The Chemistry of The Extraction of Gold

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Chapter 15

The Chemistry of the Extraction of Gold

M.J. Nicol, C.A. Fleming and R.L. Paul
1S.1 General Principles
15.1.1 The chemistry of gold compounds
Gold is the most noble of all the metals and this .is the key to both its eternal
romance and its many practical uses in industry. It is the only metal, for
example, that is not attacked in air or water by either oxygen or sulphur,
and its durability under the most corrosive conditions has led to its widespread
use in coinage and jewellery through the ages.
Gold is the only metal that is generally found in nature in the metallic
state, and the only gold compounds that occur in a natural state are the
telluride and stibnite species, AuTe
and AuSb
Gold reacts with all the
halogens, most vigorously with bromine, which undergoes an exothermic reac-
tion with gold powder at room temperature to produce Au

Of greater importance to the extractive metallurgist is the chemistry of
gold complexes in aqueous solutions, and this is a far broader subject. It
has been traditionally accepted that gold complexes in aqueous solution can
exist in one of two oxidation states, the aurous ( + 1) or the auric ( + 3), and
that all the gold complexes of hydrometallurgical interest fall into these two
groups. In more recent years, compounds with formal oxidation states of
- 1, + 2, + 4, and + 5 have been prepared and identified (Puddephatt, 1978;
Schutte, 1985), but these compounds are more of an academic curiosity at
present and will not be dealt with in this review.
Thermodynamics predicts that neither aurous nor auric cations will be
stable in aqueous solution, but will be reduced by water to metallic gold (see
Section 15.1.2). In order to stabilize these ions in aqueous solutions, it is
necessary to introduce a complexing ligand and to employ a suitable oxidiz-
ing agent, since no reaction occurs unless both are present in the solution.
For example, gold does not dissolve in either nitric acid (an oxidizing agent)
or hydrochloric acid (a complexing ligand), but dissolves quite easily in a
mixture of the two, aqua regia. Whether they are solid, in solution, or in
the gaseous state, gold compounds are invariably bound covalently, and by
far the majority are complexes. *
*NOMENCLA TURE: A complex consists of a central cation with a number of ligands
bonded to it. Ligands may be ions (e.g. Cl-. SCN-) or uncharged molecules (e.g.
0, (NH2)2CS), The number of ligands bonded to the cation is known as the
co-ordination number of the cation. The stability constant {311 of a complex formed
A glance at any chemistry text sho\ys that there are a large number of
gold complexes with a wide range of stabilities. Generalizations can be made
to show that the properties of these complexes vary systematically. These
allow many of the known thermodynamic characteristics of gold complexes
to be rationalized, and provide some basis for the prediction of their
A useful first generalization about the stability of gold complexes relates
to the nature of the ligand donor atom, i.e. the atom in the ligand that is
bonded directly to the gold. Both gold(I) and gold(III) are B-type metal ions,
which means that the stability of their complexes tends to decrease as the
electronegativity of the ligand donor atom increases (i.e. as the tendency of
the atom to attract electrons increases). This leads to stability orders such
as r- > Br- > Cl- > F-, where the order of electronegativities is F- >
Cl- > Br- > r-. More generally, it is apparent that electronegativity is a
periodic property of the elements, and for elements that would possibly form
complexes with gold, there is the following scheme:
This scheme accounts for the stability orders noted above for halogen
complexes. It also accounts for stability orders such as SeCN- > SCN >
OCN or CN > NH3 > (the atom bonded to gold isunderlined in each
case), and suggests why gold tellurides and stibnites are stable enough to be
found in nature.
For more accurate prediction of the stability of gold complexes it is
from a cation, M
, and n ligands, I!-, is the equilibrium constant of the reaction
for its formation from the free cation and ligands:
MZ+ + nI!- =

(3" = [MH] [I!-j"
[ ] denotes the activity of the species enclosed. If conditions are such that MLnZ-ny
precipitates from solution, the relationship
Ks = [MZ+] [I!-]"
holds. Ks is known as the solubility product.
necessary to take this argument a step further. In general, whether the
oxidation of gold to the complex AuL; or AuL!+ occurs in the presence of
a particular ligand depends on the strength of the oxidizing agent and on
the relative standard reduction potentials for the reduction of gold(I) or
gold(III) to the metal in the presence of the particular ligand. It is also ap-
parent that the requirements for complex stability are different for gold(I)
and gold(III) (Finkelstein and Hancock, 1974), with less electronegative or
'soft' donor atoms preferring metal ions of low valency, and 'hard' donor
atoms preferring metal ions of high valency. Therefore gold(I) forms more
stable complexes with ligands containing soft donor atoms such as S, C, Se,
and P, while gold(III) forms more stable complexes with the more elec-
tronegative, or hard, donor atoms such as N, 0, F, Cl, etc. This indicates
that complexes of gold(III) with soft ligands will be easily reduced to the
gold(I) state, while complexes of gold(I) with hard donor ligands will pro-
bably disproportionate to gold(III) and gold (0). This accounts for the fact
that gold(I) preferentially forms aurous complexes with ligands such as
cyanide, thiourea, thiocyanate, and thiosulphate (which all have soft donor
atoms) whereas, in chloride solution (hard donor atom), the monovalent
AuCI; species tends to disproportionate according to the following
3AuCI; = AuCI';- + 2Au
+ 2CI-. (15.1)
Gold(I) has the closed shell 4f
5d 10 electronic configuration, and
therefore gold(I) complexes are diamagnetic and adopt regular structures.
All known gold(III) complexes have the low-spin 4P
electronic con-
figuration and are also diamagnetic.
The preferred co-ordination number of gold(I) is 2 and that of gold(III)
is 4, with gold(I) tending to form linear complexes and gold(III) tending to
form square planar complexes. For example, the cyanide complexes of gold(I)
and gold(III) are Au(CN); and Au(CN)';-, respectively, and both gold(I)
and gold(III) tend to take up extra ligands in an effort to attain their prefer-
red co-ordination numbers. Thus insoluble AuCN in contact with a solution
containing cyanide ions will tend to take up a second CN- to form the solu-
ble Au(CN);, whereas AuCN in the solid state attains the required co-
ordination number by forming a polymer of the type ...
Au - C == N - Au - C == N ... When additional cyanide is available, however,
Au(CN); is preferred to polymeric AuCN because the Au - C bond is
stronger than the Au - N bond in the polymer. Similarly, compounds such
as AuCl
form dimers in the solid or gaseous states to satisfy the co-
ordination number of 4 required by gold(III):
Table 15.1. Stability constants* for a selection of complexes of gold(I) and gold(III).
Gold(I) Gold(III)
Complex {32 Complex
Au(CN); 2 X 10
AU(CN)4- _10
5 X 10
AuI; 5 x 10
Au(CS(NHJX 2 x lO
t Au(SCN); 10
AuI; 4 x 10
Au(SCN); 1,3 x 10
AuBr; 10
AuCI; 10
*Values of stability constants used in this chapter are taken from the tabulations of Sillen (Sillen
and Martell, 1964) unless otherwise indicated.
tHancock and Finkelstein (1970).
tCalculated from standard reduction-potential data reported by Groenewald (1975).
I t should be noted that, although aurous and auric ions are generally
represented as Au+ and Au
+, they do not occur in solution as the bare
ions, but in a hydrated state as complexes containing the number of water
molecules appropriate to the co-ordination requirements of the particular
oxidation state:
Since the atom bound to the gold in each of these ions is oxygen, these com-
plexes are of low stability. (Oxygen occurs at the top and towards the right
of the partial periodic table shown previously.) The simple ions tend to react
in solution to replace the water molecules by stronger ligands. Similarly, if
is dissolved in water, it does not (as the chlorides of many other
cations do) give rise to a free hydrated ion and free chloride. Instead, the
chlorides remain bound to the gold, and dimerization takes place to satisfy
the co-ordination number requirements. If another ligand is present in solu-
tion, the dimer breaks down and the ligand takes up the vacant co-ordination
The gold(I) and gold(III) compounds that are of the greatest importance
to the extractive metallurgist are listed in Table 15.1, which also provides
information on the co-ordination numbers and stabilities of these complexes.
The gold(1) complex of greatest importance to the extractive metallurgist
is undoubtedly the extremely stable aurocyanide anion, which, for the reasons
outlined above, is the predominant gold species present in cyanide leach
liquors. There is no evidence for the formation of species with co-ordination
numbers greater than 2, analogous to the copper(l) complex anions
Cu(CN);- and Cu(CN)!-. The insoluble gold cyanide compound AuCN
precipitates from acidic solutions of aurocyanide ions as follows:
Au(CN); + H+ = AuCN + HCN. (15.2)
This reaction takes place readily in strongly acidic solution and slowly in weak
acid solutions (pH 2 to 3). The reaction is of significance on South African
gold plants where uranium and gold are recovered from the same milled ore.
Uranium is leached in acidic solution (pH 1 to 2), and any aurocyanide pre-
sent in solution in the feed to the uranium-leaching plant will precipitate as
AuCN, and will be lost with the solid residue from the plant. This has been
a major impediment to the development of processes for the simultaneous
leaching of gold and uranium, which would have obvious economic advan-
tages over the conventional two-stage process.
The aurocyanide anion is readily oxidized by halogens to mixed-ligand
auric complexes of the type [Au(CN)2X21 - (where X is CI-, Br-, or r).
Other cyanide complexes include the thallium(l) salt Tl[Au(CN)
L in which
there is evidence of interaction between Tl and Au (Stammreich et al., 1968),
the linear neutral molecule AuCN(PPh
) (Cariati et al., 1970), and the
complex Au(PPh;)3 AU(CN)2' in which both cationic and anionic gold(l)
species are present (Cariati et al., 1970). Gold-cyanide-phosphine complexes
have been extensively studied, and were last reviewed in 1974 (Rigo and Turco,
Other complex aurous ions that are relevant in hydro metallurgy are the
thiourea, thiosulphate, and thiocyanate complexes. These are the only ligands
that are likely to compete with cyanide in the large-scale processing of gold
ores, and they are likely to become more important, since increased atten-
tion is being focused on the search for alternatives to the environmentally
undesirable cyanide process. The thiourea complex is unique in that it is the
only cation amongst the complexes listed in Table 15.1, and this paves the
way to novel process options for the extraction of gold from thiourea leach
liquor (Groenewald, 1977).
The extensive chemistry of gold(I) complexes is almost matched by that
of gold(III) complexes, the vast majority of which have 4-co-ordinate square
planar stereochemistry. Examples include the complex anion AuCli and the
cation Au(NH
)!+, but the simple aquo-ion Au(HzO)!+ is not formed in
measurable concentration, even when gold(II!) hydroxide is dissolved in nitric
or sulphuric acid (Bezzubenko and Peshchevitskii, 1962). All auric complexes
are strong oxidizing agents.
The halides are the most important gold(III) complexes from a
hydrometallurgical point of view. Gold dissolves readily in aqueous chloride
solution in the presence of an appropriate oxidizing agent (such as chlorine,
nitric acid, or ferric ions) to form the tetrachloroauric ion. This ion can be
isolated as a hydrated acid, such as H[AuCI
0, by evaporation of the
solution, or as a salt such as Na[AuCI
1. TetrafIuoro and tetrabromo com-
plexes of gold(III) are also stable in aqueous solution, but salts of the AuIi
ion cannot be prepared from aqueous solution, since partial reduction to
AuI; takes place. Halide complexes of mixed valency such as
1 [AuC1
1 are also known. In aqueous solution both the AuCI; and
- ions are hydrolysed to some extent, forming species such as
0 and [AuBr
1 H
0. These in turn act as weak acids forming
species such as AuX
(OH)1l (where X is Cl, Br, or I, and n = 0 to 4 with
increasing alkalinity) in alkaline solution. The species AU(OH)4 is stable in
strongly akaline solution.
The auricyanide complex, Au(CN);, like the corresponding aurous
complex, is extremely stable, its stability constant, which is known only
approximately, being of the order of 10
The complex K[Au(CN)41 is
prepared by the addition of a solution of Na[AuCI
1 to a concentrated
potassium cyanide solution, and complex anions of higher co-ordination
number, such as Au(CN);- and Au(CN)!- , are formed in solutions contain-
ing excess cyanide.
A great many other gold(l) and gold(lII) compounds have been prepared
and identified, mostly in the last 10 to 20 years. The most numerous are the
multitude of phosphine, arsine, and stibine complexes that tend to dominate
gold(I) chemistry. Gold(III), being a harder Lewis acid than gold(I), not only
forms complexes readily with soft ligands, but also with hard ligands such
as fluoride and nitrogen donors. Some of these compounds may undergo
reactions of importance to the hydrometallurgist, and interested readers are
referred to the recent reviews of Puddephatt (1978) and Schutte (1985).
15.1.2 An equilibrium approach to the hydro metallurgy of gold
Any chemical reaction, such as the reduction of a metal ion M2+ with
has a thermodynamic driving force, the Gibbs free energy change of reac-
tion, AG. The value of AG is determined by the reacting species, their
activities, the temperature, and the pressure. If AG is zero, the reaction is
at equilibrium. If AG has a negative value, the reaction is driven in the for-
ward direction and reduction of the metal ions occurs, resulting in a decrease
in the activities of the reactants and an increase in the activities of the pro-
ducts with a corresponding decrease in the absolute value of AG, i.e. the
reaction moves towards equilibrium. If AG has a positive value, the reaction
is driven in the reverse direction, resulting in the oxidation of M to M
and a similar decrease in the absolute value of AG.
The rate at which the reaction moves towards equilibrium is dependent
on a number of additional parameters that will not be discussed in this sec-
tion. It is important to note, however, that the rate of reaction is only in-
directly affected by the absolute value of AG.
Reaction (15.3) can be considered to represent a galvanic cell consisting
of the two half-cell reactions:
M2+ + 2e = M,
H2 = 2H+ + 2e
The electromotive force of the cell, E, is defined by the equation
E = -!:lGlnF, (15.6)
where n is the stoichiometric number of electrons involved in the reaction
(2 in this case), and F is the Faraday constant (96 487 C mol-I). Under
standard conditions of 25C, 100 kPa, and unit activities of all reacting
species, Equation (15.6) can be written ?s
EO = -!:lGo/nF, (15.7)
where EO and !:lGO are the standard potential and the standard
energy change of reaction (15.3) respectively.
The relationship between E and EO is given by the Nernst equation:
E = EO - (RTlnF) In K, (15.8)
where R is the universal gas constant (8,314 J K-
mol-I), T is absolute
temperature, and K is the equilibrium constant. At 25C the constants in
Equation (15.8) can be evaluated, yielding
E = EO - 0,0591 log K. (15.9)
K is defined as the arithmetic product of the activities of the reaction pro-
ducts raised to their stoichiometric numbers divided by the arithmetic pro-
duct of the activities of the reacting species raised to their stoichiometric
numbers. If the concentrations of all the reacting species are below about
0,01 mol I-I , the activity coefficients are generally close to unity, and the
activities can be replaced by concentrations with little error. If the concen-
trations are high, the error introduced into the potentials can be as large as
50 m V. Because of the difficulties that are encountered in the determination
of activities, this discussion will, for the sake of simplicity, approximate all
activities by concentrations, and any possible errors incurred will be ignored.
In order that the Nernst equation can be applicable to half-cell reac-
tions such as that described by Equation (15.4), a reference half-cell must
be defined. This reference is taken to be the hydrogen reaction, (15.5), for
which both !:lGo and g are assumed to be zero. The activity of all solid
phases is defined as unity, and the Gibbs free energy of all pure elements
in their standard states is set to zero. Under these conditions, the free-energy
change for a reaction can be calculated from tabulated values of the stan-
dard Gibbs free energy of formation, for all the reacting species.
In a reaction such as
+ + 3e = Au, (15.10)
the standard Gibbs free-energy change for the reaction, llGo, is given by
!:lGo = -
= -433 kJ mol-I. (15.11)
(Unless stated otherwise, all free-energy data were obtained from Pourbaix,
1966 or Wagman et al., 1965.) The standard reduction potential for Equa-
tion (15.10) is therefore
E' = 433 x 10
/(3 X 96487) V (15.12)
= 1,50 V
The large positive value of EO (or the large negative value of AGO) indicates
that Au
+ is thermodynamically unstable, and should be readily reduced to
Au. With a value of - 237 kJ mol-
for the Gibbs free energy of water, the
standard reduction potential for the reaction
+ 4H+ + 4e = 2H
0 (15.13)
is 1,23 V. Because this value is lower than the value of 1,50 V for the Au
- Au reaction, Au
+ is unstable in water, and will undergo spontaneous
reduction to Au with the oxidation of water to oxygen. It can also be con-
cluded that oxygen, with a standard reduction potential of 1,23 V, is not
able to oxidize Au to Au
With increasing pH of the electrolyte, the Au3+ ion will be precipitated
as hydrated auric oxide, Au
0 or Au(OH)3' i.e.
+ + 3H
0 = Au(OH)3 + 3H+. (15.14)
When reaction (15.14) has attained equilibrium, AG = 0, and hence
AGo = -RTIn([H+j3/[Au
+j), (15.15)
from which it can be shown that Au
+ of unit activity is at equilibrium with
solid AU(0H)3 at a pH value of - 0,3. The reduction of AU(0H)3 to Au,
AU(0H)3 + 3H+ + 3e = Au + 3H
0, (15.16)
can be shown to have a standard reduction potential of 1,48 V, and hence
the reduction potential at any pH value will be expressed by the equation
E = 1,48 - 0,0591 pH (15.17)
The reduction of Au
+ to Au (15.10), the precipitation of Au
+ as
AU(0H)3 (15.14), and the reduction of AU(0H)3 to Au (15.16) are examples
of three distinct classes of reaction, viz.
i) dependent on potential, but independent of pH,
ii) independent of potential, but dependent on pH, and
iii) dependent on potential, and dependent on pH.
Values of the Gibbs free energies can be found for a number of gold
compounds in the compilations cited above. Equations representing reac-
tions between these compounds can be written, and the potentials and critical
pH values that correspond to these reactions can be calculated from the free
energies. For the meaningful interpretation of this large amount of data, it
is convenient to plot the data in the form of a potential - pH diagram (also
referred to as a Pourbaix diagram), as shown in Figure 15.1. Equations of
class (i) above appear as horizontal lines, those of class Cii) as vertical lines,
and those of class (iii) as lines angled above or below the horizontal. Solid
phases are indicated by bold print, and soluble aqueous species by light print.
The potential - pH diagram in Figure.15.1, which represents the r'eac-
tions of gold in the absence of any complexing agents, shows only the major
reactions. A complete diagram can be found in Pourbaix (1966). The two
2.0 3
Au +
-- -- ---
------ (J 5.1'37 - __ _
- -- -!I5.I8)
- 1. 0 L-..L-..l---1-..L......L-.l---L--L---L--I--J'--'--.L-.I........I
- 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Figure 15.1. Potential-pH equilibrium diagram for the system
0 at 25C. The labels on the lines refer to the equation
numbers in the text. Concentrations of all soluble gold species
are 10-
M. Po = 1 atm. = PH (after Adamson, 1972).
2 2
dashed lines refer to the reduction of water,
0 + 2e = H2 + 20H-, (15.18)
at E = - 0,0591 pH,
and to the reduction of oxygen,
+ 4H+ + 4e = 2H
0 (15.13)
at E = 1,23 - 0,0591 pH.
(The fugacities of H2 and O
are assumed to be unity.)
The extremely large stability domain of metallic gold, which extends
above the 0) - H)O line, indicates that gold is stable with respect to oxida-
tion by oxygen at -all pH values, including those of the halogen mineral acids,
sulphuric, nitric, and phosphoric acids, and caustic alkalis.
In the presence of strong complexing agents, which can stabilize gold
in either the + 1 or + 3 oxidation states, the potential- pH diagram can be
significantly affected. As an example, the effect of cyanide ions on the
---- ---- -!!. 5, 13)
---- ---- --- --- ~
Au(CNF ~
-------- -------
(/ S' ----
'.23) --- ____ ___
" 0::
_ 2 , O ~ ~ ~ - L ~ __ - ~ ~ - L ~ ~ __ ~ - L ~
o 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Figure 15.2. Potential-pH equilibrium diagram illustrating
features of the Au-CN-H
0 and Zn-CN-H
0 systems at
25C. [CN-]total = 10-
mol 1- \ [Au(CN);] = 10-
mol r \
+]total = 10-
mol I-I.
Au+ + e = Au,
E = 1,69 - 0,0591 log [Au+]
is considered. Because of the strong complex between Au+ and CN-, viz.
Au+ + 2CN- = Au(CN); (K = 2 x 10
), (15.21)
Equation (15.20) can be rewritten as
E = 1,69 -0,0591 log K - 0,0591 log ([CN-]2/[Au(CN);]), (15.22)
which results in a negative shift in the EO value from 1,69 V to - 0,57 V.
This lower EO value applies to the new reaction obtained when Equations
(15.21) and (15.19) are added:
Au(CN); + e = Au + 2CN-. (15.23)
Because HCN is a weak acid (the dissociation constant for the reaction
HCN = H+ + Cl'r (15.24)
is 4,93 x 10-
), a lowering of pH results in a reduction in the concentra-
tion of free cyanide ions. The effect of this hydrolysis reaction can be incor-
porated into Equation (15.22), yielding
E = 0,53 + 0,059 log [Au(CN);] - 0,118 log ([CNLot - 2 [Au(CN);])
+ 0,118 log (4,93 x 10-
+ [H+]), (15.25)
where [CNLot is the total concentration of cyanide added to the solution.
Equation (15.25) represents the relationship between the reduction potential
for (15.23) and the concentrations of all the species that may affect the value
of E.
The potentials corresponding to Equation (15.25) are shown in Figure
15.2. Because of the strong stabilizing effect of the cyanide ion, metallic gold
will be readily oxidized to aurocyanide ions by dissolved oxygen. It is of in-
terest to note, however, that the reduction of oxygen on a gold surface in
an electrolyte containing cyanide ions can yield an appreciable amount of
hydrogen peroxide (Habashi, 1966), cf. Section
+ 2H+ + 2e = H
E = 0,682 - 0,0591 pH
rather than proceeding to water (15.13). Fortunately, the negative shift in
the equilibrium potential for gold in the presence of cyanide ions still re-
mains positive with respect to the reduction potential of zinc in the same
electrolyte. Zinc ions form fairly strong complexes with both OH- and
CN-, forming numerous compounds such as ZnOH+, Zn(OH)2' HZnO;,
ZnO;- and Zn(CN);-x, where x is from 1 to 4 (Finkelstein, 1972; Osseo-
Asare et al., 1984a). The effect of these complexes is to shift the reduction
potential of the reaction
+ + 2e = Zn,
E = - 0,76 + 0,0295 log [Zn
to slightly more negative values at pH values above 7. The potentials cor-
responding to the reduction of zinc are shown in Figure 15.2, from which
it is evident that dissolved aurocyanide ions will be reduced to metallic gold
by the corresponding oxidation of zinc.
It is of importance to note that the reduction potentials of zinc are below
those for both the reduction of oxygen (15.13) and water (15.18). Zinc is
rapidly oxidized by dissolved oxygen, and hence one needs to deaerate the
electrolyte prior to cementation in order to reduce the consumption of zinc.
However, zinc will still corrode spontaneously in water as hydrogen is evolved,
which accounts for the large stoichiometric excess of zinc required for the
cementation of gold.
Inspection of the electrochemical series reveals two further reduction
reactions that could be used for the precipitation of gold from cyanide, viz.
those of aluminium and borohydride:
AIO; + 4H+ + 3e = Al + 2H
0 (15.30)
E = -1,26 -0,0788 pH + 0,0197 log [AIO;], (15.31)
Table 15.2. Standard reduction potentials for various reactions of gold (after Schmid and Curley-
Fiorino, 1975).
Au+ + e = Au
AuCl; + e = Au + 2Cl-
Au(SCN); + e = Au + 2SCN-
Au(CS(NH,),); + e = Au + 2CS(NH')2
AU(S,03);- + e = Au = 2S,O;-
Au(CN); + e = Au + 2CW
+ + 3e = Au
AuCl; + 3e = Au + 4Cl-
Au(SCN); + 3e = Au + 4SCW
+ 2e = Au+
Au(SCN); + 2e = Au(SCN); + 2SCW
AuCl; + 2e = AuCl; + 2Cl-
* Groenewald (1977)
BO; + 5H
0 + 8e = BH; + 80H-
It' (V)
E = - 0,413 - 0,0591 pH + 0,0074 log ([H
However, because the reduction potentials of these reactions at a pH of 11
( - 2,13 V and -1,06 V respectively) are very negative compared to that for
the reduction of water ( - 0,65 V), the consumption of reagent due to the
evolution of hydrogen is high.
The hydrometallurgy of gold is not confined entirely to that of the
cyanide system, since gold also forms strong complexes with a number of
other ligands such as thiourea, thiosulphate, thiocyanate, and chloride. The
standard reduction potentials for these reactions are shown in Table 15.2.
The effect of chloride ions on the potential- pH behaviour of gold has
been discussed in detail by Finkelstein (1972). It is evident from the poten-
tials in Table i 5.2 that the stable oxidation state of gold in the presence of
chloride ions is + 3. The reduction for auric chloride (1,002 V) is
below that for the reduction of oxygen to water (1 ,23 V), and hence it would
appear that gold should be dissolved by oxygen in strong chloride electrolytes.
The rate of oxidation is extremely low, so that gold appears to be inert under
such conditions. In practice, stronger oxidants such as dissolved chlorine (E
= 1,395 V) or hypochlorite (E = 1,715 V) are used for the oxidation of
metallic gold. Solutions of auric chloride are readily reduced to metallic gold
by soluble reductants such as sulphite, nitrite, ferrous, and stannous ions.
Gold is stable in the + 3 oxidation state in electrolytes containing unit
activities of dissolved gold and thiocyanate ions. However, the equilibrium
potential is shifted negatively as the concentration of dissolved gold is decreas-
ed, and this shift is greater by a factor of 3 for gold in the + 1 oxidation
state. As a result of this shift, gold in the + 1 oxidation state becomes the
stable species when the logarithm of the concentration of dissolved gold falls
below - 0,98 + 10g[SCN-], i.e. when the concentration of gold is less than
0,1 of the thiocyanate concentration.
Gold in the presence of thiocyanate ions is thermodynamically unstable
in the presence of oxidizing agents such as H10
, and Fe
+. It should,
however, be noted that thiocyanate ions can be oxidized to thiocyanogen
according to the reaction (Latimer, 1952):
(SCl\Dl + 2e = 2SCN- EO = 0,77 (15.34)
Very strong oxidants, such as hydrogen peroxide, may therefore destroy the
complexing ligand, resulting in poor dissolution of the gold.
The neutral ligand thiourea forms a strong complex with Au+, thereby
forming a soluble gold compound exhibiting a positive charge. Because of
the low E value (0,352 V) of the gold-thiourea complex, gold is readily
oxidized in the presence of thiourea. However, thiourea is readily oxidized
to formamidine disulphide (Preisler and Berger, 1947):
NHiNH)CSSC(NH)NH2 + 2H+ + 2e = 2CS(NH
)1' E = 0,420 V
so that a marked loss of thiourea would be expected even in the presence
of Fe
+ (E = 0,77 V). The stability of thiourea towards oxidation is reduc-
ed with increasing pH.
Thiosulphate co-ordinates strongly with A u +, yielding a standard
reduction potential of 0,15 V. Unfortunately, thiosulphate is unstable in acidic
as well as alkaline environments and will be oxidized to tetrathionate, sulphite
or sulphate.
15.1.3 Electrochemical aspects
The thermodynamic characteristics of gold and its compounds of relevance
to the hydro metallurgy of gold have been outlined above. Of perhaps greater
importance are the kinetic considerations that apply to the leaching and
precipitation of gold. As will be discussed in detail in the next section, both
of these processes are electrochemical in nature, and it is therefore of some
importance that the electrochemistry of these systems should be briefly review-
ed as it pertains to these processes. The dissolution of gold involves an
oxidative (or in an electrochemical sense, anodic) reaction, whereas its
precipitation by cementation requires a reductive (or cathodic) process. Each
of these will be discussed in turn. Anodic reactions of gold
The electrochemical behaviour of the noble metals (the platinum-group metals
plus gold) under oxidizing conditions is dominated by the formation of ox-
ide films. This can have pronounced effects on the kinetics of dissolution
of these metals, and partly accounts for their refractory nature. In the case
of gold, the nature and kinetics of formation of oxide films have been ex-
tensively studied (Nicol, 1980a) and, while the results have shown that the
oxidation processes are complex, the important overall characteristics in acidic
and alkaline solutions can be demonstrated by the data in Figure 15.3. In
these experiments, the current flowing at a gold electrode in the solution
Potential, V
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
0.2 --,
- - ~ r - ~
. ~
\ I
0,1 M KOH
\ I
1.2 1.4 1.6
Potential, V
Figure 15.3. Cyclic voltammograms for the oxidation of gold
in 0,1 M potassium hydroxide and in 1 M perchloric acid. The
abscissa scales are of different sensitivities as well as laterally
displaced to allow the curves to overlap and to demonstrate their
general similarity (after Nicol, 1980b).
shown was measured, and the potential was first increased and then decreased.
Positive currents correspond to anodic reactions, and negative currents to
cathodic reactions. The oxidation of gold therefore begins at about 1,4 V
in acidic solutions, and at 0,4 V in alkaline solutions. The peaks at 1,25 V
and 0,35 V on the reverse sweeps are due to the reduction of the oxide films
back to the metal.
These observations imply that the formation of oxide films can be
expected to adversely affect the dissolution of gold at potentials above 0,4 V
in alkaline solutions and 1,4 V in acidic solutions.
In the presence of species (or ligands) that form complexes with gold
in solution, the anodic characteristics of gold can be significantly modified
as a result of the increased stability of the gold(I) or gold(III) complexes with
the ligands. Of these, only the behaviour in chloride, thiourea, and cyanide
solutions has been studied in any detail, and the major conclusions of the
published work will be summarized below, particularly where they relate to
the use of these ligands in the extraction and refining of gold.
(a) Chloride
The main features of the anodic behaviour of gold in acidic chloride solu-
tions are shown in Figure 15.4, from which it can be seen that dissolution
occurs at potentials above about 1 V. The plateau at high current densities
is due to the limited rate of mass transport of chloride to the gold surface,
I O ~ I
___ 0.5 M NaCI
I O ~ 2

, ~
I O ~ 3
I O ~ ~
I O ~ 5
1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2
Potential, V
Figure 15.4 Steady-state current versus potential curves for the
oxidation of gold in solutions containing 0,5 M sulphuric acid
and various amounts of chloride (after Heumann and Panesar,
while the rapid decrease in the rate of dissolution from 1,4 to 1,5 V is due
to passivation of the surface by oxide, as predicted from the curve for acidic
solutions in Figure 15.3. Dissolution in the active region (i.e. at potential
below 1,4 V) is complex in that, depending on a number of variables such
as chloride concentration, temperature, and degree of agitation, both gold(I)
and gold(III) can be formed in varying proportions. Work at the Council
for Mineral Technology (Mintek) reported by Nicol and Schalch (1976b)
demonstrated that the formation of gold(I) at the anodes of the chloride-
based electrorefining process can lead to a number of operational problems
in the refining of gold. Some aspects of this will be discussed in Section
(b) Thiourea
Gold(I) forms the strong cationic complex Au[SC(NH
)21; with thiourea,
and this has been the basis for a number of schemes proposed for the recovery
of gold from ores and concentrates (Groenewald, 1977; Pyper and Hendrix,
1981). Steady-state measurements of the current at a gold electrode at various
potentials in an acidic thiourea solution have shown that gold dissolves as
gold(I) with a current efficiency of 1000,10 at potentials below about 0,6 V,
as shown by the data in Figure 15.5. Comparison of the limiting current with
that calculated for the reaction
Au + 2SC(NH
)2 = Au[SC(NH
)21; + e (15.36)
shows that dissolution is largely diffusion-controlled in the plateau region.
The increase in current at higher potentials is accompanied by a decrease
in the current efficiency, due to the competitive anodic process of the oxida-
tion of thiourea to formamidine disulphide and, at the highest potentials,
to further oxidation products. This irreversible loss of thiourea by oxidation
2 \
a ~
~ u
. ~
4 r-
(l) (l)
;::: (l)
.... ....
.... ;:l
0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
Potential, V
Figure 15.5. Effect of potential on the anodic dissolution of
gold and the current efficiency of its dissolution into a solu-
tion containing 0,1 M sulphuric acid and O,IM thiourea at 30C
(after Groenewald, 1977).
is a significant factor in the economic viability of its use in the leaching of
gold. The most important point to be learnt from Figure 15.5 is that gold
will be leached at a significant rate in thiourea solutions only if the potential
can be maintained above 0,4 V, and this requires oxidants such as ferric ions
or hydrogen peroxide. The reduction of oxygen is slow at these potentials,
and this precludes the use of oxidation by air.
(c) Cyanide
The electrochemical nature of the dissolution of gold in aerated cyanide solu-
tions is well established, and much work has been published on the anodic
behaviour of gold in alkaline cyanide solutions. This subject was recently
reviewed (Nicol, 1980b), and therefore only the most important features will
be discussed.
Detailed coulometric studies (Kirk et al., 1979) have revealed that the
stoichiometry of the anodic dissolution reaction in cyanide solutions is:
Au + 2CN- = Au(CN); + e (15.37)
throughout the potential range - 0,65 to Q,55 V. At higher potentials there
is evidence of the formation of gold(III) species. A recent review (Nicol,
1980b) demonstrates that the anodic characteristics of gold in cyanide solu-
N 8
,I u
f\ c::
/ I , I
-1.0 0 1.0
Potential, V
Figure 15.6. Current versus potential curves for the oxidation
of gold in alkaline cyanide solutions (after Nicol, 1980b). 1,
0,077 M CW, pH 12; 2, 0,1 M CN-, 0,1 M OH-.
tions, as reported by different workers, exhibit significant variations.
However, examination of the curves (two of which are shown in Figure 15.6)
reveals that three peaks occur at potentials of about - 0,4 V, 0,3 V, and 0,6 V
and are associated with the formation of three passivating films. Those at
0,3 and 0,6 V are associated with the formation of oxide films, as comparison
with the data in Figure 15.3 will show for the peak at 0,3 V.
During the cyanidation of gold, the potential does not exceed zero, and
therefore it is appropriate to discuss in greater detail the anodic behaviour
in the region of the peak at - 0,4 V. As was recently pointed out (Nicol,
1980b), the unusually wide scatter in the results obtained by various workers
for the activity of gold towards dissolution in this region can probably be
traced to the presence of different amounts of heavy-metal impurities in the
solutions used. Of these metals, trace amounts of lead, mercury, bismuth
and thallium can have profound effects on the anodic characteristics of gold
in this region, as shown by the results in Figure 15.7.
On the basis of measurements of the current at various potentials on
the active portion of the peak (i.e. at potentials below - 0,4 V), and of the
variation in current with the concentration of cyanide at constant potential,
it is generally accepted that the dissolution of gold occurs by way of the
following mechanism:
Au + CN- = AuCN
+ e, (15.38)
+ CN- = Au(CN);. (15.39)
Passivation is therefore associated with an absorbed layer of AuCN. An
interesting clue to the possible nature of this layer is to be found in the
macromolecular structure of solid AuCN, which consists of linear chains in

---0.1 M KOH, O.IM KeN
- - - 0.1 M KOH, 0.1 M KeN, and 2x IO-
M Hg(II)
-.-. O.IM KOH, 0.1 M KeN, and 1 x IO-
M Pb(II)
. I f\
. / I
i} I
V' \
Q) 5.0
lif \ \
, . \
'I' \ \
, .
/. \
/,/ .
-0.6 -0.4 -0.2 o 0.2 0.4 0.6
Potential, V
Figure 15.7. Effect of the addition of lead and mercury ions
on the anodic behaviour of gold in an alkaline cyanide solu-
tion. Before each anodic sweep, the electrode was left under
open circuit conditions for 5 minutes (after Nicol, 1980b).
which the cyanide ion functions as a bidentate ligand (Puddephatt, 1978).
It is conceivable that this type of structure could develop in two dimensions
to form a passive layer. The presence of foreign heavy-metal atoms (such
as Pb, Hg or TI) on the surface would be likely to disrupt the formation
of such a layer, thus reducing the extent of passivation.
It should be pointed out that the above observations apply only to the
behaviour of pure gold. In actual ores, gold is generally alloyed with other
elements such as silver, copper, and in some cases, even mercury. Problems
due to passivation of the gold surface under plant leaching conditions could
therefore be expected to be minimal. However, much additional research is
required to establish the effects of alloying on the anodic behaviour of gold. Anodic reactions of zinc
The precipitation of gold from cyanide solutions by metallic zinc is an elec-
trochemical process in which the zinc dissolves anodically. It is therefore rele-
vant to discuss some of the major aspects of the anodic behaviour of zinc
in alkaline cyanide solutions. As pointed out in Section 15.1.2, several zinc
species such as and can be formed under these condi-
tions, and the electrochemical characteristics of the anodic process are
therefore complex, as shown by the current-potential curves shown in Figures
15.8 and 15.9. Therefore, in the absence of cyanide (curve a in Figure 15.8),
zinc shows little anodic activity at the pH values generally encountered dur-
ing precipitation. The addition of cyanide results in enhanced currents at
potentials above about - 1,1 V (curve b). In some instances, a plateau is ap-
parent on the curve before the current decreases due to passivation of the
surface by a zinc oxide (or hydroxide) species. The plateau occurs because
the rate of the reaction

-1.5 1.0 -0.5
Potential, V
Figure 15.8. Current-potential curves for the anodic dissolu-
tion of a rotating zinc-disc electrode in alkaline and alkaline
cyanide solutions. (a) 0,005 M Ca(OH)2' 1000 rev/min; (b)
0,005 M Ca(OH)2' 0,005 M NaCN, 250 rev/min; (c) solution
as for (b), 1000 rev/min (after Nicol et al., 1979).

becomes controlled by the rate of mass transport of cyanide ions to the sur-
face of the zinc, as shown by the increased height of the plateau at the higher
stirring speed (curve c).
As could possibly be expected from the nature of the above reaction,
the rate (as measured by the current at.a constant potential) increases with
increasing cyanide concentration, and this results in both a cathodic shift
of the curves and an increased height of the plateau. Furthermore, an in-
crease in the pH of the solution results in similar trends in the curves, due
to the formation of soluble zinc hydroxy complexes such as at
pH values above about 12, and to the formation of mixed hydroxycyano
complexes at lower pH values. The implications of these characteristics for
the efficiency of precipitation of gold will be discussed in detail in Section
15.3.1. Cathodic processes
In addition to the obvious and important cathodic reduction of the auro-
cyanide ion to metallic gold, it is important to review briefly the other cathodic
processes that are relevant to the extraction and refining of gold, namely
the reduction of oxygen in alkaline solutions and the reduction of the gold'
chlorides in acidic solutions.
(a) Reduction of Au(CN)2-
Published information on the reduction of the aurocyanide ion under con-
a b c d
0 ~ - - - - - 7 ~ ~ - ' ~ ~ - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' -
Potential, V
Figure 15.9. Current-potential curves for the anodic dissolu-
tion of a rotating zinc-disc electrode in solutions of NaCN and
NaCI. a, 2 X 10-
M; b, 10-
M; C, 4 X 10-
M; d, 2 X
M; e andJ 10-
M NaCN. All solutions contain 10-
NaCl at pH 11,0. The speed of rotation of the electrode was
1000 rev/min except for curveJ, where it was 250 rev/min (after
Nicol et al., 1979).
ditions relevant to the processing of gold ores is not extensive, since most
workers have concentrated on the somewhat different conditions used in the
gold-plating industry. The following will therefore be a summary of work
carried out at Mintek (Nicol et al., 1979; Paul et al., 1983) in connection
with the cementation and electrowinning of gold.
Figure 15.10 shows current-potential curves for the reduction of
Au(CN); at a rotating gold-disc electrode in various deoxygenated solu-
tions. In the absence of Au(CN); (curve a), the cathodic current at poten-
tials below - 1,0 V is due to the reduction of water to hydrogen and, as has
been discussed above, the small anodic current at potentials above about
- 0,4 V is due to the dissolution of gold. The addition of Au(CN); to the
solution results in curve b, which displays cathodic currents at potentials below
- 0,5 V due to the reaction
Au(CN); + e = Au + 2CN-. (15.41)
The rate of reduction increases with decreasing potential until it becomes
Potential, V
Figure 15.10. Current-potential curves for reactions at a rotating
gold-disc electrode (r = 1000 rev / min) in alkaline. cyanide
(0,005 M NaCN and 0,005 M Ca(OH)2) solutions (a, no gold
in solution; b, 1.6 x 10-
M gold; c 1.6 x 10-
M gold and
1,6 x 10-
M lead (after Nicol et al., 1979).
controlled by mass transport of the aurocyanide to the surface at potentials
close to - 1,0 V. The increased current at more negative potentials is due
to the simultaneous evolution of hydrogen. The addition of as little as 3 mg
of lead nitrate per litre of solution results in a significant shift of the curve
to more positive potentials, i.e. the reduction of aurocyanide is considerably
enhanced by the presence of lead in the solution. Similar effects are observ-
ed for mercury and thallium, and the catalytic effect of these metal ions on
both the anodic and cathodic characteristics of the Aul Au(CN); couple
should be noted.
Variation of pH in the range 10 to 12 has no effect on the curve for
the reduction of Au(CN);. However, increasing cyanide concentration
results in a shift of the curve to more negative potentials by approximately
0,1 V for each tenfold increase in cyanide concentration. The addition of
small amounts of sulphide ions has no noticeable effect on eithel' the anodic
or cathodic reaction.
(b) Reduction oj oxygen
The reduction of oxygen by the reaction
+ 2H
0 + 4e = 40H- (15.42)
5 mmol/dm
5 mmol/dm
Pb 2mg/dm
-1.0 o
Figure 15.11. Cyclic voltammograms for the reduction of oxygen
(2,5 X 10-
moll-I) at a rotating gold disc electrode in solu-
tions of NaCN.
is thermodynamically possible at potentials lower than 0,63 V at pH 10.
However, the well-known kinetic inertness of this process, even at precious-
metal electrodes, results in large overpotentials for this reaction. In alkaline
solutions, therefore, the above reaction proceeds at a significant rate only
at negative potentials and, depending on the conditions, becomes mass-
transport controlled at potentials below about - 0,4 V.
In the absence of cyanide, the reduction of oxygen in alkaline solution
has been shown (Damjanovic et al., 1967) to proceed through the intermediate
formation of peroxide by the reaction
+ 2H
0 + 2e = HP2 + 20H-. (15.43)
The extent to which peroxide is further reduced to hydroxide ions is depen-
dent on a number of factors such as pH, agitation, potential, and the presence
of trace amounts of heavy-metal impurities in the solutions used.
In the presence of cyanide, the rate of reduction of oxygen is generally
slower, as is shown by curve a in Figure 15.11. The addition of small amounts
of heavy-metal ions such as those of lead, mercury, or thallium results in
a considerable enhancement of the rates of anodic dissolution of gold and
cathodic reduction of oxygen (curve b in Figure 15.11), with the peak for
the anodic process now superimposed on that of the cathodic reaction.
(c) Reduction of AuCt;
As mentioned in Section, the anodic dissolution of gold results
in the formation of gold(I) and gold(III) complexes in various proportions,
~ 0.05 M AU(III), 2 M HCl
l1li 0.04 M AU(IlI), 0,01 M AU(I), 2 M HCl
0.8 0.9
Potential, V
Figure 15.12. Current-potential curves (obtained from the
anodic sweeps of cyclic voltammograms) for a rotating (1000
rev/min) gold-plated platinum-disc electrode at 21 DC (after
Nicol and Schalch, 1976b).
depending on the relative rates of the two consecutive reactions
Au + 2 Cl- = AuCI; + e, (15.44)
AuCI; + 2 Cl- = AuCI; + 2e. (15.45)
On the other hand, the dissolution of gold by the use of chlorine in concen-
trated chloride solutions results in the formation of AuCI; alone. The
reduction of gold(III) chloride to the metal can be expected to involve the
formation of gold(I) as an intermediate species, and an extensive investiga-
tion (Nicol and Schalch, 1976a) of the cathodic behaviour of gold in chloride
solutions has shown that the quality of the cathode deposit is strongly in-
fluenced by the relative amounts of gold(I) and gold(III) present in the
An explanation for this observation is to be found in the results in Figure
15.12, which shows that the reduction of AuCI; occurs at more positive
potentials than that of AuCI;. The plateau in the curve for the former at
potentials below about 0,65 V occurs because the rate of reduction becomes
controlled by the rate of mass transport of AuCI; to the surface. Under
normal electrorefining or electrowinning conditions, gold will be deposited
from both the gold(III) and gold(I) species. It is well known (Despic and
Popov, 1972) that metals deposited at their mass-transport-controlled rates
tend to form highly dendritic and powdery deposits. The fact that the cathodes
produced during the electrorefining of gold in chloride solutions are generally
of poor quality, in that they tend to be bulky and porous, is therefore not
The presence of gold fines in the solution as a result of the dispropor-
tionation reaction
3AuCI; = 2Au + AuCI; + 2CI- (15.46)
also creates considerable handling problems in the electrorefining process.
From the above it should be apparent that process conditions should be ad-
justed so as to minimize the amount of gold(I) produced. Detailed studies
(Nicol and Schalch, 1976a, 1976b) of the anodic and cathodic reactions have
shown that the use of low temperatures and periodic interruption of the cur-
rent are the major factors that can contribute to reduced gold(I)
15.2 The Dissolution of Gold
IS.2.1 The mechanism of cyanidation
The chemistry of the dissolution of gold (and silver) in alkaline cyanide solu-
tions has been the subject of considerable investigation for over a century.
Although the overall features of the reactions involved are well established,
there is still uncertainty regarding the details of some aspects of the mechanism
of the process. Undoubtedly the major advance in the understanding of
cyanidation was made by Kudryk and Kellogg (1954), who conducted ex-
periments to demonstrate that the dissolution of gold in cyanide solutions
is essentially an electrochemical process.
A simplified schematic diagram, which illustrates the 'mixed-potential'
electrochemical model (Figure 15.13), shows that the anodic dissolution of
gold in the presence of cyanide ions is coupled to the cathodic reduction of
oxygen. Each of these half-reactions has been discussed in detail in previous
sections. In the absence of any externally applied current, a gold surface im-
mersed in an aerated alkaline cyanide solution will undergo dissolution at
a rate governed by the requirement that the rate of the anodic process is equal
to the rate of the cathodic reduction of oxygen. As shown, this will occur
at a potential Em' known as the mixed potential.
The curves depict the situation generally observed under conditions of
'high-purity'. Data obtained by Kudryk and Kellogg (1954) under conditions
that probably resemble more closely those pertaining to plant operation, are
shown in Figure 15.14. It is noteworthy that there is no passivation of the
anodic reaction, and also that cathodic currents are treated as positive. The
plateaus in the anodic curves at potentials above about - 0,3 V and low con-
centrations of cyanide occur because the rate of dissolution becomes limited
by the rate of mass transport of cyanide ions to the gold surface. Similarly,
the plateau in the cathodic curve at potentials lower than - 0,5 V is the
Figure 15.13. Simplified schematic diagram of the mixed-
potential model for the dissolution of gold in cyanide solutions.
limiting diffusion current for the reduction of oxygen from dissolved air.
Application of the mixed-potential model to these data results in the follow-
ing predictions.
i) At low concentrations of potassium cyanide (lower than about 0,0170/0),
the rate of leaching will increase with increasing concentration of
cyanide, and the mixed potential will decrease from - 0,18 to - 0,5 V
at 0,005 and 0,017% cyanide respectively.
ii) At higher concentrations of potassium cyanide, the mixed potential will
decrease from - 0,55 V to - 0,75 V at 0,025 and 0,5% respectively,
but the rate of leaching will become independent of the cyanide
iii) An increase in the concentration of oxygen by the use of pure oxygen
will result in a positive shift of the curve for the reduction of oxygen
(shown as the dashed line) with a resulting positive shift in the mixed
potential. Under these conditions, it is apparent that, at higher con-
centrations of potassium cyanide, the rate of dissolution will increase
with increasing cyanide concentration, and will become independent
of the cyanide concentration only when it exceeds about 0,075%.
iv) For a given oxygen concentration such as that provided by an air-
saturated solution (2,5 X 10-
mol 1-1 at 25C), there will be a par-
ticular concentration of cyanide at which the rates of both the anodic
and cathodic reactions will be diffusion-controlled. This concentration
can be defined as follows.
The maximum rate (Ra) of the anodic process
Au + 2CN- = Au(CN); + e (15.47)
will be given by Fick's first law of diffusion, and can be described by
an equation of the form
!. ~ 0
~ o V) !;"
V) N 0
o 0 ~ c:i
~ .
u u u u
6 \
~ ~ ~
\ KeN 0.0175%
-0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2
Potential, V
Figure 15.14. Anodic and cathodic current-potential curves for
gold (after Kudryk and Kellogg, 1954).
where k is a constant, DCN the diffusion coefficient of the cyanide ion,
and [CN-] the concentration of cyanide. The factor 2 is included
because two cyanide ions are required for each electron produced.
Similarly, the maximum rate (RJ of the cathodic process
02 + 4H+ + 4e = 2H
0 (15.49)
will be given by
Rc = 4kDo [02], (15.50)
where the factor 4 is included because four electrons are accepted by
each molecule of oxygen. Equating of these two rates and rearrange-
ment gives
[CN-] = 8D
] (15.51)
which, on the substitution of values for the diffusion coefficients and
the above concentration of oxygen, yields a potassium cyanide con-
centration of 2,5 X 10-
M (or 0,016070). The practical implication of
this conclusion is that the rate of leaching in air-saturated solutions
will be unaffected by an increase in the cyanide concentration above
this level.
Increased rate of cyanidation can be achieved by the use of oxygen in-
stead of air, under pressure if necessary, increased agitation, and elevated
temperatures. These variations are employed in the 'intensive cyanidation'
process (Davidson et al., 1978), which is practised on several South African
plants for the treatment of gravity concentrates. In this process, concentrates
with a gold content as high as 20 kg per ton are subjected to cyanidation under
conditions of vigorous agitation with oxygen aeration and cyanide additions
as large as 50 kg per ton of concentrate. Under these conditions, over 970/0
of the gold can be dissolved in 10 to 20 hours. An interesting observation
made during the development of this process is that the use of sodium cyanide
instead of potassium cyanide results in poorer recoveries from high-grade
concentrates, and this was shown to result from partial passivation of the
gold surface by the precipitation of the sparingly soluble sodium aurocyanide
salt. The use of potassium cyanide obviates this problem because of the greater
solubility of the potassium salt.
In practice, it is generally difficult to observe passivation of the gold
as described in Section, and therefore this is not normally con-
sidered. However, the literature contains several references to such observa-
tions, which indicates that passivation is at least partially responsible for
leaching rates that are lower than expected. As a result of testwork with
calcine, Cathro (1963) concluded that passivation of the gold surface occur-
red at high oxygen concentrations in the absence of salts such as those of
lead or thallium. In a more extensive study of the leaching and electrochemical
behaviour of gold in pyrite concentrates, Filmer (1982) found an inverse rela-
tionship between gold extraction and residual sulphur in the calcines. He pro-
posed a mechanism that involves the passivation of gold as a result of the
enhanced reduction of oxygen on the pyrite and pyrrhotite surfaces in con-
tact with the gold particles. This galvanic interaction results in a positive shift
of the potential of the gold surface, which can result in a mixed potential
that is in the passive region, as shown in Figure 15.6. Lead nitrate is general-
ly added to the leaching circuit on a number of plants in an attempt to
minimize the deleterious effects of sulptlide ions (Section 15.2.2) on the
leaching of gold. An additional function of the lead could be to reduce the
possibility of passivation by the mechanism outlined in Section (c).
15.2.2 The effect of other constituents of the pulp
The poor extraction of gold by cyanidation can, in many cases, be attributed
to mineralogical factors, such as incomplete liberation of the gold particles
(Feather and Koen, 1973), the presence of tarnished or coated gold (Viljoen
and Mihalik, 1968), or galvanic contact between gold and pyrite particles,
which can result in passivation of the gold surface (Filmer, 1982). The first
two of these effects are discussed in other chapters.
Chemical effects that have an adverse influence on either the rate or
extent of cyanidation can usually be attributed to one of the following factors:
i) the depletion of cyanide and oxygen in the pulp due to reaction with
the constituents of the pulp,
ii) the adsorption of poisons on the surface of the gold particles, which
can retard anodic dissolution of the gold, and
iii) the presence in the pulp of carbonaceous material which can absorb
aurocyanide ions.
The literature contains a large amount of information on the cyanid a-
tion of gold, which requires careful analysis if erroneous conclusions are to
be avoided. For example, the deleterious effect of nickel on cyanidation
reported by Beyers (1936) is probably due rather to the consumption of
cyanide that occurs as a result of the formation of the very stable complex
Ni(CN);- than to any possible effect of the complex itself (Osseo-Asare et
al., 1984a). Furthermore, much of the data has been gathered from ex-
periments in which large samples of gold (as leaf, foil, or in polished sec-
tions) are contacted with relatively small volumes of cyanide electrolyte for
short periods (1 to 2 hours). In such experiments the preparation of the gold
surface can influence the rate of cyanidation during the time of measure-
ment, and may not be representative of actual leaching practice. Iron sulphide minerals
The common iron-containing sulphide minerals that are usually associated
with gold are pyrite, marcasite, and pyrrhotite. These minerals decompose
in aerated alkaline cyanide solutions to various extents, their reactivity in-
creasing in the order pyrite < marcasite < pyrrhotite. In the absence of
cyanide ions, the reaction products that have been observed include ferric
hydroxide, sulphide, elemental sulphur, thiosulphate, polythionates, and
sulphates (Hedley and Tabachnick, 1968). The formation of the higher ox-
idation states 9f sulphur consumes both lime and oxygen, e.g.
2FeS + 2Y20
+ 2H
O + 20H- = 2Fe(OH)3 + sPi-, (15.52)
+ 7 Y2 O
+ 80H- = 2Fe(0H)3 + 4S0;- + H
0. (15.53)
As a result of the high rate of oxidation of pyrrhotite, the dissolved oxygen
is rapidly consumed and the concentration of oxygen may become very low.
Under these conditions, pyrrhotite may dissolve non-oxidatively, producing
sulphide ions and ferrous hydroxide (Gardiner, 1933):
FeS + 20H- = Fe(0H)2 + S2-. (15.54)
The rates of all these reactions are enhanced by high alkalinities.
In the presence of cyanide ions, both pyrite and pyrrhotite are unstable
with respect to oxidation, yielding soluble ferrocyanide and thiocyanate ions
as the major products, e.g.:
FeS + Y20z + 7CN- + H
0 = F e ( C N ) ~ - + SCN- + 20H-, (15.55)
although thiosulphates, polythionates, and sulphates are also produced. It
has been reported that ferrocyanide ions inhibit cyanidation (Beyers, 1936;
Taylor, 1983), although other workers (Holloway, 1982; Osseo-Asare et al.,
1984a) have stated that ferrocyanide has no effect on cyanidation. The lat-
ter view is probably correct, but the consumption of oxygen and cyanide re-
quired for the formation of ferrocyanide could appreciably affect the cyanida-
tion of gold.
Although ferrocyanide ions are thermodynamically unstable with respect
to their oxidation to ferricyanide ions (B" = 0,46 V) by dissolved oxygen
(E = 0,58 V at a pH of 11), the rate of oxidation is very low (Hedley and
Tabachnick, 1968). Strong oxidants such as permanganate ions and ozone
oxidize ferrocyanide very rapidly, and the resulting ferricyanide can oxidize
gold in the presence of cyanide ions (Putnam, 1950).
There is no general agreement as to the best procedure to be used in
the cyanidation of ores containing iron sulphide minerals. In many cases,
the addition of sufficient quantities of air and cyanide may be all that is re-
quired for adequate dissolution of the gold. If the consumption of cyanide
is excessively high, aeration in alkaline solution prior to the addition of
cyanide may be required (Gardiner, 1933; McLachlan et al., 1946). The aim
of this treatment is partial oxidation of the surface of the sulphide particles
and the production of a surface film of ferric hydroxide that will inhibit fur-
ther leaching of the sulphides upon the addition of cyanide ions. It is impor-
tant to note that ferric hydroxide is practically insoluble under the condi-
tions of cyanidation, since the concentration of soluble ferricyanide in
equilibrium with ferric hydroxide at a pH of 11 and a free cyanide concen-
tration of 10-
mol 1-) is 1,3 X 10-
mol 1-):
+ + 30H- = Fe(OH)3 K) = 4 X 10
+ + 6CN- = F e ( C N ) ~ - K2 = 5 X 10
[Fe(CN)3-] = K2 [CN]6 .
6 K) [OH]3
As a result, the consumption of cyanide is greatly reduced. During pre-
aeration, the pH value should be maintained below 12 so that the formation
of excessive amounts of sulphide ions, which have a deleterious effect upon
cyanidation, can be avoided (see below). Copper sulphide minerals
The most common copper sulphide minerals associated with gold are
chalcopyrite and chalcocite. In a typical cyanide electrolyte, chalcocite is
somewhat more reactive than chalcopyrite, although both are oxidized to
soluble copper cyanide complexes and thiocyanate (McLachlan et al., 1946).
These minerals may therefore retard the cyanidation of gold, due to their
consumption of oxygen and cyanide ions.
The only stable oxidation state of copper in the presence of cyanide ions
is + 1, since any cupric ions are reduced to cuprous ions by the oxidation
of cyanide ions to cyanogen. An increase in the concentration of cyanide
ions results in the formation of the c.omplexes
Cu(CN);-, Cu(CN);-, Cu(CN)!-,
Cu(CN);- being the predominant species under the conditions of cyanida-
tion (Osseo-Asare et al., 1984a; Shantz and Reich, 1978).
Hedley and Kentro (1945) investigated the effect of soluble copper in
cyanide solutions on the dissolution of gold from ores and pure gold. The
rate of dissolution in an electrolyte containing cyanide and copper at a molar
ratio of 3 to 1 was about 60070 of the value obtained with an electrolyte with
a pure sodium cyanide content of 0,01 to 0,05%. At a molar ratio of 4 to
1, the rate of dissolution approached that obtained with the pure electrolyte.
Similar results have been reported by McLachlan et al. (1946).
The conclusion to be drawn from these results is that the cupro-cyanide
complexes have no effect upon the cyanidation of gold provided that suffi-
cient excess free cyanide is available. Stamboliadis et al. (1976) concluded
that the presence of soluble cupro-cyanide complexes retards the dissolution
of gold, even when sufficient lime, cyanide, and oxygen are present. However,
the titration method they used to determine the concentration of free cyanide
ions may have yielded erroneously high values (Shantz and Reich, 1978). Arsenic sulphide minerals
The common arsenic sulphide minerals associated with gold are arsenopyrite
or FeAsS), realgar (AsS), and orpiment (AS
). These minerals
are all decomposed in oxygenated alkaline solutions, the reactivity increas-
ing in the order FeAsS < AsS < AS
(Hedley and Tabachnick, 1968).
The stable oxidation products are HAsO;-, SO;-, and (in the
case of arsenopyrite), e.g.
2AsS + 80H- + 5Y20
2FeAsS + 40H- + 6Yz0
+ 12CN-
+ Hp.
+ + 3H
0. (15.58)
= 2Fe(CN):- + 2HAsO;- +
These reactions consume large quantities of oxygen, lime (AsS and AS
and cyanide (FeAsS), and may therefore retard the cyanid at ion of gold to
a large extent. During the cyanidation of ores containing these minerals, many
other compounds, in addition to those mentioned above, are produced, e.g.
S2- , SCN-, sPi- , AsS;- and HAsoi- (Nagy et al., 1966). If an adequate
supply of oxygen is available, however, the intermediate products such as
thioarsenite, AsS;-, and arsenite, HAsoi-, will be oxidized to arsenate
Apart from the consumption of oxygen, there appears to be no evidence
to indicate that any of the arsenic-oxygen compounds has any chemical effect
on the cyanidation of gold. Hedley and Tabachnik (1968) have suggested
that the adsorption of thioarsenite ions onto the surface of the gold particles
may retard dissolution. The deleterious effect of sulphide ions on
cyanidation is generally acknowledged (see below). The addition of lead
nitrate has been shown to enhance the oxidation of both sulphide and
thioarsenite ions. Antimony sulphide minerals
The only antimony sulphide mineral associated with gold is stibnite, Sb
the chemistry of which is very similar to that of AS
In alkaline solutions
stibnite is oxidized to antimonites (HSbOi-), antimonates (HSbO;-), and
thioantimonites (SbS;-), which consume lime and oxygen. The rate of
oxidation of stibnite, like that of arsenic minerals, is enhanced by a high
pH value (i.e. above 12), (Muir et al., 1984).
Hedley and Tabachnick (1968) have suggested that thioantimonites can
retard the dissolution of gold by being adsorbed onto the surface of gold
particles. Aeration in alkaline electrolytes (pH 10 or lower) prior to the ad-
dition of cyanide ions can result in improved dissolution of golp. Lead nitrate
can be added to accelerate the oxidation of sulphide and thioantimonite ions.
If the antimonial ore is roasted for the removal of volatile antimony
oxides, the temperature and air flow must be carefully controlled if the pro-
duction of metallic antimony, which can coat the surface of the gold par-
ticles, is to be avoided (Nagy et al., 1966). Ores containing silver may form
'antimony glasses' (xAg
) during roasting (Matsukawa and Sakai,
1956). Anions containing sulphur
The sulphur anions that are known to be strong 'poisons' in the cyanidation
of gold are sulphide, thioarsenite, and thioantimonite ions. Fink and Put-
nam (1950) showed that concentrations of dissolved sulphide as low as
0,5 mg I-I can halve the rate of leaching, and attributed this retardation to
the formation of insoluble aurous sulphide on the surface of the gold par-
ticles. Hedley and Tabachnick (1968) suggested that sulphide, thioarsenite,
and thioantimonite ions could be strongly adsorbed onto gold surfaces, thus
rendering the surfaces inert towards cyanide and oxygen.
Although these sulphur anions are thermodynamically unstable towards
oxidation by dissolved oxygen in alkaline solutions, the rate of oxidation can
be remarkably low. The addition of lead (as the nitrate, acetate, or litharge)
can enhance the rate 'of oxidation markedly. In the case of sulphide ions,
this effect has been attributed to the presence of precipitated lead sulphide,
which presents a large surface area for the reduction of oxygen and the
oxidation of the residual sulphide (Paul, 1984).
Thiosulphate and polythionate ions are produced during the oxidation
of many sulphide minerals, and are unstable towards further oxidation if
dissolved oxygen is present, e.g.
s2oi- + 202 + 20H- = 2S0;- + H
0. (15.60)
They also react slowly with cyanide in the presence of dissolved oxygen,
forming thiocyanate:
oi- + 02 + 2CN- = 2SCN- + 2 S 0 ~ - . (15.61)
Although these compounds can consume lime, oxygen, and cyanide ions,
they do not appear to exert any direct influence on the dissolution of gold.
Thiocyanate ions can be produced in relatively large amounts by the
oxidation of some sulphide minerals. These ions do not appear to have any
effect on the cyanidation process. Cyanide complexes of various base metals
The presence of the cyanide complexes of Fe
+ , Ni
+, Cu+ , Zn
+ and Mn2+
have no direct effect upon cyanidation, although the formation of these com-
plexes may deplete the leach liquor of free cyanide, and retard the dissolu-
tion of gold. Ferricyanide is an oxidant that can actually leach gold (Put-
nam, 1950).
Low concentrations of Pb
+, Hg2+, Bi
+ and TI+ can enhance the
leaching of gold under certain conditions (Fink and Putnam, 1950; Cathro,
1963). The electrochemical aspects of this effect have been discussed by Nicol
(1980a). It is generally agreed that the anodic dissolution of gold in cyanide
solution is a multistep reaction that involves the reactions
Au + CN- = AuCN
+ e, (15.38)
+ CN- = Au(CN);. (15.39)
If the rate of the electrochemical production of the ads or bed AuCN
higher than the rate at which the adsorbed species is removed as Au(CN); ,
a macromolecular layer of AuCN may be formed on the surface of the gold.
The presence of small amounts of the heavy-metal ions cited above may in-
hibit the formation of this passivating layer, thereby enhancing the rate of
the overall reaction. Calcium ions
Calcium ions are introduced into the cyanide pulp in the form of lime, which
is the most commonly used protective alkali, and as calcium cyanide. Bar-
sky et al. (1935) reported that the rate of cyanidation decreased when the
pH value was raised above 11 with lime, and that almost no leaching of gold
occurred at a pH of 12.2. However, if the pH value was adjusted with sodium
hydroxide, the rate of cyanidation was unaffected for pH values up to 12.5.
On the other hand, the addition of calcium chloride. to an alkaline cyanide
solution had no effect on the dissolution of gold.
It was concluded that high concentrations of both calcium and hydrox-
ide ions must be present for the effect to be observed. The reason for this
effect is not clear. It has been suggested that the retardation is due to the
precipitation of calcium peroxide at the gold surface (Kameda, 1949), but
this is most unlikely. Carbonaceous material
The deleterious effects of carbonaceous material or 'preg-robbing' constit-
uents in the pulp, is well known, and only some pertinent review papers are
cited (Osseo-Asare et al., 1984b; Nagy et al., 1966; and Eisele et al., 1983).
Carbonaceous material can reduce the recovery of gold by restricting the
release of gold from the carbonaceous matrix, or by adsorbing dissolved gold
from the leach liquor (Osseo-Asare et al., 1984b). The treatment of these
ores involves roasting, addition of kerosene or heavy oils, flotation, and
aqueous chlorination.
Carbonaceous matter appears to consist of heavy hydrocarbons, which
do not interact with gold, an elemental carbon component, which behaves
like activated carbon and therefore adsorbs gold, and organic acids (notably
humic acids), which can form complexes with dissolved gold (Osseo-Asare
et al., 1984b).
The functional groups on the surface of the elemental carbon compon-
ent consist of carboxylic (R- COOH), phenolic- hydroxyl (R- OH), and
quinone-type carbonyl (R - C = 0) groups (R being an aliphatic or cyclic com-
pound). In alkaline solutions, these groups exhibit a slight negative charge,
and it is not clear how interaction with the negatively charged aurocyanide
ion occurs. The adsorption of gold is enhanced by the presence of calcium
ions, and may therefore require the formation of ion pairs, as has been sug-
gested for the adsorption of gold by activated carbon (Davidson, 1974).
Humic acids also contain functional groups of the type found in the
elemental carbon component, and exhibit similar behaviour. The mechanism
of the interaction between aurocyanide ions and humic acids remains
unresolved. Flotation reagents and other surface active reagents
Gold bearing ores are often subjected to flotation before cyanidation. When
the flotation concentrate is cyanided without prior calcining, the dissolution
of gold is often found to be poor. Whether this phenomenon is due to the
'lock-up' of finely divided gold in the sulphide minerals, the consumption
of oxygen or cyanide by the corroding minerals, the presence of sulphide
ions in the leach liquor, the presence of residual flotation reagents, or any
combination of the above factors, is difficult to elucidate. It is not surpris-
ing, therefore, that relatively little has been published on this subject.
In a review of this subject, Finkelstein (1972) concluded that thiol-type
collectors (xanthates, dithiophosphates, etc.) can be strongly adsorbed onto
gold, thus rendering the surfaces passive and retarding the anodic dissolu-
tion process.
15.2.3 Other leaching processes
In recent years, increasing emphasis has been placed on protection of the
environment from pollution, on the treatment of refractory gold ores, and
on underground processing. This has led to renewed interest in the develop-
ment of leaching processes that are as efficient and as cost-effective as
cyanidation, but more environmentally acceptable and less susceptible to the
deleterious effects of some constituents of refractory ores.
The thermodynamic behaviour of some of the more important gold com-
plexes is summarized in Figure 15.15, which compares the standard reduc-
tion potentials of the gold(III) - gold and gold(I) - gold couples (Nicol,
1980b). The points below the diagonal line correspond to ligands, L; that
form complexes with gold(III), A u L ~ - which are more stable than the
corresponding gold(I) complexes, A u L ~ - . The latter are the preferred species
for those ligands above the line. The standard potentials for the ferric-ferrous
couple in acid solution and the oxygen-water couple in acidic and basic solu-
tions are also shown.
The more important of these potentiallixiviants, excluding cyanide, will
be discussed in relation to this figure.
Chlorination was widely used for the leaching of ores during the second half
of the nineteenth century. With the advent of the cyanide process, and the
steadily decreasing grade of the ores being treated, this method has essen-
tially disappeared, and is at present employed only in the refining of gold.
As can be seen from the data in Figure 15.15, the oxidation of gold in chloride
solutions occurs at potentials above 1,2 V, and this requires strong oxidants
such as chlorine or ozone, the former generally being employed. The use of
acidic solutions during chlorination overcomes any passivation problems,
since the mixed potential is below that at which oxide films form on a gold
surface under these conditions (see Figure 15.4). As shown in Section (a), the oxidation of gold in chloride solutions proceeds through the
intermediate formation of gold(I) and, in the presence of excess chlorine,
gold(III) is the final product:
Au + -2C12 -I Cl- = AuCl;. (15.65)
The rate of dissolution of gold by chlorination is about two orders of
magnitude greater than that in cyanidation mainly because the solubility of
chlorine is greater than that of oxygen in aqueous solutions.
Under the strong oxidizing conditions employed during chlorination,
the dissolution of other metals in the ore is appreciable, even sulphur, in
the form of sulphide minerals, being oxidized to sulphate. The excessively
high consumption of chlorine by these unwanted reactions renders chlorina-
tion uneconomical except under exceptional circunistances such as the
recovery of gold from antimonial slags (Muir et al., 1983). An additional
disadvantage is that silver chloride is only partially soluble in concentrated
chloride solutions, and therefore reports to both the leach residue and the
pregnant solution.
15.3 The Recovery of Gold from Solution
15.3.1 Cementation
The zinc-cementation process for the recovery of gold and silver from cyanide
solutions was introduced in 1890. During the following thirty years, three
major modifications were introduced that improved the efficiency of the pro-
cess. These innovations involved the addition of lead salts to the pregnant
solution (1894), the use of zinc dust in place of zinc shavings (1897), and
de-aeration of the pregnant solution prior to cementation (1916). The
historical review compiled by Leblanc (1942) on the recovery of gold from
pregnant liquors gives an excellent account of these early developments.
Once the major metallurgical and economic shortcomings of the pro-
cess had been resolved, the incentive for further research in this area largely
fell away. Fortunately, the rekindled interest in electrochemistry which began
in the 1960's led to research into the mechanism of cementation, and much
of the mystique has been stripped away.
The thermodynamic and kinetic aspects of the cementation process have
Zn --> Z n ( C N ) ~ -
-1.5 -1.0 -0.5
Potential E, V
Figure 15.16. Current-potential curves for the major reactions
which occur during the cementation of gold onto zinc.
already been introduced. The major reactions are the cathodic deposition
of gold onto the surface of the corroding zinc particles:
Au(CN); + e = Au + 2CN-. (15.66)
Zn + 4CN- == Zn(CN);- + 2e. (15.67)
Other reactions that can influence the cementation process are the reduction
of water and dissolved oxygen:
0 + 2e = 20H- + H
, (15.68)
The flow of electrons (i. e. electrical current) required to sustain the three
cathodic reactions (15.66), (15.68) and (15.69) is supplied by the oxidation
of the zinc. The current-potential curves corresponding to these reactions
are shown in Figure 15.16.
The potential at the surface of the zinc particles (the mixed potential,
Em) is uniquely determined by the currents of all four reactions. Cementa-
tion usually occurs with a mixed potential between - 1,0 and - 1,2 V (Nicol
et al., 1979). Over this range, the rates of reactions (15.66) and (15.69) are
controlled by the transport of cyanide ions and oxygen to the surface of the
zinc particles (Kakovskiy and Shcherbakov, 1967), whereas reactions (15.67)
and (15.68) are under activation control.
An increase in the concentration of cyanide ions causes the curves for
both the dissolution of zinc and the deposition of gold (and thus, Em) to
shift in a negative direction by 0,12 V for every tenfold increase in the cyanide
concentration. This shift increases the evolution of hydrogen (Equation
15.68), thus increasing the consumption of zinc. Furthermore, the genera-
tion of gas bubbles can disrupt the flow of solution 'through the zinc bed
and reduce the overall efficiency of the process (Paul, 1985). A decrease in
the concentration of free cyanide causes the potential to shift in a positive
direction, and may cause the dissolution of zinc to become controlled by the
transport of cyanide ions to the zinc surface. Under these conditions, the
concentration of cyanide ions at the zinc surface may be so low that zinc
hydroxide is precipitated, which prevents any further dissolution of the zinc.
The deleterious effects of excessive and insufficient concentrations of free
cyanide were reported by Leblanc (1942), who recommended that the con-
centration of free cyanide should be maintained at between 0,006 and 0,015 070
sodium cyanide.
The pH of the pregnant solution in a conventional gold plant usually
lies in the range 10,5 to 11,0. Nicol et al. (1979) have shown that the current-
potential curve for the anodic dissolution of zinc is shifted in a negative direc-
tion with rising pH. In addition, at pH values above about 11, the mass-
transport peak is increased, owing to the formation of soluble zincates and
mixed hydroxy-cyanide complexes. The resulting negative shift in Em can be
beneficial if the deposition of the gold was not entirely under mass-transport
control. Leblanc (1942) reported that the cementation of gold was practical-
ly constant over the pH range 8 to 11, but that a marked improvement could
be obtained by an increase in pH to a value between 11,5 and 11 ,9. At very
high pH values (i.e. above 13), which may be encountered in carbon-in-pulp
(CIP) eluates, the negative shift in Em results in the evolution of excessive
hydrogen, which has a deleterious effect on cementation. Plaskin et al. (1948)
reported that the recovery of gold was maximized at a sodium hydroxide
concentration of 0,025% (a theoretical pH value of 11,8).
Concentrations of Pb
+ as low as 1 to 2 mg 1-1 have been shown to
shift the current-potential curve for the deposition of gold in a positive direc-
tion by as much as 0,20 V (Nicol et al., 1979; Kirk and Foulkes, 1984; McIn-
tyre and Peck, 1976). The mechanism associated with this considerable
enhancement is not clear. Similar effects have been found with thallium', mer-
cury and bismuth ions (McIntyre and Peck, 1976). Other benefits arising from
the addition of lead include reduced zinc consumption (Leblanc, 1942), pro-
bably due to an increased overpotential for the evoluti'on of hydrogen, and
the precipitation of any sulphide ions as PbS (see below). The addition of
lead to above 10 mg 1-1 may actually retard the cementation of gold (Nicol
et al., 1979; Leblanc, 1942), as the result of a combination of factors: the
effect of the lead on the dissolution of the zinc and the difficulty with which
gold nucleates on a lead surface.
Inefficient de-aeration of the pregnant solution accelerates the corro-
sion of zinc. If insufficient free cyanide is present in the solution., zinc hydrox-
ide will be produced, which results in passivation of the zinc 5.urface. Even
if passivation does not occur, a positive shift in Em due to the additional
cathodic current may adversely affect the deposition of gold.
The zinc metal used for cementation must clearly have a large surface
area, because the overall rate of any electrochemical solid-liquid reaction is
directly proportional to surface area. Zinc dust fulfils this requirement, but
is readily oxidized by atmospheric oxygen during storage. The coating of zinc
oxide must be dissolved before cementation can occur,
ZnO + H
0 + 4CN- = Z n ( C N ) ~ - + 20H-, (15.70)
which accounts for the frequent necessity for circulation of the pregnant 501u-
tion for considerable lengths of time at the start-up of a Merrill or Stellar
filter. High concentrations of free cyanide may be beneficial during this
The most common impurities including sulphite, sulphate, thiosulphate,
ferrocyanide, zinc cyanide, thiocyanate, copper, nickel and cobalt, appear
to have little or no effect on the cementation process (Nicol et al., 1979;
Leblanc, 1942), although deleterious effects can be observed if the concen-
trations are very high. Plaskin et al. (1948) reported that copper adversely
affected the cementation of gold, which almost ceased at a copper concen-
tration of 200 mg 1-1. However, the deleterious effect of copper decreases
as the concentration of cyanide is increased, from which it can be inferred
that the effect of copper may be due to a reduction in the concentration of
free cyanide as a result of the formation of cyanide complexes. Hancock and
Thomas (1954) reported that nickel at concentrations higher than
200 mg 1-1 has a slightly retarding effect on cementation.
The only species that have a marked deleterious effect on cementation
appear to be sulphide ions and soluble compounds of arsenic and antimony
(Nicol et al., 1979; Leblanc, 1942; Plaskin et al., 1948). The effects are observ-
ed even at very low concentrations (1 mg 1-1 and lower). The poisoning ef-
fect of sulphide ions is thought to be due to the precipitation of insoluble
zinc sulphide on the surface of the zinc particles. No satisfactory mechanism
has been proposed for the effect of arsenic and antimony.
Aluminium is sufficiently electronegative to reduce aurocyanide ions to
gold, and its use as a cementing agent was patented by Moldenhauer in 1893.
The factor mitigating against its use is the dissolution reaction
Al + 40H- = AIO; + 2H
0 + 3e, (15.71)
which requires the pH value of the solution to be above 12 in order that
+ can be maintained in a soluble form. Furthermore, calcium aluminate
has a low solubility, and the use of sodium hydroxide or sodium carbonate
is required to adjust the pH; the use of lime must be avoided. A historical
review of the use of aluminium for the cementation of gold has been com-
piled by Nagy et al. (1966).
15.3.2 Extraction by activated carbon, ion-exchange resins or organic
These three processes have very similar broad metallurgical objectives. In
each case, an aqueous solution containing a mixture of ions is contacted
countercurrently with an immiscible extractant phase. The extractant phase
either contains chemical functional groups or a heterogeneous surface, which
enable the desired metal ion to be extracted (selectively, if possible) from
the aqueous phase into the extractant phase. The reactions are reversible so
that, after separation of the extractant from the aqueous phase, the desired
metal ion can be subsequently stripped into another aqueous phase. The strip-
ping step should result in the production of a purified and more concentrated
aqueous metal-ion solution, and should allow the extractant to be recycled
to the aqueous feed solution.
In ion exchange, the extractant is a solid organic polymer; in solvent
extraction, it is a water-immiscible organic liquid; and in activated carbon
the raw material is granular coconut shell, fruit pits, coal, peat, lignite, or
wood, which is first charred at 300 to 400C and then activated (usually in
an atmosphere of steam) at 800 to 950 C. In principle, all three techniques
could compete favourably with the traditional zinc cementation route for
the recovery of gold from cyanide solutions. It is possible, in theory at least,
to achieve greater selectivity than can be achieved with zinc, and it is also
practical, in each case, to recycle the extractant after the gold has been
recovered, because the extractant generally does not undergo chemical change
during a loading-stripping cycle. This is not the case with the zinc route.
Another major advantage is that, in principle, each of the three techniques
can be applied directly to pulps - the carbon-in-pulp (CIP), resin-in-pulp
(RIP), and solvent-in-pulp (SIP) processes - which enables the costly filtra-
tion and clarification stages to be dispensed with, and the attendant losses
of soluble values in the filter cake to be avoided. As discuss ea elsewhere in
this chapter, the CIP process has been introduced in all the major gold-
producing countries of the world and is now the preferred route for the
recovery of gold in all new gold plants in the western world. The RIP pro-
cess has been designated the preferred technique for use on new plants in
the Soviet Union (Guchetl and Lezgintsev, 1968), and is currently attracting
interest in the West. The major problem with SIP is the loss of organic solvent
due to its entrainment in the pulp, but a promising development is the SIP
contactor in which these losses are minimized (Byerlee, 1980). At the time
of writing, however, SIP is regarded rather as an engineering curiosity than
a serious competitor with the zinc-cementation, CIP, or RIP processes.
The chemistry of these processes is complex and can be treated here only
in the barest outline. For further details, the reader is referred to works
devoted specifically to these subjects (Helferrich, 1962; Marcus and Kertes,
1969). The activated-carbon process
(a) The adsorption of gold from cyanide solution
The use of activated carbon in the recovery of gold has undergone a major
revolution in the past ten years. In particular, the CIP process, which in-
volves the use of granular activated carbon for the extraction of dissolved
gold directly from pulps or slimes, has been shown to offer significant cost
advantages over the conventional gold-recovery process in most applications,
and the CIP process is now used in all the major gold producing countries.
With CIP technology, as with most new technologies, a fundamental
understanding of the mechanisms involved in the adsorption and elution of
aurocyanide onto carbon has lagged somewhat behind the engineering and
implementation of the process. For all the first-generation CIP plants,
therefore, it was necessary to adopt empirical or semi-empirical approaches
in the selection of activated carbon products and the derivation of optimum
operating conditions. In the last few years, however, a number of publica-
tions dealing with the fundamental aspects of the process have appeared and,
although the various research groups active in the field have not reached con-
sensus, a coherent picture is beginning to emerge.
Most of the studies have focused on the interaction between the auro-
cyanide ion and activated carbon, and a number of thermodynamic and
kinetic characteristics of the reaction have been identified. Some of these
characteristics contradict one another when viewed from the perspective of,
for example, the simple electrostatic interaction between metal anions and
anion-exchange resins, and no mechanism that adequately accommodates
all the observations has been developed. The reaction appears to be fairly
unique, and efforts to develop a mechanism in terms of other well-known
heterogeneous processes have failed.
A number of experimental observations relating to the aurocyanide-
carbon interaction have been drawn from Davidson (1974), Davidson and
Duncanson (1977), Dixon et al. (1978), McDougall et al. (1980), Fleming and
Nicol (1984), and Tsuchida et al. (1984), and are summarized below.
Kinetic characteristics. During thermal activation, carbon develops a
porous graphitic structure of molecular dimensions, which creates an enor-
mous internal surface area of the order of 800 to 1200 m
The internal
p o r e ~ are classified as macro pores ~ 5 0 0 to 200 000 A), mesopores (100 to
500 A), and micropores (8 to 100 A). Evidence suggests that at least 90070
of the total surface area of the activated carbons used in gold processing
is in the micropore category, and that this surface is either inaccessible to
the fairly large aurocyanide molecule, or is accessible only after extremely
slow diffusion. This property of activated carbon accounts for many of the
observed kinetic phenomena in the processing of gold cyanide.
Plant experience and numerous laboratory investigations have shown
that the initial rate of adsorption of aurocyanide onto carbon is rapid, and
is controlled by the hydrodynamics in the adsorption contactor. This initial
film-diffusion-controlled reaction, which presumably involves adsorption in
the macropores and mesopores, results in the establishment of a pseudo-
equilibrium in 4 to 48 hours*. Subsequently, gold cyanide continues to be
* The exact time taken for the adsorption reaction to reach this pseudo-equilibrium
is governed by factors such as pulp density and viscosity, mixing efficiency, carbon
particle-size and pore-size distribution, and the presence in the pulp of species that
adsorb onto and poison carbon.
adsorbed onto the carbon almost indefinitely and, in practice, it is difficult
to establish a true equilibrium. During this period of pore-diffusion-controlled
adsorption, gold cyanide presumbly diffuses slowly into the micropores of
the carbon and, as the cross-sectional area of the micropores approaches that
of the aurocyanide ion, the resistance to mass transfer becomes infinite.
Obviously, gold that diffuses very slowly into the micropores will diffuse
out only very slowly, and it is probably this fact that has led to confusion
regarding the reversibility of the reaction.
From a practical point of view, therefore, the interaction between auro-
cyanide and carbon can be considered to possess two thermodynamic regimes,
the macropore-mesopore equilibrium and the total equilibrium, and the value
of the former could be smaller than the value of the latter by a factor of
at least 10. What is most significant from a practical point of view, however,
is that the pseudo-equilibrium apparently responds to its chemical environ-
ment, and is influenced by the thermodynamics of the adsorption reaction
in much the same way as a true equilibrium would be. It is not a well-defined
entity, however, due to the unhomogeneity of the pore-size distribution from
one carbon particle to another and from one batch of carbon to another.
Therefore, since the pseudo-equilibrium is not well-defined theoretically, and
the true equilibrium is not readily determined experimentally, it is difficult
to model the aurocyanide-carbon interaction accurately on the basis of the
intrinsic thermodynamic properties of the system. Hence, empirical or semi-
empirical approaches based on the rate of adsorption are generally adopted
when modelling this reaction. (Hussey et al., 1978; Cho and Pitt, 1979; Nicol
et al., 1984a and 1984b; Van Deventer, 1984; and Williams and Glasser, 1985.)
It is apparent that the plant-operating parameters should be set in such
a way that the carbon loading is maintained within the macropore-mesopore
equilibrium range. The rate of extraction is fast and responsive to good mix-
ing efficiency in the adsorption contractors, and the rate of elution and the
ultimate efficiency of elution, under a given set of conditions, are also max-
imized. Most plants do, in fact, operate predominantly in the pseudo-
equilibrium range, with average carbon residence times of about 24 hours
per contractor, but there is an obvious economic trade-off between carbon
loading and operating costs in elution and reactivation (Nicol et al., 1984b).
Thermodynamic characteristics. The chemical nature of the surface of
activated carbon has not been firmly established, mainly because of the lack
of a suitable physical technique for the direct study of carbon surfaces. Ac-
tivated carbons have traditionally been divided into two types, those formed
at 700 to 1000C, which extract acid from water, and those formed at 300
to 400 C, which take up base. Carbons used for gold adsorption are usually
activated between 700 and 800C, and show both acid- and base-extracting
properties. These properties are consistent with the presence of carboxylic
acid and phenolic groups on the surface and, possibly, in addition to these,
quinone, chromene, and peroxide groups.
The gold-loading capacity of activated carbon increases with increasing
concentration of cations in solution in the order Ca
+ > Mi+ > H+ >
Li+ > Na+ > K+, but decreases with increasing concentration of anions
in solution in the order CN- > S2- > SCN- > SO;- > OH- > Cl- >
NO; . A salt such as CaCl
therefore enhances loading, whereas potassium
cyanide inhibits it.
In the presence of aurocyanide or silver cyanide, cations such as Ca
+ ,
Mi+ and Na + are co-extracted by activated carbon, but they are not load-
ed in the absence of the metal cyanide complexes. However, the concentra-
tion of cations on the carbon is generally too low to accommodate a simple
ion-pair adsorption mechanism.
The adsorption of Ca
+, Mi+, Na+ and K+ increases with increasing
pH, whereas the adsorption of aurocyanide decreases. For Ca
+ and Mi+ ,
this is associated, to a certain extent, with precipitation of the carbonate com-
pounds within the carbon matrix.
A neutral complex such as Hg(CN)2 is adsorbed onto activated carbon
as strongly as anionic complexes such as A u ( C N ) ~ and Ag(CN);, but the
adsorption of neutral compounds is not influenced by the ionic strength of
the solution.
The adsorption of copper from cyanide solution onto activated carbon
increases as the pH and the concentration of free cyanide are lowered, i.e.
the loading increases as the degree of cyanide co-ordination and the charge
on the complex anion decrease, in the order
Cu(CN); > Cu(CN);- > Cu(CN)!-.
The adsorption of aurocyanide onto carbon is accompanied by a shift
in the equilibrium pH of the solution from between 5 and 6 to between 10
and 11, depending on the extent of loading. This could be due to the release
of either OH- or HCO;. There is no shift in pH when Hg(CN)2 is
The reduction potential of most commercial activated carbon products
lies between 0,10 and 0,40 V. This is sUfficiently low for the reduction of
the gold chloride complex AuCI; to the metal (E' = 1,002 V) but riot for
the reduction of the aurocyanide complex (EO = - 0,57 V). Nevertheless,
a correlation has been observed between the loading capacity of the carbon
for gold cyanide and its reduction potential, although the correlation for aura-
cyanide is not as well defined as it is for AuCI; .
Oxidation of the surface functional groups of activated carbon with,
for example, chlorine or nitric acid, results in a marked decrease in its capacity
for gold cyanide and gold chloride.
The capacity of carbon for gold cyanide is greater in an aerated or
oxygenated solution than in a solution through which nitrogen is bubbled.
The nitrogen content of carbons loaded with gold from aurocyanide solu-
tion is reasonably consistent with the presence of Au(CI'D; , at gold loadings
of lower than 30 kg t-
At higher loadings, the nitrogen-to-gold
stoichiometry is somewhat lower than 2.
The gold-loading capacity of activated carbon decreases with increas-
ing temperature.
The adsorption of aurocyanide onto activated carbon is a reversible pro-
cess in which the equilibria between the concentrations of gold in solution
and on the carbon are equal, whether arrived at from above or below. There
can be a degree of kinetic hysteresis, however, for the reasons outlined in
the section above.
In general, an anion need not be a complexing agent for gold in order
to displace the gold from the carbon. For example, gold that has been fully
loaded onto the carbon from cyanide solution can be completely stripped
with hot sodium hydroxide, and appears in solution as the aurocyanide anion.
The rate of elution is retarded by the addition of salts to the eluate, and
enhanced by increases in the temperature or the addition of polar organic
solvents such as methanol, ethanol, acetone, or acetonitrile to the eluate.
Mechanism of adsorption. Factors that affect the kinetics of adsorp-
tion are the hydrodynamic conditions in the adsorption stages, the particle-
size and pore-size distribution of the carbon, the viscosity and density of the
solution or pulp in contact with the carbon, and the presence of species that
can adsorb onto and poison carbon (Fleming and Nicol, 1984). These fac-
tors would have the greatest influence on the efficiency of gold extraction
in the initial stages of the adsorption process. Factors that influence the
equilibrium loading capacity are the pH of the solution in contact with the
carbon, ionic strength, temperature, and the concentration of free cyanide
(Fleming and Nicol, 1984), and these factors will have an influence on plant
performance only if the loading of the gold on the carbon is allowed to ap-
proach its equilibrium isotherm.
The various mechanisms of gold adsorption from cyanide solution that
have been proposed in the literature generally fall into one of the following
the reduction of Au(CN}; to metallic gold,
the adsorption of M+ Au(CN); ion pairs,
the electrical double-layer adsorption of Au(CN); and cations onto a
charged surface, with partial reduction of the Au(CN); to cluster-type
species, or
the adsorption of Au(CN);, with subsequent degradation to the in-
soluble AuCN species.
In terms of these mechanisms, gold is present on the carbon surface in
one or more of the following forms:
aurocyanide, Au(CN); (valency 1),
gold cyanide, AuCN (valency 1),
a cluster compound, AuiCN)y (valency 0 to 1), or
gold metal, Au (valency 0).
The presence of sub-stoichiometric gold species Au, AuCN, or
AuJCN)y on the loaded carbon is countered by the observation that gold
can be eluted from carbon with sodium hydroxide, and appears in the eluate
as aurocyanide. Moreover, it is significant that it is possible to partially elute
carbon with sodium hydroxide even after treatment of the loaded carbon
in boiling hydrochloric acid for several hours. These conditions would nor-
mally be more than adequate for the decomposition of aurocyanide to gold
cyanide and the liberation of hydrocyanic acid (Equation 15.2). The fact that
this does not occur, or occurs only very slowly, when aurocyanide is loaded
onto carbon suggests that the carbon stabilizes the aurocyanide under acidic
conditions, probably as the acid, HAu(CN)2' In addition, the thermo-
dynamic evidence tends to counter mechanisms in which gold is reduced to
a valency of less than 1. Analyses of carbons with high gold loadings have
indicated a ratio of N to Au of less than 2. This suggests some chemical change
but, under the sort of loading conditions typical of CIP operations, the weight
of evidence favours a mechanism in which aurocyanide is adsorbed without
chemical change. Moreover, the sensitivity of the adsorption mechanism to
temperature and to the concentration of cations in solution suggests that ad-
sorption does not occur by simple coulombic ion exchange. This is supported
by the fact that a neutral molecule such as Hg(CN)2 competes very effect-
ively with Au(CN); for adsorption sites on the carbon, and that cations
such as Ca
+ and Mi+ are co-extracted with aurocyanide. These are
phenomena that would not normally be associated with ion exchange pro-
cesses, but are more consistent with a mechanism in which aurocyanide is
adsorbed as an ion pair of some sort. The evidence suggests that, at high
pH, aurocyanide is adsorbed predominantly as an ion pair of the type
M"+[Au(CN;L (where M is Na, K, Ca, or Mg, etc.), whereas, at low pH,
the predominant adsorbing species is the acid, H[Au(CN)21. Moreover, the
strong dependence of gold adsorption on the pH of the solution indicates
that H[Au(CN)
1 is adsorbed more strongly than M
+[Au(CN)2-]'" A
mechanism by which both H[Au(CN)
1 and M"+ [Au(CN;l
are adsorbed
simultaneously over a fairly wide pH range would explain the shift in pH
that accompanies the adsorption of aurocyanide from neutral solutions, and
would also explain the fact that the ratio of M"+ to Au on the loaded car-
bon is generally lower than the stoichiometric amount. Such a mechanism
is reasonable in view of the fact that the thermodynamics of adsorption on-
to carbon are more favourable for neutral compounds than for charged
species. Examples include the adsorption of mercury (McDougall et al., 1980)
and copper (Fleming and Nicol, 1984) from cyanide solution, and the ad-
sorption of molybdenum from acid solution (De Wet, 1985). On this basis
it would be predicted that H[Au(CN)
1 will be adsorbed more strongly onto
carbon than Au(CN); , and it is likely that the favourable thermodynamics
of this interaction will permit the uptake of protons from solution and the
formation of H[Au(CN)
1 at higher pH values than might normally be
predicted for this reaction.
It is likely that future significant advances in the understanding of this
mechanism will be made only as a result of the successful application of direct
physical techniques such as X-ray diffraction and infrared spectroscopy.
(b) The adsorption of gold from leach liquors other than cyanide
Alternative lixiviants for gold are becoming increasingly important in most
gold-producing countries and, since activated carbon is likely to play an in-
tegral part in any process for the recovery of gold in the future, the loading
and stripping characteristics of these gold compounds with respect to car-
bon will need to be studied in detail. One of the earliest producers to use
this technology is the New England Antimony Mine in Australia, which
recovers gold by thiourea leaching and carbon extraction (Hisshion and
Waller, 1984). Techniques for the elution of gold have not been developed,
however, and the carbon is burnt so that the gold can be recovered.
The standard reduction potentials for a number of alternative lixiviants
are shown in Table 15.2, where they are compared with data for the cyanide
system. On the basis of these reduction potentials, one would predict that
activated carbon with a reduction potential of 0,10 to 0,40 V (McDougall
et al., 1980) would readily reduce the gold chloride and thiocyanate com-
plexes on the carbon surface to the metallic state whereas the gold-thiourea
complex would be a borderline case, and would probably be reduced to the
metal only at thiourea concentrations lower than about 0,1 M. The gold-
thiosulphate complex would probably be too strong to be reduced by carbon.
Recent unpublished results from the laboratory at Mintek indicate, in
fact, that both the gold thiourea and gold thiocyanate complexes are adsorbed
onto carbon without chemical change, from typical leach solutions. Analysis
of loaded activated carbons for sulphur and gold indicates that the ratio of
these two elements is, over a wide range of loading conditions, close to the
theoretical value of 2 that would be expected for adsorption of the complex
ions, Au(CS(NHJJ; and Au(SCN);, without chemical change. Moreover,
the adsorption of the gold thiourea complex on carbon is genetally enhanc-
ed by the presence of anions in solution whereas the adsorption of
Au(SCN); is enhanced by the presence of cations in solution, which in-
dicates that these two species are adsorbed onto carbon by a similar ion-pair
mechanism to that postulated for aurocyanide. The fact that these two ions,
which are relatively unstable compared with aurocyanide, are not reduced
to the metal by activated carbon is further evidence that the very stable auro-
cyanide ion is unlikely to be reduced.
(c) Elution of gold from carbon
Since the adsorption of gold cyanide onto activated carbon is a thermo-
dynamically reversible process, chemical and physical factors that inhibit ad-
sorption will enhance elution, and those that enhance adsorption will inhibit
elution. A number of these factors are utilized in elution on all industrial
CIP plants.
The most important factor is temperature, since the kinetics (activation
energy 66,5 kJ mol-I) and the thermodynamics (exothermic heat of reaction
40 kJ mol-I) of elution improve with increasing temperature. All CIP elu-
tion plants operate at elevated temperature, and the modern trend is towards
elution at temperatures in excess of 100 C, with the use of pressurized
Another important factor is the influence of ionic strength on the per-
formance of all CIP elution plants. The fact that the rate of elution increases
with increasing anion concentration but decreases with increasing cation con-
centrationmeans thatthe rate of elution passes through a maximum as the
concentration of the eluting salt (NaCN, for example) is increased. Optimum
performance is therefore achieved at the concentration of eluting salt that
corresponds to this maximum, but there are complicating factors. One of
these is that the anion that gives the best results, viz. the cyanide ion, decom-
poses fairly rapidly at elevated temperatures (400/0 in 6 hours, 90% in 24
hours at 95C). This effect is best minimized by the addition of the cyanide
in increments throughout the elution cycle rather than in one dose at the start.
A second complication arises in the electro-elution process, in which gold
is continuously extracted from the eluate by electrolysis before the eluate is
recycled back to elution. The requirements for good electrowinning effIciency,
especially with regard to the ionic strength (conductivity) and the recirculating
flowrate of the eluate, are generally quite different from the requirements
for good elution efficiency, and a measure of compromise is necessary.
In seeking to overcome some of these obstacles, the Anglo American
Research Laboratory (AARL), which developed the AARL elution method
(Davidson and Duncanson, 1977), has moved from a continuous to a batch
operation in which the carbon is first soaked in a hot concentrated solution
of sodium hydroxide and sodium cyanide and then treated with hot deioniz-
ed water to elute the gold. The water is passed through the column only once,
and the rate of elution is sufficiently fast for good elution efficiency to be
achieved with reasonably small volumes of water. The conductivity of the
eluate is too low for effective electrolysis unless the pre-soak solution is com-
bined with the eluate after elution. Alternatively, this method is particularly
suited to different methods of gold recovery such as chemical reduction (zinc
cementation), which allows a portion of the pre-soak solution to be re-used
several times, thus conserving the chemical in that solution. This approach
has been adopted on several plants.
Another factor that can be utilized in enhancement of the rate of elution
is the catalytic effect of polar organic solvents such as acetonitrile, acetone,
methanol, and ethanol. This effect is attributed to an increase in the activity
of the cyanide ion and a decrease in the activity of the aurocyanide ion in
polar solvents relative to the situation in water (Tsuchida et al., 1984).
It was shown recently in laboratory tests at Mintek that carbon loaded
from either gold-thiourea or gold-thiocyanate solution can be eluted effect-
ively with sodium sulphide or sodium cyanide solution, and that the rate of
gold elution with sodium cyanide is enhanced by addition of polar solvents
such as acetone or ethanol. Reasonable rates of elution can, in fact, be achiev-
ed even at ambient temperatures and pressures and it is likely that future
process technology for these alternative leaching systems will incorporate car-
bon elution rather than the measures employed at the New England Antimony
Mine. The ion-exchange process
(a) Principles
Modern synthetic ion-exchange resin consists of an inert polymeric hydrocar-
bon matrix (usually of polystyrene cross-linked with divinyl benzene) to which
functional groups are chemically attached. The polymer matrix is a three-
dimensional network that swells in contact with aqueous solutions, absorb-
ing water and allowing ions present in the aqueous solution to diffuse through
the resulting gel to the sites of the active groups.
The active groups can be anionic or cationic in character, and the in-
teractions between these groups and cations or anions in solution are almost
invariably coulombic or electrostatic in nature. The rates of the exchange
reactions are therefore high, reversible, and generally diffusion-controlled,
and the selectivity of the resins for one ion over another is predominantly
a function of the size, charge, and polarizability of the ions.
The active groups in anion-exchange resins are either quaternary am-
monium groups for strong-base resins, or primary, secondary, or tertiary
amines for weak-base resins. The active groups in cation-exchange resins are
either carboxylic (weak) acid or sulphonic (strong) acid. Strong-acid and
strong-base resins are completely ionized in the pH range 2 to 12, and ex-
hibit maximum ion-exchange capacity under these conditions. Weak-acid
resins are ionized only at pH> 5, and weak-base resins at pH <9. This pro-
perty of weak-base resins can be a limitation in the processing of gold.
As shown in Table 15.1, gold in aqueous solutions of hydrometallurgical
interest is generally present as an anionic complex. Consequently, anion-
exchange resins are more important than cation-exchange resins in the field
of gold metallurgy, and will be dealt with in more detail. One important ex-
ception is the aurous thiourea complex, which has a single positive charge
(thiourea being a neutral ligand) and is strongly extracted from aqueous solu-
tion by cation-exchange resins. The use of thiourea in the leaching of gold
ores is gaining momentum overseas and could conceivably become impor-
tant in South Africa in the future. The thiourea leaching reaction takes place
in acid solution (pH 1 to 2), and therefore strong-acid resins are required
for good extraction efficiency. Since the oxidant is generally the ferric ion
(although ozone and peroxide are also effective), ferric and ferrous cations
are present in solution in considerable excess. However, strong-acid resins
are fairly selective for the aurous thiourea cation over iron cations, and good
extraction and separation of gold is possible (Becker et al., 1983). The ex-
traction by strong-acid resins is so powerful, in fact, that desorption with
acids according to the equation
(where T is NH
, and 1- represents the organic matrix), is in-
complete even at high concentration of acid (Becker et al., 1983). Experience
with the technology of anion-exchange resins indicates that the elution of
cation-exchange resins will probably be most effective either coupled with
continuous electrolysis of gold or in the presence of mixed aqueous-organic
Because of the importance of the cyanidation process in gold metallurgy,
anion-exchange resins have received far more attention than cation-exchange
resins. Strong-base resins extract aurocyanide anions (and other singly charged
anionic gold complexes) according to the equation
The equilibrium in Equation (15.73) is defined as the mass-distribution ratio,
K = [Au(CN);][X-]
SB [AU(CN)2-][X-]
(where bars denote ions in the resin phase), the position of which is deter-
mined by the relative affinity of the resin for the counter-ion, Au(CN);,
and the co-ion, X-.
Weak-base resins are in the free-base (non-ionized) form at pH values
higher than 9 to 10 and, under these conditions, possess no ion-exchange
characteristics. In neutral or acidic solution the amine is protonated, and
ion-exchange occurs according to the following equations:
1- R2N + HX = 1- R
NH+X-, (15.75)
The equilibrium constant for reaction (15.76) is written
where Ka is the equilibrium constant for the resin protonation reaction
(15.75). In this case the value KWB is influenced not only by the affinity of
the resin for the respective anions, but by the pH of the solution, and this
is the only significant difference between strong- and weak-base resins.
The pKa of weak-base resins is determined both by the basicity of the
amine group and by the nature of the anion in solution. The strength of the
ion pair formed between the anion and the active group on the resin increases
with the charge and the polarizability of the anion, and the driving force
for ion pair formation permits uptake of the proton from far more alkaline
solutions when strong ion pairs are formed. For example, the strong ion pair
formed between an amine and the large, highly polarizable aurocyanide anion
yields a pKa of about 9 to 10 (Fleming and Cromberge, 1984a), whereas the
pKa of the same resin in chloride solution is some 2 log units lower. This
has important implications in the extraction of gold from cyanide leach li-
quors, which normally have pH values between 10 and 1l.
An important property of an anion-exchange resin is its selectivity for
aurocyanide, because many complex cyanide anions and other anions are
usually present with aurocyanide in cyanide leach liquors, and the competitive
extraction of these anions can have a profound influence on the efficiency
of gold extraction. The competitive ion-exchange reactions that take place
can be represented by the general equation
z( 1- R3N)yA + yB
- = y( 1- R)N)zB + zAY- (15.78)
(where the anion A has a negative charge of y and the anion B has a negative
Table 15.3. Selectivity coefficients, kAU(CN)i lA of AU(CN)2- against various anions, A -, on the
strong-base resin Amberlite IRA 400 (after Aveston et al., 1958).
Anion A
kAU(CN)i /A
8 X 10
6 X 10
5,5 X 10
6,9 x 10
CW 3 X 10
2,5 x 10
Ag(CN)2- 5,8
CIO; 4,6
Au(CN); 1,0
charge of z). The selectivity of the resin for anion B over anion A is defined
by the coefficient
kS/A = ,
[A]Z [BY
which has the same form as the equilibrium constant in Equation (15.74).
Table 15.3 shows values of the selectivity coefficient of a strong-base
resin for aurocyanide over various other anions that are commonly present
in cyanide leach liquors. The concept of a selectivity coefficient is useful for
theoretical studies, but is unfortunately of limited value when the relative
extractions of anions are predicted. In fact, the predictions that might be
made intuitively on the basis of selectivity coefficients bear little relation
to what is found in practice, as illustrated in Figure 15.17. The isotherms
for various metals shown in Figure 15.17 were obtained by the equilibration
of a pregnant cyanide solution from a gold plant with a commercial strong-
base resin. It could have been predicted, on the basis of the selectivity coef-
ficients in Table 15.3, that an anion-exchange resin would extract gold
preferentially from a solution containing cobalt(III) and nickel, whereas
Figure 15.17 shows that nickel and cobalt are preferentially extracted.
From a practical point of view, a far more valuable concept is the separa-
tion factor. This is defined as
[B] [A]
[A] [B]
which is simply the quotient of the concentration ratios of the two counter-
ions in the resin phase and in solution. The numerical value of the dimen-
sionless separation factor is not influenced by the choice of concentration
units or by the charge on the anion, but it does vary with the concentration
of anions A and B in solution.
Ratio of solution to resin 500: 1
pH 11.5
Temperature ",,20C
~ 12
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Metal in solution, mg/l
Figure 15.17. Equilibrium loading of various metal cyanide com-
plexes from a Grootvlei pregnant solution onto a strong-base
resin (AlO1 DU) (after Fleming and Nicol, 1984).
Since the preference of the resin for one anion over another is a func-
tion mainly of the properties of the anion, there is not much that one can
do to influence the selectivity in favour of aurocyanide. However, it has been
shown (Clifford and Weber, 1983) that the 'selectivity of anion-exchange resins
for monovalent anions over polyvalent anions is a function of the distance
that separates the fixed charges on the resin matrix. The uptake of a divalent
anion requires the presence of two closely spaced positive charges, whereas
no such constraint exists for monovalent anions. On this basis, the propor-
tion of sites having suitable locations for the adsorption of multivalent ions
will decrease as the capacity of the resin decreases or, in the case of weak-
base resins, as pH is increased. The influence of this phenomenon on the
selectivity of anion-exchange resins for aurocyanide over multivalent metal
cyanide complexes was first reported nearly thirty years ago (Aveston et al.,
1958). Table 15.4 shows that the application of this theory results in greatly
improved separation factors between aurocyanide and a range of multivalent
metal cyanide anions on a weak-base resin.
The data for two weak-base resins show that the separation factor be-
tween aurocyanide and the various multivalent metal cyanide anions increases
by a factor of ten to one hundred upon increasing the pH value of solution
from 6 to 11. In contrast, the separation factors on a strong-base resin are
largely unaffected by pH, as might be expected. It is also interesting to note
Table 15.4 Separation factors* between aurocyanide and various metal cyanide anions on two
weak-base resins (A7, Duolite International; IRA 93, Rohm and Haas) and one strong-base
resin (AWl DU, Duolite International). Concentration of metal in solution 10-
A7 IRA 93 AWl DU
Anion B pH6 pHll pH6 pHll pH6 pHll
Ag(CN); 7,6 7,9 12,3 15,4 8,8 8,6
1,9 5,9 0,7 19,0 1,1 0,9
Cu(CN)!- 1,8 35,5 3,3 32,3 8,2 4,9
- 0,8 71,0 0,9 6,3 1,6 0,8
0,7 6,2 0,8 13,5 2,0 4,4
*Calculated from data reported by Fleming and Cromberge (1984a).
that the separation factor between aurocyanide and the only other monovalent
anion in solution, silver cyanide, is unaffected by a change in pH.
Most weak-base resins have a low and variable concentration of per-
manently charged functional groups. These pseudo-strong-base groups arise
via the cross-linking of adjacent amine groups and have the properties' of
the quaternary amine groups in a strong-base resin. Russian workers
(Laskorin et al., 1977) have observed that certain weak-base resins with a
low strong-base content extract gold very selectively from cyanide solutions
of high pH, but that the selectivity disappears when the strong- base content
exceeds about 20070 of the total resin capacity. The mechanism of rejection
of the multivalent complex cyanide anions in this situation is presumably
also based on charge separation.
The elution of weak-base resins is achieved most effectively and cheap-
ly by the treatment of the resin with a fairly dilute solution of sodium
hydroxide. This shifts the equilibrium in Equation (15.75) to the left-hand
side, and restores the amine functional groups to the free-base form. When
electrolysis is coupled with elution, 99% of the aurocyanide can be eluted
from a weak-base resin with 1 or 2 bed volumes ofO,5 M sodium hydroxide
solution in less than 4 hours (Fleming and Cromberge, 1984b). The effec-
tiveness and simplicity of this method is a major factor in favour of the use
of weak-base resins in gold metallurgy, but this advantage has to be weighed
against the fact that their capacity is low compared to that of strong-base
resins, particularly at the pH values (10 to 11) that are usually encountered
in cyanide leach liquors.
The elution of aurocyanide from a strong-base resin is more difficult,
and is achieved either by ion-exchange mass action, i.e. by the reversal of
the equilibrium shown in Equation (15.73), or by the chemical destruction
of the aurocyanide anion. Because aurocyanide is so strongly adsorbed, its
elution by ion-exchange requires a large excess of the co-ion, X- . Anions
such as chloride, bisulphate, nitrate or cyanide can be used, but the rate of
aurocyanide elution is extremely slow unless the activity of these anions is
increased by, for example, the addition of polar organic solvents such as
acetone, acetonitrile, or methanol to the eluate. Anions such as thiocyanate
and the zinc cyanide complex, on the other hand, compete favourably with
aurocyanide, and much higher rates of elution can be achieved. When elec-
trolysis is coupled to elution, either of these anions can elute 99070 of the
gold under ambient conditions in 6 to 24 hours (Fleming and Cromberge,
Because thiocyanate and zinc cyanide themselves load strongly onto
anion-exchange resins, the resin must be regenerated before being recycled
to adsorption. In the case of the zinc cyanide complex, this is achieved ef-
fectively and cheaply by the destruction of the complex with acid (Fleming
and Cromberge, 1984b).
( [ - + 2H
= ([ - + ZnS0
+ 4HCN.
The zinc sulphate and hydrocyanic acid produced in this reaction are col-
lected in alkaline solution so that the zinc cyanide anion can be reconstituted
for recycling.
The removal of thiocyanate from a strong-base resin can be achieved
effectively by treatment with a ferric salt (Fleming, 1984 and 1985). The
cationic complexes FeSCN2+ and Fe(SCN); are formed, and these are
readily displaced from an anion-exchange resin:
+ - + 2-
2 [- NR
SCN + Fez{S04)3 = ([- NR3)2S04 + Fe(SCN)S04' (15.82)
Thiocyanate for recycling can be recovered from this solution by the precipita-
tion of the iron from solution as ferric hydroxide. The ferric hydroxide
precipitate can then be redissolved in acid and recycled to regeneration. In
this way the thiocyanate and ferric ions are conserved in the elution-
regeneration cycle (Fleming, 1985). The method is efficient, cheap and non-
toxic, and would probably be preferred to the zinc cyanide method in most
The alternative method for the stripping of gold from a strong-base resin
involves the chemical conversion of the aurocyanide anion to the aurous
thiourea complex:
+ +
[ - NR3 Au(CN); + 2(NH
CSNHz} + 2H
= [- NR
+ [Au(NH
)2]+ HSO; + 2HCN. (15.83)
This method of elution is favoured in the Soviet Union, but suffers from
the drawback that the other metal complexes that are co-extracted with auro-
cyanide during adsorption are generally poorly eluted, necessitating multi-
elution procedures. This problem is particularly serious when cobalticyanide
and ferrocyanide are formed since, in acidic solution, they are converted to
species that are very difficult to strip from the resin (Fleming and Cromberge,
1984b; Fleming and Hancock, 1979).
(b) Applications
Although the zinc precipitation process is simple and cheap and the technology
is well developed, an anion-exchange concentration and purification step may
be preferred in certain instances. For example, the chemical composition of
the leach liquor occasionally does not lend itself to the quantitative or
economic recovery of gold by zinc cementation (e.g. when the concentration
of gold is very low or the concentration of impurities is very high), but the
major potential application of anion-exchange resins in the processing of gold
is in the recovery of aurocyanide direct from the pulp in the RIP process.
The filtration and clarification steps are costly components of the convent-
ional gold process, especially with certain ores that are not amenable to filtra-
tion, and it is likely that the RIP process would offer significant cost advan-
tages in most applications. In this regard, the RIP process is no different
from the CIP process, but in some situations RIP may be preferred to CIP,
and these are discussed below.
The use of anion-exchange resins for the extraction and concentration
of aurocyanide in dilute solutions or pulps was first proposed in the early
1950's, and a number of experimental studies were carried out at that time
(Hussey, 1949; Burstall et al., 1953; Burstall and Wells, 1955). Since then,
further work has been done in all the major gold-producing countries (Davi-
son et al., 1961; Demidov et al., 1967; Tataru, 1974; Stamboliadis et al.,
1978), and a recent study in South Africa (Fleming and Cromberge, 1984a,
1984b and 1984c) concluded that, in many cases, resin-based processes for
the recovery of gold are probably superior to carbon-based processes from
economic, chemical, and metallurgical points of view. This would seem to
be confirmed by reports emanating from the Soviet Union, since a 1978 arti-
cle indicates that one of the largest gold mines in the U.S.S.R. is using an
anion-exchange resin for the extraction of aurocyanide by an RIP process
(Anon., 1978). This is believed to have been the world's first application of
RIP to the extraction of gold, although the article states that 'RIP is now
used widely for gold extraction in the Soviet Union'. The questions that re-
main to be answered, before the large-scale application of RIP to the recovery
of gold becomes a reality, are all related to the engineering of RIP on a large
scale. For example, the mean particle size of resins is smaller than that of
carbon, which means that inter stage screening in RIP will have to be carried
out at a finer cut than in CIP (probably 0,60 mm in RIP as against 0,85 mm
in CIP). This gives justifiable cause for concern, since inter stage screening
has tended to cause bottlenecks on most large CIP plants. Probably of lesser
concern is the question of resin life in an RIP circuit, since the available
literature on the subject (Laskorin et al., 1978; Hosking, 1984) indicates that
resin losses are likely to be somewhat lower than carbon losses.
RIP will probably make its greatest impact in those areas where the treat-
ment of pulp by CIP poses problems. For example, it has been shown that
RIP is far less responsive to the presence of poisons in the pulp than CIP.
These poisons include organic compounds such as flotation reagents, solvents
and lubricants, and inorganic compounds such as hematite, calcium car-
bonate, shales, and clays. Each of these species retards the adsorption of
gold onto carbon, but apparently has little effect on the extraction proper-
ties of resin.
It is likely that operators treating small tonnages ( < 20 kt per month)
will find RIP an. attractive alternative to CIP. The capital costs for a carbon
elution-regeneration plant are high and generally cannot be justified on small
CIP plants. In these cases gold is recovered by incineration of the loaded
carbon, which imposes high operating costs on the process. RIP, with its
potential for relatively inexpensive elution and regeneration (in regard to
capital and operating costs), would be a viable alternative in these situations.
In the South African context, a potential advantage of resins over car-
bon is that they offer a means for the simultaneous recovery of gold and
uranium. Gold and uranium are, in fact, co-extracted on many uranium plants
in South Africa where, more by accident than design, uranium plants are
often used to scavenge gold that would normally be lost as a soluble residue
from the gold plant. This is because aurocyanide is relatively stable in the
uranium-leaching circuit, and both gold and uranium are present in solution
as anionic complexes. Various possible options for the translation of this
interesting chemistry into a viable process have been explored over the years
(Anglo American Corporation, 1977; Fleming and Cromberge, 1984d).
In addition, a number of uranium mines in South Africa have stockpiles
of old, discarded strong-base resin that has lost its ion-exchange capacity
as a result of poisoning or degradation. Although the value of the gold on
the resin often exceeds the value of the resin itself, recovery of the gold by
incineration of the resin has never been practical because of the very toxic
and noxious fumes that are produced. Consequently, the resin has been
stockpiled pending the development of more suitable gold-recovery
technology. One example of such a stockpile is the resin at the Stilfontein
mine, which was last used in the early 1950's in a fixed-bed uranium plant,
and was removed from the circuit owing to extensive poisoning by cobalti-
cyanide. The stockpile contains about 100 t of resin with an average gold
content of 900 g t-
; a plant for the recovery of the gold from this resin was
commissioned in 1984. The method adopted, which is based on technology
developed at Mintek (Fleming, 1985), involves electro-elution with ammonium
thiocyanate, and has enabled gold recoveries of over 90070 to be regularly
achieved. In addition, cobalt is partially stripped from the resin, and much
of the original ion-exchange capacity of the resin is restored after ferric
regeneration. This offers the possibility that the resin in this stockpile can
be returned to active service. The solvent-extraction process
Solvent extraction is a well-established method of separation in extractive
metallurgy. This technique was first applied to the extraction of uranium
for nuclear purposes in the 1940's, and is currently widely used in the recovery
of uranium, copper, zinc, cobalt, nickel, vanadium, tungsten, and
molybdenum, as well as in separations involving the platinum-group metals.
The solvent-extraction process involves the transfer of a solute from an
aqueous to an organic phase, and the subsequent extraction of the solute
back into another aqueous phase under a different set of chemical or physical
conditions. For a species present in aqueous solution to be able to pass into
an organic phase, it must react with an organic component. Metallic ions
can occur in aqueous solutions in a variety of forms, either free or as com-
plexes and, in general, only a particular ion, or at most a limited number
of these ions, will react with the solvent and be extracted. The distribution
of the metal between the two phases will therefore be greatly influenced by
the composition of the aqueous phase. The solvent may be a pure organic
liquid or, more usually, a solution of an organic reagent in an inert diluent.
The organic reagent may undergo association, solvation, or other reactions
in the organic phase, and these will also affect the extraction equilibrium.
Solvent-extraction systems can be conveniently classified according to
the nature of the reaction involved in the extraction process, of which the
following types can be identified.
Extraction by physical distribution involves a simple molecular distribu-
tion of the solute between the aqueous phase and an inert solvent (i.e. one
containing no atoms with electron donor properties). Such a situation arises
only for solutes that are poorly solvated in the aqueous phase, and few such
systems are encountered in extractive metallurgy.
Extraction by solvation involves the replacement by the extractant of
some or all the co-ordinated water molecules on a metal cation to form a
species that is soluble in the organic phase. Solvating extractants are most
characteristically oxygen-containing organic molecule such as ethers, esters,
alcohols, ketones, and neutral organophosphorus compounds. This kind of
extraction is restricted to neutral species because it is necessary to preserve
the electrical neutrality of the phases. The extraction of auric chloride from
acid solution (as HAuCI
) would be one example of such a process (Walker,
Extraction by anion exchange is characterized by the use of a suitable
cation for the extraction of an anionic metal compound in tlie form of an
ion pair, after a simple (non-metallic) anion has been exchanged between
the organic and aqueous phases in the reverse direction. Often the cationic
component of the ion pair is formed by the protonation of a compound of
weak basicity, most typically a nitrogen-containing base such as an amine.
Alternatively, the cation may be of the quaternary ammonium, phosphonium,
or arsenium type. Recovery of gold from cyanide, thiocyanate, or thiosulphate
leach liquors would fall into this solvent extraction category.
Extraction by cation exchange involves the formation, by a hydrated
metal cation or complex metal cation, or an electrically neutral co-ordination
complex with the extractant by the displacement of another cation (most com-
monly a hydrogen ion). The formation of the extractable complex can involve
chelation and chemical bonding between the extractant and the metal ion,
or it can involve simple electrostatic interaction between an anionic extract-
ant (such as a sulphonic acid) and a metal cation. When the cation displaced
from the extractant is a hydrogen ion, the extractability of the metal shows
a distinct dependence on the pH value of the aqueous phase. Thus gold could
be recovered from a thiourea leach liquor by cation-exchange solvent
The anion- and cation-exchange reactions that take place in the solvent
are the same as those in ion-exchange resins. The major differences between
the two techniques arise as a result of the difference in the inert supporting
matrix, which is an organic liquid such as kerosene in solvent extraction,
and a solid organic polymer such as polystyrene in an ion-exchange resin.
This difference can give rise to differences in the rates of anion or cation
exchange, and also in the order of selectivity of the extractant for various
anions and cations but, in general, the metallurgical performance of the two
techniques can be expected to be very similar.
The grade or value of the aqueous solution being treated is probably
the most important consideration in the choice between resins or solvents
for a hydro metallurgical application. Solvent extraction is generally prefer-
red for the treatment of small volumes of high-grade solution, whereas resins
are preferred for the treatment of large volumes of low-grade solution. This
is because solvent is lost in solvent extraction, and this becomes relatively
important with respect to operating costs when large volumes of solution
are processed, whereas resins are effectively insoluble in water and therefore
do not suffer from this drawback. Another important factor is that resins
are able to treat metal solutions containing high concentrations of suspend-
ed solids, whereas costly solution clarification steps are indispensable in any
solvent-extraction process.
For these reasons, solvent extraction is unlikely to find applications in
the large-scale processing of solutions resulting from the cyanidation of low-
grade gold ores, although the process could possibly contribute to the pro-
cessing of high-grade ores or concentrates. Its greatest contribution, however,
is likely to be the final purification and refining of concentrated gold solu-
tions resulting from the leaching of materials such as jewellery and electronic
scrap, anode slimes, and platinum-group-metal (PGM) concentrates.
The traditional route for the industrial separation of the platinum-group
metals comprises a complicated series of operations based largely on selec-
tive precipitations, often of low efficiency (Edwards, 1976). A multitude of
solid-liquid separations and recycle operations is required. The poor once-
through yield of refined metals results in a high inventory of process in-
termediates, which is particularly undesirable in view of the high value of
the final product. Solvent-extraction methods, with their potential for effi-
cient separations and rapid throughput were found to represent an attrac-
tive alternative to established refining procedures, and have been used by
several major PGM refiners since the late 1970's. (Edwards, 1979; Cleare
et al., 1979; Barnes and Edwards, 1982.)
The existence of the PGM and gold in the form of complex anions in
chloride media has been used to advantage in the design of several anion-
exchange solvent-extraction processes. The reagents of importance are
primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary amines and these are direct
analogues of the weak-base and strong-base resins referred to earlier. Like
weak-base resins, the primary, secondary, and tertiary amines undergo pro-
tonation reactions, and therefore their activity is also dependent on pH. The
extraction of the PGM by amine salts was first reported some thirty years
ago (Zeigler and Glemser, 1956). Shortly afterwards, a process for the
recovery of the PGM by solvent extraction was patented in the Soviet Union
(Bobikov et al., 1961). The results of pilot-plant operations for the recovery
of gold and PGM from copper- and nickel-containing refinery slimes have
also been described (Dolgikh et al., 1967), and it is probable that such pro-
cesses are currently in full-scale commercial use. Further extensive studies
by Soviet workers were described in a recent review (Gindin, 1981).
Other solvents that are used for the separation of gold chloride from
the PGM include dibutyl carbitol, which is used by Inco (Barnes and Ed-
wards, 1982), and methyl isobutyl ketone, which is used by Matthey Rusten-
burg Refiners (Reavill and Charlesworth, 1980). In both instances, metallic
gold of high purity can be recovered directly from the organic phase by the
addition of solutions of oxalic acid, iron(II), or other reducing agents. In
addition, the use of dialkyl sulphides for the extraction of gold and palladium
from chloride solution has been patented in South Africa (Edwards, 1979)
and, in process employing isodecanol as the extractant (Fieberg and
Edwards, 1978), it has been shown that gold can be stripped from the load-
ed organic phases by contact with water at 50 C. The strip solution produc-
ed has a gold content of 50 g 1-1.
Amines have also been used for the extraction of gold from alkaline
cyanide solution and, with trioctylamine, the order of extraction was found
(Plaskin and Shivrin, 1963) to be
Au(CN); > Ag(CN); > Cu(CN); > > Fe(CN):- > CN-.
This order is similar to the order of affinities of ions for anion-exchange
resins (Table 15.3). As with weak-base resins, good extraction of aurocyanide
by tertiary amines occurs under conditions in which the solutions are so
alkaline that a large percentage of the amine is in the unreactive, free-base
form, i.e. the driving force for the formation of strong ion pairs permits
the uptake of protons by the amine at higher pH values than would be ex-
pected for weak ion pairs. For example, the extraction of uranyl sulphate,
which forms relatively weak ion pairs with amines, is efficient only at pH
values lower than 3 to 4, whereas aurocyanide is extracted efficiently at pH
values up to 6 and 7. Nevertheless, the basicity of tertiary amine solvents
in aurocyanide solution (pKa 6) is significantly lower than that of weak-
base resins (pKa 9), and this limits the use of amine solvent-extraction
processes for the treatment of gold cyanide. Primary (pKa 6,5) and
secondary (pKa 7,5) amine solvents are somewhat stronger (Mooiman and
Miller, 1983), but are still too weak to extract gold efficiently at pH values
that would be compatible with free cyanide in solution (pKa 7). The need
for the pH value to be reduced from about 10, which is normal for cyanide
leach liquors, to about 6, which would be necessary for amine solvent ex-
traction, is an added disadvantage.
Recently, Mooiman and Miller (1983 and 1984) showed that the basici-
ty of amine solvents can be increased significantly by the addition of tri-n-
butyl phosphate (TBP) or other organic phosphorus oxides to the organic
phase. They showed that the pKa for the extraction of aurocyanide can be
increased from between 6 and 7 to about 10 by the addition of TBP to the
organic phase at concentrations in the range 20 to 80070 (by volume). The
Table 15.5. Standard reduction potentials of reductants for precipitation of gold.
Fe3+ + e = Fe2+
SO!- + 4H+ + 2e = H
+ H
+ + 2e = Sn'+
+ 2H+ + 2e = (COOH)2 + 2H,O
BO;- + 7H,O + 8e = BH; + 100H-
increase in amine basicity was attributed either to solvation of the amine by
the modifier or to an increase in the water content of the organic phase.
Evidence for the latter effect is the fact that the order of increasing amine
basicity in the presence of a range of modifiers parallels the order of increasing
solubility in water of the pure modifiers, and is consistent with the fact that
the pKa values of amines are generally 2 to 3 orders of magnitude higher
in water than they are in organic solvents.
TBP and other donor solvents extract aurocyanide fairly efficiently in
the absence of amine by a Dlechanism that is probably similar to the
mechanism of extraction of auP)cyanide by activated carbon. Extraction from
alkaline solutions (pH 7 to 14) occurs only at high ionic strength, and prob-
ably takes place via solvation of the ion pair Ml/+ [Au(CN);l". However,
Russian workers (Zvyagintsev andZakharov-Nartisov, 1960) have shown that
aurocyanide, after acidification with hydrochloric, nitric, or sulphuric acid and
conversion to H[Au(CN)
l. can be extracted with donor solvents even from
solutions of relatively low ionic strength. They showed that extraction by solva-
tion decreased in the order ethers > esters> alcohols > ketones> aldehydes,
and the extraction coefficient decreased in the order hydrochloric acid >
nitric acid > sulphuric acid.
15.3.3 Chemical precipitation
The reduction of dissolved gold to the metallic state can be achieved by the
use of various (non-metallic) chemical reducing agents. For any reductant
to be effective, the standard reduction potential must be lower than that of
the corresponding half-reaction for the reduction of the gold complex. The
reduction potentials of several reductants that are used or are potentially
useful are given in Table 15.5.
Comparison of these data with those in Figure 15.15 for the reduction
of the gold(IlI) and gold(I) complexes of various ligands, shows that all the
reductants should be effective in the precipitation of gold from chloride solu-
tions and that all, except ferrous ions, should be useful if the gold is leached
with thiourea or thiocyanate. On the other hand, it can be expected that gold
in solution as the thiosulphate complex will be reduced by only oxalic acid
or borohydride, while gold in the form of the aurocyanide ion can be
precipitated only by the borohydride ion.
These predictions are generally borne out in practice, the reduction of
gold from chloride solutions by ferrous ion, sulphur dioxide, or oxalic acid
being the most widely applied, notably in the refining of gold. The precipita-
tion of metallic gold from thiourea or cyanide leach liquors by chemical
reductants is not used commercially, because metallic reductants such as zinc
dust are less expensive and more effective than reagents such as sodium
borohydride. It is interesting to note, however, that the latter reductant can
be used for the precipitation of gold from concentrated solutions such as
those produced by the elution of activated carbon or by the intensive cyanida-
tion of gravity concentrates. Unpublished work at Mintek has shown that
90070 of the gold (and silver) in a CIP eluate with a gold content of 250 gel
can be precipitated as an easily flocculated gold powder by the use of a ten-
fold excess of sodium borohydride at 80e. The loss of borohydride by
decomposition, which is catalysed by the fine particles of activated carbon
in the eluate, was identified as the major practical problem in the use of this
Finally, mention should be made of the precipitation of gold as insolu-
ble AuCN by the acidification of aurocyanide solutions. Such solutions are
metastable at low pH values (below about 3) because the precipitation of
AuCN by the reaction
Au(CN); + H+ = AuCN(s) + HCN (15.84)
is relatively slow. However, in the presence of other metal cyanide complexes,
notably those of copper, precipitation is rapid, and this has formed the basis
of a patent (Sorensen and Davidson, 1981) for the recovery of gold from
CIP eluates.
15.3.4 Electl'Owinning
Electrolysis was first used for the recovery of gold on the Witwatersrand in
1894 (Johnson, 1912). For some years the Siemens-Halske electrolytic pro-
cess competed with zinc cementation as the preferred method for the recovery
of gold, but was finally displaced by cementation in 1899, owing to the mark-
ed improvements in recovery that were obtained by the use of zinc dust.
The development of the CIP process (Zadra et al., 1952) rekindled in-
terest in electrowinning, and a number of new electrolysis cells were design-
ed. Although these cells have much higher space-time yields than the Siemens-
Halske electrolytic cell, almost no improvement in the final concentration
of gold in the barren solution (typically 0,2 to 1 g t-
) has resulted. For this
reason electrolysis can be considered as a technical alternative to cementa-
tion only when some method for concentration of the gold, such as the
adsorption of soluble gold onto carbon or resins, or the use of gravity con-
centration prior to leaching (Davidson et al., 1978), is employed prior to the
recovery stage. Cell design
The recovery of any electroactive species by electrodeposition is measured
in terms of a single-pass extraction efficiency, E, where
E = 1 - Cou/C
where C
and C
are the concentrations of electroactive species entering
and leaving the electrowinning cell respectively. As the electrolyte has a finite
residence time in the electrowinning cell, E can be increased only if the rate
of deposition, R, is increased. The maximum possible value of R is given
by the equation
R = kAC,
where k is the mass-transport coefficient, A the electrode area, and C the
concentration of reducible species. The value of E can therefore be increas-
ed by an increase in the available cathode area and/or the mass-transport
In terms of operating simplicity, an increase in E is most readily im-
plemented by increase of the electrode area. In the Siemens-Halske cell this
was achieved by the installation of a large number of planar lead foil cathodes
(Clevenger, 1915). Although a high value of E was attained, the cell was ex-
tremely large in relation to the mass of gold recovered (i.e. the space-time
yield was very low). In a later development of the cell, the lead was cut into
shavings that were packed into the space between the anodes (Clevenger, 1915)
in order to increase the cathode area in the smallest possible volume. It is
most probable that this development constitutes the first industrial use of
what is now termed a 'packed-bed' reactor.
The Zadra (Zadra et al., 1952; Elges et al., 1984), AARL (Davidson
et al., 1978; Young et al., 1984) and Mintek (Paul et al., 1983; Paul, 1985)
electrowinning cells are modern examples of packed-bed electrowinning cells
that are commercially available for the recovery of gold. Very high surface
areas are attained in these cells by the use of steel wool as the cathode material.
The development of electrowinning cells for the recovery of gold in the Soviet
Union has also followed the approach involving increase of the surface area.
This increase is achieved by the use of fibrous carbon-graphite, woven into
cloths, fabrics, or felts, as the cathode material (Maslii et al., 1976; Varent-
sov et al., 1984).
Many attempts have been made to improve the space-time yield of elec-
trowinning cells by improvement of the mass-transfer characteristics of the
reactor (Marshall and Walsh, 1985). The fluidized-bed reactor (Goodridge,
1977) was developed in an attempt to increase both the mass-transport coef-
ficient and the surface area of the reactor. Very few of these designs have
managed to overcome the problems associated with scale-up from the
laboratory to industrial units (Marshall and Walsh, 1985), and none has found
application in the gold-mining industry. The rotating tubular bed reactor
(Kammel and Lieber, 1981) and the Chemelec cell (Tyson, 1983) are used
for the recovery of precious metals from electroplating rinse water. The ap-
plication of the Chemelec cell for the recovery of gold from eluates has been
suggested (Tomlinson, 1984).
All packed- bed electrowinning cells can be classified into two broad
groups according to their design. The cells in the first group operate with
the direction of the flow of electrolyte at right angles to the direction of the
(a) (b)
Figure 15.18. Schematic representation of packed-bed electrodes
with the flow of solution, V, at right angles (a) and parallel
(b) to the flow of current, I.
flow of current (a of Figure 15.18). Those in the second group operate with
parallel flows of solution and current (b of Figure 15.18). Although the Zadra
and AARL cells incorporate a cylindrically shaped cathode surrounded by
a single tubular anode, these cells belong to the first group. Cells of Soviet
and Mintek design (i.e. a rectangular tank containing alternately spaced
anodes and cathodes positioned across the width of the tank) belong to the
second group.
The major design problem in the construction of an electrowinning cell
with the flows of current and solution at right angles to each other is the
elimination of any path that would enable the solution to by-pass the cathode
bed. Inspection of Figure 15.18a reveals that the vertical flow of solution
can freely enter the gap between the anode and the cathode, thus by-passing
the cathode bed. The problem can be alleviated if the electrolyte is pumped
down a feeder tube that is positioned vertically in the centre of the cathode
bed and has orifices along its entire length that allow the electrolyte to be
distributed horizontally. This technique (or a modified version of this techni-
que) is employed in both the Zadra and AARL cells. A further improve-
ment can be made by the use of a cation ion-exchange membrane to separate
the anode and cathode compartments (a feature of the AARL cell), thus
restricting the flow within the cathode compartment.
However, it is evident that by-passing of the cathode is a feature in-
herent in this type of packed bed design. The result is low single pass extrac-
tions in relation to the cathode volume and to the flow velocity through the
In addition to the problem of the flow of electrolyte 'mechanically' by-
passing the cathode bed, 'electrical' by-passing of the electrolyte within the
bed must be prevented. Electrical by-passing occurs as a result of the finite
conductivity of the electrolyte, which causes the electrode potential to become
more positive towards the centre of the packed bed. The shift in potentials
occurs simply because the difference in potential between any two points in
the cathode is equal to the current flowing across those points multiplied
by the effective resistance of the electrolyte. The positive increase in poten-
>. -1.0
- 0-.5
Mass transport
No deposition
o L - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - ~
0.5 1.0
Distance across cathode
Figure 15.19. Typical distribution of potential across a packed-
bed cathode of unit thickness.
tials therefore increases with decreasing conductivity of the electrolyte. A
typical potential gradient across the packed-bed cathode of unit thickness
is shown in Figure 15.19.
The deposition of gold from an alkaline cyanide electrolyte does not
begin until a potential of about - 0,7 V is attained (the exact potential
depends on the composition of the solution, temperature, etc.). Over the
potential range - 0,7 to - 1,1 V the rate of deposition is kinetically controll-
ed, but becomes mass-transport controlled at potentials more negative than
-1,1 V. It is evident from Figure 15.19 that solution passing vertically
through the region of the bed marked AB will not be subjected to potentials
that are sufficiently negative to cause the gold to be deposited. It is this inac-
tive area of the packed bed that accounts for electrical by-passing.
Packed-bed electrowinning cells designed with parallel flows of current
and electrolyte do not suffer from the effects of electrical by-passing, since
the electrolyte is forced to pass through active regions of the bed upon entering
and leaving the cathode. Mechanical by-passing is also readily prevented in
this design (Paul et al., 1983).
Recent improvements to the Micron solvent-distillation procedure (Muir
et al., 1985) for the elution of loaded carbon have enabled the eluted gold
to be concentrated in a very small volume of eluate, and concentrations of
gold as high as 20 g 1-1 have been obtained. The recovery of gold in a cell
containing a sufficient number of simple planar cathodes has been found
to be satisfactory (Muir et al., 1985). Electrode reactions
The electrochemical reactions that occur at the cathode surface are almost
identical to those that take place during cementation with zinc dust. The
predominant reactions are therefore the reduction of oxygen, water (i.e. evolu-
tion of hydrogen), aurocyanide, and argentocyanide ions. The cyanide COffi-
plexes of mercury, lead and copper will also be reduced, whereas the com-
plexes of iron, nickel and zinc are not generally deposited. As is the case
in cementation, where a large stoichiometric excess of zinc is required for
a high recovery of gold, an excess of electrical current is required for the
electrowinning of gold. Current efficiencies of 1 to 5070 are typical, although
the efficiency increases with increasing concentrations of gold. The reduc-
tion of oxygen and water consumes the excess current.
Temperature has a marked effect on the electrowinning of gold. As the
conductivity of the electrolyte increases with increasing temperature, and,
hence, the potential gradient across the cathode (Figure 15.19) becomes flat-
ter, the active area of the cathode increases. Furthermore, the solubility of
oxygen decreases with increasing temperature, and the current consumed by
this parasitic reaction is reduced.
The only inorganic impurity that has been shown to affect the electrowin-
ning of gold is soluble hexavalent chromium (i.e. chromate ions), which is
reduced to insoluble chromic hydroxide at the cathode surface, and passivates
the cathode. Chromate ions can be produced by the transpassive dissolution
of stainless-steel anodes if the pH value of the electrolyte is much below 12,5.
Concentrations as low as 5 mg 1-1 can reduce the single pass efficiency for
the recovery of gold to less than 10%.
The gold deposited on the cathode material is generally very fine grain-
ed and adheres poorly to the cathode. This effect is common to any electro-
chemical deposition process in which the cathodic process occurs under mass-
transport control, and results from the very high rate of nucleation, which
does not permit the existing nuclei to coalesce into a smooth deposit. It has
been suggested (Paul et al., 1983) that the increase in micros90pic surface
area of the cathode due to the presence of the gold particles could enhance
the evolution of hydrogen (a reaction that is under kinetic control) at the
expense of the reduction of aurocyanide ions (a reaction that is under mass
transport control), which would account for the reduced single pass extrac-
tions as the cathodes become loaded with gold.
The predominant reaction at the anode is the oxidation of water to
oxygen, although some cyanide may be oxidized to ammonia and carbon
dioxide. If the electrowinning cells are not equipped with a ducting system
to remove the gases, the odour of ammonia can become intense. The pH
of the anolyte must be maintained above about 12,5 if the anodes are made
of stainless steel, so that no corrosion of the alloy, and, hence, contamina-
tion of the electrolyte with chromate ions, will take place.
15.4 Clean-up, Calcination, and Smelting
The bullion produced in South Africa before the CIP process was introduc-
ed typically contained 88 to 90% gold and 7 to 11 % silver, together with
small amounts of copper, lead, zinc and iron (Adamson, 1972). The bullion
is assayed for its gold content at the mine before being dispatched to the
Rand Refinery for further processing. Upon receipt of this bullion by the
refinery, the bullion is weighed, melted and sampled while molten. The melt
is cast into bars and stored while the samples are assayed. When the assay
and mass have been agreed with the mine, the refinery will process the bullion
and the mine will eventually be paid for the gold content of the original bullion
by the South African Reserve Bank.
With the advent of the CIP process, this somewhat lengthy procedure
has been complicated by the presence of high concentrations of iron (5 to
8 llfo) in the bullion produced on certain mines. The refinery has found that
this bullion undergoes a degree of liquid separation while molten, and that
the gold content of the two molten layers is different. The gold content of
the samples taken from the melt are therefore not representative of the average
gold content of the bullion, and disagreement between the Refinery and the
mine concerned is inevitable.
The source of this iron contamination is the steel wool used as cathode
material by those mines that recover gold from the eluates by electrowin-
ning. Although the physical metallurgy of these metals has not been studied
in any detail, it appears that the liquid separation is due to the immiscibility
of liquid copper and silver with iron (Hansen, 1958), resulting in partition
of the gold between layers rich in iron and those rich in copper and silver.
If the iron content of the bullion is below about 3 llfo, the extent of the separa-
tion is insignificant.
The method used for the treatment of zinc-cementation slimes is com-
mon to most mines, and involves acid treatment to dissolve the excess zinc,
calcination at 600 to 800C to oxidize the base metals, and smelting at 1200
to 1400C with a borosilicate flux. In comparison, the treatment of steel-
wool cathodes differs markedly from one plant to another, and may involve
acid digestion followed by smelting of the residue, calcination followed by
smelting, or even smelting without any prior pre-treatment of the cathodes
(Hinds and Trautman, 1983). Digestion of the steel wool in hy:drochloric acid,
followed by dissolution of the residue in aqua regia, filtration to remove silver
chloride, and precipitation of the metallic gold with oxalic acid or sulphur
dioxide, has been suggested as a possible process for smaller operators who
may wish to avoid smelting (McClelland et al., 1985).
15.4.1 Acid treatment
The slimes obtained from zinc cementation typically contain gold (30 to 40llfo),
silver (2 to 4llfo), lead (5 to 15llfo), zinc (15 to 30llfo), sulphide (1 to 4llfo) and
small amounts of copper, iron, nickel and silica. The sulphide content is due
to the presence of insoluble zinc and lead sulphides. Mercury is not present
to any extent in South African ores, but often attains high levels in some
V.S. ores.
The primary objective in acid treatment (usually with sulphuric acid)
is the dissolution of excess zinc. Ventilation is required to remove hydrogen
sulphide, which is formed by the reaction of the acid with the lead and zinc
sulphides. Most of the lead is converted to insoluble lead sulphate. If arsenic
or antimony is present in the zinc slimes, the evolution of gaseous arsine,
, and stibine, SbH
, can occur because the potentials required for the
reduction of these metals
As + 3H+ + 3e = AsH
Sb + 3H+ + 3e = SbH
E' = -0,61 V
E' = -0,51 V
are positive with respect to the potentials at which zinc corrodes in sulphuric
acid ( - 0,7 to 0,8 V). These gases are highly toxic. Some zinc sulphate may
remain in the acid-treated slimes.
The steel-wool cathodes typically contain gold (60 to 70070), silver (5 to
lOO7o), copper (5 to lOO7o), and iron (10 to 25070). Mercury and lead may also
be present if these metals were present in the eluate. The steel wool is readily
dissolved by sulphuric and hydrochloric acids, although a higher rate of reac-
tion is achieved with hydrochloric acid. Heating to moderate temperatures
(i. e. 50 to 60
C) markedly increases the rate of reaction. If the concentra-
tion of silver on the cathode is very high, some dissolution may occur in
hydrochloric acid, due to the presence of chloride and ferric ions (produced
by the oxidation of ferrous ions by dissolved oxygen)
Fe Cl; + e = Fe
+ + 2CI-, E' = 0,65 V (15.87)
AgCI; + e = Ag + 2CI-, E' = 0,49 V (15.88)
The equilibrium potentials for the reduction of ferric ion and the oxidation
of silver in sulphuric acid indicate that silver will not be dissolved.
+ + e = Fe
+, E' = 0,68 V (15.89)
Ag+ + e = Ag, E' = 0,80 V (15.90)
15.4.2 Calcination
Calcination of the acid-treated residues at 600 to 800
C in an adequate supply
of oxygen results in the conversion of the base metals to their oxides. The
free energy per mole of oxide produced (Pankratz, 1982) is negative for all
the base metals (Cu, Pb, Zn, Fe) at the temperature of calcination (Figure
15.18). The formation of silver oxide is thermodynamically favourable only
at low temperatures, and becomes unfavourable at the temperatures usually
employed for calcination. No thermodynamic data exist for the oxidation
of gold at these temperatures, but the free-energy change is certain to be large
and positive. If the cathodes are not treated with acid prior to calcination,
care must be taken to ensure that an unrestricted flow of oxygen is available
for the oxidation of the steel wool. Cathodes that are packed too tightly into
the calcining trays will undergo oxidation only at the exposed surface. Poor
oxidation of the steel wool prior to smelting is certainly the major cause of
high iron values in the bullion.
Zinc sulphate is decomposed to zinc oxide and sulphur trioxide during
calcination, but lead sulphate is decomposed only at temperatures ap-
proaching 1000
C. This result is to be expected from the free energies shovm
in Figure 15.20.
15.4.3 Smelting
If the calcination process has been efficiently performed, the gold and silver
will be in the metallic state and all the base metals will be present as oxides
'S -200
200 400 600 800
Figure 15.20. Free energy of formation of some metal oxides
from the elements and by decomposition of the metal sulphates
(PS03 = 0,001 atm).
(with the exception of lead, which is present as lead sulphate). Under these
conditions, the smelting process merely requires the bullion to be melted in
the presence of a suitable flux that will react with the oxides to form a stable
free-flowing slag. Lead sulphate is decomposed to lead oxide and sulphur
trioxide at the smelting temperature, which is usually in the range 1200 to
1400C (the melting point of gold is 1065 C).
The principal component of almost all metallurgical slags is silica, i. e.
(Elliott, 1984). Silica consists of units of Si0
in which each silicon
atom is tetrahedrally surrounded by four oxygen atoms, and each oxygen
atom is bonded to two silicon atoms (Turkdogan, 1983). The addition of
metal oxides, 'MO, to molten silica results in a gradual breakdown of this
structured silicate network, as represented schematic ally by the reaction:
- Si - 0 - Si - + MO = - Si - 0 - M2+ - 0 - Si - (15.91)
The result of this reaction is the formation of a structure in which the oxygen
bridge between two silicon atoms is broken. As the mole percentage of MO
is increased, the number of non-bridging oxygen atoms is increased, and the
network becomes progressively disordered.
A large number of structural units have been deduced from Raman spec-
tra of silica-oxide melts of varying composition. The prominent units are:
, Si
0;-, Si
0t, SiO:-,
corresponding to an increase in the number of non-bridging oxygen atoms
from 0 to 4. Attempts have been made to correlate the physical properties
of the metals in terms of the formation of these structural units (Turkdogan,
The reaction between metal oxide and silica in the melt is analogous to
the neutralization of an aqueous acid with oxide. A slag is therefore termed
'acidic' if it can react with 'basic' metal oxides. In terms of this loose defini-
tion, molten silica is very acidic, and remains acidic until reaction with metal
oxide has broken all the Si-O-Si bonds and the only structural unit remain-
ing is sio1- .
Silica alone is not a suitable flux for the smelting of gold, because of
its high melting point (in excess of 1700C) and high viscosity. Both the
melting point and viscosity can be reduced by the partial neutralization of
silica with soda at a ratio of to Si0
of 50 mole per cent. However,
the capacity of this slag for reaction with the base metal oxides in the calcine
is then greatly reduced.
The solution to this problem is the use of a ternary slag consisting of
soda, silica, and borax, B
. Borax is almost as acidic as silica, but has a
melting point of 450C. Much uncertainty still exists concerning the struc-
ture of B
, and reference will be made only to the critical review by
Greenwood (1973). The reaction of borax with fused metal oxides results
in the formation of non-bridging oxygen atoms in a fashion analogous to
that of the silicates. An increase in the molar ratio of metal oxide to borax
produces the following structural changes (Greenwood, 1973):
- B
0;- - B
0!- - - BO;- -
A flux consisting of equal proportions (by mass) of silica and sodium
borax or NaO.2B
) is considered to be the starting point for the
determination of the flux requirements for a particular smelt. The liquidus
for such a mixture consisting of and Si0
at a mass ratio of
15:35:50 is about 800C (Levin et al., 1964). This flux is strongly acidic, and
the melt is characterized by low viscosity.
After the base metal oxides have reacted with the fluxes, the slag should
be neutral or slightly acidic in order to protect the lining of the furnace (usually
alumino-silicates) from attack by a basic slag. This requirement is achieved
by adjustment of the total mass of flux used for the smelting process. Acid-
treated, calcined zinc slimes typically require the mass of the fluxes to be
30 to 40070 of the mass of the calcine to be smelted. If the slimes are not
treated with acid prior to calcining, the mass of the fluxes may have to be
increased to at least 50 per cent of the mass of the calcine. Owing to the
increased mass of slag in these circumstances it may be advantageous to reduce
the liquidus of the slag -by the use of a larger amount of borax. If the viscosi-
ty of the slag is too high, calcium fluoride can be added to the flux, since
the fluoride ion is a strong network breaker:
- Si
- Si
However, the production of oxygen ions effectively increases the activity of
the oxides in the slag and reduces the acidity of the slag.
Poor calcination, which does not convert the base metals completely
to their oxides, usually requires the addition of an oxidant to the slag.
Manganese dioxide is commonly employed if the problem is not severe:
MnOz + M = MO + MnO. (15.93)
For the treatment of steel-wool cathodes, however, where large amounts of
metallic iron may be present, sodium nitrate is preferred:
+ 3M = Nap + 2NO + 3MO, (15.94)
because of its higher content of available oxygen. The danger associated with
the use of oxidants is that silver can be readily oxidized into the slag. This
problem can be avoided by acid treatment or effective calcination of the
cathodes prior to smelting. The composition and mass of fluxes for any par-
ticular smelting operation must be determined experimentally.
15.5 Acknowledgement
This chapter is published by permission of the Council for Mineral
Technology (Mintek).
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