John Brown

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John Brown

By Max Techau

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How has this person seen dehumanization in the world? He was alive during when slavery was legal in the United States. He saw slaverys evils with his own eyes on several occasions. What work did he do to lessen the suffering? How have the decisions theyve made impacted the world around them? He was an outspoken abolitionist, and fought many battles for his cause. In 1855 after he moved with five of his sons to the Kansas territory to ensure that it would not be slave state. He became the leader of antislavery battles and defended the antislavery town of Lawrence from pro-slavery attackers. In 1859, he led a raid on the federal arsenal Harpers Ferry, in Harpers Ferry Virginia. He was caught, and convicted of treason and was hung for death. Even though it was unsuccessful, this raid help attract attention to the anti-slavery movement, and helped the cause gain a lot more support. What would be his response if he was asked the question; what is our responsibility to fellow human beings? I think he would say something like: I believe it is our responsibly to ensure that all people freedom, equality, and human rights, no matter what their race. If someone is being denied one of those things, it is our responsibly to fight until they have equality. You can not be afraid to stand up for what you know is right, and do whatever you can to ensure that all men are treated equally. No matter what the consequences. What admirable and unique attributes did this person possess that would be worth emulating in our lives? He was courageous, brave, and not afraid to stand up for what is right. I think those are qualities that every person should possess. To be able to identify that something is immoral, and not be afraid to do whatever it takes to stop it, no matter the consequences. What I wrote above is what John Brown did, and if everyone was able to do that, wed have a much better world.

"American Heritage." An Eyewitness Describes The Hanging Of John Brown. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Mar. 2013.

"John Brown." John Brown. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Mar. 2013.

PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 04 Mar. 2013.

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