Latin Proverbs

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Latin proverbs
From Wikiquote This is a list of Latin and Roman proverbs and sayings. A B C D E F G H I or J L M N O P Q R S T U V - See also - References

Absens haeres non erit Translation: "The absent will not be an heir.", "Out of sight, out of mind" Source: Strauss, Emmanuel (1998). Dictionary of European Proverbs. Routledge. p. 16. ISBN 0415160502. Acquirit qui tuetur Translation, Literally: "He who preserves something, will have something"; more commonly known as: "Sparing is the first gaining" Burke (2009). The General Armory of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales, Comprising a Registry of Armorial Bearings from the Earliest to the Present Time. Heritage Books. p. 710. ISBN 0788437208. Acta Non Verba Translations: "Deeds, not words" - motto of the United States Merchant Marine Academy, at Kings Point, New York, USA. Fuschetto (2003). Kings Point: Acta Non Verba. Diversified Graphics, Incorporated. Adde parvum parvo magnus acervus erit. Translation: "Add little to little and there will be a big pile" Ovid. Patton, Ray (2000). A Magic Still Dwells: Comparative Religion in the Postmodern Age. University of California Press. p. 87. ISBN 0520221052. Aegroto dum anima est, spes est. Translation: "As long as a sick person is conscious, there is still hope." Commonly "While there's life there's hope." Erasmus, Mynors (1991). Collected Works of Erasmus: Adages II I 1 to II VI 100. University of Toronto Press. p. 467. ISBN 0802059546. Age quod agis Translation: "Do what you do", in the sense of "Do well what you do", "Do well in whatever you do" or "Be serious in what you do" English equivalent: If something is worth doing, it is worth doing thoroughly. The Nation. Nation Company. 1884. p. 425. Age si quid agis Translation: "Do when you do something", "If you do something, do it well" see also "Age quod agis" Lindsay (1968). Early Latin verse. Oxford U. P.. p. 21. Aliis si licet, tibi non licet Translation: "If others are allowed to, that does not mean you are" (see also quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi) Patrick (1810). Terence's Comedies. Gilbert and Hodges. p. 345. An nescis, mi fili, quantilla prudentia mundus regatur? (alternatively: regatur orbis) Translation: "Don't you know, my son, with how little wisdom the world is governed? Axel Oxenstierna (1583 1654), 1648 letter to son, who was involved in negotiating the Peace of Westphalia[1] Sometimes attributed to Cardinal Richelieu. Variant form due to John Selden Atqui, e lotio est. Translation: Yet it comes from urine. Emperor Vespasian to his son Titus, when the latter, complaining about the former's urine tax, acknowledged a coin collected had no odor. Suetonius Tranquillus, Gaius (9 December 2003) [121 CE]. "Divus Vespasianus" (*.html#23.3) . University of Chicago. pp. section 23.3, page 317. Retrieved on 2006-09-09. English translation: "The Life of Vespasian" (*.html#23.3) . University of Chicago. 9 December 2003. Retrieved on 2006-09-09. Audaces fortuna iuvat Translation: "Fortune favors the brave."(Virgil, Aeneid 10,284) Audentes fortuna juvat Translation: "Fortune favors the bold." (Motto of the 366th Fighter Wing at Mountain Home AFB, ID) Audi, vide, tace, si tu vis vivere (in pace). Translation: "Hear, see, be silent, if you wish to live (in peace)." Roman proverb, according to this ( .

Bellum se ipsum alet Translation: "War will feed on itself" Roberts (2003). The Age of Liberty: Sweden 1719-1772. Cambridge University Press. p. 19. Bene diagnoscitur, bene curatur. Translation: "Something that is well diagnosed can be cured well." Meyer, Ndura-Oudraogo (2009). Seeds of new hope: pan-African peace studies for the 21st century. Africa World Press. p. 331. ISBN 1592216625.

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Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius. Translation: "Kill them all. The Lord will know His own." Variation: "Kill them all. Let God sort them out." Supposed statement by Abbot Arnold Amaury before the massacre of Bziers during the Albigensian Crusade, recorded 30 years later, according to Caesar of Heisterbach. Cited in The Perfect Heresy by Stephen O'Shea Carpe diem Translation: "Seize the day." By Horace, Odes I,11,8, to Leuconoe: carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero ("take hold of the day, believing as little as possible in the next"). The verb "carpere" has the literal meaning "to pick, pluck," particularly in reference to the picking of fruits and flowers, and was used figuratively by the Roman poets to mean "to enjoy, use, make use of." Carthago delenda est Translation: "Carthage must be destroyed." Actually, ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam ("Apart from that, I conclude that Carthage must be destroyed") Cato the Elder used to end every speech of his to the Senate, on any subject whatsoever, with this phrase. Mentioned to indicate that someone habitually harps on one subject. Consuetudinis magna vis est Translation: "The power of habit is great." Cicero, Tusculanae Quaestiones, II.37 Consuetudo altera natura est Translation: "Habit is second nature." Breen (2010). Imagining an English Reading Public, 1150-1400. Cambridge University Press. p. 46. ISBN 0521199220. Contritium praecedit superbia. Translation: Pride comes before fall. Strauss, Emmanuel (1994). Dictionary of European Proverbs, Volym 1. Routledge. p. 1148. ISBN 0415096243. Corruptissima re publica plurimae leges Translation: "The greater the degeneration of the republic, the more of its laws" (Tacitus) Tacitus, Goodyear, Woodman, Martin (2004). The Annals of Tacitus:. Cambridge University Press. p. 355. ISBN 0521609461. Corticis et ligni medium ne fixerius ungeum Translation: "Mind your own business." Source: Strauss, Emmanuel (1998). Dictionary of European Proverbs. Routledge. p. 719. ISBN 0415160502. Cuiusvis hominis est errare, nullius nisi insipientis in errore perseverare. ! Marcus Tullius Cicero, Philippica XII, ii, 5 English Translation: "Any man can make a mistake; only a fool keeps making the same one." English Equivalent Proverb: "Fool me once and shame on you, fool me twice and shame on me." Cicero, King (1868). The Philippic Orations of M. Tullius Cicero. Clarendon Press. p. 271.

De gustibus non est disputandum. Translation: "In matters of taste there is no dispute." Commonly rendered as "There's no accounting for taste." Alternative form: De gustibus et coloribus non est disputandum. Translation: !There!s no arguing about tastes and colors.! De Gustibus Non Est Disputandum: Dramma Giocoso Per Musica Da Rappresentarsi In Monaco Di Baviera. Vtter. 1759. Diem vesper commendat. Translation: Celebrate the day when it is evening. Meaning: Don't celebrate untill you are 100 % sure there is a reason to do so. Strauss, Emmanuel (1998). Dictionary of European Proverbs. Routledge. p. 200. ISBN 0415160502. Disce ut semper victurus, vive ut cras moriturus Translation: "Learn as if you will live forever, live as if you will die tomorrow." Mosteller, Fienberg, Hoaglin, Tanur (2010). The Pleasures of Statistics: The Autobiography of Frederick Mosteller. Springer. p. 126. ISBN 0387779558. Divide et impera. Translation: "Divide and govern." Attributed to Julius Caesar. Spaventa, Saulini (2003). Divide et impera: la strategia dei neoconservatori per spaccare l'Europa. Fazi. ISBN 8881124637. Docendo discimus. Translation: "We learn by teaching" (Seneca) Vahros (1986). Docendo discimus. University Press. Ductus Exemplo Translation: "Lead by Example." Gray (2009). Embedded: a Marine Corps adviser inside the Iraqi army. Naval Institute Press. p. 74. ISBN 1591143403. Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori. Translation: "It is sweet and honorable to die for the fatherland." By Horace, Odes III, 2, 13, frequently quoted on war memorials, and notably in the poem Dulce Et Decorum Est by Wilfred Owen, who calls it "the old lie". Dum canem caedimus, corrosisse dicitur corrium. Translation: If you want to beat a dog you will easily find a stick. Meaning: Someone who wants to be mean will find things to be mean about no matter what. Strauss, Emmanuel (1998). Dictionary of European Proverbs. Routledge. p. 104. ISBN 0415160502.

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Dum spiro, spero. Translation: "As long as I breathe, I hope." Translated as "While I breathe, I hope" the motto of the State of South Carolina [[1] ( ] Gunter (2000). Dum Spiro, Spero: While I Breathe, I Hope. In His Steps Publishing. pp. 180. ISBN 1585350192. Dum vivimus, vivamus! Translation: "While we live, let us live!" Organization) (1972). Dum Vivimus, Vivamus: A Chronicle of the First Century of the Knights of Momus, 1872-1972. Dum vita est, spes est. Translation: "While life is, hope is. / While there is life, there is hope." Bretzke (1998). Consecrated Phrases: A Latin Theological Dictionary : Latin Expressions Commonly Found in Theological Writings. Liturgical Press. p. 41. ISBN 1.

Et ipsa scientia potestas est. Translation: "And knowledge itself, is power" (Francis Bacon, Meditationes sacrae) Djit (2008). The Sociolinguistics of Development in Africa. Multilingual Matters. p. 53. ISBN 1847690459. Ex nihilo nihil fit Translation: "Nothing comes from nothing" (you need to work for something; also the Conservation Law in philosophy and modern science) (Lucretius). This is also a famous Shakespeare quote in King Lear. Campbell, O'Rourke, Silverstein (2007). Causation and Explanation. Mit Press. p. 291. ISBN 0262033631.

Festina lente ! Translation: "Make haste slowly" (i.e. proceed quickly but with caution, a motto of Augustus Caesar). Rochester Institute of Technology (1980). Festina lente. Fidite Nemini Translation: "Trust nobody/no one. Conciones Adventuales: De De Captivitate Petri, Figurante Captivitatem Peccatoris. Verdussen. 1737. p. 113. Fortes fortuna iuvat Translation: "Fortune favors the brave." (cf. Audaces fortuna iuvat.) (Terence) Marchesi (2008). The Art of Pliny's Letters: A Poetics of Allusion in the Private Correspondence. Cambridge University Press. p. 176. ISBN 0521882273. Fronti nulla fides. Idiomatic translation: "Appearances deceive". Meaning: Things are not always as they look like. Source: Strauss, Emmanuel (1998). Dictionary of European Proverbs. Routledge. p. 124. ISBN 0415160502.

Generosus equus non curat canem latrantem. Translation: "A well-bred horse doesn't care about a barking dog.": "The dogs bark but the caravan passes on." Meaning: Let the world say what it will. Source: Strauss, Emmanuel (1998). Dictionary of European Proverbs. Routledge. p. 340. ISBN 0415160502. Gloriosum est iniurias oblivisci. Translation: "It is glorious to forget injustice." English equivalent: Forgive and forget. Rauschen, Geyer, Albers, Zellinger (1933). Florilegium patristicum. P. Hanstein. p. 58. Gutta cavat lapidem Translation: "A drop hollows out the stone" (Ovid, Epistles) Gutta cavat lapidem non bis, sed saepe cadendo; sic homo fit sapiens non bis, sed saepe legendo. Translation: "A drop hollows out the stone by falling not twice, but many times; so too is a person made wise by reading not two, but many books." (Giordano Bruno, Il Candelaio)

Historia est vitae magistra. Translation: "History is the tutor of life. Dover, R. and M. S. Goodman Learning from the Secret Past: Cases in British Intelligence History, Georgetown University Press. Hodie mihi, cras tibi. Translation: "What's to me today, tomorrow to you. English equivalent: The door swings both ways. Ferler, J. (1723). Hodie Mihi, Cras Tibi, Gruber. Homines quod volunt credunt. Translation: "Men believe what they want to." (Julius Caesar) Lautenbach, E. (2002). Latein-Deutsch: Zitaten-Lexikon: Quellennachweise, Lit. Homo cogitat, Deus iudicat. Translation: Man proposes but God disposes.. Page 3 of 13

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Meaning: Things often don't turn out as you have planned. Strauss, Emmanuel (1998). Dictionary of European Proverbs. Routledge. p. 103. ISBN 0415160502.

Note: I and J are the same letter in Latin. Ignorantia legis non excusat Translation: "Ignorance of the law is no excuse. Source: Strauss, Emmanuel (1998). Dictionary of European Proverbs. Routledge. p. 287. ISBN 0415160502. Imperare sibi maximum imperium est. Translation: "To rule yourself is the ultimate power." (Seneca) Strauss, Emmanuel (1994). Dictionary of European Proverbs, Volym 1. Routledge. p. 915. ISBN 0415096243. In dubio pro reo Translation: "When in doubt, in favour of the accused". (Corpus Juris Civilis) Stree, W. (1962). In dubio pro reo, Mohr. In necessariis unitas, in dubiis libertas, in omnibus caritas Translation: "In necessary things unity, in doubtful things liberty, in all things charity" (often misattributed to St Augustine). Bretzke, J. T. (1998). Consecrated Phrases: A Latin Theological Dictionary : Latin Expressions Commonly Found in Theological Writings, Liturgical Press. Ira furor brevis est. Translation: "Anger is brief insanity" (Horace, epistles I, 2, 62). Stone, J. R. (2005). The Routledge Dictionary of Latin Quotations: The Illiterati's Guide to Latin Maxims, Mottoes, Proverbs and Sayings, Routledge.

The letter "k" was not commonly used in Classical Latin.

"Latet enim veritas, sed nihil pretiosius veritate" Francisco Sanchez de las Brozas (Minerva I, 1, 40, 16). Translation: " Truth is hidden, but nothing is more beautiful than the truth de las Brozas, F. S. (1754). Minerva, sive de causis latinae linguae commentarius.

Macte animo! Generose puer sic itur ad astra! Translation: "Be strong, young man! Through this way one gets to the stars." (Motto of the Brazilian Air Force Academy) Chateaubriand, F. R. and A. T. de Mattos (1902). The memoirs of Franois Ren, vicomte de Chateaubriand, sometime ambassador to England: being a translation by Alexander Teixeira de Mattos of the Mmoires d'outre-tombe, with illustrations from contemporary sources, Freemantle and co. Mala herba cito crescit Translation: "Weeds grow fast. Bezemer, K. (2005). Pierre de Belleperche: Portrait of a Legal Puritan, Klostermann. Mali principii malus finis. Translation: "The bad end of a bad beginning." Malum consilium quod mutari non potest. Translation: "It is a bad plan that cannot be changed (A plan that cannot be changed is a bad one). Stone, J. R. (2005). The Routledge Dictionary of Latin Quotations: The Illiterati's Guide to Latin Maxims, Mottoes, Proverbs and Sayings, Routledge. Malum quidem nullum esse sine aliquo bono. Translation: "There is, to be sure, no evil without something good. Watasin, E. The Dark Victorian: Risen, A-Girl Studio. Manus manum lavat Translation: "One hand washes the other. Houdt, T. (2002). Self-Presentation and Social Identification: The Rhetoric and Pragmatics of Letter Writing in Early Modern TImes, Leuven University Press. Mater artium necessitas. Translation: "Necessity is the mother of invention" (Apuleius) Strauss, Emmanuel (1994). Dictionary of European Proverbs, Volym 1. Routledge. p. 989. ISBN 0415096243. Maxima debetur puero reverentia Translation: "One owes the greatest possible care for the child" (Juvenal) Tegn"r, E. and L. F. C. W. B"#ttiger (1849). Esaias Tegn"rs samlade skrifter. Medicus curat, natura sanat Translation: "The doctor cares [for his patient], nature heals [him]." or "Doctor cures, nature saves Strauss, Emmanuel (1994). Dictionary of European Proverbs, Volym 1. Routledge. p. 869. ISBN 0415096243. Mulier est hominis confusio. Translation: "Woman is man's ruin." "Part of a comic definition of woman" from the Altercatio Hadriani Augusti et Secundi.[2] Famously quoted by Chauntecleer in Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales.

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Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur. Translation: "The world desires to be deceived; therefore it is" (Attributed to Petronius) Thompson, J., C. The University of Arizona. Rhetoric, et al. (2008). "A Kind of Thing that Might Be": Toward a Poetics of New Media, University of Arizona.

Ne quid nimis Translation: "Nothing too much", moderation in all thing (Terence) Kierkegaard, S. (2008). Sickness Unto Death, Wilder Publications. Ne sutor supra crepidam Translation: "Shoemaker, not above the sandal", do not talk about things you know nothing of (attributed to Apelles (352-308 BC), the famous Greek painter. He had asked a cobbler to view a painting he was working on to help him (Apelles) paint the sandals correctly. The cobbler explained what was wrong with the sandals, but then began to criticize other aspects of the painting. Apelles stopped him with this famous line, meaning that, while the cobbler was certainly an expert at making shoes, he was not qualified to offer opinions as to anything else---particularly art.) Carlyle, T., J. Ruskin, et al. (1982). The Correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and John Ruskin, Stanford University Press. Nemo iudex in causa sua. Translation: "No one is a judge in his own case". Boczek, B. A. (2005). International Law: A Dictionary, Scarecrow Press. Non nobis solum nati sumus Translation: "We are not born for ourselves alone Stone, J. R. (2005). The Routledge Dictionary of Latin Quotations: The Illiterati's Guide to Latin Maxims, Mottoes, Proverbs and Sayings, Routledge. Non olet Translation: "It [money] doesn't smell" (according to Suetonius, Emperor Vespasian was challenged by his son Titus for taxing the public lavatories, the emperor held up a coin before his son and asked whether it smelled) Ferlosio, R. S. (2005). Non olet, Destino. Non quia difficilia sunt non audemus, sed quia non audemus, difficilia sunt. Translation: "It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, but because we do not dare, things are difficult." (Seneca, Letter to Lucilius, letter 104, section 26, line 5 ) Gresley, W. (1835). Ecclesiastes Anglicanus: being a treatise on preaching, as adapted to a Church of England congregation : in a series of letters to a young clergyman, printed for J. G. F. & J. Rivington. Non scholae, sed vitae discimus. Translation: "We learn not for school but for life." (Seneca's original quotation is "Non vitae, sed scholae discimus.) Stone, J. R. (2005). The Routledge Dictionary of Latin Quotations: The Illiterati's Guide to Latin Maxims, Mottoes, Proverbs and Sayings, Routledge. Non semper erit aestas. Translation: "It will not always be summer." (be prepared for hard times) Stone, J. R. (2005). The Routledge Dictionary of Latin Quotations: The Illiterati's Guide to Latin Maxims, Mottoes, Proverbs and Sayings, Routledge. Nulla poena sine lege Translation: "No punishment without a law. Nulla Poena Sine Lege. E.j. Brill, Leiden 1934, Brill Archive. Nulla regula sine exceptione. Translation: "No rule without exception. (1869). Hygiea.

Obscuris vera involvens Translation: "Obscurity envelops truth" (Virgil). Putnam, M. C. J. (1995). Virgil's Aeneid: Interpretation and Influence, University of North Carolina Press. Omnium artium medicina nobilissima est. Translation: "Medicine is the noblest of all arts. Lautenbach, E. (2002). Latein-Deutsch: Zitaten-Lexikon: Quellennachweise, Lit. Optimum medicamentum quies est. Translation: "Peace is the best medicine. Arnott, J. (1845). Appendix to an essay on therapeutical inquiry, containing the application of plans of treatment noticed therein to the practice of midwifery.

Pacta sunt servanda Translation: "Agreements must be honoured. Hasan, A. M. (2005). Pacta sunt servanda: the principle and its application in petroleum production sharing contract, Fikahati Aneska. Pax melior est quam iustissimum bellum. Translation: "Peace is better than the most just war. Clure, A. M. Les HazArts L"gendaires, Annie Mc Clure. Pede poena claudo. Translation: "Punishment comes limping." Retribution comes slowly, but surely. Valerius, J. D. (1855). Samlade vitterhets-arbeten, Norstedt. Periculum in mora Page 5 of 13

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Translation: "[There's] danger in delay" (Livy) Ruder, G. (1766). Om rikets sw"ra "#de, och huru det kan f"#rekommas. Periculum in mora. Philosophum non facit barba. Translation: "A beard doesn't make a philosopher." (Plutarch) Meaning: Mere formal signs of authority does not make one. Source: Strauss, Emmanuel (1998). Dictionary of European Proverbs. Routledge. p. 117. ISBN 0415160502. Potius sero quam numquam Translation: "Better late then never" (Livy) Source: Strauss, Emmanuel (1998). Dictionary of European Proverbs. Routledge. p. 166. ISBN 0415160502. Praemonitus, praemunitus Translation: "Forewarned (is) forearmed Source: Strauss, Emmanuel (1998). Dictionary of European Proverbs. Routledge. p. 563. ISBN 0415160502. Pulverulenta novis bene verritur area scopis. Idiomatic translation: "New brooms sweep clean." Meaning: Newcomers are the most ambitious. Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 1103. ISBN 0415096243.

Qualis rex, talis grex Translation: "Like king, like people Stone, J. R. (2005). The Routledge Dictionary of Latin Quotations: The Illiterati's Guide to Latin Maxims, Mottoes, Proverbs and Sayings, Routledge. Quam bene vivas refert, non quam diu. Translation: "How well you live makes a difference, not how long." (Seneca) Haase, W. and H. Temporini (1983). Aufstieg und Niedergang Der R"#mischen Welt: Geschichte und Kultur Roms Im Spiegel Der Neueren Forschung, Walter de Gruyter. Quantum Satis Translation: "As much as needed, enough. Rundkvist, A. (1968). Quantum satis: s" mycket som "r tillr"ckligt ; aforismer, skaldeord och citat fr"n skilda tider om livet och m"nniskan, Rundqvists Bokf"#rlag. Quem di diligunt, adulescens moritur Translation: "Whom the gods love dies young" (Plautus, Bacchides, IV, 7, 18). In the comic play, a sarcastic servant says this to his aging master. The rest of the sentence reads: dum valet, sentit, sapit, "while he is full of health, perception and judgement. Morris, G. (2009). Angel Train, B&H Publishing Group. Quem dii odere, paedagogum fecere (also Quem dii oderunt, paedagogum fecerunt) Translation: "Whom the gods hated, they made them pedagogues Moritz, K. P. Anton Reiser: Ein Psychologischer Roman, tredition. Qui dormit non peccat. Translation: "He who sleeps does not sin Archer, P. and L. Archer 500 Foreign Words and Phrases You Should Know to Sound Smart: Terms to Demonstrate Your Savoir Faire, Chutzpah, and Bravado, F+W Media. Qui habet aures audiendi audiat Translation: "Those who have ears to hear, hear!" (Vulgate, Matthew 11:15) Collins, J. F. (1985). A Primer of Ecclesiastical Latin, Catholic University of America Press. Qui multum habet, plus cupit. Translation: "He who has much desires more." (Seneca) Jones, P. V. and K. C. Sidwell (1986). Reading Latin: Grammar, Vocabulary and Exercises, Cambridge University Press. Qui non proficit, deficit. Translation: "He who does not go forward, loses ground." or "He who does not accomplish anything, is a failure/has shortcomings. Stone, J. R. (2005). The Routledge Dictionary of Latin Quotations: The Illiterati's Guide to Latin Maxims, Mottoes, Proverbs and Sayings, Routledge. Qui pro innocente dicit, satis est eloquens. Translation: "He who speaks for the innocent is eloquent enough." (Publius Syrus) Chambers, P. L. (2007). Latin Alive and Well: An Introductory Text, University of Oklahoma Press. Qui rogat, non errat. Translation: "(One) who asks, doesn't err. Mimbar Altar, Kanisius. Qui scribit, bis legit. Translation: "Who writes, reads twice. Stone, J. R. (2005). The Routledge Dictionary of Latin Quotations: The Illiterati's Guide to Latin Maxims, Mottoes, Proverbs and Sayings, Routledge. Qui tacet consentire videtur, ubi loqui debuit ac potuit. Translation: "Who is silent, when he ought to and might have spoken, is seen to agree. Schlesinger, R. B., P. G. Bonassies, et al. (1968). Formation of contracts: a study of the common core of legal systems, conducted under the auspices of the General principles of law project of the Cornell Law School, Oceana Publications. Qui transtulit sustinet. Translation: "He who transplanted still sustains." (motto of Connecticut referring to the transplantation of settlers from England to the New World.)

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Caughman, G., J. Devine, et al. (1997). Qui Transtulit Sustinet. Qui vult dare parva non debet magna rogare. Translation: "He who wishes to give little shouldn't ask for much. Crawford, G. A. and U. o. M. L. Workshop (1963). Elementary Latin: the basic structures, University of Michigan Press. Quidquid agis, prudenter agas, et respice finem! Translation: "Whatever you do, may you do it prudently, and look to the end! Timmer, M. Van Anima tot Zeus / druk 1: encyclopedie van begrippen uit de mythologie, religie, alchemie, cultuurgeschiedenis en jungiaanse psychologie, Lemniscaat. Quidquid discis, tibi discis Translation: "Whatever you learn, you learn it for yourself. Arbiter, P. and W. D. Lowe (1905). Petronii Cena Trimalchionis, D. Bell and co. Quieta non movere Translation: "Don't move settled things" (i.e. "Don't rock the boat", "Let sleeping dogs lie.) McKenna, M. (1996). The Captive Republic: A History of Republicanism in Australia, 1788-1996, Cambridge University Press. Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Translation: "Who will watch the watchers themselves?" or "Who will guard the guardians themselves?" (Juvenal) Brown-John, C. L. (1981). Canadian regulatory agencies: quis custodiet ipsos custodes?, Butterworths. Quod gratis asseritur, gratis negatur. Translation: What is asserted gratuitously may be denied gratuitously. Variants: What is asserted without evidence/proof/reason, may/can be dismissed/denied without evidence/proof/reason. Jon R. Stone, The Routledge Dictionary of Latin Quotations (2005), p. 101. Anonymous, widely used since at least the early 19th century (e.g. The Classical Journal , Vol. 40 (1829), p. 312 (,) ). Quod nocet, saepe docet Translation: "That which harms, often teaches Hoffmann, K. J. (1836). Doppelte aus dem Klassikern gew"hlte Beispielsammlung f"r die Syntax der kleinen und grossen Grammatik von Zumpt: nebst einer Beispielsammlung f"r die Syntaxis ornata und einem Lesenbuche f"r Anf"nger, D"mmler.

Rem tene verba sequentur Translation: "if you know what you are talking about, then words came along" (Marco Porcio Catn) Colish, M. L. (1985). The Stoic Tradition from Antiquity to the Early Middle Ages, E.J. Brill. Repetita iuvant. Translation: "Repetition is useful", or "Repeating things helps. Ghislotti, S. (2008). Repetita iuvant. Mnemotecniche del film narrativo, Sestante. Repetitio est mater studiorum. Translation: "Repetition is the mother of study. Stone, J. R. (2005). The Routledge Dictionary of Latin Quotations: The Illiterati's Guide to Latin Maxims, Mottoes, Proverbs and Sayings, Routledge. Roma die uno non aedificata est Translation: "Rome wasn't built in a day. Kudla, H. (2001). Lexikon der lateinischen Zitate: 3500 Originale mit "bersetzungen und Belegstellen, Beck.

Salus aegroti suprema lex. Translation: "The well-being of the patient is the most important law." Source: Giesen, Dieter (1988). International Medical Malpractice Law: A Comparative Law Study of Civil Liability Arising from Medical Care. BRILL. p. 457. ISBN 3166453229. Salus populi suprema lex esto. Translation: "Let the welfare of the people be the supreme law." (motto of the U.S. state of Missouri). Source: Giesen, Dieter (1988). International Medical Malpractice Law: A Comparative Law Study of Civil Liability Arising from Medical Care. BRILL. p. 457. ISBN 3166453229. Sapere aude. Translation: "Dare to be wise." (Horace) (Motto of the University of New Brunswick) Zanda, Rubene (2004). Sapere aude!: critical thinking in university studies in Latvia. pp. 135. ISBN 9984770648. Sapiens dominabitur astris. Translation: "A wise (man) will rule (or possibly, be ruled by) the stars." Alt. Translation "A Wise Man Is Limited By The Stars" Glick, Thomas F (2005). Medieval Science, Technology, and Medicine: An Encyclopedia. Routledge. p. 62. ISBN 0415969301. Sapiens omnia sua secum portat Translation: "A wise man takes everything he owns with himself" (i.e. in his head, his wealth is his wisdom) Meaning: Intellectual assets are much more worth than material ones J. Henle, Robert (1980). Latin Grammar. Loyola Press. p. 195. ISBN 0829401121. Sapientia est potentia. Translation: "Wisdom is power." Gulsun, Namik (2012). Master of Puppets: Seeds of Fate. AuthorHouse. p. 99. ISBN 1467881694.

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Scientia non habet inimicum nisi ignorantem. Translation: "Knowledge has no enemies but the ignorant. Milton Martin, Richard (1980). Primordiality, Science, and Value. SUNY Press. p. 148. ISBN 0873954432. Senatores boni viri, senatus autem mala bestia Translation: Senators are good men, however Senate is a malicious animal Sedl$ek, Tom% (2011). Economics of Good and Evil: The Quest for Economic Meaning from Gilgamesh to Wall Street. Oxford University Press. p. 266. ISBN 0199767203.

Serpens, nisi serpentem comederit, non fit draco. Translation: "A serpent, if it does not devour a serpent, does not become a dragon." Francis Bacon, Essays ( id=uVRaAAAAMAAJ&dq=francis%20bacon%20essays%201612&pg=PA374#v=snippet&q=serpens%20nifi%20ser%20pentem%20comederit%20non%20fit%20drac (1612), apparently translating a Greek proverb.[3] Michael Apostolius, Proverbs (15th century), translates the Greek proverb: Serpens nisi serpentem edat, non fiet draco.[4] Erasmus, Adages (16th century), translates the Greek proverb: Serpens ni edat serpentem, draco non fiet.[5] Attributed to Pliny the Elder (Natural History, c. 77-79 AD) by Richard Brathwaite,[6] but Robert Nares believes Brathwaite is mistaken.[3] A search of the text returns many remarks on dragons and serpents, but nothing like this statement. Si fueris Romae, Romano vivito more, si fueris alibi, vivito sicut ibi. Translation: "If you are in Rome, live in the Roman way, if you are somewhere else, live like there." (attributed to Ambrose of Milan) Strauss, Emmanuel (1994). Dictionary of European Proverbs, Volym 1. Routledge. p. 673. ISBN 0415096243. Sic Parvis Magna. Translation: "Greatness from Small Beginnings." Burke, Bernard (1864). The general armory of England, Scotland, Ireland, and wales: comprising a registry of armorial bearings from the earliest to the present time. Harrison & sons. p. 299. Silent leges inter arma. Translation: "During war, laws are silent." (Cicero) Walzer, Michael (2006). Just And Unjust Wars: A Moral Argument With Historical Illustrations. Basic Books. p. 3. ISBN 0465037070. Si vis pacem, para bellum. Translation: "If you want peace, prepare for war." Paraphrase of Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum (Vegetius, Epitoma rei militaris) Origin of the name parabellum for some ammunition and firearms, e.g. Luger parabellum Wallerfelt, Bengt (1999). Si VIS Pacem, Para Bellum: Svensk Sakerhetspolitik Och Krigsplanering 1945-1975. Probus. p. X. ISBN 9187184605. Si vis pacem, para iustitiam. Translation: "If you want peace, prepare justice." Keogh, Dermot (2008). Gerald Goldberg: A Tribute. Mercier Press Ltd. p. 169. ISBN 1856355810. Silent enim leges inter arma Translation: "Laws are silent in times of war" Cryer, Friman (2010). An Introduction to International Criminal Law and Procedure. Cambridge University Press. p. 270. ISBN 0521135818. Simia est simia, etiasmi purpura vestiatur. Idiomatic translation: "A golden bit does not make the horse any better." Meaning: An ugly thing will remain ugly even if its appeareance is taken care of. Strauss, Emanuel (1998). Concise Dictionary of European Proverbs (Abbreviated ed.). Routledge. p. 52. ISBN 0415160502. Summum ius summa inuria. Translation: "More law, less justice." (Cicero, De officiis I, 10, 33) Whittaker, Simon (2000). Good Faith in European Contract Law. Cambridge University Press. p. 65. ISBN 0521771900. Sunt facta verbis difficiliora Translation: "Works are harder than words." i.e. "Easier said than done." Shackleton-Bailey, D. R. (2004). Cicero: Epistulae Ad Quintum Fratrem Et M. Brutum. Cambridge University Press. p. 49. ISBN 0521607000. Sunt pueri pueri pueri puerilia tractant Translation: "Boys are boys and boys will act like boys." Stone, Jon R. (2005). The Routledge Dictionary of Latin Quotations: The Illiterati's Guide to Latin Maxims, Mottoes, Proverbs and Sayings Latin for the Illiterati Series. Routledge. p. 115. ISBN 0415969085. Sutor, ne ultra crepidam! Translation: "Cobbler, no further than the sandal!" I.e. don't offer your opinion on things that are outside your competence. It is said that the Greek painter Apelles once asked the advice of a cobbler on how to render the sandals of a soldier he was painting. When the cobbler started offering advice on other parts of the painting, Apelles rebuked him with this phrase (but in Greek). Sutor ne ultra crepidam, oder ein jeder bleib bey seinem Handwerck: In einem mit Nachsetzung seines Handwerks allzu weit ber die Schnur hauenden Schmidt, zu einem Fanacht-Hainzl vorgestellt in Seminario Cler. Saec. In Com. Vir. Zu Ingolstadt. 1740.

Tarde venientibus ossa. Translation: "For those who come late, only the bones." Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European Proverbs, Volym 1. Routledge. p. 625. ISBN 0415096243. Tempori parce! Translation: "Save time!" Gottlob Zumpt, Karl (1836). A grammar of the Latin language (4 ed.). B. Fellowes. p. 275. Page 8 of 13

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Tempus fugit Translation: "Time flees" (i.e., "time flies"). Originally as Sed fugit interea, fugit irreparabile tempus - translation: "Meanwhile the irreplaceable time flees" (Virgil) Almond, Frank (2002). Tempus Fugit. C&M Online Media. ISBN 0917990501. Tempus fugit, aeternitas manet Translation: "Time flees, eternity dwells" Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European Proverbs, Volume 1 (illustrerad ed.). p. 625. ISBN 0415096243. Tempus fugit, amor manet Translation: "Time flees, love stays" (Edith) Nesbit, E (2010). Man and Maid. Echo Library. p. 10. ISBN 1406895598. 'Timendi causa est nescire. Translation: "The cause of fear is ignorance." (Seneca) R. Stone, Jon (2005). The Routledge Dictionary of Latin Quotations: The Illiterati's Guide to Latin Maxims, Mottoes, Proverbs and Sayings (illustrerad ed.). Routledge. p. 118. ISBN 0415969093. Tres faciunt collegium. Translation: "Three makes a company." Berger, Adolf (1953). Encyclopedic Dictionary of Roman Law, Volym 43 Transactions of the American Philosophical Society. American Philosophical Society. p. 742. ISBN 0871694328. Tolle, lege; Tolle, lege! Translation: "Take up and read; take up and read!" (Augustinus) J. Teske, Roland (2011). Tolle Lege: Essays on Augustine and on Medieval Philosophy in Honor of Roland J. Teske, Sj Utgva 73 av Marquette Studies in Philosophy. Marquette University Press. pp. 364. ISBN 0874628075. Tunc tua res agitur, paries cum proximus ardet Translation: "It also concerns you when the nearest wall is burning" R. Stone, Jon (2005). The Routledge Dictionary of Latin Quotations: The Illiterati's Guide to Latin Maxims, Mottoes, Proverbs and Sayings (illustrerad ed.). Routledge. p. 119. ISBN 0415969093.

Ubi bene, ibi patria Translation: "Where one feels good, there is one's country." Adeleye, Gabriel (1999). World Dictionary of Foreign Expressions: A Resource for Readers and Writers. Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers. p. 389. ISBN 0865164231. Ubi concordia, ibi victoria. Translation: "Where there is harmony, there is victory." Webb, Amy (2006). The Devil's Duty. pp. 212. ISBN 1411649842. Ubi dubium, ibi libertas. Translation: "Where there is doubt, there is freedom." legal, meaning when in doubt the prisoner has to be freed. Greener, Richard (2006). The Lacey Confession. Llewellyn Worldwide. p. 420. ISBN 0738708704. Ubi fumus, ibi ignis. Translation: "Where there's smoke, there's fire." Meaning: Everything happens for a reason. Thomasius, Christian (1715). Cautelae circa doctrinam de praesumptione allodialitatis. p. 29. Ulula cum lupis, cum quibus esse cupis. Translation: "Who keeps company with wolves, will learn to howl." Tournoy, Gilbert (1993). Humanistica Lovaniensia. Leuven University Press. p. 32. ISBN 9061865719. Una hirundo non facit ver Translation: "One swallow doesn't make spring" Vergil, Polydore (1663). Polydori Virgilii De Rerum Inventoribus (nytryck ed.). Ayer Publishing. p. xii. ISBN 0833715631. Unum castigabis, centum emendabis. Translation: "If you reprove one error, you will correct a hundred." Lautenbach, Ernst (2002). Latein-Deutsch: Zitaten-Lexikon: Quellennachweise. LIT Verlag Mnster. p. 129. ISBN 3825856526. Usus magister est optimus. Translation: "Experience is the best teacher." (i.e., "Practice makes perfect.") Strauss, Emmanuel (1994). Dictionary of European Proverbs, Volym 1. Routledge. p. 698. ISBN 0415096243. Ut ameris, amabilis esto. Translation: "Be amiable, then you'll be loved." Stone, J. R. (2005). The Routledge Dictionary of Latin Quotations: The Illiterati's Guide to Latin Maxims, Mottoes, Proverbs and Sayings, Routledge. Ut desint vires, tamen est laudanda voluntas Translation: "Even if the powers are missing, the will deserves praise" (Ovid) Kirk Rappaport, Pamela (2005). Sor Juana Ins de la Cruz: Selected Writings. Paulist Press. p. 290. ISBN 0809105306. Ut sementem feceris, ita metes. Translation: "You'll reap what you sow." (Cicero, "De oratore") Sloman, Arthur (1928). a grammar of classical latin. CUP Archive. p. 343.

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Ut sis nocte levis, sit cena brevis! Translation: "That your sleeping hour be peaceful, let your dining hour be brief!" (Sis is one hour before sunset.) (modern: Sleep hard, Sleep fast, Sleep well) Strauss, Emmanuel (1994). Dictionary of European Proverbs, Volym 1. Routledge. p. 818. ISBN 0415096243. Uxor formosa et vinum sunt dulcia venena. Translation: "Beautiful women and wine are sweet venom." Beudel, Paul (1911). Qua ratione Graeci liberos docuerint, papyris, ostracis, tabulis in Aegypto inventis illustratur: commentationem philologicam. E Typographia Aschendorffiana. p. 32.

Varitatio delectat Translation: "Change pleases." Source: Strauss, Emmanuel (1998). Dictionary of European Proverbs. Routledge. p. 89. ISBN 0415160502. Vasa vana plurimum sonant Translation: "Empty pots make the most noise." French equivalent: It is not the cow that moos the most that gives the most milk. Macdonnel, David Evans (1869). A dictionary of select and popular quotations, which are in daily use: taken from the Latin, French, Greek, Spanish and Italian languages : together with a copious collection of law-maxims and law-terms translated into English, with illustrations historical and idiomatic (6 ed.). Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger. p. 296. Ventis secundis, tene cursum. Translation: "Go even against the flow." Mesiah, Leza M. (2007). Recipes for Recovery: How to Heal Loss and a Broken Heart. AuthorHouse. p. 138. ISBN 1425965954. Verba docent, exempla trahunt. Translation: "Words instruct, illustrations lead." Rautenberg, Wolfgang (2009). A Concise Introduction to Mathematical Logi (3, illustrerad ed.). Springer. p. 58. ISBN 1441912207. Verba volant, scripta manent. Translation: "Words fly, written stays." C. Gerhart, Eugene (1998). Quote It Completely!: World Reference Guide to More Than 5,500 Memorable Quotations from Law and Literature Quote it Completely!: World Reference Guide to More Than 5,500 Memorable Quotations from Law and Literature, Eugene C. Gerhart,. Wm. S. Hein Publishing. p. 1171. ISBN 1575884003. Veritas odium paret Translation: "Truth creates hatred" (Terence, Andria 68) Sacul, Snofla (2011). If Only God Used His Brain: Ahead of Time. Xlibris Corporation. p. 149. ISBN 146533565X. Veritas vos liberabit Translation: "The truth will set you free" (Gospel of John, 8:32) Sand, Charlene (2012). Veritas Vos Liberabit: An Unauthorized Guide to the Johns Hopkins University. Webster's Digital Services. pp. 148. ISBN 1276154968. Veritatem dies aperit. Translation: "Time discloses the truth." Strauss, Emmanuel (1994). Dictionary of European Proverbs, Volym 1. Routledge. p. 1206. ISBN 0415096243. Vincit omnia veritas. Translation: "Truth conquers all." Stone, Jon R. (1996). Latin for the Illiterati: Exorcizing the Ghosts of a Dead Language Classics, Language, Reference. Routledge. p. 150. ISBN 0415917751. Vincit qui patitur. - motto Berea College, Berea, KY Translation: "He who perseveres, conquers." Olive Emmons, Mary (2009). Moods and Whims. READ BOOKS. p. 53. ISBN 1444678787. Vulpex pilum mutat, non mores! Translation: "A fox may change its skin but never its character" - Suetonius Lautenbach, Ernst (2002). Latein-Deutsch: Zitaten-Lexikon: Quellennachweise. LIT Verlag Mnster. p. 425. ISBN 3825856526.

See also
Latin Via Proverbs: 4000 Proverbs, Mottoes and Sayings for Students of Latin ( Henry Beard (Latin for All Occasions) Latin Proverbs Organized by Subject ( Golden Proverbs - A nice collection of Latin proverbs (

O'Shea, Stephen (2000). The Perfect Heresy: The Revolutionary Life and Death of the Medieval Cathars. ISBN 0-8027-1350-5. Jenny's First Year Latin


1. ! Classical and foreign quotations, William Francis Henry King, 1889, p. 40 ( , quote #300 2. ! Larry D. Benson, ed. The Riverside Chaucer. 3rd ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1987. p. 939, n. 3164. 3. ! a b Robert Nares, A Glossary, p. 781 ( id=Ii84AAAAYAAJ&dq=serpens%20nisi%20serpentem%20comederit%20non%20fit%20draco&pg=PA781#v=onepage&q=serpens%20nisi%20serpen%20tem%20comede Page 10 of 13

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. 4. ! Michael Apostolius, Paroemiae [Proverbs]. Ed. Daniel Heinsius. Leiden, 1619. p. 187 ( id=7qxAAAAAcAAJ&pg=PA187#v=onepage&q=serpens&f=false) 5. ! Erasmus III iii 61, translated in William Watson Barker, ed. The Adages of Erasmus, p. 272 ( id=VmJn6IFMyicC&lpg=PA272&dq=Apostolius%20drakon&pg=PA272#v=onepage&q=Serpens%20ni%20edat%20serpentem,%20draco%20non%20fiet&f=false) 6. ! Richard Brathwaite, The English Gentleman 1630, p. 237 ( . Retrieved from "" Category: Proverbs This page was last modified on 9 August 2012, at 09:02. Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License; additional terms may apply. See Terms of use for details.

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