UCS Shroud Mages Stats

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Some study the control of air and fire, good for conjuring tricks and lighting the forge.

Some study earth and water, good for growing crops. You have proven worthy of the nobler art, you will learn the secrets of the shadows. To bend light to serve your purpose, to summon darkness and fuel your power. You will learn to manipulate the most fearful shadows of all, those within the mind. Shroud Mage Grand Master Hirah Reus, to his apprentices.

The Shroud Mages are an old and wily order of dwarven magic users, whose practices are a mixture of priestly ritual and the control of elemental energies. They can command the basic elements of air, earth, fire and water, but their true skill is in manipulating the elements of light and darkness. The Shroud Mages have become masters of shadow, being able to darken clear skies and befuddle the senses of onlookers. Like there dwarven cousins the Shroud Mages are a race that can live for many centuries. They were once a respected order, whose mages wandered from stronghold to township to rural village, bringing rain when it was needed for crops, or strengthening the shafts of a mine. For many years they were reknowned for aiding any dwarves who called upon them, but with the rise of the Shandelfan Period, that began to change. When the great Dwarven Empire was at its highest the Shroud Mages began to assemble their order in the cities. At first they met to share their skills and knowledge, but as time passed their interests became more insular and they rarely assisted their neighbours, unless the reward was high or served a higher purpose. It was at this time that the Shroud Mages concentrated their research into the discovery of the nature of darkness and shadow, and its connection to the raw power of magic. It is rumoured that their skills grew until they were able to disappear at will, to travel from shadow to shadow, and spy on their enemies without the risk of discovery. They soon became popular with kings and elders alike, and their wealth grew, but at the same time they were feared and despised for their influence. At the height of the glory of the Shandelfan Period, the Shroud Mages offered their assistance to the Elders of the dwarven kingdom, a powerful council made up of the most respected artisans and craftsmen of the dwarven world. Members of this high council were called the Magus, individuals who held a powerful position in dwarven society, acting as arbitrators in disputes between the different dwarven factions. The Shroud Mages sought to share knowledge with the Magus, even though very few of them were sorcerers or wizards. The true power of the Magus lay in their development of steam power, though they were difficult to deal with, as they had the high standards of scholars and the arrogance common to dwarven engineers.

The Shroud Mages

However, the Shroud Mages had strong beliefs in dwarven superiority, whether it was the crafts or their culture in general, so the two groups found common ground for a time.

It was at this time that the Magus grew tired of the constant bickering and in fighting of their kin, and their occasional violent blood feud. They vowed to leave the Shandelfan lands, and travel to a place free of dwarves with short tempers and limited imaginations. They offered to take the Shroud Mages with them, most of whom accepted, and sailed east into the Broken Seas. The Magus travelled into the Uncharted Seas, sailing across the Voskian Strait and the Strait of Usank. They settled at Farl in the Voskian Wastes and built a large fortified town, after which they began to make further researches into undersea steam power. With the assistance of the Shroud Mages, under the leadership of Asser Moriarnus, they saw off occasional raids by the Northern Voskians, but were badly defeated by a Dragon Lord fleet near Helg. It was then that Asser Moriarnus made a decision that was to forever change the future of his people: he would sue for peace and sign a pact with the Dragon Lords. But this did not sit well with the Magus who, having turned their backs on their own dwarf kin, now decided that the Shroud Mages had gone too far and had lost their honour. Bickering erupted and some bloody skirmishes took place. The Magus had quickly grown to despise the Dragon Lords, and abandoned their former allies, vowing to never sit at a table of peace with them again. The Shroud Mages were left with a fleet of fully functional steam ships, and luckily had learnt enough of their operation that they felt confident of taking them to sea. There were also plenty of dwarves who were not willing to follow the Magus, and were available to maintain the ships. The Shroud Mages had seen this journey into unknown territory as an opportunity to carve out their own empire, and had hoped that the Magus shared their vision. Instead, the Magus had left them with their steam ships and disappeared, so Moriarnus led his followers south. The dwarves had tired of raids by the Voskians, and even more drained by the cold northern climate. They searched for a region with bountiful crops and the locals to harvest it for them, a quiet place where they could further master the elements, and prove the supremacy of dwarf kind over their enemies.

The Great Experiment

Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules

Copyright 2008-2013 Spartan Games

The Shroud Mages attempted to make a landing on Vyrdam, but they were chased off by troops from Dawn City. They sailed south and then west, around the southern tip of Principia, where the dwarves encountered a small Bone Griffon fleet and destroyed it. They had no idea of the danger their fleet was in, sailing so close to the Shifting Shores, when half of their ships had no real offensive capability. It was a couple of days later that they encountered another Bone Griffon fleet, this one was larger but their ship captains made an aggressive attack to keep the undead galleys from threatening their transport ships. The Shroud Mages discovered that the fleet had been in the process of surrounding a Dragon Lord fleet, whose ships they had not yet sighted. After the Bone Griffons were destroyed, the Dragon Lords and the Shroud Mages stood off at a distance, suspicious of each others intentions. As dusk approached the two forces entered into discussions. Both sides wanted to sound out the other, and the Dragon Lords in particular wanted to discover the intentions and ideology of the newcomers. The Dragon Lord fleet commander was Marander Keryn of House Melkharn, who saw a possible ally in the Shroud Mages, and so told them of safe anchorages among the Thousand Islands. He encouraged them to settle there and send envoys to Kalath on Mysonnia. Asser Moriarnus was initially suspicious of this offer, but during discussions over the next couple of days he discovered that The Thousand Islands were overrun with bandits opposed to Dragon Lord rule. Once this was explained, he fully understood the reasoning behind the offer, and agreed to it. He was able to convince his followers that the Dragon Lords would make valuable allies, as they were strong, proud, and valued the support of vassals trusted with a degree of independence. The Shroud Mages settled in The Thousand Islands and developed friendly relations with the Dragon Lords. A few hundred years ago they were given effective rulership of Mysonnia as a token of their patronage. By this time Moriarnus had become an ambassador for the Shroud Mages in Principia, where he negotiated with representatives of the House Cadres. The Dragon Lords still hold a military seaport on Mysonnia however, for supporting Shroud Mage endeavours, and have envoys in the cities of Kalath and Jerbourg. They do not interfere with the day to day operations of the dwarves, as long as they seek continue to seek out bandit fleets, collect taxes from the Kreel and ensure the safe passage of Dragon Lord shipping near their shores. The Dragon Lords call the dwarves of Mysonnia The Dark Ones, because of their mastery of light and shadow. The Dragon Lords are fond of the Dark Ones because some of them mimic the dress and protocol of the four Houses. Asser Moriarnus in particular was known for his respect of Dragon Lord traditions. He assembled his followers into House Moriarnus before he died, and created the council that rules Mysonnia, naming it the Cabal. The Cabal determines Shroud Mage policies and negotiates with the Dragon Lords on behalf of their kin, but has limited authority over individual Shroud Mage captains.

The Journey South

The Shroud Mages fight The Thousand Islands bandits on a regular basis, but have also subverted some of their number. The Cabal appreciates the value of having allies in the camp of their enemies, who will gather intelligence and stir dissent. Most of these allies are expendable, as the Cabal will dispense with them as soon as their Dragon Lord masters demand it. Shroud Mage fleets have begun to skirmish with the orc warships sailing from The Darnak Cluster, but leave the responsibility of fighting orc war fleets from The Kingdom to the Dragon Lords that patrol between Vyrdam and The Thousand Islands. The Cabal has considered bribing the orcs to do their bidding, hoping to divide the orc tribes and also disrupt the bandits. The Shroud Mages have begun to seek out Kullorian shipping, as the Cabal aims to make trade very difficult for the followers of King Ringvald. The Cabal, like the Dragon Lords, recognise the dwarves of Karneia as the foothold of the Old World invasion of the region. The Shroud Mages also harbour a fierce hatred of their Old World kin, because they have been in contact with the Shroud Mages remaining in Delfdran and are aware of the oppression that the Shroud Mages in the Old World have suffered. Shroud Mage envoys have sworn to destroy the enemies of the Dragon Lords, but behind this oath is another, more selfish motive. The Cabal is lobbying for access to the Morgloth province of Ossiria, so that the scholars of the Cabal can witness the glory of the Dark Serpents.

Mysonnia is a fertile province with extensive plantations, and large herds of livestock. Its terrain is a mixture of hills and lowlands, with deep woods providing good hunting. The Shroud Mages do not involve themselves in the pursuits of agriculture and animal husbandry however. That is all dealt with for them by the Saahdas, the peasant class of Dragon Lord society, which is made up of humans and Kreel. The Shroud Mage fleets are made up of steam ships of a design radically different to that of the Kullorian dwarves. Their engines pass superheated air down massive pipes into the water to propel their ships forward, and include magical devices that increase the power of the engines and the effect of its propellant on the waters. The Shroud Mages use their mastery over the elements to assist their fleets, making ships hard to see in foul weather, and giving them a supernatural advantage over their enemies at night. It is even rumoured that storms are at their beck and call. Ships from Mysonnia are mainly coloured purple or dark shades of red, with the dull steel or tarnished brass of their pipework providing a contrast. The Shroud Mages favour astronomical symbols as well as stylised representations of the six elements of air, earth, fire, water, light and dark. Every leading Shroud Mage has his own heraldry that is used by his followers, but every vessel is also marked with the black sun of House Moriarnus. They have enough skilled artisans to keep the fleet in running order, but do not currently have the resources for a major ship building programme.

Lords of Mysonnia

Politics and Subterfuge

Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules

Copyright 2008-2013 Spartan Games

The Dark Magic Fleet
Eschewing the propeller based propulsion of other steam ships, the vessels which the Magus supplied the Shroud Mages are powered by an entirely unique system. Typified in the common Lurker frigate, their powerful engines stream jets of superheated air into the water, thrusting the ships forward with a combination of simple momentum and thermal expansion. MARs: Steam Burst


life from any souls caught in their midst, drowning their senses and clogging their lungs with smoke. MARs: Stealth, Darkness Cloud (6), Independent

A prime example of the Shroud Mages keen fusion of technology and sorcery is the Illuminator. The Lurkers mechanical turret is adapted so that Priests of Light may conduct their rituals within its cramped confines, imbuing special shells with a magical luminescence. Upon impact with the target, this arcane glow spreads across the targets hull, until it shines like a lighthouse, drawing the firepower of every other Shroud Mage ship in range. MARs: Illuminate, Misdirection, Steam Burst


At the cutting edge of Shroud Mages technology, the Rippers revolutionary hull design allows the surprisingly large vessel to dip completely beneath the waves. Using its considerable momentum behind a needle sharp prow, a Rippers Captain will slam his vessel straight into the enemys hull, dipping upon impact to drag his serrated ridge across their keel, tearing ragged wounds in their vulnerable underbelly. MARs: Hull Breaker, Hull Ripper, Iron Ram, Panic Dive


Nimble, sturdy and versatile, the Adepts flexible turret allows it to concentrate significant fire against the most valuable target, whether it lies to ahead or to either flank. MARs: None


The Shroud Mages nation is not densely populated, nor are its people considered among the finest warriors. This they compensate for with dark magic and cruel weaponry. The Tormentor sits at the forefront of this ideal, supplementing their meagre crew with a horrifying weapon built into its bladed prow. These steam bellows inject boiling vapour into the hole rent by the ram, pouring steam into the enemys hold to cook their marines alive, before their assault troops move in to clean out the remnants. MARs: Steam Bellows (+1)


Foregoing bow chasers for a more direct approach, the Magus engineers who designed the original blueprints devised a lethal ram that compensates for the ships lack in momentum. To this, the Shroud Mages added an arcane device that temporarily blinds their foe after the impact, allowing the dwarven marines to efficiently dispose of any remaining crew. MARs: Blinding Flash, Steam Burst


Whilst a formal alliance exists between the Dragon Lords and Shroud Mages nations, not all Lords trust the Dark Ones, and occasionally conflict erupts between them. One such instance occurred when a House Traal patrol fleet stumbled upon a battle between the Shroud Mages and their Old World cousins. Determined to enforce the peace, the Dragon Lord commander opened fire on both sides, destroying most of the Shroud fleet in one catastrophic explosion. However, the remaining Intruder Battleship refused to quit the field, shrugging off volley after volley as it systematically exterminated the remaining dwarves and their erstwhile allies. MARs: Steam Bellows (+2), Steam Burst


Although the ships designed by the Magus appear less heavily armoured than their Iron Dwarves cousins, cunning metallurgy and multiple system redundancies mean the final product is no less durable, and often allows a greater density of firepower to be crammed into equivalent sized hulls. Coupled with experimental Shroud Mages engineering to give sudden bursts of speed, ships like the Stalker are the reliable workhorse of a Shroud Mages commander. MARs: Steam Bellows (+1), Steam Burst


The highest magics practiced by the Shroud Mages are the manipulation of Light and Darkness. The twisted rites of the Invokers of Darkness warp the Mages minds and bodies, fuelled by the most sinister of blood sacrifices. However, the results are undeniable, and truly terrifying to behold. Darkness cruisers operate in pairs, conducting synchronised rituals to manifest clouds of sentient darkness at the nexus of their magical power. These clouds choke the
Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules

darkness class cruiser

Consolidating all their experience and expertise gained from studying the work of the Magus, the Shroud Mages shipwrights created their magnum opus. Engines, more powerful than any other vessel floating, are manned by a vast and dedicated crew. Heavy broadsides and brutal chasers are supplemented by agile turrets, one of which was purposefully constructed to seek out and eliminate airborne threats. Though costly to produce, these reliable war engines are the pride of the Shroud Mage Navy. Port/Starboard Turret: these Turrets have a 180 degree Arc of Fire to the Port or Starboard of the model. Aft Turret: this Turret has a 270 degree Arc of Fire to the rear of the model. MARs: Steam Bellows (+2)
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Lurker Class Frigate

DR 3 2 CR 6 2 MOVE

Points: 30

Illuminator Class Frigate

DR 3 CR 6 2 MOVE RAM 3

Points: 40

8 RAM 3




Small Class Standard model Template: SMALL This model IGNORES the wind direction Squadron Size: 3 to 4 Models MARs: Steam Burst

Small Class Variant model Template: SMALL This model IGNORES the wind direction Squadron Size: 3 to 4 Models MARs: Illuminate, Misdirection, Steam Burst


1 2 3 4

4 3 1 -

1 2 3 4

4 3 1 -

Adept Class Destroyer

DR 3 3 CR 6 3 MOVE

Points: 45

Infiltrator Class Assault Destroyer

DR 3 CR 6 4 MOVE

Points: 50






Small Class Standard model Template: SMALL This model IGNORES the wind direction Squadron Size: 2 to 3 Models MARs: None

Small Class Special 2 model Template: SMALL This model IGNORES the wind direction Squadron Size: 2 to 3 Models MARs: Blinding Flash, Steam Burst




1 2 3 4

3 2 -

3 2 -

4 3 1 -

4 3 1 -

1 2 3 4

4 3 1 -

4 3 1 -

Stalker Class Cruiser

DR 4 4 CR 7 5 MOVE

Points: 55

Darkness Class Cruiser

DR 4 CR 6 5 MOVE

Points: 75







Medium Capital Class Standard model Template: MEDIUM This model IGNORES the wind direction Squadron Size: 2 to 3 Models MARs: Steam Bellows (+1), Steam Burst

Medium Capital Class Special 2 model Template: MEDIUM This model IGNORES the wind direction Squadron Size: 2 Models




1 2 3 4

6 5 3 1

6 5 3 1

4 3 1 -

1 2 3 4

6 5 3 1

6 5 3 1

4 3 1 -

MARs: Darkness Cloud (6), Independent, Stealth

Ripper Class Submarine


Points: 65

Tormentor Class Heavy Cruiser

DR 5 5 CR 8 6 MOVE

Points: 75

DR 4 4

CR 6 4


7 RAM 6






Medium Capital Class Diving Special 2 model Template: MEDIUM This model IGNORES the wind direction Squadron Size: 1 to 2 Models

Medium Capital Class Variant model Template: MEDIUM This model IGNORES the wind direction Squadron Size: 2 to 3 Models MARs: Steam Bellows (+1)


1 2 3 4

5 -

1 2 3 4

7 5 3 1

7 5 3 1

5 4 2 -

MARs: Iron Ram, Hull Breaker, Hull Ripper, Panic Dive

Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules

Copyright 2008-2013 Spartan Games

Intruder Class Battleship

DR 6 8 CR 12 8 MOVE

Points: 110

Enigma Class Flagship

DR 6 CR 12 9 MOVE RAM RED 10 6

Points: 155








Large Capital Class Standard model Template: LARGE This model IGNORES the wind direction Squadron Size: 1 Model MARs: Steam Bellows (+2), Steam Burst

Large Capital Class Special 1 model Template: LARGE This model IGNORES the wind direction Squadron Size: 1 Model MARs: Steam Bellows (+2)

1 2 3 4

15 12 8 4

15 12 8 4

6 5 4 3

1 2 3 4

15 12 8 4

15 12 8 4

FORE 8 7 6 5


Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules

Copyright 2008-2013 Spartan Games

TURRET 4 3 1 -

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