Nature of Motivation

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Nature of Motivation

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What is motivation?
Motivation Some people are found to be more efficient than others. The difference in their performance can be attributed either to their urge or willingness to perform as best as possible or difference in their abilities. Omitting the ability and skill, it is the motive of employees which determines whether they will be more or less efficient. Motivation, the bringing about an inner urge or desire in employees to work to the best of their ability is an important function of management. Concept of Motivation. Motivation may be defined as the complex forces inspiring a person at work to intensify his willingness to use his maximum capabilities for the achievement of certain objectives. In other words, motivation is something that motivates a person into action and induces him to continue in the course of action enthusiastically. At the work, it determines the behavior of a person. Dalton E. McFarland defines motivation as: Motivation refers to the way in which urges, desires, drives, striving, aspirations, or needs direct, control or explain the behavior of human being". The term 'motivation' is derived from the word 'motive'. Motive may be defined as wants, drives, needs or impulses within the individual. Motives are personal and internal because it is an expression of a person's needs. The term 'need' should not be associated with pressing desire or urgency for something. Simply it means something within an individual that prompts him to action. Behavior of a person starts from this needs or motives. These needs and motives start and maintain activity and eventually it determine the direction of a person. These motives give

direction to human behavior because they are directed towards certain 'goals' which may be conscious or sub-conscious. The starting point in the motivation process are motives or needs of a person. Motives are directed towards the achievement of certain goals which in turn determine the behaviour of individuals. This behaviour ultimately leads to goal directed activities such as preparing food and a goal activity such as eating food. Unsatisfied needs result in tension within an individual and engage him search for the way to relieve this tension. He will develop certain goals for himself and try to achieve them. If he is successful in his attempt, certain other needs will emerge which will lead to setting a new goal. But if he is unsuccessful he will engage himself in either constructive or defensive behavior. This process keeps on working within an individual.

Nature of Motivation

Motivation helps in inspiring and encouraging the people to work willingly. One motive may result in many different behaviors: The desire for prestige may lead a person to give money away, get additional educational training, run for political office, steal, join groups or may change his outward appearance. A person wanting acceptance will behave differently in a car pool, swimming pool or office secretarial pool. Motives are the energizing forces within us: These forces are invisible and it is very difficult to measure them, because all of us are different and the motives energizing us at a point differ from time to time. Observing someone's behavior may indicate that a certain need is present in this person which motivates him onwards. The same behavior may result from many different motives: Behavior may be caused by a number of different motives. For example, the motives behind the purchase of a car may be: to appear respectable; to satisfy economic values and

to reinforce company created status differentials; to appear younger and attractive; to gain acceptance from others or to maintain the acceptance already gained through a similar income level. Therefore, it is wrong to asses that all behavior as coming from the same motive. For different motives people do different things like attend classes, get married, join unions or groups etc. Thus motives cannot be identified from any specific behavior. Motives may operate in harmony or in conflict: Behavior is frequently the result of the interplay of several motives. These motives may drive a person to one direction or in a number of other directions. For example, an employ may desire an outstanding performance and may also be sensitive to being outcast by his fellow employees if he performs too well and receive too much of appreciation from the employer. Therefore, behavior is the result of many forces differing in direction and intent. Behavior can be used as an estimate of an individual's motives: It is possible to make an estimate of the cause of an individual's behavior by repeatedly observing his behavior. For example, there is truth in the statement that some people always seem to feel insecure and thus behave continuously in a manner reflecting the insecurity of feeling. There are also people who behave in a way that radiates confidence. They are confident in many different social settings so that one finds a constant and repeated behavior from which people probably estimate the motive of the person. Obviously, if a person is at a state of near starvation, most of his behaviour will be related to the need for food. Motives come and go: Energy level of a motivation may differ in different times. i.e. rarely we find the same energy level of motivation for a long period like a year or 10 years. For example, a young man who prefers to travel during vacation may give up the idea during the tennis season because the joy of playing tennis takes place the need of traveling. The girl who is overly concerned about her hair and clothes during adolescence may turn her attention to other things once she grows up. Humans are constantly growing and the motive at one point in time will not be as intense as the motive at another point in time.

Motives interact with environment: The situation at a particular point in time may trigger or suppress the action of a motive. You probably have experienced situations where you did not realize the intensity of need of a car till the traveling requirements of your business are not developed. Similarly, many of these sociological needs become stimulated when you are in a situation filled with the sociological factors.

Process of motivation
The basic elements of the process of motivation are: 1. Motives, 2. Behavior 3. Goals Motives: Motive or need or want or drive prompt people to action. They are the primary energies of behaviour. They are the ways of behaviour and origin of action. These want or motives are subject to human being and his mental feelings. They varies and are connected with the mental process of understanding. They affects the behaviour in many ways. They arise continuously and determine the general direction of an individual's behaviour. Behavior: All behavior is a series of activities. Behaviour is generally motivated by a desire to achieve a goal. At any moment individuals may indulge in different kinds of activities like eating, walking, talking etc., Swiftly they switch from one activity to other. By understanding the motives one can predict or control the activities. Goals: Motives are directed towards goals. Motives generally create a state of disequilibrium, physiological or psychological imbalance, within the individuals. Attaining a goal will tend to restore physiological or psychological balance. Goals are the ends which provide satisfaction of human wants. They are outside an individual; they are hoped for incentives toward which needs are directed. One person may satisfy his need for power by kicking subordinates and another by

becoming the president of a company. Thus, a need can be satisfied by several alternate goals. The particular goals chosen by an individual depends on four factors: 1. The cultural norms and values that are instilled as one matures. 2. One's inherited and biological capabilities 3. Personal experience and learning influences and 4. Mobility in the physical and social environment. The dilemma posed by a large number of needs can often be resolved by integrating wants where one activity may satisfy several needs. Researches have found that many over weight people continue to eat excessively because they have fused the satisfaction of a number of wants like live, security and comfort into the act of eating. Eating, in a way, relates the tension built by the numerous unsatisfied needs.

Natural Motivation is of the following five types 1. Bodily Goals or Motivation These motivations are nothing but bodily or physical needs, like hunger, thirst, sex, etc. Certain motivations are caused by physical activities such as respiration, throbbing of the heart, digestion, circulation of blood and working of the glands etc. These motivations are inborn and inspire a person to fulfill the needs of the body. By causing change in the glands of a person, it is possible to bring him to the normal situation. Such a situation will be helpful for the information of motivation.

Various experiments that have been done, put forward the conclusion, that in future, by physical and operational experiments and chemical activities, it shall be possible to bring about changes in the glands of the person. Such a change shall give rise to requisite of natural and required motivations. 2. Habit Habit is a form of nature of a person. A good habit of a child shall be that which can bring about development in his character and help him in achievement of education. 3. Instinct Motivation Instincts, as already said, are inborn powers and they inspire the physical organs of the individual to take to certain jobs. Unless a person has satisfied his instincts, he remains restless. Teachers, in order to provide for their satisfaction, should present a normal atmosphere for the students. 4. Feelings and Emotions Pain and pleasure, joy and distress are the natural feelings and experiences of human nature. This aspect of the nature and the personality is very helpful in that system of education. Where an atmosphere is aimed to be created, which can bring about the development of the character of the students and help them to educate themselves. This aspect of the personality should be very cautiously handled; otherwise, it can have adverse effect. 5. Emotional motivations Those motivations, that inspire us to bring about the fulfillment of certain emotional needs, are called "Emotional Motivations". Emotions are awakened by the outside stimuli. These stimuli are part of the environment. The teachers should try to create such a healthy environment that the sublimation or motivation of the emotions may be possible.

Other than the above five Main Motivations, there are certain other motivations as well. These motivations are also part of natural motivations. It shall be wise to have an idea about them as well. 1. Social motivations Due to inspirations from social environment, a person takes to certain activities. These activities are guided by the emotions and the instincts. Normally certain motivations are awakened for the fulfillment of social needs they express themselves in the following forms (a) Gregariousness is a natural instinct of man. It is therefore natural for him to be guided by social motivations. (b) Due to social motivations, a person takes up those jobs that are good from the point of view of the society or which are appreciated by the society. (c) The man has a great social consciousness of getting a place of respect in the society or to get his Self- regarding sentiment fulfilled. Consequently he tries to do certain good things in the society. 2. Individual motivations or motivations of self Those motivations, that inspire a person to satisfy his personal needs are called individual motivations, beauty, knowledge, faithfulness, competition, ideal, hero worship etc., are personal needs. These needs inspire a person to fulfill his personal desires. 3. Desires It is the duty of the teachers to create in the students, the desire to acquire knowledge and achieve success. Is the teacher succeed it is, he shall be achieving a great task. 4. Recreation and play

Programmes of games and play are joyful for the students. In plays, elements of direct motivation are present. The elements can therefore, by very nicely utilized for imparting education to the students. 5. Direction and imitation Children have the tendency to imitate. If proper direction and examples are presented before them, they can improve the power of motivation. They can also lead them towards success. 6. Appreciation and self-expression It is natural for a man to be inclined towards such goods goals that give him importance and greatness. Social appreciation is another form of this feeling. It is, therefore, necessary to provide students the opportunity to observe these things. 7. Other natural motivations Other than these things, man is also anxious to have knowledge, love, faith, office, ideal, rest, leadership, achievement of wealth etc. It is quite possible to utilize all these motivations of the child in the field of education. It is clear, that in human nature there is enough material for Natural Motivation. B. Artificial Motivations Artificial motivations are of various types. These motivations are not present in the human personality. They are part of the environment or the society. It is useful for the teacher to know and use them. They are being given below: 1. Reward and Punishment In the works of the school this serves as a very important and useful motivation. It has the following accept as well(a) Punishment is a negative motivation. Sometimes it is not very useful for children.

(b) Reward is a positive motivation. Reward may be physical, social, or normal. It is very dear to the students. Teacher should try to use this motivation in such a way that the students may grow into useful future citizens. 2. Co-operation It is also a strong motivation. The teacher can use it as a medium of education in the Project Method of Education attempt is made to develop a spirit of cooperation amongst the students. This motivation can be well utilized.

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