Martinism CRP 3

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Nord Pas de Calais Picardie District

Province of Flanders Artois Wallonie

Centre de recherche en psychologie traditionnelle
13, rue la Prouse
62290 Noeux les mines

Educational 3
Educational journal of C R P

73 pages

The practical initiation of Willermoz began August 13, 1768,
by a letter of four pages, from which we make the following
extract, treating upon the alimental regimen and the primary
astrologic data.
"In regard to that which you should do, and the life you should
follow, let it be this for your spiritual and temporal functions.
For the temporal I will say nothing other than the interdiction
which I made to you of temporal food, which is, that you
should no more, during your whole life, eat the blood of any
species of animals nor of the domestic pigeon nor any species
of kidney nor the fat of any kind of animals.
"You will fast carefully during the periods which are ordered
in every Equinox. You will begin your fast -- the watch that
you wish to work -- on the fourth of a circle. You will not be
able nor should you work in your quality of apprentice of the
Rosy Cross, but three days following the beginning of the
Equinoxes. You will follow the Moon of March and
September and not the days which have been appointed for the
Equinox, since the ordinary days, and the months which fixes
them, are of no use but in marking well the lunar star. For this
purpose you will observe the Moon of March and September,
and you will never forget the days for the worship of the Holy
Spirit. If you desire to follow, in order, the methods of the
apostles, you will not omit to say the 'Miserere mei,' at the
center of your chamber at night, before sleeping, the face
turned towards the angle facing the rising Sun; afterwards you

will repeat the 'De Profundis,' your knees upon the earth and
face prostrated towards the earth. The Miserere mei is
repeated when upright on the feet. If you have other daily
prayers, according to your custom, you can repeat them; but
these, which I have ordered you, are obligatory, the same as
the order of living."
It is evident that the prayers that Martines employed in his
operations are Catholic.
Still further, we note that the Master, as a true Magician,
attached very great importance to the Astronomic and
Astrologic data. It is only from the time of the Equinoxes that
the principal operations have place as the letter of September
2, 1768, shows, giving full information:
"It is the month of September which guides us. We have from
the first quarter to the full to work; that is to say, by beginning
four or five days before the full.
"As to keeping your spiritual obligations, you will personally
recite the office of the Holy Spirit, the Miserere mei and the
De Profundis, once a week, which is Thursday, as the sign and
day of Jupiter, even as David used it for his reconciliation,
which I will teach you in due order. When you have
experienced the value and force of this prayer, you will recite
the office of the Holy Spirit at the same hour of the day. I do
not limit you, but for the Miserere mei and the De Profundis,
you will recite them at night, before sleeping; the De
Profundis with the face against the earth, and the Miserere mei
with the face towards the Orient.

"You will be wholly anticipated upon the points about which

you inquire as touching our work, and your eight days; or, at
the start, five hours will place you in due form. The mode of
placing the wax candles will also be fully forwarded. You will
purchase a small ritual that you may have the prayers,
benedictions and exorcisms, which I will indicate for you at
the conclusion."
After the elementary data, let us take up the practice of the
Magic Circle, and let us proceed to explain it in due order.
Some explanations are indispensable, to remove as much as
possible the inherent obscurity to similar questions.
In every experience of ceremonial magic, the operator is
isolated -- at the centre -- from the exterior by means of the
circle traced upon the earth, and including the mystic names,
which, according to tradition, have a great influence upon the
invisible world.
Generally, three concentric circles are drawn, at the centre of
which is traced a cross, the arms of which touch the largest
circle, and which divides each of the three circles into four
circles, each corresponding to one of the cardinal points. In
each of these quarters are traced the mystic names analogically
corresponding to the powers of each of the four cardinal
points. Martines had very slightly modified the ritual in order
to constitute each of these grades. After having examined the
different passages from these letters, and in the absence of
every explanatory chart, we conclude that the Master's ritual
was as follows: In place of tracing the complete circle, the

apprentice only traced the quarter of fourth of a circle

corresponding to the East.
This quarter was traced in the eastern angle of the chamber of
operation. It was limited by the half of the vertical branch and
the half of the horizontal branch of the great central cross.
Outside this fourth of a circle (itself perhaps embracing
another small circle) was traced, at the western angle of the
chamber of operation, a circle named by Martines the "Circle
of Retreat." A small circle could also be optionally embraced
within the fourth of the great circle.
To resume, a fourth of a circle to the East, and a circle to the
West, separated one from the other by a space of two feet,
such seems to be the ritual of first personal operations. In case
of error, on my part, the reader will be able to make
corrections by pondering the following letters:
(Letter of September 11, 1768.)
I write you for the first and last time of our mysterious
equinoctial year, which includes the time from one Equinox to
the other, in order to anticipate your being at the Eastern angle
of observation, September 27, 28, and 29, there to receive
your sympathetic ordination of virtue and power relative to
your dignity and quality as a Rosicrucian.

When the Eternal is named you are instructed to prostrate

yourself, in the circle towards the West, where the letters I A
B are inscribed precisely at midnight between the 27th and
28th. Understand clearly that you will only make this
prostration after having thoroughly traced all the emblems
which are in your fourth of the circle, beginning by the figure
and finishing with all that is generally dependent upon it, as it
was given you at Paris. You will place three wax candles at
the angle of your fourth of the circle, one at the interior of the
circle, which is in your quarter circle, upon the bar west,
inscribed RAP; you will uniformly place two wax candles at
each extremity of your fourth of the circle and one only at the
centre of the quarter, at the middle of the second line, which
divides the names, and the hieroglyphics which are written
there within; this single light is the symbol of my presence
with your operations. The circle where you should make your
prostration will be at two feet distance from the western angle,
which is in front of the eastern angle where your fourth of the
circle will be traced. After having made this preparation you
will perform your prostration with regalia.
You will be clad above with vest, pants and black stockings,
stripped of all metal -- not a single pin upon you; you will not
even have shoes upon your feet at the time of your prostration,
but you will have slippers on your feet at the time of your
invocations, waiting until you are well prepared. If it is
possible to be more thoroughly in due form, have your shoes
soled and your hat lined with cork, and finally have nothing
within the place or about you immodest and impure, and then
you have duplicated the Pope's slippers; you doubtless
understand me. After that you will have above your first dress

a long white robe, around which there will be a great border,

the colour of fire, about a foot broad; and about the sleeves
which are made in the fashion of an alb, there will be likewise
a border, the colour of fire, about a half a foot; there will be
also around the collar of the said robe, a lining of the same
colour, outside of said collar, about five fingers broad.
Moreover, you will have upon you all the colours of the Order,
to understand, viz., the sky-blue cord, in the form of a Saint
Andrew's cross, on the neck, without any emblem, afterwards,
the black cord, passed from the right to the left; afterwards, the
red scarf, from right to left around the waist, below and under
the belly; afterwards you will pass the sea-green scarf from
left to right upon the chest. The place of the two scarves upon
the body indicates the separation between the animal and
spiritual natures.
Being thus dressed, you will take out the light which is lighted
in your circle of prostration and place it, upon your right,
outside of said circle. Afterwards you will prostrate yourself
within, entirely stretched out, the belly upon the earth, and you
will support your forehead upon your two closed fists. This
prostration will last, without imprecation, six minutes, being
taken on account of your ordination of virtue. Afterwards you
will lift yourself upright and light all the wax-candles which
are in your circle of prostration, leaving no doubt that new fire
is used, and when all are lighted, make your prostration within
your fourth of the circle, in the range of the two wax candles
within at the extremities of the quarter circle; and when you
will pronounce some one of the names which are traced, you
will ask from God, in virtue of the power which he has given
to his servants, such and such -- naming all the names written

within the angle. The grace which you seek from him of a
sincere heart, and truly; contrite and humble, and to assure you
of his compassion, obliges you to repeat the hieroglyphic or
some one of the hieroglyphics which you will have traced
before you, with white chalk, in the midst of the chamber
between your quarter circle and your circle of retreat, which is
towards the West, where you will always be placed, when you
wish to work in future, awaiting your time, when I will
exchange work for you, which will be more advantageous and
profitable, if possible, than that of an Apprentice. After your
two prostrations you will restore the words of the two circles,
the same as those which are about the quarter circle, the knees
straight and the two hands set square, flat upon the earth; you
will speak in rising three words; "In quali que die tel, tel, tel
invocavero te vetociter exaudi me." After you have done all
these things, you will take your perfumes and place them in a
small plat of fresh earth, in which there shall be charcoal
lighted with a new fire, and you will perfume your quarter of
circle, East, and your circle of retreat, which is towards the
The first days of your operation you will only go out from
your circle of retreat an hour and a half, about two hours after
midnight; and you will observe to dine that day precisely at
noon and to finish eating at a fixed hour. You will take no
food until you have finished your operation. You will drink
water if necessary, but neither coffee nor spirits. Observe
carefully the precise nature of your duties.


(Letter of October 2, 1768)
"I have forwarded a small triangular talisman which you will
turn from point to point during your three days' work. As to
the situation of your apartment it is better in future to prefer
one towards the West for your quarter circle than towards the
"The wax candles used are placed within the circumference of
the quarter circle. The wax candle which alone should be
lighted is at the centre of your quarter circle, which you will
bear to your angle of retreat, the circle of correspondence, and
as to the other wax candles, have them will placed.
"It is the usage, and even ordered and prescribed by oath, that
every principal chief, ruler of circles of operation, spiritual and
divine, shall hold his circles open by quarter, by half, and
every year; to be proof against surprise, and not go astray,
either by his success or on account of the Order, or the
particular and general instructions, or any evils, or on account
of the propagation of the Order and the conservation of the
faithful members."
"Observe the ritual of first operations. It is necessary, after a
lapse of two years, to retrace our steps (Feb., 1770), in order to
recover the order of practical instruction, with the new
modifications, concerning the higher initiatory degree.

"In addition to the circle of retreat to the West, there is also a

great circle at the centre of the chamber and the customary
quarter of Circle at the East."

First pages of Pasquales "Treatise on the Reintegration of

It is fundamental to Martinist understanding of the Fall.
Pasqually details how the cause of the Fall was Humanity
being tricked by the prevaracitive spirits into believing that
they too should have the powers of the Creator and that they
could act independently.
To the pure all is pure. But this means we must cultivate
equanimity and really be content with everything and
everyone we encounter - since all are manifestations of the
one. In Pasquales outline he points out that Humanity redeems
itself by helping to limit the action of the prevaricative spirits.
This is the basis of the exorcisms which were performed by
the Elect Coen and which are still performed by them.
Anyone in a mature loving relationship knows this very well.
One needs to accept the good with the bad. And the spiritual
relationship with God, who is the real being in all forms, also
necessitates taking the good with the bad, and learning to
accept it, and very importantly trying to transmute it. Just as
Christ said, he was sent as a doctor for those who were ill.
This is an essential and often overlooked part of Pasquales
teaching. God was not content with just meeting out justice.
He often sent messengers to help Humanity get back on track.
The messengers knew very well how to take the good with the
bad, as they were often humiliated and vilified by those who
they came to save.
Nevertheless they persisted, and we can all be truly grateful
for the lifelines they have sent to us.

Martinist Operative and General Ritual.

The room is lit by a small Sanctuary Light or very dim luminary which will be
extinguished later on. The Operator makes the Sign of the Cross, standing erect
facing the Altar and the Orient, (+), and says:
O Venerated Masters who have passed through the Portals and have
accomplished the ultimate Voyage, I appeal to you! Let us become united at this
moment and in this place, become united with our Brothers dispersed all over
this vast world, become united in hearts and spirit. Amen. (+).
Operator now lights the ordinary Candle (which he will use to light the Central
Luminary) and says:
I conjure thee Uriel invoking thee by the word, by all that is In thy power and
in mine: may thy Spiritual Fire embrace the matter which I consecrate to the
Eternal in the bosom of these circles. May the elementary fire residing there
unite with thine to contribute to the Spiritual Light of Men of Desire - my
Brothers, and may they thus become animated by thy Fire of Life.
By IESHOUAH, Our Lord, Amen (+).
Operator inhales lightly the Flame of the Candle and says:
O Pure Light, symbol of the Superior of my Soul to whom the Eternal has
entrusted the care of my thought, of my will, actions and words, make thy
Radiant Fire purge my Soul of its dross and my lips- sanctified for the words I
am going to pronounce, to operate for a greater Glory of the Eternal, for my own
tuition and for the edification of my fellow men.
By IESHOUAH, Our Lord, Amen (+).
Now, Operator extinguishes the sanctuary light (or the dim luminary) and lights
the Central Luminary from the flame of the ordinary Candle saying:
I purify thee Wax and I bless thee (+) in the Name of the Eternal and by the
virtue and powers that have been entrusted by Him unto me. Be thus
commanded and consecrated by my words and by my intentions for the service

to which I designate thee which is to enable me to keep hold of the impressions

of things that shall be communicated to me by the Spirits whom I invoke
according to the innate power in myself. Become thus just and real to my eyes as
were the Lights which the Elect privileged by the Creator were employing in
their own Operations, Lights united in support of the Spiritual Regeneration of
Men, my fellow Brothers, for the greatest Glory of the Eternal Thought, for the
greatest Glory of the Eternal Will and for the greatest Glory of the Eternal
Action, by IESHOUAH, Our Lord, Amen (+).
Operator lights the charcoal in the Censer, or - in the Cassolette, from the flame
of the Central Luminary and says:
I Purify thee Fire and I bless thee (+). I sanctify thee in the Name of the
Eternal, in the Name of Him who created thee and who appeared to His servant
Moses in the form of the Burning Bush, may thou become, as then, an Altar of
Perfumes of the Holy Temple of Jerusalem and carry the incense, which is due
to His Glory and Goodness, up to the throne of God Himself.
By IESHOUAH, Our Lord, Amen (+).
Operator waits for a short moment and then resumes:
Holy Ghost, descend I Surround the Fire which has been consecrated to Thee to
become Thy Radiant Throne dominating Over all regions of the Universal
World! Govern my thoughts accordingly. Govern over me and my Brothers,
remove all Spirits of Darkness, Error and Confusion from these Circles so that
my Soul may profit from the Works which the Order extends to those who prove
worthy to become penetrated by Thee, the Holy Ghost, who livest and reignest
forever with the Father arid the Son.
By IESHOUAH, Our Lord, Amen (+).

Next, Operator throws some Incense on the Charcoal in the Censer, takes the
Censor (or an earthenware cassolette) into his hand, and makes the first turn
around the Altar saying:
O Eternal, may this Incense which I offer Thee within these circumferences
become a true Image of the purity of my words and intentions, for Thy greatest
Glory and Justice.

By IESHOUAH, Our Lord, Amen (+).

Operator throws more Incense into the Censer and makes his second turn around
the Altar saying:
Eternal, may this Perfume which I offer Thee in testimony of the purity of my
Soul have the same success as the one which Zorobabel offered Thee in Babylon
for the deliverance of the remnants of Israel. O Eternal, deliver me from the
slavery of Darkness which surrounds and keeps me in privation of Thy Will and
of Thy Science. Hear my prayer so that my words and my will may conform
with Thine.
By IESHOUAH, Our Lord, Amen (+).

Operator again throws more Incense into the Censer and makes the third
turnaround the Altar saying:
O Eternal, may my prayer become from now on a true Perfume which I offer
Thee for Eternity. May this Perfume become a symbol of the fervour with which
I shall invoke Thee for my Reconciliation, so that I may become sincerely united
with him whom Thou hast established as my Guardian and given the care of
guiding me.
1 invoke him, that helpful Guardian, in the bosom of this circumference
although I do not see him with my eyes of flesh, to become my Counsel, my
Guide and my Support in this lowly world and in the Other, for Thy greatest
Glory and for my perfect sanctification.
By IESHOUAH, Our Lord, Amen (+).
Operator now replaces the Censer on the Altar and resumes his place standing
erect and facing the Orient. He extends his hands, open but slightly cupped,
palms up, elbows against his body, saying:
Hear, O Eternal, Ineffable God, Sacred Father of all things, Thou who seest and
encompassest all, the Prayer of Thy servant prostrated before Thee. Grant me
the calm, fervour and sincerity necessary for the feelings which I want to convey
to Thee. O Ineffable Father, be favorable to me and to all those for whom I am

going to supplicate Thee, for all my Brothers in the Order, for my Parents ,for
my Friends, for my enemies, for the Living as well as for the Dead and also for
all Thy Creatures. Hear, O Lord of Mercy, my prayer. Grant me, O my Gods the
ability to pray to Thee efficiently. I submit myself here to Thy Holy Care, Take
pity of me and may Thy Will be done. Amen (+).
I conjure you, my Patrons, Spirits freed from the chains of Matter and who are
enjoying the fruits of your Virtues and whose names I have the good fortune to
bear, I conjure you by the same Name which you have been invoking yourselves
with such Fervour, confidence and success. I conjure you to contribute towards
my eternal salvation, by your holy intercession, by your protection nigh the
Father of Mercy, nigh the Son Redeemer, nigh the Holy Ghost Preserver. Secure
for me and for my Brothers the Grace of the Divinity, Its favours and clemency
with which you have been rewarded for the combats you fought when still in
this sojourn in which I still remain. Do so that through your salutary assistance I
shall live and die like you, in Peace, Joy, and Holiness. Amen (+).
I conjure thee my Guardian, thou Pure Spirit commissioned by the Eternal to
look after me for the Reconciliation of my spiritual being. I conjure thee by the
Name of God of Mercy to come to the aid of my soul always whenever it will be
in danger of yielding to the Evil, whenever it calls thee by its sighs, desires and
its meditations, whenever it becomes hungry and thirsty for counsel, learning or
understanding. Help me then, O my Guardian, to obtain the help and protection
of the Patrons whom I have just invoked, as well as the submission of the Spirits
who still remain to be invoked in the Operation.
By IESHOUAH, Our Lord, Amen (+).
Operator remains silent for a while and then throws rather a large quantity of
Incense into the Censer. He will now pray for the diffusion of the Martinist
doctrine over the whole World:
Deign, O Almighty and Eternal God, Thou who deigned to reveal Thine Glory
to all Nations and Who made our Masters profit from a Revelation essential to
our common Salvation deign then, O Lord, to perpetuate the Works of Thy
Mercy so that the Message of our Masters may finally diffuse over the whole
earth with its aim of Universal Reintegration of all created Beings into their First
Estate, Virtues and Powers, both Spiritual and Divine : that it may penetrate all
Men of good will; and that they may persevere in our Traditions and Works with
an ardent and firm faith, as well as in the confession of Thy Holy Name.
By IESHOUAH, Our Lord, Amen (+).

Operator meditates for a moment and then prays for a harmony among, concord
and faithfulness of Brothers:
We beseech Thee, O God, Unique Dispensator of Peace, Preserver Almighty of
all things Thou hast created, may our Brothers and Sisters remain forever
faithful to the mystique and to the Works of our Order - which they have freely
chosen and accepted when joining the Order. May they remain submissive to
the hierarchy and discipline of the Order and never fail in their promise.
By IESHOUAH, Our Lord, Amen (+).
Operator meditates for a while and now prays for the Dignitaries and Masters of
the Order:
Deign, O God Almighty and Eternal, we Thy Servants implore thee humbly, to
direct and guide Masters and Dignitaries of our Order. Deign to protect their
souls and illumine their Minds so that they may always fulfill the duties they
accepted, worthily and efficiently.
By IESHOUAH, Our Lord, Amen (+).
After a short meditation, Operator prays now for the Grand Masters of the Order
living in different parts of the world:
We beseech Thee, O God Almighty, may our Grand Masters - Thy servants who received the power to govern our Houses thanks to Thy Mercy, enjoy
everlasting growth of all Virtues and thus worthily adorned, may they elude the
numberless Vices and attain to Thee, O Lord of Mercy, who art the Way, the
Truth and the Life.
By IESHOUAH, Our Lord, Amen (+).
Operator meditates a while and afterwards prays for the triumph of Universal
O Almighty and Eternal God, Thou who hast revealed Thine Glory to all
Christian Nations, deign, O Lord, to preserve the Works of Thy Mercy. May
Thy Universal Church here below reflect the one of High Above, may it expand
all over the world and may it persevere with a firm and indestructible faith in the
confession of Thy Holy Name.

By IESHOUAH, Our Lord, Amen (+).

Operator meditates for a moment again and then prays for the Peace of the
O Eternal God, thanks to Thee our desires become holy, our aims and works
just. Deign, O Merciful Lord, to grant Thy servants that Peace with the World
cannot give them. May our hearts surrender to Thy Will and shielded from the
terror of our Enemies, may our days stay peaceful under Thy Protection and that
of Thy Angels commissioned to guide the Nations.
By IESHOUAH, Our Lord, Amen (+)
Operator meditates for a while and in turn prays that Humanity may be spared
the calamities like landslides and earthquakes:
O Almighty and Eternal God, Thou who hast created the Heaven and Earth,
and given them their original permanent stability, we implore Thy immense
Goodness and Thy inexhaustible Mercy. Deign, O Lord of Mercy, to restrain by
the power of Thy Angels and the merits of Thy Saints, the Daemons cowered in
the bowels of Earth. Deign to preserve its beneficial stability to the terrestrial
succor, so mountains shall not topple into the valleys or valleys become plains
and that earths surface shall not open and thus endanger Thy Creatures.
By IESHOUAH, Our Lord, Amen (+).

After having meditated awhile, Operator prays to avert the ravages of snow,
hail, rain and storms which bring grief and sorrow to Humanity:
O Almighty and Eternal God, Thou who deigned to sanctify the waters of this
world as well as to cause the Living Water to flow from the rock of Horeb, and
who used water from Jordan for the Baptism of Thy Divine Son, O God of
Mercy, we implore Thy immense Goodness and Thy inexhaustible Mercy, may
we be spared by the power of Thy Angels and the merits of Thy Saints from the
ravages of Water under whatever be the form, storms, tidal waves, cloudbursts,
or hurricanes, and may the Daemon who haunt them be kept in check by Thy
Power and Justice, be kept off and chased away forever from the places
inhabited by Thy Creatures and far away from Thy Creatures themselves.

By IESHOUAH, Our Lord, Amen (+).

Operator meditates awhile and resumes his prayer, that the Works of Man be
spared from the winds, tornadoes and hurricanes:
O Almighty and Eternal God, Thou who deigned to sanctify the breath of the
Elementary Air art the Holy Day of Pentecost when Thou made Thy Holy Ghost
descend upon the assembled Apostles and a rushing mighty wind Come, we
beseech Thy immense Goodness and Thy inexhaustible Mercy to spare, O Lord
of Mercy, by the power of Thy Angels and the merits of Thy Saints, the places
where Thy Creatures live or take shelter, and to spare Thy Creatures themselves
from the ravages of tempests, whirlwinds and hurricanes.
By IESHOUAH, Our Lord, Amen (+).
Operator meditates for a moment and then prays that the whole Nature be spared
from the ravages of Fire, but especially the Works of Man:
O Almighty and Eternal God, Thou who deigned to manifest Thyself to Thy
Servant Moses under the form of a Burning Bush and who made Thy Holy
Ghost descend upon the Apostles and Disciples under the form of Fire of
Pentecost, O Lord of Mercy, we beseech Thy immense Goodness and Thy
inexhaustible Mercy, to spare by the power of Thy Angels and the merits of Thy
Saints the places where Thy Creatures live or take shelter as well as the
Creatures themselves, from the flames of the subterranean fire, terrestrial
conflagration and those caused by lightning.
By IESHOUAH, Our Lord, Amen (+).

Operator meditates for awhile and then prays that epidemics, pestilence, cholera,
small pox and all germs attacking the vegetable, animal and human realms be
controlled and eventually disappear from the surface of the earth:
O God Almighty and Eternal, Thou who deigned to heal the people of Israel
wandering in the desert and a prey to the bites of eager serpents, we beseech
Thee in memory of the faith of Thy people in the merits of the Brazen Serpent,
Thy Divine Son, to keep away from Thy Creatures pestilential diseases which
threaten them with cruel death, and to maintain them In health of body and Soul.

By IESHOUAH, Our Lord, Amen (+).

After a moment of meditation, Operator prays in turn for the fruits of the earth:
Deign, O Almighty and Eternal God, Thou who hast created all things for the
use of the Human Race deign, O Lord, to spread over the surface of this
Temporal World the necessary blessings of Thy Benevolence, that nourished
with Thy Gifts and returning the thanks for them to Thee, we may seek with
even greater faith the Bread of Eternal Life. Deign, O Merciful Lord, to give by
a providential act of Thy Grace daily nourishment to all Thy Creatures, human,
animal and vegetable, so that all of them be spared from the dread of Hunger,
Thirst and Misery of Death.
By IESHOUAH, Our Lord, Amen (+).
Operator will now pray for the Brothers and Sisters of the Order, their relatives,
and for all Masters of the Past:
Grant, O Eternal God, Thou who grantest the pardon and desirest salvation of
men, we beseech Thee grant that Brothers and Sisters of the Order, their parents
and relatives, as well as Masters of the past who have all left this age, may all
share with Thy Saints and Thy Angels the Eternal Beatitude and the Original
Unity finally regained through the return to the Celestial origins. O Lord of
Mercy, deign to grant all these souls an Eternal Rest for a time immemorial and
may the Light which never dies out radiate upon them.
By IESHOUAH, Our Lord, Amen (+).
Operator adds a larger quantity of Incense into the Censer, meditates a while and
then prays for the Wandering Souls:
O Almighty and Eternal God, Thou who deigned to save the Sons of Israel
from attacks of the fiery serpents during their long wandering of forty years in
the Desert by merely looking with confidence upon the Brazen Serpent exposed
to the view of all. Deign in Thy Clemency, O Lord of Mercy, to grant the
Wandering Souls lost in the Darkness of Beyond, Grace so that they may
recollect the Name of the Redeemer and thus escape the attacks and snares of
the Demoniacal Spirits eager to destroy these Souls.
By IESHOUAH, Our Lord, Amen (+).

Operator meditates for a moment and then prays for the reillumination of the
Souls lured into the Darkness by the atheistic materialism:
O Almighty and Eternal God, Thou who savest Men and lettest not perish any
of Thy Creatures. Deign, O Lord, to look down with favour upon the Souls
misled by the ruse of Satan, our Adversary. May these Souls repent their errors
and after having abandoned all malice, return one day into the Unity of Thy
Holy and Eternal Truth. Hear, O Lord of Mercy, the prayer which I address to
Thee. May the blindness of Men who have forgotten Thy Holy Name be
removed; having seen Light of Thy Truth which is the Christ our Redeemer,
may these Men be redeemed from the Darkness. O Lord, Thou who dost not
look for the Death of men but for the Life even of sinners, deign, O Lord, to
receive favorably my prayers for these Men. Deliver strayed Nations from the
worship of Idols and reunite them into Thy Holy, Eternal and Universal Church,
far from this World of sorrow, and for the greatest Glory of Thy Holy Name.
By IESHOUAH, Our Lord, Amen (+).
Operator prays now for the sick, afflicted and for the prisoners:
We beseech Thee humbly, O Almighty and eternal God to grant health and
freedom to all infirm and sick, afflicted persons and to the prisoners, that thus
delivered from illness and captivity, O Lord of all Grace, they may thank Thee
for Thy Mercy.
By IESHOUAH, Our Lord, Amen (+).
After having meditated for awhile, Operator resumes his prayer, now for the
Heads and Leaders of the Christian Nations:
O Almighty and Eternal God, Thou who holdest in Thy hands all power and all
authority over all countries of the world hear us, O Lord of Mercy, we humbly
implore Thy Holy Name. Deign to confirm in Peace and true Harmony the
Heads of the Christian Nations. Deign to inspire them with a strong
determination to deliver the whole world from the scourge of Dissension and
War, and from the ravages of fratricidal Fights between men.
Operator meditates awhile and then prays for the Heads and Leaders of the nonChristian Nations:

O Almighty and Eternal God, Thou who holdest in Thy hands all power and
authority over all countries of the earth, we humbly implore Thy Holy Name.
Deign, O Lord of Mercy, to inspire the Heads and Leaders of the nonChristian
Nations, still in want of the actual grace of conversion to Thy Holy Law and to
the Worship of Thy Divine Son, Our Lord the Christ, with the favour of a
peaceful behavior, dignified, wise and enlightened, charitable and tolerant, and
may the Angel unto whom Thou hast entrusted the guidance of each of these
Nations, or Countries, maintain them always on the path of Peace, Harmony and
Tolerance, and in respect of Thy faithful Elect.
By IESHOUAH, Our Lord, Amen (+).
Operator meditates for a moment and then prays for the entire Human Race!
O Almighty end Eternal God, Thou who hast used Thine own Son as the
Corner Stone to bring together Jews and Gentiles as if linking two Walls rising
from two opposing Foundations, and hast thus reunited these two opposing
Flocks under only one Shepherd, the Eternal Repairer, O Lord, knowing that one
day the whole Humanity shall render Thee Its pious tributes in Thy Holy City of
Above, do so that Thy Creatures may in the near future finally live united by the
unbreakable ties of Charity. Never permit, O Lord of Mercy, the discord of
minds and perversity of hearts separate those who, at the beginning, were only
One Family under the authority of only one Father, so that finding themselves
one day in the same common Celestial Temple they may all dwell there
eternally under Thy Holy Protection.
By IESHOUAH, Our Lord, Amen (+).
Operator meditates for a few moments and then prays for the debased and fallen
Spirits in the bosom of the mineral Kingdom:
O Almighty God, Eternal Creator and Preserver of all Beings, here we pray to
Thee and beseech Thee for all fallen and debased Spirits contained in the bosom
of the Mineral Kingdom in consequence of our own Fall. Deign, O Lord of
Mercy, to grant finally these Souls as well as all those of other Kingdoms the
liberation and the return to the Initial Pleroma.
By IESHOUAH, Our Lord, Amen (+).

After a few moments of meditation, Operator now prays for the debased and
fallen Spirits in the bosom of the Vegetable Kingdom:
O Almighty God, Eternal Creator and Preserver of all Beings, here we pray to
Thee and beseech Thee for all fallen and debased Spirits contained in the bosom
of the Vegetable Kingdom in consequence of our own Fall. Deign, O Lord of
Mercy, to grant finally these Souls as well as those of other Kingdoms the
liberation and the return to the Initial PLEROMA.
By IESHOUAH, Our Lord, Amen (+).
After having meditated awhile, Operator prays then for the debased and fallen
Spirits in the bosom of the Animal Kingdom:
O Almighty God, Eternal Creator and Preserver of all Beings, here we pray to
Thee and beseech Thee for all fallen and debased Spirits contained in the bosom
of the Animal Kingdom in consequence of our own Fall. Deign, O Lord of
Mercy, to grant finally all these Souls as well as all those of other Kingdoms the
liberation and the return to the Initial Pleroma, by integrating them into the
bosom of the Archetype.
By IESHOUAH, Our Lord, Amen (+).
Operator meditates for awhile and then prays that the Demoniacal Spirits be
chased away from the Earth:
O Almighty and Eternal God, Creator and Protector of the Human Race, Thou
who hast made the First Man and In him all the Preexistent Souls to Thine
Image and Resemblance, deign, O Lord, to consider Thy servant fallen into the
traps of the Serpent. This ancient Adversary of the Earth shrouds its Soul with
the horrors of fright or benumbs its spiritual and reasonable faculties. Thus
destroy, O Lord Almighty, this Diabolical Power, upset the perfidious snares by
chasing away the Initial Tempter, his Angels and his Ministers, far away from
our Universe, O Almighty God, may Thy Servants be defended and protected in
their Souls and Bodies by this Sign of Salvation traced upon their foreheads.
Here Operator makes the sign of TAU upon his forehead with his index, middle
finger and thumb joined together, a cross + or x, the cursive signs of the Hebrew
TAU from the first centuries of our era as wall as before. He then continues to

O Lord, Thou who hast arranged the ministry of Angels and Men in an
admirable order for this, cause, O Lord of Mercy, that our terrestrial life be
protected by those who serve Thee In Heaven.
By IESHOUAH, Our Lord, Amen (+).
Operator meditates awhile and then prays for the Salvation of the Prevaricated
O God Almighty, the Eternal Rewarder, we beseech and implore of Thee, not
Thy Justice but Thy Mercy for all Spirits who have prevaricated at the
Beginning. Make, O Lord of Mercy, a ray of Thine Divine Light finally awake
in their essence a sorrowful and sincere repentance of this inexpiable crime.
May they return forever into their principle* on the Day of the last Sabbath,
destroyed in their accident* but saved at least in their substance *, and may they
thus, O God Eternal, just and powerful, proclaim finally Thy Glory in a world
without end.
By IESHOUAH, Our Lord, Amen (+).
Operator recites now Psalm 68 which the Sons of Israel intoned at the moment
of combat, when the Ark was being lifted and put on the shoulders of the
Lavites. It applies here to the Daemons:
Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered; let them also that hate him flee
before him. As smoke is driven away, so drive them away; as wax melteth
before the fire, so let the wicked perish at the presence of God. But let the
righteous be glad; let him rejoice before God; yea, let them exceedingly rejoice.
Sing unto God, sing praises to his name; Extol him that rideth upon the heavens
by his name JAH, and rejoice before him. A father of the fatherless, and a judge
of the widows, is God in his habitation. God setteth the solitary in families; he
bringeth out those which are bound with chains; but the rebellious dwell in a dry
To end, Operator recites Psalm 133***, for Unity of all Brothers:
Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in
It is like the precious ointment upon the head; that run down upon the beard,
even Aarons beard; that went down to the skirts of his garments;
As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the Mountains of

Zion; for there the Lord commanded the blessing, even life for evermore.
Operator now dismisses the Celestial Spirits which he has invoked during his
Celestial Spirits who assisted us, we thank you. May there be always Peace of
God between you and us. Deign to continue to assure me, as well as my
Brothers, of your holy and understanding protection.
Notes: *
In philosophy PRINCIPLE - beginning, fountain-head, original or
initial state, likewise, the initial archetype. ACCIDENT an attribute which is
not part of the essence and hence nonessential accompaniment. SUBSTANCE a
being that subsists by itself, a separate or distinct thing.
Psalm 133 used to be recited aloud by the Knights of the Temple at each
reception into the Order. It still appears in the Rituals of Arming of the different
chivalrous Orders, Protestant, catholic or Masonic.
May we be always - you and I - forever, inscribed in the Book of Life.
By IESHOUAH, Our Lord, Amen (+)
Operator replaces the lid of the Censer and then extinguishes the Central
Luminary, but first he says the following:
May the Invisible and Spiritual Light return into the Invisible and Spiritual
World just as the Elementary Flame is being returned to its natural elementary
source, but may the Divine Fire and Divine Light dwell forever In my Soul and
in the Souls of my Brothers.
By IESHOUAH, Our Lord, Amen (+).
Operator now takes the Poniard (or the Sword) and knocks with it, successively,
all four corners of the room tracing there with distinct knocks of the blade, a
Greek Cross (+). Doing this he says at each corner:
May any Spirit who does not proclaim the Glory of God fly away by this Sign.
By IESHOUAH, Our Lord, Amen (+).

To be a coen ?
All what you need!
Abano: de circulo

Introduction by the editor.

Of the Circle, and the composition thereof.

Of the names of the hours, and the Angels ruling them.

Spring: Angels and names

Summer: Angels and names

Autumn: Angels and names

Winter: Angels and names

The Consecrations and Benedictions: and first of the

Benediction of the Circle.

The Benediction of perfumes.

The Exorcism of the fire upon which the perfumes are to

be put.

Of the Garment and Pentacle.

An Oration to be said, when the Vesture is put on.

Of the manner of working.

An Exorcism of the Spirits of the Air.

A Prayer to God, to be said in the four parts of the world,

in the Circle.

Visions and Apparitions.

The figure of a Circle for the first hour of the Lords day,
in Spring-time.

Considerations for Sunday.

Considerations for Monday.

Considerations for Tuesday.

Considerations for Wednesday.

Considerations for Thursday.

Considerations for Friday.

Considerations for Saturday.

Tables of the Angels of the Hours, according to the

course of the days.

Heptameron, or Magical Elements of Peter de Abano,

Introduction by the editor.]
In the former book, which is the fourth book of Agrippa, it is
sufficiently spoken concerning Magical Ceremonies, and
But because he seemeth to have written to the learned, and
well-experienced in this art; because he doth not specially treat
of the Ceremonies, but rather speaketh of them in general, it
was therefore thought good to adde hereunto the Magical
Elements of Peter de Abano: that those who are hitherto
ignorant, and have not tasted of Magical Superstitions, may
have them in readiness, how they may exercise themselves
therein. For we see in this book, as it were a certain
introduction of Magical vanity; and, as if they were in present
exercise, they may behold the distinct functions of spirits, how
they may be drawn to discourse and communication; what is
to be done every day, and every hour; and how they shall be
read, as if they were described sillable by sillable.
In brief, in this book are kept the principles of Magical
conveyances. But because the greatest power is attributed to
the Circles; (For they are certain fortresses to defend the
operators safe from the evil Spirits;) In the first place we will
treat concerning the composition of a Circle.
Of the Circle, and the composition thereof.
The form of Circles is not always one and the same; but used
to be changed, according to the order of the Spirits that are to
be called, their places, times, days and hours. For in making a
Circle, it ought to be considered in what time of the year, what
day, and what hour, that you make the Circle; what Spirits you

would call, to what Star and Region they do belong, and what
functions they have. Therefore let there be made three Circles
of the latitude of nine foot, and let them be distant one from
another a hands breadth; and in the middle Circle, first, write
the name of the hour wherein you do the work. In the second
place, Write the name of the Angel of the hour. In the third
place, The Sigil of the Angel of the hour. Fourthly, The name
of the Angel that ruleth that day wherein you do the work, and
the names of his ministers. In the fifth place, The name of the
present time. Sixthly, The name of the Spirits ruling in that
part of time, and their Presidents. Seventhly, The name of the
head of the Signe ruling in that part of time wherein you work.
Eighthly, The name of the earth, according to that part of time
wherein you work. Ninthly, and for the compleating of the
middle Circle, Write the name of the Sun and of the Moon,
according to the said rule of time; for as the time is changed,
so the names are to be altered. And in the outermost Circle, let
there be drawn in the four Angles, the names of the
presidential Angels of the Air, that day wherein you would do
this work; to wit, the name of the King and his three Ministers.
Without the Circle, in four Angles, let Pentagones be made. In
the inner Circle let there be written four divine names with
crosses interposed in the middle of the Circle; to wit, towards
the East let there be written Alpha, and towards the West let
there be written Omega; and let a cross divide the middle of
the Circle. When the Circle is thus finished, according to the
rule now before written, you shall proceed.
Of the names of the hours, and the Angels ruling them.
IT is also to be known, that the Angels do rule the hours in a
successive order, according to the course of the heavens, and
Planets unto which they are subject; so that that Spirit which
governeth the day, ruleth also the first hour of the day; the
second from this governeth the second hour; the third; the

third hour, and so consequently: and when seven Planets and

hours have made their revolution, it returneth again to the first
which ruleth the day. Therefore we shall first speak of the
names of the hours.
Hours of the day. Hours of the night.
1. Yayn. 1. Beron.
2. Janor. 2. Barol.
3. Nasnia.
3. Thami.
4. Salla. 4. Athir.
5. Sadedali. 5. Mathon.
6. Thamur. 6. Rana.
7. Ourer. 7. Netos.
8. Thamic.
8. Tafrac.
9. Neron.
9. Sassur.
10. Jayon.
10. Aglo.
11. Abai.
11. Calerva.
12. Natalon. 12. Salam.
Of the names of the Angels and their Sigils, it shall be spoken
in their proper places. Now let us take a view of the names of
the times. A year therefore is fourfold, and is divided into the
Spring, Summer, Harvest and Winter; the names whereof are
The Spring. Talvi.
The Summer. Casmaran.
Winter. Farlas.
The Angels of the Spring.

Caratasa. [fb: Carcasa]



The head of the Signe of the Spring.

The name of the earth in the Spring.

The names of the Sun and Moon in the Spring.
The Sun. The Moon.
Abraym. Agusita.
The Angels of the Summer.



The head of the Signe of the Summer.

The name of the earth in Summer.

The names of the Sun and Moon in Summer.
The Sun. The Moon.
The Angels of Autumne.


The head of the signe of Autumne.

The name of the earth in Autumne.

The names of the Sun and Moon in Autumne.
The Sun. The Moon.

The Angels of Winter.


The head of the signe of Winter.

The name of the Earth in Winter.

The names of the Sun and Moon in Winter.
The Sun. The Moon.
Commutaff. Affaterim.
The Consecrations and Benedictions: and first of the
Benediction of the Circle.
WHen the Circle is ritely perfected, sprinkle the same with
holy or purging water, and say
Thou shalt purge me with hysop, (O Lord,) and I shall be
clean: Thou shalt wash me, and I shall be whiter then snow
The Benediction of perfumes.
The God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob, bless here
the creatures of these kindes, that they may fill up the power
and vertue of their odours; so that neither the enemy, nor any
false imagination, may be able to enter into them: through our
Lord Jesus Christ, &c.
Then let them be sprinkled with holy water.
The Exorcism of the fire upon which the perfumes are to be
The fire which is to be used for suffumigations, is to be in a
new vessel of earth or iron; and let it be exorcised after this

I exorcise thee, O thou creature of fire, by him by whom all

things are made, that forthwith thou cast away every phantasm
from thee, that it shall not be able to do any hurt in any thing.
Then say,
Bless, O Lord, this creature of fire, and sanctifie it, that it may
be blessed to set forth the praise of thy holy name, that no hurt
may come to the Exorcisers or Spectators: through our Lord
Jesus Christ, &c.
Of the Garment and Pentacle.
Let it be a Priests Garment, if it can be had, let it be of linen,
and clean. Then take this Pentacle made in the day and hour of
Mercury, the Moon increasing, written in parchment made of a
kids skin. But first let there be said over it the Mass of the holy
Ghost, and let it be sprinkled with water of baptism

An Oration to be said, when the Vesture is put on.

Ancor, Amacor, Amides, Theodonias, Anitor, by the merits of
thy Angel, O Lord, I will put on the Garments of Salvation,
that this which I desire I may bring to effect: through thee the
most holy Adonay, whose kingdom endureth for ever and
ever. Amen.
Of the manner of working.
Let the Moon be increasing and equal, if it may then be done,
and let her not be combust.
The Operator ought to be clean and purified by the space of
nine daies before the beginning of the work, and to be
confessed, and receive the holy Communion. Let him have
ready the perfume appropriated to the day wherein he would

perform the work. He ought also to have holy water from a

Priest, and a new earthen vessel with fire, a Vesture and a
Pentacle; and let all these things be rightly and duly
consecrated and prepared. Let one of the servants carry the
earthen vessel full of fire, and the perfumes, and let another
bear the book, another the Garment and Pentacle, and let the
master carry the Sword; over which there must be said one
mass of the Holy Ghost; and on the middle of the Sword, let
there be written this name Agla +, and on the other side
thereof, this name + On +. And as he goeth to the consecrated
place, let him continually read Letanies, the servants
answering. And when he cometh to the place where he will
erect the Circle, let him draw the lines of the Circle, as we
have before taught: and after he hath made it, let him sprinkle
the Circle with holy water, saying, Asperges me Domine, &c.
[Wash me O Lord, &c.]
The Master therefore ought to be purified with fasting,
chastity, and abstinency from all luxury the space of three
whole dayes before the day of the operation. And on the day
that he would do the work, being clothed with pure garments,
and furnished with Pentacles, Perfumes, and other things
necessary hereunto, let him enter the Circle, and call the
Angels from the four parts of the world, which do govern the
seven Planets the seven dayes of the week, Colours and
Metals; whose name you shall see in their places. And with
bended knees invocating the said Angels particularly, let him
O Angels [sic] supradicti, estote adjutores me petitioni, & in
adjutorium mihi, in meis rebus & petitionibus.
Then let him call the Angels from the four parts of the world,
that rule the Air the same day wherein he doth the work or
experiment. And having implored specially all the Names and
Spirits written in the Circle, let him say,

O vos omnes, adjuro atque contestor per sedem Adonay, per

Hagios, Theos, Ischyros, Athanatos, Paracletos, Alpha &
Omega, & per hc tria nomina secreta, Agla, On,
Tetragrammaton, qud hodie debeatis adimplere quod cupio
These things being performed, let him read the Conjuration
assigned for the day wherein he maketh the experiments, as
we have before spoken; but if they shall be partinacious and
refractory, and will not yeild themselves obedient, neither to
the Conjuration assigned to the day, nor to the prayers before
made, then use the Conjurations and Exorcismes following
An Exorcisme of the Spirits of the Air
Nos facti ad imaginem Dei, & ejus facti voluntate, per
potentissimum & corroboratum nomen Dei El, forte &
admirabile vos exorcizamus (here he shall name the Spirits he
would have appear, of what order soever they be) &
imperamus per eum qui dixit, & factum est, & per omnia
nomina Dei, & per nomen Adonay, El, Elohim, Elohe,
Zebaoth, Elion, Escerchie, Jah, Tetragrammaton, Sadai,
Dominus Deus, excelsus, exorcizamus vos, atque potenter
imperamus, ut appareatis statim nobis hic juxta Circulum in
pulchra forma, videlicet humana, & sine deformitate &
tortuositate aliqua. Venite vos omnes tales, quia vobis
imperamus, per nomen Y & V quod Adam audivit, & locutus
est: & per nomen Dei Agla, quod Loth audivit, & factus salvus
cum sua familia: & per nomen Joth, quod Jacob audivit ab
Angelo secum luctantes, & liberatus est de manu fratris sui
Esau: and by the name Anephexeton, quot Aaron audivit, &
loquens, & sapiens factus est: & per nomen Zebaoth, quod
Moses nominavit, & omnia flumina & paludes de terra
gypti, vers fuerunt in sanguinem: & per nomen Ecerchie
Oriston, quod Moses nominavit, & omnes flu vis ebullierunt
ranas, & ascenderunt in domos gyptiorum, omnia

destruentes: & per nomen Elion, quod Moses nominavit, &

fuit grando talis, qualis non fuit ab initio mundi: & per nomen
Adonay, quod Moses nominavit, & fuerunt locusta, &
apparuerunt super terram gyptiorum, & comederunt qu
residua erant grandint: & per nomen Schemes amathia, quod
Joshua vocavit, & remoratus est Sol cursum: & per nomen
Alpha & Omega, quod Daniel nominavit, & destruxit Beel, &
Draconem interferit: & in nomine Emmanuel, quod tres pueri,
Sidrach, Misach & Abednago, in camino ignis ardentis,
cantaverunt, & liberati fuerunt: & per nomen Hagios, & sedem
Adonay, & per Theos, Iscyros, Athanatos, Paracletus; & per
hc tria secreta nomina, Agla, On, Tetragrammaton, adjuro,
contestor, & per hc nomina, & per alia nomina Domini nostri
Dei Omnipotentis, vivi & veri, vos qui vestra culpa de Coelis
ejecti fuistis usque ad infernum locum, exorcizamus, &
viriliter imperamus, per eum qui dixit, & factum est, cui
omnes obediunt creatur, & per illud tremendum Dei
judicium: & per mare omnibus incertum, vitreum, quod est
ante conspectum divin majestatis gradiens, & potestiale: &
per quatuor divina animalia T. ani sedem divin majesta is
gradientia, & oculos ant & retr habentia: & per ignem ante
ejus thronum circumstantem: & per sanctos Angelos
Clorum, T. & per eam qu Ecclesia Dei nominatur: & per
summam sapientiam Omnipotentis Dei viriliter exorcizamus,
ut nobis hic ante Circulum appareatis, ut faciendam nostram
voluntatem, in omnibus prout placuerit nobis: per sedem
Baldachi, & per hoc nomen Primeumaton, quod Moses
nominavit, & in cavernis abyssi fuerunt profundati vel
absorpti, Datan, Corah & Abiron: & in virtute istius nominis
Primeumaton, tota Coeli militia compellente, maledicimus
vos, privamus vos omni officio, loco & gaudio vestro, esque in
profundum abyssi, & usque ad ultimum diem judicii vos
ponimus, & relegamus in ignem ternum, & in stagnum ignis

& sulphuris, nisi statim appareatis hic coram nobis, inte

Circulum, ad faciendum voluntatem nostram. In omnibus
venite per hc nomina, Adonay Zebaoth, Adonay, Amioram.
Venite, venite, imperat vobis Adonay, Saday, Rex regum
potentissimus & tremendissimus, cujus vires nulla
subterfugere potest creatura vobis pertinacissimis futuris nisi
obedieritis, & appareatis ante hunc Circulum, affabiles subito,
tandem ruina flebilis miserabilisque, & ignis perpetuum
inextinguibilis vos manet. Venite ergo in nomine Adonay
Zebaoth, Adonay Amioram: venite, venite, quid tardatis?
festinate imperat vobis Adonay, Saday, Rex regum, El, Aty,
Titeip, Azia, Hyn, Jen, Minosel, Achadan: Vay, Vaa, Ey, Haa,
Eye, Exe, , El, El, El, , Hy, Hau, Hau, Hau, Va, Va, Va, Va.
A Prayer to God, to be said in the four parts of the world, in
the Circle
A Morule, Taneha, Latisten, Rabur, Taneha, Latisten. Escha,
Aladia, Alpha & Omega, Leyste, Oriston, Adonay: O my most
merciful heavenly Father, have mercy upon me, although a
sinner; make appear the arm of thy power in me this day
(although thy unworthy child) against these obstinate and
pernicious Spirits, that I by thy will may be made a
contemplator of thy divine works, and may be illustrated with
all wisdom, and alwaies worship and glorifie thy name. I
humbly implore and beseech thee, that these Spirits which I
call by thy judgement, may be bound and constrained to come,
and give true and perfect answers to those things which I shall
ask them, and that they may declare and shew unto us those
things which by me or us shall be commanded them, not
hurting any creature, neither injuring nor terrifying me or my
fellows, nor hurting any other creature, and affrighting no

man; but let them be obedient to my requests, in all these

things which I command them.
Then let him stand in the middle of the Circle, and hold his
hand towards the Pentacle, and say
Per Pentaculum Salomonis advocavi, dent mihi responsum
Then let him say,
Beralanensis, Baldachiensis, Paumachi & Apologi sedes,
per Reges potestaiesi magnanimas, ac principes prpotentes,
genio Liachid, ministri tartare sedes: Primac, hic princeps
sedis Apologi nona cohorte: Ego vos invoco, & invocando
vos conjure, atque supern Majestatis munitus virtute,
potenter impero, per eum qui dixit, & factum est, & cui
obediunt omnes creatur: & per hoc nomen ineffabile,
Tetragrammaton Jehovah, in quo est plasmatum omne
seculum, quo audito elementa corruunt, ar concutitur, mare
retrograditur, ignis extinguitur, tera tremit, omnesque exercitus
Coelestium, Terrestrium, & Infernorum tremunt, turbantur &
corruunt: quatenus cit & sine mora & omni occasione
remota, ab universis mundi partibus veniatis, & rationabiliter
de omnibus qucunque interrogavero, respondeatis vos, &
veniatis pacifice, visibiles, & affabiles: nunc & sine mora
manifestantes quod cupimus: conjurati per nomen terni vivi
& veri Dei Helioren, & mandata nostra per ficientes,
persistentes semper usque ad finem, & intentionem meam,
visibiles nobis, & affabiles, clara voce nobis, intelligibile, &
sine omni ambiguitate.
Visions and Apparitions.
Quibus rit peractis, apparebunt infinit visiones, &
phantasmata pulsantia organa & omnis generis instrumenta
musica, idque fit spiritibus, ut terrore compulsi socii abeant
Circulo, quia nihil adversus magistrum possunt. Post hc
videbis infinitos sagittarios cum infinita multitudine bestiarum

horribilem: qu ita se componunt, ac si vellent devorare

socios: & tamen nil timeant. Tunc Sacerdos sive Magister,
adhibent manum Pentaculo, dicat
Fugiat hinc iniquitas vestra, virtute vexilli Dei
Et tunc Spiritus obedire magistro coguntur, & socii nil amilius
Then let the Exorcist say, stretching out his hand to the
Ecce Pentaculum Salomonis, quod ante vestram adduxi
prsentiam: ecce personam exorcizatoris in medio Exorcismi,
qui est optim Deo munitus, intrepidus, providus, qui viribus
potens vos exorcizando invocavit & vocat. Venite ergo cum
festinatione in virtute nominum istorum, Aye, Saraye, Aye,
Saraye, Aye Saraye, ne differatis venire, per nomina terna
Dei vivi & veri Eloy, Archima, Rabur: & per hoc prsens
Pentaculum, quod super vos potenter imperat: & per virutem
coelestium Spirituum dominorum vestrorum: & per personam
exorcizatoris, conjurati, festinati venire & obedire prceptori
vestro, qui vocatur Octinomos.
His peractis, sibiles in quatuor angulis mundi. Et videbis
immediate magnos motus: & cum videris, dicas:
Quid tardatis? quid moramini? quid factis? prparate vos &
obedite prceptori vesto, in nomine Domini Bathat, vel
Vachat super Abrac ruens, super veniens, Abeor super Aberer.
Tunc immediat venient in sua forma propria. Et quando
videbis eos juxta Circulum, ostende illis Pentaculum
coopertum syndone sacro, & discooperiatur, & dicat
Ecce conclusionem vestram, nolite fieri inobedientes.
Et subito videbis eos in pacifica forma: & dicent tibi, Pete
quid vis, quia nos sumus parati complere omnia mandata tua,
quia dominus ad hc nos subjugavit. Cum autem apparuerint
Spiritus, tunc dicas

Bene veneritis Spiritus, vel reges nobilissimi, quia vos vocavi

per illum cui omne genu flectitur, coelestium, terrestrium &
infernorum: cujus in manu omnia regna regum sunt, nec est
qui su contrarius esse possit Majestati. Quatenus constringo
vos, ut hic ante circulum visibes, affabiles permanetis, tamdiu
tamque constantes, nec sine licentia mea recedatis, donec
meam sine fallacia aliqua & veredic perficiatis voluntatem,
per potenti illius virtutem, qui mare posuit terminum suum,
quem prterire non potest, & lege illius potenti, non
pertransit fines suos, Dei scilicet altissimi, regis, domini, qui
cuncta creavit, Amen.
Then command what you will, and it shall be done.
Afterwards license them thus:
+ In nomine Patris, + Filii, & + Spiritus sancti, ite in pace ad
loca vestra: & pax sit inter nos & vos, parati sitis venire
These are the things which Peter de Abano hath spoken
concerning Magical Elements.
But that you may the better know the manner of composing a
Circle, I will set down one Scheme; so that if any one would
make a Circle in Spring-time for the first hour of Lords day, it
must be in the same manner as is the figure following.
The figure of a Circle for the first hour of the Lords day, in
It remaineth now, That we explain the week, the several dayes
thereof: and first of the Lords day
Considerations of the Lords day
THe Angel of the Lords day, his Sigil, Planet, the Signe of the
Planet, and the name of the fourth heaven

The Angels of the Lords day.

Michael, Dardiel, Huratapal.

The Angels of the Air ruling on the Lords day.

Varcan, King.
His Ministers.

Tus, Andas, Cynabal.

The winde which the Angels of the Air abovesaid are under.

The North-winde.
The Angel of the fourth heaven, ruling on the Lords day,
which ought to be called from the four parts of the world.

At the East.
o Samael. Baciel. Atel. Gabriel. Vionairaba.

At the West.
o Anael. Pabel. Ustael. Burchat. Suceratos. Capabili.

At the North.
o Aiel. Aniel, vel Aquiel. Masgabriel. Sapiel. Matuyel.

At the South.
o Haludiel. Machasiel. Charsiel. Uriel. Naromiel.
The perfume of the Lords day.

Red Wheat.
The Conjuration of the Lords day.
Conjuro & confirmo super vos Angeli fortes Dei, & sancti, in
nomine Adonay, Eye, Eye, Eye, qui est ille, qui fuit, est & erit,
Eye, Abraye: & in nomine Saday, Cados, Cados, Cados, alte
sendentis super Cherubin, & per nomen magnum ipsius Dei
fortis & potentis, exaltatique super omnes coelos, Eye, Saraye,
plasmatoris seculorum, qui creavit mundum, coelum, terram,
mare, & omnia qu in eis sunt in primo die, & sigillavit ea
sancto nomine suo Phaa: & per nomina sanctorum Angelorum,
qui dominantur in quarto exercitu, & serviunt coram
potentissimo Salamia, Angelo magno & honorato: & per
nomen stell, qu est Sol, & per signum, & per immensum

nomen Dei vivi, & per nomina omnia prdicta, conjuro te

Michael angele magne, qui es prpositus Diei Dominic: &
per nomen Adonay, Dei Israel, qui creavit mundum &
quicquid in eo est, quod pro me labores, & ad moleas omnem
meam petitionem, juxta meum velle & votum meum, in
negotio & causa mea.
And here thou shalt declare thy cause and business, and for
what thing thou makest this Conjuration.
The Spirits of the Air of the Lords day, are under the Northwinde; their nature is to procure Gold, Gemmes, Carbuncles,
Riches; to cause one to obtain favour and benevolence; to
dissolve the enmities of men; to raise men to honors; to carry
or take away informities. But in what manner they appear, it's
spoken already in the former book of Magical Ceremonies.
Considerations of Monday.
The Angel of Munday, his Sigil, Planet, the Signe of the
Planet, and name of the first heaven.
The Angels of Munday.

Gabriel, Michael, Samael.

The Angels of the Air ruling on Munday.

Arcan, King.
His Ministers.

Bilet, Missabu, Abuzaha.

The winde which the said Angels of the Air are subject to.

The West-winde.
The Angels of the first heaven, ruling on Munday, which
ought to be called from the four parts of the world.

From the East.

o Gabriel. Gabrael. Madiel. Deamiel. Janael.

From the West.

o Sachiel. Zaniel. Habaiel. Bachanael. Corabael.

From the North.
o Mael. Vuael. Valnum. Baliel. Balay. Humastrau.

From the South.

o Curaniel. Dabriel. Darquiel. Hanun. Anayl. Vetuel.
The perfume of Munday.

The Conjuration of Munday.
Conjuro & confirmo super vos Angeli fortes & boni, in
nomine Adonay, Adonay, Adonay, Eie, Eie, Eie, Cados,
Cados, Cados, Achim, Achim, Ja, Ja, Fortis, Ja, qui apparuis
monte Sinai, cum glorificatione regis Adonay, Saday,
Zebaoth, Anathay, Ya, Ya, Ya, Marinata, Abim, Jeia, qui
maria creavit stagna & omnes aquas in secundo die, quasdam
super coelos, & quosdam in terra. Sigillavit mare in alio
nomine suo, & terminum, quam sibi posuit, non prter b t: &
per nomina Angelorum, qui dominantur in primo exercitu, qui
serviunt Orphaniel Angelo magno, precioso & honorato: & per
nomen Stell, qu est Luna: & per nomina prdicta, super te
conjuro, scilicet Gabriel, qui es prpositus diei. Lun secundo
qud pro me labores & adimpleas, &c.
As in the Conjuration of Sunday.
The Spirits of the Air of Munday, are subject to the Westwinde, which is the winde of the Moon: their nature is to give
silver; to convey things from place to place; to make horses
swift, and to disclose the secrets of persons both present and
future: but in what manner they appear, you may see in the
former book.
Considerations of Tuesday.
THe Angel of Tuesday, his sigil, his Planet, the Signe
governing that Planet, and the name of the fifth heaven.
The Angels of Tuesday.

Samael. Satael. Amabiel.

The Angels of the Air ruling on Tuesday.

Samax, King.
His Ministers.

Carmax, Ismoli, Paffran.

The winde to which the said Angels are subject.

The East-winde.
The Angels of the fifth heaven ruling on Tuesday, which
ought to be called from the four parts of the world.

At the East.
o Friagne. Guael. Damael. Calzas. Arragon.

At the West.
o Lama. Astagna. Lobquin. Soncas. Jazel. Isiael. Irel.

At the North.
o Rahumel. Hyniel. Rayel. Seraphiel. Mathiel. Fraciel.

At the South.
o Sacriel. Janiel. Galdel. Osael. Vianuel. Zaliel.
The perfume of Tuesday.

The Conjuration of Tuesday.
Conjuro & confirmo super vos, Angeli fortes & sancti, per
nomen Ya, Ya, Ya, He, He, He, Va, Hy, Hy, Ha, Ha, Ha, Va,
Va, Va, An, An, An, Aie, Aie, Aie, El, Ay, Elibra, Eloim,
Eloim: & per nomina ipsius alti Dei, qui fecit aquam aridam
apparere, & vocavit terram, & produxit arbores, & herbas de
ea, & sigillavit super eam cum precioso, honorato, metuendo
& sancto nomine suo: & per nomen angelorum dominantium
in quinto exercitu, qui serviunt Acimoy Angelo magno, forti,
potenti, & honorato: & per nomen Stell, qu est Mars: & per
nomina prdicta conjuro super te Samael, Angele magne, qui
prpositus es diei Martis: & per nomina Adonay, Dei vivi &
veri, quod pro me labores, & adimpleas, &c.
As in the Conjuration of Sunday.

The Spirits of the Air of Tuesday are under the East-winde:

their nature is to cause wars, mortality, death and
combustions; and to give two thousand Souldiers at a time; to
bring death, infirmities or health. The manner of their
appearing you may see in the former book.
Considerations of Wednesday.
The Angel of Wednesday, his Sigil, Planet, the Signe
governing that Planet, and the name of the second heaven.
The Angels of Wednesday.

Raphael. Miel. Seraphiel.

The Angels of the Air ruling on Wednesday.

Mediat, or Modiat, King.


Suquinos, Sallales.
The winde to which the said Angels of the Air are subject.

The Southwest-winde.
The Angels of the second heaven govern Wednesday, which
ought to be called from the four parts of the world.

At the East.
o Mathlai. Tarmiel. Baraborat.

At the West.
o Jeresous. Mitraton.

At the North.
o Thiel. Rael. Jariahel. Venahel. Velel. Abuiori. Ucirnuel.

At the South.
o Milliel. Nelapa. Babel. Caluel. Vel. Laquel.
The fumigation of Wednesday.

The Conjuration of Wednesday.
Conjuro & confirmo vos angeli fortes, sancti & potentes, in
nomine fortis, metuendissimi & benedicti Ja, Adonay, Eloim,

Saday, Saday, Saday, Eie, Eie, Eie, Asamie, Asaraie: & in

nomine Adonay Dei Israel, qui creavit luminaria magna, ad
distinguendum diem nocte: & per nomen omnium
Angelorum deservientium in exercitu secundo coram Tetra
Angelo majori, atque forti & potenti: & per nomen Stell,
qu est Mercurius: & per nomen Sigilli, qu sigillatur a Deo
fortissimo & honoratio: per omnia prdicta super te Raphael
Angele magne, conjuro, qui es prpositus die: quart: & per
nomen sanctum quod erat scriptum in fronte Aaron sacerdotis
altissimi creatoris: & per nomina Angelorum qui in gratiam
Salvatoris confirmati sunt: & per nomen sedis Animalium,
habentium senas alas, qud pro me labo, et, &c.
As in the Conjuration of Sunday.
The Spirits of the Air of Wednesday are subject to the Southwest-winde: their nature is to give all Metals; to reveal all
earthly things past, present and to come; to pacifie judges, to
give victories in war, to re-edifie, and teach experiments and
all decayed Sciences, and to change bodies mixt of Elements
conditionally out of one into another: to give informities or
health; to raise the poor, and cast down the high ones; to binde
or lose Spirits; to open locks or bolts: such-kinde of Spirits
have the operation of others, but not in their perfect power, but
in virtue or knowledge. The what manner they appear, it is
before spoken.
Considerations of Thursday.
The Angel of Thursday, his Sigil, Planet, the Signe of the
Planet, and the name of the sixth heaven.
The Angels of Thursday.

Sachiel. Castiel. Asasiel.

The Angels of the Air governing Thursday.

Suth, Rex.

Maguth, Gutrix.
The winde which the said Angels of the Air are under.

The South-winde.
But because there are no Angels of the Air to be found above
the fifth heaven, therefore on Thursday say the prayers
following in the four parts of the world.

At the East.
o O Deus magne & excelse, & honorate, per infinita secula.

At the West.
o O Deus sapiens, & clare, & juste, ac divina clementia:
ego rogo te piissime Pater, qud meam petitionem, qud
meum opus, & meum laborem hodie debeam complere, &
perfect intelligere. Tu qui vivis & regnas per infinita secula
seculorum, Amen.

At the North.
o O Deus potens, fortis, & sine principio.

At the South.
o O Deus potens & Misericors.
The Perfume of Thursday.

The Conjuration of Thursday.
Conjuro & confirmo super vos, Angeli sancti, per nomen,
Cados, Cados, Cados, Eschereie, Eschereie, Eschereie, Hatim
ya, fortis firmator seculorum, Cantine, Jaym, Janic, Anic,
Calbat, Sabbac, Berifay, Alnaym: & per nomen Adonay, qui
creavit pisces reptilia in aquis, & aves super faciem terr,
volantes versus coelos die quinto: & per nomina Angelorum
serventium in sexto exercitu coram pastore Angelo sancto &
magno & potenti principe: & per nomen stell, qu est
Jupiter: & per nomen Sigilli sui: & per nomen Adonay, summi
Dei, omnium creatoris: & per nomen omnium stellarum, & per
vim & virtutem earum: & per nomina prdicta, conjuro te

Sachiel Angele magne, qui es prpositus diei Jovis, ut pro me

labores, &c.
As in the Conjuration of the Lords day.
The Spirits of the Air of Thursday, are subject to the Southwinde; their nature is to procure the love of woman; to cause
men to be merry and joyful; to pacifie strife and contentions;
to appease enemies; to heal the diseased, and to disease the
whole; and procureth losses, or taketh them away. Their
manner of appearing is spoken of already.
Considerations of Friday.
The Angel of Friday, his Sigil, his Planet, the Signe governing
that Planet, and name of the third heaven.
The Angels of Friday.

Anael. Rachiel. Sachiel.

The Angels of the Air reigning on Friday.

Sarabotes, King.

Amabiel. Aba. Abalidoth. Flaef.

The winde which the said Angels of the Air are under.

The West-winde.
Angels of the third heaven, ruling on Friday, which are to be
called from the four parts of the world.

At the East.
o Setchiel. Chedusitaniel. Corat. Tamael. Tenaciel.

At the West.
o Turiel. Coniel. Babiel. Kadie. Maltiel. Huphaltiel.

At the North.
o Peniel. Pemael. Penat. Raphael. Raniel. Doremiel.

At the South.
o Porna. Sachiel. Chermiel. Samael. Santanael. Famiel.
The Perfume of Friday.


The Conjuration of Friday.

Conjuro & confirmo super vos Angeli fortes, sancti atque
potentes, in nomine On, Hey, Heya, Ja, Je, Adonay, Saday, &
in nomine Saday, qui creavit quadrupedia & animalia reptilia,
& homines in sexto die, & Ad dedit potestatem super omnia
animalia: unde benedictum sit nomen creatoris in loco suo: &
per nomina Angelorum servientium in tertio exercitu, coram
Dagiel Angelo magno, principe forti atque potenti: & per
nomen Stell qu est Venus: & per Sigillum ejus, quod
quidem est sanctum: & per nomina prdicta conjuro super te
Anael, qui es prpositus diei sext, ut pro me labores, &c.
As before in the Conjuration of Sunday.
The Spirits of the Air of Friday are subject to the West-winde;
their nature is to give silver: to excite men, and incline them to
luxury; to reconcile enemies through luxury; and to make
marriages; to allure men to love women; to cause, or take
away informities; and to do all things which have motion.
Considerations of Saturday, or the Sabbath day.
The Angel of Saturday, his Seal, his Planet, and the Signe
governing the Planet.
The Angels of Saturday.

Cassiel. Machatan. Uriel.

The Angels of the Air ruling on Saturday.

Maymon, King.

Abumalith. Assaibi. Balidet.

The winde which the said Angels of the Air aforesaid are

The Southwest-winde.
The Fumigation of Saturday.


It is already declared in the Consideration of Thursday, That

there are no Angels ruling the Air, above the fifth heaven:
therefore in the four Angles of the world, use those Orations
which you see applied to that purpose on Thursday.
The Conjuration of Saturday.
Conjuro & confirmo super vos Caphriel vel Cassiel,
Machatori, & Seraquiel Angeli fortes & potentes: & per
nomen Adonay, Adonay, Adonay, Eie, Eie, Eie, Acim, Acim,
Acin, Cados, Cados, Ina vel Ima, Ima, Saclay, Ja, Sar, Domini
formatoris seculorum, qui in septimo die quieuit: & per illum
qui in beneplacito suo filiis Israel in hereditatem observandum
dedit, ut eum firmiter custodirent, & sanctificarent, ad
habendem inde bonam in alio seculo remunerationem: & per
nomina Angelorum servientium in exercitu septimo Pooel
Angelo magno & potenti principi: & per nomen stell qu est
Saturnus: & per sanctum Sigillum ejus: & per nomina
prdicta conjuro super te Caphriel, qui prpositus es diei
septim, qu est dies Sabbati, qud pro me labores, &c.
As is set down in the Conjuration of the Lords day.
The Spirits of the Air of Saturday are subject to the
Southwest-winde: the nature of them is to sow discordes,
hatred, evil thoughts and cogitations; to give leave freely, to
slay and kill every one, and to lame or maim every member.
Their manner of appearing is declared in the former book.
Tables of the Angels of the Hours, according to the course of
the days.
Hours of
the day.
Angels of
the hours.

Hours of
the night.
Angels of
the hours.
1. Yayn.

1. Beron.
2. Janor.

2. Barol.
3. Nasnia.
3. Thanu.

4. Salla.
4. Athir.
5. Sadedali.
5. Mathun.
6. Thamur.
6. Rana.
7. Ourer.
7. Netos.
8. Tanic.
8. Tafrac.
9. Neron.
9. Saffur.
10. Jayon.

10. Aglo.
11. Abay.
12. Salam.

Hours of
the day.
Angels of
the hours.
Hours of
the night.
Angels of
the hours.
1. Yayn.
1. Beron.
2. Janor.
2. Barol.
3. Nasnia.
3. Thanu.
4. Salla.
4. Athir.
5. Sadedali.
5. Mathon.

6. Thamur.
6. Rana.
7. Ourer.
7. Netos.
8. Tanic.
8. Tafrac.
9. Neron.
9. Sassur.
10. Jayon.
10. Aglo.
11. Abay.

12. Salam.

Hours of
the day.
Angels of
the hours.
Hours of
the night.
Angels of
the hours.
1. Yayn.
1. Beron.
2. Janor.
2. Barol.
3. Nasnia.
3. Thanu.
4. Salla.
4. Athir.
5. Sadedali.

5. Mathon.
6. Thamur.
6. Rana.
7. Ourer.
7. Netos.
8. Tanic.
8. Tafrac.
9. Neron.
9. Sassur.
10. Jayon.
10. Aglo.
11. Abay.

12. Salam.

Hours of
the day.
Angels of
the hours.
Hours of
the night.
Angels of
the hours.
1. Yayn.
1. Beron.
2. Janor.
2. Barol.
3. Nasnia.
3. Thanu.
4. Salla.
4. Athir.
5. Sadedali.

5. Mathon.
6. Thamur.
6. Rana.
7. Ourer.
7. Netos.
8. Tanic.
8. Tafrac.
9. Neron.
9. Sassur.
10. Jayon.
10. Aglo.
11. Abay.

12. Salam.

Hours of
the day.
Angels of
the hours.
Hours of
the night.
Angels of
the hours.
1. Yayn.
1. Beron.
2. Janor.
2. Barol.
3. Nasnia.
3. Thanu.
4. Salla.
4. Athir.
5. Sadedali.

5. Mathon.
6. Thamur.
6. Rana.
7. Ourer.
7. Netos.
8. Tanic.
8. Tafrac.
9. Neron.
9. Sassur.
10. Jayon.
10. Aglo.
11. Abay.

12. Salam.

Hours of
the day.
Angels of
the hours.
Hours of
the night.
Angels of
the hours.
1. Yayn.
1. Beron.
2. Janor.
2. Barol.
3. Nasnia.
3. Thanu.
4. Salla.
4. Athir.
5. Sadedali.
5. Mathon.

6. Thamur.
6. Rana.
7. Ourer.
7. Netos.
8. Tanic.
8. Tafrac.
9. Neron.
9. Sassur.
10. Jayon.
10. Aglo.
11. Abay.

12. Salam.

Hours of
the day.
Angels of
the hours.
Hours of
the night.
Angels of
the hours.
1. Yayn.
1. Beron.
2. Janor.
2. Barol.
3. Nasnia.
3. Thanu.

4. Salla.
4. Athir.
5. Sadedali.
5. Mathon.
6. Thamur.
6. Rana.
7. Ourer.
7. Netos.
8. Tanic.

8. Tafrac.
9. Neron.
9. Sassur.
10. Jayon.
10. Aglo.
11. Abay.
12. Salam.

But this is to be observed by the way, that the first hour of the
day, of every Country, and in every season whatsoever, is to
be assigned to the Sun-rising, when he first appeareth arising
in the horizon: and the first hour of the night is to be the
thirteenth hour, from the first hour of the day. But of these
things it is sufficiently spoken.







The figure of a Circle for the first hour of the Lords day,
in Spring-time.

Of the Garment and Pentacle.

The term is now used as a technical name for the
system of esoteric theosophy which for many
generations played an important part, chiefly among
the Jews, after the beginning of the tenth century of
our era. It primarily signifies reception, and,
secondarily, a doctrine received by oral tradition. Its
application has greatly varied in the course of time,
and it is only since the eleventh or twelfth century
that the term Kabala has become the exclusive
appellation for the system of Jewish religious
philosophy which claims to have been
uninterruptedly transmitted by the mouths of the
patriarchs, prophets, elders, etc., ever since the
creation of the first man.
The two works which the advocates of this system
treat as the authoritative exposition of its doctrines
are the Book of Creation and the Zohar.
The Book of Creation is a short treatise consisting of
six chapters subdivided into thirty-three very brief
sections. It is written in Mishnic Hebrew, and is
made up of oracular sentences. It professes to be a
monologue of the patriarch Abraham, who
enumerates the thirty-two ways of wisdom by which
God produced the universe, and who shows, by the
analogy which is assumed to exist between the
visible things and the letters which are the signs of
thought, the manner in which all has emanated from
God and is inferior to Him.

The Zohar, or second expository work of the Kabala,
has justly been called the "Bible" of the Cabbalists.
It is written in Aramaic, and its main portion is the
form of a commentary on the Pentateuch according
to the latter's division into fifty-two weekly lessons.
Its title Zohar (light, splendour) is derived from the
words of Genesis 1:3 ("Let there be light") with the
exposition of which it begins. It is a compilatory
work, wherein several fragments of ancient treatises
can still be noticed. The following is a brief account
of the chief contents -- doctrinal, hermeneutical, and
theurgical -- of the Zohar.
Doctrinal content of the Zohar
The First World
Considered in Himself, the Supreme Being is the EnSoph (Endless, Infinite) and, in a certain sense, the
En (Non-existent) since existence is in human
conception a limitation which as such should not be
predicted of Him. We can conceive and speak of God
only in so far as He manifests and, as it were,
actualizes Himself in or through the Sephiroth.

His first manifestation was by way of

concentration in a point called the first Sephira
-- "the Crown", as it is called -- which is hardly
distinguishable from the En-Soph from Whom it
emanates, and which is expressed in the Bible
by the Ehieyeh (I am). From the first Sephira
proceeded a masculine or active potency called
wisdom, represented in the Bible by Yah, and an
opposite, i.e. a feminine or passive potency,

called intelligence, and represented by Yahweh.

These two opposite potencies are coupled
together by the "Crown", and thus yield the first
trinity of the Sephiroth.

From the junction of the foregoing opposite

tendencies emanated the masculine potency
called love, the fourth Sephira, represented by
the Biblical El, and the feminine one justice, the
fifth Sephira, represented by the Divine name
Elohah. From them again emanated in the Bible
by Elohim. And thus is constituted the second
trinity of the Sephiroth.
In its turn, beauty beamed forth the seventh
Sephira, the masculine potency, firmness,
corresponding to Yahweh Sabaoth, and this
again produced the feminine potency splendour,
represented by Elohe Sabaoth. From splendour
emanated the ninth Sephira, foundation, which
answers the Divine name El-Hai and closes the
third trinity of the Sephiroth.

Lastly, splendour sends forth kingdom, the

tenth Sephira, which encircles all the others and
is represented by Adonai.
These ten Sephiroth are emanations from the EnSoph, forming among them and with Him a strict
unity, in the same way as the rays which proceed
from the light are simply manifestations of one and
the same light. They are infinite and perfect when
the En-Soph imparts His fullness to them, and finite
and imperfect when that fullness is withdrawn from
them (Ginsburg). In their totality, they represent and
are called the archetypal man, without whom the

production of permanent worlds was impossible. In

fact, they constitute the first world, or world of
emanations, which is perfect and immutable
because of its direct procession from the Deity.
The Second, Third and Fourth Worlds
Emanating immediately from this first world is the
world of creation, the ten Sephiroth of which are of a
more limited potency, and the substances of which
are of the purest nature. From the world of creation
proceeds the world of formation, with its less refined
ten Sephiroth, although its substances are still
without matter. Finally, from this third world
proceeds the world of action or of matter, the ten
Sephiroth of which are made of the grosser
elements of the other works.
The Angels
Of these worlds, the second, that of creation, is
inhabited by the angel Metatron, who governs the
visible world, and is the captain of the hosts of good
angels who in ten ranks people the third world, that
of formation. The demons or bad angels inhabit the
fourth world, that of action, the lowest regions of
which constitute the seven infernal halls wherein the
demons torture the poor mortals whom they
betrayed into sin in this life. The prince of the
demons is Samael (the "angel of poison or of
death"); he has a wife called the Harlot; but both are
treated as one person, and are called "the Beast".
Man was directly created not by En-Soph, but by the
Sephiroth, and is the counterpart of the archetypal

man. His body is merely a garment of his soul. Like

God, he has a unity and a trinity, the latter being
made up of the spirit representing the intellectual
world, the soul representing the sensuous world,
and the life representing the material world. Souls
are pre-existent destined to dwell in human bodies,
and subjected to transmigration till at last they
return to God.
Destiny of the World
The world also including Samael himself, will return
ultimately--viz. at the advent of the Messias born at
the end of days--to the bosom of the Infinite Source.
Then Hell shall disappear and endless bliss begins.
Hermeneutical content of the Zohar
All these esoteric doctrines of the Kabbala are
supposed to be contained in the Hebrew Scriptures,
in which, however they can be perceived only by
those initiated into certain hermeneutical methods.
The following are the three principal methods of
discovering the heavenly mysteries hidden under
the letters and words of the Sacred Text:

The Temurah (change) by means of which each

letter of the Hebrew alphabet is interchanged
with another, according to some definite
process, as when Aleph, the first letter,
becomes Lamed by interchange with the twelfth,
the second, Beth, becomes, Mem, the thirteenth,
etc.; or as, when the last letter takes place of the
first, the last but one takes the place of the
second, etc.;

the Gematriah (Gr. gemetria), which consists in

the use of the numerical values of the letters of
a word for purposes comparison with other
words, which give the same or similar
combinations of numbers: thus in Genesis
49:10, "Shiloh come" is equivalent to 358, which
is also the numerical value of Mashiah, whence
it is inferred that Shiloh is identical with
the Notarikon (Lat. notarius), or process of
reconstructing a word by using the initials of
many, or a sentence by using all the letters of a
single word as so many initials of other words;
for instance, the word Agla is formed from the
initials of the Hebrew sentence: "Thou (art) (a)
Mighty (God) forever."

Theurgical content of the Zohar

The theurgical, or last chief element of the Zohar,
needs no long description here. It forms part of what
has been called the "practical" Kabbala, and
supplies formulas by means of which the adept can
enter into direct communication with invisible
powers and thereby exercise authority over demons,
nature, diseases, etc. To a large extent it is the
natural outcome of the extraordinary hidden
meaning ascribed by the Kabbala to the words of the
Sacred Text, and in particular to the Divine names.
Of course, the Book of Creation does not go back to
Abraham, as has been claimed by many Kabbalists.
Its ascription by others to Rabbi Akiba (d. A.D. 120)

is also a matter of controversy. With regard to the

Zohar, its compilation is justly referred to a Spanish
Jew, Moses of Leon (d. 1305), while some of its
elements seem to be of a much greater antiquity.
Several of its doctrines recall to mind those of
Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle, the neo-Platonists of
Alexandria, the Oriental or Egyptian Pantheists, and
the Gnostics of the earliest Christian ages. Its
speculations concerning God's nature and relation
to the universe differ materially from the teachings
of Revelation.
Finally, it has decidedly no right to be considered as
an excellent means to induce the Jews to receive
Christianity, although this has been maintained by
such Christian scholars as R. Lully, Pico della
Mirandola, Reuchlin, Knorr von Rosenroth, etc., and
although such prominent Jewish Kabbalists as
Riccio, Conrad, Otto, Rittangel, Jacob Franck, etc.,
have embraced the Christian Faith, and proclaimed
in their works the great affinity of some doctrines of
the Kabbala with those of Christianity.
Transcribed by Joseph P. Thomas

Thoughts and Personal Experiences
The Hidden Key of Martinism
Its triple constitution: physical, mental and
When a "Man of the stream" becomes a searcher and starts on
the long road of the initiatory Royal Path which should make
him an Adept, or at least bring him closer to God, several
possibilities present themselves to him:
There are first the so-called Service-clubs: Rotary, Kivanis...
There he will learn charity, and if he goes forward on that
path, he will learn to speak in public, and later, invested with
some form of rank, he will certainly feel himself 'bigger' and
happy in his everyday life. But he will be far, very far from
being an Adept and will not have achieved practically any
spiritual progress.
Next, he may enter one of the numerous secret societies, and
specifically into the most important of these, Freemasonry.
Already at this level, on the continent, there are several
choices: the atheistic lay FM of the Grand Orient de France or
the deist or theist FM (Grand Loge de France or Grande Loge
Nationale Franaise), or the spiritual FM (Memphis-Misraim)
(the GODF and the GLNF being federations of rites, they each
encompass several rites). Indeed, what is important is not the
Obedience you chose, but the rite you follow, as this is the
path along which you will advance.
What will our "searcher" learn here? He certainly will meet
people he wouldn't otherwise have known, he will experience
some very beautiful and unforgettable ceremonies, he will
certainly learn some discipline and also some tolerance (the
respect of other's opinions) and fraternity. Possibly he will
even gain some notion of symbolism.

He will travel a long, long road that will take him, at the end
of his life, to one of the final degrees of his rite (constitution).
During his journey he will have been assigned numerous
grandiose titles, which certainly will have helped him a lot in
his life, showing him his certain 'superiority' over all common
mortals. Indeed, isn't it a sublime pleasure to go for a walk in
town as "Prince Rose-Cross", "Chief of the Tabernacle" or "
Knight Beneficent of the Holy City"?
However, one day, looking at himself in the mirror, he will
discover the futility, the emptiness of all these titles and
degrees, and he will ask himself: What progress have I made
during the last 20, 25 or 30 years in that society with all these
high grades? What did I really get from this Masonic life,
these degrees and titles? Have I progressed spiritually? Did I
approach the divine Light, come closer to God? Is there
nothing else to acquire in this life than some nice souvenirs,
some tolerance and fraternity and some notion of symbolism?
Should I be satisfied with a purely philosophical
Then, by chance (as though chance existed!), someone tells
him about Martinism, of the Martinist Order or the Martinist
Orders, where friends, as well as having acquired a lot of
esoteric notions, found themselves really transformed after a
number of months.
But, here also, several paths present themselves to him,
different rites (constitutions), the rite of Philippe ENCAUSSE,
the rite or the rites of his father, PAPUS, a so-called "Russian"
rite, the "Masonic" rite of the Elect Cohen, etc.
And, to make some sense out of this, it occurred to me to
apply the teachings of the American Edgar CAYCE to
Martinism. During his life, Edgar CAYCE, helped thousands
of people by giving more than 15.000 readings in a selfhypnotic state: He held that the human body's constitution is

triple: physical, mental and spiritual ("Body, Mind and Soul").

Thus, if this formula were applied to Martinism (not as an
Order, but as a movement), would it also be triple, with a
physical, material part, a mental and intellectual part, and a
spiritual one? Let's look at this a bit closer.
A. The physical part.
As the physical part, I see our heritage of MARTINEZ DE
PASQUALLY and the work carried out within at least the first
degrees of the Order he created: The Order of Knight Masons
Elect Cohen of the Universe ('Cohen' meaning 'priest').
Historically it is the first draft of Martinism. This Order was
intended to be a Masonic Order, but a very special Masonic
Order. Here we are taught to perform rituals at home, to
consecrate water, salt, candles, etc., to draw circles of
protection, to pay attention to the quality of time, calculating
the most appropriate moment in which to perform this or that
ritual. This means that we learn to use 'matter' correctly.
Besides which, this way is called the operative way and we
do all this in order that the Invisible will 'materialise' Himself,
giving us a sign, a so-called 'passe' on a section of wall, or
manifesting Himself through sound, and so the assurance to be
linked with superior entities, Saints, Apostles, Angels ?
B. The mental or intellectual part.
Historically, this came after-MARTINEZ time, in the person
of Louis-Claude de SAINT-MARTIN. Do we not call him
"the Unknown Philosopher"? It is on this base that PAPUS
founded his Martinist Order around 1880. Still to-day, this is
the normal work of our Martinist Chapters, where we learn
some esoteric or occult notions, the Table of Correspondences,
the writings of Louis-Claude de SAINT-MARTIN, part of the
Hebraic Kabbalah, etc. All this is mental, intellectual work.
C. The spiritual part.

It is tempting to put here the high grades of the Elu Coen

Order, because by its theosophico-moral aim, really pure and
elevated, this Order had also a spiritual part. Indeed, were the
obtained "passes" not considered as the proof that the operator
was reconciled with God? Was the last and most sublime goal
at which the whole Order aspired not the evocation of Christ's
image and to obtain his visible presence?
But it seems that for one reason or another, the Order was not
meant to survive, at least on a large scale. Was it because of
the extreme difficulty to follow its discipline in full and the
appalling infrequency of the obtained results? Was it due to
the ultra-limited number of Reaux-Cross? Was it because "the
time of vision is not a time of faith"?
Therefore my decision to place here, in the spiritual part, only
everything that happened around Master PHILIPPE of Lyons
and his companions, PAPUS, Marc HAVEN, SDIR,
PHANEG, etc. Could it be that PAPUS was specially 'chosen'
to create the Martinist Order? And to what end? What was the
real reason behind the founding of the Martinist Order?
Let's recall a very important text of PAPUS ("The Incarnation
of the Elect") that has already been published in issue No. 6 of
this Bulletin, but which we shall republish on the following
pages. Here is the passage which is most important here:
" And I was not allowed to write the mystery of this
incarnation when eleven elect passed by the sun to accompany
him who came deliberately back on Earth, and the eleven
arrived at the sun five years after half the century. "
ELEVEN elect arrived at the sun, and incarnated themselves
in 1855! Who were they? Eleven out of the twelve Apostles?
Then, is it too much to ask oneself why They reincarnated
themselves, and to imagine that the aim of Their coming was
to form, some years later, the group of companions around
Master PHILIPPE of Lyons?

If this is so, we must weigh up the importance of all that

occurred around Master PHILIPPE of Lyons through until His
departure on Wednesday, August 2nd, 1905. This idea gives a
totally different perspective on the life and the words of
Master PHILIPPE...
I am perfectly aware that many Martinists will not share this
point of view and will try to bring this down to the realm of
illuminism or legend, putting it down to my "personal cult" for
Master PHILIPPE. However, please note that I do not reveal
anything here; I only say that I was allowed to discover the
importance of this text of PAPUS and to draw my conclusions
from it.
Nevertheless, it is true that meeting our Martinist "Ancients"
we are allowed, from time to time, rarely it is true, but all the
more validly, to apprehend and understand some ideas, some
sentences, barely whispered, which have never been stamped
"TOP SECRET", but to which people only allude. It is true
that by their transcendence and superiority they are clearly not
intended for the general public. As the marvels of the Universe
exposed to all eyes do retain only the attention of a very small
number, if I mention them, it is in the firm belief that those
chosen to understand will understand; may the others continue
to hope, but, at least, stay silent, because the subject is beyond
Let us continue in order, perhaps, to discover some other
elements that could corroborate my thesis. Thus, do we not
have in our Martinist rituals, in the East and on the left side of
the Initiator, the chair of Master PHILIPPE? Does this not
mean that in reality it's He who presides over our meetings?

What conclusions can we draw from this thesis?
First, that the sole true doctrine of Martinism is contained in
Master PHILIPPE's sayings, the most important ideas of
which may be found in the two books published about Him.
The first of these books is by Alfred HAEHL (and has been
translated into English). The second is by Philippe
ENCAUSSE. They are also well presented in the book
"Revelations" by 'Michel de Saint-Martin' (Marcel ROCHE).
(Thus I was right to have its 12 chapters studied by all those
who have practised Martinism with me...)
Well, if it is easy to 'study' (mentally) the texts of PAPUS,
SDIR, PHANEG, MARC HAVEN, etc., I think that the true
spiritual profit can only be drawn through personal efforts.
One must try to assimilate the teachings, to direct our lives
according to these precepts, the instructor showing the way,
the 'pupil' trying to follow him... This shows us the difficulty
there is to progress spiritually, even in Martinism, but, what
good fortune, at least, to have such Masters!
Another conclusion: Reaffirming my ideas on the doctrine of
Reincarnation professed by Master PHILIPPE. PAPUS wrote
a book on this subject, which has even been translated into
English. Edgar CAYCE, a very religious person (who read the
Bible once each year) was very sceptical about this theory, but
had to accept it when in the last years of his life several
answers from the Akashic records revealed to him that the
origin of some of our illnesses was to be found in prior lives.
It is true that this theory is beyond some people's level. May
all those of our members who have difficulty in dealing with
it, think about what I have advanced above. I hope that one
day Heaven will allow them to have a different view on these

Another very important conclusion is that by our own

Martinist activity, by the activity chosen in our Chapters, even
chosen by the Martinist Orders and their Presidents, we show
the level we are at. Most of the activity of the Order of the
Elect Cohen inevitably takes place on the physical plane, the
first level of Martinism. All study of texts of Louis-Claude de
SAINT-MARTIN, all our little kabbalistic workings, etc.
pertains without doubt to the mental or the second level. Only
the study of the texts and the teachings of PAPUS, SDIR,
PHANEG, MARC HAVEN, etc., because of their origin,
belong to the spiritual part, the third and last level of
In this light can be judged my lack of understanding for those
who carry the activities of a Martinist Chapter back to the
level of a Masonic Lodge. In their blindness, and because this
is the only way they know how to lead a group, they go
backwards and without knowing, they tarnish a noble system...
My lack of understanding also extends to those who, instead
of working the intended Cohen rituals, run off after grandiose
Elu Coen titles, 'Grand Master Cohen and 'Reau-Cross'... Do
they really think that when provided so quickly and without
personal effort, one of these titles would give them more
power over their BB and SS and that after their departure from
Earth they would occupy a more privileged place in Heaven?
Do they not know the difference between a real 'Reau-Cross'
and a puppet, an empty shell?
Being moved by too much haste, there is no doubt that certain
consecrations have been premature and thus let me have lots
of regrets. Even though they were men of desire, they had only
at a weak, even at a very weak, degree the ability to be
successful in magic ceremonies. As SAINT-MARTIN said,
they had "little astral". That's why they take so long to obtain

an appreciable result in the magic operations of the Elu Coen

My lack of understanding also includes those Martinists who
follow the so-called 'Russian' ritual lacking any reference to
Master PHILIPPE, and, thus, the huge error of Robert
AMBELAIN in his whole Martinist activity: without doubt, he
was off the point...
My lack of understanding for those so-called Martinists from
Brussels who in their concern "to keep only the essential part"
of the Martinist rituals, have truncated them. Not surprisingly
they then no longer find in them that help which we, however,
find there. A Holy Mass is more than the single element of
Holy Communion...
But I do very well understand those who stay outside all
Martinist activities and Orders, while being devoted only to
SDIR's texts (the French 'Amitis Spirituelles').
Let us also mention that by placing all the structures of our
Grand Priory under the aegis of Martinism, including the RR
of Martinist origin, we made the right choice. Did Robert
AMADOU not state in his definition of Martinism, he "is also
a Martinist who belongs to the RER", basing himself on the
theoretical martinezist teachings which WILLERMOZ grafted
onto the rite of the German "Strict Templar Observance"? So
our nice CBCSs are budding, virtual, Martinists, because apart
from what all Masons learn or should learn in Freemasonry,
did they learn anything different in the RER branch? Did they
progress spiritually on the day they were consecrated CBCS?
This RR, apart from its Martinist origin, is different, what
does it have in addition to what all other Masonic Orders
have? It is true that one may acquire the title of CBCS! That
does advance you enormously...
Compared to other ways, Martinism is a difficult one, not very
suited to the present time where every body looks for

happenings, because in Martinism things happen like that if

one is worthy, and if not do not happen at all.
Let us conclude with the wish that from now on, in all our
Martinist work, the spiritual part of Martinism be emphasised,
at least for those who come to us with previously acquired
initiatory notions. All summonses should therefore include on
the agenda the study of a text pertaining to the third spiritual
part of Martinism. Because if our aim is first to give all our
members a strong grasp of occultism (mental part), the final
goal remains the "spiritualization of all beings" (Jean
BRICAUD), where humility and service to others count more
than all signs of egotism, of whatever sort.

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