 low-income and middle-income countries by income quintile within country summed across sample countries by region (A) and by country in Latin America (B) (A) Data are from the UNICEFs 2005 Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 3 for children aged 3 and 4 years. Countries included in each region are Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Serbia, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan (central and eastern Europe, CIS, and Baltic states); Bangladesh (south Asia); Laos, Mongolia, Thailand, Vanuatu, Vietnam (east Asia and Pacific); Belize, Guyana, Jamaica, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago (Caribbean); Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Cte dIvoire, Djibouti, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, Malawi, Mauritania, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Togo (sub-Saharan Africa); Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen (Middle East). (B) Adapted from Vegas and Santibanez,6 with permission. The rates in Argentina, El Salvador, Honduras, Peru, and Venezuela are for children aged 36 years; in Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Panama, and Paraguay for children aged 56 years; and in the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua are for children aged 46 years. In all other countries the rates are for children aged 06 years. Income quintiles are calculated within country and summed across regional areas. CIS=Commonwealth of Independent States.

duration did not necessarily result in better outcomes. A meta-analysis of US programmes, for example, identified that an intervention including only 16 effective, highquality sessions showed substantial effects on parent child interactions.35 Although many low-income and middle-income countries have put child development messages on child health cards, growth charts, and so-called baby passports, there were few assessments of their effectiveness in low-income and middle-income countries. In one study in India, literate parents who kept a card with Care for Development messages for 2 months increased their recall, understanding, and reported appreciation of these messages.36





For the data from the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey see

Preschool, childcare centres, and daycare

We also assessed effects of two preschool models: formal pre-primary or preschool programmesgenerally linked

10TL_8941_1 A&B Published online September 23, 2011 DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(11)60889-1 Editor: OS

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Mean mother activities (in past 3 days) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Poorest Second Middle Fourth Richest

Mean father activities (in past 3 days) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Central and eastern Europe and CIS South Asia East Asia and Pacic Caribbean Sub-Saharan Africa Middle East

Figure 2: Mothers (A) and fathers (B) total activities in the past 3 days by sampled countries within region and within-country wealth quintile for 38 countries Data are from the UNICEFs 2005 Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 3. Countries included in each region are Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan (central and eastern Europe, CIS, and Baltic states); Bangladesh (south Asia); Laos, Mongolia, Thailand, Vanuatu, Vietnam (east Asia and Pacific); Belize, Guyana, Jamaica, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago (Caribbean); Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Cte dIvoire, Djibouti, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, Mauritania, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Togo (sub-Saharan Africa); Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen (Middle East). CIS=Commonwealth of Independent States.

Panel 1: Methods used for within-country analysis For the data based on UNICEFs Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) presented in figure 1 and figure 2, income quintiles were calculated by UNICEF for each country on the basis of estimates of income and assets, and were summed across countries. For the data from the Young Lives study in figure 3, expenditures were calculated for all sample households in each country (about 2000) and included food, transport, security, telephone, electricity, water supply, housing, clothes, footwear, and other items. Quintiles of expenditure were then created separately for each country on the basis of the aggregation of all sampled households in that country. Language scores for children were assessed with the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test,7 and the mean was set at 0 with an SD of 1. The mean language scores for each expenditure quintile are presented for each country in terms of SDs.

to schools or offered by private providers, with curricula, learning materials, paid and trained teaching staff, and a fixed classroom siteand non-formal or communitybased preschools, which tend not to have professionally trained teachers and might have locally adapted sites. We divided the preschool studies into those comparing preschool attendance with no attendance, and others

comparing attendance at improved preschools with attendance at non-improved preschools. Unfortunately, no studies were identified that assessed the effect of daycarethe provision of full daycare for infants and young children of employed caregivers, which vary from offering only custodial care to educational care. 15 assessments (10 effectiveness studies and five programme assessments) met the relevant inclusion criteria (table 2 and webappendix pp 715). Nine studies,3750 including five programme assessments, compared preschool attendees with non-attendees, controlling for initial differences. In eight, attendees had higher scores on one or more measures of child development, such as literacy, vocabulary, mathematics, quantitative reasoning, and teacher assessments of performance at the end of the year. In one programme assessment, attendees had lower cognitive scores than non-attendees.42 However, children who attended for more than 16 months scored higher on cognitive tests than age-matched children who had attended for 2 months or less.42 Only two of four studies that assessed the effects of preschools on social and behavioural development reported positive effects.39,52 Although the effects of non-formal preschools on child outcomes were typically weaker than the effects of formal preschools, some non-formal preschool programmes resulted in better early child development outcomes compared with non-participants.37,49,50 Similar to the parenting intervention findings, studies of children in preschools showed greater benefits for higher-risk39 or more disadvantaged41 children compared with lower-risk or less disadvantaged children. Often the longer-term benefits of preschool attendance decreased during primary school,43 but some studies identified longer-term effects. Preschool attendance was associated with improved school performance through second and third grades in some reports,41,43,52 and effects were even larger in adolescence.52 Being enrolled in higher quality or improved preschool programmes compared with standard programmes was associated with better learning outcomes in all studies and programme assessments that compared them.4351,53 Effective innovations included structured pre-reading programmes in Bangladesh48 and Costa Rica,51 formal rather than informal preschools in China and Cambodia,49,50 a teacher training programme in Jamaica,44 child-centred methods or interactive teacherchild methods of instruction in Bangladesh46 and east Africa,38,45 and interactive radio or audio instruction to guide classes for teachers in Zanzibar.47 Two studies identified that social and behavioural interventions led to improved behaviour, school success, and persistence.44,52 Interactive radio instruction has also been used in Bolivia, Honduras, Indonesia, and El Salvador at scale to improve the quality of the preschool experience, although it has not been assessed.54 The median effect sizes for preschool interventions, when they could be calculated, were moderate and Published online September 23, 2011 DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(11)60889-1


similar for preschool attendance (median 024, range 014 to 168) and for quality improvements (028, 023 to 069; table 2).

10 08

Quintile 1

Quintile 2

Quintile 3

Quintile 4

Quintile 5

Promising directions for programming

Since poverty is a root cause of poor child development, some approaches to improving early child development are aimed at making those improvements through poverty alleviation. Cash transfer programmes are a popular approach to long-term poverty alleviation;55,56 the expectation of conditional cash transfer programmes is that families use cash transfers both to help parents provide for their childrens needs and as an incentive for parents to invest in their childrens health and education.5759 Many conditional cash transfer programmes distribute benefits conditional on mandatory attendance at preventive health-care services and health and nutrition education sessions designed to promote positive behavioural changes, and some programmes also require school attendance for children of school age. Whether conditionality makes a difference in the outcomes of cash transfer programmes is a crucial research question. We are aware of only three evaluations of cash transfer programmes in Latin America that have included assessments of cognitive or language function in preschool children (Mexico,60,61 Nicaragua,62 and Ecuador63,64) and programme effects on cognition and language development are generally positive, but small. Some cash transfer programmes (eg, Mexicos Oportunidades) are at present experimenting with the inclusion of programme requirements that involve the promotion of child development (eg, parents must participate in weekly classes on parenting). As television and radio ownership increases in lowincome and middle-income countries, educational programming (content that is educational, non-violent, and designed for young children) might be a viable option for improving early child development (webappendix pp 1617). Sesame Street, for example, is available in more than 120 countries.65 Research from the USA shows benefits of educational programming on the cognitive development and social understanding65 of children older than 2 years,66 but non-educational television has been linked with outcomes such as child obesity and violent behaviour.65 Two effectiveness studies in low-income and middleincome countries have shown positive effects of educational television (a Bangladeshi Sesame Street [Sisimpur] and a Turkish experimental childrens programme) on child mathematics and literacy scores.67,68 Bangladeshi families reported doing more to support their childrens learning after viewing the programme,69 and in a longitudinal study poorer children benefited more.70 Childrens television can also increase young childrens acceptance of negatively perceived groups

070 06 04 02 0 009 02 04 06 08 10 Ethiopia (Amarigna) India (Telugu) Peru (Spanish) Vietnam (Vietnamese) 083 032 046 019 007 023 034 054 033 034 014 004 042 044

Standard score

017 003 025 033

Figure 3: Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test7 standard scores by country and quintile of expenditure Data for children (aged 56 years) speaking the majority language of the region or country (in parentheses).

Panel 2: Conclusions from the analysis of intervention effects Parenting education and support can improve childrens cognitive and psychosocial development Effects are larger in more disadvantaged populations Effects are larger when there are systematic curricula and training opportunities for childcare workers and parents Effects are larger when there are active strategies to show and promote caregiving behaviourseg, practice, role play, or coaching to improve parentchild interactions Centre-based early learning programmes usually improve childrens cognitive functioning, readiness for school, and school performance Effects are larger for children from disadvantaged circumstances Effects are larger as a result of higher quality programmes, whether formal or informal Promising directions for interventions include expanding educational media for children, and linking conditional cash transfers and nutrition with early child development interventions Although there are some reports attesting to the effectiveness of interventions for high-risk children in low-income and middle-income countries, evidence is not yet sufficient to establish best approaches

(eg, Israelis and Palestinians).71 In poor families in highincome countries, providing books for young children through primary health services has been shown to increase how often parents read to their children and to improve child language.11

Children at risk of not reaching their potential

Substantial numbers of children experience risks to their development, in addition to poverty and malnutrition. These risks include physical and developmental
5 Published online September 23, 2011 DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(11)60889-1


Country Focused primarily on both parent and child Aboud and Akhter 201114 Bangladesh

Intervention and number of visits Outcome


Effect size Reported as d 038 (A), 040 (B), and 035 (C)

HOME score (A), responsive Intervention groups had significantly Six parent group sessions of coaching on responsive feeding and talk (B), Bayley III language higher scores than controls at follow-up (A, B, and C) score (C) stimulation Home Visit Parenting intervention (16 visits) Quality of motherinfant interaction at 6 and 12 months (A) and infant attachment (B) Gesell Developmental Schedules

Cooper et al 200916

South Africa

Treatment mothers were significantly more Reported as d 024 to 086 (A), and sensitive and less intrusive at 6 and 12 months (A) and significantly higher rates unavailable (B) of infant attachment (B) No substantial differences between treatment and control in motor scale, but treatment children had significantly higher scores in language, social, and adaptive scales No effects on cognitive or social composite (1); no effect for cognitive outcome, but significant difference on social composite at each age (2); higher proportion of enriched went to college, had higher educational attainment (significant for males), had higher status occupations, and were more likely to own a computer (3) No significant differences (A), treatment had higher vocabulary scores (B), no significant differences (C), and significant differences in school attendance and achievement (D) Calculated from pretest and post-test changes as d 028066

Jin et al 200718


Care for Development Intervention with primary health care (two visits)

Kagitcibasi 200921


Three (educational centre, custodial centre, or control) by two (mother training or control) design for 46 year children (mother training intervention: 60 weeks of home visit and monthly groups)

19 year follow-up in early adulthood compared mother training or not (1), early childcare or not (2), and any enrichment or not (3) for cognitive composite (A) and social composite and subscales (B) Development checklist (A), MacArthur Communicative Development Inventory (B), Rutters Scale of Social and Emotional development (C), school achievement 6 years later (D) Parent daily report of problems (A), Eyberg Child Behaviour Inventory subscales (B), and Strengths and Difficulty Scale subscales (C) Cognitive scales (Mullen Scales of Early Development)

Reported d 020 (1A), unavailable (1B), unavailable (2A), unavailable (2B), unavailable (3A), calculated 035 (3B)

Klein and Rye 200417


Meditational Interaction for Sensitive Caregiving video tapes with feedback and awareness raising (five home visits and five groups)


Leung et al 200319


Group sessions with Triple P methods for parents of children with behaviour difficulties (four groups and follow-up)

Treatment children had significantly better scores on all outcomes (A, B, and C)

Calculated, no covariates d 056 (A), reported 09 to 097 (B), and calculated, no covariates 048 to 077 (C)

Janssens and Rosemberg 201122

St Lucia

Roving Caregivers Programme home visits two times per week (about 104 visits)

Significant effect on youngest birth cohort d 045 (A) and 004 (B) in treatment group compared to control group (aged 618 months at programme start; A) and no significant affect for oldest birth (aged 1830 months at programme start; B) Treatment children had significantly higher scores on all subscales than control children Intervention group improved significantly and control did not on two of 12 activities (play and read), two of 15 discipline questions, four of 16 knowledge questions Scores were significantly greater in both treatment groups for mental development scale but not motor (A) and HOME total scores were significantly larger for treatment group at 15 months but not at earlier months (B) No significant differences in mean HOME score between treatment and control but treatment families were significantly more likely to have optimum HOME scores No significant difference in Developmental Quotient scores between treatment and control group; however, there were significant differences for treatment group that received good stimulation Unavailable

Tinajero 2010 (Asociacin Ecuador (scaled up) Velnec-RH 2004)23 Focused primarily on parent and family Al-Hassan and Lansford 201024 Jordan

Comprehensive parenting, health, nutrition, and community Better Parenting Program: parent groups (16 hours in parent group, over 12 months) Home visits to improve complementary food (1); complementary food, responsive feeding, and play (2); (ICDS; 3040 home visits) Care for Development Intervention with primary health care (two visits) Parenting intervention through primary health care (1 year of visits)

Abbreviated development scale Parent report of cognitive and social activities with children, discipline, knowledge (43 questions) Bayley Scales (Mental and Motor scales; A) and HOME score (B)


Bentley et al 201015


Calculated effect size, no covariates d 003 to 011 (1A), 006 to 32 (1B), 012 to 30 (2A), and 011 to 032 (2B) Unavailable

Ertem et al 200620


HOME scores

Palti et al 198225

Israel (not low or middle income but disadvantaged in 1982)

Developmental Quotient

Calculated, no covariates d 011

(Continues on next page) Published online September 23, 2011 DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(11)60889-1


Country (Continued from previous page) Engle et al 201026

Intervention and number of visits Outcome Early Learning and Development Standards (A) and Ages and Stages Questionnaire subscales (B)

Results Childrens score was significantly higher in intervention areas than control areas (1A); childrens score was significantly higher in intervention areas for communication, gross motor, and personal social but not fine motor or problem solving (1B); and childrens score was significantly higher in intervention areas for communication and personal social but not fine motor, gross motor, or problem solving (2B) analysis of child milestones by parent report, and parent behaviours by parent report between intervention and non-intervention areas showed some significant differences in parent skills and parent knowledge

Effect size Calculated effect size, no covariates d 034 (1A), unavailable (1B), and range 006 to 029 (2B)

Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan Care for Development Intervention (scaled up) in Tajikistan (1) and Kyrgyzstan with primary health care (2; number of sessions not known, recommended to be monthly for first year)

Nodira et al 200927

Uzbekistan (scaled up)

Family empowerment programmelarge-scale community-based health and nutrition programme (number of contacts not specified)

Child milestones of development, parent activities with children, parent knowledge


Sidibeh 200928

The Gambia (scaled up)

Parent knowledge, beliefs, Parenting intervention through and reported activities community actions as part of breastfeeding programme (number with children of contacts not specified)

No difference in parent beliefs and practices Unavailable in child-rearing

Design details in webappendix pp 16. If effect sizes were not reported we calculated a Cohens d (d) effect sizes from either post-test means, differences from pretest to post-test means, or from ordinary least squares regression results. We focused on main effects and not subgroups, unless results were only presented by subgroups. If results were only presented by subgroups, then we reported the range of the effect size. We also reported the range for tests that had subscales. If studies did not report Cohens d effect sizes, and we did not have the information to calculate them, then we reported unavailable. HOME=Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment.29

Table 1: Summary of interventions and effect sizes for 15 studies of parenting education programmes, support programmes, or both, comparing interventions with standard of care

disabilities, severe acute malnutrition, being small for gestational age and low birthweight (LBW), and being infected with HIV/AIDS (webappendix pp 1820).

Children with developmental disabilities

Few studies have assessed intervention models for children with disabilities in low-income and middle-income countries. One randomised clinical trial in Bangladesh reported that rural children with disabilities whose caregivers received a parenting training package progressed more on adaptive skills and that the mothers improved in their support for their children, compared with a minimal intervention.72 Community-based rehabilitation, a strategy advocated by WHO, is widely used but not well assessed a review of 128 published studies identified few robust assessments.73 Studies recommend broader community awareness and more evidence, more screening and referral services, and caregiver support.72,74

development with effects lasting into childhood and adult years.7881 In Jamaica, weekly home visits for LBW term infants resulted in higher development quotients at 6 years.82 In India, mothers of at-risk infants (75% LBW, premature, or both) were randomly assigned to receive training to provide stimulation at home over 12 months. At both 12 months and 2 years, intervention childrens cognitive development was greater.83 Ongoing work in India, Pakistan, and Zambia will provide more data on early stimulation for at-risk infants in community-based settings.84

Children affected and infected by HIV/AIDS

Young children in communities affected by the AIDS pandemic are exposed to many threats. Even though fewer young children are becoming infected because of the increase in programmes for the prevention of mother-to-child transmission, the overall number of vulnerable and infected children, particularly in subSaharan Africa, is high.85 Interventions to improve early child development for these children include supporting caregivers capacity through home visits, cash transfer systems (eg, so-called child grants in South Africa), preschool programmes, and legal protection strategies.70,86 In a randomised controlled trial, a home stimulation programme provided to caregivers of infants infected with HIV at clinic visits every 3 months resulted in substantially higher cognitive scores at 12 months.87 Many qualitative or pre-test and post-test design studies have shown benefits of these programmes on the child-rearing behaviours of caregivers, and on

Children with severe acute malnutrition

WHO recommends incorporating stimulation into management strategies for children with malnutrition, in addition to food supplementation and health care,75 but we identified few studies testing the effects of such integrated programmes. One study in Bangladesh76 and one in Uganda77 showed positive effects of stimulation on early child development for severely malnourished children.

Children small for gestational age or LBW

Early interventions for LBW infants in high-income countries improve cognitive and socialemotional Published online September 23, 2011 DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(11)60889-1


Country Preschool attendance vs none Aboud et al 200837 Bangladesh

Intervention and child age Preschool attendance vs none (children aged 5 years)



Effect size Effect sizes unavailable; reported as small by the authors

First grade reading (A) and Preschool graduates scored higher than non-attendees first grade mathematics (B) in reading and writing (A) and preschool graduates scored higher than non-attendees in oral but not written mathematics (B) British Ability Scales (A; subscales) and African Child Intelligence Test (B; subscales) Significant improvements in scores for treatment children vs children with no preschool on both outcomes (1A, 1B) and significant improvements in scores for treatment children vs non-Madrasa on all African Child Intelligence Test outcomes and verbal comprehension and number concept subscales (British Ability Scales; 2A, 2B)

Mwaura et al 200838

Madrasa preschool (1), Kenya, Uganda, and non-Madrasa preschool (2), and none (3); children aged Zanzibar 35 years

Calculated from regressions with covariates d 050 to 079 (1A), 086 to 095 (1B), 008 to 046 (2A), and 027 to 059 (2B)

Raine et al 200339


Enriched Preschool programme vs none for children aged 35 years Preschool vs none (children aged 25 years)

Reported range d 031 to 044 (A) Behaviour problems (A) and Treatment group had significantly better scores than schizotypal personality (B) control (A) and treatment group had significantly better and 034 (17 years; B) scores than control at age 17 years but not 23 (B) TESPI (Spanish IQ test 25 years; A), Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (B), child behaviour checklist (C), and child behaviour questionnaire (D) Years of education (A) and school attendance (B) Children who attended had significantly higher scores than those who did not attend (A); no significant difference between children attending daycare and those not attending (B, C, and D) Unavailable ( A, B, C, and D)

Urzua and Veramendi 201040


Berlinkski et al 200841

Uruguay (scaled up)

Pre-primary education vs none (children aged 35 years) Community childcare centres vs none (children aged 25 years)

Treatment children older than 8 years have significantly more years of education (A) and treatment children older than 11 years are significantly more likely to be in school (B) No significant difference between treatment and control (A); treatment children had significantly lower scores; however, treatment children with more than 15 months of exposure had significantly higher scores (B, C, and D); and treated children had significantly higher test scores (E)

Calculated from regressions with covariates d 002 to 019 (A), and 001 to 012 (B) Calculated, no covariates d 002 (A), 01 (B), 014 (C), and 005 to 008 (D); and calculated from instrument variable regression with covariates d 011 (E)

Bernal et al 200942

Colombia (scaled up)

Early Development Inventory (EDI) psychosocial (A), EDI cognitive (B), TVIP (Spanish vocabulary test; C), Woodcock Munoz scales (D), and fifth grade achievement test (E) First grade mathematics (A), first grade language (B), second grade mathematics (C), and second grade language (D)

Improvements in preschool compared with non-improved preschools Aboud and Hossain 201143 Bangladesh (scaled up) Preschool with three levels of quality vs no preschool (all children aged 5 years) Graduates of highest quality preschool scored significantly higher than graduates of lower 2 groups, preschool children (highest quality programme) perform significantly better than non-preschool children on all first grade outcomes (A, B), and preschool children (highest quality programme) perform significantly better than non-preschool children on all but reading second grade outcomes (C, D) Reported differences between preschool graduates from highest quality programme and comparisons controlling for confounding variables d 036 to 059 (A), 053 to 067 (B), 019 to 036 (C), and 058 (D)

Baker-Henningham et al 200944


Child behaviour Incredible years teacher training programme vs standard preschool (children aged 35 years) Cognitive score

Significant improvements in child behaviour for children Unavailable in treatment group

Malmberg et al 201145 Moore et al 200846

Kenya, Madrasa Resource Centre vs Uganda, and other preschools (children Zanzibar aged 35 years) Bangladesh Improved preschool vs standard (children aged 45 years) Radio instruction in preschools vs standard preschools (children aged 35 years) Dialogic reading vs standard preschool (children aged 5 years) Formal preschool (1), community preschool (2), home based (3), and no preschool (35 years; 4)

Treatment group had significantly higher cognitive scores Calculated from regressions with fixed effects d 04 Reported d 004 to 008 (A) and unavailable (B)

Significant increases in scores for treatment children (A) Wechsler Preschool and and no significant increases in scores (B) Primary Scale of Intelligence subsets (A) and play observation scale (B) Mathematics test (A), English test (B), and Kiswahili test (C) Vocabulary test Treatment children had significantly higher scores on all outcomes (A, B, and C)

Morris et al 200947


Reported d 047 (A), 029 (B), and 069 (C)

Opel et al 200948


Significant increases in vocabulary scores for treatment children All three groups had significantly higher scores on post-test controlling for pretest and confounding factors than controls; home based did not differ from the other two, but children in formal preschools scored higher than those in community preschools

Reported d 02

Rao et al 201149

Cambodia (scaled up)

Locally developed test

Calculated d 168 (1 vs 4), 101 (2 vs 4), 100 (3 vs 4), 068 (1 vs 3), 002 (2 vs 3), and 066 (1 vs 2)

(Continues on next page) Published online September 23, 2011 DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(11)60889-1


Country (Continued from previous page) Rao et al 201150 China (scaled up)

Intervention and child age


Results Treatment children had significantly higher scores on all outcomes than no preschool (1), treatment children had higher scores on all outcomes than no preschool (2), and treatment children were not significantly different than control children for any outcomes (3) No significant differences between treatment and control children (1), no significant differences between treatment and control children (2), significant differences between treatment and control children (3), and significant differences between treatment and control children in print composite (4)

Effect size Calculated, no covariates d 163 (1A), 086 (1B), 107 (1C), 028 (2A), 023 (2B), 057 (2C), 043 (3A), 023 (3B), and 015 (3C)

Kindergartenchild centred First grade school preparedness (A), literacy (1), separate preschool (2), (B), and mathematics (C) children sit in regular first grade classroom (mixed; 3), and no preschool (children aged 5 years; 4) Quality interventions: classroom activities (1), work with families (2), tutoring (3), combination (4), and controls (children aged 45 years; 5) Print composite (A) and language composite (B)

Rolla et al 200651

Costa Rica

Calculated, no covariates d 004 (1A), 008 (1B), 005 (2A), 023 (2B), 028 (3A), 013 (3B), 047 (4A), and 002 (4B)

Design details in webappendix pp 715. If effect sizes were not reported we calculated a Cohens d (d) effect sizes from either post-test means, differences from pretest to post-test means, or from ordinary least squares regression results. We focused on main effects and not subgroups, unless results were only presented by subgroups. If results were only presented by subgroups, then we reported the range of the effect size. We also reported the range for tests that had subscales. If studies did not report Cohens d effect sizes, and we did not have the information to calculate them, then we reported unavailable.

Table 2: Summary of interventions and effect sizes for 15 studies with preschool programmes, preschool-improvement programmes, or both

preschool attendance88,89 and early child development,87,89 but there is a need for more robust assessments.86

Programmatic implications
Most effectiveness studies that we have reviewed reported substantial and positive effects on child development, but results from assessments of scaled-up programmes were more variable. In panel 3 we list our conclusions and recommendations for the scale-up of early child development programmes. The Wolfensohn Center at Brookings Institution assessed issues in taking early child development to scale from 2005 to 2011.23,90,91 Expanding coverage while maintaining quality is a major issue for every programme, and needs a system of capacity development.92 Scale-up efforts in Mexico and South Africa have identified that existing systems, including private ones, might be undermined when public coverage expands.91,92 Scale-up to universal provision should include systems of governance, provisioning, and capacity building for implementation, and must include ongoing and continual advocacy.91 Monitoring methods are needed to track progress and facilitate advocacy. Co-occurring risk factors such as stunting and lack of stimulation should be addressed together for maximum effect, such as combining nutrition, responsive child feeding, and child-stimulation interventions.14,15 Few studies have assessed which combinations work best, although several combinations exist. Combinations tend to be more effective if addressing risks that co-occur, and if the programme can coordinate interventions to minimise extra work. Adding early child development might be motivating for parents and childcare workers. Research is urgently needed on how to effectively integrate psychosocial interventions with programmes to address the risks identified in the first report of this Series.4 Reaching the poorest, a key goal for many programmes, is also a challenge. In the Philippines for example,

publicly funded childcare centres exist in 86% of villages, but coverage reaches only 39% of the age-eligible population.90 A recent estimate of the cost of scaling up nutrition services noted that the unit costs were constant for 80% of the population, but were 34-times higher for the next 10%.93,94 Yet to reduce inequality, investments must be targeted at the poorest. Our review suggests that effects might be greater for these children, possibly resulting in a more favourable benefit-to-cost ratio. Countries might have difficulty creating a mechanism for integrated or coordinated interventions for early child development across sectors.90 A programme is often run by one ministry and coordination with others can be limited, even if the effects could be synergistic. Community involvement and the demand for services as well as a legal policy structure have facilitated implementation.23,9092 In the Philippines, for example, a legal mandate combined several delivery systems with local government control to create an integrated programme.90 Under a controlled political system, Cubas Educa Tu Hijo programme effectively scaled up an integrated approach and achieved virtually universal coverage of young children in early child development by 2000.23 Community involvement and ownership were important for its successful scale-up. For most programmes, early child development components for younger children (aged 03 years) were less common than for older children. Incorporating early child development activities into the health system through prenatal care, breastfeeding promotion programmes, wellchild visits, consultations for mild illnesses, parenting education, and early intervention for at-risk childrenmight provide the best opportunities for reaching children younger than 3 years.

Estimating potential benefits of preschool

Preschool is only one component of a comprehensive early child development agenda, but can serve as a proxy in an analysis of potential economic benefits of increasing
9 Published online September 23, 2011 DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(11)60889-1


Panel 3: Recommendations for development and expansion of national programmes to support early child development Maximise quality of early child development programmes Maximise quality in all early child development programmes, in programme design, curriculum, childcare-provider development, monitoring and assessment, and governance and supervision Adapt programmes to children and families from ethnically or economically vulnerable groups Incorporate families and communities as active partners in the development of early child development programmes to integrate relevant child-rearing practices and cultural beliefs Promote multisectoral integration Mainstream early child development into health programmes such as maternal and child health; nutrition; HIV/AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis; mental health; violence; and injury Develop effective coordination mechanisms in sectors for early child development Develop and assess integrated strategies, packages, and approaches to early child development that are suitable for scale-up Prioritise monitoring and assessment Systematically assess effectiveness of early child development interventions to establish the most effective approaches to improve quality and outcomes particularly for the most disadvantaged Assess relative effectiveness of various quality improvements for preschools (eg, adding more years of preschool, increasing teacher training) Develop and assess cost-effectiveness of new approaches for early child development promotion such as conditional cash transfer programmes with an early child development component, educational media, or other information technologies for children and families and integrated programmes Assess the relative effectiveness of early child development interventions for children at risk because of malnutrition, low birthweight, HIV, or disabilities Emphasise policy action Use the existing theory and evidence to inform policy and decision makers at all levels that early child development is fundamental to the promotion of social justice and equity Build a sustainable funding mechanism for early child development services and interventions Acknowledge and support interventions that protect and support children and families in the first 5 years of life

Panel 4: Methods for our gap analysis We estimated the association between the schooling gap (gap in median years of schooling between the wealthiest quintile and each of the other quintiles) and preschool enrolment by regressing the gap on the preschool gross enrolment rate 812 years earlier for each country with ordinary least squares in Stata 10, controlling for per head gross domestic product (GDP) in constant dollars adjusted for purchasing power and income inequality (by use of the Gini coefficient). We then calculated the projected economic gain from decreasing the schooling gap through increasing preschool enrolment as the present discounted value of added wage productivity. We estimated added wage productivity for each country using a weighted average of 83% for urban areas and 75% for rural areas for the returns to an additional year of schooling,93 and average wages were based on a 40% wage share of GDP. We used discount rates of 3% and 6% to adjust (to the time at which investments in preschool enrolments are assumed to be made) future wage earnings starting 12 years after preschool enrolment and lasting 45 years. We estimated the economic benefits from increasing preschool programmes under three scenarios: moving countries with less than 25% pre-primary enrolment to 25%, moving countries with less than 35% pre-primary enrolment to 35%, and moving countries with less than 50% pre-primary enrolment to 50%. In table 3 we summarise these estimates for one cohort of children in 2008 US$. Changes in preschool enrolments are simulated to induce reductions in schooling gaps based on the regression analysis discussed.

investments. We estimated the effect of preschool enrolment on the gap between schooling attainment of the wealthiest quintile of youth (aged 1519 years) compared with youth in the other wealth quintiles for 73 low-income and middle-income countries with a total population of 269 billion people (panel 4).98 Our estimates show that for every percentage point increase in preschool enrolment, the schooling gap for those aged 1519 years declines 0026 grades (95% CI 014 to 038; figure 4). This result, which controls for a countrys gross domestic product (GDP) and inequality rates (as measured by the Gini index) is robust to the use of country fixed-effects for countries where two or more observations were available, and to the inclusion of child mortality in the fixed-effects regressions. The use of

country fixed-effects and inclusion of child mortality rate as a control provide some assurance that the results are attributable to preschool enrolment, rather than the access or quality of the school and health systems. We calculated the loss in dollars from the schooling gap and identified that the gaps between the richest quintile and the poorer quintiles within low-income and middleincome countries resulted in an estimated total loss of $196 billion in present annual productivity due to fewer years of schooling (panel 4). Using estimates from the regression of the schooling gap on preschool enrolment, we then simulated reductions in schooling gaps due to increasing preschool enrolment rates and calculated the economic benefits of reducing the schooling gap for one cohort of children. With a 3% discount rate, the benefits from reducing the schooling gap range from $106 billion with an increase of all children in each country to 25% enrolment for 1 year of preschool, to $337 billion with an increase to 50% preschool enrolment (table 3). With a 6% discount rate the benefits were $47 billion (for 25%) to $149 billion (for 50%). These benefits, compared with the costs based on the number of additional children enrolled and the median cost of preschool per student,99 imply benefit-to- Published online September 23, 2011 DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(11)60889-1


cost ratios respectively from 64 to 176, and are similar to programme-specific estimates100 for the USA,101 Turkey,102 and Uruguay (panel 5).41 Our estimates, based on several assumptions, suggest substantial potential gains from increasing preschool attendance with very satisfactory benefit-to-cost ratios. The estimates are most likely conservative because they include only direct wage productivity benefits and many studies suggest that there would be additional benefits due to increased schooling, such as reduced crime and improved parenting. Additionally, the estimates include

only preschool enrolment, and do not include parenting, nutrition and health programmes, which are also known to improve the childs school performance and therefore have economic benefits. Increased earnings are calculated assuming that GDP is not growing over time with technological change or increased capital investment; the resulting benefits would be larger if these were included.

Trends in policies and funding

In the 2007 Series, there was a call for expanded early child development programmes, policies, and coordinating mechanisms at the national level. According to UNICEF annual reports, more than 40 countries are developing or have developed and received parliamentary approval for early child development policies, and several UN bodies have publicly supported early child development. WHOs Commission on the Social Determinants of Health made child development one of its key focus areas,5 the Organization for American States issued a hemispheric commitment to early child development in November, 2007,103 and the Secretary General of the UNs report highlighted the rights of the child in early childhood.104 Progress has also been made on the 2007 recommendation to develop a core set of globally accepted measurements and indicators for child development that could be adapted across countries for monitoring, planning, and assessment. UNICEF supported 53 countries to prepare their own standards for what preschool children should know and be able to do.
Actual values Projected values with minimum preschool enrolment of 25% 306% 198 17 $1064 $473 $074 143 64 Projected values with minimum preschool enrolment of 35% 383% 248 15 $1873 $832 $118 158 70 Projected values with minimum preschool enrolment of 50% 511% 331 12 $3372 $1497 $192 176 78

6 Average education gap (years)





Pre-primary gross enrolment rate (%)

Figure 4: Association of preschool enrolment and the schooling gap for 73 low-income and middle-income countries Schooling gap defined as the gap between schooling attainment of the wealthiest quintile of youth compared with youth in other wealth quinites. Average education gap is for those aged 1519 years. Pre-primary gross enrolment rate is from 812 years earlier. Bandwidth=08.

Mean preschool enrolment, 812 years before data for schooling gap Total number of children aged 5 years enrolled, 812 years before data for schooling gap (millions) Mean estimated average gap of schooling (years) Benefits due to increasing preschool enrolment PDV of lifetime earnings (3% discount rate) for one cohort (2008 US$ billions) PDV of lifetime earnings (6% discount rate) for one cohort ($ billions) Total costs due to increasing preschool enrolment ($ billions) Benefit-to-cost ratios 3% discount rate 6% discount rate

176% 114 19

Our sample consists of 73 countries with a population of about 3 billion with preschool data from 19982007. We dropped Bangladesh, Namibia, and Tanzania from our sample because of inconsistent statistics in the preschool enrolment rates. The schooling gap is the gap in median years of schooling between the wealthiest quintile and each of the other quintiles for individuals 1519 years old.95 The benefits due to increasing enrolment were calculated with estimates from an ordinary least squares (OLS) regression of average schooling gap on preschool enrolment from 8 to 12 years before the schooling gap statistic,96 gross domestic product per capita, and Gini.97 Estimates from OLS regression were used to simulate the schooling gap under three scenarios with preschool enrolment floors of 25%, 35%, and 50%. The economic benefit from decreasing the schooling gap through increasing preschool enrolment was calculated as the present discounted value (PDV) of added wage productivity under the assumption that earnings are zero for first 12 years after preschool and then are equal to yearly average earnings incremented by the average rates of return to schooling for the subsequent 45 years. For the benefit-to-cost ratio, we used the median cost per preschool student in 2004 from UNESCO data on 38 low-income and middle-income countries (US$7750) adjusted to show the 2008 values ($8834).

Table 3: Analysis of benefits and costs of increasing preschool enrolments Published online September 23, 2011 DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(11)60889-1



Panel 5: Conclusions from our gap analysis A conservative estimate of the returns to investment in early child development is illustrated by the effects of improving one component, preschool attendance. Achieving enrolment rates of 25% per country in 1 year would result in a benefit of US$106 billion and achieving 50% preschool enrolment could have a benefit of more than $33 billion (in terms of the present discounted value of future labour market productivity) with a benefit-to-cost ratio of 176. Incorporating improved nutrition and parenting programmes would result in a larger gain.

Conclusions and future work

We have presented evidence for factors contributing to the effectiveness of interventions to promote early child development in low-income and middle-income countries (panel 2), recommendations for how programmes and policies can support early child development (panel 3), and we pose several future research questions (panel 6). The review from the previous Series3 reported that the most effective early child development programmes are those that provide direct learning experiences for children and their families, are high intensity, targeted towards younger and more disadvantaged children, are integrated with other systems such as nutrition or family support, and are of long duration. These conclusions are supported by our present review, although we have also identified some beneficial effects with more moderate-length interventions. We have also highlighted the importance of programme quality on effectiveness. In this review, all parenting education effectiveness trials positively affected parenting behaviour, childrens development, or both, but only half of the scaled-up programmes showed similar effects. The most effective interventions were those with systematic training of workers, a structured and evidence-based curriculum, and
Panel 6: Future research questions What factors increase effectiveness of parenting programmes? How can pregnant women be included in parenting interventions in preparation for raising children? How can maternal mental health interventions effectively incorporate child development? How can preschool be made most effective in low-income and middle-income countries? What is the optimum timing, duration, and exposure to preschool? How can preschools be integrated with other serviceseg, by offering age-appropriate health services and nutrition programmes? What are the additional effects of improving the transition to primary school, and primary school quality, on child development outcomes? What are the most effective approaches for combining nutrition and psychosocial programmes at scale, and for which children? What interventions are most effective for children with disabilities or children at risk in low-resource settings? How can conditional cash transfer programmes be most effectively combined with programmes to support a young childs development and nutrition? What possibilities exist for increasing use of media, such as television, radio, and mobile telephones for improving parenting and child outcomes? What strategies can be used to increase funding for young childrens growth and development?

The 2010 UNICEF Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey includes both the Family Care Indicators and an assessment of child development for children aged 34 years. Several regional child development assessments are also being developed. Policies and indicators are effective only if funding is available. Because of increased awareness of neurological, economic, and behavioural science findings in recent years, donor interest is increasing but the results for funding are mixed. Organisations such as Save the Children, UNICEF, The World Bank, and the Interamerican Development Bank are providing funds. Corporations are new entrants, sponsoring modest programmes, principally in regions where they have business interests. Centre-based and school-based preschool programming continues to predominate, and interest in the 03 years age-group is growing. The complexity, cost, and need for multisectoral ownership of early child development programmes continues to be a constraint and the role of early child development in future global agendas such as new Millennium Development Goals needs to be strengthened. Governments are not allocating enough funds to early child development programmes. A report from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) estimated that a public investment of 1% of GNP is the minimum required to ensure provision of quality early child development services.105,106 Average government spending for children aged 06 years across OECD countries was 236% of GNP.106 Public spending on preschool is at least 04% in some central and eastern European and Latin American countries (Belarus, Chile, Costa Rica, Croatia, Guyana, Mexico, and Mongolia,) whereas governments of Kenya, Nepal, and Tajikistan spend just 01% of GNP and Nicaragua and Senegal spend less than 002% of GNP on preschool education (data were not available on any other early child development services).105 In most countries, less than 10% of the education budget is allocated to preschool education.106 Unless governments allocate more resources to quality early child development programmes for the poorest segment of the population, economic disparities will continue to exist and to widen.
12 Published online September 23, 2011 DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(11)60889-1


opportunities for parental practice with children with feedback. Community and family involvement was also effective. Preschool attendance in most cases had a positive effect on learning, but improvements in preschool quality were more consistently effective. Promising interventions include linking early child development services to conditional cash transfer programmes and developing educational media for children and parents. There is suggestive, but restricted, evidence that psychosocial interventions can improve the wellbeing of children at risk because of physical disabilities, severe malnutrition, low birthweight, and HIV infection. To illustrate the economic effect of early child development interventions, we developed a simulation showing a benefit of $106 billion for increasing preschool enrolment to 25% in all countries, and $337 billion for increasing to 50%, with a benefit-to-cost ratio as large as 176 to 1. Based on our review and economic simulation, we conclude that early child development interventions are a good investment for reducing inequalities in the development of childrens potential perpetuated by poverty, poor health, poor nutrition, and restricted learning opportunities.
Contributors All authors participated in the review of published work, and drafting and review of the report. PLE and LCHF are the lead authors. All authors reviewed and provided commentary on the text. Reviews and drafting of individual topics were as follows: economic issues HA, JB, and MH; parenting PLE and LCHF; preschool COG, LCHF, and PLE; media PLE; conditional cash transfers LCHF; disabilities and high-risk AY and IE; political and social context MCdeM, NU, and SI. The steering committee of the Global Child Development Group coordinated the writing of the report in this Series. Conflicts of interest We declare that we have no conflicts of interest. Acknowledgments We thank Kallista Bley for help in document preparation, Santiago Cueto for Young Lives data, Ivelina Borisova for document searches and reviews, and Giorgio Tamburlini for a critical review of the report. Members of the Steering Committee (Sally Gratham-McGregor, Susan Walker, Ted Wachs, Maureen Black) have reviewed all drafts extensively. A meeting of all authors to discuss review findings and coordinate the report was held in Jamaica in December, 2009, with the support of the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), UNICEF, the Bernard van Leer Foundation, and the University of the West Indies. A follow-up steering committee meeting was held in May, 2010, with the support of UNICEF, the Bernard van Leer Foundation, and the Child Health and Nutrition Research Initiative. The sponsors had no role in the design and conduct of the review, interpretation and writing, or the decision to submit for publication. We thank the Global Child Development Group Secretariat for coordinating the meetings. References 1 Grantham-McGregor S, Cheung YB, Cueto S, et al. Developmental potential in the first 5 years for children in developing countries. Lancet 2007; 369: 6070. 2 Walker SP, Wachs TD, Gardner JM, et al. Child development: risk factors for adverse outcomes in developing countries. Lancet 2007; 369: 14557. 3 Engle PL, Black MM, Behrman JR, et al. Strategies to avoid the loss of developmental potential in more than 200 million children in the developing world. Lancet 2007; 369: 22942. 4 Walker SP, Wachs TD, Grantham-McGregor SM, et al. Inequality in early childhood: risk and protective factors for early child development. Lancet 2011; published online Sept 23. DOI:10.1016/ S0140-6736(11)60555-2.

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Early childhood developmentglobal action is overdue

In 2007, The Lancet declared that early childhood development was a global challenge of the greatest urgency.1-4 4 years later, we have made progress, but still have far to go in making early childhood development the global priority it must be. The importance of early childhood development remains profound. As the accompanying papers5,6 in The Lancet show so clearly, the prenatal and postnatal periods are the most critical time in a childs development, laying the foundation for physical, emotional, and intellectual wellbeing. Dietary deficiencies, inadequate feeding practices, chronic infections, and low levels of stimulation during this period jeopardise a childs chance to reach his or her full potential and increase the risk that poor health and poverty will follow that child into adulthood. Exposure to multiple deprivations increases these terrible consequences. Not surprisingly, children in the most disadvantaged quintiles of their societies are at the greatest risk of being deprived during this crucial early period. As the Lancet papers show, interventions directed at the poorest children can provide enormous returns on investment.5,6 For example, home and community-based parenting and family support programmes significantly benefit the youngest children by promoting physical, cognitive, and emotional development, especially when they are integrated with other health, nutrition, and childprotection interventions. For children aged 36 years, organised early childhood learning centres not only improve school readiness but also school attainment. In turn, children who remainand succeedin school are more likely to earn higher incomes as adults, and to provide better nutrition, health care, stimulation, and educational opportunities to their own children. Furthermore, early childhood development interventions have a substantial impact on children affected by violence, disability, and developmental delays.5 That is why it is so alarming that the poorest and most vulnerable children who are most likely to benefit from early childhood development programmes are also least likely to have access to them. According to the World Bank, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development countries spend an estimated 16% of their gross domestic product (GDP) on family services and preschool for children aged 06 years, and 043% of GDP on preschools alone. By comparison, low-income countries such as Nepal, Kenya, and Tajikistan spend just 01% of GDP on preschools, while Nicaragua and Senegal spend less than 002%.6,7 Neglect of young children most in need is an outrageand a huge strategic mistake. Focusing on reaching these children is not only the right thing to do, it is a highly cost-effective investment that countries can and must make for their long-term growth. To cite just one example raised in the Lancet papers, increasing preschool enrolment rates to 25% could yield an estimated US$106 billion through higher educational achievement, while a 50% increase could generate $337 billion.6 Such investments in centre-based early childhood development yield even greater dividends when they are coupled with community-based nutrition and parenting programmes. The two Lancet papers present new evidence on the causes and consequences of developmental inequities in early childhoodand the exceptional opportunity we have to redress them. We must not ignore this evidence. Instead, we must act on it, working together to make safe and supportive early childhood development a reality for the worlds poorest and most vulnerable children. Increased investment is needed in quality parenting programmes and organised early learning centres for the most disadvantaged children. These services should also be better integrated into existing community-based programmes across a broad range
Published Online September 23, 2011 DOI:10.1016/S01406736(11)61450-5 See Online/Series DOI:10.1016/S01406736(11)60555-2 and DOI:10.1016/S01406736(11)60889-1 Published online September 23, 2011 DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(11)61450-5



of sectors, including health, nutrition, education, water and sanitation, and protection. And we need to mobilise the political support of all stakeholders, including governments, UN agencies, and civil society groups. While the challenges ahead are steep, the imperative for universal early childhood development is clear: every child has the right to develop her or his fullest potential and to contribute fully to society. Our responsibility to pursue this goal is just as clear. Anthony Lake
UNICEF, New York, NY 10017, USA [email protected]
I declare that I have no conflicts of interest. 1 Jolly R. Early childhood development: the global challenge. Lancet 2007; 369: 89.

2 3 4

5 6

Grantham-McGregor S, Cheung YB, Cueto S, et al, for the International Child Development Steering Group. Developmental potential in the first 5 years for children in developing countries. Lancet 2007; 369: 6070. Walker SP, Wachs TD, Gardner JM, et al, for the International Child Development Steering Group. Child development: risk factors for adverse outcomes in developing countries. Lancet 2007; 369: 14557. Engle PL, Black MM, Behrman JR, et al, for the International Child Development Steering Group. Strategies to avoid the loss of developmental potential in more than 200 million children in the developing world. Lancet 2007; 369: 22942. Walker SP, Wachs TD, Grantham-McGregor S, et al. Inequality in early childhood: risk and protective factors for early child development. Lancet 2011; published online Sept 23. DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(11)60555-2. Engle PL, Fernald LCH, Alderman H, et al, and the Global Child Development Steering Group. Strategies for reducing inequalities and improving developmental outcomes for young children in low-income and middle-income countries. Lancet 2011; published online Sept 23. DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(11)60889-1. Naudeau S, Kataoka N, Valerio A, Neuman MJ, Elder LK. Investing in young children: an early childhood development guide for policy dialogue and project preparation. Washington, DC: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/World Bank, 2011. 17982. Published online September 23, 2011 DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(11)61450-5

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